Where to get vitamin D for the body. Vitamin D, benefits for the body, vitamin-rich foods

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Some people with early childhood The taste of fish oil is familiar, because... V childhood For normal development of the body, vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) is very necessary. The lack of this important substance negatively affects the condition of human bones, skin, teeth, and hair. But not only fish oil contains D3. There are other foods rich in cholecalciferol. Find out what dishes and foods containing vitamin D are present in your diet. This guide will help you figure it out.

What foods contain large amounts of vitamin D?

Vitamin D is especially beneficial for the health of people of any age. This substance affects the exchange of calcium and phosphorus and their normal absorption. Small children born in autumn and winter are additionally prescribed artificial D3 to strengthen bone tissue. Cholecalciferol has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system, its intake helps prevent colds. The daily dose of D3 is 2.5 mcg, which the body must obtain from food.

The undisputed record holder for vitamin D content is fish oil. Per 100 g of this product there is more than 0.20 mg of vitamin, which is almost 20 times the human daily requirement. But fish oil is not the only way to replenish your reserves. useful substance. Thus, the source of D3 is considered to be sea fish, especially halibut, cod, and herring. Dishes made from them contain approximately 3 mcg of D3 per 100 g.

Fermented milk products: cheese, cottage cheese help to replenish cholecalciferol reserves well. It is beneficial to consume creamy and vegetable oil, raw egg yolks. Nutritionists also advise diversifying your diet with the liver of fish, for example, cod, which contains the maximum concentration of D3 per 100 g. The body will receive cholecalciferol from milk, but in minimum quantity, since the fresh product contains phosphorus, which interferes with its normal absorption.

Oatmeal, parsley, potatoes, dandelion greens, and horsetail can satisfy the body's need for cholecalciferol. But plant foods contain very little vitamin D, so among vegetarians there are frequent cases of illness due to its deficiency. Thus, children with D3 deficiency suffer from rickets, and adults develop osteoporosis. An insufficient amount of this substance is manifested by increased fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy.

In the human body, vitamin D can be produced through sunbathing. The substance is synthesized under the sun's rays, so summer walks in solar time good for health. But the main thing is moderation. No doctor will recommend sunbathing for several hours to get your daily dose of D3. It is recommended to stay in the sun for no more than a quarter of an hour and only in the morning and evening time(before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m.), when the sun is less aggressive, and not in its active phase.

List of foods that supply calcium and vitamin D3

Once in the body, vitamin D3 will also act as a regulator of calcium and phosphorus levels, helping their absorption to strengthen bone tissue. It is advisable to include in the menu dishes that contain both D3 and calcium. You can use to prepare them:

In addition to dishes containing calcium, ultraviolet rays are needed to saturate the body with D3. Moderate exposure to the sun on human skin has a beneficial effect on health and well-being. Doctors have proven that at least 90% of the total amount of vitamin D in the body is synthesized by the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. When choosing places to sunbathe, give preference to beaches with clean air. Ultraviolet radiation does not pass through polluted air well, so there will be little benefit from taking such sunbathing. Find out in more detail which ones should be consumed if there is a shortage of it.

If you decide to compensate for the lack of D3 by taking synthesized drugs, be sure to consult your doctor. Sometimes taking foods and tablets artificially enriched with cholecalciferol causes the deposition of calcium salts. Therefore, such drugs are taken only for medical indications. About (in products and pharmaceutical preparations) for children's health watch the video with Dr. Komarovsky.

Table of vitamin D content in food

Thanks to this table, you will be able to fill your diet with the right foods in order to receive an adequate daily dose of vitamin D and not face problems that occur due to its absence in our body.

Vitamin D, also called calciferol, is essential for people of all ages. The substance must be regularly supplied to the body in order for the skeleton to remain strong. Calciferol is extremely important for older people prone to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The vitamin is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sun radiation and also enters the body with food. Therefore, it is important for both adults and children to eat well and take frequent walks in the sun. If hypovitaminosis has developed, it is recommended to take vitamin D tablets.

The benefits of calciferol for the human body

Vitamin D performs several important functions in the human body:

  • participates in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus;
  • moves minerals through the bloodstream into bone tissue;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • regulates the absorption of mineral elements in the intestine;
  • participates in the production of certain hormones.

There are several types of calciferol:

  • D 2 – ergocalciferol;
  • D 3 – cholecalciferol;
  • D 5 – sitocalciferol;
  • D 6 – stigmacalciferol.

Each of the above types of calciferol performs its own function in the human body. Vitamins D2 and D3 are especially important for humans. Other types of calciferol do not have any effect significant influence on the functioning of organs and systems.

Cholecalciferol is necessary for the complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestinal tract. Ergocalciferol optimizes the concentration of minerals in bone tissue. Vitamins D 2 and D 3 work in combination, so they both must enter the body in optimal quantities.

The effect of vitamin D on the female and male body

Vitamin D deficiency is the main enemy female beauty. Calciferol maintains healthy bone structure, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and nerve fibers, regulates metabolism and blood clotting processes. If there is a lack of the substance, women's nails break, hair falls out profusely, gums bleed and teeth decay, limbs hurt, and fractures are often observed. The vitamin is also responsible for the absorption of phosphorus. With calciferol deficiency in women, due to a decrease in phosphorus in the body, skin rashes appear, health worsens, bone aches are felt, and metabolism is disrupted.

Men with vitamin D deficiency experience the same health problems as women. In addition, calciferol is important for maintaining normal hormonal levels V male body. When there is a lack of the substance in men, the concentration of testosterone in the blood decreases, which increases the effect of female sex hormones on the body.

Daily intake of calciferol

The amount of vitamin consumed per day depends on age and physical condition person.

  1. For adults, the norm is 400 IU per day.
  2. For children and adolescents - from 400 to 600 IU.
  3. For older people - from 600 to 800 IU.
  4. For pregnant women - about 800 IU.

The best way to get vitamin D is to stand in direct sunlight. For people who rarely go outside or live in northern regions, the risk of developing hypovitaminosis D increases significantly. The following categories of people need calciferol most:

  • inhabitants of high latitudes;
  • residents of industrial areas where the air is heavily polluted with harmful substances;
  • workers forced to work night shifts;
  • vegetarians, adherents of strict diets;
  • old people;
  • dark people, skin which poorly receive solar radiation;
  • people with reduced immunity or serious illnesses.

Indications for use of vitamin D

Vitamin D 3 is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of the following pathologies:

  • rickets in children - a disease accompanied by thinning of bone tissue and skeletal deformation due to impaired calcium metabolism in the body;
  • osteoporosis;
  • deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, accompanied by respiratory dysfunction and chronic fatigue;
  • oncology, if there is a predisposition to the development of malignant tumors;
  • eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • renal tubular acidosis.

Vitamin D is also often prescribed as a restorative agent after long-term use of corticosteroid and anticonvulsant medications.

People living in the northern regions must periodically take calciferol preparations to prevent hypovitaminosis and other serious pathologies. For preventive purposes, the vitamin is prescribed at least once every three years.

Calciferol-rich foods

Solar radiation is the main, but not the only source of vitamin D. B winter months When there is a lack of sun, it is recommended to consume foods containing significant amounts of calciferol. The list of these products includes:

  • fish oil;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cheeses;
  • butter;
  • yolk;
  • milk.

List of the best vitamin D tablets

Pharmacies sell large quantities of medicines based on vitamin D, both cheap and expensive. The price is determined by the form of release of the medicine, effectiveness, cost, and active substance. Thus, drugs based on vitamin D 3 are more expensive than drugs containing vitamin D 2.

  1. .The best drug prescribed for frail and premature babies. The vitamin is given to infants in drop form. One drop contains 600 IU of calciferol. To give medicine to a child, the drop must be dissolved in a small amount of water. Aquadetrim is also prescribed to children and adolescents to prevent rickets.
  2. Alpha D 3 -Teva. The medication is sold in capsules containing a solution of calciferol in oil. Intended for adults and children over 6 years old. The medication is taken daily, after meals you need to swallow 1 - 2 capsules with enough water. According to the instructions for use, the capsule should be swallowed without chewing.
  3. Calcium-D 3 Nycomed. Chewable fruit tablets containing optimal amounts of cholecalciferol and calcium. The drug is intended for adults and children over 6 years of age. The recommended dosage is one tablet per day. The tablet is dissolved or chewed after eating.
  4. Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D 3. A complex drug, sold in tablet form, intended primarily for the prevention of osteoporosis. The optimal dosage is one tablet 2 times a day. The medication is taken before or during meals. It is better not to chew the tablet, but to swallow it whole.
  5. Tevabon. The medication is sold in tablet and capsule form. Prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis. The active ingredient is alfacalcidol. This is a synthetic analogue of vitamin D.
  6. . A complex preparation based on calcium and cholecalciferol. Recommended for women as it eliminates brittle nails. It also improves the absorption of minerals in the body, prevents the development of osteoporosis, and normalizes blood clotting. You need to take 1-2 tablets a day, preferably chew them.
  7. .Medicine in tablets, designed specifically to eliminate osteoporosis and rapid skeletal regeneration after fractures. The components of the drug are cholecalciferol, calcium, copper, zinc, boron.
  8. Calcemin. Dietary supplement containing calcium, cholecalciferol, zinc, manganese, copper. You need to take 1 tablet per day.
  9. Natekal D 3. Chewable tablets based on calcium and vitamin D 3. The medication provides the body with an optimal amount of mineral and helps normalize hormonal levels. Daily dose – 1 – 2 tablets. Reception is carried out after meals.
  10. Etalfa. A high-quality Danish drug is sold under this name. Available in drop and capsule form. The vitamin in capsules is dissolved in sesame oil. The medication is intended for the treatment of rickets and osteoporosis.
  11. Van Alpha. A drug in tablet form based on alfacalcidol, an artificial analogue of vitamin D. It is prescribed for the treatment of rickets, strengthening the immune system, and normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Overdose and side effects

If a person is insensitive to the substance and takes the drug according to the instructions, then side effects are usually not observed. In rare cases, the following are noted:

  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • diarrhea;
  • deterioration of kidney function.

In case of sensitivity to a substance or overdose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • dehydration;
  • calcinosis;
  • increased blood pressure.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin D

Like all other vitamins, calciferol should not be taken in excess. It is forbidden to use vitamin D preparations for people who are sensitive to the active component, suffering from renal osteodystrophy and urolithiasis. People with tuberculosis, heart pathologies, kidney and liver disorders, stomach or duodenal ulcers should take the vitamin with extreme caution. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should definitely consult a medical specialist before taking a vitamin D supplement.

Most often, preparations and products containing vitamin D are of interest to young mothers, since its lack can lead to rickets in infants and older children. In fact, this vitamin is no less important for adult men and women, especially when there is a lack of sun in gloomy weather from October to May.

In this article you will learn why the body needs vitamin D, what its deficiency may be, and which foods contain the most of this valuable element.

Why does everyone need vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone and muscle health, as well as immune and nervous systems. Most foods are poor sources of this vitamin, leaving us with few choices. large number products rich in it, a list of which we will consider below. First, let's figure out what vitamin D is and why a person needs it.

6 interesting facts:

Research has shown that people with low blood levels of vitamin D perform worse on standardized exams, may have poor decision-making skills, and have difficulty with tasks requiring attention and concentration. In addition, a number of studies have found that normal level Vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer, especially colon and breast cancer.

Lack of vitamin D in the body: symptoms and possible consequences

Vitamin D deficiency often leads to soft bones (osteomalacia) and rickets, and may also be associated with low immunity, depression, autoimmune diseases and cancer. However, vitamin D deficiency does not always have symptoms. Sometimes they do not make themselves felt until the level of vitamin D becomes very low and the body requires serious treatment.

Perhaps these 9 main signs and symptoms will help you recognize a lack of vitamin D in your body in advance:

According to Harvard Medical School, if the body does not have enough vitamin D, it can only absorb 10-15% of dietary calcium, compared to 30-40% when sufficient level this vitamin.

How much vitamin D do we need to avoid all this and stay healthy?

The table below shows the recommended daily norm vitamin D consumption. It is worth noting that these figures are often disputed today. Lack of sunlight in autumn and winter, long working hours and sunscreen in summer lead us to an even greater need for vitamin D from food and medications. Many scientists insist that the vitamin D requirement should be closer to 4000 IU per day.

1 IU or international unit approximately equal to 0.025 μg of cholecalciferol (D3) or ergocalciferol (D2). We can take vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from food of animal origin, while vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is produced from mushrooms, yeast and is more suitable for vegans.

What foods contain vitamin D: where is it most?

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common health problems in the world. On average, 30 to 50% of people are deficient in it. People living in regions with short time exposure to sunlight, as well as people with dark skin, lack of body fat and those taking steroids and weight loss medications.

What foods contain vitamin D: table of champions

The following table shows which foods contain the most vitamin D. These are the real champions:

Products with vitamin D Calories (per 100 g)

Fish and products from it

Cod liver oil 10 002 902
Mackerel (salted) 1 006 305
Salmon (in a can) 841 167
Trout (baked) 759 168
Salmon (baked) 670 156
Mackerel (raw) 643 205
Trout (raw) 635 141
Salmon (raw) 563 131
Sturgeon (baked) 515 135
Fish oil from sardines 332 902
Mackerel (in a jar) 292 156
Tuna in oil (in a can) 269 198
Halibut (baked) 231 111

Eggs and products made from them

Eggs (dry powder) 331 594
Egg yolk (raw) 218 317


Maitake (raw) 1 123,00 31
Chanterelles (raw) 212 38
Morels (raw) 206 31

The list below includes other popular foods that contain vitamin D, although in much smaller quantities. However, we can eat many of them daily:

Products with vitamin D Amount of vitamin D (IU per 100 g of product) Calories (per 100 g)

Cheeses and dairy products

Cheddar cheese 24 403
Powdered milk 20 496
Edam cheese 20 357
Parmesan cheese 19 392
Camembert cheese 18 300
Mozzarella 16 300
Feta 16 264
Whipped cream 16 257
Margarine 12 718
Whole milk 3.25% 2 60


Shiitake (dried) 154 296
Champignons (grilled) 14 29
Porcini mushrooms (fried or boiled) 8 26

Animal products

Poultry fat (chicken, duck, turkey) 191 900
Pork lard (raw) 122 812
Pork ribs (braised) 104 397
Animal fat 101 897
Ham 75 507
Pork (fried, baked) 45-63 292
Beef liver (stewed) 49 191

Fish products

Sardine in tomato (in a jar) 193 186
Sardine in oil (in a jar) 193 208
Cod (dried) 161 290
Tilapia (baked) 150 128
Flounder (baked) 139 86
Black and red caviar 117 264
Herring (pickled) 113 262


Eggs (fried) 88 196
Eggs (boiled) 86 155
Eggs (raw) 82 143


Spinach soufflé 31 172
Cream of mushroom soup with milk 29 65
Bread toast with egg 21 315
Mashed potatoes with milk 9 83

Data source: US National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, May 2016 version.

Vitamin D in the pharmacy: is it worth taking the drugs?

It is strictly not recommended to prescribe yourself or buy vitamin D medications at the pharmacy, since its overdose also threatens with dire consequences for health. If you notice symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, you can take a blood test. How much vitamin D should a person have in his blood? Normal levels range from 35 to 50 ng/ml. If your indicator is lower, then the doctor will be able to prescribe you a certain dose of the drug. Without analysis, this vitamin is usually prescribed only for the prevention of rickets - for infants and slightly older children. As a rule, these are colecalciferol preparations:

  • Akvavit-D3;
  • Aquadetrim Vitamin D3;
  • Vigantol;
  • Videin;
  • D3 Droplet;
  • Plivit;
  • Tridevita.

Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) is also good for preventing vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women, children and adults. Note that it will be more convenient for small children to take vitamin D in drops, while tablets are also available for adults.

We remind you that our body is able to accumulate vitamin D for use during periods when we do not receive enough of it. Therefore, if you are active in good weather If you have no health complaints and eat a balanced diet, then you do not need additional vitamin D supplements.

What is the danger of an overdose of vitamin D and its symptoms?

Symptoms of excessive vitamin D intake include poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue, red eyes, vomiting, diarrhea and discomfort in the muscles. A typical consequence of vitamin D overdose is hypercalcemia, which initially causes nausea and fatigue, and over time can negatively affect the entire body.

It is nearly impossible to get too much vitamin D from sunlight and food sources, so excess vitamin D in the blood is usually the result of taking supplements.

How much is “too much”?

Damage from vitamin D usually occurs when you take 40,000 IU per day for several months or longer. Keep in mind that our body produces between 10,000 and 25,000 IU of vitamin D on its own after short-term direct skin exposure. sun rays. Therefore, in summer it is especially not recommended to abuse vitamin preparations.

Be healthy!

D (also known as calciferol) is both a fat-soluble vitamin and a hormone. Traditionally it is called “”, since it is easiest to get it by sunbathing in the summer under the sun. Let's take a closer look at its varieties, features, benefits for the body and recommendations for use.

Forms of the vitamin

There are two active forms that are currently used to designate vitamin D:

  • D2 - (synthetic) plant origin, appears as a result of exposure to UV rays on the yeast fungus. It is included in dietary supplements and enriched food with it.
  • D3 – (natural), it can be found in animal products.

In addition to these two main forms, vitamins of group D include the following: provitamin D3 (vit. D4), D5 - sitocalciferol, D6 - stigma-calciferol. The difference between them is the source, synthesis in the body and use. When talking about calciferol, D2 and D3 are most often suggested.

It enters the body in two ways: from food and as a result of synthesis from provitamins under the influence of sunlight. Preserves quite well during culinary processing, like .

What is vitamin D for?

D has extensive useful action on the human body, affects the health of various systems.

  • Skeletal system. The main function of D is the absorption of calcium and magnesium for subsequent formation healthy teeth and bones. It also promotes better absorption of calcium in the intestines and kidneys, regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. This is its main hormonal function.
  • Immunity. D affects the bone marrow, which is involved in the synthesis of monocytes - immune cells, thereby increasing immunity.
  • Cellular growth. D is directly involved in the growth, development and maintenance of healthy cells. The benefits of vitamin D in this matter are invaluable: the hormone provides high-quality protection for the body from malignant diseases, slows down the development of cancer in the skin, breast and colon. Effectively treats leukemia, cancer of the ovaries, breast, prostate, brain and is a good prevention of these ailments.
  • Nervous system. Helps maintain normal levels of calcium in the blood, ensures normal functioning of muscles and nerves, and helps restore the protective membranes surrounding the nerve.
  • Hormones. The vitamin coordinates the production of insulin in the pancreas, thereby affecting blood glucose levels.

Where and how to get vitamin D?

If a person receives a sufficient amount of D in the summer, sunbathing in the sun, then he is saturated with the necessary supply for the whole year. The vitamin is actively synthesized from provitamins, but the quantity and quality of this process depends on several factors:

  • Light wavelength. Medium spectrum waves that are active in the morning and at sunset are of great benefit.
  • The age of the person. The older the skin, the worse it synthesizes D.
  • Initial pigmentation. The darker the skin, the less vitamin D is produced when exposed to the sun.
  • Air pollution. Dust, industrial waste and emissions interfere ultraviolet rays fully achieve earth's surface, so people living in industrialized cities with a polluted atmosphere are deficient in D.

Also, people living in the North, in high latitudes, and leading night look life and bedridden patients who spend little time outdoors. Pregnant and lactating women are at risk.

Food sources

Calciferol can additionally be obtained from fish oil and fish (mackerel, herring, sardines in oil, tuna, salmon), liver, and dairy products. It is best to consume the vitamin from fish and fish oil, the worst in this list Dairy products are low in vitamin D and contain phosphorus, which interferes with the normal absorption of D.

The average daily intake of D for adults is 5 mcg (300-600 IU), and should not exceed 15 mcg. For children daily requirement is 400-500 IU. For accurate calculations, especially if the vitamin is prescribed as a therapeutic dietary supplement, it is recommended to look at a special table. It can clarify the daily dosage depending on gender and age for specific years.

How does vitamin D deficiency manifest?

This problem occurs infrequently, mainly in those people who rarely spend time in the sun. The deficiency affects elderly people who rarely go out for walks, as well as bedridden patients. D deficiency can be identified by the following symptoms: poor health, increased fatigue, the appearance of fractures and their long healing, bone demineralization.

If a child does not get enough D, he develops rickets. Such avitaminosis reduces the process of calcium absorption, secondary hyperparathyroidism develops, which washes calcium from the bones and removes phosphates in the urine. The development of rickets in children can be determined by the following signs:

  1. Softening of the cranial bones compaction of the back of the head, formation of layers in the crown and frontal areas;
  2. Deformation of the facial skull;
  3. Changing the shape of the chest;
  4. Curvature lower limbs, pelvic deformation;
  5. Slowing down of teething and fontanelle closure;
  6. Increased sweating irritability, sleep problems.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should especially monitor their diet and lifestyle, since both the mother and her child need a good dose of the vitamin. All necessary recommendations A gynecologist will give you an individual opinion. General recommendation is to take the vitamin in the amount of 1500 IU per day during pregnancy. Pregnant women can get calciferol from fish oil (2 tbsp - natural, 1.5 tbsp - medical), take 1-2 drops of ergocalciferol.

How does excess vitamin D manifest?

Despite the useful value of D and others for human body, they can also cause harm in case of overdose. Excess can provoke an increase in calcium in the blood; it passes from bone tissue to other tissues and organs, deposited in the heart, arteries, kidneys, liver and lungs. Due to metabolic disorders, the skeleton becomes fragile.

Excess often occurs when doses are increased arbitrarily (for example, when mothers increase the dosage for their children without consulting the pediatrician). An overdose in a child can be determined by the following symptoms: poor growth and weight gain, poor development, decreased appetite, increased irritability. Of particular danger is an overdose of calciferol along with prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as large doses of fish oil.

An overdose at the initial stage in an adult manifests itself in the following symptoms: loss of appetite, extreme thirst, nausea, weight loss, polyuria (increased amount of urine), constipation, muscle problems, high blood pressure.

Long-term overdose leads to increased calcium content in the body, hypercalcemia occurs. Highlight following signs hypercalcemia: muscle spasms, severe cramps, calcium deposits, irritability.

To avoid such negative consequences, you must carefully follow the dosage of the vitamin prescribed by your doctor.

Now you know why vitamin D is useful, what it is responsible for, where you can get it from, why it is important to monitor its correct dosage and how to use it. If you healthy person, who often walks outside and actively relaxes in the summer, you don’t have to worry about his lack, unlike. Should be paid special attention this vitamin is for pregnant and lactating women, pensioners and people who, for one reason or another, rarely go outside during the daytime.

Low vitamin D intake is considered a major public health problem worldwide. In fact, vitamin D deficiency is estimated to affect 13% of the world's population ().

Here are 7 effective ways how to get vitamin D.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that primarily aids in the absorption of calcium and promotes the growth and mineralization of your bones. It is also involved in various functions of your immune, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems ().

New research shows it may help prevent various diseases and conditions such as depression, diabetes mellitus, cancer and heart disease. However, the relationship between vitamin D and these diseases is still poorly understood ().

How much vitamin D does your body need?

There is considerable debate in the scientific community about how much vitamin D the human body needs.

While National Academy of Medicine believes that 600–800 IU of vitamin D per day is sufficient for the majority of the population, Endocrine Society recommends 1500–2000 IU per day (,).

The optimal level of vitamin D in the blood has not been established, but it is likely to be between 20 and 50 ng/mL ( , , ).

National Academy of Medicine also suggests that daily intake of up to 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day is safe for most people, although much higher doses may be temporarily needed to increase blood levels in some people ().

Although toxicity is rare, it is best to avoid long-term doses of vitamin D greater than 4,000 IU without the supervision of a qualified professional.


Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and bone health. Although there are no set guidelines, dosage recommendations range from 600 to 2,000 IU per day, but some people may require higher doses to achieve and maintain healthy blood levels.

1. Spend time in the sun

Vitamin D is often called the "sunshine vitamin" because the sun is one of the best sources of it nutrient.

Your skin contains a type of cholesterol that functions as a precursor to vitamin D. When this compound is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, it becomes vitamin D.

In fact, sun-derived vitamin D can last twice as long as vitamin D from food or supplements ().

However, the amount of vitamin D your body can produce depends on several variables.

Skin color and age

People with darker skin need to spend more time in the sun to produce vitamin D than people with lighter skin. This is because dark skin contains more melanin, a compound that can inhibit the production of vitamin D ().

Age may also have an impact. As you get older, your skin's production of vitamin D becomes less efficient ().

Geographical location and time of year

The closer you live to the equator, the more vitamin D you can produce all year round due to its physical proximity to the sun's rays.

Conversely, your opportunities for adequate sun exposure decrease in proportion to your distance from the equator ().

Sunscreen and clothing

Certain types of clothing and sunscreen may interfere with—if not completely block—vitamin D production ().

While it is critical to protect yourself from skin cancer by avoiding overexposure to the sun, your body requires very little unprotected sun exposure to begin producing vitamin D.

Although there are no official recommendations, sources suggest that for people with fair skin, just 8-15 minutes of sun exposure is enough to get plenty of vitamin D. People with dark skin may need more time ().


Your skin can produce large amounts of vitamin D on its own when exposed to sunlight. However, many factors influence this process.

2. Consume oily fish and seafood

Here are other types of fish and seafood that are rich in vitamin D:

  • oysters
  • anchovies


Fatty fish and seafood are among the foods highest in vitamin D, although the exact vitamin content may vary depending on the type and source of the food in question.

3. Eat more mushrooms

Mushrooms are the only completely plant-based source of vitamin D.

Like humans, mushrooms can produce their own vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light. Humans produce a form of vitamin D known as D3 or cholecalciferol, while fungi produce D2 or ergocalciferol ().

Both forms of this vitamin can increase circulating levels of vitamin D in the blood, although research suggests that D3 may increase levels more effectively and efficiently than D2 ().

While vitamin D content varies depending on the type of mushroom, some varieties, such as wild maitake mushrooms, provide up to 2,348 IU per 100-gram serving. This is almost 300% of the RDI (,).

Due to exposure to sunlight in forest mushrooms usually contains more vitamin D than cultivated varieties. However, you can also purchase mushrooms that have been treated with UV light.

However, you should always identify mushrooms carefully or buy them from a reputable seller - e.g. grocery store or at a farmers' market - to avoid contact with poisonous species mushrooms


Like humans, mushrooms produce vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light. Wild mushrooms - or commercially grown, processed ultraviolet light– have the highest levels of vitamin D.

4. Include egg yolks in your diet

Egg yolks are another source of vitamin D that you can easily add to your diet.

Like many other natural food sources, yolks have varying levels of vitamin D.

Conventionally raised chickens that do not have access to the outdoors typically only produce eggs at 2–5% of the RDI ().

However, some studies show that eggs from pasture-raised or free-range chickens produce up to 4 times more - or up to 20% of the RDI - depending on how much time the birds spend outside the home ().

Chicken feed can also affect the vitamin D content of eggs. Those fed vitamin D-fortified grains can produce yolks that may contain more than 100% of the RDI ().


Eggs domestic chicken are an excellent source of vitamin D, as hens with access to sunlight produce more vitamin D in their eggs than those left indoors.

5. Eat fortified foods

Because few foods contain large amounts of vitamin D, the nutrient is often added to staple foods in a process known as fortification.

However, you should keep in mind that the availability of vitamin D fortified foods varies by country, and the amount of vitamin D added to foods may vary depending on the brand and type of product.

Here are some foods that can be fortified with vitamin D:

  • cow's milk
  • plant-based milk alternatives such as soy, almond and hemp milk
  • Orange juice
  • ready-to-eat cereals
  • certain types of yogurt

If you are unsure whether a particular product has been fortified with vitamin D, check its ingredient list.


To increase vitamin D intake, it is often added to staple foods such as milk and breakfast cereals.

6. Take Supplements

For many people, taking a vitamin D supplement may be the best way to ensure adequate intake.

Vitamin D exists in two main forms biological forms– . Typically, D2 comes from plants and D3 comes from animals ().

Research shows that D3 may be significantly more effective in absorption and maintenance general level vitamin D than D2, so look for supplements with this form ().

Additionally, it is important to purchase high-quality supplements that have been independently tested. Some countries, such as the US, do not regulate food additives, which may negatively affect the quality of food additives.

It's best to choose supplements that have been tested for purity and quality by a third party, e.g. U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), Informed-Choice, ConsumerLab.com or Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG).


Vitamin D supplements vary in dosage. However, the amount you need depends on your current vitamin D level.

For most people, 1000–4000 IU is considered a safe daily dose to maintain healthy levels ().

However, you may need a much higher dose in certain circumstances - especially if your current levels are very low or you have limited exposure to sunlight ().

For this reason, it is ideal to have your vitamin D levels checked by your doctor to ensure you are taking the most appropriate dose.

Vegan Supplements

Most vitamin D supplements are derived from animal sources and are therefore not suitable for vegans. However, there are several options for vegan vitamin D supplements.

Because vitamin D2 is plant-based, D2 supplements are generally beneficial for vegans and are widely available.

Vegan D3 is significantly less common than D2, but can be made from lichens. You'll likely find them in specialty health stores or online.


If you don't get enough vitamin D from food or sunlight, supplementation may be helpful. Checking Vitamin D Blood Levels Before Taking Supplements – best way choose the appropriate dose.

7. Try an ultraviolet lamp

Lamps emitting ultraviolet radiation may also increase vitamin D levels, although these lamps can be expensive.

When your skin is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation from the sun, it can produce its own vitamin D. UV lamps mimic the effects of the sun and can be especially helpful if your sun exposure is limited by geographic location or indoors.

Ultraviolet light has been used therapeutically for a variety of skin conditions for decades, but only recently has it been recommended as a means to boost vitamin D levels ().

The safety of these devices is important issue because it's too strong impact may burn your skin. As a general rule, you are advised to limit your exposure to no more than 15 minutes at a time.


You can purchase lamps that emit ultraviolet B light to stimulate the production of vitamin D. However, they can be expensive and dangerous if used for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Let's sum it up

  • Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that many people around the world do not get enough of.
  • However, you can increase your vitamin D levels by getting more sunlight, eating foods rich in vitamin D, and/or taking supplements.
  • If you suspect you are low in this important nutrient, consult your doctor to have your levels checked.