What does the neck say? For what longest body parts did these people get into the Guinness Book of Records? (10 photos)

There is a huge variety of animals and birds in the world. Some people are indifferent to them, others are even touched by animals that pose a danger to life. The love for pets such as cats and dogs is understandable. These have been tamed “guardians” of the hearth since ancient times. And it would seem that in the wild world, animals live some kind of life of their own, not fully explored even by zoologists. But this could not have happened without human intervention. There are many animals in zoos that are already accustomed to being around people. How many representatives wildlife performs in circuses! These include elephants, hippos, lions, tigers, snakes, monkeys and crocodiles.

That is, man has learned not just to keep wild animals in cages and feed them, but also to understand, love and train. Just imagine how difficult it is to inspire wild beast that you are not his enemy, and even teach him how to perform various tricks...

All animals are needed!

The necessity of certain animals for nature is obvious. The extinction of a species leads to disturbances in ecological balance. Each animal in nature has its own role. A lion hunts a zebra to feed his cubs, hawks catch small birds, foxes and wolves eat dead hares so as not to turn forest areas into animal cemeteries, and humans also consume certain animals as food. In this cycle, as a rule, the strongest survive. But the lion will not always catch up with the antelope. She will subsequently give birth to new offspring. The links in this chain never break, and the genotype of the strongest only becomes more perfect.

A person throughout his life may ask different questions regarding birds and animals. For example, which animal is the oldest, the funniest, the most evil or kind, the smartest, and so on. And this article will allow you to find out which animal and which bird has the longest neck.


The crane is a graceful bird. He has a fairly long thin neck. Height - 1.25 m. Body weight varies between 4.5-5.5 kg. The wingspan is about 2 m. The body is elongated. Crane pairs, like swan pairs, are monogamous.

Pink flamingo

Flamingo is a pink bird with a long neck. One of the most beautiful on the planet. Nature has endowed it with an incredible color, which can be soft pink, white-pink, pink-lilac, pink-peach and even fiery red. In ancient times, people considered it a magical bird.

And whoever watched the simultaneous takeoff of a flock of flamingos will never forget this stunning spectacle. The body length of the pink flamingo reaches 1.5 meters, weight - up to 5 kg. This one is the only one in nature with the longest legs and the longest neck. Naturally, these criteria apply to the body of a flamingo.

Such a long neck allows the bird to immerse its head under water as deep as possible. This is how she gets her food in the form of fish.

Swan with a long neck

The swan is an elegant bird of rare beauty, symbolizing tenderness, fidelity and love. It’s not for nothing that the concept of “swan fidelity” exists. A species such as trumpeters live for thirty to forty years with only one partner. And if this is a pond, then other individuals are not allowed there. Despite their calm and proud appearance, they are quite aggressive animals. In addition to trumpeters, there are species such as black swan, small swan, and American swan.

Swans are the largest, weighing an average of nine kilograms. Compared to other representatives of the duck breed, the swan has the longest neck. Which species exactly? It turns out that the black one has the longest neck. waddles around. This long-necked swan spends little time on land. Mainly lives on water.


The ostrich is the largest bird. Its height is 2-2.5 m. Weight is 60-75 kg. And the weight of an adult male can reach 120 kg. Has powerful legs and a long neck. Moreover, this bird has a small head.

Long necks not only in birds, but also in animals

The length of the neck in birds depends on the number of vertebrae. Their number ranges from 9 to 25. It is not for nothing that nature gave long necks to some species. For example, swans cannot dive like ducks. Therefore, in search of food, leaving the body on the surface, they dip their heads under water. And thanks to the long neck they reach the bottom (of course we're talking about not about deep bodies of water). There they get their food. There are several other species of birds that have a long neck, but the first place is still occupied by the pink flamingo.

Let's now look at some animals. Which one has the longest neck?
The oldest is the dinosaur. This is the most famous extinct order of reptiles that lived on Earth for 150 million years. Scientists have identified dozens of species of these animals - Utahraptor, Sinornithosaurus, Yanhunosaurus, Scutellosaurus, Triceratops and many others. Herbivorous dinosaurs had long legs and necks.


Before the advent of Diplodocus and Argentinosaurus, Brachiosaurus was unique in its genus. This is a dinosaur with a long neck. Its body could reach 30 meters in length and 14 meters in height.

Body weight is on average forty tons. The small head was located on a neck, the length of which was approximately eight to nine meters.


The remains of this one were found in Africa. The length of his neck was ten to twelve meters. Height is about thirteen meters. The weight of this individual reaches 31 tons. Giraffatian's shoulders are at a level of six meters.


Mamenchisaurus - It lived in the territories of modern China.

This is the longest animal Jurassic period- his body reached 23 m in length. Height - sixteen meters. Weight - 25 tons. Of modern living creatures, only the blue whale can be compared in weight to Mamenchisaurus. Among all his brothers, he held the record for neck length (sixteen meters!). Such external feature gave the animal an advantage among other sauropods in finding food. Mamenchisaurus could reach the tops of even very tall trees.

Giraffe height, neck length, species description

His body is short, his head is small, his ears are medium-sized and have “horns” on his forehead. Such growths have a scientific name - “ossicones”. The giraffe is already born with them. The lifespan of an individual is about thirty years. This animal has long legs. The height of the giraffe is 6-7 meters. Since the head is located at a height of two to three meters from the heart, the latter is forced to do difficult work, supplying blood to the neck, the length of which reaches 2-3 m.

It is incorrect to believe that the giraffe has such a long neck because large quantity cervical vertebrae. Like all mammals, it has seven. It’s just that in this animal they are quite large. And, for example, in small rodents they are tiny in size.

To the question "Why does a giraffe have a long neck?" The answer is quite simple. With the help of such a long part of the body, the animal plucks leaves from the tops of trees. Herbivores such as antelopes and zebras tear off leaves from the lower branches, and it is inconvenient for a giraffe to eat grass. All that remains is to get food at altitude, where, by the way, there are never competitors.

We figured out why the giraffe has a long neck. What else is remarkable about this animal? The giraffe has a fairly long tongue - about half a meter. Thanks to him, the animal easily picks young shoots from the treetops, which are a real delicacy for him. The tongue is a powerful muscle in this individual.

Long legs sometimes cause inconvenience to the giraffe. For example, when he comes to a watering hole, he has to spread his front ones wide apart and pull his head towards the surface of the water. Often the giraffe is forced to bend its legs.

These long-necked animals can reach speeds of up to 55 km per hour. The neck is responsible for the intensity of movements.

A little conclusion

To summarize, we can say with complete confidence that currently the owners of the longest neck among birds are pink flamingos, and among the animals - giraffes.

The black swan is considered such a bird. If we compare his neck with the necks of other swans, then this part of his body will be much longer thanks to 31 vertebrae (ordinary swans have 30). Nature came up with such an addition for a reason - after all, this type of swans feeds on fish and has to dive to depth. Therefore, the correct answer to the question “Which swan has the longest neck?” there will be a black swan.

What is the swan with the longest neck?

This bird is considered one of the rarest. It first appeared in Australia, then came to New Zealand and then took root in Northern and South America. Today, black swans can be seen in various zoos around the world, as they perfectly adapt to any climatic conditions.

The black swan is a rather large bird. Her average weight can reach up to 10 kilograms with a height of one or one and a half meters. Moreover, this swan has the longest neck of its relatives. If you look at this bird in flight next to its other brothers, it will immediately become clear whose neck is longer: it is the black swan that reaches half the length of the entire bird. That's why it stands out in the sky when it flies over cities.

It was the black swan that gave rise to many rumors and superstitions. In England, this bird is still considered a symbol of misfortune and approaching trouble. It was especially bad to see her unmarried girl per day own wedding or a few days after it - since swans are considered symbols of fidelity, seeing a black swan meant misfortune or imminent widowhood. Therefore, in the old days, these birds were destroyed so that they would not predict trouble for anyone. It is for this reason that the black swan has become rare. Today it is listed in the Red Book and requires special protection. In some countries it is illegal to hunt a black swan, and killing this bird can result in a heavy fine.

This question is often asked by schoolchildren on various forums on the Internet. Some people think that this is a mute swan or a trumpeter swan. But in fact, the answer to the question "Which swan has the longest neck?" simple - for black. But not the bird from the film of the same name or the song by Boris Moiseev, but a rare and very beautiful swan with expressive amber, brown or orange eyes.

Interestingly, black swans can talk. True, in its own “swan” language. They publish various sounds and even “hello” each other, lowering their heads a little. Sometimes guttural sounds resemble a trumpet when birds are angry or call their relatives.

Like other swans, they are characterized by constancy. In the hot Australian climate - the homeland of black swans - these birds begin to breed during the rainy season at an age of approximately 2 years and older. It is interesting that individuals that were born and raised in a European climate begin to reproduce in winter and remain faithful to one partner throughout their lives.

In addition, black swans do not like to change their habitat. This is not migratory birds. Swans can leave their home to which they are accustomed only for a good reason: a fire, natural disaster. But even in such a situation, they settle not far from the old place, and it is very difficult to survive them from there. The main preference is shallow rivers and reservoirs.

Usually such birds gather in colonies and nest near rivers and lakes. They often create one large nest, which can contain from 500 to 1000 individuals. The nest exists for about 2 years, and the birds repair it in every possible way and try to keep it preserved as long as possible. However, even in such conditions, mature birds live in pairs until the end of their days.

When it's time to mate, the bird changes its behavior. The male begins to flirt with the female, showing a wonderful mating dance, after which pairs are formed for the entire swan's life. Even being in a common nest, they choose separate corners for themselves and live there together and breed offspring. Usually in one nest there appear from 3 to 10 eggs of the unpleasant green with a rather pungent odor. Mother and father take turns incubating the chicks, periodically turning the eggs. At the same time, a swan that is left without a mate never abandons its chicks and begins to raise them itself. Usually the eggs remain unchanged for 6 months, and only then do the babies appear. In one year, 2 litters of offspring are possible. When the chicks grow a little older, they begin to swim, but will learn to fly much later. Often adult swans ride their chicks on their backs across the pond. The spectacle is very rare, beautiful and touching.

Well, as they grow up and reach sexual maturity, young males become quite aggressive, especially in captivity, and do not allow other males to approach them.

This is what swan has the longest neck and how his life goes in different conditions, which lasts approximately 10 years.

The human body is an amazing thing and, despite the fact that most internal organs, essentially work the same way, we can say with confidence that there are no two absolutely identical human bodies in the world. Even identical twins have differences, even though they should be exactly the same. How the body grows and what grows in and out of it can be quite shocking. Science and biology have an amazing way of maintaining the uniqueness of each organism. However, some people are a little more unique than everyone else, while others specifically get their bodies to the point where they can be displayed in a museum.

There are people who take their bodies so seriously that they try to break or set records, while others do it without any effort. From the largest breasts in the world to the longest nails, these people's body parts seem to have a life of their own and fascinate us with their appearance. Some people have extra fingers, while others are missing vital organs that make their bodies look unusual. Below are ten people looking at incredible photos which you involuntarily experience shock and surprise.

10. A man has the longest nails in the world

Melvin Boothe's fingernails were measured in 2009 in Pontiac, Michigan. Their total length was 19.4 meters. They curled and wriggled, making them look more like something out of a zombie movie than a human body part. At the time these unusual nails were measured and the record was broken, Booth was serving in the US Army and also working at Pontiac General Hospital in Michigan. He was 60 years old when his nails broke all Guinness World Records; unfortunately, he died a year later.

9. A woman has the longest nails in the world

In 2008, Lee Redmond's fingernails were measured on a TV show in Madrid, Spain. Their length was 18.74 meters. The nails were very well-groomed, painted and curled like ribbons. Redmond started growing her record-breaking nails in 1979, so it took her almost twenty years to grow her nails to the length she wanted. Unfortunately, just a year after her nails broke the record, Redmond lost them in a car accident. It is unknown whether she began to grow them again or not.

8. The longest female beard in the world

It is quite unusual to see hair on a woman's face, let alone for this hair to grow into a beard. This is exactly the state that Vivian Wheeler's facial hair has grown to. And this is not a small beard of fluffy hair, this is a long and thick beard. Wheeler's silver beard is 28 centimeters long and makes her look like a real Santa Claus. Wheeler did not plan to grow a beard; it happened because she suffers from medical condition known as hypertrichosis. Eventually, she got tired of shaving and stopped doing it in 1993, allowing her body to grow the beard it wanted.

7. The longest ear hairs in the world

The ears are not a typical place for hair to grow. Of course, as you age, a few hairs may appear there, but most people trim, shave or pluck them. However, Anthony Victor from India decided not to do this and set a record as the owner of the most long hair in the ears of the world. At the time of measurement on August 16, 2007, the length of hair from both ears reached an astonishing 18 centimeters. Victor's hair grew from the center of his outer ear and resembled a goatee when it reached its maximum length.

6. The thinnest waist in the world

All women strive to achieve a thin waist, thanks to which the figure takes shape hourglass like Barbie. In addition, such a figure allows you to enjoy a huge selection of beautiful clothes. Katie Jung managed to achieve this goal, having acquired the smallest waist in the world, the girth of which is only 53.34 centimeters without a corset and 38 centimeters in a Victorian-style corset. By the way, it was the constant wearing of a corset that allowed Jung’s waist to become so thin. You can call her Barbie real life with her seductive curves and full breasts that provide truly beautiful figure.

5. The longest necks in the world

The human neck generally doesn't vary much in size, but that can change if you force it to grow longer than nature intended. Even before they reach adolescence, girls from the Padaung tribe of Myanmar and Thailand are forced to wear gold, decorative hoops around their necks to grow them to unusual lengths. When these women reach adulthood, their necks can weigh up to 5 kilograms. However, wearing hoops does not come without health risks, as women know that if they remove the rings, they may die due to a broken neck.

4. The most elastic skin in the world

Stretch marks that appear due to pregnancy or rapid growth, allow your skin to stretch a little more, however if you suffer from a medical condition known as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, you may be able to stretch your skin a lot more than other people. Garry Turner went further. He suffers from this condition, but can stretch his skin more than other people with the same diagnosis. When he pulls his skin, it can stretch almost 16 centimeters. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome affects connective tissues in the skin, allowing it to stretch to unusual lengths.

3. The world's most voluminous afro hairstyle for a woman

Some women don't want to say goodbye to the 1970s by maintaining their now-unusual afro hairstyles and turning heads. Aevin Jude Dugas set the world record for having the best hairstyle in the world in 2010 when her hair was measured in New Orleans. The afro hairstyle that perfectly frames Dugas's face is 100 percent natural. She loves the 70's vibe and has a mirror ball. She also wears large hoop earrings. Her hairstyle is 18.5 centimeters high, 19.55 centimeters wide, and has a circumference of 132 centimeters as of 2010.

2. The largest natural breasts in the world

There are women who go to incredible lengths to get bigger breasts, including numerous life-threatening surgeries. And there are also women who are born with excessively large breasts. In January 1999 Annie Hawkins (

Undoubtedly, the neck is a very expressive attribute of appearance, which determines how a person holds his head, how he looks, and how he speaks.

You can make your facial expression kind, your gestures smooth, hide your hands in your pockets, dye your hair, insert contact lenses and change the color of your eyes, if you try really hard, change your gait and even your habits. But the neck...

What a person was born with is what he has to live with. Being a difficult to change innate feature of a person’s appearance, the neck is an important object of attention.

A long and thin neck is considered a sign of nobility and a standard of beauty.

Most likely, a person with such a neck is a refined, calm nature, with a highly developed sense of tact. Owners of such necks are gentle and loyal, they are usually good, true friends who are incapable of betrayal, even the smallest. They love society and are loved by it, they are hospitable, they adore being the center of attention, and they are sensitive to criticism addressed to them. You can trust them with your secrets; they will perfectly understand and support you in a difficult situation. They have a well-developed imagination. Favorite activity Such people are a replenishment of knowledge, they are able to achieve good success in the scientific field.

People with such necks almost certainly have some kind of talent. They are reliable, self-confident, possess strong character, they are very difficult

convince someone of something. They are very purposeful, their lives are planned out for several years in advance. Sometimes such people go straight towards their intended goal, sweeping away all obstacles on their way. They could be considered selfish, but they are understanding of other people's desires and are often ready to fulfill them even to their own detriment.

In expressing their feelings, they are harsh and quite frank, completely devoid of diplomatic abilities. They are courageous and courageous, they simply love to take risks and very often go towards danger just to show their fearlessness.

Such people are very often endowed with extraordinary abilities to artistic creativity, they have a developed innate sense of rhythm and an ear for music. As a rule, they have an elegant appearance and refined facial features. But the list of their many talents does not include the “ability to make money.” The reason for this is their modesty and some detachment from earthly concerns.

But they are very hardworking, and others appreciate this. Sometimes they criticize people quite harshly, without thinking at all about the fact that they might offend. Nevertheless, for the sake of others they are ready to do anything, and therefore those who closely communicate with such people forgive them for accidental insults. These people are well received in any company, they simply love to be the center of attention and quite quickly become the soul of society.

As a rule, people with such a neck are distinguished by enviable kindness. They are characterized by a knightly style of behavior. They are gallant with the opposite sex and love to show all sorts of attention. People in the company behave carefree, but this is just a screen behind which hides a convinced pragmatist and realist. They have a strong enough will to achieve their goals. However, they often tend to think for a long time about their plan of action, and this interferes with their business. Owners of such necks find it easier and better to solve financial problems. They can always find an honest way to get money. As a rule, they differ good qualities For family life value loyalty and home comfort. Natural kindness and sociability help them make many friends. Friendship and family are sacred concepts for them, so the last thing you can expect from them is betrayal. They maintain their attachments throughout their lives.

If a person has a short and thin neck, most likely there is secrecy and envy in his character. He is capable of hypocrisy, pettiness, and slander. He is distrustful and warily looks at the people around him. A person with a short thin neck is demanding of himself and others, he has a strong-willed character. But at the same time, he has a vulnerable soul, he is sensitive, but far from naive.

As a rule, such people have remarkable intuition. They trust their own impressions and feelings more than the advice and recommendations of others, and hide their shortcomings behind a sense of humor. They skillfully combine secretiveness and envy with sociability in their character, so it is very easy to be deceived in their assessment.

People with short thin necks are quite inventive, even original. They are able to solve the most difficult problems, find a way out of almost hopeless life situations, and try to be completely independent. Sometimes they are capable of lying to achieve their own benefit. They can commit a dishonest act provided there is complete impunity. People of this type, thanks to their insight and intelligence, achieve quite a lot in life. They find their calling wherever intelligence and awareness are required.

A distinctive character trait of a person with such a neck is practicality, which manifests itself in anything, even in love. A person with a short, thick neck is likely to have a short-tempered and angry character.

If it's hot, it's best to stay away. These people are born leaders, and very often they are characterized by eloquence. They do not tolerate innovation at all; they are conservatives who have once and for all determined for themselves life guidelines. Family always comes first for them. As a rule, they have few friends. The reason is the dictatorial character. People with short and thick necks can be talented leaders, military leaders, and managers. They are excellent fighters and are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one or a favorite cause. They are sometimes quite sensitive, emotional and capable of deep thinking.

In conclusion, a few words about the “Adam's apple”, a small protrusion-thickening of the thyroid cartilage, noticeably protruding on the neck in men.

As a rule, men with a flat Adam's apple are balanced people. It is quite easy to communicate with them, they are kind and friendly, often gifted, and moderately ambitious. They are picky in friendship and true to their principles. Somewhat sentimental. These are wonderful friends who will not leave you in difficult times, but at the same time they are rather slow to make responsible decisions.

  • Sharp, sharply protruding Adam's apple

Such guys are usually quick-tempered, harsh, and quite conflictual in communication. They are capable of humiliating others to increase their own prestige. Very persistent and purposeful, strong-willed and selfish, they have highly developed ambition, as a rule, are independent, do not tolerate the comments of others, but love to make them themselves. A guy like that is pretty hard to find common language and make friends, but the one whom he considers his friend will get him out of any difficult situation.

Today we published photos of a girl with very beautiful, but incredibly long legs. What else can surprise us? human body? Let's look at people who are included in the Guinness Book of Records due to their anatomical or other features related to appearance.


1. Mehmet Ozyurek is a person with the most long nose in the world. The length of his nose, measured from base to tip, is 8.8 centimeters. (Photo: Tuncay Bekar/Getty Images).
2. Cindy Jackson is the record holder for the most done plastic surgery. Cindy is 58 years old, and over the past 25 years she has gone under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon 52 times. She remade herself almost everything that was possible. (Photo: Shutterstock). 3. Emmanuel Yarborough - officially recognized as the heaviest living athlete. He weighs more than 319 kilograms. Yarborough does sumo (Photo: Michael Loccisano/FilmMagic).
4. Annie Hawkins-Turner has the largest natural bust in the world. Her breasts weigh over 40 kilograms! And the bra size is 102ZZZ! (Photo: Steve Meddle/Rex Shutterstock) 5. Aevin Dugas was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest afro in the world. (Photo: Marcus Ingram/Getty Images)
6. Harry Turner is called "the man with paper skin." The Englishman can stretch his skin 15.8 centimeters in length. He “owes” this feature to the genetic disease Ehlers-Danlos. (Photo: Julian Makey/Rex Shutterstock) 7. Sarwan Singh is the owner of the longest beard in the world, the length of which is almost two and a half meters. (Photo: REUTERS/Andy Clark).
8. Billy Leon and Benny Lloyd McCrary were recognized as the heaviest twins in the world. Billy Leon weighed 328 kilograms, and Benny Lloyd weighed 338 kilograms. Together they weighed 666 kilograms. (Photo: Bettmann/CORBIS). 9. Lee Redmond has the longest nails in the world. She grew her almost 8-meter nails... for 29 years. Unfortunately, Lee lost them during a car accident in 2009. (Photo: Jemal Countess/WireImage).
10. Singh Chauhan Ram is the owner of the longest mustache in the world. Their length is 4 meters and 30 centimeters. (Photo: REUTERS/Amit Dave). 11. Sultan Kösen, whose height is 2 meters 51 centimeters, is the tallest living person in the world. (Photo: Yunus Kaymaz/Getty Images) 12. Robert Pershing Wadlow is the most tall man in history. At the time of recording the record, his height was 2 meters 72 centimeters. Wadlow died in July 1940. (Photo: ullstein bild). 13. Yoti Amge from India is the smallest woman in the world. She is only 62.8 centimeters tall and weighs 5,230 kilograms. Yoti's short stature is due to achondroplasia, a disease that causes impaired development of certain bones in the body and dwarfism. (Photo: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images) 14. Supatra "Nat" Sasuphan is the hairiest teenage girl in the world. Hairiness is caused by rare genetic disease. As the girl herself says: “Hairy makes me special.” (Photo: Bronek Kaminski/Getty Images) 17. Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal is the smallest person in the world. His height is 54.9 centimeters. (Photo: AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)