Where is the best place to insure a house in the village? All the details and nuances of country house insurance

Today, more and more property owners want to protect their property from possible damage. And if apartment insurance has some specific features, then in the case of a private house many additional nuances arise.

What do we insure? Since the house is a separate building, its structure, interior and exterior decoration, utilities, and movable property can be protected. In addition, insurers offer to issue a policy for outbuildings, a garage and even a fence. Depending on the list of objects included in the contract, the transaction price is formed. The cost of insurance services depends on additional factors. For example, it is more expensive to insure a wooden house against fire than a stone one. And it is more profitable to insure against theft a property in a gated community, with bars and an armored door, than a similar house without special protection.

What do we insure against? Damage to property is possible most in different ways, so insurers offer a whole list of risks:
  • fire or explosion of domestic gas;
  • lightning strike;
  • natural disaster;
  • flooding with water;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • terrorist act.

It is advisable to order not a full package of services, but to select only the most probable risks. This will save you a lot of money.

For what period do we conclude the contract? Some companies are ready to offer insurance for a month, quarter or half a year. However, such options will be more expensive compared to an annual policy.

Please note: you cannot insure money, jewelry, works of art, or other valuables in the house. They, of course, are movable property, but are considered as non-insurable events.

When choosing an insurer, follow the recommendations of your friends. When concluding a contract, carefully read all clauses and footnotes, and ask for clarification of unclear positions. Keep all receipts for purchased equipment, building materials, and repair estimates.

IN insurance contract you need to indicate the cost of the house. Be careful here: you shouldn’t improvise and determine it by eye. The agent benefits from the inflated price because he works for interest. But when an insured event occurs, the BTI assessment will be taken into account, and it is several times lower than market prices. Therefore, it is most logical to order an expert assessment of real estate and have it certified with documents.

To avoid a reduction in payments in the event of an insured event, keep your home papers in order, especially the registration certificate. Unauthorized redevelopment, replacement or installation of technical equipment (for example, a gas water heater) may be to the advantage of the insurer, which he will certainly take advantage of.

When insuring your property, take the issue responsibly. There are a lot of pitfalls in this service industry, and it is simply necessary to understand all the intricacies. If you do not feel confident in your legal literacy, seek help from specialists in order to know exactly all your rights and competently defend them in the future.

We offer two insurance programs.

This product is for insuring low and middle segment homes built in gardening associations, village populated areas, villages, hamlets, and also cottage villages. This policy allows you to insure most types of buildings, including cottages and outbuildings.

Insurance of a dacha or home under the Rosgosstrakh-dom “Active” program is especially relevant for those who are used to vacationing outside the city only in the warm season and are forced to leave their property unattended for the rest of the year.

Advantages of the "Active" home and property insurance program

  • Conclude an agreement promptly without an application.
  • Pay out insurance premium at one time or in installments.
  • We help you accurately and quickly determine the cost of insurance for your cottage and property.
  • You can insure a house, outbuildings, interior and exterior decoration of premises, movable property and especially valuable items, engineering and equipment, as well as civil liability during the operation of buildings (including damage to life, health and property of third parties).

This is an insurance program for private homes with an individual architectural solution and interior design. The “Rosgosstrakh-dom “Prestige” policy can be issued for a cottage located in a guarded village.

Insurance country houses at Rosgosstrakh - reliable protection in unforeseen situations.

Advantages of home and property insurance "Prestige"

  • Lack of required objects.
  • Maximum flexible insurance conditions for exclusive buildings.
  • Insurance of external objects (equipment).
  • Individual approach to each client who chooses insurance country house.
  • Insurance of expensive property (collections, antiques, etc.).

Home insurance priceand other detailed official information on this product You can find out from the specialists of Rosgosstrakh.

Insure your home contents

In addition to insuring a country house, country house or apartment, you can now insure any household property: furniture, household appliances etc.

The Rosgosstrakh program insures household property against wide range risks. You will protect yourself from financial losses in case of theft or fire, which, unfortunately, is also not uncommon.

Very inexpensive

The cost of insuring a home and other property may not be burdensome to the family budget. Rosgosstrakh strives to ensure that the programs offered are not only as reliable as possible, but also accessible to everyone.

No unnecessary documents

Rosgosstrakh offers to insure your property in just 5 minutes! There is no need to present receipts for the purchased property or collect a package of documents. All you need is a passport, the address of the insured object and the amount for which you want to insure it. It doesn't matter whether you own or rent your home.

Home contents insurance at Rosgosstrakh - reliable, fast, inexpensive!

We are always happy to see you and answer any questions. Just call us or come to your nearest office.

There is no need to explain the value of country real estate to its owners in our country. Every homeowner values ​​his dacha, but most prefer to spend the minimum amount on protecting it. Some limit themselves to connecting their property to the village security console, others consider it sufficient to buy the latest lock on the door, and there is a third category of owners - they rely on “maybe it will blow through.” According to insurance companies, today, at best, only every third country cottage can boast of a fire and robbery policy.

ExpressPolis clients often contact us with similar questions: how much does insurance cost for a house or cottage? , which policy to choose, how to achieve payments when a particular insured event occurs, what tricks insurers use in an effort to avoid insurance payments, etc.

You can, of course, join the careless third category of homeowners, but we recommend listening to the same statistics. Of the 3 fires in the Leningrad region, 2 occurred in dachas and cottages. Most often, after such an incident, homeowners rush to purchase policies. But maybe you shouldn’t wait for the thunder to strike? We are ready to offer you the widest selection of insurance programs for suburban real estate from the leading insurance companies in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region!

Home Insurance Calculator

Risk package:

Package 1: fire, gas explosion, lightning strike Package 2: fire, gas explosion, lightning strike; natural disasters; burglary, robbery Package 3: Package 2 + water damage; collision, blow

House cost:

500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 900 000 1 000 000 1 250 000 1 500 000 1 750 000 2 000 000 2 500 000 3 000 000 3 500 000 4 000 000 4 500 000 5 000 000 6 000 000 7 000 000 8 000 000 9 000 000 10 000 000

Movable property:

do not include 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 800,000 9 00 000 1 000 000

Bath cost:

do not include 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000

Franchise size:

without franchise 3,000 7,000 10,000 30,000

house under guard

stone/brick house

there are no metal doors and bars on the first floor

presence of an open fire source: stove/fireplace

temporary residence

Contact phone:

Policy price: 2800 rubles per year + free shipping

Express insurance: pros and cons

For those who do not have time to delve into the nuances of various programs, almost every insurer will immediately offer to buy an express insurance policy. Such a transaction is completed very quickly: a minimum of documents, no inspection with a company agent visiting the insurance object (*depending on the cost of the building), the ability to pay for the policy in installments. If an insured event occurs with a minimum amount of damage (up to 30 thousand), payment will be made without numerous supporting certificates.

Sum insured, rub. 100 000 300 000 500 000 700 000 1 000000 1 500000 2 000000 2 500000 3 000000
Objects of insurance Walls Policy cost, rub./year
Residential building Stone/brick 1 100 2 400 3 500 4 900 6 300
3 150
9 000 10 800
5 400
13 300 15 800
7 900
Tree 1 500 3 400 5 000 7 000 9 000
4 500
12 800 15 300
7 650
19 000 22 500
11 250
Garage Stone/brick 1 100 2 400 3 500 4 900 6 300
Tree 1 500 3 400 5 000 7 000 9 000
Bath Any 1 700 3 800 6 000
3 000
8 300 10 500
Household block 1 500 3 400
Insured risks: Fire, Lightning Strike, Gas Explosion; Water damage; Natural disasters; Burglary, Robbery; Illegal actions of third parties; Collision, Impact

The disadvantages of such a program stem from its advantages. When purchasing a policy, it is not necessary to present documents on the ownership of this property, but when submitting an application to the company for payment of compensation, such documents will be required. And most importantly: the express policy has a limit on the upper limit of compensation payments. That is why such contracts are usually relevant for those who insure garden houses costing no more than 700 thousand rubles, although we are ready to offer an express policy for a home worth up to 3 million. Costs in this case are usually no more than 22.5 thousand rubles per year.

Request a call back

The risk package under the express policy includes a standard set: fire, lightning strike, gas explosion; water damage; natural disasters; burglary, robbery; illegal actions of third parties; collision, impact, and the following are insured: structural elements, interior and exterior decoration of the house, technical equipment. Each risk specified in the contract is assigned a certain percentage of the payments. For example, the roof accounts for 8%. This means that if an insured event occurs due to damage to the roof, the insurance company will pay 8% of the amount of insurance coverage, etc.

Classic insurance

For the owner, this is a completely different approach to design. insurance policy home insurance and choosing a package of company services. An agent of the company will definitely come to personally inspect the insurance object, evaluate it and take photographs. Next, he will discuss with the client what risks he wants to insure his property against, and which he prefers to refuse. Any wishes of the owner will be taken into account when drawing up the contract and included in it on an individual basis.

With classic insurance, the price of a home insurance policy is directly proportional to the estimated value of the insured object. The client can refuse to have a company agent visit the site to conduct an assessment, provide photographs himself and indicate his own estimated value of the property. In this case, the company will base its calculations of insurance payments and coverage under this policy on the information provided by the owner.

Experienced agents recommend: it is better to buy a policy that guarantees payment of replacement cost, and the contract is accompanied by an inventory of the property and an assessment by the insurance company. In this case, most of the disagreements regarding payments after the occurrence of an insured event can be avoided. Also, photographs, or even better, a video recording of the dacha or cottage, including its interior decoration, should be attached to the contract.

What can you save on?

First of all, you can save money on the move insurance agent in place. This usually allows you to reduce the cost of the policy by 5-20%. In addition, if you refuse to insure structural elements, and insure only movable property and decoration, then the price of the policy will immediately decrease by 50%. The more insurance risks included in the policy, the more expensive the insurance. The client has the opportunity to shorten this list at his own discretion. Whether to do this or not is up to you to decide.

Another popular saving option is purchasing a policy with a deductible. As in any other insurance, the deductible in country property insurance is the amount of damage that the owner agrees to cover at his own expense, without contacting the company. The size of the deductible in classic insurance is negotiated individually, and in express insurance it is equal to a fixed percentage of the amount of insurance coverage.

Of course, everyone knows what more companies, the stronger the competition between them. That is why policyholders have the opportunity to save on this too. Every year, during certain months of “recession” of activity, each company offers its clients discounts on insurance products. And if the client has previously contacted the company and purchased a policy, say MTPL, CASCO or any other, then he may be offered an additional individual discount, which means the deal will become even more profitable.

The company is more willing to insure a property whose owner has already taken care of its safety. This means that any agent will not only be more willing to insure a country house connected to a security console, have bars on the windows and a reliable metal door, but will also offer the owner a discount for reducing the risk of an insured event.

And it's still far from full list opportunities to reduce the cost of dacha insurance. We are ready to provide advice on all issues of interest at any time convenient for you. For convenience, there is an online calculator directly on the website, using which you can find out the estimated price of the policy. We will help you choose an individual package of insurance services, as well as the most profitable at the moment offer from leading operators at the most attractive price! We are waiting for your call!

People who are lucky enough to own country houses, dachas, or who simply live in a village, having private real estate, often think about insuring their property. This article will be useful for everyone who is already the owner of private houses, or those who are planning to become one.

We will try to answer the following questions:

  • Private home insurance – why is it needed?
  • How to insure your cottage against fire?
  • How high can the cost of home insurance be and what does it depend on?

Why do you need home insurance?

Insurance of a private home, country house or cottage is a wise investment. It’s good when the house stands and nothing bad happens to it. But all sorts of cases may occur that will make you wonder why I didn’t take out insurance earlier?

Any private building is much more vulnerable to natural phenomena than an apartment. Also, such housing can attract various villains who are just waiting to fill their pockets at your expense.

Those most in need of insurance are country houses. Their owners come to the site only in the warm season. And usually such a visit does not last too long. Therefore, the feasibility is obvious.

Owners of large cottages also often torment themselves with thoughts of how best to protect their home. They install different security systems and the coolest locks. But, I want to tell you, if a thief wants to break into a building, he will do it. A smarter solution would be to purchase insurance.

Now we are talking about third parties, but besides them there are a whole bunch of factors that can cause harm to our home: fires, rainstorms, hail, floods, falling trees, melted snow, and this is not the whole list.

How many times have you heard on TV that a house burned down or was robbed? Many times private sectors have suffered from trees that have fallen on the roof of a house after terrible hurricane. It also happened that only the walls remained from the building, and it suffered from arson.

There are many cases where people have spent huge sums of money on rebuilding their homes, but these expenses could have been avoided if insurance had been taken out.

The cost of the insurance policy is negligible compared to the possible costs of restoration. But you won’t have to worry about where to look for money, since you will be sure that your problems will be solved thanks to insurance.

House owners have the right to enter into an insurance contract:

  • for the entire house;
  • for load-bearing structures:
  • on the front side of the building;
  • to the inside of the house;
  • for wiring, plumbing;
  • for equipment located in the house;
  • for valuables stored in the house.

Insurance of a wooden house will not be superfluous. Such buildings can quickly catch fire, both from exposure to natural factors and due to the efforts of third parties. Just remember that for insurers there is big difference between the terms arson and fire.

The Russian people do not trust insurance companies too much. Only a small percentage apply for insurance on their property. Western countries this is taken more seriously, and almost every second home there has insurance.

People simply do not yet understand that it is financially profitable, competent and far-sighted to buy an insurance policy, rather than later spending a fortune on home restoration.

Factors influencing the cost of insurance

Home insurance is a voluntary procedure. No one is forced to sign the insurance contract. A person has the right to independently make a choice whether to insure or not insure, and if insured, what exactly. Owners choose their own insurance agency and policy type.

The cost of insurance will vary, and it depends on several circumstances, which we will now consider in more detail.

1) Number of risks selected by the client

When taking out an insurance policy, the policyholder has the right to choose the number of risks. According to the standard scheme, than more risks, the greater the insurance cost item will be. But when selecting risks, you need to think carefully about what is more relevant in your specific situation.

Does it make sense to indicate flood as one of the threats if the building is located in an area within a 100-kilometer radius of which there is not a single body of water? In the same way, it is stupid to include the possibility of an earthquake in the contract if the house is built on a seismic good location, where such cataclysms have not occurred for more than a millennium.

The main risks that clients most often choose as an insured event are the following:

natural disasters;


accidents that occurred with plumbing communications;

falling trees;

gas pipeline explosions;

lightning strikes;

criminal atrocities.

This is a minimum list. If desired, the client can include in the contract any risk that comes to his mind. But depending on the number of these threats, the cost of insuring private homes will also increase.

2) Special properties in home use

How long the owners live in the house has a big impact on the cost of the insurance policy. If this is a village where owners appear only in the summer, the price will be higher. Also, the cost will increase if in a village in a small building it is used stove heating, as it carries a risk of fire.

Tariffs increase if the mansion does not have a drainage system. The deterioration of utilities, such as gas pipelines, water pipes, and electrical wiring, plays a significant role in increasing prices. If all this was changed about fifty years ago, the cost will increase.

3) The presence in the house of protective systems or other structures that can protect the structure

Insurance rates may not only increase. If the owners care about the well-being of their own home, want to secure it in every way, install alarms and other security systems, then the insurer reduces the cost.

When a fire starts and the fire suppression system quickly extinguishes the fire, it is much better for the insurer than paying for the damage.

It will also be possible to save on insurance if the materials from which the house is built consist of modern substances that repel fire.

4) Price of building materials

If your house is built from high-quality, expensive building materials, then in the event of an insured event, you would like to receive the appropriate insurance amount. For this reason, the cost of the insurance policy will also be higher.

Rates are greatly influenced by what the building is made of. Thus, insuring a wooden house will cost more, because it is more fire hazardous than a brick cottage.

5) Period of use of the building

The older the building, the less enthusiastically insurers undertake to insure it. Some companies have a mandatory condition - not to insure property that is more than fifty years old.
The cost of insuring private homes also depends on age.

What to follow and what to do when deciding to insure private property - detailed instructions.

Insuring a country house, cottage, or city cottage is not a complicated process. The main thing that is necessary is to understand the features of this procedure in advance.

You need to understand that any insurance organization, even with the most impeccable reputation, is not a charitable company. Each insurer, when concluding an agreement with a client, pursues its own benefits. For this reason, you need to know your rights and clearly defend your interests.

Action 1. Carefully select an insurance agency.

It's obvious that the best company for cooperation there will be a proven company with many years of experience and positive reviews. You may come across unfamiliar organizations with more attractive insurance prices. But it’s better to overpay once than to regret your choice later.

A company with a large scale, which had several hundred or dozens of branches throughout the country, is more suitable for selection than one that is known only to a narrow circle of individuals.

A few more criteria for choosing a future insurance agent:

experience and competence - do not forget that the company must be experienced and the older it is, the more likely it is that in practice it will turn out to be a serious partner;

the total amount of damages paid under insurance policies - the more payments were made, the more reliable the insurer will be;

the reputation of the organization - there is no need to talk about this; probably, few people will agree to go to an insurer who is said to have not paid a single loss;

a large list of insurance programs offered - the larger it is, the greater the likelihood of choosing the insurance that suits your individual case;

reviews – it’s best if your friends advise you good company than you read recommendations on the Internet.

It is very important for a serious insurance company to have its own website. A self-respecting company must have such a detail. Here the client will be able to study in more detail all the details of interest.

Action 2. Select an insurance package.

We have already touched on this topic a little above. When choosing a package, don’t immediately run and shout, I want the “full package”. Why do you need to include all kinds of risks in the contract? If you are the owner of a small village house, visited only in summer period, then an inexpensive program that includes fire and flood hazards will suffice.

Insurance of a residential building containing various types of valuables ( modern technology, antiques, valuable jewelry) may include a clause in the contract with the risk of illegal acts.

Action 3. We call an appraiser from the insurance company, who must determine the condition of the building.

You can sign an insurance contract and miss this point. It is not necessary to call a representative of the organization. It may be enough to present documents for the property and take a photo of the house.

In this case, the insurer's services are assessed at a lower cost. And if an insured event occurs, the amount of damage paid will also be lower than what is needed to actually restore the home.

Action 4. We begin collecting the necessary documents.

There are many companies in the insurance industry, each of them has its own approach to the “paper” procedure, but usually they all have a standard documentary set:

  • client's passport;
  • documents for the insurance object and land plot;
  • construction plan and technical passport.

Insurers have no less interest in completing all documentation quickly than clients. Therefore, they try not to burden the owners of private houses with unnecessary paperwork.

Action 5. Signing the contract.

When you get to the most important part - signing the agreement, take your time to sign your autograph.

Re-read the document again and make sure that all points are clear to you. Review whether there are any sections that make you suspicious. Remember, you can always ask again and ask an extra question.

Only after you have fully read all the points and you have no complaints about them, sign.

Where to go to insure a private home? Review of the top five companies in the property insurance industry

How not to make a mistake when choosing an insurance agent for your property when there are hundreds of similar companies? So that you can do right choice, we analyzed the insurance market and prepared for you a review of the best five companies in our country.

A company with seventy years of experience in the insurance industry. She has large number representative offices both in Russia and in the territories of other republics. In the list of services offered, the client will definitely find an insurance package for himself and at a suitable price.

The main real estate packages are:

  • “Platinum” - personal insurance of expensive buildings;
  • "Express" - suitable for clients expecting more budget option insurance;
  • “Freedom” - one of the conditions of this type of insurance is the price of the insured object, which should not exceed 6 million rubles.

Alpha insurance

A mature company with more than twenty years of experience working with clients. It has more than three hundred branches. Year after year receives the highest mark from an independent rating agency"Expert".

This company can insure almost everything. Insurance of a country house, insurance of an unfinished house, mansion, cottage, etc. If you wish, you can insure all buildings located on your site. The Estate Complex insurance package even includes a fertile plot of land.

The company has the status of a joint stock community. Began its activities in 1993. Main positive qualities The company has highly qualified employees, financial stability, coverage of all areas of insurance, and always fulfills its responsibilities to clients.
Those who contacted this organization, can take advantage of the Phoenix Home program. It includes various risks and allows you to insure individual structures, facades, interior elements, and communications.

The company offers clients quick solution their problems. Minimal documentation process, possibility of signing a contract without a preliminary assessment of the property by an expert. The agency works in cooperation with the companies Ingosstrakh and RESO-Garantiya.

The contract can specify the main risks, insurance of the house against fire, flood, falling trees and much more. The agency offers a large number of programs at an affordable cost.

This company is the most mature and experienced. It occupies a leading position in Expert ratings. Offers various insurance products. Works for the convenience of the client.

You can apply for insurance with this company directly on their website by selecting the appropriate insurance program.

You can receive the finished document either at the agency branch or at home if you ask for delivery.

6 myths in the field of real estate insurance

Insurance of private homes is surrounded by a number of different prejudices on the part of poorly educated or legally unskilled people. It's time to find out the truth, and not torment yourself with guesses.

Myth 1. Insurance of private buildings is more expensive than insurance of apartments

There are two types of insurance: title and property, and it is between these two concepts that confusion occurs. If you take out title insurance, then this is valid expensive pleasure. This is explained by the fact that the market price of the house is taken into account.

As for country house insurance, it falls under the term property insurance. In this case, the contract will be based not on the future amount of money spent on restoration work, but on the sale price of the house. Therefore, rates for insurance services will be more reasonable and convenient for the client.

Myth 2. An insurance policy provides a guarantee for all cases of home burglary.

Everything is correct if you include the clause about robbery in the risks. If there is no such clause, insurance will not cover your losses.

Myth 3. After insurance, you don’t have to be afraid of any natural disasters

All this too, true. But only if all natural disasters were included in the agreement.

Myth 4. You can only insure external buildings, but not the ground.

No. Some companies provide insurance services for fertile land. You need to look for a suitable company.

Myth 5. When you have insurance in hand, you don’t have to worry about fire safety rules

Home fire insurance does not give you 100% guarantees. After any fire, an assessment is carried out as to why it occurred. If the cause is a cigarette butt that was thrown out of bed onto the floor, then you can forget about paying damages.

Myth 6. Why insure your house if you can avoid all the dangers yourself?

The decision to take out insurance or not is up to you. Every person can try to prevent accidents related to their home. But it is almost impossible to foresee everything.


You learned about insurance in more detail. We hope this information will help you make the right choice.

The modern way of life creates a feeling of well-being in people. Especially if the individual has a standard set successful person: family, beloved pet, apartment, car and cottage.

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But, unfortunately, no one knows the future. Also, no one is immune from the accidents that inevitably occur in our lives. In this article we will look in detail at how to insure your home.

What is it

Home insurance is one type. The client enters into an agreement with an insurance company. It clearly states all possible troubles that can happen to the property.

In accordance with the contract, the client pays the insurance company a set amount of money annually. If an insured event occurs (for example, flooding), the company compensates its client for losses in full.

What can be insured:

  • ordinary house;
  • country house;
  • structures on the plot of land where the house is built. Garages, sheds and outbuildings are the most common objects covered by insurance.

What can you insure your home against?

Theoretically, from almost everything, because there are a great many different force majeure events. Do you think they are invented by specially trained people? Of course not.

All incredible cases happened once in someone's life. And it’s good if the person had the coveted insurance. Therefore, the list of things to insure a country house against is constantly expanding.

Comprehensive insurance will protect your home:

  • from water;
  • from fire;
  • from theft;
  • from natural disasters;
  • from force majeure.

You can insure your home both against a separate unforeseen circumstance (for example, fire) and against the most common insurance situations.

A complete list of possible troubles will certainly be specified in the contract for full property insurance.

In that case insurance company owes nothing to its client. And all the costs of restoring the house fell on the shoulders of the unfortunate fire victim.

Every decent company has a person who specializes in assessing client risks.A wise step is to invite their representative before concluding a contract with an insurance company.

He will inspect the house, take photographs and make a list of the most real risks to your property. This procedure is free, since you have not yet entered into an agreement with the company. Any obligations on your part begin only after signing the contract.

The insurance company may also refuse to insure the home. This happens in practice in two situations:

  • in the case of a house under construction;
  • when the depreciation of the property exceeds 65%.

Features of the agreement

An insurance contract is a legal document agreement between the policyholder and the insurer. Its meaning is that the policyholder is obliged to compensate the insurer a certain amount of money when an insured event occurs.

The contract clearly states this amount, as well as the possibility of changing it under certain circumstances.

When the two parties (insurer and policyholder) have come to the conclusion that the upcoming cooperation will be mutually beneficial, the time comes to sign the contract. Next, the insurer is asked to familiarize itself with the insurance application form.

It clearly states all the risks. If he is satisfied with everything, he signs the agreement. The document is then signed by the policyholder. From this moment the insurance contract comes into force.

For convenience, we list the items that must be indicated in the insurance certificate:

  • title of the document;
  • list of risks;
  • upper limit of the sum insured;
  • insurance premiums: their size and payment period;
  • start and end dates of the contract;
  • possible changes in conditions (in what cases is this possible);
  • signatures of both parties.

Despite the relative simplicity of the insurance contract, it has its pitfalls. We will look at them in the next section.

What to pay attention to when drawing up a contract

As the wise woman says French proverb, the devil is in the details. The statement perfectly characterizes the pitfalls of the agreement.

Due to small nuances that can be interpreted in different ways, further disagreements arise between the policyholder and the insurer.

Therefore, the number one rule of a happy insurer is to slowly and thoughtfully read the entire contract.

Here are the points that require the closest attention:

  • insurance rules. Ideally, they should be clear and unblurred. This suggests that the insurance company has pure intentions;
  • insurance amount. The amount of money that the company is obliged to reimburse you if an insured event occurs. It is always clearly stated in the contract. It is agreed in advance between the policyholder and the insurer and cannot be more market value real estate (for example, a private house);
  • risks. Are all agreed risks clearly stated in the contract? Perhaps something is not taken into account or, on the contrary, unnecessary is written;
  • Changing the amount of insurance sum taking into account the obsolescence of the house. Some insurers take into account wear and tear on the property. For example, at the time of concluding the contract, the insured amount is 1 million rubles, and a year later (due to the obsolescence of the house) 900 thousand rubles;
  • The procedure for paying the insurance amount in the event of an event. The company will reimburse the entire amount immediately or over a certain period of time (in monthly payments).

All these points must be clearly known before signing the contract. If there are disagreements, the insurer needs to insist on an additional agreement to the contract. Only after it has been drawn up and agreed upon, it is worth signing the insurance certificate.

Required documents

To conclude an Insurance contract, you need to collect a certain set of documents.

First, let's look at the list of documents for the person registered in the insured home:

  1. Copy of passport with residence permit (registration).
  2. Photos of the house.
  3. A detailed inventory of the property to be insured.
  4. Valuation of property in monetary terms.

The required set of documents for a person who is not registered in the insured home:

  • copy of passport (possible without registration);
  • photographs of the home and property;
  • inventory of property that is subject to insurance;
  • valuation of property in monetary terms;
  • a document confirming that you have the legal right to the insured property.

Civil liability insurance

Another insurance object that arose as a result of inexhaustible practice is civil liability insurance.

When an insured event occurs, not only a person’s property may be damaged, but also other people. For example, in the event of a fire in country house fire often spreads to neighbors' properties.

In this case, the unfortunate fire victim will have to bear not only the restoration of his home, but also compensation for moral damage to his neighbor. Fortunately, today unfortunate fire victims are a rare occurrence.

People insure their properties not only against fires, floods and hurricanes; Increasingly, the risk of civil liability is imbued into the contract.

An insurance certificate taking into account this risk is a universal thing; its lucky owner is not afraid of practically anything.

Home insurance cost

How much does it cost to insure my home? — The most frequently asked question to insurance agents. The price of the policy will depend on the parameters of the house (taking into account all risks) and the company you contact.

As a unit of measurement we take a House with average parameters (such an ideal cottage only happens in theory) and 5 popular Russian companies:

The prices shown reflect the cost of insurance for 1 year. They are calculated using a special calculator, which is offered on the website of almost every insurance company.

If you like the price of a company and need to insure your home, contact their representatives directly (all contacts are presented on the company’s website).

Real estate insurance is a common procedure that has become popular in the West, and then in Russia. The supply of Russian insurance companies on the market is off the charts. Everyone will find what they need.