Nationality of Lydia Kozlova. Lidia Kozlova-Tanich: “Misha loved to host large companies

From the page of Eduard Kukuy

What a blessing that he was with me!

I don’t know if I’m in any way violating the copyright of the original source, but I think the publishers and the poet will forgive me if they even happen to visit this site, in any case, I comply with all the requirements - the newspaper’s website and authorship.
The only thing that can't be removed is given name, it's programmed that way
site machine. Why am I continuing the same topic (see previous publication), especially when everything is on the Internet? Yes, everything is there, but firstly it’s not clear for what reasons -
is closed, or you have to register on unknown sites, often of a pornographic nature, and most importantly, everything is separate and you know what to look for if you are short of time - for the most part only after yesterday’s TV broadcast
it became clear what favorite songs were written by the poet, and that Lydia Kozlova is the wife
him, with whom they lived for over half a century, and that she herself was an outstanding poet -
author of many songs, including, it turns out, my favorite one, “Snow Flies.”

And although I myself am far from religion, I cannot read without emotion the sincerity of the memories and feelings of the wife and friend of the outstanding Russian songwriter.
There is no such thing as too much knowledge, and I think that others will be interested in broadening their horizons about the Life of Wonderful People.


Lydia Kozlova: “What a blessing that he was with me!”

THE REMARKABLE RUSSIAN POETESS LIDIA NIKOLAEVNA KOZLOVA NOT SO LONG TURNED 75 YEARS OLD. She is the widow of the famous Russian songwriter Mikhail Tanich, who left us 5 years ago. Despite her age, she looks young and energetic, optimistic and full of strength and creative plans. Lidia Nikolaevna told us about what this man was like, about his work and about the last years of his life.

First acquaintance with God

Lidia Nikolaevna, tell us about your first meeting with God...

I was born at the end of 1937, when people didn’t even mention God. During the war we were evacuated to the Volga and settled in the houses of Volga Germans exiled to Siberia. One day I climbed into the attic and found a tattered book with a Gothic font. There were drawings telling how God flies up to heaven.

An image of the Ascension?

Yes, somehow I realized that this was something sacred. I hid it, it was my secret. And I looked at it before school. And now we have to go to school. The war is already over. To school we had to walk 2 km, through the entire village, and there was a church. Now I understand that it was probably a Lutheran church. Of course, it doesn't work. I look in there, and there’s a terrible, disgusting smell. People used it as a toilet! It was impossible to enter there, but I still held my nose and went in. Suddenly I saw an image of a man taking off in flowing clothes and realized that this was what was in the book. And I stand, holding my nose, looking at the faces written on the walls. A marble staircase leads to the place from where the priest apparently read prayers. And, having no concept of God, I somehow imagined it all - how it was. I sometimes went there on the way from school, and it was also my secret. Somehow my soul felt how high and holy this was. This was my first acquaintance with God.

How Tanich and I were baptized

From personal file

POET MIKHAIL TANICH (09/15/1923-04/17/2008) - Russian songwriter. He fought, was seriously wounded, and has military awards. In 1947, following a false denunciation in anti-Soviet agitation, he was arrested, repressed and spent 6 years in camps at a logging site near Solikamsk.

Mikhail Tanich wrote about 1000 songs, many of which are super hits. Here are just a few of them: “Black Cat”, “A song goes around in circles”, “I’ll get off at a distant station”, “How good it is to be a general!”, “How does it serve you”, “When my friends are with me”, “Love - ring”, “What can I tell you about Sakhalin”, “The white light has come together like a wedge on you”, “I look at you like in a mirror”, “A soldier is walking through the city”, “Take me with you”, “Seeing off love”, “ Komarovo”, “Weather in the House” and others. He is the creator and songwriter of the Lesopoval group.

We know that Mikhail Isaevich recent years I was very sick in my life. When people go through trials, they change and become closer to the Lord. How did you and the poet Mikhail Tanich pass the tests?

Yes, Mikhail Isaevich was seriously ill, even earlier he had suffered from tuberculosis, his legs were rotting, he had oncology, and now he had heart disease, and coronary bypass surgery was necessary. I prayed a lot. And then Mikhail Isaevich and I decided to be baptized.

Tell us in order, how it was?

Tanich's coronary bypass surgery was performed by Akchurin, the doctor who operated on Yeltsin. He barely persuaded him. Then Akchurin told me: “At that age (and Tanich was already 76 years old!) I have never performed such an operation.” When he recovered a little, he was transported to another hospital, in the village of Arkhangelskoye. And there was former Minister of Defense Sergeev, a big fan of his songs. He said: “Mikhail Isaevich, I’m giving you my room.” I bring him there, and in the evening he has a temperature of 40, he dies before my eyes. I'm calling " ambulance" They looked and said that we had to take him to the Vishnevsky military hospital, 20 kilometers from here. We arrive there, General Nemytin is in command there. He looked and said: “Lidiya Nikolaevna, his appendicitis has ruptured, peritonitis has already begun.” - "What to do?" - “Cut, otherwise he will die.” He had surgery a week ago under general anesthesia. You can’t cut a second time, and you can’t cut like that without anesthesia. I ask Nemytin: “Tell me, maybe I should go to church?” He says: “You can go, but I will advise you: go to Arkhangelskoye, a holy old woman lives there, if God allows you to meet her, you ask her to pray for Mikhail Isaevich.”

Interesting advice given by the general of the Russian army!

Yes. I jump up, ride on transfers: a minibus, a taxi, I don’t know what to call the old lady. I’m walking along Arkhangelskoye, there are no people, early morning, suddenly some old lady is walking... she’s so bright, gray-haired, old, with her granddaughter - just an angel! And I suddenly realize that it’s her coming. I go up to her and say: “I’m not looking for you?” It's a stupid question. And she answers me: “What do you have?” I'll explain. She sits down on the curb and says: “I’ll pray for him, he will recover, and when he gets better, let him be baptized, but don’t remind him of this twice, just tell him once.” After that, I jump up like crazy and go to the hospital. Tanich is still between life and death, but then, when he comes to his senses, I tell him, and he tells me: “At least go and thank her.” Where will I look for her? This is a whole huge village! Well, let's go. No one I asked, based on the description, no one has seen or knows such an old woman. It is unclear how General Nemytin knew. Tanich corrects himself and says: “Let’s go and get baptized!” And he and I went and were baptized together, and my soul became very calm. I entrusted myself to God.

Sign from God

WITH PARTICIPANTS of the Lesopoval group

How long did Mikhail Isaevich live after that?

8-9 years old. Tanich already had oncology of such a degree that, as the President of the Academy of Sciences Mikhail Davydov told me, “he has oncology in his legs, in his torso, in his arms, a tree has already grown from cancer in him. We don't know how he lives. There is nothing more that can be done.” I still pray to God. I pray in the morning, in the evening before going to bed, but there is no improvement. I’ve been praying for about a year, and he’s been living hard for a year. But then it starts to get worse, worse. I say: “Lord, maybe you don’t hear me? If you can hear me, give me a sign. What sign? Let something very expensive disappear from me.” And on my finger there was an old ring with diamonds, very beautiful. As soon as I have time to say this, I look - there is no ring. It was there in the morning, but now it’s not.

Did you film it?

I didn't film anything! I wear this ring all the time, even when I sleep. But not here. Expensive thing, old. I'm still starting to look. I looked around everything - no. I thought: maybe I threw it out with the trash? I waved my hand and said: “Lord! Can you hear me! I won’t bother you anymore with my request.”

“You and I can’t stop loving each other!”

How did he die?

Tanich felt very bad. And it was spring, and the “Chanson of the Year” competition was taking place. The Lesopoval group should have been presented with an award. Tanich said: “I will go.” Of course, I call the doctors. They are categorically against it. I tell him. He paused and said: “Lift me up. I know that at the service entrance to the Kremlin (Kremlin Palace of Congresses - S.R.) there are 17 steps, if I take 17 steps now, it means I can go out and get a prize.” Well, don’t object to Tanich! I pick it up. He takes 17 steps and says: “I can handle it.” We are going with him, they drive us straight there to the service entrance. He walked 17 steps, “Lesopoval” performs. I let him out of one of the scenes. Chukhrai handed him a gilded prize, and he warned me that he would go into another scene. I'm running, running. I'm waiting for him at another stage. He gets a prize, he says good words, and there was almost no voice either. Another prize is awarded to Stasik Volkov. Tanich reaches the velvet curtain and loses consciousness. We grabbed him and took him home. We arrived, and he said: “Call the priest.” I realized that the end was coming. The priest comes and asks them to be left alone. And they talk about something for quite a long time. My heart skips a beat. He will die while this priest is talking to him! Finally the priest comes out: “You can come in.” We enter, and he says: “Father Konstantin, can you marry my wife and me?” I'm in shock. I'm not ready. The priest is shocked. What should I do? The priest is silent for a while, and then says: “Mikhail Isaevich, how long have you been married?” He replies: “Well, it’s been almost 52 years.” - “Mikhail Isaevich, you have been married there for a long time. Don't worry, don't worry." The priest leaves, Tanich is taken to the hospital, and a day later he dies. Before that, he asked me to call Kobzon so that he could find him a place on Vagankovsky.

Why on Vagankovsky?

“Here it will be closer for you to come to me,” he said. In the morning I called Kobzon, explained the situation, but he had to fly somewhere. Kobzon turns the car around - both to Vagankovskoye, and first to the Mossovet, and gets a place. And at this time I arrive at the hospital, and the doctor on duty, a woman, tells me: “Lidiya Nikolaevna, he is in intensive care, he just died.” I say: “This can’t be. Can I look at it?" She allows it. I walk in and Tanich is already lying dead. I go up to him and look - well, he’s dead! And doctors know cases where a person has just died, but when relatives come, he returns for a while. And then I lean over and tell him: “Mishenka! I'm here, I'm with you." And at these words a tear rolls down and stops, and he barely audibly but clearly says: “You and I don’t fall in love enough,” and there were no more signs of life.

When my husband was buried, the priest after the funeral service in the church began to read his poems. We were shocked. Lyova Leshchenko stood and sobbed, and the people were like on Khodynka. There was police, there were various other organizations, and there were even thieves. They came to restore order so that no one would be suppressed. From the House of Cinema to Vagankovo ​​there were people standing in 5-6 rows. And there was absolute order. For this I bow to them. They did not communicate with Tanich, but respected him.

How "Iceberg" was written

MIKHAIL TANICH on vacation in Crimea with his daughters Inga and Svetlana

Lydia Nikolaevna! You are a poet, he is a poet - how did you get along?

They got along great! Because he was older than me, wiser. He was a poet when I married him. I didn't stick my head out in any way. I understood the height of his talent. You know him from his songs, but I also recognized him from his poems. I would never have dared to tell him that I was writing too. She wrote poetry in secret and hid it from him. Then, when she had enough to fill the book, she showed it. He was a very tough person. His life was harsh. He silently read everything, added it up and said: “Well, nothing, nothing. Somewhere you reminded me of Akhmatova. Well, work." That's all he said, and I've been writing on my own ever since. Then I myself took the notebook to the Writers' Union, secretly from him, and asked to look at it. They called me and said: “We will print you.” I say: "Okay." 10 years after that, last year, I was given the Chekhov Prize for it. That's how things are.

How did you write the song “Iceberg”?

First there was the song “Snow is spinning, flying, flying...”, written by Sergei Berezin. Berezin came to Tanich and brought a cassette with music, but he was very busy at the time. And then I wrote the lyrics to the music myself. The experiment was a success, the song became a hit. Then other composers began to come to me for poetry. This is what happened with Igor Nikolaev. He came to Tanich and wanted him to do something for him, he was just a boy, he came from Sakhalin. Tanich said: “You don’t even have songs yet, try to write something with Lida, and then we’ll see.” We wrote it right away and very well. Our songs were sung by Lyudmila Gurchenko and Edita Piekha, they were filmed in the New Year’s “Ogonyok”. And then Igor says: “Come on, Lidia Nikolaevna, show me something else.” I say: “You know, I wrote a poem, look.” He sits at dinner, we eat borscht, he reads a poem and says: “Lidiya Nikolaevna, well, pour me a glass of cognac.” I pour him a glass, he drinks and goes to the piano. And I wrote it right away. In five minutes. It was in December, and then he shows it to Alla, and Andrei Voznesensky was sitting with her. He showed three songs. Alla says: “The songs seem to be good, but I don’t know whether to take them or not.” And suddenly Voznesensky says: “Alla, I advise you, sing “Iceberg” - it will become a hit. The rest are good, but I don’t know what will happen to them, but this one will become a hit.” Andrey's opinion had an impact. Within three days before the New Year, Alla recorded it.

What was Mikhail Isaevich’s reaction?

Igor and I didn’t say anything. We made the song on the sly, keeping quiet. And suddenly there is a concert, first on the radio, then on TV. Alla had some more of her songs there, with her music. I hear her singing "Iceberg" on the radio. I dialed it and said: “Alla, now there was Iceberg.” She says: “Lida, they didn’t let you sing my song?” I say: “No, Allah, they gave me one.” She says: “These are bastards! They always don’t recognize my music!” That's how the song became popular.

How did your relationship with Igor Nikolaev then develop?

When Mikhail Isaevich was sick, he started having heart attacks and needed money for treatment. Different times have already come, poets began to take money from performers for their poems. One day Igor Nikolaev comes and says: “Lidiya Nikolaevna, you are crazy! Everyone has been taking money for a long time now. It's commercial time. Why don’t you take it?” And I have Tanich, we have to pay doctors, nurses, and in general we have to feed people. I don’t know what to do. Igor says: “Well, give me some words, and I’ll pay you for them, and you’ll understand that it’s not so scary to take money.” I bring him the poem “Random Entrance” from Tanich. Igor’s song never came out. He reads and says: “Everything is fine.” Three days later he comes and brings an envelope. “Just open it without me, okay, Lydia Nikolaevna?” - he tells me. I say: “Okay, I’ll open it without you.” He leaves, I open it, and there are 2000 dollars! Lost my mind! I must say that he remembers so much all the good things we did... After Tanich’s death, he offered to give me an apartment in Miami. She tells me: “Lidiya Nikolaevna, I brought all the documents, you just sign.” I say: “Are you crazy? At my age, I won’t fly there in my life, to this Miami, what will I do there?”

“And the bell is buzzing for me, buzzing inside me!”

Are there many poems left after Tanich left?

A lot: two books, and a program for new group. Shortly before his death, Tanich could no longer write; his hand could not write. He told me in the morning: “Come here with a piece of paper and write it down.” He wrote in the morning. He dictated a song or poem to me, and I wrote it down. And when he was gone and I finally sat down in my office to sort out the table, I saw how insightful this man was. While he was still walking, he sorted out the manuscripts and wrote: “this is in Lesopoval”, “this is in such and such a book, the name is such and such, publishing house is such and such.” Then the director of the Theater Museum calls me and says: “Well, Lidochka, how are you doing without Mikhail Isaevich?” I say: “Oh, Borya, he left me so many tasks - for a whole year. Everywhere I go, there’s a note from him everywhere: do this and that.” He says: “You’re mistaken, he left you a control center for the rest of your life.” So he left a lot of poems, he thought it through. Since he was sick for so long, and he was a man of strong will and great mind, then he figured out what would happen after him, that he didn’t have time to launch.

Are there any verses related to the theme of God?

Quite a lot. For example, there is a forest felling song:

I don’t go to prayer, and in the Russian church
I'll hide somewhere, somewhere to the side.
I am a sinful man and my heart is empty,
And the bell is buzzing for me, buzzing inside me.
And every day of God, when it gets light,
And what has passed, and even the trace has disappeared,
I ask the Lord - we have enough sins,
Forgive me, forgive me, - and He has already forgiven.
And again in spring wild rosemary blooms,
And the snow, murmuring, leaves the yard,
And I see, yesterday’s blasphemer,
There is so much light and goodness on earth.

I'm a happy person!

Probably you - happy man!

I am a happy person, I have never envied anyone.

Even Pugacheva?

Never in my life! My husband, I was never jealous of any woman; I was smart enough to look at her with delight if she was beautiful, smart and noble. A secondly, I understood that if I gave offense, it would provoke my husband to do as he wanted. I always had confidence in him, and therefore not a single woman in all my time let me down. So I was lucky.

How do you think you will meet him in heaven?

I understand that this will be a completely different meeting. This will not be some kind of bodily incarnation. This will be a joint feeling, a joint thought, recognition in some other dimensions. This is still unclear to me. Tanich came for me, called me to the next world after death. I had a dream that he came. I say: “Misha, how are you?” He says: “Yes, everything is fine with me, well, come with me. If you stay with me, you will feel better." I, like an obedient wife, get up, and we walk along the ground, and we don’t even walk, but somehow soar above the ground. I say, “Where are we going?” He says: “It’s not far here, just beyond the horizon. We will be so happy with you - just like in life, we will be happy.” And then suddenly my “I” rebels. I think: “Lord, you gave me life! How can I go voluntarily to the next world? You don’t have to do this!” I say this for myself, but he somehow reads my thoughts. I say, “No,” he says, “Okay,” and dissolves.

But do you know for sure that it was him?

But of course! He came in his guise. I once dreamed of an icon, and on it was an old man with a full gray beard. I wake up and say: “Misha, I dreamed of such a handsome saint.” Some time passes, and we find ourselves somewhere where icons are sold. I recognize the old man - this is Seraphim of Sarov. How did I dream about him, I’ve never seen him in my life? There is Providence, there is Higher Power. We don’t want to believe in it, although it is demonstrated to us throughout our lives.

That is, you understand that God is in control of the situation.

Yes, I realized that I don’t need to twitch. Even when we buried Tanich, we gathered with the children. We arrived from the cemetery, it would seem: well, cry, sob. We sit down, turn on his songs and start smiling. Because you have already passed through his death inside your soul, and you understand how lucky it is that this person was with you in this life. I'm so lucky!

The conversation was conducted by Viktor VOROBYEV
Photos by the author and from the archive of L. Kozlova

God bless you!

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He barely walked in, I instantly recognized..."

You have romantic story acquaintance...

She: Until I was 18, I didn’t even go to the movies with any guy. And suddenly the landlady offers me: “Do you want to see your destiny? You can only do this once in your life.” I, the brave one, am like: “I want it!” - “Make a well of matches, put it under your pillow, and you will see your whole life.” And then in a dream I dreamed of Him. And also my whole life until I was very old. In short, a movie from my first to my last day. And in a dream he was my husband. And when a year later I met him for the first time, I gasped: “Oh, I saw you!” And he, an experienced man who has already been through dozens of women, conducted an interrogation with passion: “Where? When?”

So you recognized him...

She: Absolutely. The door opened and the one I saw in the dream entered. But after the first meeting he disappeared, and I cried for forty days: what should I do now? And then he appeared. Something has matured in him.

He: Yes, your girlfriends just told me: Lida is crying. And I couldn’t understand why she was crying. True, I managed to look after you a little.

She: I didn’t court anything. There was a round table. You kept sitting next to me, and I kept moving away. And so we moved around the table. That's all courtship. And he also came with a girl, yes, yes, I just remembered! But he looked at me for a long time...

He: I thought: the girl is 18 years old, and I’m 32 years old, I’ve already seen everything in my life.

She: What was I supposed to use to defeat him? Not even wearing makeup, just an ordinary girl...

He: No, not ordinary. Very beautiful girl, with these eyelashes - three centimeters, with green eyes. But I was with someone else - by the way, a translator for the head of the construction of a hydroelectric power station, and the second was actually Golitsyn’s granddaughter. I wouldn’t have paid any attention to Lidochka, but she took a seven-string guitar...

She: Yes, and she said that now I’ll sing a song to the words of the poet Tanich. I couldn’t even imagine what this Tanich looks like. I just read his poems in the local newspaper.

Him: The song was called “Fairy Tale”: “Don’t expect advice from me and don’t expect a hint from me, I myself got lost somewhere, like Ivan the Fool from the fairy tale. I told my frog princess on a fine evening about your copper freckles that her silver is more expensive..." Well, that's it. Then he sings the second song. I see: she doesn’t know it’s me. I sat down next to her and said something... Well, then I left somewhere. Forty days later he returned and began courting. So it coincided. Our long-term marriage could have broken up a hundred and fifty times, with any scandal, with nonsense - she loves to invent all sorts of nonsense... Therefore, the marriage is held together through my efforts.

She: It's true.

He: I don’t have the kind of patience I have for her with other people. I am quick-tempered and harsh.

She: He looked at me and didn’t understand: what does she want? There is no Romeo and Juliet, but she wants... And now we have two children and two grandchildren.

Love and zone

Mikhail Isaevich, you perform in camps, right?

He: Yes, “Lesopoval” went to the camps fifty times. There were free concerts and paid ones. How it's done: a group of people from that world agree to give a gift to a friend sitting in the camp, and they spend a lot of money to allow musicians to go there.

But I myself NEVER entered the zone again. It’s scary to me: bad memories, a specific smell. They say that the current people in law sit in the camp as if in a sanatorium. And then, under Stalin, there were 95 percent of working men who had nothing to do with the criminal world, 3-4 percent of thieves and 0.5 percent of thieves in law. The men received parcels from the outside and were obliged to allocate something for the thieves - at least a piece of lard. But since there were 900 of them in the camp, these five or six thieves in the zone lived well.

Did you write there too?

Him: No. I sawed the forest. Worked as an artist. Then I had love there. She was beautiful, like Marilyn Monroe. With a story: a girl from the city of Borisov fell in love with a boy, and the boy was a radio operator who soldered receivers. And during the war he ended up in a German intelligence school to teach radio science. Then we went on the offensive, and they fled to Germany. There the girl married the Soviet commandant of Leipzig. Returning from Leipzig, she brought 10 suitcases of gifts, and that’s when the KGB grabbed her. She received article 58.6, espionage, and 10 years... When she was sent to another camp, I suffered...

Then I was a different kind of jerk. I was almost dying, boils and furunculosis started all over my body, my legs couldn’t hold up. I survived because I was suddenly hired to work in the accounting department, and then as a delivery forwarder fuels and lubricants. And I received a pass for unescorted travel. I have a song about a Chaldon village where, thanks to a pass, I somehow ended up... For a bunch of women there, there were only three men. That's why I was in high demand. It was hard, and I was 25 years old.

She: Chaldons are Russian people, Old Believers, living in the Northern Urals, in Siberia...

Him: This amazing story. 49th year. Logging camps, endless taiga. In the morning the prisoners are taken out. Winter, dark. A cordon is erected around the plot that needs to be cut down. And around Chaldon villages, women have been without men for years. And so they, these women, go inside the cordon in the morning, even before the prisoners are brought in, and wait... The cordon stands around the perimeter. We cut down the undergrowth - small wood, so that everyone can see each other, from fire to fire. And there, inside, are women. And crazy sex ensues, if we speak today. That's what the song is about...

Well, it was summer, they didn’t burn spruce branches,
I didn't ask, she undressed herself,
And we were such wicks,
And she wanted love and friendship...
Then she disappeared. They say:
Yours, they say, was kicked out of the house...

She: And now the hero has a grandson growing up somewhere among the Chaldons. And the chorus: “Son, I wish I could see a son whose name I don’t know...” You can’t just make this up... It’s fate.

He: Lida says: “Lowing down trees” is what will remain of you...” No one knows what will remain. Do you know how sad Pushkin was, how he mourned his fate in the last years of his life? He was unpopular at 36-37- m years...

Mikhail Isaevich, could you also forgive betrayal?

He: I generally look at the problem of betrayal as a mistake in the Christian religion. Monogamy for life is impossible. A man especially cannot... I think I would forgive betrayal. Galich was in love with Lida, simply mortally in love. She was very beautiful in her youth. He called her from all his heart attack hospitals... Once we had guests, we were getting ready to leave, everyone was already standing in the corridor, getting dressed, and suddenly... Lida and Galich disappeared. They sit in my office, and he declares his love to her. We all stand for thirty minutes and wait for this explanation to end.
And yet she never gave me a reason to be jealous. Or maybe I was just lucky with her...
She: You never know who was in love with me! This is why I appreciate Mikhail Isaevich - he will never offend either my feelings or sympathy for me. He always had the intelligence and tact to observe and, perhaps, even lead.

Him: No, but how else? This cannot be stopped. Everything is ephemeral, at the level of glance. But I forgive Lidochka everything - for this loyalty, for the fact that I cannot blame her for anything. I can't say the same about myself. I believe that a person cannot be forced...

She: Still, I wouldn’t change you for anyone. Not for any king, not for any president. I'm interested in you.

Interviewed by Olga Avdevich, Rita Troshkina, “CHAS”

The childhood of Mikhail Tanich, the war years

Misha was born into a Jewish family in provincial Taganrog. His surname at birth is Tanhilevich. He began reading at the age of four, and soon wrote his first poems. The boy's biggest hobby was football.

He replaced everything for Mikhail. He got his first soccer ball, given by his father, at the age of five. Misha tried to draw, but realizing that he was not the first in this matter, he stopped doing it. But he always wrote poetry, realizing that he was great at it. Since childhood, Tanich only accepted victories and did not tolerate losses. When he was only fourteen years old, his father was shot and his mother was arrested. Misha moved to his maternal grandfather in Mariupol. He graduated from school in 1941, and in May 1943 (according to other sources, in July 1942) Mikhail was drafted by the Kirov district military registration and enlistment office Rostov region to the Red Army.

Mikhail Tanich. Once again about love

He fought on the Belarusian and Baltic fronts. In 1944, Tanich was seriously wounded and was near death. Having counted young man dead, he was almost buried in a mass grave.

Arrest of Mikhail Tanich

Arriving in Rostov-on-Don after the victory, Mikhail became a student at the Civil Engineering Institute, but he did not have time to graduate because he was arrested. The reason for this was conversations about the Germans, their way of life, and German cars. Tanich was arrested under an article for anti-Soviet agitation. It was most likely one of the students who reported.

First he was in prison, and then he was sent to a logging camp. The camp was located in the Solikamsk region. Thanks to the fact that Mikhail was included in the brigade responsible for visual propaganda in the camp, he remained alive. All the people who arrived with him and who ended up directly at the logging site did not survive. This is how six years of his life passed. He returned under an amnesty only after Stalin's death.

The beginning of the work of the poet Mikhail Tanich

At first, Mikhail lived on Sakhalin. He published his poems in a local newspaper, signing them with the name Tanich.

The poet was rehabilitated only in 1956, which meant that from that time he had the right to live in Moscow. There he settled. Mikhail replaced his last name with Tanich. He worked in the press, as well as on the radio. A year later, the first collection of his poems was published.

Once Tanich, while at the Moskovsky Komsomolets publishing house, met Ian Frenkel. Their working together became the song “Textile Town”, which gained popularity among listeners. It was performed by several famous singers, among them Maya Kristalinskaya and Raisa Nemenova. Mikhail considered the meeting with Frenkel at the publishing house to be significant. He said that if it weren’t for her, it is unknown how his creative destiny would have developed.

Mikhail Tanich and gr. "Lesopoval" - I understand

He realized that the song had become a favorite for many listeners when, while buying ice cream, he heard the saleswoman humming it. He was proud and even told her that it was his song. The saleswoman, of course, didn’t believe it.

The best poems and songs of Mikhail Tanich

After so much successful work In co-authorship, Tanich has worked more than once with other poets and composers, such as Nikita Bogoslovsky, Eduard Kolmanovsky, Oscar Feltsman and Vladimir Shainsky. The result of working with Yuri Saulsky was the appearance of the popularly beloved song “Black Cat”. For the beginner Alla Pugacheva, the poet wrote the song “Robot”, the music was written by Levon Merabov. Subsequently, the poet regretted that Alla Borisovna found other authors for herself. He believed that he could write many hits for her. Such singers, who later became famous, as Igor Nikolaev and Vladimir Kuzmin, at the beginning of their creative path collaborated with Tanich. The first hit “Iceberg” was written by Nikolaev to the poems of Mikhail Isaevich. Kuzmin performed at “Song of the Year” for the first time with a song that was also directly related to Tanich.

The well-known song “Three Minutes”, performed by Valery Leontyev, was once written specifically for Alexander Barykin, but he did not want to perform it. The first video clip of Igor Sarukhanov was filmed for a song called “Guy with a Guitar”, its lyrics were written by Mikhail Isaevich.

Many songs were written by the poet for Larisa Dolina, Edita Piekha and Alena Apina. Tanich especially liked working with Apina, he was impressed by her character, he called this singer “his own.”

Mikhail Tanich and the Lesopoval group

The poet became the organizer of the Lesopoval group. Its leader was Sergei Korzhukov, who was both a singer and composer. Unfortunately, he died in 1994. A year later, thanks to Sergei Kuprik, who became the new lead singer, the group seemed to be reborn. The composer and arranger was Alexey Fedorkov.

Mikhail Tanich. Poems (On Victory Day. Hour of Memories 1993)

At the end of the poet’s life, “Lowing” was his main project. Fifteen albums were released during his lifetime, the sixteenth was released after Tanich’s death. He wrote more than three hundred songs for Lesopoval. Initially, Tanich thought that the group would perform Russian chanson. Later, journalists wrote about Lesopoval as music group, performing “blatnyak”.

Currently, both Fedorkov and Kuprik have left the group, and Tanich is no longer there. But new songs continue to appear, for which Mikhail Isaevich left poems. A new album is currently being prepared for release. During his life, the poet published fifteen books. The last two came out in 1998.

Death of Mikhail Tanich

Somehow the poet felt bad. The ambulance arrived and decided to hospitalize him. It was April 10, 2008. The poet spent a week in the hospital, his condition only worsened. He was transferred to intensive care. On the 17th the poet passed away.

Personal life of Mikhail Tanich

Elfriede Lane - a German woman with whom Mikhail became involved serious relationship while at the front, but they did not end with a wedding. After the war she lived in Germany.

The poet's first wife divorced him while he was serving his sentence. Her name was Irina. Mikhail's second wife was Lydia Kozlova. He met her at a party where she sang, and these were songs based on his poems. Then she did not yet know that the author of these poems was in their company. It was in Volzhsky. Soon they got married. The couple moved to the capital when the poet was rehabilitated. Lydia and Mikhail had two daughters, who later gave them two grandchildren.

ღ Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova: Half a century of happiness that was dreamed of to become reality ღ

Their meeting was destined by fate. Lydia Kozlova first saw him in a dream. A gypsy told Mikhail Tanich about it. They recognized each other at first sight, and then lived together for 52 years. Together we went through poverty, lack of recognition, and fame. And they never ceased to thank God for the meeting with each other.

“I invented you for myself...”

Lydia Kozlova.

She studied at a technical school in Stalingrad and rented an old sofa in the basement of an ancient grandmother. It was the hostess who told Lydia how to see her betrothed in a dream. And Lydia saw, she even had time to examine his beauty.

After technical school, Lydia did not go to Moscow, where she was sent, but asked to go to the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station. She worked at a construction site and lived in a dormitory. And on November 7, 1956, the same man from her girlish dream came to their party. When she was asked to sing, she lightly touched the strings of the guitar and began to sing the song for which she wrote the music herself, having read the poems of Tanich, unknown to her, in the local newspaper. And he whispered in her ear: “Tanich is me!” He later said that a gypsy woman he met at the market once said that his wife would be called Lydia.

Mikhail Tanich.

That evening, the two of them sat at the table for a long time, and she kept moving away from him, embarrassed and timid. Before this meeting, she had never even gone to the cinema with anyone. He seemed incredibly mature to her, he was 13 years older, he went through the entire war, and then ended up in the camps, serving 6 years allegedly for anti-Soviet propaganda. In fact, he just talked about good roads in Germany. During his imprisonment, his first wife filed for divorce.

After meeting Lydia, Mikhail quit his job at the construction site and moved to a small town. He was finally given a job that matched his qualifications. He wrote letters to her. Touching, full of warmth and tenderness.

Lydia lived by these letters and her love for an adult, wise man. When he asked her to come, she immediately quit the construction site and went to meet her love.

“I’ll be a wife, but I won’t get married!”

They lived poorly, but cheerfully.

They signed when they had already given birth eldest daughter, Inga. Lydia lived with him, loved him immensely, but refused to register the relationship. She realized how talented person next to her. He's been through a lot. And young Lydia did not know whether this adult man would be faithful to her.

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Already at the age of 18, this fragile girl, looking like a teenager, talked about freedom in love. She believed that a poet should not be limited by lack of freedom. She invited him to mature before marriage with her.

Only after eight years of marriage did they understand: it was impossible to live without each other. And signed for urgently to get a small janitor's apartment, which Lydia literally begged from the Komsomol Central Committee. By that time they were already living in Zheleznodorozhny: Mikhail Tanich, his wife and their two daughters, Inga and Svetlana. Later, only thanks to Lydia Nikolaevna they will receive Moscow registration.

Union of two hearts

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Mikhail Tanich himself never asked for anything. Lydia was entirely in charge of negotiations with officials. For three years she was afraid to admit to him that she also wrote poetry. When she had filled a whole thick notebook with poems, Lydia handed it to her stunned husband. He didn’t even know about her work. After reading it, he expressed his complete approval to her.

They both wrote real hits. He had “Black Cat”, “A song goes round and round”, “I’ll get off at a distant station”, “Love is a ring”, “I look at you like in a mirror”, “A soldier is walking through the city”, “Take me with you” ", "Farewell to Love", "Komarovo", "Weather in the House" and more than 1000 songs. But she also had her hits: “Iceberg”, “My Red Rose”, “Snow is Spinning”, “Tumbleweeds”.

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Lidia Nikolaevna always maintained that she and Tanich could not be put on the same level: he is a genius. And Mikhail Isaevich himself spoke about his wife: “I met amazing person- both in mind and in character... She is my happiness. I myself am not worth anything, I just got a win in life - my Lida.”

Lidia Nikolaevna spent 10 years persuading her husband to create the Lesopoval group. This group is still incredibly popular. Mikhail Tanich wrote his songs for them and in almost every one there was his own pain and his experience. However, as a child, Lydia Nikolaevna also spent several years in a row communicating with prisoners who were actually taken to the Invalides Home to die. She lived across the street and was curious what kind of people they were. So she ran to this house from the age of 4 to 13.

Didn't like it enough...

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Mikhail Isaevich was seriously ill for a long time. The cancer progressed and gradually ate him from the inside. But he was never capricious or complained. And she believed that together they would overcome all diseases, they could. I believed until the very last moment. Shortly before his death they got married. Mikhail Tanich left on April 17, 2008, whispering goodbye that they never fell in love...

He left her a legacy of “Lesopoval”, of which she is now the artistic director. And the lines full of love, found by her after his departure:

Who would know how beautiful you are in the morning,
How do you think your makeup doesn’t suit you?
how they rise above me every time
both suns of your green eyes.
Who would have known and who would have seen? Yes, anyone.
He should wake up with you.
Who would know how beautiful you are - you yourself.
Well, I would go crazy with jealousy...

Mikhail Tanich - Golden disc - concert at the Variety Theater 1993

Logging - Sergey Korzhukov - I will buy you a house - White swan
- Happy memory to both Tanich and Korzhukov...

Saburova Olga
08 February 2011
"Interlocutor No. 5"
After the death of the poet Mikhail Tanich, the founder of the Lesopoval group, his widow Lydia Kozlova shouldered the leadership of the men's group. But she is not at all burdened by this burden - on the contrary, she is cheerful, open, smiling. Tanich handed over his brainchild to good hands.

Died many times

Lidia Nikolaevna claims that her husband made her an optimist, who “raised” Kozlova from her 18th birthday, when he took her as his wife. He taught by his own example: Tanich never lost heart, although there were enough reasons to despair for several generations. The poet liked to repeat the following phrase: “Life, of course, is a vile thing. But nothing better than life didn’t come up with it.”

Tanich had a typical fate for his peers: his father was shot, his mother was imprisoned, the war began - he went to the front. Mikhail Isaevich, still alive, was buried in a mass grave. But they managed to get it out. Then they imprisoned him on a false denunciation. After 6 years of camps, in 1953, he was rehabilitated. He was released with clear conscience and a whole bunch of diseases.

– When we got married, he was completely disabled! – Lidia Nikolaevna states without any despondency. She remembers her husband’s illnesses calmly - the way she perceived them. - In addition to tuberculosis, his legs were so rotten that for about 20 years I put oilcloth under the sheet: every night there was a quarter of a leak. liter jar pus. Then it was all over, the body recovered... Tanich died many times. It would be sad to tell, but he was a cheerful person.

When his heart began to worry, the poet was operated on by Renat Akchurin. Later, cancer was discovered. For the last 5 months, Tanich has not gotten up from the red leather sofa in the living room where we are sitting. So he received visitors, who traditionally poured into his house from morning to night. I managed to give songs to Boris Moiseev, Alena Apina, Laima Vaikule. In the end, Mikhail Isaevich spoke with great difficulty, and could not write down poems on his own at all - when he woke up, he asked his wife to sit down next to him with a piece of paper and a pen and dictated to her... Embarrassed by the request (“it’s indecent for me, an elderly woman, to say such a thing”), Kozlova reads one poem, dedicated by Tanich to herself:

Who would know how you are
beautiful in the morning
How do you like your makeup?
out of place
How they rise above me
every time
Both of your suns
green eyes.

Kozlova found these lines in her husband’s desk, which she touched for the first time only after the funeral. For a whole week, the widow sorted out the manuscripts: on each sheet of paper there is a TsU - some are easy to save, somewhere in Tanich’s hand notes were made “for “Lesopoval”.

“In April, it will be three years since Mikhail Isaevich has been gone, and I do everything that he did, as if I continue to live for him,” Lidia Nikolaevna shares. – I don’t even feel sad. I only feel sorry that these almost 52 years of marriage are over, that man is mortal... Already dying, in the intensive care unit, where I was allowed to enter for a short time, when my husband was already practically unconscious, he, slightly moving his lips, whispered: “And you and I ... we didn’t like it enough.” Here, of course, tears flowed from both of us. And I didn't cry anymore.

Was Balda

Kozlova did not have to delve particularly into the affairs of the artistic director of Lesopoval. Tanich took care of his wife in this too. When the country sang his first songs - “Textile Town”, “How Serves You” - letters with offers of cooperation began to arrive in bags for the poet. He appointed his wife, who herself is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, to defend against graphomaniacs.

“In order to identify talented composers, I was appointed by Tanich as “worker Balda,” as in Pushkin’s fairy tale,” Lidiya Nikolaevna laughs. “People came, I listened to the melodies and wondered in my own mind whether there was hope. If the melody was okay, it allowed him to reach Tanich.

His songs, performed by Soviet pop stars, became popular one after another, the poet earned decent money... and suddenly “Lesopoval” appeared in his life. Few people know that it was Kozlova who brought Tanich to chanson through long 10-year persuasion.

– Out of stupidity, people still scold Misha for the “Leopoval” program. Not understanding that there are no bad themes - there are bad songs in this genre - the poet's widow defends the group. – Tanich didn’t want to touch on this topic, but I always appreciated such a song.

The group's first appearance on television created a sensation. The telephone at Tanich’s house did not stop ringing until the morning. One of the callers, Kozlova recalls, was a Doctor of Philosophy. “I don’t approve of such songs,” the lady said. “I think they romanticize the criminal world... But tell me, where else can I listen to them?” The poet laughed in response: “God willing, you will hear.”

Man and steamboat

Tanich left more than a hundred poems for “Lesopoval”. The group continues to perform and release new albums. The music for the group is written by 10 composers who were still under Mikhail Isaevich - not a single one has broken away. The house is also full of guests. Although this apartment, where Tanich spent his last years, is not as holy as the old one, located on the other side of the Garden Ring. It is furnished with antique furniture; all the current celebrities who were still rising then came there.

“When we were planning to move here, Sasha Malinin came to us and asked what we would do with the situation,” Kozlova recalls. “I don’t know,” answered Mikhail Isaevich. “You must leave everything as it is,” said Sasha. “Your museum will be here...” And then Nadya Babkina looked in. Her Russian Song theater is right below us - so she asked to sell her our apartment. But Misha refused: “My Svetka (one of two daughters, the second went to Holland - author) will settle here.”

Kozlova jokes that her daughter still lives there - “like an employee of a museum”... But Tanich still took one thing from the old furnishings: her favorite sculpture, bought with a fee from Kozlova’s song “Iceberg”, performed by Alla Pugacheva. The walls of the poet's widow's two-story home are hung with paintings, and she did not buy any of them. Knowing Tanich’s love for painting and sculpture (he himself studied architecture), his friends tried to give him objects of art. But the poet received, perhaps, the most luxurious gift only after his death. Recently, a man approached Lydia Nikolaevna with a request for permission to name the ship that carries tourists along the Volga after Mikhail Isaevich. Upon closer acquaintance, the shipowner turned out to be the nephew of Evgeniy Leonov.

“I have no reason to be sad,” Kozlova, leaving looking through photographs of her husband, raises her eyes. - You can only regret what you have done in life - meanness, betrayal. Time passed and you realized. You will sit and kill yourself, what an abomination you have committed. Why should I cry? I'm just glad I was with Tanich. I was very lucky to meet a man of such intelligence, such nobility, such humor and such courage. Parting is a difficult thing, but Tanich enriched me with the love of life so much that I don’t even understand that he’s gone. And I continue this love, this relationship from soul to soul...

Group "Lesopoval" "Personal date". 2006

I have been friends with Mikhail Tanich since 1990. until his death. We met in Moscow - then he released his first album “Lesopoval”. This rare recording was released in a small edition on compact cassettes, and was completely different, with the exception of the songs, from the group's subsequent releases. M. Tanich was involved in the compere, reading poetry between songs.

Our Studio has always worked with Lesopoval. We helped them with concerts in St. Petersburg, and always showed their music on “Night Taxi” on the radio. In 1995 published on CD “The Last Concert of Sergei Korzhukov with Lesopoval”.

Mikhail Tanich did not believe that it was possible to make a good “live” concert video. He knew that we had already done many such programs, but he very much doubted that it would work out well with his group: “Sasha, this is a big live band. There are dancers, two vocalists, and musicians. Of course, I understand that you know how to put it all together, but live, in front of an audience...” I am very glad now that I was able to insist on my own, convince M. Tanich, and the shooting took place.
“Lesopoval” arrived, indeed, in full force: 10 people. To the great surprise of the then artistic director of the group, Sasha Fedorkov, M. Tanich came with them. Imagine, he’s 83 years old during the shoot!

The sound check with our sound engineer Slava Raspopov and the band's sound engineer took almost 4 hours. What’s interesting is that they built up well. True, what you see first in the film (3 tracks) was actually recorded last, because in an open area, at the start of recording, the vocal microphones were tightly “knitted”.

Overall the concert turned out great. The audience, and this can be seen in the film, were literally hanging on the fence film set. There were not enough tables for the spectators, of whom there were more than 700 people at the shooting, and therefore the main building of the Lesnoy restaurant was half empty - all the tables were moved outside.

When I brought the DVD home to Mikhail Tanich, he watched the entire film with me and said: “Sanya, I didn’t think it would work out, but when I saw it, I’ll be honest - this is ours.” best film. Thank you...".
I must admit, I did not expect such a reaction: the concert filming at Lesopoval was mostly either fragmentary for TV or amateur - there were a lot of both, but I knew that Tanich liked them.

I thought now - time flies quickly. Mikhail Tanich is no longer with us, A. Fedorkov and S. Kuprik no longer work at Lesopoval. Time moves inexorably forward, the more valuable is the modest work that we did in 2006, filming this video for you.
Alexander Frumin

In the personal life and biography of the famous songwriter Mikhail Isaevich Tanich, the family always played main role. Due to his origin, the man was always under the close attention of the Soviet intelligence services, who intensively promoted anti-Semitic sentiments among the masses.

Mikhail Tanich: childhood and war

A talented writer was born into an ordinary Jewish family living on the outskirts of Taganrog. The boy began reading at the age of four, and at the age of five he fell in love with football. As the writer later recalled, his father gave him the first leather ball and from that time little Tankhilevich played with the game ( real name songwriter) did not part. Thus, two passions appeared in the life of the future celebrity - poetry and sports.

Mikhail's dad served in the army from the age of 19 Soviet Army, after completion Civil War graduated from the Institute utilities in St. Petersburg and returned to his hometown as the head of the relevant organizations. He did a lot for Taganrog - on the initiative of the young manager, lawns and flower beds were laid out, small carts with essential products drove along the streets, and copies of Greek sculptures appeared in squares and parks.

Shortly before the arrest, Tankhilevich Sr. came to the city on a tour of the Moscow Art Theater in in full force at the invitation of the same former Red Army commander.

And a few days after the famous performance of the Moscow troupe, the head of public utilities was arrested and shot. The mother of the future author of most Soviet hits was exiled to Siberia within 24 hours; the boy barely had time to be sent to distant relatives in Mariupol.

By the beginning of the war, Mikhail Isaevich graduated from 10 classes and entered military school in Tbilisi. The “son of the enemies of the people” studied for a year instead of the required 6 months and was drafted into the army with the rank of senior sergeant - to entrust the unreliable offspring of relatives who died in exile high rank junior lieutenant could not.

Tanhilevich Mikhail Isaevich

Mikhail Isaevich had to serve throughout the war - having started a difficult journey in Belarus, Tanhilevich met Victory in Prussia, on the banks of the Elbe. At the same time, the poet himself considered himself Fate’s favorite - in 1944 he almost died and was miraculously not buried in a mass grave along with his colleagues. After being wounded, the young man spent more than 3 months in various hospitals, but the soldier was unable to finally restore his sight and hearing - the consequences of the concussion tormented him until his death.

Link and love

In 19474 year Tanich entered a Rostov university, expecting to become a civil engineer. However, everything was changed by an accidental statement among friends of the opinion that German radio technology and roads abroad were an order of magnitude higher than Soviet ones. A day later, the young poet and 2 of his friends were arrested on charges of promoting a foreign way of life.

The young people, exhausted by insomnia, signed everything that the ruthless investigators demanded of them, who did not allow the students to sleep for more than 6 days. This is how Mikhail Isaevich ended up at a logging site in distant Solikamsk.

As the writer later said in an interview, he managed to survive in exile only because an artist he knew helped him, who asked the camp authorities for a young talented prisoner to work on propaganda posters and leaflets. Everyone who arrived at the place of serving their sentence with the poet died from hunger, disease and backbreaking labor in the terrible cold.

Tanhilevich met his second wife, Lydia Kozlova, in the village of Volzhskoye, at another Komsomol construction site. Since the poet, after his release, was forbidden to live in 39 cities Soviet Union, he continued to wander around various places in search of a happier life. Moreover, the first wife, Irina, immediately after the arrest asked the man for a divorce, fearing persecution.

A young girl captivated an already mature man by performing his poems to her own chosen music. And since then the young people have not parted. Even after moving to Moscow, when both had several aluminum spoons and one pillow for everything, this amazing couple lived in love and harmony. It should be noted that the woman was also fond of writing, but devoted her whole life to creating an aura of greatness for her beloved Mishenka.