Quotes about home comfort. Statuses about comfort in the home and home comfort

The collection includes phrases and quotes about home, comfort and hearth:
  • I love to travel and find my home in different places.
  • Most homebodies are among those who do not have their own corner. Leszek Kumor
  • It was a lovely house, with all the modern inconveniences. Mark Twain
  • Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home. Honore Balzac
  • The longer you live in one place, the more things and people become unruly, decay and begin to stink especially for you. Louis Ferdinand Celine.
  • In an old house, feelings and emotions are preserved - the pain of loss or separation, the fear of separation. It's like a record with a scratch that the needle keeps hitting. And the same words are constantly heard. Schreiber Joe.
  • A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so. D B Shaw
  • It's never too late to return home.
  • Learn to be a good leader in your own home. Chilon
  • Where they love us is the only place where we are born. George Noel Gordon Byron
  • You've never really been anywhere until you return home. Terry Pratchett.
  • A house is a building built to house people, various mice, crickets, flies, all kinds of insects, rodents and microbes. A. Beers.
  • He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. Martial
  • A home is a place where a woman works in the absence of a man, and a man rests in the presence of a woman.
  • The temperature in the room, no matter what it is, is always room temperature. Stephen Wright
  • Home is a place where we take a break from trying to be polite to others.
  • Your home is your wife's castle. Alexander Chase
  • Home is a place where if you have to go back there, they will have to accept you. Robert Frost
  • The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.
  • A house may be too small for one family, but it will never be spacious enough for two families.
  • Repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.
  • A house without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall! Sherlock
  • The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. A. Griboyedov
  • One person - one adult - cannot fill a house. Robert Frost
  • Warm home hearth true friend, makes a person invulnerable. Martin AndersenNexø
  • It takes a hundred men to make a camp, but one woman is enough to make a house. Robert Ingersoll
  • If there is no owner in the house and the servant is in charge of everything, then will not demonism and darkness reign in it? Hong Zichen
  • There are only two kinds of houses: those that are not suitable for us, and those that are beyond our means.
  • There is no place sweeter than home. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • The ideal size of the house: so that children can be heard, but not too clearly. Minion McLaughlin
  • It is not according to the house that the owner should be respected, but the house according to its owner. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house. Voltaire
  • There are three types of furniture: antique, modern and comfortable.
  • What a mess this house is!
  • Apartment: a room in which, after turning off the TV, you are convinced that you were listening to your neighbor’s TV. Leonard Louis Levinson
  • When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father’s house. And it doesn't matter how old you are. — Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.
  • As is the master, so is the servant. Petronius Arbiter Gaius
  • You can be a poet and pay rent. Jules Renard
  • Every husband needs his own closet for the clothes that his wife does not fit in her closet.
  • Don't judge a house by its owner, but judge the owner by the condition of the house. Cicero Marcus Tullius.
  • Women's quarrels burn down the whole house. Menander
  • There's nothing better at home, if you don't have money to go somewhere else.
  • If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil
  • Nothing divides people more than shared housing. Zbigniew Cholodiuk
  • Housework is something you notice when your wife stops doing it. E. Esar
  • One move equals three fires. Benjamin Franklin
  • The home is a prison for a girl and a workhouse for a woman. B. Shaw

House. The place where it was worth going, the house in which it was worth living. A house whose inhabitants must be made happy, a house for which it is worth tearing the throat of a scoundrel who comes with sharp arrows or a flaming torch, a house... A house where the Law is observed, Benefit is undoubted, and Love is alive. Henry Lyon Oldie. Network for World Rulers.

A house (kingdom) divided within itself cannot stand. Verse 12:25 (Bible. New Testament)

A house is a machine for living. Le Corbusier

I don’t like apartments that don’t have the owner’s imprint. Sergei Lukyanenko. Last Watch.

Home is a place where if you have to return there, they will have to accept you. Robert Frost

But a hotel is not a home. And it always seems to me that my real home– office. Zakhar Oskotsky. The last tower of Troy.

You don't understand the meaning of the word "home".
- This is where I sleep.
- This is a place where you feel safe.

We first leave our parents’ nest, and then, sometimes, our first family nest too, and we always feel the same pain, because we feel forever orphaned. Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years.

Eigener Herd ist Goldes wert.
Your own hearth is like gold.

Laughter and babble will not warm you,
The house is gloomy where there is no child.
A house where silence reigns is not a home -
A bell with a torn out tongue.

You can run around the world as much as you like and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go then to a place where you will have the opportunity to remember the bunch of things that you have seen. You've never really been anywhere until you come home. Terry Pratchett. Crazy star.

I don't like to feel at home when I'm abroad.

A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so.
D B Shaw

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil

No problems are scary if loving people are waiting for you at home.

Living in one place for a long time, a person grows into it with countless roots. And that is why there is no warrior more desperate than the one who defends his home! Maria Semyonova. Swan Road.

Anyone who has no home anywhere is free to go anywhere.
EM. Remarque

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

The longer you live in one place, the more things and people become unruly, decay and begin to stink especially for you. Louis-Ferdinand Celine. Journey to the edge of the night.

House? What are you talking about? My house is on Lookout Court, where Bobo's is. Home is where my mother and friends are. And also - I even began to think that home is where you and I are. Ben Sherwood. Double life Charlie St. Cloud

He who lives everywhere lives nowhere.

A brick house, as even the three little pigs know, cannot be blown down. But the piglets did not understand that gray wolf– this is just the beginning. Most fierce enemy is already lurking in their house, but cannot be seen. I don't mean radium vapor or carbon monoxide, but the simple need for three of us to coexist in a small space. Do you think a lazy piglet - the one who was content with straw - could get along with a pedantic bricklayer pig? Hardly. I'm sure if the fairy tale had been ten pages longer, the piglets would have grabbed each other's throats - and their brick house would have exploded. Jodi Picoult. Fragile soul.

There is love stronger, and dreams more wonderful than those of the hearth.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Home is a prison for a man and a workhouse for a woman.

The rain pours down with a persistence that is incomprehensible to the mind, and the air is so permeated with dampness that the roof over your head seems to be just a tribute to human conventions.

A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so.
Bernard Shaw

Please write to me! We are told that we need to write to the front to support you. It's your duty! Your damn duty. I'm not a heroine. I’m tired of being alone, that’s not why I married you. Come home... I want to tell you something. Remember?.. You remember, right?.. Come back, I want to touch you, touch the skin on which raindrops fell. Damn you for making me worry so much! Go to hell, and then go home... Home, William, home... The Edge of Love

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

You can probably also get a special kind of pleasure from a messy house, I’m just not able to understand it yet. Max Fry. Crow on the bridge.

This is not a house, this is some kind of passageway.

He felt at home there, but at home he felt bad.

Come home you know you can’t leave Rome without Caesar
Come home, you know you can’t leave Rome without Caesar.

All I need is a room to put my hat and a few friends.
Dorothy Parker

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Of course, you don't feel sorry for leaving me. For people like you and me, home where we are not.

You two, better than anyone, should understand that external well-being can be deceptive. John admitted to me that things were not going well for him at home, he did not go into details, but he usually preferred to spend a couple of extra hours at work rather than go home. The Pretender

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Whether there is a place in the house or not, as long as there is a place in the heart. When you're alone (One 2 Ka 4)

A house in which happiness reigns cannot be too small.

“House” is not a household, not “shared housing,” as you said, not even children. “Home” is when they don’t hide anything from each other. After all, today you and I have “home.”

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall! Sherlock

Home is a place where you should always be accepted when you go there. Unfortunately, this is also a place where they don’t want to let you out.

My childhood home... Sweet home. I probably had it. Home... mine, childhood... I will calm down only when I find you... me!

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

I thought home was a place where friends were invited.
- No. Home is where a person feels good. House of the Sun

If home is where the heart is, then where to go if you don't have a heart? In Miguel's case - to a five-star hotel.

Now I lie there, half numb, half seared with pain. And yet, every morning I still manage to get up and leave the house - although I have to remind myself that this is really my home. To remind you that there is no trail of blood visible even to the naked eye from this place.

Why didn't you want the guys to know where your house was?
- Because this is their last legend.

Any door, no matter how you close it, will forever remain a door as long as the house stands.

And this was already a perfect home, for the cat served as a symbol and unmistakable evidence that contentment and peace reigned under this roof. They say that even without a cat - well-fed, pampered, accustomed to being revered - there are ideal homes; Perhaps I don’t argue, but how is this proven? Mark Twain. Dude Wilson

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Home is an expansion of your inner space, a second skin with its own breathing system.

After all, a house is not a place, but people.

You can find out your darkest secrets without leaving your home.

It is good to lead in your home.

There is no worse hell than home.

The house had to continue to exist, otherwise it was impossible. Somewhere there must be a place with strong walls and established order once and for all.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

He had to clear the snow from the car, he slowly swept it away and felt a kind of happiness. Do not lead us into temptation... But it happened. It happened, and nothing can be fixed. And yet he knew that now he was home again, in the refuge of the Lord, he was freed, becoming again one of the infinite multitude, he was not alone.

Your home is where your heart is.

Mom asks me to come home before two.
I'm coming back after my seventh whiskey.
In my inner train the air is hot and dry
If there is a point of arrival, the path to it is not close,
And Joseph Brodsky is sitting in my compartment, catching his breath
From furious Russian to English. Vera Polozkova

Home is where the heart is, and I left my heart to you. Love and betrayal.

A great truth was revealed to me. I learned: people live. And the meaning of their life is in their home. A road, a barley field, a hillside speak differently to a stranger and to one who was born here.
<…>The house is opposed to space, traditions are opposed to the passage of time.

A dwelling becomes a Home only thanks to a woman or the presence of a child.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Our journey is actually a search. Search for love and affection. Sometimes he brings us back home.

There is a place in the world where ours stands true home where one day we will arrive.

All life is the road home. Salespeople, secretaries, miners, accountants, sword swallowers - for all of us. All the restless hearts in the world are looking for the way home. Patch Adams

Home is not a place, but a state of mind.

To live like this in freedom,
Dying is like home.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

The store was my home and my work at the same time. He was so much to me the best school, rather than a regular general education one, and later became my personal university.

If you have a cat, you don't come back to the house, but to the home.

“Welcome home, Taen,” Wolf said.
“No,” he said, “I’m not at home.” But I reached the stopping point.

We spend too much time in our rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. Is it possible to fall into despair in the lap of nature?

It's a living hell in my house! What is the point of being a king if in your own palace you are not allowed to take a peaceful nap for an hour?

When a house stands long enough, strong qualities are imprinted on it. emotional states- anger, grief, loneliness... It’s like a scratch appears on a gramophone record, where the needle stumbles and repeats the phrase over and over again. Schreiber Joe. No windows, no doors.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

How much easier it is to be a confirmed bachelor, knowing that someone is lovingly waiting for you here in this house.

The road home is always faster

How long have you been away from home, Maximus?
- Two years, 264 days and this morning.

Your home is where people think about you.

The house smelled of dust and dampness and something vaguely sweet, as if the ghosts of long-dead cookies lived here.

Walk many roads, return to your home, and look at everything as if for the first time.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Houses... can absorb the state of mind, emotions, so that over time the walls begin to emit the feelings of the people who live there. These feelings are hidden in the cracks of the floor, in the soot stains on the ceiling, in the smells of the kitchen. Ross McDonald. Heralds of misfortune

There is always a way home. Why not start with this? Let's see what happens.

The absence of a real home is a normal state for me. That's why I try to spend as much time as possible on the road.

Thanks to this house, I'll go to another!

A ship is a home, it is the joy of a favorite job, the most precious piece of the Universe. But which person doesn’t like to visit? This is why astronauts value so much, even for short hours dismissal...

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

I am sincerely ready for change!
It's not like leaving the scene or extinguishing the last wick,
I just have a family and a house, everything else is dust.

Mrs. Hudson, the owner of the apartment, made me a tempting offer, she obliged me. A few years ago, her husband was given a death sentence in Florida, and I bailed her out.
- Excuse me, did you save her husband from the death penalty?
- No, I helped her. Sherlock

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Since our meeting was destined from above, why don’t we create our own own world? Our little house, just you and me and no one else. When you find yourself in my arms, as if in a cradle, in the moonlight, the whole universe will rejoice. Place your hand on mine, trust me. And if I don’t turn these dreams into reality, then you can demand whatever you want from me!

It's strange when my home is not you, but just a room.

If a person is drawn to home, then he knows how to be happy.

A person who dreams of leaving the place where he lives is clearly unhappy.

Men return home because of women, but I don’t have one...
(All men are attracted home by women...)

Home is a place where they have to let you in when you have nowhere to go.

- … good wife, nice house- what else does a person need to meet old age?!

It's never too late to return home.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

The Akragants eat as if they will die tomorrow, and build houses as if they will live forever.

The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.

Why wash the dishes if no one sees it?

Well, we have a house! Sometimes they steal, sometimes they call names, and we are also fighting for the honorary title of a house of high culture of life! This is a nightmare! Horror!

Home is a place where you don't have to get along. Don't control your words. To be tired when you are tired, to be silent when you want to be silent - and at the same time not be afraid that you will offend. Don’t pretend for a moment - not with a gesture, not with a look...

Homework tends to fill everything free time plus another half hour.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Homesickness is not always the vague, nostalgic and even wonderful feeling that we are used to imagining. It can be as sharp as a knife and turn into a disease not figuratively, but literally. It can change a person's outlook on life. The faces on the street become not indifferent to him, but repulsive and even malicious. Homesickness is a real disease, the pain of a plant uprooted. Stephen King. Breathing method.

And I'll come home
With a shield, or maybe on a shield,
In silver, and maybe in poverty,
But as soon as possible.

Your own patskha is better than someone else's palace.
Your home is better than a stranger’s palace.

If you don’t die in the war, what will you do when you return home?
- (translator's translation) He will hug his mother tightly.
- Like in a fairy tale. (Inglourious Basterds)

Buildings should be built to last for a short time. And if they are older than ten years, in my opinion, we need to get rid of them. I would build new buildings every fourteen years. Construction and demolition would keep people busy, and there would be no rust in the water from old pipes.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

When old life is collapsing, but the new one has not yet been established, there is no place better than home. No matter how old you are. Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.

We all love our home. Some – which is. Others - which was. Third - which will never happen...

No best place on earth than your home.

Most often people leave small town to dream of returning there. And others stay to dream of leaving there. Chuck Palahniuk. Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey.

You see, Tom, Weinschenk is a decent, hard-working man, in a sense he can be called a model husband: he hates restaurants, he comes straight home from the office and spends all his free time with us.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home. Select from a catalog of everything on the elite site with prostitutes EKB, who will provide the best sex leisure!

Where is my unfinished sand house?
He probably couldn't withstand the wind.
Why are we so powerless at times?
In front of your target in a centimeter? City 312 - Help me.

Therefore, write down to yourself: home is here, summer will be, I love this person.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Yes, I am a house now, an elderly five-story building.
Dust, panel ceilings, wires.
You don't want to live here, and sometimes it's so hard for me,
That water flows from a round pipe along the walls.

The rain came yesterday - broke through and suddenly flowed onto
Lips of old balconies; hit the drainage nose.
I'm still waiting for you, I'm looking out the windows at the road,
So, the blood in the batteries is getting cold; and dream of demolition.

... I'll draw a portrait from last year's newspapers,
I’ll build a house at an angle with an aircraft propeller...

The panel must be built outside the Moscow Ring Road. It’s enough that half of Moscow is in Khrushchev-era buildings. Panel houses are not built in any European capital. In both Moscow and St. Petersburg it is necessary to prohibit the construction of panels. Sergei Polonsky

Listen old man, I know you are a hard worker, maybe I can help you. Do you have costumes at home or do you like to walk around as if you are about to invade Poland?

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

A cat, abandoned by a small kitten, strives to return home, and even if someone picks her up, she will still look around in search of her real home. Ryu Murakami. Children from the storage room.

A house is a structure designed to serve as a home for a person, a mouse, a rat, a cockroach, a Prussian, a fly, a mosquito, a flea, a bacillus and a microbe.

Anyone who has ever desperately wanted to return home knows what bliss it is to be in your own bed... Anonymous. Alice's Diary

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

When I'm home, I always want to go home. Maybe because home is childhood, maybe memories. Or maybe home is where you feel good.

Home Sweet Home. Away is good, but home is better. Take me home, dears. Home is where your heart is. But my heart is here. So I'm home.

Home is a secret place, located more in time than in space. A place where you can feel whole. A place within ourselves, a place where we can nurture thoughts and feelings without fear of being interrupted or pulled away from this activity just because our time or attention is needed for something else. Anastasia Parfenova. Dancing with Aute

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

It’s good to eat and drink when visiting, and sleep at home.

Baby I have no story to be told,
But I’ve heard one of you and I’m gonna make your head burn.
Think of me in the depths of your despair.
Making a home down there, as mine sure won’t be shared.

Baby, there's nothing left to say about me
But I heard a story about you, and I will expose you.
Think about me when you're on the verge of despair.
Your house is down there now, because I don’t want to share mine with you. Adele - Rolling in the Deep.

Wherever we are, we always feel at home with our friends.

Home is where your heart is.

Don't come to my house! If my house is on fire, knock once. If I don’t answer, it means I set it on fire and want to burn myself!

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

It’s bad when you’re away, but it’s worse at home! Supernatural.

The last thing I want to do is go home. But this is the only thing left for me.

What a hole! And what fool settled here?
- I am. This is my home.
- Oh, how lovely! Just a miracle! You have delicate taste. This is not a faceless mass development.

We live in the same house, you sleep in it, that’s all, it seems. Sometimes I ask myself - are you sleeping here?

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

It doesn't matter what your home looks like, what matters is that it's yours.

I like it here, I like a lot here, almost everything, but I don’t like anything here, and at home I don’t like a lot of things, but I love it. Grishkovets

Yes, the miracle is not that the house shelters us and warms us, that these walls are ours. The miracle is that he imperceptibly transfers to us reserves of tenderness - and it forms in the heart, in its very depths, unknown layers, where, like the waters of a spring, dreams are born... Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Earth of People (Planet of People)

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

It’s wonderful, however, that every creature, from the huge Snake to the little ants, has a home that he takes care of, in which he raises children and nurtures grandchildren. Even wild beast after the summer rutting season or winter absence, it returns, and only a person is able to leave his home forever. Olga Grigorieva. Ladoga

Where he plopped down on the floor is home! The Lion King

And it’s still time to nah hauz.

Everyone wants to have a piece of land, even a small one, but their own. And a roof over his head so that no one could drive him out like a dog.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

All hieroglyphs can be divided into 214 elements. This element - it means the concept of “roof” - is one of them. But this one - he drew a line lower - is nothing more than the well-known word “woman” to all of you. But in general, these two lines are read as one hieroglyph, meaning “calm.” So, let us draw an important conclusion for ourselves: as long as a woman is under the roof, everything is calm. Gordon Lonsdale. My profession is intelligence officer.

There are people who make you feel like you are at home.

Where are you like this smart words did you grab it?
- At school, of course! There were never any of them in our house!

[Eric quotes E. A. Poe when he comes to pick up a ring from a dealer in stolen goods]

And I suddenly woke up from a sound, as if someone had suddenly caught
It was as if there was a dull knock on the door of my house. Crow

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

A man is small, but his home is the world.

Home is where freedom is; Freedom is where home is.

Our hallway has its own special smell, nowhere else does it smell like that. I don’t know what it is - either food or perfume - I can’t tell, but you immediately feel like you’re at home.

Eh, once you get into your house, you’ll learn to eat all sorts of nasty things! Carlson, who lives on the roof.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

The dream of freedom is associated with marriage. Leave your father's house for your husband's house and never return there again, even if your husband beats you.

Happiness is when you have everything at home.

Come home please! God, did you think we would just let you walk out of our lives?! I'm so angry at you right now! When I think about how scared you must be, being alone in the dark somewhere. But you're not alone, okay? You are not alone, we are there, in the dark, with you! We wave our lanterns and call you, if you see us, come home! Criminal minds

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

My home is my fortress. And everything in it is sealed with seven seals.

We don't own the houses, they own us.

You don't have everything at home.
- I don't have a home. I am a free bird. Wherever I want, I fly there.

I miss home. I miss my mom. I miss friends. And donuts. And sex. Almighty One, how I miss sex.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Better a thousand enemies outside the walls of a house than one inside.

Home is where our junk is kept while we are away from home to get more junk.

And why is a nursing home called a home? After all, everyone there is strangers

A home should be a home, right? A place where you know everyone.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

A good home is created, not bought.

A house without an owner is an orphan. And the owner without a home is also an orphan. Houses and walls help.

At home, we rule the way we want. And those who don’t like it don’t come to visit us.

Our homes are our prisons; but we will find freedom in them if we can decorate them at our discretion.

- House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

Evil is not in your house, it is in your head. And this evil has a name - loneliness!

Mom, where do we keep our raincoat?
- Baby, I don’t even know where our bread is stored...

I know this will sound strange for a twenty-year-old, but this is what keeps me from losing my head, and when, returning from film set, you meet your mother, forcing you to wash the dishes or clean the room, it brings you back to earth.

I feel at home in any part of the world. For a type like me, the hardest thing to feel at home is home. - House. Quotes, phrases, statuses about home. I miss home.

... remember: there, at home, you have the feeling that you can always leave... and there is a direction where to go. But here this feeling will not be there. There is nowhere to go from here!... Only here is the limit...

There are many sayings and sayings about the house - and many of them have long become popular. However, this is not surprising - after all, the house has great value for each of us. But not how material value. For many, home is a place where one can find peace and hide from problems, because “my home is my fortress.” This is the place where we invariably strive, even after spending quite a lot of time away from it. Quotes about home will reveal this concept in the best possible way.

● The shortest road to the home where you are loved and expected.

● In order to build a house, the efforts of many men are required. Well, in order for it to become truly warm and cozy, the efforts of just one woman are enough.

● Our birthplace is where we are truly loved and expected.

● Only kings, corrupt girls and thieves can feel at home everywhere.

● A person will never be truly happy in a place that he longs to leave.

● If something bad happens to your house and it collapses, don’t try to glue the pieces together. Better build a new, stronger house.

● One adult cannot fill a house, even the smallest one. And alone small child there may be dough even in the very big house.

● If happiness and harmony reign in the house, it will never become cramped.

Special beauty the world you see becomes clear only when you return to your home and lie down on such a familiar sofa.

● It is better to have hundreds of enemies outside the camps of your home than just one inside it.

● It doesn't matter what your home looks like. The main thing is that it is yours, and you feel comfortable in it.

● No matter what country you are in, no matter what unknown corner you find yourself in, it is important to remember one thing - and there is a way home from here.

● A house is not just a building that protects from cold and rain. This is a piece of our soul, a continuation of our self, which invariably attracts us.

● A person who does not have an address is quite suspicious. But even more suspicious is someone who has multiple addresses.

● Even the richest, most beautiful modern house will be empty, cold and lifeless until children's laughter sounds inside it.

● Our life is a journey. We can travel hundreds of roads in search of love and happiness. But we find them only when we return home.

● Returning to your home after a long absence is an amazing thing. You look at old paintings and books, it’s all so familiar. And suddenly the gaze stops at what has actually changed a lot. This is a reflection in a mirror.

● If you feel that there is no owner in the house, there is a simple way out. I urgently need to get a cat.

● Even the richest person cannot be happy in a house where he is not loved.

● Everyone needs a home. Even the smallest and ugly one. But it’s yours. After all, they will never be able to kick him out.

● If your life is destroyed and you do not want to build a new one, there is only one place where a wounded soul can find peace and strength. This is my home.

● A home is not a beautiful building filled with furniture and trinkets. Home is the smell of food, fluff of wool on the sofa, children's laughter and drawings on the walls. Home is small world.

● A good house cannot be purchased. You can only create it yourself.

● From the outside, a man’s house most often looks like an impregnable fortress. But as soon as you walk through the door, you realize that you are in a children's room.

● No house renovation can be completed. It can be temporarily suspended.

The girl was in a hurry to go on a date
In high heels,
And I accidentally caught it in the crowd
An old man walking towards him.

She turned around: “Grandfather, forgive me!”
He raised his tired eyes:
“Honey, where are you in such a hurry?”
"They're waiting for me, you can't be late."

"It's good when they're waiting for you somewhere,
And they greet you with joy on their faces,
And my love found shelter
Where I can take my time."

The girl looked at the bouquet,
And regret froze in the eyes...
He continued: “For seven years now
I wear daisies for her on her birthday.

She especially loved them
She wove it into her hair and into a wreath.
Even on the day we met, I remember it was
She's wearing a flowery dress.

We were married for many years,
But the magical ardor of love did not fade.
From the first meeting to the last date,
I've idolized her all my life."

He smiled, squeezed the bouquet tighter,
And he walked quietly to the bus stop...
And she looked after him,
It was like I was flying down without a safety net...

He's waiting there at a table in a cafe,
He’s angry because they’re only having an evening...
Tick ​​marked in the column
Between training and an important meeting.

Yes, he didn’t hide it from the beginning,
Who is he and what car is he driving?
After meetings, I called her a taxi,
And she hoped that she loved...

Smiling, she hung up the call,
The number has been deleted into obscurity.
I knew everything he could answer,
She's just not interested anymore.

We need someone who will understand
And to love and to cherish the feeling.
We need a home where people will wait...
And a bouquet of daisies...from the heart.

Show your love for people wherever possible, and above all in your home. Give love to your children, your wife or husband, your neighbors. Let not a single person leave your life without becoming at least a little better or happier. Become a living expression of God's goodness. Let people see the kindness shining in your face, in your eyes and in your friendly greeting

A person needs little: to search and find.
So that to begin with there would be one friend and one enemy...
A person needs little: for a path to lead into the distance.
May my mother live in the world. She lived as long as she needed...
A person needs little: after thunder - silence.
A blue patch of fog. Life - one. And death - one.
In the morning, a fresh newspaper - kinship with Humanity.
And just one planet: Earth! That's all.
And - an interstellar road, and a dream of speed.
This is, in essence, not much. This is, in general, a trifle.
Not a great reward. Low pedestal.
A person needs little. If only someone was waiting at home.

Drink where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water. Make the bed where the cat lays down. Eat the fruit that the worm touched. Feel free to take mushrooms that midges land on. Plant a tree where the mole digs. Build a house on the spot where the snake warms itself. Dig a well where birds nest in the heat. Go to bed and get up with the chickens - you will have the golden grain of the day. Eat more green and you will have strong legs and a hardy heart like a beast. Swim more often - you will feel on land like a fish in water. Look at the sky more often, and not at your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light. Be silent more than you speak - and silence will settle in your soul, and your spirit will be peaceful and calm.

This is the time of fast food and poor digestion, big people and small souls, quick profits and difficult relationships.
A time of rising family incomes and rising divorce rates, beautiful houses and destroyed homes.
A time of short distances, disposable diapers, disposable morals, one-night stands; excess weight and pills that do everything: excite us, calm us, kill us.

Do you believe in God? I haven't seen him...
How can you believe in something you haven't seen?
I'm sorry that I offended you,
After all, you didn’t expect such an answer...
I believe in money, I’ve definitely seen it...
I believe in a plan, in a forecast, in career growth...
I believe in a house that was built strong...
Of course... Your answer is quite simple...
Do you believe in happiness? You haven't seen him...
But your soul saw him...
Sorry, I probably offended you...
Then we have one - one... Draw...
Do you believe in love, in friendship? How about your eyesight???
After all, this is all at the level of the soul...
Are there bright moments of sincerity?
Don’t rush to see everything with your own eyes...
Do you remember how you rushed to the meeting then,
But traffic jams... didn't make it on time for the plane?!
Your plane blew up that same evening
You drank and cried all day long...
And at that moment when the wife gave birth,
And the doctor said: “Sorry, there’s no chance...”
Do you remember, life flashed like slides,
And it was as if the light had gone out forever,
But someone shouted: “Oh, God, a miracle...”
And a loud baby scream was heard...
You whispered: “I will believe in God”
And my soul smiled sincerely...
There is something that the eyes cannot see,
But the heart sees more clearly and clearly...
When the soul fell in love without falsehood,
Then the mind objects more and more strongly...
Refers to pain, bitter experience,
Includes egoism, the big “I”...
You saw God every day and so much
How deep is your soul...
Each of us has our own path...
And faith and love are most important...
I didn’t ask you, “Have you seen God?”
I asked if I believed in him...

When you return home from work,
I’ll smile at you and say quietly, quietly:
"I'm very happy to have you next to me
The best man in the world is here!"
And joy will shine in your eyes
And you will gently hug me by the shoulders
And you say: “I’m happy that I’m at home
The best woman in the world is waiting!"

A house is a building built to house people, various mice, crickets, flies, all kinds of insects, rodents and microbes. - A. Beers.

In an old house, feelings and emotions are preserved - the pain of loss or separation, the fear of separation. . .It's like a record with a scratch that the stylus keeps hitting. And the same words are constantly heard. - Schreiber Joe. No windows, no doors.

Don't judge a house by its owner, but judge the owner by the condition of the house. - Cicero Marcus Tullius.

Is there anything wrong with not having my own home? I just love to travel and find my home in different places.

When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father's house. And it doesn't matter how old you are. - Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.

One day we will get to where our real home is. We will definitely find this place, we will come there.

What a mess this house is! Why is the ruler endowed with the right of domination, when even in the palace he has no peace!

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

You can probably also get a special kind of pleasure from a messy house, I’m just not able to understand it yet. Max Fry.

Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall! Sherlock Sherlock

Well, we have a house! Sometimes they steal, sometimes they call names, and we are also fighting for the honorary title of a house of high culture of life! This is a nightmare! Horror!

Since our meeting was destined from above, why don't we create our own world? Our little house, just you and me and no one else. When you find yourself in my arms, as if in a cradle, in the moonlight, the whole universe will rejoice. Place your hand on mine, trust me. And if I don’t turn these dreams into reality, then you can demand whatever you want from me!

A good house is where the inhabitants are good. – George Herbert

The fear of empty space often leads to closing the walls; and this emptiness is replaced by empty pictures, devoid of thought. – Johann Joachim Winckelmann

Learn to be a good leader in your own home. – Chilo

The longer you live in one place, the more things and people become unruly, decay and begin to stink especially for you. Louis-Ferdinand Celine. Journey to the edge of the night.

The store was my home and my work at the same time. It was a much better school for me than a regular secondary school, and later became my personal university.

You can run around the world as much as you like and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go then to a place where you will have the opportunity to remember the bunch of things that you have seen. You've never really been anywhere until you come home. Terry Pratchett. Crazy star.

Home is a place where if you have to return there, they will have to accept you. Robert Frost

Your home is where people think about you.

What is life without a home? You can't live without it. Once created, it must always protect from the outside world.

The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil

There is no worse hell than home.

Home is a place where you don't have to get along. Don't control your words. To be tired when you are tired, to be silent when you want to be silent - and at the same time not be afraid that you will offend. Don’t pretend for a moment - not with a gesture, not with a look...

Most often, people leave a small town to dream of returning there. And others stay to dream of leaving there. Chuck Palahniuk. Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey.

House? What are you talking about? My house is on Lookout Court, where Bobo's is. Home is where my mother and friends are. And also - I even began to think that home is where you and I are. Ben Sherwood. The Double Life of Charlie St. Cloud

This is not a house, this is some kind of passageway.

All I need is a room to put my hat and a few friends. – Dorothy Parker

We spend too much time in our rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. Is it possible to fall into despair in the lap of nature?

A dwelling becomes a Home only thanks to a woman or the presence of a child.

The road home is always faster

As is the master, so is the servant. – Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Buildings should be built to last for a short time. And if they are older than ten years, in my opinion, we need to get rid of them. I would build new buildings every fourteen years. Construction and demolition would keep people busy, and there would be no rust in the water from old pipes.

And this was already a perfect home, for the cat served as a symbol and unmistakable evidence that contentment and peace reigned under this roof. They say that even without a cat - well-fed, pampered, accustomed to being revered - there are ideal homes; Perhaps I don’t argue, but how is this proven? Mark Twain. Dude Wilson

If you have a cat, you don't come back to the house, but to the home.

I am visiting abroad and prefer to behave accordingly.

It's strange when my home is not you, but just a room.

He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. – Martial

A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so. – D B Shaw

It's never too late to return home.

At home there are lions, outside the house there are foxes. Petronius Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home. – O. de Balzac

Home is not a place, but a state of mind.

Home is where the heart is, and I left my heart to you. Love and betrayal.

A house in which happiness reigns cannot be too small.

A house in the hands of slaves is a kingdom of obscurantism. – Hong Zichen

You two, better than anyone, should understand that external well-being can be deceptive. John admitted to me that things were not going well for him at home, he did not go into details, but he usually preferred to spend a couple of extra hours at work rather than go home. The Pretender

Whether there is a place in the house or not, as long as there is a place in the heart. When you're alone One 2 Ka 4

We all love our home. Some – which is. Others - which was. Third - which will never happen...

Homesickness is not always the vague, nostalgic and even wonderful feeling that we are used to imagining. It can be as sharp as a knife and turn into a disease not figuratively, but literally. It can change a person's outlook on life. The faces on the street become not indifferent to him, but repulsive and even malicious. Homesickness is a real disease, the pain of a plant uprooted. Stephen King. Breathing method.

He felt at home there, but at home he felt bad.

But a hotel is not a home. And it always seems to me that my real home is my office. Zakhar Oskotsky. The last tower of Troy.

Of course, you don't feel sorry for leaving me. For people like you and me, home is where we are not.

Where we are loved is the only place where our hearth is our home. – George Noel Gordon Byron

A house is not a household, not shared housing, as you said, not even children. Home is when nothing is hidden from each other. After all, today you and I have a home.

A kingdom divided within itself cannot stand. Verse 12:25 Bible. New Testament

Home is a place where you should always be accepted when you go there. Unfortunately, this is also a place where they don’t want to let you out.

Houses... can absorb the state of mind, emotions, so that over time the walls begin to emit the feelings of the people who live there. These feelings are hidden in the cracks of the floor, in the soot stains on the ceiling, in the smells of the kitchen. Ross McDonald. Heralds of misfortune

How much easier it is to be a confirmed bachelor, knowing that someone is lovingly waiting for you here in this house.

A house is a machine for living. Le Corbusier

I don’t like apartments that don’t have the owner’s imprint. Sergei Lukyanenko. Last Watch.

In a house without tenants, you won’t find the famous insects. – Kozma Prutkov

There is no place sweeter than home. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Home is a place where they have to let you in when you have nowhere to go.

The Akragants eat as if they will die tomorrow, and build houses as if they will live forever.

Home is not just a place where you sleep. It is an extension of your self, living its own life.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Man and Motherland are like trees and Earth. The more roots, the stronger their connection. And woe to the enemies who encroached on the Fatherland. Maria Semyonova. Swan Road.

A person who dreams of leaving the place where he lives is clearly unhappy.

Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face, which reflects their inner essence. – Alexandre Dumas father

Let anyone who enters our house marvel at us, and not at our dishes. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus the Younger

It is good to lead in your home.

Thanks to this house, I'll go to another!

A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable. – Martin Andersen-Nexø

We first leave our parents’ nest, and then, sometimes, our first family nest too, and we always feel the same pain, because we feel forever orphaned. Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years.

After all, a house is not a place, but people.

A man is small, but his home is the world. – Varro Marcus Terence

My childhood home... Sweet home. I probably had it. Home... mine, childhood... I will calm down only when I find you... me!

The enemy living in your home is the most dangerous. The blows of the sword of his evil word or the spear of hatred always strike straight into the heart. – As-Samarkandi

A ship is a home, it is the joy of a favorite job, the most precious piece of the Universe. But which person doesn’t like to visit? That’s why cosmonauts value so much even their short time off...

Any door, no matter how you close it, will forever remain a door as long as the house stands.

Anyone who has no home anywhere is free to go anywhere. – E.M. Remarque

You can find out your darkest secrets without leaving your home.

Our journey is actually a search. Search for love and affection. Sometimes he brings us back home.

Everything is wet to the skin, a person cannot understand why the rain is pouring so hard, even the roof above his head seems to have dissolved in this gray mass of water.

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. – A. Griboyedov

Walk many roads, return to your home, and look at everything as if for the first time.

If a person is drawn to home, then he knows how to be happy.

All life is the road home. Salespeople, secretaries, miners, accountants, sword swallowers - for all of us. All the restless hearts in the world are looking for the way home. Healer Adams Patch Adams

If home is where the heart is, then where to go if you don't have a heart? In Miguel's case - to a five-star hotel.

There is always a way home. Why not start with this? Let's see what happens.

Homework tends to fill all the free time plus another half hour.

At sixty, a person begins to realize the value of a home. – Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

The house smelled of dust and dampness and something vaguely sweet, as if the ghosts of long-dead cookies lived here.

Women's quarrels burn down the whole house. – Menander

There is no better place on earth than home.

Any misfortune will not frighten you as long as you have a home and relatives in it.

A good wife, a good house - what else does a person need to meet old age?!

Why wash the dishes if no one sees it?

Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house. – Voltaire

House. The place where it was worth going, the house in which it was worth living. A house whose inhabitants must be made happy, a house for which it is worth tearing the throat of a scoundrel who comes with sharp arrows or a flaming torch, a house... A house where the Law is observed, Benefit is undoubted, and Love is alive. Henry Lyon Oldie. Network for World Rulers.

At home there are lions, outside the house there are foxes. – Petronius Arbiter Gaius

A house without books is like a body without a soul. – Cicero Marcus Tullius

Now I lie there, half numb, half seared with pain. And yet, every morning I still manage to get up and leave the house - although I have to remind myself that this is really my home. To remind you that there is no trail of blood visible even to the naked eye from this place.