When and where is the best time to go on vacation in Tunisia? When is the best time to relax in Tunisia Sea temperature in Tunisia.

Here is information about the weather in Tunisia by month: average air and water temperatures, average monthly quantity precipitation.

Russians' favorite resort in North Africa- this is, of course, Tunisia. Due to the special geographical location of the country weather in Tunisia will give you hot winds blowing from the Sahara and at the same time the coolness of the sea breeze. Everything is so contradictory.

The hot season in Tunisia starts from mid-May to October. Peak daytime temperatures will occur in July-August. During this period, the sun is really hot. +32 °C – this is what awaits tourists who decide to relax in Tunisia in the summer. Closer to October, the weather in Tunisia will slow down a little, the air will cool down to +25 °C. Night temperatures in summer will be around +20 °C. The water maintains a temperature of about +26 °C on average.

in winter weather in Tunisia cannot be compared with the Russian one, but nevertheless you won’t be able to soak up the beach. The air is heated to only +15 °C, which is not enough. And the water is even colder, +6.

in spring weather in Tunisia warm, but not yet warm enough. The season opens only towards the end of spring. The average daily spring temperature is +20 °C.

Tunisia is washed by the soft Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. The country is divided into two climatic zones– subtropical Mediterranean and tropical from the Sahara desert. This natural location contributes to the fact that the weather in Tunisia is always different from month to month in summer and winter, and the temperature differs by as much as 15 - 20 degrees.

Hot, dry summers give way to cool and very wet winters. Northern winds bring the cold season to the country, which lasts from December to March. Precipitation coming from outside is a common occurrence in winter. Mediterranean Sea, which greatly influences the climate of Tunisia. August in the east coastal strip It usually doesn't get too hot due to the cool winds brought in from the Mediterranean.

The Sahara also influences the climate of Tunisia. Dry hot winds bring heat to the country. The temperature at this time reaches 53 degrees! It is unlikely that anyone would want to be in a country when desert dry winds dominate it.

The most pleasant time for a holiday is from August to November and from March to June, and the peak season is in October. This situation is related to both water temperature and air temperature.

Summer, especially August, is very hot in the country, although this time is also suitable for travel. The average temperature in summer is more than 35 degrees. But winter, which lasts from December to early March, no longer falls on tourist season. As you can see, the weather in Tunisia differs from month to month in the same way as the country’s resorts.

Month Air temperature, °C Water temperature, °C
January 15-17 12-13
February 6-17 12-13
March 19 14
April 20 17
May 22-25 22
June 20-28 22
July 30-32 24-28
August 32 28
September 30 23-24
October 26 25
November 10-13 17
December 14-16 12-14

How do the most famous resorts differ?

Among young people, the most popular resort is Sousse. There are many nightclubs, bars, and restaurants here. Huge number positive emotions You will be inspired by a visit to the Hergla Park water amusement park, which combines a water park and a racing track where you can go karting. Sweet tooth lovers will happily discover the 50 varieties of ice cream presented at the House of Ice Cream.

Those who prefer an educational holiday choose the island of Djerba, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea, but is connected to the mainland by a causeway built in ancient times. The island is rich in green vegetation, fruit trees, and huge palm groves. The clear, clean sea and fine sand make a holiday in Djerba suitable for a family holiday. The world's oldest synagogue, built 25 centuries ago, is also located here, housing Torahs that scientists believe are the oldest existing on the planet.

The city of Hammamet can satisfy the most demanding tourist needs. There is a wonderful golf club and a unique zoo where visitors can watch animals in their natural environment through transparent passages. Clean beaches, shallow sea, well-developed beach infrastructure make suitable holiday in Hammamet for everyone. The city is also famous for its unique architecture in the Arabic style, where there is not a single repeating building.

Sultry summer in Tunisia

Summer is perfect for beach holiday. In the second half of June, the storms end and the sea becomes calm. In Sousse and Hammamet at this time the air temperature remains stable at 20 - 27 degrees, and in Djerba - 24 - 28 degrees. In July and August, the water warms up to 28 degrees, and the air - up to 32 degrees.

The second half of summer is not the most favorable for long excursions and walks, but lovers of passive recreation d You will fully enjoy this vacation.

At this time, tourists should be especially careful, as jellyfish can harm their health and ruin their vacation.

August in Tunisia is very hot, so don't forget to use sunscreens, and replace long trips with unforgettable diving, for which tourists come here from all over globe, especially to the cities of Sousse and Mahdia. August is also the time for interesting cultural events, including the “International Festival of Sousse” and the “Mediterranean Summer” held in Monastir.

Autumn tourist season

In September, and sometimes even in August, the amount of precipitation increases significantly - up to 41 mm. At the same time, the water temperature is kept at 23 - 24 degrees, and the air warms up to 30 degrees. However, in the second half of September the temperature begins to drop sharply, making September a very pleasant time for a holiday in Tunisia. Unlike August, when there is a great danger of getting burned by jellyfish and heat strokes, autumn is ideal for a family holiday with children. The sun becomes safer for baby's delicate skin, and you can also enjoy exciting excursions around the country.

October in Tunisia is warm and rainy. This is the time of a sharp change from sunny fine days to tropical downpours. But October is no less wonderful for relaxation, because the sea is still very warm - 25 degrees, and the air is fresh and not dry. The daytime temperature is 26 degrees.

It is in October that a lot of tourists come to Tunisia, because tour operators sell trips at a discount. And already in November the water becomes cold (17 degrees), the air cools down to 10 - 13 degrees and ends velvet season. Since the second half of November, no one has been swimming in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and resort towns are preparing for a short winter.

Warm winter or low season for holidays?

In Hammamet, Sousse and other resort towns it gets really cold in winter. By the standards of the local population, not accustomed to the Eastern European climate, 15 - 17 degrees during the day is really low temperature. Therefore, you can often find Tunisians dressed in the warmest winter clothes, even in such weather.

In February, temperatures of up to 6 degrees can sometimes be observed. This picture happens especially often in the resort of Hammamet. The water temperature at this time is about 12 - 13 degrees.

On the island of Djerba, even in winter it never gets colder than 17 degrees, and about 20 mm of precipitation falls. In winter, tourists are attracted to sessions of various health therapies, so you should not refuse a trip to Tunisia even at this time. For example, in Hammamet, Sousse, and the island of Djerba, even out of season, you can undergo unforgettable sessions of thalassotherapy, hydrocolor therapy, hammam, body wraps and other restorative procedures.

Spring brings a new season to Tunisia

Spring brings a new tourism boom in Tunisia. If in March the influence of winter is still felt, although the air warms up to 19 degrees and the water temperature is 14 degrees, then in April a real tourist paradise begins! It's warm outside, but not hot, about 20 degrees during the day. The bravest tourists can afford to swim in 17-degree water. There is practically no precipitation. Such conditions allow you to travel a lot around the country, discover the most outlandish and unexplored corners, and visit many excursions and entertainment venues.

It is in April that a rare natural phenomenon is observed in Tunisia - hot winds from the North African desert.

If you are planning to visit Tunisia in the spring for a beach holiday, we recommend going in May, when the warm, clear 22-degree Mediterranean Sea, clean and fine sand, and still cool (22-25 degrees) air will delight you and your companions.

It doesn’t matter what time, in October, August or March you visit Tunisia, whether it’s Hammamet, Sousse or another resort – it doesn’t matter either. You can always find in this warm corner, warmed by the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea, something that you have not seen before - ancient history, extraordinary natural phenomena, ancient architecture, a strange world of flora and fauna, unique in its kind. You can find entertainment for every taste and undergo procedures that suit your body. It doesn’t matter if you are alone, with family, friends, or a loved one - everyone can have an unforgettable vacation here!

When to go on vacation to Tunisia so as not to burn under the burning African sun, not to freeze and not to catch jellyfish? Find out the best time to go on holiday in 2019 with our overview of seasons and weather by month. Water and air temperature, weather conditions, tips and reviews from tourists.

The climate of Tunisia is subtropical Mediterranean: hot and dry in summer, warm and rainy in winter, and the temperature indicators of the resorts of the south and north differ by no more than 1-2 degrees.


Water and air temperature. In January, Tunisia is warm and rainy: during the day +15°C, at night +8°C, sea water +15°C.

Weather conditions. The weather changes often - sometimes rain, sometimes wind. You can’t even dream of a holiday by the sea, but you can take a ride through historical sights.

Do you want to sunbathe in winter? In many countries at this time beach season. Choose a convenient direction: , .


Water and air temperature. In February, the first trees timidly bloom, the fresh grass: during the day +18°С, at night +9°С, sea +15°С.

Weather conditions. Cloudy weather sometimes gives way to sunshine, and it still rains, but not as often as in January.

Reviews from tourists. In February, it is better to go on vacation to Tunisia for those who care about their health. Thalassotherapy is possible at any time of the year! True, the hotels are filled with European retirees who have come for wellness treatments.

(Photo © khowaga1 / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC 2.0)


Water and air temperature. At the beginning of spring, +20°C during the day, +11°C at night, +15°C at sea.

Weather conditions. March is the flowering period in Tunisia: the sun is pleasantly warm during the day, but at night it is still quite cool.

Reviews from tourists. At this time it is good to go on excursions and spend time in thalassotherapy centers.


Water and air temperature. April in Tunisia amazes with a riot of colors: during the day +23°C, at night +12°C, sea +16°C.

Reviews from tourists. It is too early for swimming, and tourists enjoy visiting excavation sites, being treated in thalassotherapy centers and sunbathing. At the end of the month, the first fans of short swims appear.


Water and air temperature. The weather in May is changeable: during daylight hours +25°C, at night +16, sea +16°C.

Weather conditions. During the day the sun shines well, but after sunset you want to throw something warm on yourself. A few brave souls open the beach season.

Reviews from tourists. If you don't like heat, it is better to vacation in Tunisia in May. At the end of the month we can already talk about a beach holiday, however, it is better to choose the resorts of southern Tunisia, where the water is warmer.

(Photo © crsan / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Great time for: day +27°C, night +20°C, sea +20°C.

Weather conditions. In the first half of the month the sea is cool for swimming. Starting from the second half of June you can safely swim.

Reviews from tourists. It’s best to vacation in Tunisia in June: it’s not too hot yet, the evenings are pleasantly cool, there are few tourists. Hotels are gradually filling up with vacationers.


Water and air temperature. In mid-summer, heat comes to Tunisia: during the day +31°C, at night +21°C, sea +23°C.

Weather conditions. Hot sand caresses the skin, juicy fruits delight the eye, the sea becomes warmer every day.

Reviews from tourists. Most tourists go on holiday to Tunisia in July - many believe that this best time. The weather is perfect, the sea is warm. In July, everything is booming - nightclubs and discos are open.


Water and air temperature. In August, the weather in Tunisia is dry and hot: +35°C during the day, +23°C at night, +28°C at sea.

Weather conditions. During the day it gets so hot that not everyone can stand it, but the nights are mild and warm. Elderly people and vacationers with children should refrain from traveling during this period.

Reviews from tourists. August is a controversial month for vacation. On the one hand, the sea warms up to a temperature fresh milk, and on the other hand, warm water attracts hundreds of jellyfish to the shores of Tunisia, making swimming uncomfortable.

(Photo © nivea-cream / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Autumn in Tunisia is mild and warm: during the day +31°C, at night +22°C, sea +26°C.

Weather conditions. This is one of best periods for a holiday in Tunisia for everyone - the water is warm, there are no jellyfish, only sometimes in the afternoon there is a breeze and the sea is slightly agitated.


Water and air temperature. In October there is no longer any intense heat: during the day +29°C, at night +18°C, sea +26°C.

Weather conditions. A good time for traveling around Tunisia and a beach holiday. The weather is good. The sea is still warm enough for swimming, and the air is no longer so hot.

Tunisia is known to be temperate, with sparse rainfall, maritime climate. Due to the low humidity, the heat in Tunisia is easily tolerated by tourists. Djerba Island and all East coast considered the most favorable place for tourist recreation. A strong beach season lasts from April to October.

Climate and season in Tunisia

The climate in Tunisia is known to be subtropical Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. The southern region has a hot and dry semi-desert climate and tropical deserts, and in the northern part of Tunisia there is a dry subtropical climate.

Dougga is an ancient Roman city of Tunisia that was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

When sultry southern winds blowing from the Sahara break through in Tunisia, it becomes dry and hot throughout the territory.

The weather in Tunisia varies due to the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea. In summer average temperature from +22°С to +32°С, in winter from +5°С to +12°С. Sea water temperature ranges from +5°C in winter to +28°C in summer.

The northern part of Tunisia and Tabarka have their own climatic characteristics similar to southern european Mediterranean coast. In winter there may be unpleasant rains. The tourist season in Tunisia lasts from June to September.

In the central regions of Tunisia in summer the air temperature exceeds +40°C. The best time to travel around the country is on excursions in spring or autumn. There are no prolonged torrential rains in the desert. In winter, no less than +18°C.

Tunisia in summer

Weather in June. Summer days, warm air and a great tan. The air temperature is +18°С…+20°С at night and about +30°С during the day. Precipitation occurs no more than twice a month. The water temperature is +20°C. The price of tours will range from 40,000 and above. The cost of a tour in a four-star hotel for a week will cost from 33,000 rubles.

More information about weather and prices in Tunisia in June.

Weather in July. Velvetly warm nights and hot days. The air temperature often exceeds +30°C. Sometimes it can be +35°C during the day and +30°C at night.

Already at the beginning of the month the water temperature will be +20°C, by the end of the month +24°C.

The price of tours will vary from 40,000 rubles. You can relax for seven days together in a four or five-star hotel for 50,000–90,000 rubles.

More information about weather and prices in Tunisia in July.

Weather in August. Warm sea, beautiful weather, no precipitation and cloudy days. The air temperature is +35°C, sometimes the air heats up to +50°C. At night it is very comfortable thanks to the Mediterranean breeze.

The water temperature is kept at +25°C.

The price of tours this month will rise slightly, it is best to book tours in advance at affordable price. For two, a week-long tour will cost from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles and more.

Tunisia in autumn

Weather in September. At this time the weather becomes pleasantly autumnal. Air temperature during the day is +28°С…+30°С. At night the temperature will drop to +25°C. Two rainy days per month, cool evenings with a light breeze. The water temperature is stable +25°C.

The price of tours at this time will vary from 30,000 and above, depending on the level of the hotel. A seven-day trip for two to a four-star or five-star hotel will cost from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Weather in October. The air temperature warms up to +26°C during the day and +21°C at night.

Water temperature +21°C. The number of rainy days increases to 5.

The price of tours at this time will suit any tourist and traveler. The cost of a seven-day tour for two will range from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Weather in November. autumn weather and cool evenings. Air temperature +18°С -+22°С. In the south the air stays at +26°C. The water temperature does not exceed +18°C. The price of tours at this time is affordable, because there are very few tourists. You can treat yourself to a week-long vacation for two for 40,000 rubles.

Tunisia weather and prices by month for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
December+15 +7 +13 from 30,000 rub.
January+9 +5 +14 from 40,000 rub.
February+6 +4 +14 from 40,000 rub.
March+18 +14 +15 from 40,000 rub.
April+20 +16 +16 from 40,000 rub.
May+24 +17 +17 from 40,000 rub.
June+29 +20 +20 from 40,000 rub.
July+33 +30 +24 from 40,000 rub.
August+35 +30 +25 from 40,000 rub.
September+29 +25 +25 from 30,000 rub.
October+26 +21 +21 from 30,000 rub.
November+19 +14 +18 from 50,000 rub.

Climate in Tunisia

The main advantage of the Tunisian climate is the opportunity to have a great rest, find interesting and unusual entertainment and get a lot of positive emotions in any season of the year. The country receives thousands of tourists from all over the world all year round. Some people find the local climate so suitable that they decide to buy holiday homes here. This is especially popular among families in the UK and Italy. Not only accessibility and comparative cheapness attract travelers to the country, but also its fairly comfortable weather conditions, especially when you compare the weather in Tunisia with other countries in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Undoubtedly, Tunisia belongs to the category of countries with warm climate, the formation of which is strongly influenced by the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea. The coldest month in the country is January, when the daytime air temperature does not rise above +15 degrees. The second half of summer is the hottest season in the country. Average daily air temperatures range from +25 to +27 degrees, although there are incredibly hot days when the air warms up to +50.

Any weather is a reason to relax

IN summer period the air temperature ranges from +22 to +35 degrees. An indicator of a mild climate is that even in August the air temperature does not exceed +36 degrees. The summer heat is well tolerated by vacationers, especially on the coast. A light sea breeze cools you down coastal zone. Thanks to this, relaxing on the beach turns into pleasure.

Given these weather features, the country has become very popular for families with children. Tunisia rarely experiences sweltering heat; the beaches have fine sand and a gently sloping entrance. And in the summer the country harvests large quantity fruits and berries. So many advantages of holidaying with children in the country make it ideal for long summer holidays!

It never gets cold in Tunisia. All year round the sun generously gives everyone warmth; even in winter the air temperature rarely drops to +10. And the temperature difference between the hottest and the hottest cold months is about 15 degrees. If we describe the climate of the country in scientific terminology, it is Mediterranean subtropical with cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Each season of the year differs from the rest in weather patterns. Because of this, a vacation in Tunisia is never the same; it always presents unexpected, more or less pleasant surprises: strong winds of the Sahara and a cool breeze of the summer breeze by the sea, incredibly beautiful sunsets and severe storms, followed by complete calm.

Travelers who prefer to relax actively by doing aquatic species sports and golf, know that the period from October to May is considered the most suitable. The sun doesn't burn maximum temperature the air is about +27 degrees. By the way, geographical location Tunisia, its relief and coastline create ideal conditions for surfing and sailing. Natural bays, fine sand at the bottom, the expanses of the Mediterranean - everything for the perfect wave!

Adventure seekers and people interested in history and architecture should plan a trip to Tunisia in May or June, as well as in October. But early spring The expanses of the country will delight travelers with lush blooms. Experienced travelers recommend visiting the Sahara in the south of Tunisia in March. They say that this is an indescribable spectacle! The desert is in bloom: apple trees, almonds, pears, wild poppies and matthiola. IN summer months You can also enjoy the blooming of local plants, especially beautiful jasmine and mimosa.