Hazardous substances Development of a lesson on life safety on the topic: “Hazardous substances or household chemicals”

In our everyday life We use a wide variety of household chemicals, medicines, and household gas. It is difficult to imagine a home in which there would be no paints or varnishes, dish and sink cleaners, solvents, and aerosol liquids. Chemistry, which you will study later, will help you learn about the properties of different chemicals. In the meantime, you need to know that some household chemicals (paints, varnishes, solvents, etc.) are dangerous. Many of them are poisonous, so on the labels of cans, bottles and other packaging they usually write: “Keep out of reach of children.”

Each household chemical item has explanatory notes explaining the degree of its danger. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:

# safe (do not have warning labels);
# relatively safe (they cause harm only if they come into contact with certain areas of the body, or in the eyes);
# flammable (have inscriptions or symbols, prohibiting their use near open fire);
# poisonous (with the inscription “Poison” or special markings).

All of them are supplied with instructions describing the order and methods of use, as well as safety measures during storage and use. These instructions must be strictly followed.

Let's consider some dangerous situations, the cause of which is poisoning.

Domestic gas. The use of gas stoves in everyday life has greatly simplified cooking, but if combustion is incomplete, household gas creates a danger of poisoning, and if it leaks, an explosion can occur.

It is difficult to recognize household gas, since it is colorless and odorless, although it irritates the eyes. Special substances with a specific odor are added to the gas so that its leak can be detected. A gas explosion in residential buildings can destroy living quarters, sometimes entire entrances of multi-storey buildings, people get severe injuries and some die.

To avoid the harmful effects of household gas (the following rules must be followed:

■ do not open gas taps as much as possible;
■ do not leave the stove turned on unattended (a low fire can blow out a draft, boiled water can pour out of a kettle or pan, flood the fire, as a result of which gas will flow into the apartment from an open tap).

Medicines and medical devices

Medicines are usually considered not just useful, but even life-saving. But many of them, if consumed in large quantities, can cause severe poisoning and even death, especially in a child. It is very harmful to take medications in larger doses than prescribed by the doctor, because then a useful medicine can turn into a strong poison.

An ordinary medical thermometer can also cause poisoning: it contains a toxic substance - mercury. If the thermometer breaks and measures are not taken in a timely manner, mercury vapor can cause poisoning to people. Mercury penetrates into floors, furniture, and household items; only specialists from the sanitary-epidemiological service or civil defense can detect and destroy it.

Sometimes, when premises are contaminated with mercury, people have to be evicted and buildings destroyed.

It is very difficult and expensive to neutralize mercury, and curing people poisoned by mercury vapor is not at all easy. Therefore, you should not play around with devices containing mercury, much less play with mercury balls.

If you accidentally break a thermometer or other device containing mercury, you should immediately inform an adult about it.

Household and other chemicals

The most important condition in handling various chemicals- do not take them or use them without the permission of adults. It is better if they are stored in closed cabinets. Often, for household purposes, you have to pour paints and solvents, acetone or kerosene into the first bottles or bottles you come across, which do not have warning labels, and sometimes even have names written on them food products.

Imagine what will happen if a person has a desire to try the contents of such a bottle...

Rules for handling household chemicals:

■ you should not use unfamiliar household chemicals if there are no adults nearby;
■ you should not drink liquids from unfamiliar bottles and cans, especially if they are dirty with something and are standing on the floor or in a secluded place;
■ do not use matches or other fire near cans or bottles with a strong odor;
■ chemically hazardous substances must be stored in locked cabinets;
■ if paint or varnish has been poured into another bottle, a warning notice must be placed on it.

All medications and hazardous substances (household chemicals, solvents, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) must be stored out of the reach of children.


Poisoning can be caused not only by harmful and toxic substances. You can also be poisoned by poisonous plants and mushrooms, and poor-quality food products. The greatest danger is posed by boiled sausages, wieners, frankfurters and other cooked sausages if they have not been stored in the cold. During the warm season, there are especially many cases of poisoning. Contamination of food may also be due to improper storage conditions or lack of necessary cooking.

At the first signs of poisoning (stomach colic, weakness, dizziness), immediately inform your parents or other adults (neighbors, relatives, teachers).


1. Name the main causes of poisoning.
2. Tell us about dangerous situations, the cause of which was poisoning.
3. Name the basic rules for handling hazardous substances.
4. Tell us what household chemicals are found in our homes. How are they stored in your apartment? What inscriptions are on them?
5. Why is a gas stove dangerous?
6. What are the rules for using a gas stove and gas water heater?
7. How should one behave to avoid food poisoning?
8. Tell me what you will do if your younger brother In the absence of my parents, I felt bad after trying some substance.
9. Together with your parents, check what dangerous substances are in your home, make a list of them, and note the dangers of each of them.
10. Make homemade labels to indicate toxic substances with the inscriptions: “Varnish”, “Paint”, “Toxic”, “Flammable”. Think about how to attach them to vials and bottles.
11. Make a list of different products with your mother and note which products should be stored and where, which can be eaten raw, and which should be boiled, fried and why.

TASK 8. Arriving home, you smelled gas. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their order.

1. Call your parents or emergency services from home.
2. Go to your neighbors and call your parents or emergency services.
3. Open windows and doors.
4. Check the burners (if they are open, close them) and turn off the main valve.
5. Light a match to check where the gas is coming from.
6. Turn on the light to make it easier to see.

TASK 9. You came home, put a full kettle on the gas stove and went to watch TV. The door to the kitchen is tightly closed. Forgetting about the kettle, you smelled gas. It's twilight outside. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their order.

1. Turn on the light and see what is causing the gas leak.
2. Close the door to the kitchen tightly.
3. Turn off the TV.
4. Go into the kitchen and turn off the gas tap.
5. Open the window.
6. Contact your neighbors and ask for help.
7. Tell your parents about what happened.

TASK 10. Before leaving for school, you decide to drink tea. While trying to get cookies from the shelf, you accidentally spilled vinegar. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their order.

1. Take a wet cloth and clean up the spilled vinegar.
2. Take no action.
3. Let the vinegar puddle dry.
4. Moisten a towel with a soda solution and breathe through it.
5. Take a small rag and collect the spilled vinegar back into the container.
6. Open the window and ventilate the room.

TASK 11. You, while at home, accidentally broke mercury thermometer. Droplets of mercury rolled across the floor. Select further actions from the proposed options and determine their order.

1. Play with mercury balls.
2. Try to collect them with a broom.
3. Throw the collected mercury into a trash can.
4. Do not say anything to your parents so as not to scold them.
5. Inform your parents about what happened.
6. Place the collected mercury in a jar of water.

Poisonous plants

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For the plant itself toxic substances have great value. Wolf's bast blooms early spring, in April, before the leaves appear. The raven's eye berry is black with a bluish tinge. Poisoning with crow's eye berries causes nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Vekh blooms from June to September. Vekha poison acts on the brain; death occurs from respiratory paralysis. Veh is a very dangerous poisonous plant. Henbane, even in small doses, can be toxic. People poisoned by henbane become violent. The height of wild rosemary is 50-120 cm. Wild rosemary blooms in May - June with white bell-shaped flowers. - Poison.ppt

Dangerous plants

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Akalifa (plant sap is dangerous). Adenium obese (lacty juice is dangerous). Ageratum or longflower (all parts of the plant are dangerous). Aglaonema (all parts of the plant are dangerous, cell sap is poisonous). Allamanda is laxative (all parts of the plant are dangerous). Anthurium (all parts of the plant, cell sap are dangerous). Asparagus (berries are dangerous, juice is poisonous). Aucuba japonica (dangerous berries). Begonia everblooming (all parts of the plant are dangerous). Browallia (all parts of the plant are dangerous). Brunfelsia (all parts of the plant are dangerous). Boxwood (leaves are dangerous). Capsicum (all parts of the plant are dangerous). Carissa (all parts of the plant are dangerous, excluding the fruits). - Plant.ppt

Types of poisons

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Classification of industrial poisons according to the nature of their effect on the human body. Neurotropic toxic poisons. Action: narcotic, defeat nerve cells. Most strong impact the brain is susceptible. Toxic poisons internal organs. Blood poisons. TYPES: – disrupting the process of bone marrow hematopoiesis; – destroying blood elements. Irritant poisons. Respiratory organs, lungs, skin, eyes. Poisoning with nitrogen oxides, phosgene, and dimethyl sulfate causes pulmonary edema. Sensitizing poisons. They cause sensitization of the body with an increase in the body's susceptibility to repeated exposure to the poison. - Types of poisons.ppt

Harmful substances

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Harmfulness information. What is hazard information? Harmful chemical. How harmful chemicals affect the body. Types of chemicals. Solids. Vapors and fibers. Dust. Liquids. Fog. Gases and vapors. How chemicals enter the body. Ingestion. Inhalation. Absorption through the skin. Toxicity of chemicals. Chronic and acute toxicity. PEL. Toxic chemicals. Carcinogens. Groups of toxic chemicals. Sensitizers. Caustic chemicals. Leather. Inhalation and eyes. Examples of caustic chemicals. Protection against caustic substances. - Harmful substances.ppt

Classes of hazardous substances

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Classes of dangerous goods. Explosives and products. Symbol. Danger signs. Possible additional hazards. Substances. Substances and products. Handling explosives. Gases. Toxic gases. Flammable liquids. Gas oil, diesel fuel. Flammable solids. Flammable substances and products. Substances capable of spontaneous combustion. Pyrophoric substances. Possible additional hazards. When reacting with water, they release flammable gases. Oxidizing substances. Self-reactive substances. Substances that emit flammable gases. - Classes of hazardous substances.ppt

Hazard classes of substances

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Chemical safety. Safety. No unacceptable risk. Types of goods. Impact on the body. Basic elements. Groups of heavy metals. Copper. Zinc. Cadmium. Lead. Arsenic. Mercury. A group of metals that are less dangerous to humans. Iron and tin. Pesticides. Mycotoxins. Nitrates. Antibiotics. Toxic substances. Nutritional supplements. Preservatives. - Hazard classes of substances.ppt

Chemicals in products

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Chemicals in products. International aspects. Life in the world. Toxic nation. Toxic substances in umbilical cord blood. Toxic substances in the human body. Consumer goods. International initiatives. Information programs. Execution of legislation. Lists of chemicals. Lists of substances. Improved risk assessment. Manufacturer. Measures taken as a result of notification of goods. Duty to provide information. Chemicals Program. - Chemicals in products.ppt

Substances of cytotoxic action

Slides: 68 Words: 5093 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Toxic chemicals with cytotoxic effects. Types of SDYAV according to the clinical picture of the lesion. The need for knowledge of the clinic. Dangerous substance. Damaging effects of substances. The most toxic cytotoxicants. Groups of cytotoxicants. Toxic modifiers. Hidden period. Modifiers plastic exchange. Toxic modifiers of plastic metabolism. Dioxins. Physico-chemical properties. Toxicokinetics. Polychlorinated biphenyls. Gastrointestinal tract. The main manifestations of acute intoxication. Non-fatal injuries. Increase congenital anomalies. Mechanism of toxic action. - Substances of cytotoxic action.pptx

Emergency chemically hazardous substances

Slides: 18 Words: 938 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Hazardous substances. Introduce students to hazardous chemicals. Dangerous chemical. Harmful substances. Classification of hazardous substances. Hydrochloric acid. Chlorine. Gases. Human respiratory tract. Neutropic poisons. Non-flammable substances. Acetylene. Flammable substances. Minimum sizes of sanitary protection zones. Consolidation. - Emergency chemically hazardous substances.ppt

Characteristics of hazardous chemical substances

Slides: 16 Words: 751 Sounds: 0 Effects: 78

Auction. Emergency chemical hazardous substances. Two teams. Opposite team. An example of a game scheme. Questions for the game. Tearing. Signs of intoxication. Toxic substance. A substance with asphyxiating and generally toxic effects. Validity period. Liquid. Red bone marrow. Asphyxiating poison. Low molecular weight organic compounds. - Characteristics of hazardous chemical substances.ppt

Acetic acid poisoning

Slides: 13 Words: 330 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Domestic chemical burns of the esophagus with acetic acid in children. Acute poisoning of children. Acetic acid. Pathogenesis and clinical picture of poisoning. Acute period. A period of imaginary prosperity. Bougienage. Period of stricture formation. Esophageal plastic surgery. Period of late complications. -

Purpose of the lesson Learn to determine the degree of danger of household chemicals Learn to determine the degree of danger of household chemicals Expand knowledge about the rules for the use and application of household chemicals Expand knowledge about the rules for the use and application of household chemicals Develop rules for their storage Develop rules for their storage

What are household chemicals?.Cosmetics,.Cosmetics, Synthetic detergents, Synthetic detergents, Dishwashing detergents, Dishwashing detergents, Furniture care products, Furniture care products, Air fresheners, etc. Fresheners air, etc.

Hazardous chemicals included in household chemicals Cosmetic products: Many types of cosmetic products and nail care systems use formaldehyde, a toxic colorless gas that is an irritant and carcinogen. Synthetic detergents: All are made from petroleum, contain enzymes, phosphates, aggressive bleaches, synthetic fragrances, dyes, preservatives, thickeners, etc. The basis of all synthetic detergents is anionic surfactants. Surfactants are insidious! Sometimes neither the patient nor the doctor realizes how seriously household chemicals affect our health. Dishwashing detergents: In their composition, dishwashing detergents differ little from washing powders. After washing dishes, 20 to 40% of the detergent remains on its surface, which poses a danger to human health.

Household chemicals in our home Shampoo for carpets and upholstery “Vanish”; Antipyatin soap for removing stains on clothes; Washing powder"AOS" for washing white laundry; "Amway Dish Drops" concentrated dishwashing liquid; Anti-dandruff shampoo "Amway SATINIQUE" to prevent dandruff

Alternative to using household chemicals (Advice from my grandmother) Warm soap solution (add baking soda– and at your disposal good remedy for washing dishes, does not contain abrasives and harmful chemicals). Warm soap solution (add baking soda there and you have a good dishwashing detergent that does not contain abrasives or harmful chemicals). Vinegar (removes stains, disinfects, cleans tiles, removes scale) Vinegar (removes stains, disinfects, cleans tiles, removes scale) Natural natural herbs can serve as a substitute for an air freshener in the toilet Natural herbs can serve as a substitute for an air freshener in the toilet Laundry soap is a good remedy for fighting stains on clothes Laundry soap is a good remedy for fighting stains on clothes Lye brewed in a bathhouse is a good shampoo, without adding harmful fragrances Brewed in bath lye is a good shampoo, without adding harmful fragrances

Conclusion. In order to avoid danger from using household chemicals, you must: Know the names of the dangerous components of household chemicals, know what their danger is; Know the names of dangerous components of household chemicals, know what their danger is; Be careful when purchasing household chemicals, study the composition of the drug and make sure it is safe; Be careful when purchasing household chemicals, study the composition of the drug and make sure it is safe; Use alternative methods to household chemicals. Use alternative methods to household chemicals.

StatementsAgree Disagree There are more than 1,000 household chemicals Every year there are about 300 thousand poisonings, including almost 20 thousand from fatalities associated in our country with household chemicals. To effectively clean glass, you can use sunflower oil. More than 3 thousand years ago in the East they learned to make soap. After working with household chemicals, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Any household chemical can be replaced with a simpler and harmless product. Be sure to carefully read the instructions after purchasing household chemicals. All packages containing household chemicals must be signed. All “household chemicals” are harmful to human health. Aerosols should not be stored near heat sources.

1. Store separately from food products, preferably where there is an exhaust hood. 2.Cannot be used for games or for purposes other than its intended purpose. 3.Do not get into mouth, nose, eyes! 4.Keep all substances in original packaging and be sure to be signed. 5.Check the shelf life and use of substances. 6. You cannot store substances near fire! 7.You cannot throw away containers of household chemicals at home, on the road, or in the lap of nature.

MUSHROOM POISONING About 20 types of mushrooms can cause poisoning. The most poisonous - pale grebe and fly agaric. Also toxic are walruses, wrinkles, fake gray and brick-red honey mushrooms. About 20 types of mushrooms can cause poisoning. The most poisonous are toadstool and fly agaric. Also toxic are walruses, wrinkles, fake gray and brick-red honey mushrooms.

Pale grebe fly agaric red honey fungus sulfur yellow fake MUSHROOM POISONING Poisoning can be caused by about 20 species of mushrooms. The most poisonous are toadstool and fly agaric. Also toxic are walruses, wrinkles, fake gray and brick-red honey mushrooms.

The most dangerous poisoning occurs when consuming toadstool. The poison of this mushroom (fallotoxini, amanitatoxini) is not destroyed by culinary processing, it cannot be detected using everyday methods. Mortality in severe poisoning reaches 80%. The most dangerous poisoning occurs when consuming toadstool. The poison of this mushroom (fallotoxini, amanitatoxini) is not destroyed by cooking and cannot be detected by household methods. Mortality in severe poisoning reaches 80%. A feature of poisoning with toadstool is a long latent period. More hours pass from the time of consumption of mushrooms to the first clinical signs of poisoning. (All others are conditional edible mushrooms- show their toxic effect much earlier - within hours). A feature of poisoning with toadstool is a long latent period. More hours pass from the time of consumption of mushrooms to the first clinical signs of poisoning. (However, others - conditionally edible mushrooms - show their toxic effect much earlier - after hours).

Poisons are quickly absorbed in the digestive canal. 2 years after entering the body, 57% of them are deposited in the liver, 3% in the kidneys, 9.5% in the muscles. Alcohol potentiates the effect of the poison. Poisons are quickly absorbed in the digestive canal. 2 years after entering the body, 57% of them are deposited in the liver, 3% in the kidneys, 9.5% in the muscles. Alcohol potentiates the effect of the poison. Lethal dose(3-amanitin 0.1 mg/kg. Almost one mushroom is enough to cause fatal poisoning in an adult. Mortality rate is %, and among children reaches 90%. Lethal dose (3-amanitin 0.1 mg/kg. Almost one is enough fungus to cause fatal poisoning in an adult, the mortality rate is %, and among children it reaches 90%.

Acute poisoning has acquired particular relevance in lately as a result of accumulation in environment over 6 million different chemical compounds and drugs. About 60 thousand of them are used in everyday life in the form food additives, medicines, pesticides, household chemicals, cosmetics. Toxic substances, which cause greatest number acute poisonings, there are about 500. Acute poisonings have acquired particular relevance recently as a result of the accumulation of over 6 million different chemical compounds and drugs in the environment. About 60 thousand of them are used in everyday life in the form of food additives, medicines, pesticides, household chemicals, and cosmetics. There are about 500 toxic substances that cause the largest number of acute poisonings.

Acute poisoning is often characterized by unexpected occurrence, rapid development of the clinical picture, and severe complications. The consequence of acute poisoning largely depends on the timeliness of presentation medical care. The doctor must quickly determine the source and nature of the poisoning, immediately take measures to remove and neutralize the poison, and eliminate the most dangerous life-threatening disorders. important functions body. Timely and adequate treatment makes it possible to avoid serious complications and death of the victim. Acute poisoning is often characterized by unexpected occurrence, rapid development of the clinical picture, and severe complications. The consequence of acute poisoning largely depends on the timeliness of medical assistance. The doctor must quickly determine the source and nature of the poisoning, immediately take measures to remove and neutralize the poison, and eliminate the most dangerous disorders of the vital functions of the body. Timely and adequate treatment makes it possible to avoid serious complications and death of the victim.

Classification of poisonings by causes and place of their occurrence: 1. Accidental poisonings: 1. Accidental poisonings: a) industrial; a) production; b) household (self-medication, overdose of medications; b) household (self-medication, overdose of medications, alcohol or drug intoxication); drugs, alcohol or drug intoxication); c) medical errors. c) medical errors. 2. Intentional poisoning: 2. Intentional poisoning: a) criminal (for the purpose of murder); a) criminal (for the purpose of murder); b) suicides. b) suicides. Recently, there has been a constant increase in cases of acute poisoning. The number of accidental poisonings is about 80%, suicide - 18%, industrial - 2% of all poisonings. Recently, there has been a constant increase in cases of acute poisoning. The number of accidental poisonings is about 80%, suicide - 18%, industrial - 2% of all poisonings.

Digestive system- a system of organs through which the body receives nutrients. The task digestive organs is the ingestion of food, its mechanical fragmentation during chewing and chemical breakdown under the influence of saliva, gastric juice, bile and pancreatic secretions.

Food poisoning is mainly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the stomach and intestines. The disease lasts 2-5 days, then, in almost all cases, self-healing occurs. The victim of food poisoning is advised to rest. large number fluids, bed rest and fasting. Consumption of food usually causes a deterioration in general condition.

The most common types of food poisoning are: 1. Microbial poisoning (food poisoning) 2. Poisoning associated with food consumption poisonous plants and animals Poisoning associated with eating poisonous plants and animals 3. Poisoning with chemicals various categories. Poisoning by chemicals of various categories

How to provide first aid? Before the doctor arrives, rinse your stomach as quickly as possible a large number water; give a laxative (2 tablespoons of castor oil); do a deep enema with 2 tablespoons of castor oil or a strong infusion of chamomile; every half hour give a hot drink, strong tea, coffee, hot wine; warm baths and general warming are useful; rub the body with a cloth soaked in vinegar or vodka; call an ambulance.

2. Prepare the solution apple cider vinegar in water (2 tablespoons per glass). Drink 1 teaspoon of solution every 5 minutes during the day. There is nothing to eat. 3. On the second day, give the enema again with diluted vinegar and drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar solution throughout the day. There is nothing to eat. 4. On the third day, start eating pureed porridge and tea with breadcrumbs. Drink diluted apple cider vinegar 3 times a day, 1 glass (1 tablespoon of vinegar per glass). Treatment regimen 1. Rinse the stomach with warm boiled and slightly salted water. Give a cleansing enema with the addition of apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons of vinegar per 2 liters warm water). After this, go to bed and put a warm heating pad on your stomach.


  • Educational: expand students’ knowledge about hazardous substances in everyday life, the possibility of poisoning with medicines and poor-quality food products. Form an idea of ​​the need to consume natural products.
  • Developmental: develop students’ communication abilities, the ability to work collectively, conduct a productive conversation, and practically apply theoretical knowledge.
  • Educational: cultivate a responsible attitude towards one’s health and neatness in everyday life. Focus on use of products, produced in Russia.

Form of organization of students' educational activities– group.

Visibility: computer presentation, didactic material, visual aids (toothpaste, bottles of “Liquid soap”, “Dishing liquid”, “Bathtub cleaning liquid”, etc.)

Lesson progress

I. Organizational beginning of the lesson.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Oral survey on homework. Reinforcement of the material covered using a presentation.

1. What can lead to flooding in an apartment?

2. How to protect yourself from flooding?

3. What should be done in case of flooding? (Slide-active presentation, with the correct choice of sequence of actions, the rating pops up)

Learning new material.

Goal setting: today in the lesson we will learn what the dangers of household chemicals, gas, medicines are, and how they act on the human body, what negative effects they have on the human body. (Record lesson topic)

The topic of the lesson is “Hazardous substances.”

Learning Objectives:

1. Study: dangerous substances in everyday life, the possibility of poisoning with medications, poor-quality food products.

2. Learn how to properly handle hazardous substances. Take proper action if you smell gas.

II. The main part of the lesson.

Groups of hazardous substances in everyday life.

Motivation for learning activities.

Students give answers to questions posed by the teacher.

Questions: 1. “Which group includes “liquid soap”, “toothpaste”, “dishwashing liquid”?

2. Which group includes “bathtub and sink cleaner”?

3. Which group includes “liquefied gas”, “acetone”?

4. To which group can “insect control agent” be classified?

After each question, the slide in the presentation is viewed.

Students write down the groups and substances related to them in their notebooks.

Household flammable gas.

It is difficult to recognize household gas, since it is colorless and odorless, although it irritates the eyes. Special substances with a specific odor are added to the gas so that gas leaks can be detected.

Rules for using gas (write in notebook)

Do not open gas taps as much as possible;

Do not leave the stove on unattended.

How to behave if you notice the smell of gas in your apartment.

A slide with an algorithm of actions is viewed.

Medicines. Slides: Medicines-helpers, Medicines-enemies.

Household and other chemicals.

Working with the textbook p. 43 (2 people read a paragraph at a time)

Conclusion: All medications and hazardous substances (household chemicals, solvents, gasoline, kerosene and others) must be stored out of the reach of children. (read)


Conversation with the class

In what cases do you think foods can cause poisoning?

Yes, in the summer, in the heat, almost all products spoil very quickly, especially meat and dairy products (meat, sausage, cottage cheese). Microorganisms dangerous to humans multiply in them at a tremendous speed. A special sausage poison can accumulate not only in sausage, but also in ham, salted pork, and canned meat, and these products often do not have a bad odor and retain “ fresh look" Therefore, products should be consumed only if you are sure of their freshness or after hot processing. It is better to store them in a cool, dark place, i.e. Where? (In the refrigerator). Food should be consumed immediately after preparation, and before the next use it should either be cooled very much or boiled (fry, rinse with boiling water, depending on the type of product).

How to avoid food poisoning.

Students read on slide“Prevention of food poisoning”

Consolidation of new knowledge and skills.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, we will conduct testing

Slide: “Fun tests”

III. Summing up the lesson

Conclusion: All medications and hazardous substances (household chemicals, solvents, gasoline, kerosene and others) should be stored out of the reach of children.

The final part.

Review the main points of the lesson and check your understanding of the topic.

Test questions.

1. Why is a gas stove dangerous?

2. How to avoid food poisoning.

Homework: V.V. Polyakov 5th grade. Topic 2.5. pp.40-46.

Make a memo:

“When buying food in a store, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics (write in your notebook):

Memo “How to choose the right products”

1. Appearance and packaging integrity.

2. Expiration date.

3. Availability of food additives.

IN natural products(juices, milk, etc.) for preservation, they do not use chemical preservative additives, but the pasteurization method (rapid heating to high temperatures and rapid cooling). Many imported confectionery products and drinks use emulsifiers, food colorings, and flavoring agents, so you need to pay attention to the letter E with an index indicating the types of food additives.

4. Completeness of information.