Home water pumps. Selecting a pump for water supply to a country house - how to choose the right one

The quality of water supply to a home affects many factors that shape the comfort and coziness of the home. The performance of many household appliances may be impaired or impossible if there is little or no water pressure. At the same time, it also happens that the pressure in the system is exceeded, and if in the first case no special troubles are expected, then in the second a rupture may occur threaded connections, welds, which threatens to flood your apartment and neighbors.

The most dangerous thing is pressure surges in the system, especially sudden ones. Appliances is designed for a pressure of 4 bar, and any change negatively affects its condition. The problem is serious, but there is a solution.

Issues with poor quality water supply are solved by water pumps for home plumbing, which allow you to correct many shortcomings. In cases of lack of water pressure, it is necessary to use a booster pump for the water supply; the device will regulate the water pressure and increase the pressure to an acceptable level.

To supply water from a well to a residential building, a submersible well pump for water supply is useful, which pumps water submerged at the bottom of the well or well.

An alternative to it can be a surface pump, used in wells or wells of shallow (up to 9 meters) depth, located above the surface of the water and sucking liquid through a submerged hose. Such pumps may well provide autonomous water supply for a private home.

An intermediate option is a semi-submersible pump, which is somewhat inferior to previous models in terms of characteristics, but also has its own advantages - ease of installation and maintenance.

A pumping station is a unit that also includes a storage tank, a hydraulic accumulator, the purpose of which is to accumulate water for transporting it to intake points.

In what cases should water pumps be used?

The decision to use a pump that increases pressure in the water supply is always forced, dictated by the general condition of the water supply networks. Most often, residents of the upper floors of multi-storey buildings suffer, or if the house is located on high points of the terrain, large water intake is also negatively affected by insufficient supply to the area.

It should be remembered that all pumps that increase water pressure in the water supply operate in different modes, and the pressure they create does not always solve the problem completely.

Therefore, when choosing a pump, you need to take into account its characteristics and know the pressure in your system.

Water pump prices

The need to install pumping equipment raises a legitimate question: how much will it cost? How much will the expected expenses hit your wallet and will they be excessive? Are the prices for water stations for home plumbing high, and is it profitable to purchase them?

The average price of water pumps for home plumbing is usually not very high and is affordable for everyone. There are many models that have quite budget prices, the cost of which does not exceed 10,000 rubles, which seems to be a completely acceptable expenditure on this issue.

The desire to buy a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply is easily feasible from a financial point of view; the whole task lies in choosing the right type and model of the pump.

How to connect the pump to the water supply?

The purchase of a pump or station necessitates its connection to the system. If an autonomous water supply system is equipped with power from a well or well, then the issue can be resolved by simply connecting the supply pipe to the local water supply system of the house.

The search for a solution to how to connect a pumping station to a water supply network in a centralized water supply network often leads to errors. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the technical condition of the water supply pipes in order to avoid problems with leaky systems. Secondly, you need to take into account the quality of water; if necessary, you need to equip a water treatment system.

Before connecting the pump to increase the pressure in the water supply, you must obtain Required documents and permits from Vodokanal, SES and district utility systems, since independent insertion into water supply lines is strictly prohibited, and they promise considerable fines and other troubles. The received documents will contain all the information about the insertion point and other technical details.

After completing all the paperwork, you can begin installation. At the insertion point, the pipe is cut, a storage tank is connected, to which a pump for the water supply is connected, and power is supplied. The equipment is configured and adjusted according to the required operating mode. At this point, the connection of the pumping station to the water supply can be considered completed and you can use it.

Apartment pump

The best option for increasing water pressure in an apartment is a pump with automatic mode work, cooled by the pumped liquid (“wet rotor”). Such a pump turns on only when necessary, which significantly increases its service life. It is practically silent during operation.

It should be taken into account that there are universal types of pumps, and there are pumps only for cold or only for hot water. These points should be taken into account when selecting equipment in order to avoid mistakes and unnecessary rework later. If the problem is the lack of water in the tap, but everything is in order on the lower floors, then the use of a self-priming station is required, which can “pull” water from a depth of up to 8 meters. But first you need to make sure that the reason is precisely insufficient pressure, and not clogged pipes.

Equipment setup

The procedure is designed to ensure optimal value pressure in the system. The equipment should be turned on at minimum network values ​​of 1.5 - 1.8 bar, and turned off at about 4 bar. The values ​​are approximate; in each specific case they may be different.

The basic principle is to turn on the pump at a minimum pressure and turn it off at the desired maximum. The pump must not be allowed to run dry to avoid its destruction or failure. Do not exceed pressure so as not to cause destruction of welds of pipelines and threaded connections of equipment.

Things to remember

The installation of pumping equipment in a private house must be carried out taking into account low temperatures V winter period. All water stations for home plumbing should be located in sufficient warm place to prevent freezing of pipelines and possible rupture.

In addition, electrical safety standards and regulations must be observed. fire safety when connecting wiring and installing equipment.

The use of pumping equipment, like any other, requires constant monitoring technical condition, carrying out maintenance and, if necessary, repairs. Then the pump will serve for many years and solve all problems with water supply.

Water pumps for home plumbing are necessary to ensure uninterrupted circulation of liquid and the required level of pressure in the water supply system of the entire area. Therefore, the selection of this equipment should be approached with all due care.

So let's look at its varieties and main characteristics.


So, let's get started:


Submersible devices are vortex, centrifugal and worm. Centrifugal ones are the most widespread due to their high practicality, and we will consider them:

These models are immersed directly to the bottom of the well itself, from where they supply liquid to the system.


  • Affordable price.
  • High level of power and performance. These models are ideal for servicing artesian wells.
  • Small diameter, which allows you to get by with drilling a narrow well.
  • Easy to use with your own hands.
  • Long service life due to the absence of rubbing elements.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of carrying out repair work, which is associated with the need to lift the apparatus from great depths.


  • Connect to the device power cable, hose and steel cable.
  • We dive to the bottom of the well.
  • We fix the cable on the head.


These pumps are an intermediate link between submersible and surface models. They are inferior in terms of technical characteristics and cannot perform specialized tasks, but they have several advantages that make them more convenient when working with small, wide wells.


  • Easy maintenance. After all, this equipment does not require complete immersion.
  • There is no need for complete sealing.

The connection looks almost the same as in the previous version, only you need to avoid getting it wet. top part device.

Pumping station

The main noticeable difference of this option is the presence of a hydraulic accumulator, which allows you to accumulate water for its further transportation to water intake points. In most cases, you will still have to install such a unit in addition to other pumps. This equipment is installed in a specially equipped caisson or basement.

Designation in the figure Name
1 Control station
2 Network cable with plug
3 Network cable with socket
4 Circuit breaker
5 Power socket
6 Water source
7 Inlet strainer
8 Check valve
9 Suction line
10 Surface pump
11 Pump cable with plug
12 Discharge pipeline
13 Nipple
14 Cross
15 Hydraulic accumulator
16 Transitional nipple
17 Flexible eyeliner
18 Pipeline to water intake points


  • Full automation. Thanks to the presence of automation, control over the operation of the station is not necessary, which greatly simplifies its operation.
  • Ensuring the required level of pressure in the water supply system, which is required for the functioning of many plumbing fixtures.
  • Elimination of water hammer. Due to the peculiarities of their structure, they ensure an even supply of liquid, which increases the service life of the entire water supply system.
  • Possibility of working without electricity. In the event of an accident at a power plant or a wire break, water will continue to flow for some time until the accumulator is empty.
  • Extending the operating life of the pump, since its number of switching on and off is reduced.
  • Simple instructions for connecting to the water supply system.


  • Relatively high cost. Although during operation the initial costs pay off fairly quickly.
  • Limitation on the depth of water rise, which is usually 10 m.


  • We choose a reliable, stable place and install the unit on it.
  • Connect to power.
  • We lower the suction hose into the well.


This device does not serve to lift water from the depths, but provides the necessary pressure in the water supply system.

Due to this, it has slightly more wide range Applications:

  • In combination with water-lifting devices that are unable to create the required level of pressure.

Designation in the figure Name
1 Terminal housing
2 Threaded plug
3 Technical information plate
4 Stator housing
5 Bolts
6 O-ring
7 Bearing outer shell
8 Shaft
9 Thrust bearing
10 Bearing plate
11 Stopper
12 Split cone
13 Working wheel
14 screw
15 Sealing the gap
16 Pump body
17 Sensor connector
19 Splash protection ring


  • Shut off the water supply to the circuit.
  • Cut off part of the pipe.
  • We install the device in its place.

Tip: If you create a parallel branch for circulation pump and equip it with shut-off valves, then you can turn off the device at any time and perform its maintenance without stopping the entire system.


If you want the selected circulation equipment to perform its functions, then before purchasing it, you must calculate the power of the device required for your area using the following formula:

Н = (Н 1 + Н 2 + Н 3) * 20%, where

  • N – required pressure, measured in meters;
  • N 1 – the number of meters from the bottom of the well to its mirror;
  • N 2 – the number of meters from the well surface to the exit;
  • H 3 – the power of the water-lifting pump specified in the instructions.

Having received the desired value, you will know exactly how much it is necessary to increase the pressure in the pipeline.

It will also be useful to calculate the required performance of your water-lifting apparatus:

P = p 1 + p 2 +p 3 + … +p n, where

  • P is the required capacity to provide all water intake points with water;
  • Р. n – consumed amount of liquid by each point separately.


As you can see, several options for pumping equipment are used to equip the water supply system of a private home. So, submersible is indispensable when lifting liquid from artesian wells, semi-submersible ones will be more appropriate when servicing wells, pumping stations will be an excellent and completely autonomous choice for sand wells, and circulation ones will be able to increase the missing pressure in the pipeline ().

In addition, do not forget about the need to carry out preliminary calculations of the power indicators of future equipment.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional materials. Make your choice taking into account all the above recommendations.

A water pump is the main element of water supply, irrigation, and watering systems. The operation of the entire system as a whole depends on its functionality. If the device is initially selected incorrectly, there is not enough power, or the design of the device is not suitable for the functions performed, then malfunctions are inevitable. In this case, you will either have to purchase additional devices to compensate for the deficiency, or change the model itself. To choose the right water pump for water for your home, cottage or garden, you must take into account the design features, operating principle, purpose and specifications water lifting equipment.

Each type of pump has its own design features, but general principle All pumping devices have the same operation. When the electric motor is turned on, a vacuum is created inside the housing. Thanks to low pressure water is sucked into the vacuum chamber, moved to the outlet pipe and forcefully pushed through it into a hose or pipeline. The force of “squeezing” water determines the pressure in the system. It must be high enough to overcome hydraulic resistance.

All pumps operate on the principle of drawing water through the inlet and releasing it through the outlet, they differ only in the way they create a vacuum

Pump designs can vary significantly depending on how the vacuum is created in the device; on this basis, pumps are divided into:

  • centrifugal;
  • vortex;
  • vibration (the second name is electromagnetic).

Depending on the location of the pump relative to the water tank, surface and submersible models are distinguished. Based on their design and functionality, devices are divided into well pumps, borehole pumps, drainage pumps, and motor pumps. A more detailed explanation is given in the video below:

Centrifugal pump - universal equipment

Devices of this type are used in almost all areas - both industrial and household. The operating principle is based on the creation of centrifugal force inside the body, due to which water moves and pressure is created. The blades and wheels of the working part, rotating, draw in the liquid, press it against the wall, and then push it out into the outlet hole. Depending on the design and purpose, devices are divided into many groups. They can be surface and submersible, cantilever, horizontal, vertical, monoblock, single- and multi-stage.

All structural elements are made of high-strength materials, the parts practically do not wear out. The pumps are expected to run continuously. Therefore, they are designed to be easy and fast to service. The devices can operate with high temperatures and in chemically aggressive environments, the characteristics depend on the features of the specific model. Some of them can withstand up to 350 degrees.

The advantages of centrifugal pumps include reliability, durability, reliability, reasonable price, the ability to be equipped with the necessary automation, and high efficiency. However, like any other device, pumps of this type have their own disadvantages. So, to start the device, the housing must be filled with water, since due to the low centrifugal force, water is not sucked into the pipe. If air enters the inlet pipe, the pump may stop. In addition, if the resistance in the electrical network changes, this may affect the stability of the device.

Surface centrifugal pumps are mobile, easy to dismantle and transport, but are poorly suited for stationary installation

Centrifugal cantilever pumps are widely used. They are used for pumping clean and dirty water containing impurities and small solid particles. For water supply systems of houses and cottages, single-stage horizontal cantilever pumps are used. Multistage horizontal pumps are a design that operates as several identical, series-connected, single-stage devices. Thanks to this, they are able to provide powerful pressure in the system.

Centrifugal water pumps are purchased for homes, cottages, watering and irrigation systems. They are installed in water supply systems powered by wells. Submersible and semi-submersible models are used. The former are easier to install, and the latter are easier to maintain. To install a semi-submersible model in a well, special conditions are required. This is labor-intensive work, therefore, despite the obvious advantages, owners of private houses often opt for submersible models. They can be installed in wells where there were deviations from the vertical when installing the casing. The disadvantages of the structures include high sensitivity to sand and dirt.

We offer an overview of centrifugal monoblock water pumps, perfect for the garden:

Features of the operation of vortex-type structures

The device operates using a vortex wheel, which is a metal disk with blades that create centrifugal force. Due to the design features, the water twists into spirals that look like a vortex. The main advantage of vortex-type pumps is their powerful pressure. With the same dimensions, weight, wheel size and number of revolutions as a centrifugal pump, the vortex pump provides stronger pressure. Therefore, the dimensions of the body of a vortex model can be significantly smaller than those of a centrifugal model.

Thanks to high blood pressure created by vortex pumps, they are successfully used for watering gardens and vegetable gardens. They are excellent for installation in water supply systems of cottages and private houses, if there is a need to increase pressure in the network. Unlike centrifugal models, vortex models normally tolerate large air bubbles entering the pipeline. Compact dimensions expand the scope of application of pumps of this type. The disadvantage is sensitivity to suspended particles in water. If there are a lot of them, the pump will work intermittently and will quickly become unusable.

Due to their compact size and high power, vortex pumps are well suited for installation in deep wells of small diameter

Vibrating pumps for home and garden

For your home, cottage and garden, you can choose an electric vibration-type water pump. Its operating principle is based on the influence of an electromagnetic field created by a coil that draws in a metal core with a flexible diaphragm. By bending, the rubber diaphragm creates low pressure, due to which water is sucked into the hydraulic chamber. When the diaphragm returns to its place, the pressure increases and the valve closes the inlet, so the water is pushed out through the outlet. Constant movement diaphragm ensures uninterrupted pumping of water.

Vibrating pumps are used to organize watering and irrigation of plants. They are installed in autonomous water supply systems. A huge advantage of this design is the ability to pump contaminated water, which allows them to be used when pumping wells and boreholes for preventive cleaning. When working with dirty water, the performance of vibration pumps drops noticeably, but they cope well with cleaning the bottom hydraulic structures. Another advantage of the design is its relatively low cost and reliability. The durability of the devices is ensured by a design in which there are no moving or rubbing parts.

If the diameter of the well is relatively large, then you can install a vibration pump, after putting rubber rings on it to “dampen” the vibration

Electric vibration pumps have as many disadvantages as advantages. Devices often malfunction due to power surges. If the home owner decides to install a vibration pump, he will additionally have to purchase a voltage stabilizer. Such pumps are successfully used for pumping water from wells, but it is not advisable to install them in wells, especially small ones, despite the ease of installation. Constant vibration negatively affects the casing structure, and sooner or later the pump will either break itself or destroy the production pipe.

It is not advisable to install the Rucheek pump in narrow casing pipes. This may result in unplanned pump repairs or even the drilling of a new well.

Application of surface and submersible pumps

All water-lifting equipment can be divided into surface and submersible. Pumps of the first type are installed near hydraulic structures or reservoirs from which water is drawn. The second ones are lowered into water. Designs differ in performance, type and location of inlet pipes, permissible installation conditions. Surface models are usually cheaper and can work if the water depth is below 80 cm. Submersible pumps must operate at a depth of at least 1 m below the surface of the water.

Surface models are a good choice for watering

A surface water pump for a garden or vegetable garden is an ideal option if you need to organize watering from a natural reservoir or a large reservoir. If necessary, it is easy to dismantle and move to another place, put away for storage. It is well suited for summer cottages. Such a pump can be installed to draw water from a well or not deep well(up to 9 m), Abyssinian well. In this case, the owner will not have to select the device by diameter, because Only the hose is lowered into the well, and the pump itself is installed next to the production pipe.

Pumping stations are classified as surface water-lifting equipment. They are multifunctional systems that combine a pump and a hydraulic accumulator

The only caveat is that to install a surface model, you need to prepare a room where the device will be protected from moisture, and the noise from its operation will not disturb anyone. Install the device either on the ground or on a special floating platform if you need to take water from open source. When installing in non-hermetically sealed pits, the bottom is not filled with concrete, but covered with gravel. Bulk materials absorb excess moisture, which can appear when water seeps through the seams of concrete rings or brickwork.

When calculating the required power, you need to remember that the ratio of vertical and horizontal lengths is 1:4, i.e. 1 m of vertical pipeline is considered as 4 m of horizontal one. For organizing water supply it is better to use plastic pipes, not rubber hoses. When pumping liquid through flexible hoses, they can be compressed and bent due to pressure changes. Water will not flow normally through a narrow opening, which will lead to interruptions in supply.

Using surface equipment, it is easy to organize watering of plants from a pond. To do this, when choosing a model, you must take into account that the water will flow with particles of dirt and sand.

Submersible equipment for home water supply

The best water pump for a home or cottage where people live for a long time is a submersible one. It is well suited if you plan to install a water supply system from a deep well (over 9-10 m). An ordinary household model lifts water from a well up to 40 m deep, but for deeper structures you can find a more powerful device. There are rarely any problems with the selection of pumps for wells up to 80 m, because the range is extensive. All submersible models are equipped with automatic dry-running protection.

It is possible to install a submersible pump if it does not touch the bottom and the height of the water layer above it is at least 1 m. This is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, in order for the engine to cool properly, there must be a sufficient amount of water. Secondly, the water level in a well or well is not stable. It may vary depending on the season. It is important that the pump does not end up too close to the water surface, otherwise difficulties with water supply may arise. The pump should not reach the bottom by 2-6 m, so that dirt and grains of sand from the bottom do not fall into the inlet pipe.

A distinctive feature of drainage pumps is their ability to pump both clean water and dirty water with solid inclusions. A mesh is provided at the inlet pipe of such a pump. Devices can be connected to water supply systems

A short video tutorial on pump selection

When choosing an electric water pump for your home, cottage or garden, first of all consider its intended purpose. There is no ideal equipment for “everything”. Consider what main tasks the device will perform, whether it will only work for pumping clean water or there is a possibility that he will have to raise water with sand and mud.

When selecting a specific model, be sure to take into account the most important technical parameters: power, performance, efficiency, maximum pressure. If during the calculations you have doubts about their correctness, consult a specialist. Concerning brands household water pumps, the brands Wilo, DAB, Gilex, Belamos have proven themselves well. The market leader is the Grundfos brand.

Residents of high-rise buildings do not think about buying water pumps, pressure stations and other equipment. All this is not necessary, since the water comes from the central water supply. But here's what to do for residents of the private sector, where they often have to be content with a well or well. Usually it ends up being designed. One of the most important parts is the choice of equipment. Let's talk about how to select water pumps for your home plumbing and what to consider when doing so.

General information

Autonomous water supply is a complex system that consists of a large number of elements. The key component is the pump. Moreover, there are a huge number of their types, as well as models. These are surface ones of both domestic and European production. Of course, such equipment only works effectively in combination. Therefore, you will have to buy a hydraulic accumulator, automation, etc.

The principle of operation of the pump is that it sucks water from a source, be it a well or a borehole, and supplies it to the consumer. Usually not directly, but first into the tank. As noted above, today there are a variety of water pumps for home plumbing. They differ from each other in technical characteristics and dimensions. It is extremely important to be able to choose the right equipment. To do this, you need to be guided by a number of requirements, which we will actually talk about.

About water pressure and supply

When it comes to the time to go to the store and buy a pump, we immediately begin to determine the technical characteristics. But it is advisable to do this before you go shopping for equipment. There are a number of pump characteristics that play a big role. One cannot fail to mention, for example, the water supply. This characteristic responsible for performance. That is, how much water the pump can move in a period of time. There are currently models on sale that provide 1.5-9 m 3 /hour. But you must select a pump based on your own needs. Calculate approximately how much water you use per hour.

Next you need to decide on the pressure. This characteristic indicates the distance the pump can deliver the media. Typically this parameter is indicated in meters. Basically, the closer the water source is to your home, the better. True, it is undesirable to place the well too close to the foundation of the building. In any case, pressure is lost due to pipe branching, resistance, and the supply of media to the upper floors. Therefore, here it is necessary to take a small reserve. Water pumps for home plumbing have where and the pressure is indicated.

Which water pump to choose for your home plumbing?

Here we have very little choice. But in fact, it doesn’t exist at all. The fact is that there are deep and surface pumps. The former are ideal for shallow wells, usually less than 10 meters. They are not immersed in water, but are installed on a special platform, or caisson. Deep models are suitable for wells and boreholes more than 10 meters deep.

Any of the above types of pumps can be centrifugal or vortex. In this case, both types have their advantages and disadvantages. Much more important is how the equipment is controlled. It is best to give preference to automatic models over manual ones, as they are more convenient and practical.

About surface and submersible pumps

The surface pump is installed on the surface of the well. A pipe is connected to the equipment, which is lowered to the bottom of the well and pumps out water. The key features of such a pump are that you can install it yourself, just like you can maintain it. But usually the performance of such a pump is not very high, and it is noisy during operation. Although the latter can hardly be considered a serious drawback. The limiting factor is that there is another disadvantage - cooling. If submersible pumps are cooled with water from a well, then in our case a fan is responsible for this.

They are divided into deep and ordinary. The latter descend to a depth of 10 meters, and the former - to 10 meters or more. Currently, you can find models that are capable of working at a depth of 30 meters, but you are unlikely to need such a device. So here are the advantages submersible pumps are that they are productive, do not have problems with cooling and do not freeze in the cold season. It is difficult to repair and maintain them, but given the low frequency of such work, this is not a significant disadvantage.

Centrifugal and vibration

A centrifugal water pump for home plumbing has several significant advantages compared to a vortex pump. Of course, the pressure force scheme is fundamentally different here. We have a wheel with blades (like a fan) on a shaft. It creates a vacuum in the shaft area. In this case, the pressure zone is located at the ends of the blades. So, centrifugal pumps are very productive, which is why they differ from vibration pumps. Performance is limited by the power of the electric motor. In addition, such equipment does not tolerate various water contaminants well, so you need to install a filter at the inlet, which will increase resistance and reduce productivity.

But vibration units can work with sandy water without any filter elements. But vibrations emanating from the equipment lead to siltation of the source, which is not good. In the end, the productivity of such pumps is less than that of vortex (centrifugal) pumps.

Automatic or manual?

It is extremely important to understand that there are pumps that can operate for a long time without any human intervention. This, as you probably already guessed, we are talking about automatic pumps. They have a large number of sensors: protection against overheating, dry running, liquid level, etc. If a threat arises, the equipment turns off.

Hand water pumps for home plumbing are a completely different matter. Repair of such equipment, as practice shows, is required much more often. For this simple reason, automatic pumps make more sense for home plumbing. They may be a little more expensive, but believe me, it will soon pay off in spades.

Water pumps for home plumbing "Grundfos"

There is hardly anyone who has not heard of Grundfos pumps. Today it is one of the leading manufacturers selling such equipment. What can I say, here and various models(submersible and surface), and types (vortex and vibration). All this allows the consumer to choose a pump that will be ideal for him. In addition, all equipment is equipped with overheating and dry running sensors. This manufacturer offers a huge selection in terms of equipment technical characteristics. You can find both low-power pumps for shallow wells and powerful models for boreholes. It is impossible not to say about high quality equipment. Here we mean both the resource of work, as well as the quality of the build in general.

What are consumers saying?

Brief overview of the domestic market

Of course, we can’t help but say that there are good pumps Russian production. For example, "Bison ZNVP-300-25", also known as "Springhead", is ideal for shallow wells (up to 5 meters). This type produces 1,400 liters per hour with a head of 55 meters. This is quite enough to supply water for both domestic and economic needs. But you need to understand that vibrations can lead to siltation of the source.

Another example of a good domestic pump is “Caliber NVT-210/16”. It is of the same type as the previous one, but with slightly lower productivity - 700 liters per hour. However, its power is only 0.2 kW, which is very small. Moreover, the price of such equipment is only 1,100 rubles. An excellent solution, especially if you have a well no more than 10 meters deep.

Pumps "Kärcher" and "Wilo"

The equipment of the German company Karcher is valued all over the world. These are excellent pumps, very high quality and durable. In principle, this is not surprising, since the cost of such equipment is very high. For example, the SPP 33 Inox 1.645-409 model with a capacity of 6,000 liters per hour will cost 13,000 rubles.

But water pumps for home plumbing “Vilo” are just what most of us need. The price is slightly lower than that of German equipment. But I just can’t bear to say anything bad about them. Consumers also speak about the excellent quality, leaving positive reviews on the forums and the manufacturer’s website.


So we talked about how to choose a pump for your home plumbing. Please pay attention to the above characteristics. In particular, this is the pressure, power of the equipment and its type. All this will help you do right choice. As for the manufacturer, it is best to give preference to domestic companies. This is due to the fact that repairing such equipment is much cheaper and faster than European equipment. And there are no special comments here regarding the quality. Much also depends on how correctly the equipment is installed, and how it will be operated and maintained in the future. In general, that's all on this topic.

It is not often possible to organize the inclusion of a private house, summer house or cottage in the centralized water supply system. Usually their owners have to decide on an autonomous water supply system for their home.

But, even if it is possible to connect to a city or village water supply running next to the house, having an independent source of water on the site is not the most bad idea both from an economic point of view, for example, using it for irrigation, and as a guarantee against sudden shutdowns of the central system.

The autonomous water supply system of a private house consists of several components:

  1. water source:
  • - an artificial working-mine dug to collect underground groundwater in the superficial aquifer to a depth of 10~15 m and reinforced against crumbling.
  • . They are performed by drilling and come in several types:
    • Gravity: “on sand” - up to 50 m, “on limestone” - up to 150 m.
    • Artesian- over 150 m.
    • Abyssinian and etc.
  • Artificial reservoirs. Tanks for collecting melt and rain water. If there is a spring or spring nearby, you can organize an in-depth diversion of its bed.
  • Natural bodies of water. Streams, rivers, lakes.
  • Water consumers on site and in the house: , sinks, baths, saunas, swimming pools, .
  • Feed and distribution system: , storage tanks, .
  • When designing an autonomous system, the first question that arises is the selection of a pump for the water supply of a private home, as one of the most important and, if we talk about the quality of work and durability, the most expensive part of the hydraulic equipment. AND its choice is determined, first of all, by the type of water source on the site, and then - the selected water supply scheme.

    Design differences

    Hydraulic pumps come in the following design types:

    • Piston. Now they are practically not used for small pumping stations due to their bulkiness, low efficiency, and low lifespan.
    • Centrifugal. One of the most popular and in demand due to its simplicity of design, efficiency and high reliability.
    • Turbine. Similar to centrifugal ones, but with axial rather than lateral blades. More powerful and productive. They are mainly used in industrial hydraulic structures.
    • Rotary or so-called screw pumps. They are distinguished by their small diameter dimensions, therefore they are most suitable for lifting water from wells.
    • Vibrating or membrane. Cheap, but low-performance. The “Rucheek” and “Baby” models, which have been produced for summer residents for a long time, are known.

    Types by type of accommodation

    According to the method of placement, water supply hydraulic pumps are divided into two classes:

    1. Surface type. Located away from the water source, they ensure its suction through a pipe lowered into a well or borehole.
    2. Submersible. They sink completely into the water to a certain depth.

    Sometimes they are placed in a separate class pumping stations, which are essentially a compact self-sufficient water-pressure complex consisting of a surface pump, a storage membrane tank-hydraulic accumulator, and a control circuit.

    Which one is better to choose?

    Before choosing a water pump for your home, you should compare the advantages and disadvantages of their two main types:

    Surface pumps Submersible
    Installed permanently. Easier to maintain. For repair and maintenance work, they require lifting from a well or well to the surface.
    They need two pipelines: suction and discharge. They work only for injection.
    The maximum suction height is 10 m. The real one, taking into account losses in the pipeline and the reserve for lowering the water level in the well, is no more than 7~8 m. Ascent from depths below 10 m.
    They need to be filled with liquid before the first start-up or after repair work. Ready to go immediately after diving.
    There is a danger of the motor overheating during prolonged operation. A pump immersed in water is cooled both by external water from the outside and pumped from the inside.
    The need for winter preservation for the summer version of the water supply system. For the winter, it is enough to drain the water from the system.
    Work is accompanied by noise. Silent.

    Thus, to lift water from a well it is easier to use a surface pump or pumping station, and from a well - a submersible rotary or centrifugal one.

    Calculation example

    Basic necessary data for choosing the appropriate surface pump model for water supply at home:

    • Maximum fluid flow rate in l/min or m³/h.
    • Suction lift- the difference between the levels of the pump inlet pipe and the water surface in the source.
    • Discharge height- difference in levels between the highest point of the pipeline and the pump outlet pipe.
    • Initial pressure, for a free-flow well or well is equal to atmospheric.
    • Final- the required pressure in the home water supply system.
    • Pressure loss in pipelines depend on the flow rate of the liquid and the quality of the surfaces of the internal walls of the pipelines, which create friction for its movement.

    Suction lift of surface type hydraulic pumps cannot exceed 10.33 m- the height of the water column creating equal atmospheric pressure.

    To simplify calculations it is rounded to 10 m, and the pressure created is equated to one technical atmosphere, 1 at = 1 kgf/cm², or approximately 1 bar ~ 0.98 at.

    The discharge height, or pressure, is determined technical parameters and unit power.

    Often the value of pressure is confused with pressure, calling one another. These quantities are equivalent, but not exactly equal to each other. The pressure at the pump outlet depends only on its technical characteristics, and pressure - from the totality external conditions : fluid flow speed and consumption, its temperature, altitude above sea level, etc.

    When calculating all system pressure values ​​in pascals, bars, atmospheres and other units lead to equivalent pressure values ​​in meters.

    Let's give an example, taking the geodetic level of the pumping station location as zero:

    • The fluid flow provided by the hydraulic pump is 40 m³/h. This is quite sufficient consumption for household needs.
    • The water level in the well is 4 m below zero.
    • The highest point of water rise is 15 m above it.
    • The total losses in the inlet and outlet pipelines can be found in the tables for a specific type of pipe, but they are usually calculated based on the fact that for every 10 m of the pipeline 1 m of pressure is lost, therefore we will take them equal to (15 m + 4 m) / 10 = 1 .9 m.
    • Let us take the final pressure at the top point to be 1 bar ~ 9.87 m.

    The total pressure of the hydraulic pump will be equal to:

    4 m + 15 m + 1.9 + 9.87 = 30.77 m.

    If the water pumping station is installed not in a caisson located next to the well, but in a house, you should also take into account the pressure loss along the length of the supply pipeline.

    For each pump there is an operating characteristic, showing the pressure drop depending on the flow rate and having something like this:

    When choosing a specific pump model, you should consider calculated values ​​of parameters with passport values for the selected unit instance at the required operating point.

    The hydraulic power of the pump can be found using the empirical formula:

    P (W) = 2.725 x Flow (m³/h) x Pressure (m).

    For our example we get: 2.725 x 40 x 30.77 = 3.354 kW.

    Read more about the calculation and selection of a pump for water supply country house watch in this video:

    Inclusion in the water supply system

    As stated above, ready-made pumping stations are more convenient to install and operate than others, the technical characteristics of which are suitable for supplying water to a small house for a family of 2~3 people or a summer house.

    Connecting them comes down to a few simple steps:

    • Choosing a location.
    • Preparing a solid foundation.
    • Laying out the necessary pipelines.
    • The suction pipe lowered into the well must be equipped with a strainer and check valve. It should be lowered to a depth no higher than 1 m from the surface of the water.
    • Connection electrical network and protective grounding.

    Attention! All water electric pump units must have protective grounding or grounding, without which their operation is unacceptable. They must be connected to the power electrical panel through an RCD and an overcurrent circuit breaker.

    Weaknesses of pumping stations and major breakdowns

    Industrially produced pumping stations, or so-called self-priming pumps, attract:

    • at an affordable price, less than when purchasing all components separately;
    • compact size;
    • ease of installation and maintenance;
    • readiness for use immediately after purchase.

    However, there are also disadvantages to using them:

    • Suction height limited to 7~8 meters. It can be increased by a couple of meters by placing the unit in a recessed caisson next to the well.
    • The need to equip a special insulated, soundproofed room.
    • Small hydraulic accumulator capacity 20~50 l.
    • Noise during operation.

    Malfunctions of pumping stations can be caused by the following reasons:

    • A sudden power outage is often accompanied by water hammer, which can cause irreparable damage.
    • Contamination and poor water quality lead to increased wear of the centrifugal hydraulic pump blades and silting of the tank.
    • Inconsistency of operating conditions with technical parameters.

    For example, one of the most common breakdowns is related to excessive water consumption when the frequency of switching on/off the station significantly exceeds the rated frequency. This leads to rupture of the membrane in the accumulator tank.

    In this case, the station cannot create the required pressure in the system and the frequency of switching on increases even more. Checked by pressing the nipple on back side tank: if water flows from there, the membrane requires replacement.

    Another common malfunction is the breakdown or incorrect adjustment of the pressure switch, which leads to continuous operation of the station without shutdowns.

    The relay is adjusted by two springs different sizes. The large one sets the lower threshold, and the small one sets the difference between the upper and lower threshold.

    Residents of city houses or apartments rarely think about the fact that by approaching something and simply opening it, they are incorporating work that has been honed over centuries to create it. scientific discoveries, inventions and engineering solutions huge and complex system production water resources , their delivery and distribution.

    Those who have to create such a miniature system for their home truly value the value of this truly irreplaceable source of life - water.