Rivers of federal significance water code. What is the difference between a public coastal strip and a coastal protective strip for water use?

Installed within city beaches or along the shores of reservoirs in rural areas. But not every person knows what a water protection zone is.

From the information posted on city stands, one can only glean information about the size of this very zone. As a rule, on these signs it is written: “Water protection zone. 20 meters."

The information content of such stands for people going on vacation to the shores of reservoirs is zero. Tourists, in principle, do not understand what a water protection zone is, what restrictions there are on staying in this natural area, how you can relax in such a place, and what you should never do. Therefore, you need to find out what it is yourself, and this should be done before the onset of hot weather. summer days.

By what document are they determined?

Water protection zones are indirectly related to water itself. The explanation of this definition is prescribed in Article 65 of the Water Code Russian Federation. However, legal language is quite difficult to understand, and this article is no exception.

The article is quite voluminous and includes many nuances concerning not only the definition of the concept in general, but also the rules for specific natural areas, for example for Lake Baikal. In addition, separate paragraphs prescribe the arrangement of water and territorial objects.

A person who is not familiar with legal terminology and the peculiarities of the presentation of the text can navigate this law and “learn” from its content necessary information it can be quite difficult. The text is filled with footnotes, amendments, dates of their adoption and other similar additions to the main content.

What is this?

A water protection zone is the entire territory adjacent to any body of water at any location. Its length along a line perpendicular to the shore ranges from 50 to 200 meters. For natural monuments and protected areas, such as Baikal, the sizes are set in a special order, figuratively speaking - individually.

Within this territory, a coastal strip of a water protection zone is established, which has its own boundaries. Regardless of whether there is an information board or not, each body of water that has a permanent bed or depression has its own, protected by law coastal zone.

What is the purpose of these zones?

The purpose of creating, or rather separating them from the general landscape of legally protected areas is the safety environment and microclimate of the water body.

That is, the presence of such zones prevents:

  • clogging;
  • shallowing;
  • siltation;
  • pollution.

This ensures safety water resources and prevents such phenomena as waterlogging and depletion of river and lake water sources.

In addition to the above, the coastal water protection zone provides:

  • microclimate integrity;
  • preservation of natural biological processes;
  • maintaining the living conditions of animals and other inhabitants, such as reptiles;
  • preventing the extinction of certain plant species.

Of course, there are restrictions on the types of activities and methods of recreation in such territories.

What is prohibited?

The entire water protection zone, coastal strips and areas remote from it are not a place for economic activity person. Although many people believe that the ban applies only to the activities of enterprises, farms, factories and other similar facilities, in fact, the provisions of the law are addressed to everyone. That is, they must be executed by both enterprises and individuals.


  • fertilize soils with wastewater and carry out other types of drainage;
  • arrange all types of biological burials, that is, cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, cesspools, burying and draining food waste;
  • place for storage or dispose of toxic, explosive, chemical, poisonous, radioactive and other similar substances;
  • pollinate with chemicals from the air;
  • build gas stations, premises for use fuels and lubricants, with the exception of port areas and other water bodies;
  • use pesticides and other types of active agrotechnical substances and fertilizers in economic activities;
  • extract minerals, such as peat.

These regulations are often violated. Moreover, the violators are not the owners of farms or enterprises, but rural residents who simply do not know about this law.

Are such zones only in Russia?

For the first time in the USSR, such a concept as a “water protection zone” was introduced and legislated. It did not touch a water body, such as a port or pier, and had slightly different geographical boundaries than now. After the collapse of the USSR, in one form or another, the protection of coastal territories, ensuring the ecological cleanliness of water bodies, was preserved in all the former republics.

IN Western Europe, Asia and the American continent, there is no such thing as a water protection territory.

How are the boundaries of this zone established?

The starting point for determining the distance at which the border of the water protection zone will lie is the coastline. That is, the border between water and land. For bodies of water with variable indicators, such as seas, the maximum possible boundary of the tide line is taken as the basic starting point for measurement.

For a number of natural protected areas, slightly different rules apply. There are also separate additions related to artificially created reservoirs and reservoirs.

All data on the territorial boundaries of these protected areas are subject to mandatory recording in the State Cadastre. And besides this, all information about such zones is also registered in the State Water Register.

What might be the boundaries for river zones?

How wide the water protection zone of an object will be depends on its characteristics. For rivers and streams it is determined by length, and for lakes - by area.

The average, generally accepted, legally prescribed dimensions of protected areas for river beds and streams are as follows (in meters):

The depth of a legally protected area of ​​50 meters is set by default for not very long rivers or streams. Limit on the length of water channels at this size protective zone- 10 kilometers.

If the river stretches for a distance of 10 to 50 kilometers, then its natural protected zone will be larger. For such reservoirs, the depth of the legally protected ecosystem is 100 meters.

The water protection zone of the river, with a length of more than 50 kilometers, will go even further into the landscape. Its border will be 200 meters from the water line.

What might be the boundaries for zones of other bodies of water?

In the absence of any factors requiring an individual approach to determining the location of the boundary of the protected zone, its extent for lakes, reservoirs and seas is determined by the general requirements of the law.

The default water protection area for lakes and reservoirs is established with a length of 50 meters from the water line.

If the reservoir is a reservoir or reservoir created on the main watercourse, then the length of the depth of the protective strip must be no less than the width of this watercourse. Measurement is carried out at the widest point.

The default width of the protected sea strip on land is 500 meters.

How to behave in this zone?

Unfortunately, the laws that define the concept of “water protection zone” do not regulate the behavior of citizens relaxing on the banks of reservoirs. This is what the Code does administrative violations, which states that:

  • You cannot leave garbage - plastic, glass, tin, hygiene items, etc.;
  • you should not throw a smoldering fire;
  • no need to scatter food waste“for feeding” wild animals.

In addition to the basic postulates that determine behavior in nature, in the water protection zone you should be conscious and carefully read the general prohibitions. Most of them can also be interpreted for private weekend getaways.

What should you not do in this area?

Based on the general prohibitions listed in the law, it can be assumed that near the water line and on the shore within the boundaries of the water protection territory one should not do the following:

  • park a car, moped, scooter or motorcycle within the zone, and especially wash the vehicle;
  • bury and dispose of food waste;
  • to relieve oneself;
  • bury pets;
  • leave garbage, including parts of transistors, navigators or other devices that have become unusable;
  • use household chemicals and hygiene products, that is, soap, cleaning and washing powders, shampoos.

In order to wash your hands, it is quite possible to move away to a distance that is safe for the river ecosystem. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself wet wipes, which you will need to take with you along with the rest of the garbage.

Household chemicals, as well as various technical liquids spilled on the shore, disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem and poison the water, and therefore its inhabitants.

Anyone who has traveled out of town at least once has encountered the problem of finding a clean place on the shore of a small lake or river. It's no secret that our vacationing citizens leave behind mountains of garbage - from broken smartphones to hygiene products. This, of course, does not need to be done. But also bury plastic bottles, cans or other types of waste are also not allowed on the coasts. You must take the garbage with you and throw it away at the nearest place equipped for its collection.

Is it possible to feed birds and animals?

This question is of interest to many people who are responsible for their own stay in nature.

Seals live in reservoirs, ducks with a brood of chicks swim on the surface, and jumps along a tree fluffy squirrel- such an idyllic picture is not uncommon in the suburbs of even large cities. Of course, there is a desire to treat all these living creatures with a delicious bun, meat, canned sprats or something else.

However, you need to remember that when entering many protected areas There are signs prohibiting feeding of animals. This is not accidental and is not at all dictated by the fact that officials feel sorry for bread for ducks or peanuts for squirrels.

Feeding wild birds and animals leads to disaster in the local, individual ecosystem. Of course, if there is only one duck the only person Once during the summer he feeds him a delicious loaf of bread, then nothing bad will happen. But if the place is popular for recreation, and every visiting tourist begins to feed the local inhabitants, then this will inevitably lead to the fact that birds and animals will stop eating what they are supposed to by nature. As a result, the number of insects, small fish or something else will increase. Thus, the balance in the ecosystem will be disrupted.

1. Water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to coastline(the boundaries of a water body) of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime for carrying out economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies and the depletion of their waters, as well as to preserve the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other animal objects and flora.

2. Coastal protective strips are established within the boundaries of water protection zones, in the territories of which additional restrictions on economic and other activities are introduced.

3. Outside the territories of cities and other populated areas, the width of the water protection zone of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and the width of their coastal protective strip are established from the location of the corresponding coastline (border of the water body), and the width of the water protection zone of the seas and the width of their coastal protective strip stripes - from the line of maximum tide. In the presence of centralized storm drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of the coastal protective strips of these water bodies coincide with the parapets of the embankments; the width of the water protection zone in such territories is established from the embankment parapet.

4. The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is established from their source for rivers or streams with a length of:

1) up to ten kilometers - in the amount of fifty meters;

2) from ten to fifty kilometers - in the amount of one hundred meters;

3) from fifty kilometers or more - in the amount of two hundred meters.

5. For a river or stream less than ten kilometers long from source to mouth, the water protection zone coincides with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone for the sources of a river or stream is set at fifty meters.

6. The width of the water protection zone of a lake, reservoir, with the exception of a lake located inside a swamp, or a lake, reservoir with a water area of ​​less than 0.5 square kilometers, is set at fifty meters. The width of the water protection zone of a reservoir located on a watercourse is set equal to the width of the water protection zone of this watercourse.

7. The boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal are established in accordance with the Federal Law of May 1, 1999 N 94-FZ “On the Protection of Lake Baikal”.

8. The width of the sea water protection zone is five hundred meters.

9. Water security zones main or inter-farm canals coincide in width with the allotment strips of such canals.

10. Water protection zones for rivers and their parts placed in closed collectors are not established.

11. The width of the coastal protective strip is established depending on the slope of the shore of the water body and is thirty meters for a reverse or zero slope, forty meters for a slope of up to three degrees and fifty meters for a slope of three degrees or more.

12. For flowing and drainage lakes and corresponding watercourses located within the boundaries of swamps, the width of the coastal protective strip is set at fifty meters.

13. The width of the coastal protective strip of a river, lake, or reservoir that is of particularly valuable fishery importance (spawning, feeding, wintering areas for fish and other aquatic biological resources) is set at two hundred meters, regardless of the slope of the adjacent lands.

14. In the territories of populated areas, in the presence of centralized storm drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of coastal protective strips coincide with the parapets of the embankments. The width of the water protection zone in such territories is established from the embankment parapet. In the absence of an embankment, the width of the water protection zone or coastal protective strip is measured from the location of the coastline (the boundary of the water body).

15. Within the boundaries of water protection zones it is prohibited:

1) use waste water for the purpose of regulating soil fertility;

2) placement of cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, industrial and consumer waste disposal facilities, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and toxic substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;

3) implementation of aviation measures to combat pests;

4) movement and parking vehicles(except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces;

5) placement of gas stations, warehouses of fuel and lubricants (except for cases where gas stations, warehouses of fuel and lubricants are located in the territories of ports, shipbuilding and ship repair organizations, infrastructure of inland waterways, subject to compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and of this Code), service stations used for technical inspection and repair of vehicles, washing vehicles;

6) placement of specialized storage facilities for pesticides and agrochemicals, use of pesticides and agrochemicals;

7) discharge of wastewater, including drainage water;

8) exploration and production of common mineral resources (except for cases where exploration and production of common mineral resources is carried out by subsoil users engaged in exploration and production of other types of mineral resources, within the boundaries of mining allotments allocated to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on subsoil resources and (or ) geological allotments based on the approved technical project in accordance with Article 19.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 “On Subsoil”).

16. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed, provided that such facilities are equipped with structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, siltation and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in field of environmental protection. The choice of the type of structure that ensures the protection of a water body from pollution, clogging, siltation and water depletion is carried out taking into account the need to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms established in accordance with environmental legislation. For the purposes of this article, structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, siltation and water depletion are understood as:

1) centralized drainage (sewage) systems, centralized storm drainage systems;

2) structures and systems for the removal (discharge) of wastewater into centralized drainage systems (including rain, melt, infiltration, irrigation and drainage water), if they are intended to receive such water;

3) local treatment facilities for wastewater treatment (including rain, melt, infiltration, irrigation and drainage water), ensuring their treatment based on standards established in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and this Code;

4) structures for collecting production and consumption waste, as well as structures and systems for disposal (discharge) of wastewater (including rain, melt, infiltration, irrigation and drainage water) into receivers made of waterproof materials.

16.1. In relation to the territories where citizens conduct gardening or vegetable gardening for their own needs, located within the boundaries of water protection zones and not equipped with wastewater treatment facilities, until they are equipped with such facilities and (or) connected to the systems specified in paragraph 1 of part 16 of this article, it is allowed the use of receivers made of waterproof materials that prevent the entry of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into the environment.

17. Within the boundaries of coastal protective strips, along with the restrictions established by part 15 of this article, the following are prohibited:

1) plowing of land;

2) placement of dumps of eroded soils;

3) grazing of farm animals and organization for them summer camps, bath

18. The establishment of the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of water bodies, including marking on the ground by means of special information signs, is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

[Water Code of the Russian Federation] [Chapter 6] [Article 65]

1. Water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime for economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies and depletion of their waters, as well as preserving the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of flora and fauna.

2. Coastal protective strips are established within the boundaries of water protection zones, in the territories of which additional restrictions on economic and other activities are introduced.

3. Outside the territories of cities and other populated areas, the width of the water protection zone of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and the width of their coastal protective strip are established from the corresponding coastline, and the width of the water protection zone of the seas and the width of their coastal protective strip - from the line of maximum tide . In the presence of centralized storm drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of the coastal protective strips of these water bodies coincide with the parapets of the embankments; the width of the water protection zone in such territories is established from the embankment parapet.

4. The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is established from their source for rivers or streams with a length of:

1) up to ten kilometers - in the amount of fifty meters;

2) from ten to fifty kilometers - in the amount of one hundred meters;

3) from fifty kilometers or more - in the amount of two hundred meters.

5. For a river or stream less than ten kilometers long from source to mouth, the water protection zone coincides with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone for the sources of a river or stream is set at fifty meters.

6. The width of the water protection zone of a lake, reservoir, with the exception of a lake located inside a swamp, or a lake, reservoir with a water area of ​​less than 0.5 square kilometers, is set at fifty meters. The width of the water protection zone of a reservoir located on a watercourse is set equal to the width of the water protection zone of this watercourse.

7. The boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal are established in accordance with Federal Law of May 1, 1999 N 94-FZ “On the protection of Lake Baikal”.

8. The width of the sea water protection zone is five hundred meters.

9. Water protection zones of main or inter-farm canals coincide in width with the allotment strips of such canals.

10. Water protection zones for rivers and their parts placed in closed collectors are not established.

11. The width of the coastal protective strip is established depending on the slope of the shore of the water body and is thirty meters for a reverse or zero slope, forty meters for a slope of up to three degrees and fifty meters for a slope of three degrees or more.

12. For flowing and drainage lakes and corresponding watercourses located within the boundaries of swamps, the width of the coastal protective strip is set at fifty meters.

13. The width of the coastal protective strip of a river, lake, or reservoir that is of particularly valuable fishery importance (spawning, feeding, wintering areas for fish and other aquatic biological resources) is set at two hundred meters, regardless of the slope of the adjacent lands.

14. In the territories of populated areas, in the presence of centralized storm drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of coastal protective strips coincide with the parapets of the embankments. The width of the water protection zone in such territories is established from the embankment parapet. In the absence of an embankment, the width of the water protection zone or coastal protective strip is measured from the coastline.

15. Within the boundaries of water protection zones it is prohibited:

1) use of wastewater to regulate soil fertility;

2) placement of cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, burial sites for production and consumption waste, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and poisonous substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;

3) implementation of aviation measures to combat pests;

4) movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces;

5) placement of gas stations, warehouses of fuel and lubricants (except for cases where gas stations, warehouses of fuel and lubricants are located in the territories of ports, shipbuilding and ship repair organizations, infrastructure of inland waterways, subject to compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and of this Code), service stations used for technical inspection and repair of vehicles, washing vehicles;

6) placement of specialized storage facilities for pesticides and agrochemicals, use of pesticides and agrochemicals;

7) discharge of wastewater, including drainage water;

8) exploration and production of common mineral resources (except for cases where exploration and production of common mineral resources is carried out by subsoil users engaged in exploration and production of other types of mineral resources, within the boundaries of mining allotments allocated to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on subsoil resources and (or ) geological allotments on the basis of an approved technical design in accordance with Article 19.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 “On Subsoil”).

16. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed, provided that such facilities are equipped with structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, siltation and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in field of environmental protection. The choice of the type of structure that ensures the protection of a water body from pollution, clogging, siltation and water depletion is carried out taking into account the need to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms established in accordance with environmental legislation. For the purposes of this article, structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, siltation and water depletion are understood as:

1) centralized drainage (sewage) systems, centralized storm drainage systems;

2) structures and systems for the removal (discharge) of wastewater into centralized drainage systems (including rain, melt, infiltration, irrigation and drainage water), if they are intended to receive such water;

3) local treatment facilities for wastewater treatment (including rain, melt, infiltration, irrigation and drainage water), ensuring their treatment based on standards established in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and this Code;

4) structures for collecting production and consumption waste, as well as structures and systems for disposal (discharge) of wastewater (including rain, melt, infiltration, irrigation and drainage water) into receivers made of waterproof materials.

16.1. In relation to the territories of gardening, gardening or dacha non-profit associations of citizens located within the boundaries of water protection zones and not equipped with wastewater treatment facilities, until they are equipped with such facilities and (or) connected to the systems specified in paragraph 1 of part 16 of this article, it is allowed the use of receivers made of waterproof materials that prevent the entry of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into the environment.

17. Within the boundaries of coastal protective strips, along with the restrictions established by part 15 of this article, the following are prohibited:

1) plowing of land;

2) placement of dumps of eroded soils;

3) grazing farm animals and organizing summer camps and baths for them.

18. The establishment on the ground of the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of water bodies, including through special information signs, is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1 comment on the entry “Article 65 Water Code of the Russian Federation. Water protection zones and coastal protective strips”

    Article 65. Water protection zones and coastal protective strips

    Commentary on Article 65

    1. General overview articles. The article includes 18 parts establishing the features of such elements of the legal regime of water protection zones and protective coastal strips, as features of the regime carrier object, regime restrictions and the boundaries of their action in space.
    Part 1 contains the definition and goals of establishing a special regime for carrying out activities within the boundaries of water protection zones.
    Part 2 provides for a specific type of zoning of water protection zones (in the form of coastal protective strips), as well as the possibility of introducing additional restrictions within the boundaries of coastal protective strips.
    Parts 3 - 10 establish requirements for the size of water protection zones and rules for determining their boundaries. Moreover, part 7 contains a reference norm to Federal law dated 01.05.1999 N 94-FZ “On the protection of Lake Baikal”.
    NW RF. 1999, No. 18. Art. 2220.

    Parts 11 - 14 establish requirements for the size of coastal protective strips and rules for determining their boundaries.
    Part 15 contains a list of regime restrictions within the boundaries of water protection zones, and part 16 establishes permissible types of impact within their boundaries, as well as the conditions for the legality of such impact.
    Part 17 contains a list of additional regime restrictions within the boundaries of coastal protective strips, the possibility of which is provided for in part 2 of the commented article.
    In accordance with Part 18, the right to establish the procedure for establishing the boundaries of water protection zones and coastal protective strips on the ground is vested in the Government of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to independently determine the entities obligated to establish such boundaries on the ground.
    2. Goals, scope and addressees of regulations.
    The purpose of the article is to ensure increased protection of water bodies from adverse impacts by introducing additional restrictions and prohibitions in areas adjacent to such objects.
    The scope of the article is extremely broad, since it concerns all water bodies on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Therefore, the addressees of the article are an indefinitely wide range of persons who permanently or temporarily use territories adjacent to water bodies. The special addressee of the article is the Government of the Russian Federation, which, in turn, has the right to determine the circle of persons obliged to establish the boundaries of the zones provided for in the article on the ground. In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules for establishing the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of water bodies, these include the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation, Federal agency water resources and its territorial bodies.

    3. Basic concepts. They are terms whose meaning was disclosed above (“coastline”, “sea”, “river”, “canal”, “stream”, “lake”, “reservoir” - see commentary to Article 5; “water area” , " water body", "water depletion" - see commentary to Art. 1; “habitat of flora and fauna” - see commentary to Art. 3). Specific to the commented article are such concepts as “water protection zone”, “coastal protective strip”, “canal right of way”, “settled area”, “storm drainage”, “embankment”, “parapet”, “water body with a special valuable fishery value."

    3.1. Water protection zone. The word zone (from the Greek swvn - belt) means a section, area, belt or strip that has a certain quality characteristic.
    Great Soviet Encyclopedia (in 30 volumes) / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1972. T. 9. P. 572.

    Establishment various kinds zones in environmental legislation is one of the methods of territorial protection by allocating areas with special conditions of use (see, for example, Articles 48 and 49 of Federal Law N 166-FZ “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”). Zoning is used to establish different legal regimes for areas of space that, before the establishment of zones, had a homogeneous legal regime (for example, the allocation of functional zones within national parks). The essence of zoning for environmental purposes is, as a rule, the establishment within zones of activity restrictions that are more stringent than in adjacent areas of space (for example, sanitary protection zones, security zones of specially protected natural areas, etc.). Establishing zones means establishing a spatial and temporal framework for restrictions on economic or other activities.
    See in more detail: Commentary on the Federal Law of December 20, 2004 N 166-FZ “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” / Ed. O.L. Dubovik. M., 2011.
    Since natural complexes are very different in the set of components (mountains, forests, tundra, etc.), then here we mean homogeneity in a certain legal basis, and not homogeneity in general. — Approx. auto

    Accordingly, various types of zones (as well as belts) established for environmental purposes are a special case of specially protected areas. Consequently, the necessary elements of the legal regime nature protection zones are regime restrictions (special protection regime), spatial and, if necessary, temporary boundaries of the restrictions.
    For more information on specially protected areas: General Assembly UN. Sixty-second session. Item 79 (a) of the provisional agenda. World ocean and maritime law. Report Secretary General. Addition. A/62/66/Add.2 (Russian). pp. 41 - 42; Educational and practical commentary on the land legislation of the Russian Federation / Ed. O.L. Dubovik. M.: Eksmo, 2006. P. 481 - 482; Kalenchenko M.M. Legal regime territorial protection marine environment/ Ed. O.L. Dubovik. M.: Gorodets, 2009. P. 57 - 65.

    In accordance with Part 1 of the commented article, water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline of certain water bodies (seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs) and in which a special regime for carrying out economic and other activities is established. A special regime of activity is established for the following purposes:
    — prevention of pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies;
    — preventing the depletion of their waters;
    — preservation of the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of flora and fauna.
    Water protection zones are established only for water bodies directly provided for in the commented article, namely: seas, watercourses (rivers, streams, canals) and reservoirs (lakes, reservoirs, ponds). The commented article obviously does not apply to swamps and natural outcrops groundwater, glaciers and snowfields, as well as underground water bodies.
    Regime restrictions in water protection zones are provided for in part 15 of the commented article and include prohibitions on:
    1) use of wastewater for soil fertilization;
    2) placement of cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, burial sites for production and consumption waste, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and poisonous substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;
    3) implementation of aviation measures to combat pests and plant diseases;
    4) movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces.

    Summary of determination rules
    width of water protection zones

    water body

    Water protection
    zone, m Border measured Coastal protective
    band (m) at
    in the populated
    point zero

    500 lines
    the greatest
    parapet tide
    (if available
    and with him
    absence -
    from the coastal

    Lake 50 shore
    not on
    watercourse 50

    on the watercourse equals
    water protection
    watercourse zones
    having special
    valuable fish
    value set to
    with the legislator
    stuff about

    200 regardless
    Channel equals width
    watercourse within radius
    50 m not defined within 50 m radius
    length, km<10 =50 береговой
    parapet lines (with
    and with him
    absence -
    from the coastal
    River, stream 50 00 00
    Watercourse in

    Water protection zones are not established for rivers (parts thereof) placed in closed collectors.
    For any lakes, reservoirs, with the exception of reservoirs located on watercourses. For lakes and reservoirs with an area of ​​less than 0.5 square meters. km water protection zone is obviously not established.
    The width of the coastal protective strip is equal to the width of the water protection zone and is 50 m, regardless of the slope.

    Note that the boundaries of water protection zones may coincide in space with specially protected areas provided for by land, water legislation, legislation on wildlife, aquatic biological resources and the preservation of their habitat.
    For example, in accordance with the Rules for the Establishment of Fish Protection Zones, the boundaries of the latter coincide with the boundaries of the water protection zones themselves. However, in accordance with paragraph 14 of these Rules, rules are also defined for establishing the width of fish protection zones for ponds, flooded quarries that have a hydraulic connection with rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs and seas (50 m). Rosrybolovstvo is authorized to establish fishery protection zones and mark them on the ground. The rules for marking on the ground are approved by the relevant order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries. Fishing protection zones, unlike water protection zones, are created not by default (by force of law), but on the basis of the publication of a corresponding act by an authorized body.
    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2008 N 743 “On approval of the Rules for the establishment of fishery protection zones” // SZ RF. 2008. N 41. Art. 4682.
    Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries dated December 15, 2008 N 410 “On approval of the Procedure for establishing the boundaries of fishery protection zones on the ground” // BNA of the Russian Federation. 2009. N 5.
    See, for example: Order of Rosrybolovstvo dated November 20, 2010 N 943 “On the establishment of fishery protection zones of the seas, the shores of which fully or partially belong to the Russian Federation, and water bodies of fishery importance in the Republic of Adygea, Amur and Arkhangelsk regions” (not published).

    Due to the special significance of Lake Baikal as a World Heritage Site, its legal regime and status is regulated by Federal Law dated 01.05.1999 N 94-FZ “On the Protection of Lake Baikal” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in its implementation. Part 7 of the commented article refers to these regulations in terms of establishing the width of water protection zones for a given water body. According to Part 1 of Art. 2 of this Law, the Baikal natural territory includes Lake Baikal, its water protection zone adjacent to Lake Baikal, its drainage area within the territory of the Russian Federation, specially protected natural areas adjacent to Lake Baikal, as well as the territory adjacent to Lake Baikal up to 200 kilometers wide to the west and northwest of it. Nature management within the boundaries of the Baikal natural territory is carried out in accordance with zoning into a central ecological zone (the most stringent restrictions), a buffer ecological zone and an ecological zone of atmospheric influence.
    NW RF. 1999. N 18. Art. 2220.

    The central ecological zone includes Lake Baikal itself with its islands, its water protection zone, as well as specially protected natural areas adjacent to Lake Baikal. We were unable to find any special regulations regarding the width of the water protection zone, so they are determined according to the general rules of the article under comment, that is, 50 m. Moreover, the list of regime restrictions in the central ecological zone (including) of Lake Baikal was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/30/2001 N 643 “On approval of the list of activities prohibited in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory” and is more stringent than provided for in the commented article. In addition, the effect in space of the restrictions provided for by the said Resolution is much wider than the effect in space of the restrictions provided for by the water protection regime of the zone.
    NW RF. 2001. N 37. Art. 3687.

    3.2. Coastal protective strip. Within the meaning of parts 1 and 2 of the commented article, a coastal protection zone is a part of a water protection zone, within the boundaries of which additional restrictions have been introduced in comparison with the water protection zone.
    Restrictions within the boundaries of the coastal protective strip are provided for in Part 17 of the commented article and include such prohibitions as the ban on:
    - plowing of land;
    — placement of dumps of eroded soils;
    — grazing farm animals and organizing summer camps and baths for them.
    In accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the privatization of land plots within the “limits of the coastal strip” established in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation.
    A summary of the rules for determining the width of coastal protective strips is presented in the table below.
    3.3. Canal right of way. Today, there are building rules that establish the procedure for determining and the width of reclamation canals depending on many factors. In most cases, the actual width of the right-of-way of existing canals is established in accordance with the design documentation and varies greatly depending on the type of canal construction (cut, half-cut, embankment or half-embankment) and its capacity. For example, land allocation standards for reclamation canals SN 474-75 establish the procedure for determining the width for reclamation canals with a capacity of no more than 10 cubic meters. m/s.
    See, for example: Land allocation standards for reclamation canals SN 474-75.

    The following data can be used as approximate guidelines for channels with a capacity of no more than 10 m 3/s.

    Right-of-way width for reclamation canals

    Reclamation channels,
    passing through:
    Width along the bottom, m Width of the right of way in
    unlimited use, m
    min max min max



    embankments 0.4

    As follows from the table, the width of the water protection zone of such canals will be from 17 to 45 m. If the width of the water protection coastal strip is determined according to the rules of part 11 of the commented article, its width will be from 30 to 50 m. In such a situation, the water protection coastal strip may completely coincide with the water protection zone or exceed it in size.
    The width of land allocation strips for canals with a water throughput capacity of more than 10 cubic meters. m/s, canals developed by the explosive method, as well as those passing in areas prone to landslides and mudflows, and in populated areas should be determined by projects approved in the prescribed manner.
    3.4. Locality. This is a populated place (settlement), the primary unit of human settlement within one built-up plot of land (city, urban-type settlement, village, etc.). A mandatory feature of a settlement is its constant use as a habitat, year-round or seasonally.
    Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1984. P. 861.

    3.5. Storm drainage. Sewage refers to the disposal of domestic, industrial and waste water. A complete list of terms and definitions related to sewerage is enshrined in GOST 25150-82, however, the concept of “storm sewerage” itself is not disclosed in it. To understand the content of this concept, let us turn to the Territorial Construction Standards of the Moscow Region. Within the meaning of Section 4 of these Territorial Construction Standards, storm drainage can be understood as the removal of surface runoff of three types (rain, melt and watering), formed in built-up areas as a result of precipitation and the operation of road surfaces. Such a sewerage system should also provide for the possibility of receiving drainage water from associated drainages, heating networks, general underground utility collectors, as well as uncontaminated wastewater from industrial enterprises.
    GOST 19185-73. Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1974. P. 3.
    GOST 25150-82. Sewerage. Terms and definitions.
    Territorial building codes. Rain drainage. Organization of collection, purification and discharge of surface runoff (TSN DK-2001 of the Moscow Region (TSN 40-302-2001) (put into effect by order of the Ministry of Regional Construction dated July 30, 2001 N 120 “On the implementation of Territorial Building Codes of the Moscow Region (TSN DK 2001 MO) )").

    3.6. Embankment. This is a fencing or protective structure along the coastline. From the point of view of hydraulic engineering, embankments are wave walls built to protect coastal ledges, including the roadbed of coastal railways and roads, from waves. Such walls are sometimes called retaining walls. Wave breakers may, if possible, be erected under the protection of the beach with a width sufficient to dampen the design waves, in combination with groins or breakwaters. When designing wave walls, the recommendations of current building codes and regulations for the design of retaining walls should be taken into account.
    GOST 19185-73. Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1974. P. 13.
    SP 32-103-97. Design of marine coastal protection structures. M.: Transstroy, 1998.

    Embankments, as bank protection, protective, regulatory and fencing structures, are designed taking into account the possibility of their use for national economic and social purposes (as berthing, transport and other engineering structures, for mass recreation of the population and sports and recreational events).
    See: SNiP June 2, 01-86. Hydraulic structures. Basic principles of design. M.: State Construction Committee, 1987.

    3.7. Parapet. The word “parapet” (French parapet, Italian parapetto) in Russian means a low solid wall running along the edge of a roof, terrace, balcony, along an embankment, bridge (as a barrier); on the crest of a dam, jetty, dam, in shipping locks. In construction, it can also denote a separate element of the specified structures. For the purposes of this article, a parapet should be understood as a fence running along the embankment.
    Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1984. P. 964.
    See, for example: GOST 23342-91. Architectural and construction products made of natural stone. Technical conditions. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1992. 9 p.

    3.8. The slope of the shore of a water body. The concept of “slope” is very widespread in technical, natural sciences, and regulations in the field of technical regulation. In geodesy they are used to describe the terrain. From the point of view of geodesy, slope (also inclination) is an indicator of the steepness of the slope, that is, “the ratio of the elevation of the terrain to the horizontal extent over which it is observed.” For example, a slope of 0.015 corresponds to a rise of 15 m per 1000 m of distance.
    See, for example: VSN 163-83. Accounting for deformations of river channels and banks of reservoirs in the area of ​​underwater crossings of main pipelines (oil and gas pipelines). http://www.complexdoc.ru/ntdtext/487968 ; VSN 3-80. Instructions for the design of marine berth structures.
    Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1984. P. 1372.

    When designing infrastructure facilities, information about slope angles (longitudinal and transverse) at their intended location must be included in the design documentation (clause 34 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content).
    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” dated February 16, 2008 N 87 // SZ RF. 2008. N 8. Art. 744.

    The slope angle is measured during topographic work, usually using the trigonometric (geodesic) leveling method. It should be assumed that for the purposes of this article, the angle of the transverse slope must be taken into account.
    3.9. A water body of particular value for fisheries. The fishery fund of inland freshwater bodies of Russia includes 22.5 million hectares of lakes, 4.3 million hectares of reservoirs, 0.96 million hectares of complex agricultural reservoirs, 142.9 thousand hectares of ponds and 523 thousand km of rivers. In addition, the Russian Federation also has a long sea coastline (about 60 thousand km).
    See: paragraph 2.1 of the Strategy for the Development of Aquaculture in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on September 10, 2007).

    For the purpose of reproduction, conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources, objects of fishery importance in accordance with paragraph 2.1.2 of the Model Rules for the Protection of Surface Waters are divided into three categories: highest, first and second.
    Model rules for the protection of surface waters (approved by the State Committee for Nature Protection on February 21, 1991).

    The highest category includes locations of spawning grounds, mass feeding grounds and wintering pits of especially valuable and valuable species of fish and other commercial aquatic organisms, as well as protected zones of farms of any type that carry out artificial breeding and cultivation of fish, other aquatic animals and plants.
    The first category includes water bodies used for the preservation and reproduction of valuable fish species that are highly sensitive to oxygen levels.
    The second category includes water bodies used for other fishery purposes.
    For more details see: Khalchansky S.A. Commentary on Article 51 // Commentary on the Water Code of the Russian Federation / Ed. O.L. Dubovik. M.: Eksmo, 2007. P. 282 - 283.

    4. Development of legislation. The establishment of water protection zones (strips) for purposes similar to those provided for in Part 2 of the commented article was provided for in Article 91 of the Water Code of the RSFSR of 1972. The content of restrictions was not provided for by this Code, since the rights to determine the procedure for their establishment and use were delegated to the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, unless otherwise was not provided for by the legislation of the USSR. In accordance with Article 99 of the said Code, in order to maintain a favorable water regime of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater and other water bodies, to prevent water erosion of soils, siltation of reservoirs, deterioration of living conditions for aquatic animals, to reduce fluctuations in flow, etc. The establishment of water protection zones for forests was also envisaged.
    The Water Code of the Russian Federation of 1995 (Article 111) differentiated the concepts of water protection zones and coastal protective zones. The content of these concepts, within the meaning of the 1995 CC of the Russian Federation, corresponds to the modern understanding, taking into account the fact that the commented Code more clearly defines the features of their legal regime. This is especially true for regime restrictions, which in the current RF CC are enshrined in law, and not in by-laws of the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Changes were made to the commented article once, but affected several parts at once. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 19 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 14, 2008 N 118-FZ “On Amendments to the Water Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation,” the following changes were made to Article 65: the sentence of part 1 is set out in a new edition 3; Part 6 has been supplemented with a new proposal; in part 14 the word “settlements” is replaced by the words “settlements”; the word “accommodation” is excluded from part 16; Part 18 is presented in a new edition.
    NW RF. 2008. N 29 (part 1). Art. 3418.

    The essence of the changes made to Part 3 was the need to reflect the characteristics of the seas as specific water bodies. In the previous edition, the boundaries of protective zones and strips for all water bodies outside populated areas were determined along the coastline. In accordance with the current edition, the border of protection zones (strips) of the seas is measured from the line of maximum tide.
    Before the amendments to Part 6, the width of the protection zones (strips) of reservoirs was fixed and amounted to 50 m. In accordance with the current edition, the width of such a zone (strip) of a reservoir must correspond to the width of similar zones for the watercourse on which the reservoir is organized. For example, if the Kuibyshev Reservoir (Volga River) before the changes had a water protection zone 50 m wide, now it should be 200 m due to Part 4 of the commented article.
    The change in part 14 (replacing the word “settlement” with the words “settlement”) is recognized to distinguish concepts such as “a place where people live” (settlement) from “one of the territorial units of local government” (settlement).
    See: part 1 art. 2 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” // SZ RF. 2003. N 40. Art. 3822.

    The exclusion of the word “location” from Part 16 of the commented article is also connected, in our opinion, with the bringing of regulatory legal acts into compliance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ, which enshrines and systematizes the rules of territorial zoning.
    NW RF. 2005. N 1 (part 1). Art. 16.

    The original version of Part 18 of the commented article contained a reference to land legislation in terms of determining the procedure for fixing the boundaries of security zones (strips). In the current version, the powers to establish the procedure for fixing borders are delegated to the Government of the Russian Federation.
    5. Connection with other articles. The provisions of the commented article are applied insofar as this does not contradict the rules for the protection from pollution of swamps (Article 57), glaciers and snowfields (Article 58), protection of groundwater bodies (Article 59), protection of forests (Article 63), as well as the provisions of Article 49 of the commented Code regarding the protection of water bodies containing medicinal water resources, zones of special (Article 34) and sanitary protection (Part 2 of Article 43) sources of drinking and household purposes (see commentary to them).
    6. The procedure for establishing boundaries. In accordance with Part 18 of the commented article, the Government of the Russian Federation is vested with the authority to determine the procedure for establishing water protection zones and coastal protective strips in the area. In accordance with its powers, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the relevant Rules.
    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2009 N 17 “On approval of the Rules for establishing on the ground the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of water bodies” // SZ RF. 2009. N 3. Art. 415.

    According to the Rules, the establishment of boundaries is aimed at informing citizens and legal entities about the special regime for carrying out economic and other activities within the boundaries of water protection zones and about additional restrictions on economic and other activities within the boundaries of coastal protective strips (clause 2).
    In accordance with paragraph 4 of these Rules, establishing the boundaries of the water protection zone and the width of the coastal protective strip for each water body on the ground includes:
    a) determining the width of the water protection zone and the width of the coastal protective strip;
    b) description of the boundaries of the zone (strip), their coordinates and reference points;
    c) displaying boundaries on cartographic materials;
    d) establishing boundaries on the ground, including through the placement of special information signs.
    Information on the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of water bodies, including cartographic materials, is submitted to the Federal Water Resources Agency within a month for inclusion in the state water register (see commentary to Article 31).
    The powers to establish boundaries on the ground are vested in government bodies.
    Firstly, the Federal Agency for Water Resources in relation to all objects, the corresponding powers in respect of which were not transferred to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In particular, these are seas and (or) their parts, reservoirs, which are entirely located on the territories of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the use of water resources of which is carried out to ensure drinking and domestic water supply to 2 or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to the list.

    Secondly, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the extent of the powers granted to them.
    The specified public authorities are obliged to ensure the placement of special information signs along the entire borders of water protection zones and coastal protective strips of water bodies at characteristic points of the relief, as well as at places where water bodies intersect with roads, in recreation areas and other places of mass presence of citizens and the maintenance of these signs in in good condition (clause 6 of the Rules). Samples of special signs are approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2009 N 249 “On approval of samples of special information signs to mark the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of water bodies.”
    BNA RF. 2009. N 43.

    Land owners, landowners and land users of land plots, the land plots of which are subject to the regime of water protection zones and coastal protective strips, are obliged to ensure unhindered access for representatives of authorized government bodies in order to place special information signs on the relevant land plots and maintain them in proper condition.
    Highlighted by us. From the wording of paragraph 7 of these Rules (“land plots on the lands of which there are water protection zones and coastal protective strips of water bodies”) it is assumed that the indicated zones (strips) are located on the land plots. However, the indicated zones (strips) are not physically located on the sites. Land plots on which regime restrictions apply may be part of lands of various categories with their own legal regime. The restrictions provided for in the commented article are legally established rules operating within certain boundaries, regardless of the legal regime of lands and land plots. For more details see: Krassov O.I. Land law: Textbook. M.: Yurist, 2007. P. 120 - 122.

    The list of reservoirs, the boundaries of water protection zones and coastal protective strips are established by the Federal Agency for Water Resources and its territorial bodies.
    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 N 2054-r “On approval of the List of reservoirs that are entirely located on the territories of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the use of water resources of which is carried out to ensure drinking and domestic water supply to two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation” // SZ RF. 2009. N 2. Art. 335.

    N Name of reservoir Location
    1. Belgorod reservoir, Belgorod region
    2. Boguchanskoye Reservoir Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region
    3. Borisoglebsk reservoir, Murmansk region
    4. Bratsk Reservoir, Irkutsk Region
    5. Bureya Reservoir Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region
    6. Vazuzskoe reservoir, Smolensk region, Tver region
    7. Velevskoe reservoir, Novgorod region
    8. Upper Volga Reservoir, Tver Region
    9. Verkhne-Ruzskoe reservoir, Moscow region
    10. Verkhne-Svirskoe water reservoir
    sche (river part) Leningrad region
    11. Vilyuiskoe reservoir Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Irkutsk region
    12. Volgograd reservoir Volgograd region, Saratov region
    13. Volkhov reservoir Leningrad region, Novgorod region
    14. Votkinsk reservoir, Udmurt Republic, Perm region
    15. Vyshnevolotsk reservoir, Tver region
    16. Gorky reservoir, Ivanovo region, Kostroma region,
    Nizhny Novgorod region, Yaroslavl region
    17. Egorlyk reservoir Stavropol Territory
    18. Zeya Reservoir, Amur Region
    19. Ivankovskoe reservoir Moscow region, Tver region
    20. Ikshinskoye Reservoir, Moscow Region
    21. Iovskoe reservoir Republic of Karelia, Murmansk region
    22. Iremel reservoir Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk
    23. Iriklinskoe reservoir, Orenburg region
    24. Irkutsk reservoir, Irkutsk region
    25. Istra reservoir Moscow region
    26. Kaitakoski reservoir Murmansk region
    27. Kama Reservoir, Perm Territory
    28. Klyazminskoye Reservoir, Moscow Region
    29. Knyazhegubskoe reservoir Republic of Karelia, Murmansk region
    30. Kolyma Reservoir, Magadan Region
    31. Krasnodar reservoir Republic of Adygea, Krasnodar region
    32. Krasnoyarsk reservoir Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory
    33. Kubanskoye (Bolshoye)
    reservoir Karachay-Cherkess Republic
    34. Kuibyshev reservoir Republic of Mari El, Republic of Tatarstan,
    Chuvash Republic, Samara region,
    Ulyanovsk region
    35. Kursk Reservoir Stavropol Territory
    36. Lesogorsk reservoir Leningrad region
    37. Mainskoye Reservoir Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory
    38. Mikhailovskoye Reservoir Kursk region, Oryol region
    39. Mozhaisk reservoir Moscow region
    40. Narva Reservoir, Leningrad Region
    41. Nizhnekamsk reservoir Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic
    Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic
    42. Novosibirsk reservoir Altai Territory, Novosibirsk region
    43. Novo-Troitskoye Reservoir, Stavropol Territory
    44. Nyazepetrovskoe reservoir, Chelyabinsk region
    45. Ozerninskoye Reservoir Moscow Region
    46. ​​Pestovskoye Reservoir, Moscow Region
    47. Pravdinskoye Reservoir
    (GES-3) Kaliningrad region
    48. Proletarskoye Reservoir Republic of Kalmykia, Stavropol Territory,
    Rostov region
    49. Pronsky reservoir Ryazan region, Tula region
    50. Pyalovskoye Reservoir, Moscow Region
    51. Rayakoski reservoir Murmansk region
    52. Rublevskoye Reservoir Moscow Region
    53. Ruza reservoir Moscow region
    54. Rybinsk reservoir, Vologda region, Tver region,
    Yaroslavl region
    55. Saratov reservoir Samara region, Saratov region,
    Ulyanovsk region
    56. Sayano-Shushenskoye Reservoir

In the last decade, many private properties have been built on the banks of our water bodies in the cities and villages of the country. But at the same time, legal norms were not observed at all; by and large, no one was interested in them. But construction in such places is illegal. Moreover, coastal areas of water bodies have a special status. It’s not for nothing that these territories are protected by law; there’s probably something important and special about them... Let’s talk about this in more detail.

What is a water protection zone

First, you should understand a little terminology. A water protection zone, from a legislative point of view, is land adjacent to bodies of water: rivers, lakes, seas, streams, canals, and reservoirs.

In these areas, a special regime of activity has been established to prevent clogging, pollution, spoilage and depletion of water resources, as well as to preserve the usual habitat of flora and fauna, and biological resources. Special protective strips are installed on the territory of water protection zones.

Changes in legislation

In 2007, the new Water Code of Russia came into force. In it, in comparison with the previous document, the regime of the water protection zone was radically changed (from a legal point of view). More precisely, the size of coastal territories was greatly reduced. To understand what we are talking about, let's give an example. Until 2007, the smallest width of water protection zones for rivers (the length of the river is important) ranged from fifty to five hundred meters, for reservoirs and lakes - three hundred, five hundred meters (depending on the area of ​​the reservoir). In addition, the size of these territories was clearly determined by such parameters as the type of land adjacent to the water body.

The determination of the exact dimensions of water protection zones and coastal protective strips was carried out by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation. In certain cases they set the size of the territory from two to three thousand meters. What do we have today?

Water protection zones of water bodies: modern realities

Now the width of coastal areas is established by law itself (Water Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 65). Water protection zones and coastal protective strips for rivers longer than fifty kilometers are limited to an area of ​​no more than two hundred meters. And executive authorities currently do not have the right to set their own standards. We clearly see that the water protection zone of the river, even the largest one, is no more than two hundred meters. And this is several times less than previous standards. This concerns rivers. What about other water areas? Here the situation is even sadder.

Water protection zones of water bodies, such as lakes and reservoirs, have decreased in size tenfold. Just think about the numbers! Ten times! For reservoirs with an area of ​​more than half a kilometer, the width of the zone is now fifty meters. But initially there were five hundred. If the water area is less than 0.5 km, then the water protection zone is not established by the New Code at all. This, apparently, should be understood as the fact that it simply does not exist? The logic in this situation is completely unclear. They are large in size, but any body of water has its own ecosystem, which should not be invaded, otherwise it threatens to disrupt all biological processes. So is it really possible to leave even a small lake unprotected? The only exceptions were those water bodies that are important in fisheries. We see that the water protection zone has not undergone the best changes.

Serious prohibitions in the old version of the Land Code

Previously, the law determined a special regime in the water protection zone. It was an integral part of a single mechanism for a set of measures to improve the hydrobiological, sanitary, hydrochemical, and ecological condition of lakes, rivers, reservoirs and seas, as well as the improvement of surrounding areas. This specialized regime consisted of prohibiting almost any activity in water protection zones.

In such places it was not allowed to set up summer cottages and vegetable gardens, arrange parking for vehicles, or fertilize the soil. And most importantly, construction in the water protection zone was prohibited without approval from the competent authorities. Reconstruction of buildings, communications, mining, land work, and arrangement of dacha cooperatives were also prohibited.

What was previously prohibited is now allowed

The new code contains only four prohibitions out of ten that previously existed:

  1. Fertilizing the soil with wastewater is not permitted.
  2. Such a territory cannot become a site for livestock burial grounds, cemeteries, or the burial of toxic, chemical and radioactive substances.
  3. Aeronautical pest control measures are not permitted.
  4. The coastal strip of the water protection zone is not a place for traffic, parking or parking of cars and other equipment. The only exceptions may be specialized areas with hard surfaces.

Protective belts are currently protected by law only from plowing of land, from the development of pastures for livestock and camps.

In other words, legislators gave the go-ahead to place dacha cooperatives, car washes, repairs, refueling cars in the coastal strip, provide areas for construction, etc. In essence, construction is allowed in the water protection zone and on the coastline. Moreover, the obligation to coordinate all types of activities with competent structures (such as Rosvodoresurs) is even excluded from the law. But the most incomprehensible thing is that since 2007 it has been allowed to privatize land in such places. That is, any environmental protection zone can become the property of private individuals. And then they can do whatever they want with it. Although earlier in Art. 28 Federal Law there was a direct ban on the privatization of these lands.

Results of changes to the Water Code

We see that the new legislation is much less demanding for the protection of coastal areas and water resources. Initially, concepts such as a water protection zone, its dimensions and the dimensions of protective strips were defined by the laws of the USSR. They were based on geographical, hydrological, and soil nuances. Possible near-term changes in the coast were also taken into account. The goal was to preserve water resources from pollution and possible depletion, and to preserve the ecological balance of coastal zones, since they are habitats for animals. The river's water protection zone was established once, and the rules were in effect for several decades. They did not change until January 2007.

There were no prerequisites for simplifying the regime of water protection zones. Environmentalists note that the only goal pursued by legislators when introducing such fundamental changes was simply to provide an opportunity to legitimize the spontaneous mass development of the coastal area, which has been growing over the past ten years. However, everything that was illegally built during the period of the old law cannot be legalized since 2007. This is possible only in relation to those structures that have arisen since the entry into force of the new norms. Everything that was previously, naturally, falls under earlier regulations and documents. This means it cannot be legitimized. This is how a conflict arose.

What can liberal policies lead to?

The establishment of such a soft regime for reservoirs and their coastal zones, and permission to build structures in these places will have a detrimental effect on the condition of nearby territories. The water protection zone of the reservoir is designed to protect the facility from pollution and negative changes. After all, this can lead to disruption of a very fragile ecological balance.

Which, in turn, will affect the lives of all organisms and animals living in this area. A beautiful lake in the forest can turn into an overgrown swamp, a fast river into a dirty creek. You never know how many such examples can be given. Remember how many dacha plots were given away, how people with good intentions tried to improve the land... Only bad luck: the construction of thousands of dachas on the shore of a huge lake led to the fact that it turned into a terrible, stinking resemblance to a reservoir in which it is no longer possible to swim. And the forest in the area has thinned out considerably due to the participation of people. And these are not the saddest examples.

Scale of the problem

The water protection zone of a lake, river or other body of water must be under the close supervision of the law. Otherwise, the problem of one polluted lake or storage facility can develop into a global problem for an entire region.

The larger the body of water, the more complex its ecosystem is. Unfortunately, the disturbed natural balance cannot be restored. Living organisms, fish, plants and animals will die. And it will be impossible to change anything. It's probably worth thinking about this.

Instead of an afterword

In our article, we examined the current problem of water protection facilities and the importance of complying with their regime, and also discussed the latest changes to the Water Code. I would like to believe that easing the rules regarding the protection of water bodies and adjacent areas will not lead to catastrophic consequences, and people will treat the environment wisely and with care. After all, a lot depends on you and me.

Do you think you are Russian? Were you born in the USSR and think that you are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian? No. This is wrong.

Are you actually Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian? But do you think that you are a Jew?

Game? Wrong word. The correct word is “imprinting”.

The newborn associates himself with those facial features that he observes immediately after birth. This natural mechanism is characteristic of most living creatures with vision.

Newborns in the USSR saw their mother for a minimum of feeding time during the first few days, and most of the time they saw the faces of the maternity hospital staff. By a strange coincidence, they were (and still are) mostly Jewish. The technique is wild in its essence and effectiveness.

Throughout your childhood, you wondered why you lived surrounded by strangers. The rare Jews on your way could do whatever they wanted with you, because you were drawn to them, and pushed others away. Yes, even now they can.

You cannot fix this - imprinting is one-time and for life. It’s difficult to understand; the instinct took shape when you were still very far from being able to formulate it. From that moment, no words or details were preserved. Only facial features remained in the depths of memory. Those traits that you consider to be your own.

1 comment

System and observer

Let's define a system as an object whose existence is beyond doubt.

An observer of a system is an object that is not part of the system it observes, that is, it determines its existence through factors independent of the system.

The observer, from the point of view of the system, is a source of chaos - both control actions and the consequences of observational measurements that do not have a cause-and-effect relationship with the system.

An internal observer is an object potentially accessible to the system in relation to which inversion of observation and control channels is possible.

An external observer is an object, even potentially unattainable for the system, located beyond the system’s event horizon (spatial and temporal).

Hypothesis No. 1. All Seeing Eye

Let's assume that our universe is a system and it has an external observer. Then observational measurements can occur, for example, with the help of “gravitational radiation” penetrating the universe from all sides from the outside. The cross section of the capture of “gravitational radiation” is proportional to the mass of the object, and the projection of the “shadow” from this capture onto another object is perceived as an attractive force. It will be proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them, which determines the density of the “shadow”.

The capture of “gravitational radiation” by an object increases its chaos and is perceived by us as the passage of time. An object opaque to “gravitational radiation”, the capture cross section of which is larger than its geometric size, looks like a black hole inside the universe.

Hypothesis No. 2. Inner Observer

It is possible that our universe is observing itself. For example, using pairs of quantum entangled particles separated in space as standards. Then the space between them is saturated with the probability of the existence of the process that generated these particles, reaching its maximum density at the intersection of the trajectories of these particles. The existence of these particles also means that there is no capture cross section on the trajectories of objects that is large enough to absorb these particles. The remaining assumptions remain the same as for the first hypothesis, except:

Passage of time

An outside observation of an object approaching the event horizon of a black hole, if the determining factor of time in the universe is an “external observer,” will slow down exactly twice - the shadow of the black hole will block exactly half of the possible trajectories of “gravitational radiation.” If the determining factor is the “internal observer,” then the shadow will block the entire trajectory of interaction and the flow of time for an object falling into a black hole will completely stop for a view from the outside.

It is also possible that these hypotheses can be combined in one proportion or another.