Vowels after sibilants are stressed. I

Every time I want to open my chest, I fall into heat and trembling. 4. The lake, closed by a belt of impenetrable clouds, glittered below. 5. After finishing dinner, everyone sat around the fire. 6. He galloped at full speed, looking around and bending his head to the horse’s neck. 7. And he said, his eyes sparkling: Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us? Let's die near Moscow like our brothers died. And we promised to die...and we kept the oath of allegiance in the Battle of Borodino. 8. She touches the floor with one foot and slowly circles with the other. 9. Work! Invisibly wonderful work as the sowing sprouts. 10. Snow still lay here and there on this leveled field of the airfield. 11. The flowers looked like bells, but bells always have a cup that leans toward the ground, but these cups stood stretched upward, as if they had opened up to meet the outside.

2.3. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and Ts

Table 2.3.

Exceptions and


Tea, wonder, life,


foreign words -

Shilo, squint,

origin: bro-

now vel

syu ra, jury ri, parachute t,

fish u and others, including

proper names (Zhu li,

Mkrtchyan, Longju mo, etc.),

compound words and



(International Bureau, etc.).

After C in a foreign language -

Qiu rich, Qiu rypa,

Tsya Vlovsky

venny (surnames,


ranks, etc.)

At the root of the words after


qi rkul,

Tsy gan, tsy films, tsy po-

Ts and in words starting with –tion

qi cl,

ci new;

kah, tsy ts and cognates with

Nazi I, Akatsi I

them words.

In endings and suf-

Fingers, red

Writing some names

fixes after C


liy: Vitsin, Tsitsin, etc.

tsy n

After C at the end

Sùtsevyi, tor-


gòvce v, finger m


In the prepositional

About what, what about

same pronouns that ;

in words and , neither-

Exceptions and


At the root under the stress

Pche lka (bee),

In the absence of such correspondences

I eat if I’m related

comb ska (scratch),

wearing is written O: izzh o-

black (turn black),

ha, glutton ra, slum ba, cho-

another form

peche nka (liver),

porno, kryzho delved, sho rokh,

the same words are written E

uche ba (educational)

cruchot n, sho v, sho k, majoro r.

Writing with O is preserved,

if when changing shape

or in derivative

the emphasis passes

to another syllable (sh ò mpol-

cleaning rod).


Intern r,

accusative -yor

zhe r, retoucher r


Howl apart,

Hacksaw (derived from

fixe -yova- and in


adjective knife).



korchyovka, size-



nykh -yovk-


Struck, pre-


painted; sra-

-yonn- (-yon-) and in suf-

wife, stopped;


burnt, smoked

adjectives -yon-,

ny; smokedness,

as well as in production

stew nka,

words from them



Bake it, take care of it,

The spelling of su-

lies t, lit t

noun burn, sub-

burn, burn and verbs

past tense burned,

burned, burned, burned.

In shockless windows -

Landscape m,

aspirations noun-

In fact, m


more, more

In a stressed syllable

What's the matter?

what if

Writing with O is preserved in

after Ts, if pronounced

what is the cat

derivative words and in non-

the sound O sounds

stressed syllable: ts about cat,

ts about the cat. In foreign languages

words O after C can pi-

appear in an unstressed syllable:

duke, palazzo, scherzo.

Exceptions and


After C at the end

Ring m, merchant v,

yah and suffixes under





Jo key, jo ngler,

foreign words

sho vinùzm, sho ssè,

sho fer, sho kolad

In suffixes there are


It should be remembered that in


johnok, book


vowels after

hissing and Ts are written non-


Hedgehog, penniless


from the above

adjective -ov, -on (with

wow, funny

above the rules, according to

runaway O)

vii with writings in the official


documents, for example


princes, scabbard -

measures: Pugachev – Tkachov, Shi-

stressed sound

knife n

seam – Chernyshev, Shchors, Pe-

after the hissing ones

Chorin, Chopin, Shostakovich

In the percussion endings

Ball m, ivy m,


someone else's, more

and adjectives

At the end (in the suffix-

Fresh, hot,

sah) adverb

in general

Exercise 5. Rewrite the sentences, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks.

F...fool, sad...flat, heavy...ly, daff...ss, gilded, sh...mouths, poor...china, cheap...wy, t...vilizats...i, cat...lka, slum...would, h...monster, with luggage ... m, night ... vk, a pitch ... sees, dresses ..., with Andrei Kuzmich ... m, c ... Gan, orx, ore ... howl, boy ... NKA, pitch ... NKA, c ... clone, nipoch ... m, m, m, m, m. Hertz...govina, sh...se, noch...vka, f...ngler, obli...t, Ts...rich, izh...ha, grub..., Sh...tland, short...th, red...th, sh...lk, open...nka , lzh...sh, sh...gol, armed, h...lka, queens...n, pch...ly, many wells...in, c...kol, ponch..., heavy, sh...loch, ts...rulnik, burnt ...howl, slum...would, curd...k, burnt...ny, our...ptyat, montage...r, forbidden...n, good..., tomboy..., sh...ply, dance...r, beginning...s, finger..., Natalya Dance ...ra, jump...k, reed...vy, well done...waty, gorgeous, to be well done...m, length...grandson...nok, Upper Pech...ry, Sh...lokhov, crew...m, borzh...mi, protector, shield, cape...m.

Exercise 6. Rewrite the text, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks.

Pleasant memories Old Prince Golitz loved to talk about the summer he spent at the villa

near Nice in the south of France. He described in detail the magnificent garden with... coward trees and lush rose bushes and the ancient palace... in which his friends played music in the evenings. Here singers...and orc...strants gathered in their circle and one could encounter an outstanding conductor...a...voncellist violinist...m. And what nights they were! Rushes of shady alleys sh...sweat gloss...twisted magnolia leaves aroma of...paris!

The prince and the Duke were invited to a symphony concert. In the first part we listened to “Italian Capriccio” by Ch...ykovsky and in the second part “Ballad” by Sh...pen.

After Nice...a trip to France...and then Switzerland C...rich. I tried to improve my health on the waters and received treatment. In Poland I visited the Ts...vlovskys. They also played music there. But young people preferred the church to opera music. This did not appeal to the old esthete prince and even shocked him.

The return to Russia was marked by a tour along the Crimean coast of the Black Sea, to the healing springs. The whole summer is a change of impressions!

But soon there was a revolution...I had to think about emigration. All this was recalled more than once by Prince Golits... and explaining how he then ended up behind

border...m away from Russia and why he no longer rests in a villa near Nice...

Exercise 7. Come up with a short text full of words with the spelling you are studying. Orally explain the spelling of vowels after sibilants in these words.

2.4. Spelling of consonants

Table 2.4.

Exceptions and



Carving (cutting),

Wedding (although matchmaker, matchmaker

hammer ba (mo-

tat), forest tnitsa (although le-

or choose a related

loti), mushrooms

зу), hole (although from

(mushroom oh)

turn up).

for doubtful

The rule is not to spread

Noah stood consonant

speaks to foreign words:

vowel or consonant

abstraction (although abstraction

nal L, M, N, R

g ation), transcription

(although transcribed).

Spelling words with non-

Ac best, bass


ketball, vet chi-



railway station,


Mund pieces,

chinese dictionary

foot ball

Exceptions and


complex abbreviated-

Chief Rach,


If the first part is difficult -

in other words, if one


zamm ini-

abbreviated word okan-

the part ends, and

Moss o-

is being calculated

double agreement


noah, then in this very word

the same co-

only one co-word is written

vowel: cavalryman, grouporg

If the stem of the word


Crystal - crystal,

ends in two


Finn – Finnish, column a –


promise –

column, tons a – five-

nye, then before the suf-


tone ka, operetta a – op-

fix they are preserved


ret ka, manna aya (cereals) –


man ka, All a - Al ka.

Double F is written

in the roots of words

availability of alternation

reins, yeast, burning, buzzing

zg – zzh, zg – zzh is not written

reap, juniper and single-root

double F, and zzh: vizh

with them

(squeal), come, squeal (arrive).



It is necessary to distinguish between writing



like give up

ends, and the root is on-

spread out,

(prefix po-) and give-

starts with the same thing


xia (prefix sub-).

same consonant

Writing double co-

Abb reviatu-

Remember suffixes: -ess-

vowels in foreign languages

ra, acc lima-

(poetess a), -is- (actresses a),

words is determined by

optimization, optimization

(operetta a),


Issimus (Generaliss Imus)



There is a shine (although there is a shine),

of words that have


stairs (albeit a forest),

pasta bische

sklyanka (although glass)

consonants vstv, zdn,

(past uh)

ndsk, ntsk, stl, stn and

late but (op-

etc., it is necessary to change

building), middle

thread shape

words or

tse (heart-

pick up



new word so that after

n y (taste o-

first or second co-

howl), teaching st-


there was a vowel


Exercise 8. Rewrite the words, inserting missing consonants where necessary.

Ak...ord, ak...uratny, al...yuminium, ap...etit, antenna...a, an...ulate, ap...el...ation, a...arat, as...istent, as...ocation, at...ration, ball...on,

Vowels in the Russian language are few in number, but there are quite a lot of spelling rules concerning them. These letters occur in different parts of the word and in combination with different consonants. Vowels after sibilants cause particular difficulties. There are quite a lot of rules here, we will try to systematize them and give specific examples. The iotated vowel also causes a lot of controversy. After a vowel of this kind, as a rule, a disjunctive is written. Usually, the spelling is considered to be the letter that is in a weak position (i.e., under stress), however, in combination with sibilants, a strong position can raise many questions. Therefore, we will analyze the rules for vowels in both strong and weak positions.

Yotated vowels

First, let's look at what an iotated vowel is. After a vowel, at the beginning of a word, or before a hard or soft sign, similar letters are pronounced with the sound [th] at the beginning: [yo]zh (hedgehog), vran’[yo] (lies), ple[ya]da (pleiad).

This e, e, yu, i, and also And. The last vowel after a vowel has an iotated design, as well as at the beginning of a word, but not after soft and hard signs. For example, Zina[y]da (Zinaida), but [and] grief.

E after a vowel it also gives an iotated sound: po[ye]hal, vo[ye]ny.

Letters a, y after sibilants

The use of the term "sibilant consonants" is quite common. What does it mean? These are the sounds that, when articulated, are accompanied by a characteristic hissing design. This f, w, sch, h, c.

It should be said that initially they had a pair in softness or were always hard, but with the development of language they either lost the pair (for example, [zh], [sh]) or from originally hard they became soft ([h]).

This explains the vowel that comes after them. A standing sibilant after a vowel, as a rule, does not affect anything. So, after hissing words it is always written only A or at(use I or yu considered a gross error). For example: Jacqueline, jasmine, creepy, screw, shawl, sorrel, pike, thicket, seagull, heron, tsunami.

This rule does not apply to words of foreign origin, some surnames and toponyms: brochure, Jules, Qianjian, parachute, jury, Kotsyubinsky, Steponavichyus.

Spelling and, s after sibilants

It should be remembered that after all hissing sounds, except ts, only a letter is written And. A vowel can be followed by any consonant or other

For example: fat, animal, life, wide, fascist, kids, shield, raincoats, breams, cleaning, swords, read.

There are exceptions to the rule, they relate to proper names, they can be written s. For example, the Vietnamese name Truong.

And or s in combination with c

Let's figure out which vowels should be written after ts. Letter s is written in the following cases:

  1. If it comes at the end of a noun or adjective. For example: three capitals, brave fellows, short fur, narrow-faced man, pickled cucumbers.
  2. In proper and common nouns with the suffix -yn or -tsyn-: Tsaritsyno, Golitsyn, fox tail, marten fur.
  3. In some exception words: gypsy (and all its derivatives), chicken, chuck, tiptoe.

In surnames And or s after ts is not regulated by the rule, only by title documents, which indicate the correct spelling. Let's say in the surnames Kunitsyn, Staritsyn are written s, and Yeltsin or Vitsin must be written through And.

Now let's look at cases when, after ts required to consume And. These are all those that do not fall under the rules listed above.

  • Word roots (except for the exceptions listed in paragraph 3 of the previous rule). For example: figure, circus, tsigeika, specific, cylinder, Tsiolkovsky, vaccine.
  • Suffixes of foreign language origin: constitution, revolution, organization, interpretation, medicine, routing, calcite.
  • It is also written as a link between parts of a compound word and in abbreviations And: All-Russian Central Executive Committee, special interview, blitzinform.

Impact position o, e in combination with hissing

In a strong position to convey the sound [e] after hissing ones you should write e. For example: pearl, tin, whispers, rustle, crack, rubble, target, hundredweight, jaw, honor.

Vowels o/e after the hissing ones, they obey their own rules.

First, let's look at when to write O.

  1. If it is part of the ending of nouns or adjectives (barzhoy, mezhoy, shoulder, gun, stranger, big), as well as a suffix of adverbs: hot, fresh.
  2. If is a suffix of a noun. Let us list the variants of such morphemes: -ok- (buddy, circle, pie, jump); -onk- (little book, little piece of paper, little money, girls, boys, barrels); -onok-/-chonok- (barrel, little pebble, little hare, little badger); -onysh (as a rule, these are colloquial words: uzhonysh, little one); -ovk- (raincoat, combat jacket, small items); -about- (slum, thicket); -otk- (ratchet) and the last suffix -ovshchin- requires the ending A: stabbing.
  3. If it is -ov-: penny, walrus, brocade. This also includes nouns derived from these words that end in she -ovka-/-ovnik-: tsynovnik, parchovka, groshovka, grushovka, rechovka. The suffix -ov- is also often found in surnames. Here it is worth focusing on the documents given at birth. So, it can be written Borschov and Borshchev, Khrushchov and Khrushchev, Kumachov or Kumachev.
  4. If it is an adverb or adjective with the suffix -okhonk-: small (small), svezhokhonky (freshly). These words are colloquial.
  5. If is fluent in nouns and adverbs: zhor (eat); burn (burn); trouble (rozhon); intestines (intestines - genitive case).
  6. If the word is borrowed and the vowels after the sibilants are in its root: joker, shorts, anchovy, major, Joyce (proper names also obey this rule).

When should you write e under stress?

Let us list the cases when in the root after the hissing one you should write e:

O and e in unstressed position

Regarding spelling O or e in an unstressed position, then you need to remember that in a weak position you should write the letter that is heard in a strong one. This applies to both roots: tin - tin; wool - wool; turn yellow - yellow; and suffixes: key, raincoat, scourge; and endings: husband, watchman, redhead.

You should remember foreign words in which it is written in an unstressed position O: majordomo, highway, shock, lecho, Chopin, poncho, banjo and others. Their spelling should be checked with a spelling dictionary.

O and e in combination with c

After the letter ts in a weak position O And e are checked by a strong position: tsedit - tsedit, censorship - censor, workshop - workshop. Also: pepper, fighting, pollen.

Words of foreign origin may contain unstressed O after ts: mezzo, scherzo, duke.

Tskokat is spelled through O(clatter).

After f, h, w, sch are not written yu, i, s , but are written y, a, and , For example: miracle, pike, hour,grove, fat, sew.

Letters yu And I are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute(including proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound words and letter abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed.

After ts letter s written in endings and suffixes -yn , For example: birds, sheep and sheep; cucumbers, whiteface, sestritsyn, lisitsyn, as well as in words gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick(interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after ts always written And , For example: station, cibik, mat, dulcimer, zinc, medicine.

Exception words are easy to remember if you learn the phrase “the gypsy crept up to the chicken on tiptoe and tutted.”

After ts letters yu And I are allowed only in foreign-language proper names, for example: Zurich, Sventsyany.

A. If after f, h, w, sch pronounced under stress O , then the letter O is written:

1. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, boundary, rein, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.

2. In suffixes:

a) nouns:
-OK , For example: horn, cockerel, hook, borscht;
-onok , For example: bear, mouse, little pebble, barrel;
-onk-a , For example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;

b) adjectives:
-ov- , For example; hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;
-He- (with fluent -O- ), For example: ridiculous;

c) adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, general.

3. In genus. pad. plural hours on -ok, -he nouns, for example: guts, princes.

4. In words (and derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, seam, rustle, blinkers; in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson(cf. spellings with -eg in the past tense of verbs: burned, burned, set fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: gag, gag(And glutton), wow, already(meaning "later", "after"), evening(meaning "last night"), chug(for example, in the expression “doesn’t believe in sleep or choke”), adverb cluck.

Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cruchon, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer(surname), but: gesture, tablet.

B. In all other cases, after f, h, w, sch a letter is written under stress e , although pronounced O , namely:

1. In verb endings -eat, -eat, -eat, -eat , For example: you're lying, lying etc., bake, bake etc.

2. In a verb suffix -eva- , For example: to obscure, to migrate, Also obfuscation, migration.

3. In the suffix of verbal nouns -evk- , For example: migration, demarcation.

4. In the suffix of nouns -er , For example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.

5. In the suffix of passive participles -enn- (-en-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, scholarship; crushed; burnt, burnt.

6. In words in the root of which the stress is pronounced -O , alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow(turn yellow) hard(harsh), millstone(millstone), acorn(acorns), perch(poles); cheap, cheap(get cheaper) silk(silky), fur(woolen), lattice, lattice(sieve), wallet(wallet), whisper(whisper); canoe(shuttle), bang(brow), crap(devils), black(black), even(odd), tap dance(tapping) report, account(deduction, subtract) dash(trait), liver(liver), twine(becheva); brush(bristle), click(click), slap, cheeks(cheek); in the roots of verb forms: burned, set fire, burned, set fire(burn, set on fire) walked(walking) chew(chew).

7. In the prepositional case, pronouns what, about what, on what, as well as in words and it doesn't matter.

In Russian words in unstressed syllables after f, h, w, sch letter O is not written, for example: peas(cf. cock to), we're born a hundred(cf. chizho m), more(cf. big), rye(cf. someone else's). In foreign words the letter is allowed O and in unstressed syllables, for example: joquet d, chocolate d.

Writing O or e after ts in Russian words is determined by the following rules:

1. In stressed syllables it is written O or e according to pronunciation, for example: cluck, face, sheep, businessmen, fathers, paternal, facing, dancing, dancer, But: sight, whole, valuable, flail etc.

2. In unstressed syllables O not written except the word clatter and related (cf. clatter).

In the absence of stress in suffixes and endings, it is always written e , For example: towel, finger, fingers, short, calico, dashing, shiny, dance, prance, Kuntsevo, Barents Sea.

In foreign words O after ts can also be written in unstressed syllables, for example: pala tszo, ske rzo.

All of the above rules do not apply to surnames: they are written in accordance with the spellings in official personal documents.

§ 1. After f, h, w, sch are not written yu, i, s , but are written y, a, and , For example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, fat, sew.

Letters yu And I are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute(including proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound words and letter abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed (see § 110).

§ 2. After ts letter s written in endings and suffixes -yn , For example: birds, sheep and sheep; cucumbers, whiteface, sestritsyn, lisitsyn, as well as in words gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick(interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after ts always written And , For example: station, cibik, mat, dulcimer, zinc, medicine.

§ 3. After ts letters yu And I are allowed only in foreign-language proper names, for example: Zurich, Sventsyany.

§ 4. A. If after f, h, w, sch pronounced under stress O , then the letter O is written:

1. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, boundary, rein, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.

a) nouns:
-OK , For example: horn, cockerel, hook, borscht;
-onok , For example: bear, mouse, little pebble, barrel;
-onk-a , For example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;

b) adjectives:
-ov- , For example; hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;
-He- (with fluent -O- ), For example: ridiculous;

c) adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, general.

3. In genus. pad. plural hours on -ok, -he nouns, for example: guts, princes.

4. In words (and derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, seam, rustle, blinkers; in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson(cf. spellings with -eg in the past tense of verbs: burned, burned, set fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: gag, gag(And glutton), wow, already(meaning "later", "after"), evening(meaning "last night"), chug(for example, in the expression “doesn’t believe in sleep or choke”), adverb cluck.

Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cruchon, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer(surname), but: gesture, tablet.

B. In all other cases after f, h, w, sch a letter is written under stress e , although pronounced O , namely:

1. In verb endings -eat, -eat, -eat, -eat , For example: you're lying, lying etc., bake, bake etc.

2. In a verb suffix -eva- , For example: to obscure, to migrate, Also obfuscation, migration.

3. In the suffix of verbal nouns -evk- , For example: migration, demarcation.

-er , For example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.

5. In the suffix of passive participles -enn- (-en-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, scholarship; crushed; burnt, burnt.

6. In words in the root of which the stress is pronounced -O , alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow(turn yellow) hard(harsh), millstone(millstone), acorn(acorns), perch(poles); cheap, cheap(get cheaper) silk(silky), fur(woolen), lattice, lattice(sieve), wallet(wallet), whisper(whisper); canoe(shuttle), bang(brow), crap(devils), black(black), even(odd), tap dance(tapping) report, account(deduction, subtract) dash(trait), liver(liver), twine(becheva); brush(bristle), click(click), slap, cheeks(cheek); in the roots of verb forms: burned, set fire, burned, set fire(burn, set on fire) walked(walking) chew(chew).

7. In the prepositional case, pronouns what, about what, on what, as well as in words and it doesn't matter 1 .

§ 5. In Russian words in unstressed syllables after f, h, w, sch letter O is not written, for example: mountains o shek(cf. cock o k), hundred about birth(cf. siskin), more(cf. more about th), r y zhego(cf. someone else's). In foreign words the letter is allowed O and in unstressed syllables, for example: jok e y, chocolate d.

§ 6. Writing O or e after ts in Russian words is determined by the following rules:

1. In stressed syllables it is written O or e according to pronunciation, for example: cluck, face, sheep, businessmen, fathers, paternal, facing, dancing, dancer, But: sight, whole, valuable, flail etc.

2. In unstressed syllables O not written except the word clatter and related (cf. clatter).

In the absence of stress in suffixes and endings, it is always written e , For example: towel, finger, fingers, short, calico, dashing, shiny, dance, prance, Kuntsevo, Barents Sea.

In foreign words O after ts can also be written in unstressed syllables, for example: pal a zzo, sk e rzo.

1 The rules of paragraph 4, as well as all others, do not apply to surnames: they are written in accordance with the spellings in official personal documents.

Vowels after sibilants and Ts

Letters a, y

After f, w, h, sch, c letters are written a, y (and are not written I, yu ), For example: sorry, Zhanna, boundary; ball, noodles; hour, candle, silent; platform, raincoat; heron, father; creepy, I'll say; noise, Shura, enormous; feeling, silent; pike, forgive me; in a row, to father.

In several foreign language common nouns after f, w letter is written yu : jury, julienne, brochure, parachute and some others, more rare.

In some foreign-language proper names, ethnic names after f, w, c letters are written I, yu , For example: Samogit Upland, Jules, Saint-Just, Zyuraitis, Siauliai, Zurich, Kotsyubinsky, Tsyurupa, Qu Yuan, Tsyavlovsky, Qianjiang, Qiang(nationality). In these cases, the sounds conveyed by letters f, w, c , are often pronounced softly.

Letters yu And I are written according to tradition after h in some surnames ( yu – mainly in Lithuanian), e.g.: Čiurlionis, Steponavičius, Mkrtchyan, Chyumina.

Letters and, s

After w, w, h, sch letter is written And (and not written s ), For example: fat, camelina, interpublishing, tell, sew, reeds, clean, rays, shield, look.

In some foreign language proper names after h letter is written s , eg: Truong Tinh(Vietnamese proper name).

After ts letter is written And or s .

Letter s is written in the following cases.

1. In the roots of words: gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, chick-chick, chick, chick, chick(and in derivative words, e.g.: gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, chick, chick, tut, tut, tut).

2. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: cucumbers, archers, capitals, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; short, pale-faced, narrow-faced .

3. In the suffix of adjectives -yn, For example: Sestritsyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Trinity Day. Geographical names are also written on -tsyn, -tsino, For example: Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno .

In Russian surnames after ts letter is written And or s in accordance with tradition and with registration in official documents, for example: Tsipko, But Tsybin; Kunitsyn, Kuritsyn, Sinitsyn, Skobeltsyn, Solzhenitsyn, But Vitsin, Yeltsin, Tsitsin.

In all other cases, after ts letter is written And , namely:

a) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names, for example: circus, cycle, cylinder, tsigeyka, scurvy, mat, figure, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, tsutsik; Cicero, Circe, Zimmerwald, Cincinnati ;

b) in suffixes of foreign language origin, for example: organization, electrify, medicine, calcite, publicist, skepticism ;

c) after the first parts of complex and compound words and in sound abbreviations, for example: blitz interview, special boarding school, Central Election Commission .

Letters oh, oh, oh after the hissing ones

Letters oh, oh, oh in place of stressed vowels

After f, h, w, sch uh letter is written e , For example: tin, swing, rustle, ginseng, twitter, same(letter name), on the boundary, about a candle, a soul, a sling; Zhenya, Jack, Shannon .

After f, h, w, sch to convey a stressed vowel O letter is written O or e .

Letter O is written in the following cases.

1. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, as well as in the suffix of adverbs -O , For example: shoulder, knife, shoulder, Ilyich, hut, cloak; boundary, rein, candle, soul, sling; stranger, big, stranger, big; fresh, hot, good, general(short forms of neuter adjectives and adverbs).

2. In suffixes of nouns:

-OK, For example: circle, hook, cockerel, borscht, jump, push, and in derivatives from such words: circle, hook, jump etc.;

-onok And - chonok, For example: little bear, little mouse, little pebble, little barrel, little little arap ;

-onk(a) and -onk(and), for example: little book, little hand, shirt, vest, money, trousers, rhymes ;

-ovk(a) (in denominative derivative words), for example: Chizhovka(female siskin), mouse(rodent), khrychovka, small things ;

-about(A): thicket, clearing(deforestation); same in word slum, where the suffix does not stand out in modern language, and in the ironic formation created on its model Khrushchev. Exception: in the word studies is written e ;

3. In the suffix of adjectives -ov-, For example: hedgehog, brocade, penny, canvas, as well as in nouns on -ovka, -ovnik, derived from adjectives with a suffix -ov- (-ev-): pear And pear tree(cf. pear), hacksaw(cf. knife and option knife), cherry plum (cherry plum), guzhovka (horse-drawn), punch (punchy), tick‘cliff-billed heron’ ( tick-borne), fight (pugnacious, from brawler‘kind of plane’), raincoat (raincoat), chant (speech), hogweed (borscht), zhovnik (snake).

The word is spelled the same way gooseberry, where the suffix is ​​not distinguished in modern language.

Denominate nouns in -ovka type small saw, hacksaw, raincoat should be distinguished from verbal nouns like overnight stay.

In Russian surnames there is a hissing + -s (-ev) is written O or e in accordance with tradition and with registration in official documents: cf., for example, Chernyshov And Chernyshev, Kalachov And Kalachev, Khrushchov And Khrushchev; Emelyan Pugachev.

4. In the suffix of adjectives and adverbs -okhonk-, For example: fresh, good .

5. In place of a fluent vowel O in nouns and adjectives, for example: glutton, glutton, gluttonous(cf. eat), pulp(cf. I press), burn, arson, overburn, heartburn(cf. I'm burning, I'm burning); trouble(cf. gen. p. why the hell), seam (seam); princes(genus plural from princess), scabbard(genus from sheath- outdated variant of the word sheath), scrotum, scrotum(genus plural and diminution from purse), intestines, intestines(genus and diminution from guts), sauerkraut(decrease from sauerkraut), cat And terrible(from nightmare), glasses(from glasses), point(from point), ridiculous(short form of masculine gender from funny); This also includes words with the suffix -ok: hook, jump(gen. p. hook, jump) etc. (see above, point 2). However, in words accounting, accounting, account, account, calculation(cf. I will take into account, I will count, I will begin, I will count, I will count) the letter is written e .

As well as ridiculous, where necessary, colloquial versions of the short forms husband are written. sort of terrible, must, need .

6. In those roots of Russian words where the vowel O after sibilants there is always shock and does not alternate with uh(in writing e): click(And keep quiet), zhoster, zhokh, glutton(and option glutton), already; clink glasses, crazy, grebe, prim, clink, clink; shuffle, rustle, blinkers(And saddlery, saddler).

The word is spelled the same way evening(And evening nice), although it is related to the word evening(And evening).

With letter O Some Russian proper names are written, for example: Zhora, Zhostovo, Pechora(river), Pechory(city), Sholokhov .

7. In the roots of borrowed (foreign) words. List of basic words: borjom, joker, junk, joule, major, dude, drum major, force majeure; anchovy, kharcho, choker; hood, gherkin, cruchon, offshore, torshon, shock, ramrod, shop, shorts, shorts, show; the same in proper names, for example: John, Georges, Joyce, Chaucer, Shaw, Shchors .

In all other cases, to convey the stressed vowel o after f, h, w, sch letter is written e , namely:

1. In verb endings -eat, -eat, -eat, -eat, For example: you lie, cut your hair, bake, push .

2. In imperfective verbs -yow and verbal nouns in -yowling, For example: demarcate, uproot, migrate, obscure; demarcation, uprooting, shading; in passive participles -yovanny, For example: demarcated, uprooted, shaded .

3. In verbal nouns on -yovka, For example: overnight stay(from spend the night), uprooting, migration, delimitation, retouching(from retouch), peeling(from peel).

4. In the suffix of nouns -yor, For example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend, trainer, massager .

5. In suffixes of passive participles and verbal adjectives -yonn- And -yon-, For example: tense(And tense), burnt, baked, softened, detached, simplified; loaded, burnt, baked, baked, stewed, waxed; the same in words derived from such participles and adjectives, for example: tension, detachment, simplicity, erudition, tense, detached, simplified, strained, burnt, stewed, condensed milk .

6. In the place of the fugitive O in verbal forms of the past tense husband. kind: burned and prefixes ( lit, burned, burned, burned, set fire etc.; the same in participles: set fire etc.; Wed I'll light it, I'll light it), - man (read, took into account etc., cf. read, studied), walked and prefixes ( came, left etc., cf. went, came, left). At the same time, writing verb forms with the root burned contrasted with the writing of cognate nouns with the letter O : burn, arson, overburn.

7. In those roots of Russian words where the shock sound O corresponds in other words or forms of the same root to the vowel (stressed or unstressed) conveyed by the letter e.

Here is a list of basic words with such roots (in parentheses, words with the same root or forms with the letter e after f, h, w, sch ).

Roots with combination same :

gutter (gutters, groove, grooved),

yellow (yellow, yellowish, turn yellow, yolk),

acorn (acorns, stomach'little acorn', acorn),

bile, gall(options bile, gall; biliary, biliary),

wives, wifey, little wife, newlyweds (wife, woman, woman, feminine, getting married, getting married),

perch (pole, pole, pole),

hard, rigidity (tough, harsh),

heavy (heavier, grow heavier, outdated heavier).

Roots with combination what :

bees, bee (bee, beekeeper),

counting, counting, crediting, report, accounting, counter, counting, crediting, accounting, crosswise, even, odd, even, rosary (count, recount, count, set off, take into account, deduction, accounts, accountant, odd),

bangs, bangs, bangs(plural) ( brow, petition, beard),

cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline(cf. option scribble; cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline),

black (black, blacken, rabble, blackness, blackish),

callous, callousness (callous, become callous),

damn, damn, little devil (devils, devils, devils, devils, damn, devilry),

dash (devil, devil, draws, draws, drawing),

comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, hairstyle, comb, comb, comb (scratch, scratch, comb, comb),

clear, clear, distinct (rosary),

Roots with combination she :

cheap, cheap (cheap, cheap, cheaper, cheaper),

lattice, sieve(plural) lattice(option: lattice; sieve, sieve),

silk, silk (silk, silky),

whisper, whisper (whisper, whisper, whispers),

fur, long-haired, short-haired (wool, woolen, woolen).

Roots with combination more :

dandy (foppish, foppish, flaunt, flaunt),

cheeks, cheek, slap, cheek (cheek, cheeky),

click, click (click, click),

lye, lye (alkalis, alkaline),

However, in proper names with the roots of the words listed in paragraph 7, the letter can be written O . In accordance with tradition and registration, the letter is written in official documents O in such proper names as, for example, Choboty(name of locality), Chorny, Pshonnaya, Zholobov, Zholtikov(last names).

8. In the sentence n. pronouns what: about what, on what, as well as in words how much, no matter, and; in a word more .

9. In some borrowed words, where the letter e conveyed under special stress, different from Russian O, a vowel sound of the source language, for example: wifepremier, Schönbrunn, Schönberg .

Letters oh, oh in place of unstressed vowels

In an unstressed position after f, h, w, sch letter is written e uh(in writing e ), and with the drum O(in writing O or e ). This applies to roots, suffixes, and endings. Examples: a) tin(cf. tin), cap (cap), leg (leg), ironing (angling), cloud (candle); b) turn yellow(cf. yellow), whisper (whisper), peas (cockerel), punch, raincoat (penny, borscht), watchman (siskin), more(cf. big), redhead (to someone else's), mighty (hot). Some spellings with e after sibilants they are not checked by the shock position, for example: wish, stomach, gelatin, attic, move, lisp, rough, latch .

In a number of words of foreign origin after f, h, w a letter is written in an unstressed position O . List of basic words: Jonathan, jockey, juggler, majordomo, majoritarian, banjo, harmonic; chonguri, lecho, poncho, ranch, capriccio(cf. option capriccio); chauvinism, chocolate, highway, driver; proper names, for example: Scotland, Jaurès, Chopin, Shostakovich, Boccaccio. Derivatives from words of foreign origin with stress are also written O after sibilants and forms of such words where the vowel after the sibilant is unstressed, for example: shock(from shock), torsion(from torchon), choker(from choker), cleaning rod(plural from ramrod).

Letter O written after sibilants not under stress in words with a prefix inter- and in compound words, if it begins the second part of the word, for example: interregional, intercommunity, intersectoral, leather and footwear.

Letter O after sibilants not under stress it is also written in individual formations not legalized by the literary norm, for example: furry(from asshole), prim(from prim), rustle(‘barely audible rustling’), freshly(from fresh, according to the model rough, clean).

Letters O And e after ts

After ts to convey a stressed vowel O letter is written O , to transmit percussion uh– letter e, For example: cluck, cap, dancer, dancer, dance, facing, crimson, face, face, cucumber, cucumbers, sheep; valuable, whole, whole(letter name), tsetse(fly), sheep, about father .

In an unstressed position after ts letter is written e – in accordance with the drum uh, and with shock O, for example: a) price (prices), strain (strains), censorship (censor), bird (pollen); b) dance(cf. dancer), scarlet (crimson), calico (pepper), swamp (porch), bird (pollen), fingers (wise men), scanty (big), kutse (Fine). Some spellings with e are not checked by the striking position, for example: kiss, cellophane .

In some words of foreign origin in an unstressed position after ts letter is written O : duke, intermezzo, mezzo, palazzo, scherzo, canzonetta, zoisite(mineral), pozzolanas(rocks). The word is spelled the same way clatter and its derivatives clatter, clatter(cf. clatter).

Letter O written after ts not under stress in words with the first parts blitz, social, special, if it begins the second part of the word, for example: blitz operation, blitz survey, social obligation, special clothing, special department.

Letter O after ts not under stress is also written when conveying non-normative stress variants that penetrate written speech, for example: dancer(stress variant found in poetry), plinth?(professional form named after plural word tso?kol – tso?koli).

Letter uh after the hissing and ts

Letter uh written after letters f, h, w, c only in the following special cases.

1. In abbreviations, for example: ZhEA(housing maintenance office), ZhES(railway power station), CHES(frequency electromagnetic sensing), CELT(color cathode ray tube), TsEM(Tsentroelektromontazh is the name of the trust).

2. After the console inter-, the first parts of complex and compound words at the beginning of roots starting with a letter uh , For example: interfloor, interethnic, Vnesheconombank, blitz emission, special exporter, special effect, special electrode .

3. When transmitting some Chinese words, for example: she(nationality in China), ren(the basic concept of Confucian philosophy), Lao She(Chinese writer) Chengdu, Shenyang(cities), Zhejiang(provinces), Shenzhen(industrial zone in China).



2) E alternates with E

Whisper - whisper, cheap - cheaper, crack - crack

BUT: Burned, set fire - verb

BUT: Evening - outdated, burn, arson - noun. Joule, shock, junk (boat), shorts

BUT: suffix -ЁР-: trainee, conductor, boyfriend

1. Insert the missing letters, indicate the spelling “vowel after the sibilants at the root of the word.”

Explain orally the conditions for choosing a vowel. Which two examples are exceptions?

Desh. vye goods; and. melted paint; dexterous ngler; heavy lyy rnov; difficult assignment T; unpleasant life ha; cat lka with mushrooms; ripe roof penetrated; insatiable obzh. ra; serious G; fried oven nka; cast iron solution weave; swim soot nkami; black slums would; pork carcass nka; light tsp; raw bread; w. mpol rifle; quiet sh. sweat; barely audible sh. roh; short sh. mouths.

2. Write down examples with missing letters, grouping them according to a single spelling: a) with the letter O, b) with the letter E. Label the spellings according to the example: wolf’nok (noun).

Gray wolf. nok; uproot to dig up stumps; penny high calculations; pear fruits vki; dilated pupil To; smoked naya sausage; writhing forest cutting; circle to amateur performances; lish. great sense of humor; walrus. high fangs; cut with a knife. vkoy; night vka in the field; nudity data trees; brocade your dress; demarcation vka fields; funny dog. nka; young experience...r; tamed new horse; uch. ny bear; canvas new bag.

3. Use nouns and adjectives in a phrase in a form that illustrates the spelling of vowels after sibilants in the endings BURGE, SHOULDER, SHOWER, FLOOR, LUGGAGE, CLOCK, CANDLE; ALIEN, BIG, HOT.

4. Draw a table in your notebook and fill in the examples below. Vowels after C

Dance r, c. nga, kuts. y, dance. vat, obv. Vka, tits. n, lizards. n, station. I, editor I, c. Ghanaian, c. films, c. roll, in front of people. m, trot y, with towels. m, heart porch cucumber lead vyy, ring. howl, palace. vy.

5. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters, mark the spelling.

Find simple complicated sentences, underline the complication as parts of the sentence. In which sentence and which complication is not a member of the sentence? What's it called? Indicate complex sentences (No.) corresponding to the following schemes:

[main members], (what) and (what);

Name the types of complex sentences.

1. The yellow station lights, dimly blurred in the black sky, resembled egg trains. trays splashed onto a cast iron frying pan. (Haz.). 2. It was clear to everyone that the bread had been set on fire. n and that on fire. g - the work of his people. (Bub.). 3. Knight def. sting trot y – I didn’t even have to wave the whip. (Kravch.). 4. Rest. It was all summer linen: pumps, s...nd. years, two calico. New dresses, two s. r. fan and more one sh. fork, without hands. WWII (Sim.). 5. Heavy. the rain streams seemed discordant. beat, come out. feel, ext. The glass in the houses is broken; heavy rain will break the wooden roofs. will rip off forehead'. (Iv.). 6. A z. rya colloquial I was angry, and the vet. r with st. pi flowed towards the blue-blue river. coy. (Aitm.). 7. Davydov fell to the ground. singing chest, def. Grovel, p. thorns threw the ch. nc. vito-h. long strands of hair. (Shol.).


Spelling of vowels after sibilants and C.

62. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and C.

  • After the hissing consonants zh, ch, sh, shch, the vowels a, u, i are written, and the vowels i, yu, y (thicket, bold) are never written. This rule does not apply to words of foreign origin (parachute) and complex abbreviated words in which any combination of letters is possible (Interjury Bureau).
  • Under stress after sibilants it is written in, if you can find related words or another form of this word where e is written (yellow - yellowness); if this condition is not met, then o (clink glasses, rustle) is written.
  • It is necessary to distinguish the noun burn and its related words from the past tense verb burn and its related words.
  • A fluent vowel sound under stress after a hissing sound is indicated by the letter o (sheath - nozhon "n).
  • Spelling vowels after c.

  • At the root, after c, u are written (civilization, mat); exceptions: gypsies, on tiptoes, tsyts, chicks are their cognate words.
  • The letters i, yu are written after ts only in proper names of non-Russian origin (Zurich).
  • Under the stress after ts it is written o (tso"kot).

Vowel selection; and or e.

  • In foreign words it is usually written e (adequate); exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives.
  • If the root begins with the letter e, then it is preserved even after prefixes or a cut with the first part of a compound word (save, three-story).
  • After the vowel it is written e (requiem), after the other vowels - e (maestro).
  • The letter is written at the beginning of foreign words (yod, yoga).

    I. Vowels after sibilants and ts

    § 1. After x, ch, w, sch, yu, ya, s are not written, but y, a, and, for example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, fat, sew.

    The letters yu and i are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute (including in proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound abbreviations and letter abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed (see § 110).

    § 2. After c, the letter s is written in endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep and sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sisterstritsyn, lisitsyn, as well as in the words gypsy, chicken, on tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in others words of the same root. In other cases, u is always written after c, for example: station, tsibik, mat, cymbals, zinc, medicine.

    § 3. After q, the letters yu and i are allowed only in foreign-language proper names, for example: Zurich, Sventsyany.

    § 4. A. If after zh, ch, sh, shch is pronounced under the stress o, then the letter o is written:

    1. In the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, boundary, rein, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.

    a) nouns:

    Ok, for example: horn, cockerel, hook, borscht;

    Onok, for example: little bear, little mouse, little pebble, little barrel;

    Onk-a, for example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;

    b) adjectives:

    Ov, for example: hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;

    He- (with a fluent o), for example: funny;

    c) adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, general.

    3. In nouns of the genitive plural form -ok, -on, for example: kishok, knyazhon.

    4. In words (and in derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, seam, rustle, blinders, in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson (cf. spellings with -ёг in the past tense of verbs: burned, burned, set fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: zholknut, zazhora (and zazhor), zhokh, uzho (meaning “later”, “after”), vechor (meaning “yesterday evening”), choh (for example, in the expression “ does not believe in either sleep or chok"), adverb chokhom.

    Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cruchon, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer (surname), but: gesture, tablet.

    B. In all other cases, after x, ch, shch, shch, the letter e is written under the accent, although it is pronounced o, namely:

    1. In verb endings -eesh, -yot, -yom, -yote, for example: l zhe sh, l zhe t, etc., pe chesh, pe chet, etc.

    2. In the verbal suffix -yovyva-, for example: to shade, migrate, also shade, migrate.

    3. In the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk-, for example: migration, delimitation.

    4. In the suffix of nouns -er, for example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.

    5. In the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (-yon-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, learning; crushed; burnt, burnt.

    6. In words in the root of which the accent is pronounced o, alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow (yellow), hard (stiff), zhernov (zhernova), Zhe Lud (Zhe Ludey), Zhe Rdochka (Zhe Rdey); de she vyy, de she vka (de she she vet), shelk (silky), she rstka (woolen), re she tka, reshe tchaty (re she to), ko she lka (ko she lek), she sweat (whisper); che ln (challenge), che lka (chelo), che rt (cher rtey), black (black), che t (not che t), che che tka (che che t), from che t, s che t (you che t, you honour), che rtotochka (che mouth), pechenka (liver), beche vka (beche va); cheek (cheek), click (cheek), on the cheek, cheeks (cheek); in the roots of verb forms: with zhe g, under zhe g, with zhe gshiy, under burnt (with zhech, under zhech), she l (she walked), razzhevyat (razzhevat).

    7. In the prepositional case the pronouns what: about what, on what, and also in the words moreover, nothing.

    Note. The rules of § 4, as well as all others, do not apply to surnames: they are written in accordance with the spellings in official personal documents.

    § 5. In Russian words in unstressed syllables after x, ch, sh, shch the letter o is not written, for example: peas (cf. petu shok), storozhe m (cf. chizhó m), more she go (cf. pain shog o), red go (cf. chu zhog o).

    In foreign words the letter o is allowed in unstressed syllables, for example; jockey, chocolate.

    § 6. The writing of o or e after c in Russian words is determined by the following rules:

    1. In the stressed syllables it is written about or e in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: tskat, face, sheep, businessmen, fathers, paternal, facing, dancing, dancer, but: sight, whole, valuable, flail, etc.

    2. In unstressed syllables o is not written, except for the word tsokotukha and related ones (cf. tsokot).

    In the absence of stress in suffixes and endings, e is always written, for example: towel, finger, fingers, scanty, calico, dashing, glossy, dance, prance, Kuntsevo, Barents Sea.

    In foreign words, o after c can also be written in unstressed syllables, for example: palazzo, scherzo.

    There are only 4 hissing sounds in the Russian language. Of these, two are hard - Zh and Sh, and two are soft - Ch and Sh. From elementary school or even from childhood, we are forced to memorize three very important rules:

    • (often, thicket, sorrel).
    • (monster, tentacle, miracle).
    • (giraffe, vital, wide).

    There are, of course, exceptions. If you want to repeat these rules and get acquainted with a large number of examples, follow the links above.

    In other cases, after hard hissing AND And Sh vowels are written A, ABOUT, U, and after soft hissing H And SCH– vowels AND, E, Yo. Alas, these rules do not always work (read below the use of O and E after sibilant consonants).

    If the word is borrowed from a foreign language or is a proper noun, then Yu or Ya can be used after sibilants, for example: jury, parachute, Saint-Just. Also, in abbreviations and compound words, any letters can be used according to the rules for composing abbreviations.

    Spelling vowels after C

    • I and Y after C. The letter Y is placed after C only in suffixes –yn- and endings. For example: Lisitsyn, ends, freaks. In other cases, the letter I is placed after the C. For example: circus, cynical, zinc, dial. There are also exception words: chicken, gypsy, chick-chick, chick, chicks, chick. You can read more about the spelling of I and Y after C here:
    • Yu and Ya after C. After T, the letters Yu and Ya are written only in borrowed words and proper names. For example: Zurich.
    • O and E after C. If the vowel is under stress, then the letter that is heard is written. For example: clatter, price tag, dancer, whole. If the vowel is not under stress, then the letter E is always written. For example: finger, towel, kiss. The only exception is the clicking sound. In borrowed words and proper names, the letter O can be used after C in unstressed syllables.

    Spelling of vowels after hissing Zh, Sh, Shch, Ch

    Let's find out...

    • O after sibilants in stressed syllables. The letter O is written in stressed syllables if it refers to the ending of a noun. For example: big, key, doctor. Also O is written in stressed syllables if it refers to the suffixes of nouns -ok-, -onok and -onk-. For example: boot, powder, bear, barrel, girl, dog. The letter O is also written in adjective suffixes -ov-. For example: penny, walrus. The letter O is used if it is a suffix of adverbs -o-. For example: hot, good. The letter O is written in the -on endings of nouns in the genitive case and plural. For example: princes, intestines. In addition to all this, there are also vocabulary words: gooseberry, glutton, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, prim, clink glasses, Pechora, seam, rustle, seams, heartburn, burn, arson. In borrowed words, the spelling is similar to the sound. For example: cup, tablet, gesture.
    • O and E after sibilants in unstressed syllables. In Russian words, E is written after Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch in unstressed syllables. For example: peas, good. If the word is of foreign origin, then the letter O can be used. For example: jockey, chocolate.
    • O and E after sibilants in other cases. In all other cases, the letter E is written, although O can be heard (in stressed syllables). This includes the endings of verbs -eosh, -yot, -yote, eat (for example: you lie, neigh), suffixes of verbs and nouns -yovyva- (for example: chew, shade), suffix of nouns formed from verbs with -yovk (example: delimitation , chewing, uprooting), noun suffix -er- (for example: conductor, boyfriend, trainee), roots with alternating E under stress and E without stress (for example: yellow - yolk, black - blacken, alkali - alkaline), suffixes of passive participles -yonn (-yon) in derivatives from them (for example: baked, carried away, baked, doomed), endings of the pronoun that in the prepositional case (for example: about what, with what).