Radial menu. A pie menu to help mothers and housewives

Hello, my dear hostesses! If you don’t want to rack your brains every day over the question “What to cook today?”, then there is a way out - menu planning. Honestly, every housewife needs to do this. Why bother your household with the same question every day? All you have to do is look in your recipe notebook and the answer is ready!

How to plan a menu for the week

Creating a menu is very simple. All you need to do for this is write a list of dishes that you love and know how to cook for breakfast, lunch, dinner. As well as a list of products for their preparation. At the same time, take into account your family budget and the lifestyle of family members. For example, some people can’t get a bite into their throats in the morning, others don’t eat after 6 pm. Some people have a sweet tooth and cannot live without buns and pastries, while others are on a diet and eat light and low-fat foods. You also need to count on guests who will come, for example, to your birthday on Friday. Or maybe you are going to your grandmother’s dacha, where she will treat you to all sorts of delicacies? In general, everything needs to be taken into account.

In just 15 minutes a week, you'll find that planning your menu in advance can be very beneficial.

  1. Firstly: you save money because you minimize the chance of unexpected trips to the store, where, as a rule, we buy a lot of unnecessary things, especially on the way home after work. Once a week, go to a supermarket or a wholesale warehouse like this I do, you will solve the problem of everyday stupid shopping.
  2. Secondly, you can significantly save time that you spend thinking about what to bungle, so that you can quickly do more important matters or just simply relax.
  3. And thirdly, the most important benefit of menu planning is that you eat healthy food made from natural products, without unnecessary additives in the form of preservatives, flavorings and various ingredients. Agree, a hamburger you made at home and a hamburger in the fast food department are two different things. As you can see, menu planning is beneficial in every way.

As a rule, the list of dishes is compiled for a week, for two weeks or for a month. This list is then repeated. This method of planning is called circular. I plan my meal prep exclusively for the week. This is important for me, as I constantly update my recipe book with new dishes. And some products have a shelf life of less than a month.

Menu planning and dish list creation

1. Since I don’t like fiddling around in the kitchen for a long time and try to save time on cooking, I choose simple dishes that are prepared quickly, no more than 20 minutes of active cooking. Moreover, there are now a lot of such recipes (some of them can be viewed).

2. I spend about 10-15 minutes of Saturday evening making a meal plan. Why Saturday? Because Sunday is our shopping day. Then I make a grocery list. Moreover, it is divided into 2 types: standard mandatory products (bread, tea, sugar, etc.) and products specifically for preparing dishes.

3. I cook new dishes no more than twice a week, and even then not always.

4. I try to create a varied and balanced menu. For example, for breakfast every day there is porridge from different grains, I include fish, vegetable, fruit every day, etc.

5. I prepare soup for two days, main courses every day. I advise you to include every little thing in the menu, including drinks and snacks, in order to minimize trips to the store for missing purchases.

Menu for the week: list of dishes and shopping list

I post the menu that I use myself, so I take into account the family’s preferences, availability of products, seasonality, etc. We buy delicacies extremely rarely; I try to cook from regular products. That's why this list You will most likely remake it to suit yourself, but you can use it as a basis. Attached to the menu is a shopping list for a specific week. It consists of two parts: mandatory products and for the dishes that I am going to cook.

Sugar, tea, butter, sunflower oil, seasonings (vinegar, salt, pepper, bay leaf etc.), fresh greens, cottage cheese (for children), juice, dried fruits, fruits, baked goods.

Read more about what products should be constantly in the house.

Menu planning - week one

Lunch – + pickled onions
Dinner – Garlic soup

Dinner -
Dinner – Garlic soup

Dinner -
Dinner – Pickle soup

Breakfast – Semolina porridge
Lunch – Fish baked in the oven with cheese and tomato
Dinner – Pickle soup

Breakfast – Omelette with vegetables ( cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts)
Lunch – Homemade noodles
Dinner – Cauliflower with cheese in the oven

Lunch – Homemade noodles
Dinner – Lavash rolls with crab sticks

Breakfast – Toast + some dessert

On Sunday I hardly cook anything, but this does not mean that we are on dry rations. As a rule, there is a lot of food left over from previous days. But I’m generally fine – I am).

Shopping list: rice, millet, semolina, cheese, milk, minced meat, meat (to your taste), fish, garlic, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomato paste, sour cream, buckwheat, mayonnaise, pickles, eggs, a mixture of vegetables for an omelet (cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts), flour, kefir, crab sticks.

Menu planning - week two

Breakfast – Rice porridge with milk
Dinner -
Dinner – Pea soup with sprats

Breakfast – Millet porridge with milk
Lunch – Liver with pasta
Dinner – Pea soup

Breakfast – Buckwheat porridge with milk
Dinner -
Dinner – Lazy dumplings

Breakfast – Semolina porridge
Lunch – Onion pie
Dinner -

Breakfast – Omelette with vegetables
Lunch – Borsch
Dinner – Lagman

Breakfast – Pancakes (with milk or kefir)
Lunch – Borsch
Dinner – Herring with potatoes + salad with cucumber and tomato

Breakfast – Croutons + yummy

Shopping list: pasta, rice, millet, semolina, peas (or green peas), cheese, milk, liver, minced meat, meat (to your taste), canned fish, sprats, herring, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomato paste, sour cream, buckwheat, eggs, a mixture of vegetables for omelet (cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts), flour, kefir, sausage or sausage, puff pastry, lagman noodles.

Now you know how to plan a menu! I hope you found this article helpful! Share it with your friends on social networks! See you!

P.S. At the time of writing, I did not practice proper nutrition. At the moment, my menu for the week has taken on a slightly different look, which corresponds. If you, like me, adhere to this method nutrition, then you can look at some of their recipes in. There I divided them into 3 categories: BREAKFASTS, LUNCHES AND DINNERS, which will easily allow you to create individual plan food for your family.

There was also a marathon dedicated to this topic on the blog. There's a lot there healthy recipes, which will not be new to you. I tried to choose simple ones, but delicious dishes, familiar to most of you. About the marathon proper nutrition you can find out more details.

But that's not all! If you want to spend a minimum of time on cooking, while eating high-quality and healthy food, then I offer a master class from a woman in her business, Dasha Chernenko. She will show you and tell you how to prepare for two weeks in advance, while maintaining all the freshness of the dishes. Read more on her website MENU OF THE WEEK. Go to link here!

If you are also tired of thinking every day about what to cook, wandering around the store for a long time with the same thoughts, when other things are overwhelming, we suggest you introduce the practice of a circular menu into your everyday life.

By planning breakfasts, lunches and dinners several days (or even weeks) in advance, you will not only easily save time, effort and finances, but will also significantly save your nerves.

The essence of the circular menu comes down to the following: after carefully thinking and reviewing your favorite recipes in cookbooks and on relevant websites, you make a list of all the dishes that you know how to cook. You can also safely add to this list everything that you haven’t cooked yet, but you are sure that the recipe will take root in your family.

When the list is ready, put together a small menu from its items - the first, the second with a side dish and salad, sweet (yes, just like in the school canteen). If you have the strength and desire, you can add some homemade baked goods and even a couple of culinary delights to the list to suit your taste.

Thus, you will soon have a list of 10-15 at your fingertips various options breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

The only thing that is still required of you is to start cooking the above dishes in a circle.


In our family, only children have breakfast, this is how it happened historically! That’s why I boldly put porridge (mostly) with milk or just sweet for breakfast!

Here the cycle is only 1 week, i.e. every day of the week something new.









It’s more difficult with lunch. It’s problematic to cook every day, but no one will eat the same thing more than 2 times. So I settled on the First for 2 days, except for Sunday, when we can treat ourselves to something delicious... So 6 days * 4 weeks / 2 times = 12 first courses.

I have this:

Borscht with meat

Borscht with mushrooms

Kharcho soup



Chicken noodle soup

Pea and egg soup

Soup with champignons


Meatball soup

Pea soup

Vegetable soup

I try to place this in such a way that similar borscht soups are not repeated in the same week... If the schedule is for soup or borscht with mushrooms (which is not allowed for children), I cook a light soup for them separately.

The second is not provided for in our family) My husband works and usually eats lunch and dinner at the same time in the evening, but for me and the children, soup for lunch + some kind of sweet snack is enough.


Provided for dinner meat dish, side dish and salad.

Here I tried to diversify the meat as much as possible, and finally break away from sausages and cutlets. That's why:

PN-Chicken (Baked thighs with cheese, wings, chicken cutlets, chicken chops)

VT-Minced meat (cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, navy style)

Sr-Liver (liver pancakes, fried liver with onions, pate, beef stroganoff)

CT-Fish (salted herring, fried fish, nuggets, smoked mackerel)

Fri-Sausages (sardels, frankfurters, sausage, ham

Sat-Dumplings (dumplings)

All-Meat (pilaf, chops, gravy, roast)

Garnish-I try to combine it as much as possible with “meat” and also for variety Potatoes (fried, boiled with sunflower oil, mashed, baked with lard, in the oven with meat, roast)

Porridge (buckwheat, rice, arnautka)

Salads- taking into account seasonality (on winter period) So:

I took 20 pieces as a basis, because some are eaten at a time, and some I expect to last 2 days

Fur coat




Beetroot with nuts and prunes



Canned cucumbers

Canned tomatoes

Blue caviar (from preparations)

Chicken and pineapple salad

Men's salad

Salad with liver and dill

Salad with smoked chicken

Vegetable salad

Salad with cabbage, carrots and apple

Crab salad

Salad with chicken and breadcrumbs

Salad with red cabbage and sausage

Canned salad

Bakery-everything is simple here, I have my favorite recipes, I cook them as I eat the previous ones, at the request of vacationers)

Basically it's


Pie with nuts

Pie with fruit


Crispy bagels



Grated pie

Honey cake



There is also a column Preparation-here I write what I need to do today to make it easier to cook tomorrow... Let’s say, take meat out of the freezer or boil vegetables for a salad... or cook broth...

What tricks do you have on the topic “How to feed your family?”

Article from the Internet

How often do women have to run home from work, racking their brains along the way about what kind of dinner to please their hungry household? Drop into the supermarket, sweep off the shelves semi-finished products instant cooking and rush on, calming yourself with the thought that tomorrow you will devote more time to cooking. Is this a familiar situation? Surely yes. However, it is easily solved. After all, such a wonderful system as radial menu. By planning breakfasts, lunches and dinners several days (or even weeks) in advance, you will not only easily save time, effort and finances, but will also significantly save your nerves.

What is a radial menu?

The essence of the circular menu comes down to the following: after carefully thinking and reviewing your favorite recipes in cookbooks and on relevant websites, you create a list of all the dishes you know how to cook. You can also safely add to this list everything that you haven’t cooked yet, but you are sure that the recipe will take root in your family.

When the list is ready, put together a small menu from its items - the first, the second with a side dish and salad, sweet (yes, just like in the school canteen). If you have the strength and desire, you can add some homemade baked goods to the list and even a couple of culinary delights to suit your taste.

Thus, you will soon have a list of 10-15 different options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The only thing that is still required of you is to start cooking the above dishes in a circle.

Pros and cons of a radial menu

This principle of menu planning has long been used by many housewives.

Why? It's very simple:

  • Once you create a circular menu, you'll have more no need to rack your brains over what to cook for dinner. Just look at your list.
  • By including in the list of dishes everything that you can or would like to be able to cook, you get a list of a considerable number of items. Following these notes, you will be surprised how the diet has become more varied. By the way, your family will also be pleasantly surprised not to receive fried potatoes for the third time in a week.
  • With a circular menu, you will know exactly what specific products you will need for cooking. Therefore, once you get to the store, you can easily refrain from spontaneous and unnecessary purchases. Is it worth mentioning separately that by not buying too much, you significantly save your family budget?
  • The radial menu allows save time too. Looking at the list, you immediately remember: “yeah, today I need to defrost the chicken!”

However, we cannot remain silent about some negative aspects radial menu. Among them:

All-round menu and reviews from experienced housewives

  • “I wrote out for myself a list of all of my family’s favorite dishes and began preparing them in order long before I heard about the existence of such a thing as a “round menu,” recalls Irina. - This approach to cooking attracted me because I could provide my family with the most varied diet, and, therefore, provide them with everything essential vitamins and microelements”.
  • “Even a girl of average culinary ability can prepare a menu in advance make a chef,- says Miroslava. - Even I, taking a break from the Internet, was able to come up with a list of 10 different soups that I could probably cook. And what can we say about more experienced cooks.”

It is worth noting that the need to follow a pre-compiled list does not cause frustration among fans of the circular menu.

  • If I have inspiration,“I put all my culinary plans aside and arrange an evening for myself, for example, of Italian cuisine,” Inna shares her experience. - I remember about the circular menu just on those days when I’m not in the mood to come up with something new. I look at the list and no longer torture myself with thoughts about cooking dinner.”

Indeed, the radial menu can greatly help in optimization of the cooking process. You don’t think in the morning about which dish to grab, you don’t go to the store exclusively for one green peas, which is not enough for a salad, and do not throw in the trash products that were not used in time.

However, you can only understand whether the radial menu principle is right for you having tried it in practice. After weighing all the positives and negative aspects, you can easily understand whether you are ready to follow this simple method further.

But even if you decide not to adhere to it unconditionally, you will certainly learn something for yourself from this technique. some good solutions.

Food is an important expense item for the family budget and a kind of test for the housewife how economical and skillful she is. After all, in order to save on food and at the same time feed your family fully, you must agree, you need skill.

You and I already know how. I have written about this more than once on the blog.You need to create a menu for the week, monitor leftover food in the refrigerator, and stock up for the winter.

We make the biggest and most unnecessary waste during spontaneous visits to shops, markets and supermarkets. To avoid them you need to follow certain rules.

Two rules for thrifty housewives

1. The rule for buying food is to buy what you need, and not what they want to sell us.

  • We make a list of products and buy strictly according to the list
  • We monitor nearby supermarkets on the Internet for ongoing promotions on products that interest us.
  • We don’t fall for any “temptations” such as “buy two for the price of three and get the third for free”
  • Let's go grocery shopping, having thoroughly refreshed ourselves at home.
  • We choose slowly, compare prices and check the expiration date
  • We make the main purchases once a week, according to the prepared menu, and during the week we buy only bread and dairy products.
  • We do not buy semi-finished products.

2. To eat economically, you need to cook yourself, creating a menu.

Since wasting money on food is directly proportional to the number of visits to supermarkets and markets, we can reduce it to a minimum

To do this, we’ll choose a time (preferably right after payday), draw up a menu for the month and purchase all the basic products once.

Menu for the month

This is, of course, not a very easy job. Need to:

  1. Think about the variety of dishes and calculate how much food you will need.
  2. Make a list of products and make purchases
  3. Prepare semi-finished products yourself
  4. Divide into portions and freeze what is to be frozen.

Calculation of the number of dishes per month

Let's count:

One week is 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches and 7 dinners.

Therefore, in a month we get 28 breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Ideally, breakfast consists of a salad, a main course and a drink, lunch - a salad, a main course, a second course and a drink, and dinner - a salad, a main dish and a drink.

In addition, we usually prepare desserts or sweet pastries for tea, coffee,

If you cook every time fresh dish, then you need to prepare a month - ATTENTION YOU-DEN... 🙂 - 84 salads, 84 main courses and 28 first courses!!!

But don't be alarmed. Everyone knows that in practice this is not the case; each family has its own preferences. For some, a hearty breakfast is important, while others have breakfast after drinking coffee and a sandwich. Many families only dine together on weekends. Therefore, one way or another, your own menu for the month should correspond to your habits and preferences.

Besides this:

-First course we cook for two to three days. We get 28:3 = 9-10 (first courses), and if no one dines at home during the week, even less (only four on weekends)

-Second course, if it is “substantial”, for example, such as pilaf, cabbage rolls, roast or dishes that require side dishes (cutlets, chops, meatballs) - we also cook for 2-3 days. Therefore 84:2 = 42 (second courses). Again with dinners at home (without lunches there are 5 * 4 = 20 dishes less, 42-20 = 22)

-Garnishes: if it is porridge, cook it for two days.

-Salads: The situation with them is a little different - salad is different from salad. “Olivier”, “Lakomiy”, salads with chicken or meat do not lose their taste qualities within 24 hours, that is, if you prepared such a salad in the evening, then the next day in the morning or evening it is still very edible. These are full meals “two in one” and a salad and a main course.

Simple or seasonal salads (cucumbers and tomatoes in summer, radishes in spring, radishes, beets, cabbage and sauerkrautall year round), are prepared quickly and do not require any special wisdom. They must always be fresh.

-Baking a: if there are children in the family, you cannot do without it. Firstly, children need snacks for school, and it is much better to give your child yogurt and a cupcake or pie prepared by you personally than to risk his stomach by buying the same thing in the store.

This was a prelude to the main work. Having reasoned in this way, we take in hand list of economical dishes(if you don’t have one, make one, I insist - it will make your life much easier), we select the appropriate ones and write out those that we will prepare.

Before creating a menu, check all your “bins” in the refrigerator (freezer), cabinets, and pantry. Control your “strategic reserves”; use what you have and don’t buy too much.

Prepare semi-finished products

If we buy food for a month, some of it needs to be quickly processed into semi-finished products. It is cooked and frozen semi-finished products that will allow you to no longer spend money on groceries next month and will reduce the time for preparing dishes.

If you want to save money and eat meat, you need to spend it sparingly. From the same piece of meat, you can fry chops and eat them at one time, or you can grind it into minced meat to make cutlets, cabbage rolls, or make dumplings.

Homemade is very profitable. It is easy to prepare, inexpensive and, as needed, you can use it for pies, pancakes, dumplings or navy-style pasta.

Therefore, if you want to save money, listen to my tips and your own “voice of reason,” include dishes using minced meat or liver in your menu for the month.

You can also make stock of broths for first courses. Boil the chicken or meat (boil the meat for broths for two weeks, and freeze it fresh for another 2 weeks). Boil rich broths, 5-6 liters in a large saucepan, and divide the finished broth into 5 servings and freeze. As needed, take one portion, defrost it and add the required amount of water. Do the same with the next portion of preparations for the first courses when these run out.

Use meat cooked in broth for salads, casseroles, or, like liver, for filling dumplings, pies, and pancakes.

The semi-finished products you have prepared are also good because if they are not used, they will be perfectly preserved until the next month (the main thing is not to forget about them)

We choose, write it down on a sign, and next to it we note what we will need to buy.

Menu dishes for the month and their composition

First courses

Second courses
Salads, desserts, baked goods

If you, following my example, filled out such a plate, then it will not be difficult to count the number of products and write a list with which you will go grocery shopping. You can buy everything at once, except for dairy, bread and some vegetables and fruits.

Or you can shop once a week or every two weeks.

Don't forget to check what you have available at home. For example, you prepared jam, pickled cucumbers and greens for the winter, and buckwheat, semolina and cocoa were purchased recently and are enough for the planned number of dishes. We will not include them in our list. And so on for all positions.

Our task is to optimize food costs.Now thanks to the fact that we have compiled a menu for the month with full list products - it's easy. If the amount received is too large, we change one or more dishes to more economical ones.

Well, then let’s go shopping and, at our own discretion: we buy everything at once, leaving a small amount for the purchase of bread, dairy products and fruits, or we write a menu for the week and buy groceries for the week plus, partially, for semi-finished products.

In any case, you will benefit - either money for food has been set aside, or food has been purchased for the month. And the question that some careless housewives ask will not arise

Creating a menu and purchasing groceries for a week or a month will protect you from such problems and help you save on food.

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