Cabbage all types and names. Brussels sprouts, or healthy little sprouts

White cabbage in the photo

Fresh white cabbage contains the same amount of vitamin C as oranges or lemons, and Brussels sprouts and cauliflower contain 1.5-2 times more. Cabbage has a high content of vitamin P, the amount of which in it exceeds the content of this vitamin in any other vegetables (with the exception of parsley and spinach). Cabbage supplies the body with a complex of minerals that help maintain normal acid-base balance in the body. Vitamin U contained in cabbage juice is considered as an anti-ulcer factor.

Varieties of white cabbage are divided into three main groups according to harvest time - early, mid-season and late. Red and Chinese cabbage have an original taste.

Seeds of white cabbage "Nozomi" F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Nozomi” F1 in the photo

"Nozomi" F1- extra-early hybrid, ripens 45-55 days after planting. The plants are compact, with a small rosette of leaves. The heads of this early variety of white cabbage are spherical, glossy, green in color, excellent taste, weighing from 1.0 to 1.8 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Iyunskaya" in the photo
White cabbage "June" in the photo

"June"- ultra-early ripening, ready for consumption already in July. The plant is compact. Round, dense head of cabbage, weighing 1.0-2.4 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage “Transfer” F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Transfer” F1 in the photo

"Transfer" F1- early ripening hybrid. From germination to the beginning of economic suitability 72-112 days. The socket is compact. The head is dense, round in shape. Weighing 0.8-3.0 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Copenhagen Market" in the photo
White cabbage "Copenhagen Market" in the photo

"Copenhagen Market"- high-yielding, cold-resistant early variety. From planting seedlings to ripening 60-65 days. The plant is small and compact. This is one of the best varieties white cabbage with heads of round shape, dense, weighing 2.0-2.5 kg, of excellent quality. Used fresh.

Seeds of white cabbage "Brunswick" in the photo
White cabbage "Brunswick" in the photo

Brunswick- early variety. From planting seedlings to ripening 90-95 days. The plant is large, the rosette of leaves is 90 cm. The heads of cabbage are large, 2.0-4.0 kg, flat, light green, medium-dense. They have a delicate, thin internal structure.

Seeds of white cabbage "Dietmarscher Freuer" in the photo
White cabbage "Dietmarscher Freuer" in the photo

"Dittmarscher Frewer"- early variety. From germination to the beginning of ripeness 76-112 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape with good density, weighing 0.8-1.1 kg. High ripening rate, used fresh.

Seeds of white cabbage "Cossack" F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Cossack” F1 in the photo

"Cossack" F1-early hybrid. A dense, round head weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, resistant to cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Gribovsky" 147 F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Gribovsky” 147 F1 in the photo

"Gribovsky" 147 F1- early. From emergence to maturity 79-110 days. With good density, the head of cabbage has a round shape and weighs 0.9-2.9 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage “Solo” F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Solo” F1 in the photo

"Solo" F1- early hybrid. From germination to technical ripeness 85-94 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape, with good density, weighing 1.2-2.0 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage “Polar K 206” F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Polar K 206” F1 in the photo

"Polar K 206" F1- early - from germination to maturity 82-110 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape, quite dense, weighing 1.6-3.0 kg, productive.

These photos show varieties of white cabbage early date maturation:

Variety of early ripening white cabbage photo “Iyunskaya”
Early ripening variety of white cabbage photo “Transfer” F1

The best mid-season varieties of white cabbage

Seeds of white cabbage “Sugar Queen” F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Sugar Queen” F1 in the photo

"Sugar Queen" F1- heads of cabbage are leveled, round-flat, weighing 3-4 kg. The leaf is crispy, very juicy, the sweetest of all known.

Seeds of white cabbage "Avak" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Avak" F1 in the photo

"Avak" F1- the head is heavy (4-6 kg), round-flat in shape, white in cross-section with a delicate internal structure. The cuff leaves cover the surface between the rows, which creates an obstacle to the growth of weeds.

Seeds of white cabbage “Golden Hectare 1432” in the photo
White cabbage “Golden hectare 1432” in the photo

"Golden hectare 1432"- mid-early widespread variety, from 102 to 120 days from germination to harvest. The head is round, light gray-green, medium dense, weighing up to 3 kg. Relatively resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage.

Seeds of white cabbage "Nadezhda" in the photo
White cabbage "Nadezhda" in the photo

"Hope"- high-yielding, with a high content of sugars. Head weight is 2.4-3.4 kg. The heads of cabbage are resistant to cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Belorusskaya 455" in the photo
White cabbage “Belorusskaya 455” in the photo

"Belorusskaya 455"- ripens 120-130 days after germination. The head of cabbage is round or flat-round in shape, very dense, weighing 2.3-3.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Malachite" F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Malachite” F1 in the photo

"Malachite" F1- from germination to harvest it grows in 90-110 days. The head of white cabbage of this mid-season variety is round, of good density, average weight its 1.3-1.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage “Slava 1305” in the photo
White cabbage “Slava 1305” in the photo

"Slava 1305"- from germination to ripening 100-130 days. The head of cabbage is round-flat in shape, with good density, weighing 2.4-4.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage “Losinoostrovskaya 8” in the photo
White cabbage “Losinoostrovskaya 8” in the photo

"Losinoostrovskaya 8"- weight of a head of cabbage is 2-4 kg. Heads of cabbage are stored until January. A relatively resistant variety to clubroot disease. Used fermented and fresh.

Seeds of white cabbage "Amager 611" in the photo
White cabbage "Amager 611" in the photo

"Amager 611"- productive, transportable, frost-resistant. Harvest 120-125 days after planting seedlings. The head of cabbage is round-flat in shape, weighing 2-4 kg, high density, resistant to cracking, stored until April.

Seeds of white cabbage “Zimovka” 1447 in the photo
White cabbage “Zimovka” 1447 in the photo

"Wintering" 1447- with a head weight of 2-2.5 kg. Resistant to cracking. Shelf life: 12 months. As storage progresses, the taste improves.

Seeds of white cabbage "Crumont" F1 in the photo
White cabbage “Crumont” F1 in the photo

"Crumont" F1- ripens 165-170 days after germination. The shape of the head of this late-ripening variety of white cabbage is round or round-flat, weighs 1.9-2.1 kg, and is resistant to cracking. Can be stored for up to 7 months.

Seeds of white cabbage “Moscow late” in the photo
White cabbage “Moscow late” in the photo

"Moscow Late"- head of cabbage up to 15 kg, round, white, dense.

White cabbage seeds “Gift” in the photo
White cabbage “Gift” in the photo

"Present"- from germination to ripening 114-130 days. The heads of cabbage are flat-rounded, dense, weighing up to 4.5 kg, and can be stored well for a long time in winter.

Seeds of white cabbage "Late Langedijker" in the photo
White cabbage "Late Langedijker" in the photo

"Langedijker late"- This is one of the best varieties of white cabbage for the middle zone, as it is suitable for long-term storage and is resistant to disease. The head is oval in shape, weighs up to 4 kg, dark gray-green in color.

White cabbage "Albatross" F1 in the photo

"Albatross" F1- hybrid, from germination to maturity 140-155 days, the head of cabbage is very dense, round in shape, weighing 2.5 kg. High keeping quality, at the end of May - 92% of heads of cabbage preserved.

Red cabbage in the photo

This cabbage differs from white cabbage in the intense red-violet color of the leaves. This is a cold-resistant crop with dense, highly shelf-stable heads. Contains substances important for the human body.

In terms of taste and dietary qualities, all varieties of red cabbage are superior to white cabbage. It contains sugars up to 5%, raw protein(1.5-2%), sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine salts. Compared to cabbage, it has half the fiber, but more vitamin C and provitamin A, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3 and PP.

Seeds of red cabbage "Mars" in the photo
Red cabbage "Mars" in the photo

"Mars"- mid-season variety. From planting seedlings to the start of harvesting, 105-110 days. The heads of cabbage are round-flat, dark purple, medium density, weighing 1-2 kg.

Red cabbage seeds “Late Beauty” in the photo
Red cabbage “Late Beauty” in the photo

"Late Beauty"- forms a medium-sized leaf rosette, 90-100 cm. The heads of cabbage are purple, oval, dense, large, weighing 2-3 kg. This is one of the best varieties of red cabbage, characterized by high yield, and it stores very well. Used fresh and for salads.

Red cabbage "Early Beauty" in the photo

"Early Beauty"- the variety is very early ripening. The rosette of leaves is small, up to 40 cm. The heads of cabbage are reddish purple, round-oval, medium-dense, weighing 1-2 kg.

The agricultural technology for growing red cabbage is similar to the agricultural technology for white cabbage, but it is less damaged by diseases and pests than white cabbage. It is usually grown by seedlings. Used for preparing colored salads, stewing, marinades.

Look at photos of red cabbage varieties different terms maturation:

Red cabbage seeds "Early Beauty" in the photo
Red cabbage variety “Late Beauty” in the photo

Beijing cabbage in the photo

The lower leaves of Chinese cabbage are collected in a dense rosette with a diameter of 30-50 cm. All varieties of Chinese cabbage are rich in potassium, calcium and iron salts. The leaves contain large number vitamins Both headed and half-headed varieties are common. It is grown from seeds and through seedlings.

Read the description of the best varieties of Chinese cabbage and their photographs.

Seeds of Chinese cabbage "Cha-cha" F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage "Cha-cha" F1 in the photo

"Cha-cha" F1-extra-early hybrid. Ripens in 50-55 days. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, rounded and goblet-shaped, weighing 2.5-2.8 kg.

Peking cabbage seeds Nika F1 in the photo
Peking cabbage Nika F1 in the photo

Nika F1- a fast-growing plant that produces dense heads of elongated, cylindrical shape from delicate, crisp leaves of light or pale green color. The diameter of the “head of cabbage” is 35-45 cm, weight is about 900 g. The taste is high.

Seeds of Chinese cabbage "Orange Mandarin" F1 in the photo
Peking cabbage "Orange Mandarin" F1 in the photo

"Orange Mandarin" F1- the outer, light green leaves of the head of cabbage hide a beautiful, tangerine-orange core. Mid-season hybrid for summer sowing, ripening in 60-70 days.

An elongated head of cabbage of the “Orange Mandarin” variety, weighing about 1.7 kg
The rosette of leaves of the Orange Mandarin variety has a diameter of about 45 cm

As you can see in the photo, this variety of Chinese cabbage has a rosette of leaves with a diameter of about 45 cm, an elongated head, weighing about 1.7 kg.

Seeds of Chinese cabbage “Northern Beauty” F1 in the photo
Peking cabbage “Northern Beauty” F1 in the photo

"Northern Beauty" F1- a very early, productive, stem-resistant hybrid. Heads of cabbage up to 2.8 kg.

Peking cabbage seeds “Russian size” F1 in the photo
Peking cabbage “Russian size” F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- large heads of cabbage weighing up to 4 kg! A wonderful late-ripening hybrid, ripening in 80-90 days, resistant to stemming and low temperatures.

All varieties of Chinese cabbage are sown in the middle zone in mid-May. To avoid bolting, do not plant seeds very early.

Cauliflower in the photo

Nowadays, cauliflower has lost its exoticism, but, compared to cabbage, it is bred on an immeasurably smaller scale. All varieties of cauliflower, as a relatively new crop, are grown mainly in areas of large cities.

In terms of nutritional value and taste, cauliflower occupies one of the first places among vegetables. It differs from other representatives of cabbage plants in its increased content of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. Cauliflower is a light-loving crop that requires moisture and soil fertility. Care consists of weeding, watering, hilling, loosening the soil and fertilizing. The best varieties of cauliflower are recommended for fresh consumption, freezing and canning.

Check out the names of cauliflower varieties for open ground in the middle zone.

Cauliflower seeds "Domestic" in the photo
Cauliflower “Domestic” in the photo

"Domestic"- mid-early variety. From germination to economic suitability 100-120 days. The head is white, dense, medium in size, weighing 700-900 g.

Cauliflower seeds "Movir 74" in the photo
Cauliflower "Movir 74" in the photo

"Movir 74"- early ripening, cold-resistant. The heads are round-flat, dense, weighing 500-1300 g, of high taste.

Cauliflower seeds "Autumn Giant" in the photo
Cauliflower "Autumn Giant" in the photo

"Autumn Giant"- late ripening, 220-250 days to economic ripeness. Forms a very large, dense top-class head.

Cauliflower seeds "Alpha early" in the photo
Cauliflower "Alpha early" in the photo

"Alpha Early"- a very early ripening variety. The period from germination to economic ripeness is 85-118 days. It has a rounded flat head of pure white color with a bumpy surface.

Cauliflower seeds "Snowball A" in the photo
Cauliflower "Snowball A" in the photo

"Snowball A"- a medium variety in terms of ripening, the head is white with a yellowish tint, weighing 0.4-0.7 kg.

Cauliflower seeds "Four Seasons" in the photo
Cauliflower "Four Seasons" in the photo

"Four Seasons"- this is one of the best varieties of cauliflower for open ground with large, milky-white, dense heads. Sowing possible early spring, in summer and autumn in greenhouses.

Erfurt cauliflower seeds in the photo
Cauliflower "Erfurt" in the photo

"Erfurt"- average ripening period. The head weighs 0.4-0.8 kg, white with yellowish tint.

Cauliflower "Adler spring" in the photo

"Adler Spring"- heads are round-flat, medium and large, from 0.3 to 1.2 kg, white-cream. The density is good.

“Adler Spring” has rounded-flat heads (photo)
The “Adler spring” head has a coarse-grained head (photo)

Look at the photo - this variety of cauliflower has a coarse-grained head surface.

Cauliflower seeds “Russian size” F1 in the photo
Cauliflower “Russian size” F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- large, snow-white, weighing up to 4 kg, grows in 120 days in your garden bed!

Cauliflower seeds Snow Queen» F1 in the photo
Cauliflower “Snow Queen” F1 in the photo

"Snow Queen" F1- with small neat heads that reach a weight of 300 g. Ripens earlier than all varieties and hybrids.

Cauliflower seeds “White perfection” F1 NK in the photo
Cauliflower “White Perfection” F1 NK in the photo

"White perfection" F1 NK,

Cauliflower seeds "Amethyst" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Amethyst" F1 in the photo

"Amethyst" F1- with deep purple colored heads.

"Collage" F1- 4 cauliflower hybrids of different colors that perfectly complement each other (white, yellow, light green and purple).

Shannon cauliflower seeds in the photo
Cauliflower "Shannon" in the photo

"Shannon"- with a head of an original shape, a beautiful bright green color, weighing 0.8-1.2 kg.

To obtain several harvests, 4-5 periods of sowing and planting seedlings are possible at intervals of 10-15 days. When forming the heads, they are shaded by breaking 1-2 top sheets.

Kohlrabi cabbage differs from other types of cabbage in appearance. It looks more like rutabaga or turnip. The thickened stem fruit, on which leaves with long petioles are placed, is eaten. The overgrown stem tastes like a cabbage stump, but it is tastier, juicier and sweeter.

Kohlrabi cabbage in the photo

The stem fruit is round or oval in shape, the content of vitamin C is not inferior to lemon, it also contains other vitamins, as well as mineral compounds of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine.

Kohlrabi is eaten fresh and boiled.

All varieties of this type of cabbage are characterized by a short growing season, so kohlrabi can be harvested 2-3 times per season.

The harvest is harvested when the diameter of the stem reaches 6-8 cm, avoiding overripeness. Overripe ones become rough, fibrous, and unsuitable for food.

Seeds of "Delicious white" kohlrabi cabbage in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety “Delicious white” in the photo

"Gourmet white"- medium-late variety, for growing in open ground. The fruit is very juicy, spherical in shape, 8-12 cm in diameter. Vitamin rich, with a large number sugars This variety of kohlrabi cabbage is harvested without allowing it to outgrow.

Kohlrabi seeds “Violetta” in the photo
Kohlrabi variety “Violetta” in the photo

"Violetta"- medium late variety. The stem fruit is large, purple, located high above the ground and remains tender for a long time, without becoming woody. This is one of the best varieties of kohlrabi, since the plants do not shoot, do not overgrow and are frost-resistant. Tolerates frosts down to -8°C.

Vienna white kohlrabi seeds in the photo
Kohlrabi variety “Vienna white” in the photo

"Vienna White"- early variety, from germination to ripeness 65-80 days.

The Vienna White has a pale green color (photo)
“Vienna White” has white, tender, juicy flesh (photo)

Pay attention to the photo - in this variety of kohlrabi, the diameter of the stem reaches approximately 7-9 cm, the color is pale green, the flesh is white, tender, juicy, the plant weight is 1.0-2.5 kg.

Heat and drought resistant variety.

Vienna blue kohlrabi seeds in the photo
Kohlrabi variety “Vienna Blue” in the photo

"Vienna Blue" - mid-season variety, a stem fruit with an original color. The pulp is tender, white, plant weight is 1-2.5 kg. Frost-resistant.

Kohlrabi cabbage seeds “Giant” in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety “Giant” in the photo

"Giant"- late variety, from germination to technical ripeness - 112-136 days, large stem fruit, from 15 to 20 cm in diameter, light green, tender, juicy pulp, plant weight 2.5-3.0 kg. Easy to grow, heat and drought resistant.

Kohlrabi variety “Optimus blue” in the photo

"Optimus Blue"- small to medium-sized rosette with asymmetrically arranged leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green, with a waxy coating, the veins and petioles are purple.

Kohlrabi variety “Optimus blue” purple color (photo)
Kohlrabi variety “Optimus blue” is a flat-rounded stem fruit (photo)

These photos show that the kohlrabi variety “Optimus Blue” has a flat-round shaped stem with a purple color.

Kohlrabi cabbage seeds “Russian size” F1 in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety “Russian size” F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- when optimal conditions are created, it grows up to 5 kg. When fresh, the pulp is invariably juicy and deliciously crisp.

Broccoli in the photo

Greenhead broccoli (also called collard greens)- one of the forms is colored. The fleshy heads with stems are eaten fresh or canned. They taste good and are superior to cauliflower in terms of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

The advantages of all varieties of broccoli include early ripening and cold resistance. It can tolerate frosts down to -5...-7°C and is less demanding on growing conditions than cauliflower.

The harvest is harvested several times. First, cut off the apical head with unopened buds when it reaches a diameter of 10-25 cm and, as the axillary shoots grow and heads form on them, the collection is repeated.

The best varieties of broccoli include:

Broccoli seeds “Tonus” in the photo
Broccoli variety “Tonus” in the photo

"Tone"- a very early ripening variety, the growing season is 60-90 days from emergence. It is distinguished by friendly harvest ripening. The head is of medium density, dark green, weighing 160-200 g, and does not lose its commercial qualities for a long time. After cutting the central head, lateral ones are formed. The variety has high taste qualities.

Broccoli "Arcadia" F1 in the photo

"Arcadia" F1- mid-season hybrid. From sowing to ripening 110 days. The plant is powerful and tall. The head is large, clearly dome-shaped, dark gray-green in color, very compact. After the top bud is trimmed, the plant continues to produce good sized lateral heads. Used both fresh and for processing. It is especially good during cold seasons and gives a high yield even when planted in dense areas.

"Kolobrais"- an early ripening variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 85-100 days. The head is green-blue. This variety of broccoli cabbage is one of the best for the middle zone; it can be grown almost throughout the entire territory of Russia.

"Vitamin"- early ripening variety. Medium height plant. The rosette is semi-vertical, 40-58 cm in diameter. The head is rotated-broadly elliptical, medium-sized, uncovered, medium-dense, green. The weight of the head from the main shoot is 200-300 g. Recommended for fresh use and processing.

Broccoli seeds “Russian size” F1 in the photo
Broccoli variety “Russian size” F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- the largest broccoli cabbage (up to 3 kg), ripening in medium terms. It can be stored in the field for a long time without loss of consumer qualities.

Broccoli seeds "Linda" in the photo
Broccoli "Linda" in the photo

"Linda"- mid-season variety, the period from full germination to the onset of technical ripeness is 80-85 days. Forms a large head dark green elliptical shape. Head weight 300-400 g.

These photos show the varieties of broccoli, the most popular in the middle zone:

Popular broccoli variety “Tonus” in the middle zone (photo)
Popular broccoli variety "Linda" in the middle zone (photo)

Savoy cabbage in the photo

A distinctive morphological feature of Savoy cabbage is the vesicular structure of its thin leaves. The head of cabbage is light green on top, light yellow inside, loose. All varieties of Savoy cabbage contain carotene, many vitamins, mineral salts, protein and fiber, like other types of cabbage.

The best varieties of Savoy cabbage are:

Savoy cabbage seeds "Vertu 1340" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety “Vertu 1340” in the photo

"Vertu 1340"- late variety for winter consumption. From germination to ripening 130-155 days. The head of cabbage is flat, of good density, weighing 1.2-2.7 kg. The leaf tissue is finely bubbled, the edge is wavy, the color is gray-green, with a waxy coating.

Savoy cabbage seeds "Vertu" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety “Vertu” in the photo

"Vertu"- medium variety, from planting seedlings to ripening 90-100 days. The heads of this variety of Savoy cabbage, suitable for the middle zone, are grayish-green in color, semi-flat in shape, weighing 1.5-2.0 kg.

Savoy cabbage seeds "Vertus" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety "Vertus" in the photo

"Vertus"- medium-late, growing season from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of technical ripeness is 110-130 days. This is one of the best varieties of Savoy cabbage for the middle zone with gray-green leaves. The shape of the head of cabbage is flat, the weight of the head of cabbage is 1.5-2.0 kg.

Savoy cabbage is grown and harvested in the same way as white cabbage varieties corresponding to early ripening.

This cabbage is not only frost-resistant, but also drought-resistant and relatively resistant to cracking of heads. Savoy cabbage is consumed fresh and processed. It is not suitable for storage and canning.

Look at the photos of the best varieties of Savoy cabbage, popular among Russian gardeners:

Savoy cabbage variety "Vertu 1340" popular among Russian gardeners (photo)
Savoy cabbage variety "Vertu" popular among Russian gardeners (photo)

Technology for growing different types of cabbage in open ground

Cabbage of all types is a light-loving plant. To the greatest extent, it needs light in the seedling and outlet phase. Due to lack of light, the plants become very elongated, have small leaves and small loose heads.

All types of cabbage are cold-resistant. Seeds germinate at +3...+5°С, the optimal temperature for growth is +15...+18°С, however, plant development can continue at +5...+10°С, especially in the autumn months. Plants tolerate frosts down to -5...-7°C without damage.

There are two technologies for growing cabbage in open ground: seedlings and non-seedlings. It is very demanding on soil fertility. If manure was not applied to the previous crop, compost or well-rotted humus is added to the soil during autumn digging.

During the period of growing cabbage seedlings different types carry out three feedings: 1st 10 days after picking (if without it, then in the phase of the 2nd true leaf) - 20 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate, 15 g potassium salt for 10 liters of water); 2nd - 12-15 days after the first - mullein infusion in a concentration of 1:20; the third - 4-5 days before planting - with organic fertilizers (mullein 1:15, bird droppings 1:20) with the addition of 20 g of superphosphate and potassium salt per bucket of solution. Fertilizer solution consumption is 5 liters per 1 m2. After fertilizing, the plants must be watered clean water.

Well-grown seedlings should have 4-5 leaves. Plant the plants as deep as possible (up to the 1st leaf), but without covering the apical bud. The soil around the plant is compacted and watered abundantly. 10 days after planting, the cabbage is fed again. Start with ammonium nitrate - 20 g per 10 liters of water, one liter per plant. Then - as needed, with organic matter (infusion of mullein 1:10 or bird droppings 1:20).

The best age of seedlings is 45-55 days. Following the correct agricultural techniques for growing cabbage in open ground, the seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm. The optimal sowing time for the seedless method is April 10-20. Sow in rows at a distance of 60-70 cm. In the phase of 4-5 true leaves, plants are thinned at a distance of 40-50 cm. The soil is kept free of weeds all summer.

Cabbage is planted in open areas. Its best predecessors are legumes, nightshades, pumpkin crops and onions. To prevent the development of diseases and pests, cabbage should not be returned to its original place before 3-4 years. Cabbage is grown through seedlings and direct sowing of seeds in the ground. permanent place. Shoots appear on the 7-12th day. When stored, the seeds remain viable for 4 years.

With the seedless method, plants develop a more powerful root system that penetrates deeply into the soil, which provides them with a better water regime. The growing season is shortened by 14-16 days. Seed placement depth is 3-4 cm, row spacing is 70 cm, in a row - 50-60 cm.

Considering all the features of growing cabbage, do not forget that this crop is very moisture-loving. Without regular watering it is impossible to get a harvest. To grow a head of cabbage weighing 2 kg, the plant will need about 200 liters of water.

The crop is harvested depending on the type and variety according to the timing, without overstaying in the garden. Late cabbage is harvested before frost sets in, as the heads of cabbage ripen, when the upper covering leaves are still green and the lower ones begin to turn yellow.

Heads of cabbage are best preserved without light, at a temperature of 0...+1 °C, air humidity 90-95%.

Brussels sprouts in the photo

Brussels sprouts are a biennial plant. In the first year, it forms a stem 35-70 cm high with long-petioled leaves, in the axils of which small (2.5-5 cm in diameter) round or oval heads of up to 40-60 pieces are formed. on a plant with a total weight of up to 700 g. Leaf blades are flat to spoon-shaped, green, less often purple, with a faint waxy coating. The leaves at the top of the shoots form a rosette. The surface of the leaf itself is bubbly.

In the second year, flower shoots develop from the apical bud and from the buds on the shortened lateral shoots, on which pods with seeds are formed.

This cabbage is grown in seedlings and without seedlings, that is, by direct sowing of seeds in the ground. Seeds germinate already at +2...+3°C, but at +18...+20°C seedlings appear much faster, on the 3-4th day. Best Temperature for plant growth +15...+18°С. High temperatures(above +25°C) delay the formation of heads. But low temperatures Brussels sprouts can withstand freezing down to minus -7...-8°C without damage. It is more cold-resistant than the latest ripening varieties of white cabbage.

Following the technology for growing Brussels sprouts, the plants need to be provided with fertile soil and regular watering, especially during the period of sprout formation. Care consists of loosening the soil with slight hilling, weeding, and fertilizing. One of the features of growing Brussels sprouts is the application of fertilizing during the growth of the rosette of leaves. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are given at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water. When repeated feedings, add 30-40 g of phosphorus and potassium to nitrogen. The main amount of organic fertilizers (compost or manure) - 5-6 buckets per 10 m2 - is applied in the fall for digging.

Good predecessors for Brussels sprouts are cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and beets. Cabbage should not be returned to its original place earlier than after 3-4 years.

A month before harvesting, the tops of the plants are removed. This technique accelerates the ripening of heads of cabbage and increases their yield.

Adhering to the correct agricultural technology for growing Brussels sprouts, harvesting is carried out at the latest time, cutting out the heads as they ripen or in one go. For use in winter, plants are dug up with the roots and placed in sand (to the depth of the roots) in greenhouses, basements, and vegetable stores. Heads of cabbage on the stem can be stored for up to two months at a temperature of 0...-1 °C and air humidity of 90-95%.

The nutritional and taste qualities of Brussels sprouts are due to their high protein content, which in terms of the presence and ratio of amino acids is not inferior to meat and milk protein. In terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, Brussels sprouts are significantly superior to other types of cabbage. Among cabbages, it holds the record for the amount of useful salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. It contains valuable organic compounds- carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, fiber, carotene and various vitamins. It contains three times more proteins that are easily digestible by the body and ascorbic acid than in white cabbage.

Heads of cabbage are very valuable dietary vegetable are especially useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and those who have undergone surgery, as they can stimulate the wound healing process. The juice of this cabbage is useful for diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

The heads of cabbage are boiled and consumed as an independent dish with butter, milk or sour cream sauce or as a side dish. They are put into soups, dried, canned, pickled (like cauliflower) and frozen.

Among the varieties of Brussels sprouts there are early ripening ones with a growing season from the emergence of seedlings to the mass ripening of heads - 130-150 days.

Brussels sprouts seeds "Hercules 1342" in the photo
Brussels sprouts variety "Hercules 1342" in the photo

Widely known variety "Hercules 1342" has a growing season of 110-120 days.

Foreign high-yielding hybrids: "Explorer""Alcazar", "Acropolis", "Kronos", "Porter", "Troyan"

Brussels sprouts seeds "Rudnerf" in the photo
Brussels sprouts variety "Rudnerf" in the photo

-mid- and late-ripening, as well as early high-yielding variety "Rudnerf" Brussels sprouts variety "Isabella" in the photo

Of the new varieties, “Isabella” is of interest, with purple-green colored heads that have a more piquant taste than standard green ones.

Brussels sprouts have very high taste and nutritional qualities, but this crop is not common among amateurs. Small dense heads slightly larger than a walnut, which are used in first and second courses, have excellent taste and dietary qualities. The vitamin C content in it is three times higher than in white cabbage.

Brussels sprouts (Brássica oleracea). © Rudiger Wolk Content:

Description of Brussels sprouts

Plant of the cabbage (cruciferous) family - Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), vegetable crop. Refers to a type of kale.

Brussels sprouts are a biennial, cross-pollinating plant, unlike other types of cabbage. In the first year it forms a cylindrical thick stem 20-60 cm high or more, with small or medium-sized slightly lyre-shaped leaves on thin petioles 14-33 cm long, with a small amount small shares.

The leaf blades are green or grayish-green, with a weak waxy coating with solid smooth or slightly curved edges from flat to spoon-shaped, 18-40 cm long, 18-32 cm wide. Small (the size of a walnut) are formed in the leaf axils at the top of strongly shortened stems. heads of cabbage. 20-40 or more heads of cabbage are formed on one plant.

In the second year of life, Brussels sprouts develop highly branched flowering shoots, the plant blooms and produces seeds. The flowers are yellowish, collected in a raceme, of medium size, petals with raised edges. The fruit is a multi-seeded pod. The seeds are small, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, spherical in shape, with a smooth surface, dark brown, almost black. 1 g contains 200-300 pcs. seeds Seeds remain viable for 5 years.

Not found in the wild. The ancestor of Brussels sprouts is leafy cabbage - Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC) Alef., growing wild in the Mediterranean, where it was introduced into cultivation in ancient times. Brussels sprouts were developed from kale by vegetable growers in Belgium, from where they spread to France, Germany and Holland.

Carl Linnaeus was the first to scientifically describe cabbage and named it Brussels sprouts in honor of the Belgian gardeners from Brussels. It appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century, but did not spread due to harsh climatic conditions. Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in Western Europe (especially the UK), USA and Canada. In Russia it is cultivated in limited quantities, mainly in the central regions.

Growing Brussels sprouts

Preparing the soil for Brussels sprouts

The soil should be prepared the previous autumn, with the addition of a layer of manure and compost in the amount of one and a half buckets per square meter. m. Leave the soil exposed to snow and wind, and then in the spring loosen it to a depth of 2.5 or 5 cm, adding fish droppings in the amount of 120 g. per sq.m. Instead, you can use a mixture of one part potash sulfate, four parts bone meal in the size of 120 gr. per sq. m. Plants should be planted in the ground at the end of May or beginning of June.

Sowing Brussels sprouts

Seeds should be planted in a secluded area of ​​the garden bed in March or April, in holes no deeper than 12mm, spaced about 15cm apart. They need to be covered with plastic bags to provide them with warmth and protection. Once they begin to sprout, they need to be thinned out to give them room to develop.

Brussels sprouts planting

Planting should begin when the seedlings reach 10-15 cm in height. They need to be planted in a position in which they are ready to ripen, and planting should continue until mid-August. It will be good if you water them generously the day before you plan to replant. Cabbage should be planted at a distance of 90 cm from each other, so that their lower leaves are above the soil level.

After the plants are transplanted, they need to be watered well. As they grow, you may need to stake them in strong winds.

Brussels sprouts (Brássica oleracea). © susna

Caring for Brussels sprouts

A week after planting in the places of dead plants, seedlings are manually replanted from those that were left in reserve, with preliminary loosening of the holes and watering. One of the most important measures for caring for Brussels sprouts, as well as other types of cabbage, is inter-row cultivation. Its purpose is to control weeds and maintain the soil in a loose state in order to create a favorable water and air regime for the growth and development of plants.

During the summer, up to six loosenings are carried out. It is very important to carry out the first loosening in a timely manner, since when planting the soil is usually very compacted (you need to unmark the bed, water it, spread out the seedlings, and close it up). Delay in loosening leads to stunted cabbage growth and increased plant losses, especially on heavy soils. The first loosening is done immediately after planting potted seedlings, when planting without pots - no later than 3-5 days. Hilling of Brussels sprouts is not carried out, because this plant forms the largest heads of cabbage in the axils of the lower leaves, so they cannot be covered with soil.

If, when planting Brussels sprouts seedlings, fertilizers were applied to the holes, then post-planting (after 10-15 days) fertilizing is not recommended. Positive influence Fertilizing, which is timed to coincide with the phase of the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage, helps to increase productivity. On well-fertilized soils, you can limit yourself to only post-planting nitrogen fertilizing, and at the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage - potassium fertilizers.

On soddy-podzolic soils, where fertility is relatively low, usually the following amount of nutrients is added per 1 m² in the first feeding of Brussels sprouts: nitrogen - 2-3 g (5-10 g of ammonium nitrate or urea), phosphorus - 1.5-2 g (7-15 g of superphosphate) and 2-3 g of potassium (5 g of potassium chloride or sulfate). During the first feeding, fertilizers are placed on the sides at a distance of 8-10 cm from the plants and to a depth of 8-10 cm.

The second feeding includes: nitrogen 2.5-3.5 g/m² (7-12 g ammonium nitrate or urea), phosphorus - 2-2.5 g (7-15 g superphosphate) and 3-4 g/m² potassium (7-10 g of potassium chloride). They are placed in the middle of row spacing to a depth of 10-15 cm. For fertilizing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers: azofoska, ecofoska, nitrophoska, Kemira and others, and the missing nutrients then supplemented with simple fertilizers. When manually sifting dry fertilizers, they should be immediately incorporated into the soil using a hoe, so fertilizing is done before loosening the rows.

For the first feeding, you can successfully use an aqueous solution of mullein (1:10), slurry diluted (1:3) with water, bird droppings (1:10) or weed leaves fermented within a week (1:3). 1-1.5 liters of nutrient mixture are poured under each plant. After liquid feeding, the plants must be washed with clean water so that there are no burns on the leaves. After the liquid is absorbed from the soil, you need to loosen it in order to retain moisture. In individual areas, it is useful to apply liquid fertilizing.

Brussels sprouts, even in the conditions of the North-West, should be watered 2-3 times during the summer, and in the central regions of the Non-Black Earth Zone the number of waterings is increased to 3-5.

To stimulate the growth of heads of cabbage, increase their marketability, and speed up harvesting, the apical bud is removed from Brussels sprouts plants. Topping is especially important when growing late-ripening varieties. Although in cold years it always gives positive results even in early ripening varieties.

At the end of August-beginning of September (a month before harvesting), the apical bud is removed. Then the nutrients are directed to the lateral buds, the heads of cabbage ripen faster, and their size increases significantly. If topping is carried out at a later date, then in addition to the apical bud, the upper part of the stem with poorly developed axillary buds is removed.

Harvesting Brussels sprouts

Harvesting begins when the heads of cabbage reach economic suitability. Earlier ripening varieties of Brussels sprouts with uniform ripening of the heads can be harvested in one go, and later ones can be harvested in 2-3 terms. To do this, about a week before harvesting, the leaves are removed from the cabbage, and in plants that are harvested once, they are removed completely, being careful not to damage the heads. If harvesting is done in several stages, the leaves are removed each time from the part of the stem on which the harvest is supposed to be done, starting from the base of the stump. When harvesting once, the stems with heads of cabbage are cut off at the base.

The formed heads are cut out or broken out. If the weather is favorable, all harvesting in September-October is done in the field. Under unfavorable conditions (with the onset of constant frosts of about -5 ° C), cut plants are removed for temporary storage in cool indoor areas, where they are stored for 2-3 weeks. Heads of cabbage are cut from these plants gradually, as needed.

To prolong the consumption of fresh Brussels sprouts, you can remove the plants with their roots and, after trimming the leaves (except for the top ones), dig them into greenhouses or greenhouses, from where you can gradually remove and cut off the heads. You can bury the Brussels sprouts in sand in the basement to cover the roots. For stored plants, dying leaf petioles should be promptly removed. The temperature in the room where Brussels sprouts are stored is maintained at about 0 °C at relative humidity air 92-98%.

In such conditions, Brussels sprouts are stored until January. You can keep the heads of cabbage in the basement for 20-30 days. To do this, select the hardest healthy heads with tight-fitting leaves and place them in small boxes (capacity 2-3 kg).

Brussels sprouts (Brássica oleracea). © Forest & Kim Starr

Varieties and hybrids of Brussels sprouts

F1 hybrids

Modern hybrids of F1 Brussels sprouts are becoming increasingly popular - they produce low plants with a large number of heads of equal size located along the entire height of the stem. All heads of cabbage ripen almost simultaneously, so it is convenient to prepare them for the winter, but this shortens the period for consuming fresh produce. However, this disadvantage of F1 hybrids is often exaggerated - as a rule, ripe heads remain tightly curled on the stem for several weeks.

PEER GYNT: The most popular hybrid. Medium-sized heads are formed in October, with peak fruiting in November.

OLIVER: Early productive hybrid with good taste. Harvest in late autumn. The plants are not tall, but the heads are large.

CITADEL: Late hybrid, ripens in late autumn. Small dark green heads of cabbage are suitable for freezing.

WIDGEON: It bears fruit at the same time as Citadel, but is more resistant to diseases and has a higher taste.

SHERIFF: Varies a bountiful harvest small buds that do not have the bitterness characteristic of this crop after cooking. Resistant to powdery mildew. In areas with warm winters it ripens in January-March.

RAMPART: Another late hybrid with heads that do not open for a long time. The plants are tall, large buds have good taste.

FORTRESS: Best late variety. Tall plants with dense dark green heads are not afraid of frost.

DOLMIC: Undemanding to soil and weather conditions hybrid. IN Western Europe does not bear fruit from late October to February

Traditional varieties

IN lately F1 hybrids have supplanted the old varieties of Brussels sprouts obtained as a result of free crossing. In older varieties, the heads of cabbage are not so smooth and dense and, when ripe, quickly open. Nevertheless, older varieties have their advantages - their heads are larger and, perhaps, tastier than those of more modern varieties, and the harvest period lasts longer.

EARLY HALF TALL: Compact variety, ripening in September-December.

BEDFORD: A variety of folk selection, famous for its large buds on tall stems. The most productive is Bedford-Fillbasket. The Bedford-Asmer Monitor variety is suitable for a small area.

NOISETTE: Forms small balls with a pronounced nutty taste. The French use them in white wine.

RUBINE: The new red variety is used raw in salads or cooked. They say it has unsurpassed taste.

CAMBRIDGE NO. 5: Late variety with large buds. At one time it was very popular, but is gradually disappearing from catalogs.

ROODNERF: Varieties of this group - Roodnerf-Seven Hills, Roodnerf-Early Buttons, etc. - keep ripened heads of cabbage dense for a long time.

Brussels sprouts (Brássica oleracea). © Phr

Benefits of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts contain vitamins, minerals, carotenes and chemicals plant origin, helping to prevent various diseases and improve the health of the body. Beta-carotene and vitamin C have powerful antioxidant properties. Substances contained in Brussels sprouts provide prevention of many diseases, including cancer digestive tract and lungs.

For the prevention and treatment of cancer, especially breast, rectal and cervical cancer, anemia, constipation, as well as for coronary heart disease, diabetes, insomnia, colds of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, it is recommended to drink Brussels sprouts juice. For asthma, bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, a mixture of juice from Brussels sprouts, carrots, celery and radishes is useful.

A mixture of juice with carrot, salad and green bean juice helps to absorb and restore the functions of the pancreas, and is useful for diabetes. However, it is necessary to exclude concentrated starches and sugar from the diet and regularly cleanse the intestines with enemas.

We are waiting for your advice!

Almost everyone who has at least a small piece of land grows cabbage. It is known that this vegetable contains the minerals we need and a large amount of easily digestible vitamin C. The most well-known to us is white cabbage, although there are others that are no less tasty and useful varieties this vegetable. In this article on our website we will look at types of cabbage with photos and names.

Names and photos of cabbage varieties

Knowing all the diversity of cabbage makes it possible to expand the horizons of our usual diet. In addition to white cabbage, familiar to everyone from childhood, the following types of this vegetable are known:

red cabbage,
Kale cabbage.

Red cabbage

It can be called a red-skinned relative of white cabbage. This red-violet member of its genus contains twice as much vitamin C as its white cabbage sister. It is very rich in carotene, iodine and minerals. Red cabbage is represented by early, medium and late ripening varieties. It makes a very tasty and beautiful salad; it can also be successfully marinated and stewed. Leaves from the vegetable can be gradually plucked from the beginning of summer, without waiting for the head of cabbage to fully ripen.

Pictured is red cabbage


The vegetable received this name due to the fact that the edible part is, in fact, the color. It is usually not consumed fresh, but boiled and stewed. Cauliflower is considered a dietary product. It is not very often found in gardens, since it has increased requirements for soil nutrition and does not tolerate summer heat well. To maintain its pleasant appearance, the heads should be protected from the sun. Cauliflower contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, PP and group B. It also has a high content of minerals and protein.

Dietary cauliflower


Externally, it differs from cauliflower mainly green. As for care, this variety is much easier to grow - it is not particularly demanding on the soil and can easily tolerate scorching sun and light frosts. The main thing is to provide it with a sufficient amount of moisture during the growth of the head. The substances included in its composition can increase the performance of our body and its resistance to adverse factors, as well as slow down the aging process.
In the photo there is cabbage called broccoli

Chinese cabbage

This cabbage has an unusual elongated shape and very juicy and tender leaves. It makes great, refreshing salads. It is recommended to plant Chinese cabbage in April or May directly in open ground or through seedlings. In just two months it will be possible to harvest. Those who watch their figure especially love Chinese cabbage. It cleanses the blood, stimulates metabolic processes and the functioning of the immune system.

Juicy and tender Chinese cabbage

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a rarity in the garden and a delicacy on the table. Miniature heads of cabbage decorate various dishes not only with their unusual appearance, but also with a pleasant taste with a nutty aftertaste. This is extremely rich in vitamins and amino acids variety of cabbage. It is usually sown in April and harvested until mid-autumn.

The photo shows miniature heads of Brussels sprouts

Chinese kale

Chinese cabbage (name in its native country is pak choi) does not have a head at all - it is grown for eating fleshy petioles with green leaves of a pleasant taste. Unfortunately, it is not customary to grow it in our latitudes, but those who have free land should try it. Chinese cabbage is not at all demanding to care for, and its composition is similar to its white cabbage cousin. She loves it warm and humid air, and the entire growing season takes 50-55 days.

Pictured is Chinese kale

Savoy cabbage

This variety can be called curly, since its head consists of voluminous vesicular leaves. It has a richer composition than white cabbage and is perfect for dietary nutrition. Savoy cabbage is most often used to make salads and cabbage rolls. It has tender, but rather dry leaves. It reacts especially steadfastly to moisture deficiency, and it has no insect enemies.

The name of this curly cabbage is Savoy


This cabbage looks like a turnip. The taste is much more tender. Its use is recommended for diabetics; it contains a lot of minerals and vitamin C. Kohlrabi is very easy to grow in open ground. It is perfectly stored if you follow the rules of this process.

In the photo there is a turnip-like cabbage called kohlrabi


By growing this cabbage at your dacha, you will achieve two goals at once: you will get a super healthy vegetable and a very original element of decoration for your plot of land. In our area it is grown extremely rarely, although this is completely unfair.

Decorative and edible Kale cabbage

After you looked at the types of cabbage with photos and names, you most likely wanted to grow some unusual variety of this crop on your plot. Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to try something new and be sure to share your experience with others.

Kira Stoletova

Baby cabbages are a type of Brussels sprouts. It is characterized by small fruits that resemble a walnut in appearance. It contains a large amount useful microelements, which have a positive effect on human health.

Plant characteristics

They're called little Brussels sprouts for a reason. The name comes from the country of creation - Brussels. Small cabbage has the ability to cross-pollinate. The plant is biennial. Its appearance differs from that of other varieties (cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli).

The yield of the variety is average: about 200 kg of green heads of cabbage are harvested from 1 hectare.

Description of the plant

In the first year of germination, the plant is characterized by the presence of thick cylindrical heads of cabbage. Their height reaches 60 cm, and sometimes reaches 100 cm. The leaves are small, slightly lyre-shaped. The petioles reach a height of 30-35 cm. The color of the small leaves is light green. They are completely covered with a waxy coating. The edges of the leaves can be straight or wavy. Round small heads of cabbage form in the leaf axils. On 1 plant their number can reach 30 pieces.

In the second year of life, small cabbage develops shoots and forks (inflorescences). Medium sized forks with many leaves.

In the second year, the plant blooms and produces seeds. Yellow flowers are collected in a small brush.

Features of the fetus

The small fruit contains a large number of seeds and has a pod-like appearance. The shape of the fruit is round with a small oval at the base. The diameter of one seed reaches 2 mm. The head is spherical in shape. The surface is smooth to the touch. 1 g of fruit contains about 250 seeds. They are planted within 5-6 years from the moment of collection.

According to the description, the taste of cabbage is rich and pleasant. There are notes of sweetness and a slight spicy bitterness. It is recommended to eat it fresh or use it to make salads. Small balls are often used to decorate main courses.


Soil preparation

small green cabbage grown only on fertile soils. For this, the land is prepared in the fall. Before plowing the area, add organic fertilizers(cow droppings, humus or peat). The optimal volume is 2 buckets of 10 liters per 1 sq. m. In spring, the ground is loosened with a hoe. The weeding depth should be at least 5-8 cm.

In the process of loosening the soil, superphosphate fertilizers can be used. Recommended volume is about 150 g per 1 square meter. m. So that small heads of cabbage form faster, for each square meter add 200 g of bone meal. Planting is allowed only in early May, when the risk of frost decreases.

Planting seeds

To plant seeds, select a separate large container. It is better to plant seeds in early March. Before planting, they do not need to be disinfected or treated with growth stimulants. The planting depth in the container should be no more than 1.2 cm. The distance between the seeds of small cabbage heads is about 5 cm.

Containers must be covered with plastic film. This significantly speeds up the process of emergence of the first shoots and reduces the risk of disease. After germination begins, you can remove the covering material and then thin out the plants. This will allow the root system to form correctly for safe planting in open ground.


The seedlings are transplanted into open ground after the green plant reaches a height of 20 cm. Better adhesion of the plant to the ground occurs if the area is watered with a small amount of water in advance. When planting seedlings in wet soil the roots quickly become attached to the ground.

Planting is carried out so that the lower green leaves are above the surface of the ground. The optimal distance between bushes is about 1 m. This distance allows the plant to form without harm to itself or neighboring bushes. It is important that they do not obscure each other.

Small round cabbage needs careful care. You should remember about high-quality and timely watering. Preference is given drip irrigation: This moisturizes the root part, which is ideal for this plant. Bushes should be watered no more than once a week. This is enough to moisten the soil.

After each watering, remove weeds and remove top layer land. This is necessary so that the required amount of oxygen, moisture and nutrients enter the soil after subcortexing. The weeding depth should be no more than 6 cm so as not to disturb the root system.


Feeding is carried out in several stages:

  • The first fertilizing is applied 10 days after planting the plant in open ground. Preference is given to mineral fertilizers: per 1 sq. m add 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium nitrate.
  • During the second feeding, from the beginning of the formation of the head of cabbage, use 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 9 g of potassium chloride. Fertilizers are applied at a distance of 10 cm from the bush.

Instead of mineral fertilizers, it is permissible to use organic matter during the second feeding. Chicken manure and humus are ideal for this. 100 g of each substance are diluted in 10 liters of warm water and about 2 liters of tincture are poured under each bush.

At the end of winter I was in big city and saw a store with seeds. I think I'll go in and look at the new varieties of vegetables. I asked the saleswoman for cabbage seeds, and she let me put the bags on the table... I was even speechless - such splendor had never happened in our small market! In general, I bought everything... I made a little mistake when planting, but I spent a long time reading the Internet, figuring it out... And now I successfully grow almost all types of cabbage in my garden plot.

In Rus', this vegetable began to be cultivated back in the 11th century! Although, of course, the greatest variety of species and varieties (especially colored ones) began to be noticed only in recent decades. Most have learned to grow here (not only in the middle zone, but even in Siberia).

White cabbage

The most popular, it can be bought at any grocery store. And it is the easiest to grow; it is not afraid of early frosts.

Varieties There are many varieties of this cabbage, but only the most experienced gardeners can distinguish them by type:

All varieties can be divided into:

  • early and medium, go to seasonal salads (Golden Hectare, Slava, Iyunskaya);
  • late ones, they can be prepared in the form of jarred salads, fermented, and successfully stored in the basement until spring (Kharkovskaya, Kamennaya Golova, Kolobok, Moscow Late).

Red cabbage (aka red, purple)

As in the case of white cabbage, varieties There are early, middle and late varieties of such cabbage.

The most popular:

  • Faberge,
  • Ruby,
  • Mars,
  • Calibos (the heads of this variety look elongated, making the leaves easily separated).

Cabbage easily tolerates heat, but is not afraid of frost (down to -7 degrees).

It is used in salads, although it can just as successfully be added to borscht, marinated, or stewed (don’t forget: when cooked, cabbage releases pink juice, which colors other foods). If you are in a hurry to try your harvest, you can pick a couple of leaves right in the garden, from the head, without cutting it off.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle buy not white cabbage, but red cabbage. It (raw) contains 2 times more vitamin C and iron than white, and 10 times more vitamin A.

An interesting fact: the color of cabbage can change not only depending on the harvest, but also on changes in soil acidity.

Beijing (or salad)

This successful species produces two harvests per year. But it needs to be planted in different places. During the first (April) planting - in a sunny area, during the second, summer (June, seeds are sown directly into the ground) - in the shade, otherwise the cabbage will begin to sprout and bloom without forming a head of cabbage.

You can store it in the basement.

Heads of cabbage are chopped into salads and consumed fresh. Sometimes it is even added to borscht (at the last addition of food, so that the tender cabbage does not have time to boil).

Depending on varieties, cabbage may look like an elongated soft head of cabbage or a leaf rosette.

You will probably be able to grow the following varieties:

  • Grenade,
  • glass,
  • Magician,
  • Chuck-chuck.

Chinese (leaf, bok choy or pak choy)

A leafy species that does not form (or almost does not form) a head of cabbage. Goes only in salads.

Not a picky species, it can be grown even in poor soil.

It is noticeably different from Chinese cabbage:

The most famous in our country varieties:

  • Martin,
  • Chill,
  • Coral,
  • Golub.


An unpretentious species that rarely suffers from pests and is not afraid of heat and drought.

The composition of the vegetable can be compared with white cabbage, but the Savoy tastes more tender.

It is often used for salads. It is also good for cabbage rolls - if you pour boiling water over a head of cabbage, the leaves will come off on their own without breaking.

The species has only one flaw: poor storage. If you have grown too much cabbage, it is recommended to dry its leaves. You can also grow not an early ripening variety (ripens in July), but a late variety (late autumn); it stores better. Cut only dry forks, they last longer (for this, a canopy is made over the garden bed before harvesting).

In the middle zone they grow such varieties:

  • Nadya,
  • Petrovna,
  • Golden early,
  • Moscow lacemaker.


Another popular crop in our latitudes.

But this cabbage is already more picky. Yes, it needs to be shaded from the sun (otherwise the heads will not be snow-white, but with “dried” spots), and grown only on the most fertile soil. It does not tolerate heat and drought well.

It should not be stored in the basement - it is better to divide the heads into inflorescences and freeze or pickle.

Recently, breeders have bred many beautiful varieties cabbage like this, cauliflower or with a bizarre head shape:

But if you don’t chase delights, then the most trouble-free varieties are considered to be:

  • Snowball,
  • Yoke,
  • Lateman.

Romanesco (Roman)

This is a subspecies of cauliflower with a very interesting “inflorescence”.

This cabbage can be pickled or boiled (including in a double boiler). It is also better to store it in the freezer.

Broccoli (asparagus)

Very similar to the colored one, but not with white, but with green heads.

This culture is less whimsical - it is less afraid of the sun and is cold-resistant.

The vegetable is considered one of the most valuable; it is allowed in many diets.

It should also be stored frozen.

Recently, breeders have been working on colored varieties broccoli. But for now, proven green varieties are considered the most popular:

  • Caesar,
  • Tone,
  • Linda.


This is no longer cabbage, but just some kind of fabulous turnip! This crop is really grown not for the leaves (which even look frivolous in cabbage), but for the juicy tuber (stem).

This species is afraid of the cold. But it is very early ripening, so most summer residents, if desired, manage to grow kohlrabi twice during the season (cabbage will fully ripen in 2 or 2.5 months). Seeds can be sent directly into open ground. The harvest is stored in the basement. When growing kohlrabi, the main thing is not to overexpose it in the garden, so that the tuber does not harden, but remains sweet and tender.

Depending on varieties, kohlrabi can be green, yellow and even purple. Moreover, the “turnip” can grow both small (about the size of a fist) and quite weighty:

The most proven varieties:

  • Violetta,
  • Viennese blue,
  • Giant,
  • Delicatessen,
  • Russian size,
  • Cook.

Important! Be sure to pay attention to this cabbage if you have diabetics in your family.

Brussels sprouts (or coccyx spp.)

It is also called small cabbage, because many heads grow on the bush, reminiscent of white cabbages, but of a “toy” size.
You will have to tinker with it: if you sow the seeds in April, you will get the harvest no earlier than October (cabbage will ripen in about 180 days, but some varieties can please the gardener in 150 days). Its advantages: this crop is frost-resistant, and in addition, it is not afraid of drought. Folk wisdom“If you sow thickly, it will be empty” fully characterizes the type of planting of this species.

You can plant these on your site varieties:

  • Sapphire,
  • Gornet,
  • Hercules.

Important: small cabbages do not taste at all like cabbage or other types of this crop. Since Brussels sprouts contain a lot of mustard oils, the vegetable has a spicy taste, a bit like a nut. Therefore, this species is considered a delicacy (but healthy due to the increased content of phosphorus and amino acids).


It’s not very common here, but that’s a shame - this crop is both edible and beautiful. Just a universal answer to the question “What should I plant that my neighbors definitely won’t have?”

Advantages of the species: not afraid of shade, withstands decent frosts (up to -15 degrees).

Most famous varieties:

  • Kale (pictured above),
  • Tintoretto,
  • Reflex,
  • Redbor.

You can see the difference between some varieties of this vegetable in this photo:

Decorative (garden)

It can be recognized by the unusual colors of the leaves, as well as interesting shapes heads of cabbage - they resemble not heads, but exquisite flowers.

This species reproduces by seeds. They can be germinated in advance (for seedlings, with transfer to open ground in May) or sown directly on a bed/flower bed. Pests practically do not eat it.

Most Popular varieties such cabbage:

  • Purple Dove (resembles purple roses),
  • Nagoya (with curly leaves),
  • Sunrise (yellow roses),
  • Pink Heron (pink roses with long petioles).

And it also goes like this:

If you wish, you can grow such a “head of cabbage” even in an apartment, in a flowerpot, but you will have to water the cabbage every other day, and also fertilize it often. Or as an option: cut the cabbage from the garden, place it in a vase with a little water (it can be enriched with citric acid and sugar), and it will delight you for several weeks. Just change the water from time to time.

Is it possible to eat this beauty? Yes! This is even useful: it is believed that the bright leaves contain much more selenium than ordinary garden vegetables. True, it tastes worse than the garden variety, and besides, its leaves are a bit harsh.

You can learn more about this little-known but spectacular species from this video:

And successful examples of decorating flower beds with this flowering vegetable are collected in this video:

General principles for growing any type and variety of cabbage

  • Priming. Neutral acidity (from 6.5 to 7 ph). Loam (heavy or medium).
  • bed. In a sunny place, without bushes, trees, and, if possible, tall vegetables (corn, sunflowers).
  • Watering. Frequent, especially in dry months.
  • Crop rotation. Cabbage is planted in one place every 3 years. Before sowing or planting this crop, beets, carrots, onions (onions), tomatoes, cucumbers, and legumes can grow in the garden bed.