Is it possible to use protein cream under mastic? Chocolate ganache for mastic recipe

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Guests are scheduled to arrive in the evening, and you want to surprise them with not only a delicious, but also a very beautiful cake, then mastic is what you need. IN Lately it has become one of the most popular ways to decorate a cake, as it not only allows you to give the cake an aesthetic appearance, but also allows you to prepare an original and unique dessert.

But before you start covering the cake with mastic, you must first level it using a base cream for mastic. Oil, chocolate and protein creams cope best with this task. With their help, you can remove unevenness and make the surface of the cake smooth.

In order to choose the right cream base, you need to consider several rules. If the surface of the sponge cake is wet, the mastic may spread and lose its shape, so in order for the cake decoration not to lose its shape and maintain its aesthetic appearance, the impregnation must be thick. Most chefs recommend using butter or protein cream before applying mastic.

The recipe for making a butter cream substance with condensed milk for mastic is quite simple and requires a minimum amount of ingredients. Its thick consistency spreads evenly on the surface of the cake and does not allow it to drip around the edges. Thanks to the butter cream product, the cake decorating figures will not deteriorate or slide off the surface.

Cooking rules

The main components of the cream product for mastic are condensed milk and butter, so the quality characteristics of the products play a key role here. It is best to use oil with a higher fat content.

Let's consider the main subtleties that you need to know in order to prepare a good butter cream for mastic:

It is best to use natural condensed milk without all kinds of preservatives and food additives. To prepare a creamy product, it is better to use condensed milk made in accordance with GOST, namely from natural milk and sugar. It should be remembered that the higher the fat content of the condensed milk, the better the quality of the mastic cream;

To prepare a cream product, butter must first be softened. If you use a cold or frozen one to prepare the creamy substance, then there is a possibility of it stratifying and releasing water during whipping, which will make the cream unusable;

You can ruin a finished cream product by using low-quality dyes and food additives;

It should be remembered that after greasing the cake, you need to give it time to soak

Cream recipes

Recipe for cream with butter and condensed milk: option 1

The recipe for a classic buttercream product with condensed milk allows you to prepare it in a short period of time. In order to get a high-quality and tasty product, you need to beat it thoroughly, this is what ultimately makes the creamy substance airy. The optimal time for whipping is 15 minutes.

Pre-softened butter in the amount of 250 grams is kneaded with a fork until smooth. After this, we begin to beat it with a mixer at low speeds, gradually increasing the speed until the butter becomes snow-white in color.

After this, without stopping whisking, gradually add 10 tablespoons of condensed milk one spoon at a time. After the cream thickens and becomes fluffy, you can stop whipping and let it sit for 30 minutes.

Recipe for cream with butter, condensed milk and peanuts: option 2

This recipe takes a little more time to prepare than the first option, but it's worth it. To prepare the cream you will need 500 grams of butter. It must first be softened at room temperature. To begin with, take 250 grams of butter, 0.5 liters of boiled condensed milk and 150 grams of crushed peanuts. Afterwards, all ingredients are whipped with a mixer.

Separately, 400 milliliters of whole milk are poured into a saucepan, heated over low heat and brought to a boil. Then put it aside and cool slightly. Another 250 grams of butter is mixed with 150 grams of granulated sugar and whipped with a mixer. Milk and butter mixture with condensed milk are added here and everything is mixed. The creamy product is ready to be used as a base cream for mastic.

Recipe for cream with butter, condensed milk and crumbs: option 3

This recipe is most often used as a base cream for mastic. To do this, take butter room temperature in the amount of 275 grams and mash with a spatula or fork. Then 395 grams of boiled condensed milk is added. Next, beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

Separately, dry shortbread cookies are crushed with a blender and little by little crumbs are added to the creamy substance. At the same time, do not forget to stir to distribute it evenly. The result is a cream with a dense texture, which is ideal as a base for mastic.

Recipe for cream with butter, condensed milk and chocolate: option 4

In order to prepare this version of a cream product for mastic, you will need softened butter in the amount of 200 grams, which is whipped with a mixer until a creamy shade is obtained.

Separately melt 40 grams of chocolate (half a bar). Then gradually melted chocolate and a can of condensed milk are added to the butter mass in small portions. Beat thoroughly again with a mixer. And let the cream thicken a little time, placing it in a cool place.

Leveling the cake with mastic

In order for the surface of the cake to become more even before applying the mastic, it is necessary to heat a spatula or knife and use them to carefully level the creamy substance. In this case, it is necessary to achieve as smooth and even a surface as possible. A warm spatula will help melt the butter, which will make it more plastic and allow you to fill in any pits and roughness on the surface of the cake.

If, after leveling, depressions are found in the cream, then it will be necessary to add a small amount of butter cream with condensed milk and place the cake in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes.

Then we begin leveling the surface of the cake again using a heated spatula. We do this until the surface becomes smooth and uniform without any dimples or bumps.

A smooth surface of the cake is very important when applying mastic, since ready product in case of unevenness it will look at least careless, and an even dessert even with minimum quantity jewelry will look beautiful.

If I eat a lot of sweets, it doesn't mean I'll be fat. For some reason, it is women and children who love desserts. And cakes generally cause gastronomic delight. If you are used to treating your guests to homemade cakes, try buttercream with mastic. Experienced housewives This is how holiday baked goods are decorated.

A cake with ideal proportions is a reality!

How often do you look at the windows of pastry shops? It seems that you will never be able to make such a cake with exclusive decoration at home. But no! If you just want to, you can fly into space.

Even a child can bake the base of the cake in the form of a sponge cake or puff pastry. Any dessert looks tastier and more attractive if it is decorated in an original way. Mastic is confectionery plasticine. With its help you can veil all the flaws in baking. Butter cream for a mastic cake is like Yin and Yang.


  • softened butter- 0.2 kg;
  • condensed milk - 140 ml.


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Let's work on the mistakes

Leveling a cake with fondant is a real art. The main thing is to prepare the right cream. In the culinary world it is called putty. Indeed, any roughness and defects in baking can be skillfully hidden, especially if you are preparing a holiday dessert. In addition to the classic version of the cream, you can make a protein base for mastic. We will share the secrets of making butter putty, edible, of course, with the addition of proteins.


  • 0.2 kg granulated sugar;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 g vanilla;
  • 0.3 kg butter;
  • egg whites - 4-5 pcs.


"Ganache": what does this name tell you?

Eureka! This is a cake leveling cream known throughout the confectionery world. Ganache is prepared with the addition of chocolate. White, black or milky - choose any. This cream is considered universal: we grease both the cake layers and even the surface of the cake. So the mastic will lie perfectly.


  • 200 ml cream;
  • 300 g milk chocolate.


  1. A little secret: for the same amount of cream you will need only 200 g of dark chocolate, but 400 g of white chocolate.
  2. It is better to take natural cream and do not skimp on the fat content.
  3. Pour the cream into a heatproof saucepan, put it on the stove and boil.
  4. As soon as the molecules begin to dance in a seething dance on the surface of the cream, remove the pan from the stove.
  5. Grind the chocolate by hand or on a grater. Are you afraid of ruining your manicure? Then chop the tiles with a knife.
  6. Hot cream will melt the chocolate faster, so we work without delay.
  7. As soon as the chocolate has dissolved, take the mixer in your hands and actively begin to whip the cream.
  8. Let's prepare this cream in the evening so that it sits in the refrigerator overnight.
  9. Another trick: it is best to apply the ganache to the cake layers and top of the cake with a hot spatula or knife.

There are a great variety of creams for leveling a cake under mastic. I tried working with three different creams. But it was this oil cream under mastic that I liked the most; working with it is not difficult. It easily levels the cake, fills all the holes, and smoothes it to perfection. Try this method too.

To prepare butter cream for mastic we will need:
250 g butter;
1 can of boiled condensed milk;

Grind the cookies or leftover cakes in a blender. Add to bowl with cream. Adjust the amount of cookies according to appearance cream. The cream should not be liquid or too thick; it should spread perfectly on the cake.

Mix the whole mass well with a mixer or spoon.

Using a spatula, cake spatula or knife, apply our cream to the cake. This cream can perfectly smooth out dents or uneven surfaces. When all the cream has been used and spread over the cake, let's start leveling the surface.

Dip a knife, spatula or spatula into boiling water for a couple of seconds, remove it and shake off excess water without wiping it off. Use a hot working tool to move over the cream, leveling the surface, periodically dipping it into boiling water. If the water has cooled, bring it to a boil and continue. Do not forget to dip the tools in water in time so that our cream does not drag on the knife and smooth out. After all the procedures done with the cake, we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until our cream hardens. You can apply prepared mastic to the frozen buttercream.

To make it beautiful and neat cover by mastic cake, it needs to be leveled, this is not at all difficult to do, using a suitable basics. Here are some mastic cream recipes:

Oil cream
Condensed milk (can be boiled) - 100-200 g
Butter – 200 g
Soften the butter, beat with a mixer, adding condensed milk.
After covering the cake with buttercream, place it in the refrigerator to set for 20 minutes.

Oil- protein cream
Makes approximately 1200 g cream
Egg whites – 8 pieces
Sugar – 450 gr
Butter - 600 g (fresh, good quality)
Heat the egg whites with sugar over low heat, add a pinch of salt, stir constantly so as not to burn (you can use a water bath).
Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.
Meanwhile, beat the butter with a mixer until creamy.
When the whites and sugar have cooled, beat them with a mixer until fluffy and thick, gradually adding whipped butter.
The mass should increase by about 1.5 - 2 times.
Beat the cream until it becomes shiny.
The cream is easily colored with food coloring.

White chocolate custard cream
White chocolate - 180g
Flour - 2.5 tablespoons
Milk - 250ml
Sugar - 50-200g (you can leave it out, to taste)
Butter - 200g
Pour the milk into a saucepan, add flour and mix well so that there are no lumps.
Add sugar to milk and place in a water bath.
Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly (so that the flour does not settle or clump).
Remove the saucepan from the bath and immediately add the chocolate.
Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved and cool completely.
Beat the soft butter until white with a mixer, adding vanillin.
Gradually add the chocolate mixture to the butter and beat until smooth.
(The cream can be frozen. Before using on the cake, leave it warm for several hours and beat it.)

Apricot glaze
Apricot jam - 450 grams
Water - 3 tbsp. spoons
Mix apricot jam with water, heat slightly, stirring until the jam melts. Then bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Then remove from heat and rub through a sieve. Discard any stones remaining in the sieve. Using a brush, apply glaze to the entire surface of the cake; you can also glaze fruit decorations on the cake. Apricot glaze should be transparent and should be applied while hot.

Cream - 200 ml (30% fat content or higher)
Chocolate (optional):
if you use Milk chocolate, you need 300 grams,
if you like White chocolate - 400 grams,
dark chocolate – 200 grams

Finely break the chocolate.
Bring the cream to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the cream boils, remove it from the heat and add the chocolate, stir.
Cool the resulting mixture well and beat with a mixer.

This is a butter cream based on proteins, which is very suitable for greasing cakes, which will then be covered with mastic or decorated with figures and flowers made from mastic. The mastic does not float, melt or deteriorate on this cream. This cream also tolerates any type of dye very well, is very tasty and is suitable for all occasions.

Skilled cooks even make cake roses out of it, which they then freeze.

For the cream you need:

8 proteins
450 gr. sugar (less for those who don’t like sweets)
a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

1. Take the whites and sugar, pour them into a bowl and place in a water bath, heating over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir constantly.

2. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat and cool.

3. Meanwhile, beat 600 gr. Using a mixer, butter until creamy. The oil must be very good and of high quality!

4. Beat the cooled whites with sugar until stiff peaks form.

5. �? While the whites are whipping, add our already whipped butter to them. The mass should increase by 1.5-2 times.

6. Beat the cream until it starts to shine.

7. We use the cream at our discretion: for a layer, for decoration, and so on.
8. To ensure that our cream lays well and evenly on the cake, so that there are no crumbs or lumps, the author does this: he takes a culinary syringe, inserts the largest nozzle, here is the rose nozzle. �? Apply the cream on the cake in a circle, not forgetting anything, and if you missed something, then be sure to go through it again, we don’t regret the cream.

The suggested amount of ingredients yields approximately 1.2 kg. ready cream!

More recipes for cream under mastic:

Cream butter + condensed milk.

For 200 grams of white whipped butter, add 200 grams. condensed milk
It is important not to overheat the butter! As soon as it lightened, it became a creamy consistency - whisk enough. The condensed milk should be at room temperature so that when gradually added, the butter does not curdle from the cold.

This cream hardens perfectly and is suitable as a base for mastic for covering cakes and for placing figures on it. One “but” - many people feel the taste of oil in this cream. It is recommended to add half a bar of melted (but not hot!) chocolate. Better than bitter, then the taste of chocolate will be more pronounced.

Ganache - cream for mastic

This ganache is made from chocolate and cream. It is very good for leveling the cake, as well as for covering with mastic. The mastic doesn't melt on it.

This cream ganache can be made from three types of chocolate: milk, black and white, to which cream is added.

Cream to chocolate ratio:

Milk chocolate
For 300 grams of chocolate = 200 ml cream

Black chocolate
For 200 grams of chocolate = 200 ml cream

White chocolate
For 400 grams of chocolate = 200 ml cream

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the chocolate

2. Bring the cream to a boil in a non-stick saucepan. Stir constantly!

3. As soon as the cream boils, remove it from the heat and add chopped chocolate to it, mix everything well.

4. Then take a mixer and beat the cream with melted chocolate well until smooth.

5. Cover the saucepan with chocolate cream with film, lowering the film to the very liquid (to prevent a crust from forming). Place in the refrigerator overnight.

6. You need to make the ganache first, preferably overnight, so that it cools well and thickens on the balcony or in the refrigerator. And then bring it into the apartment 2.5 - 3 hours before decorating the cake. So that the ganache comes to room temperature and fits well on the cake.