When is the best time to vacation in Goa? Choosing the most suitable season for a holiday in Goa India Goa when is the best time to relax

A former Portuguese colony and India's smallest state, Goa is incredibly beautiful beach resort, stretching for a good hundred kilometers along the western coast of the country. Read our article on the Tour Calendar, in which we explain why the best time to relax in this paradise is from November to the end of April.

Tourist season in Goa

If you're yearning for breathtaking sunsets, endless Bounty-style sandy beaches, a laid-back lifestyle, electrifying midnight parties and cheap shopping, go to Goa - the most Europeanized region of India. Here there is freedom in the air, and every piece of land is generously saturated with the bright rays of the tropical sun. Holidays in Goa can have many faces: it is designed both for wealthy devotees of a quality beach holiday located in the southern part of the state, and for undemanding party-goers, whose permanent refuge is the north of the resort. These two regions are complete opposites of each other - both in their concept and in the cost of the services provided. But this is the main charm of Goa, which offers a varied holiday for a diverse public for every taste and budget. This is probably why during the mass tourist season, which lasts here from November to May, about 2 million tourists come here in search of all-consuming relaxation, which is almost twice the number of the local population.

High season

Somewhere in December, Dabolim Airport begins to operate in an intensive mode, receiving several charter and regular flights from many countries of the world every day. At this time in Goa you can observe a real “migration” of tourists: “southerners” languidly roll over from side to side on the golden sands, providing themselves with an even tan, or meditate secludedly in the shade of spreading palm trees on idyllic beaches, and “northerners” fall into nirvana on another trance party. The geography of foreign guests is extensive - Great Britain, Germany, France, Israel, the Netherlands. This could not have happened without Russia. There are so many of our compatriots (about 40,000 people) that some resorts have turned into a Russian “ghetto”, not only in terms of recreation, but also as the main place of residence (read “downshifting”). IN lately There is also a trend of growing interest from married couples with children. This was facilitated by the opening of a considerable number of hotels of world chains here. New Year's tours to Goa offered by travel agencies are selling like hot cakes, despite their relatively high cost. And today this tiny Indian state is one of the best-selling New Year's exotic destinations.

Low season

In May, the decibels of music emitted by the rave discos of North Goa become lower, the dance floors lose their former density, and in the southern part of the resort state hotels no longer reach full capacity. Coming low season, when a suffocating haze reigns in Goa, and water pours from the sky almost every day. Beach holidays in summer are not very popular due to the high water temperature and high sea swell, which in such conditions becomes not very friendly to people. Tours during this season, of course, are put up for sale, but as statistics show, they are not in great demand: purposefully expose yourself to the delights of difficult acclimatization in given time years - few people wish. Regarding the material side of the issue, there are savings in the low season, and quite decent ones: from the cost of air travel to the prices of taxis or public transport.

Beach season in Goa

Wide tropical beaches with silvery sand, playfully sparkling in the spilled rays of the sun and washed by the warm waters of the vast ocean - this is the main treasure of Goa, attracting millions of tourists here - rich Indians, respectable Europeans and the “simpler tourist”, without any special requests. Throughout the year, the water temperature in the Arabian Sea remains above +25 °C, however, the main swimming season lasts from November to March - during the so-called dry season, when the rains become a thing of the past and the climate changes to a more comfortable way. Going for beach holiday in Goa, you should know about one of its features - the daily high tides (in the evening) and low tides (in the morning). Their exact schedule can be found in hotels or on information boards that should be at each beach. Typically the water level difference is about 2 meters. In summer, swimming poses a great danger, as this is the season of strong undercurrents and big waves, capable of carrying a person far from the shore in a matter of seconds. In addition, the water is very cloudy, and swimming in it is not very pleasant.

Diving season

No one comes to Goa specifically for diving yet. However, this resort town has several good dive sites and vocational schools, aimed mainly at beginners, since the average visibility under water is no more than 8-12 meters. The best season for mastering this sport is considered to be from October to March.

Best time for excursions

If you think that Goa is all about beach and “near-beach” joys, then you are deeply mistaken. Although this state is very small, it is very ancient. You will be greeted by the historical monuments of Old Goa, the colonial architecture of Margao and Panaji, the temples of Mapusa, as well as nature reserves and the amazing Dudhsagar waterfall. Among the most popular organized excursions are a crazy tour of North Goa at night, a trip to the Savoy spice garden and sea ​​cruise"The Gold of Vasco da Gama." The most favorable time to explore the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Goa is from October to March.

Wellness season

While relaxing on the beaches of Goa, many wealthy tourists decide to combine business with pleasure and sign up for Ayurvedic treatments. This is a set of wellness procedures according to the world's oldest medical health care system, which is very effective in the fight against various chronic ailments. Ayurveda in recent years conquers everything more adherents from many countries of the world, and India is one of the leading countries actively practicing this method of treatment. In Goa, there are both specialized centers with the possibility of accommodation, as well as hotels with SPA centers where such services are provided. The best time to get healthy is wet season. The minimum course to achieve positive dynamics is 2.5-3 weeks.

Wedding season

An increasing number of couples in love choose Goa for their honeymoon or symbolic wedding ceremony. Quiet whisper of waves Indian Ocean, kilometers of golden sands stretching beyond the horizon, a gentle wind blowing through your hair - everything here is filled with romance, love and a unique oriental flavor. When planning a wedding, in addition to deciding such important issues as choosing a classical or Indian style ceremony, it is necessary to place special emphasis on the time of its holding. The peak of weddings in Goa occurs during the dry season, and this is indeed the most optimal time when bad weather cannot overshadow the happiness of the newlyweds. However, it should be remembered that the earlier the order for the ceremony is made, the lower its cost and the greater the chance of organization on the required dates.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Goa has an enviable reputation as a state where... different religions coexist harmoniously with each other. Many celebrations of the unity of diverse cultures, music and dance festivals, as well as theatrical performances take place here. December 3 in Old Goa is St. Francis Xavier's Day; December 8 - Feast of Our Lady in Panaji and Margao Immaculate Conception; December 25 - Catholic Christmas; January 1 - New Year; January 6 - Feast of the Three Kings; February 2 - Day of Our Lady of Candelaria; February-March - a 3-day carnival on the eve of Easter led by King Mom; February-May - Rama's birthday; early March (November) - 5th cultural and cuisine festival on Margao beach; May - Walking on Fire / “Igitun Chalne”; fifth Monday of Lent in Old Goa - Procession of All Saints; March - Good Friday; March - “Shigmo” festival on the occasion of welcoming spring; end of March - April - Catholic Easter; June 24 - Day of John the Baptist; June 29 - Day of Saints Peter and Paul; August-September - Birthday of God Ganesh; October-November is the religious holiday of Diwali. For more information about holidays in Goa, see the section on holiday season in India.

Climate in Goa

Location of Goa south of the equator in coastal zone and the periodic dominance of monsoons determined the formation of a tropical type of climate in this state. The weather here is hot and humid most of the year. The monsoon rainy season is relatively short - from the beginning of June to the end of September.

Goa in spring

In many countries around the world, spring is considered the most attractive time of the year. But in the case of Goa, it's quite the opposite. Calendar spring months are the hottest. During the day, the mercury soars to +33 °C. Due to the fact that the daylight hours are very long and the bright sun is shining all this time, by the evening the air does not have time to cool down properly - +24..+26 °C, which, at a minimum, leads to sleepless nights, and at most, to poor health. The first two months are a complete drought. But in May the first precipitation falls - no more than 3 rainy days per month.

Temperature and weather in Goa in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+28 +30 +30
Temperature during the day+32 +33 +33
Temperature at night+24 +26 +27
Water temperature+28 +29 +30
Rain0 days0 days3 days

Goa in summer

In summer, monsoons rule the roost in Goa. The rains “charge” from the first days of June and do not stop until the end of September. Approximately 23-25 ​​days of each month are marked by precipitation. As a rule, showers last from 1.5 to 2 hours. Thanks to smooth running annual temperatures The climate regime of this season is not much different from those observed during the rest of the year. However, there is a slight decrease in daytime temperatures and a slight increase in evening temperatures, so in summer, in conditions of almost 100% humidity, it is very difficult to breathe in Goa. Usually, the lack of oxygen and heat are extremely poorly tolerated by many tourists. The condition of the Arabian Sea leaves much to be desired: The water is very warm, in the hottest month of the year (June), about +29, but dirty and cloudy. Strong winds cause rough seas, causing a lot of debris to wash up on the coast.

Temperature and weather in Goa in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+28 +27 +27
Temperature during the day+31 +29 +29
Temperature at night+25 +25 +24
Water temperature+29 +28 +28
Rain22 days25 days23 days

Goa in autumn

September is completely subject to the violence of the elements, the “organizer” of which is the monsoon winds. The average daytime air temperature becomes a degree higher, and the nights are no longer so exhausting, and in the evening breeze they can even bring significant coolness. As we move towards the beginning of October, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases, and no more than 5-6 inclement days should be expected this month. The weather is improving right before our eyes, the number of hours of sunshine is increasing, and instead of clouds overhead, there is increasingly a piercing blue sky. In the middle of the calendar autumn, the mass tourist season opens, you can already swim on the beaches, but they are still sparsely populated - the consequences of tropical rains on the coast do not have time to eliminate, and the sea needs some time to return to normal. But already in November the situation changes radically, and coastal strips occupied by multinational holidaymakers. This is the start of the dry season, which has an average of 1-2 cloudy days.

A world-famous tourist center, the Indian state of Goa receives millions of tourists every year from all over the world, incl. Russians. There really is something to see and where to relax.

How to determine the best season in Goa? What time is best for a sightseeing or beach holiday? When is the best time to go to Goa on vacation? This important information you need to know before going to distant India.

This Indian state is located on the western coast of the subcontinent. The climate in Goa is such that you can distinguish winter from summer only by humidity. You will certainly enjoy it here even during the rainy season in Goa.

Holiday seasons in Goa

When describing the local climate, it should be remembered that the state is divided into two parts: northern and southern, and has different climatic features in these parts. In the north of the state, young people have fun, while the south is more respectable, families with children relax here.

When deciding when is the best time to go to Goa, remember that the weather in the state is divided into winter, summer and monsoon seasons. Winter begins in November and ends in March. Then the entire vein until the end of June, June lasts Indian summer.

And the rainy season in Goa lasts from July to October. This time is also quite suitable for relaxation in this wonderful place, where you can still find clean natural places, untouched by human civilization.


Winter in the state lasts from November to March. The weather is wonderfully sunny, warm and mild, so winter here is... High season, i.e. best time to go to Goa.

In winter there is no sweltering heat; the air temperature during the day approaches +32 Celsius, which is optimal for our residents northern latitudes. The sea water warms up to +28C, which is ideal for swimming and diving.

This is the most wonderful time for a beach holiday and the most comfortable season for a holiday in Goa. Therefore, it is in winter that most Russians purchase vouchers or book rooms in local hotels.


In March, the air gradually warms up to +35-+36C. Humidity also begins to rise steadily, making it more difficult to breathe and endure the heat. This is not the best time to vacation in Goa.

The water in the sea is very overheated - +30-+33C - it does not refresh people swimming. The feeling of bathing in a warm bath remains. The heat and humidity do not subside even at night; without air conditioning it is impossible to sleep.

For northern Russians, the Indian summer is a bit difficult, but for southern Russians it may be quite the right time, when it is best to relax in Goa to bask well under the hot Indian sun.


At the end of June - beginning of July, monsoon showers begin. It rains for many days in a row, and the air temperature reaches +40C. In homes and other premises, the humidity is at least 90%. Swimming in the sea is almost impossible due to storms.

The Indian monsoon season in Goa is for those interested in the tropical flora that blooms in all its glory at this time. Monsoon rains fill it with natural beauty and vitality. And prices for vacationers are noticeably cheaper.

The rainy season in Goa lasts until October, after which the rainfall gradually stops, the monsoons go away, and the dry, warm and sunny season of excellent beach holidays begins again.

When is the best time to vacation in Goa by month? Let's try to plot the air temperature monthly and sea ​​water, air humidity and precipitation. Based on these indicators, it is easier to choose an individual season for a holiday in this state.


By the end of autumn, monsoon showers and prolonged storms stop, and weather comparable to July or August in middle lane Russia. Most tourists consider November to be the best time to vacation in Goa.

At noon in November the air temperature rises to +32C, and at night it becomes cooler - +22C. The water in the sea warms up to +29C, air humidity is about 70%, the weather is dry, windless, and there is almost no precipitation.

Since November, local hotels and beaches are filled with tourists from all over the world, which means prices for travel services. The vacationing public has fun at discos, festivals, folk holidays etc.

"In Goa there is no bad weather“You can hear this phrase from most local residents and our compatriots who have been living there for many years. And indeed, the holiday season in Goa is underway all year round. Tourists come here all the time, although in some months a little less often due to heavy rains.
But for the past few years, due to the vagaries of nature, even local Goans will not be able to say exactly when the rains will fall and when the best season in Goa will begin. Let's figure it out and try to find out when is the best time to go to Goa.

Rainy season in Goa

In 2015, my wife and I arrived on August 8th; at that time there was beautiful sunny weather in Moscow, which we unknowingly expected from Goa. Basically, for this time of year air temperature It was quite a good day in Goa: alternating heavy rains were followed by several hours of scorching summer sun. This was really good for August, since this month usually brings endless downpours, stopping only for an hour or two.

When asked about the weather and rain, all the locals unanimously stated that nature has been full of mysteries lately, and no one dared to give us any forecasts with 100% confidence.

Typically, the monsoon season in Goa lasts from June to September, during which time even schools have summer holidays so that children can sit at home while nature rains its waters onto the earth. The rainiest months are July and August, with huge amounts of precipitation. Therefore, if you come to Goa on vacation in July or August, you run the risk of slightly spoiling your impressions of your stay in this wonderful place.

As I already said, in August and July 2015 nature was not particularly wild, which directly affected the number of vacationers. Of course, there were not enough Russians at that time, but the Europeans vacation on the Arabian Sea was in demand in the summer. This is easy to explain. Prices for holidays in Goa in summer period several times less than in the period from November to March, but no one promises you a cloudless sky above your head.

Beach and swimming season

In my opinion, based on two seasons spent in this state, the best time for a beach holiday is from November to February. During this period, the rains fade away, and rare precipitation is greeted with joyful cries of local residents, since such a phenomenon is an absolute rarity. The air temperature will stabilize at 33-38 degrees Celsius, and the humidity, although increased, is significantly less than during the rainy season.

The sea calms down and acquires its dark turquoise color, the waves become much smaller. The water is clear and free of sand, which is constantly brought in with the waves during the rainy season.

From the first days of October, lifeguards change the red flags on the beaches (which signal that swimming is prohibited in this place) to orange ones or remove the flags altogether. But keep in mind that in October small short-term rains are still possible, so it’s better to postpone your vacation at least until November, and if you really can’t wait, then you can visit this mysterious, but at the same time incredibly simple state in October .

The beach season is usually considered to be from mid-October to mid-April. In 2015, the season opened on October 15, when the first charters from Russia landed at Dabolim (airport in Goa). We personally opened the swimming season around October 5th. Until this time, the sea was cloudy and not very inviting, and besides, rescuers constantly chased people out of the water even when there were no waves, even though the weather was conducive to water procedures.

Pros and cons of holidays in Goa in different months

In order to better understand when to go to Goa for you personally, I will describe the approximate weather by month with all the pros and cons. And I’ll start, perhaps, with the first “official” month, when the season in Goa opens for Russian tourists, as I already said, in October.


The weather this month stabilizes, the rains gradually end, and the waves in the sea become much smaller. The first charter flights with tourists are arriving from Russia. The weather stays between 25-28 degrees Celsius. You can relax, but rain will sometimes interfere with your plans.


Tourist season in Goa is in full swing. There is no rain at all anymore (there are exceptions, but, as you know, even a stick sometimes shoots), and the number of tourists has decreased square meter equivalent to the average air temperature - about 30-33 degrees.


In December, trips to Goa are among the cheapest. And this is absolutely not because the weather suddenly turns bad and it is impossible to swim in the sea, but because December precedes New Year's holidays and the holiday season, when demand is highest. It is for this reason that a holiday in Goa in December will be a great end to your year.


The holiday season in India, namely in Goa, is considered the most popular in the month of January. Constantly excellent temperature, approximately +32, sea temperature above 25 degrees. Starts in Goa large number music festivals and interesting events. During this month, the state is visited by many travelers and tourists, both from Russia and from Europe, America and Asia.


February is not much different from the other winter months: the same beautiful weather, calm sea and optimal humidity. The tourist season in Goa continues. Although once I witnessed a light rain, which the Goans greeted with surprise and ran out into the street to make sure whether it was really rain or whether the neighbors were having so much fun.


Don’t know when to go to Goa, but all that interests you there is sunny weather and warm sea? Choose the month of March! There are a little fewer tourists, prices are also falling a little, and the weather continues to whisper and delight newly arrived tourists in Goa.


The air temperature begins to rise slightly, which symbolizes the end of the tourist season in Goa. It gets stuffy outside, and sometimes they start to slip light precipitation. At night the humidity increases significantly. Once, having left home at three in the morning, I arrived an hour later completely wet, despite the fact that I was wearing a leather jacket. The humidity that night was around 150%.


The tourist season in Goa closes in May. The sun is incredibly hot during the day, the street is terribly stuffy, and rain showers are slowly starting, although in the last two years in May there was everything that is written above, except heavy rains. May is not the most suitable month for a holiday in Goa.

June, July, August

During these months the weather is merciless. You will not see such rains as in Asia during the monsoon season. With incredible force, streams of water fall on the ground, flooding everything that is possible. Of course, it doesn’t rain non-stop for three months, there are sunny days here too, but not a single sunny day is complete without rain. It rains according to schedule: morning, afternoon and evening. The sea is stormy, and the lifeguards are closely monitoring you to ensure that you do not go into the water deeper than knee-deep.


In my opinion this is one of the best months for relaxation. The weather is returning to normal, the heat is slowly subsiding, the rains are moving away from their summer schedule (3 times a day), and everything around is filled with rich and bright colors. In September, you can enjoy Goa to your fullest, not only because the weather is recovering from the monsoon, but also because there are almost no tourists this month.

How to determine the best season for a holiday in Goa

Thus, based on your goals, I can recommend that you go to Goa during the following periods:

  • in September-October, if you want to relax without crowds of tourists;
  • in November-December, if the weather and low cost of the trip are important to you;
  • in January-February, if you want to enjoy not only nature and beach holidays, but also many activities in Goa;
  • in March-April, if you have a vacation during these months.
  • in May-August, if you have seen everything except India, and specifically Goa, and also if you have a strictly limited budget for your trip, and tropical downpours with the scorching sun do not bother you at all.

The tourist season in, as I have already noted, lasts all year round, but the ideal time when you can be sure of sunny weather is from November to March. When planning your vacation, be sure to take into account the weather conditions, because no one wants to end up in Goa after a hard day at work and spend two weeks in a hotel.

When planning a trip, it is very important for a tourist to know the weather and climatic conditions in advance. If you are planning to go on holiday to India, but information regarding weather conditions, holding festive events and quality of rest in general you will definitely need. can be found on our website.

One of the picturesque corners of India is Goa. It is an administrative state of the Indian Republic, which is located in the southwestern part of the state. Goa is the smallest state in terms of area. It is also the least populated compared to other states in India. The population of Goa does not exceed 40,000 inhabitants. But the state became popular thanks to unique nature. To travel to Goa you need to find out here.

Goa is a resort on the Arabian Sea. It amazes tourists with its endless golden beaches, ancient cities and settlements, which still honor old traditions. Many tourists go to Goa in order to experience the unique flavor, imbued with centuries-old traditions and customs. This is an extraordinary place to restore physical and mental health. Goa is a popular resort, but at the same time you can have a relaxing time there.

Goa is a state not only of holidays and celebrations, but also of very unpredictable climatic conditions, therefore, before going to Goa, you should find out in advance: in which months the weather is more acceptable for a holiday.

Goa is a unique place for leisure activities, but only during certain months.

The most favorable and good time for recreation - this is the period from October to May.

During these months in India, Goa is rarely observed natural disasters and rains. The rainfall season is June, July, August and September. At this time, it will not be possible to soak up the beach due to heavy rains and wind.

October is characterized by sunny and calm weather. This month the temperature does not exceed 34 degrees Celsius during the day and 24 degrees at night. The Arabian Sea in October is calm and clear. Usually there are 4–5 rainy days in October.

In November, Goa experiences an influx of tourists arriving from Europe. At this time, daylight hours increase, the water in the sea is at 29–30 degrees Celsius. Air humidity decreases slightly, but this does not in any way affect your vacation. There are very few rainy days in November. There is usually only 2–3 days of precipitation per month.

December is the peak tourist season. Beaches and hotel complexes filled with tourists from all over the world. It is very difficult to buy plane tickets to Dabolim Airport this month, so they are booked by vacationers in advance. The usual temperature in Goa in December is 34-35 degrees Celsius. This month is characterized by an abundance of sunny days, warm sea, clear and windless weather. At night the temperature drops to 22 degrees Celsius.

There is practically no rain in January and February. These are the driest months at the resort. Daytime temperatures range from 33 to 34 degrees Celsius, and at night it drops to +21 degrees. January is characterized by a drop in night temperature to 18 degrees Celsius, so vacationers wear light outerwear in the evenings.

The winter months are great for families with children. Moderate temperature water and air humidity help strengthen the immune system. But the main disadvantage of holidays in January and December is the abundance of tourists. At the height of the tourist season, prices rise up to 2 times, so vacations become more expensive.

In March and April, daytime temperatures reach 34 degrees Celsius. The sea during these months is still warm (28–29 degrees). In March and April, strong winds and small storms at sea often appear. But as practice shows, this is given to vacationers natural phenomenon doesn't interfere. There is practically no precipitation in the first spring months.

In May, the air temperature rises and the humidity level also increases. May is last month for a holiday without showers and rain. Usually, it is in May that vacationers leave Goa.

IN summer months It is not recommended to fly to Goa on holiday. This is a period of active rainfall and monsoons (a steady wind that blows from the sea or ocean).

There are constant storms at sea. During June, July and August, Goa receives 80 to 90% of the total annual precipitation. In summer it rains 22–24 days a month.

The only plus of staying in summer time year in Goa means reduced prices. In June, July and August, the price of staying in a hotel or renting a property drops by 2-3 times, so vacationers have the opportunity to save money. You can find out what prices in cafes for food and groceries in North Goa from the video.

But it is worth remembering that if the purpose of a visit to Goa is to relax directly on the beach, then it is unlikely to be successful. Tourists who come to see the main attractions of the state can take advantage of reduced housing prices. But they should immediately prepare for the fact that the excursions will be accompanied by winds and rains.

The sea in summer is warm but choppy. Strong waves make it difficult to swim in it, and algae brought by wind and storms discourages the desire to enter the Arabian Sea.

The first rains appear in June. A sharp increase in daytime temperatures and high humidity affect the well-being of tourists. Extreme heat makes it harder for people to breathe.

July in Goa is characterized by both precipitation and sudden changes day and night temperatures. During the day it can reach 36–37 degrees, and at night drop sharply to 22–25 degrees Celsius.

August is a month of steady winds. The temperature during the day drops to 29 - 30 degrees Celsius.

At the end of September, the period of active rains and strong winds ends.

From this we can conclude that the best time to travel to India is from November to April. During this period there is little precipitation, and the humidity level rises to 70%, making it easier for tourists to endure high temperatures and “suffers” less from the heat. The water in the Arabian Sea at this time is warmed up to +29, +30 degrees.

Winter months are the most favorable time for a beach holiday

The beach season opens at the beginning of October. At this time, there are few tourists in Goa, the beaches are almost deserted. At the beginning of October, cleanup begins in the state coastlines from algae. Many cafes and hotels are not yet open.

If visiting Goa is motivated by a desire to surf, then it is better to go to the resort between November and April. Waves in the Arabian Sea at this time reach 1–2 meters in height. The period from November to April the waves in Goa are flat, that is, they close more slowly, which means that it becomes easier to enter the line-up.

The northern part of the state is best suited for this sport. Surfing is especially active on such Goa beaches as:

  1. "Shanti"
  2. "Arambol";
  3. "Mother";
  4. Kiwis;
  5. "Ashven";
  6. Twin Peaks.

Find out how much rental housing and hotels on Arambol Beach cost in the video below.

For beginners, it’s better to go to Shanti Beach, Mama Beach and Kiwis Beach. The waves on these beaches are moderate. Ashvem and Twin Peaks beaches are intended for experienced surfers. These beaches have powerful and high waves, which allow you not just to ride a board, but to perform various tricks.

Surfing is very useful look sports Even if a person has never done it, then in Goa you can try your strengths and capabilities. If desired, each tourist can hire a surfing instructor, who will not only tell in detail about this sport, but also teach a person how to properly handle the board.

There are various surfing schools in Goa, but the school on Ashvem Beach is considered the best. One lesson at school costs from 40 to 100 US dollars.

Surfing enthusiasts should not go to Goa in summer. In summer, the resort experiences monsoons that create strong waves. This creates a strong current, which is dangerous when surfing.


For diving, it is preferable to go to Goa from October to March. Diving in Goa is mainly for beginners. The optimal diving depth ranges from 8 to 22 meters. Every hotel in Goa offers diving instructors. On average, for two days of training you will need to pay from 50 to 70 dollars.

Diving in Goa differs from scuba diving in other places in that here you can see not only coral reefs and exotic underwater world Arabian Sea, but also to explore ancient shipwrecks.

The most popular routes for beginner divers on Isla Grande:

  1. Shelter Cove. In the bay you can watch the life of turtles and tropical fish.
  2. The Jetty. This route involves diving up to 10 meters.
  3. Suzy's Wreck. A ship sank in the bay in 1930 and was never raised to the surface. Now it is home to exotic species of fish, corals and mussels.
  4. Suzy's Wreck. This route is intended only for experienced divers due to strong currents. There is a large concentration of sharks and rays here.
  5. Davy Jones Locker. At a depth of 20 meters you can see a sunken ship. This place is very dangerous due to the presence of sharks and stingrays.

Health improvement

Goa is not only a picturesque resort with clean beaches, but also an excellent place to restore the body. The state has health centers that help improve well-being and stop the development of chronic diseases.

To improve your health, it is better to go to Goa during the active rainy season. Experts claim that high humidity helps open pores and has a beneficial effect on the human bronchopulmonary system.

Best Spas and Wellness Centers in Goa:

Shanti Ayurvedic Massage Center is one of the best wellness centers in Goa

  1. Arti Fabulous Body Care Spa;
  2. Daddu's Healing Center;
  3. Fluidsymmetry;
  4. Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Center.

In terms of ideal weather conditions, you should pay attention to November. Actually holiday season starts in October, but this month is still quite humid and can rain periodically. Throughout November there are no more than 3-4 rainy days, and these are short-term rains. The humidity level in November gradually returns to normal, the average daytime temperature is +31-32 degrees, and at night drops to 22-23. The water temperature does not drop below 28-29 degrees. This weather is tolerated quite comfortably by both adults and children. There are no winds at this time, so the waves will definitely not ruin your vacation.

No matter how comfortable the temperature is, you need to follow basic safety rules in order to protect yourself from the sun. The sun in Goa is very aggressive and can cause a lot of trouble. Try to stay in the open sun as little as possible, drink plenty of fluids and use all possible creams and other protective agents. Better time for going to the beach it is morning and evening (after 17:00).

In November, the entire resort infrastructure begins to function, cafes, restaurants, night clubs open, and opportunities for various water activities appear. The choice of excursions and goods in markets is increasing (flea markets are starting to operate). In this regard, there will definitely be no discomfort or inconvenience. If you are interested, then surf schools begin their work in November and they do not experience a shortage of clients. There are also many interesting offers for diving enthusiasts.

The most the best excursions At this time, you can call trips to spice plantations and jeep safaris in local reserves. After the summer and partly autumn rains, everything looks very beautiful, the color and smell. Excursions through the crocodile jungle and visits to waterfalls deserve special attention. In a word, you shouldn’t go to India to lie on the beach and swim in the ocean for 10 years, otherwise when you return home there will be nothing to tell.

In November, Goa hosts numerous holidays and festivals. The most interesting holiday“Diwali”, which takes place over five days in honor of the victory of good over evil (in short). Also this month there are a number of holidays during which believers prepare a large number of dishes and present them to local gods.

But with prices it’s not so simple. Compared to the same October, the cost of a vacation increases at least twice. The only way to save money is to book your tour in advance, and if you are going to fly on your own, then you need to take care of early booking of hotels and plane tickets.