Seeing white swans in a dream. Why do you dream of white and black swans?

Small dream book

Why do you dream of a swan:

A dream in which you see white swans swimming peacefully is very favorable, as it promises prosperity and well-being. The black swan symbolizes the desire to taste the fruits of the forbidden tree. A dead swan means that you are already fed up with earthly pleasures. If you dreamed of a flock of flying swans, then now your soul is filled with pleasant expectations that will soon come true.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing a swan in a dream means:

It’s good to see a pair of swans in a dream - this is a sign of future happiness and happy changes in the house. If you were in a quarrel with someone, that within two months you will make peace with everyone, your financial affairs will flow smoothly, an atmosphere of love and trust will reign in the house, everyone will respect you at work. However, do not abuse alcohol during this period, so that after this period you do not suffer from stomach ulcers or inflammation of the pancreas.
If the swans have bent dramatically and look like two deuces, you will soon be able to return to the question that you postponed “until better times” two months ago. A successful resolution of any problem is guaranteed to you.

Gypsy dream book

A dream with a swan in the dream book is interpreted as:

Modern dream book

Dreaming of a swan means:

Seeing white swans gliding across the mirror-like surface of water in a dream is a prediction of favorable prospects and prosperity.
A black swan seen in a dream is a sign of forbidden pleasure if it swims along clean water.
A dead swan is an omen of satiety and disappointment.
If you dreamed of flying swans, this is a prediction of pleasant expectations that will soon come true.

Dream book of health

Swan dream meaning:

Swan - indicates the possibility of family happiness, which is determined by your fidelity and care for your partner; Another interpretation is that there may be problems with the cervical spine, nerves in the neck or neck muscles.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

What does it mean if you dream of a swan:

Ukrainian dream book

What can a swan dream about:

Esoteric dream book

Swan in a dream means:

ABC of dream interpretation

If you dream of a swan, it means:

Swan - this bird is a sign of the White Goddess, the mother of the universe.
See a couple of swans - family happiness, Love.
Floating alone - contemplation, loneliness, melancholy.
To see a black swan is to encounter a deep secret.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A white swan floating on calm water symbolizes wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.
A black swan on clear water - dreams of dubious pleasures.
A dead swan in a dream portends annoyance and satiety.

Dream book of the 21st century

Swans dream of - to wealth, obtaining a high position.
Black swan - symbolizes a quarrel, abuse of spouses, a swan cry - troubles in the home, family.
Admiring a pair of swimming swans in a dream means that love and joy, family well-being await you.
Seeing a dead swan in a dream means the collapse of hopes for reciprocity, loneliness.
Seeing Swan Lake means family discord.

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation of the Past

Swans in a dream - this dream is associated with the expectation of a miracle and the fulfillment of hopes, because a swan is a bird of rare beauty. but, apart from beauty, the swan brings nothing to man. And therefore these hopes turn out to be false. This is an image that symbolizes the achievement of some result that you have been striving for for a long time, but which you actually do not need and will only cause damage to your vital energy. This can also be a symbol of the seizure of power over you, the cruel retention of it through beauty.
For a man, a swan means a mother or a beloved woman who provides negative impact, depriving him of independence and freedom.

Swan in a dream from Miller's dream book

A dream about a white swan floating on calm water means wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.
A black swan in clear water means dubious pleasures.
If you see in dead person's sleep swan - this means that annoyance and satiety await you.

Swan in a dream from Old Russian dream book

Swan in a dream from Miller's dream book

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

He is an extremely beautiful, but useless creature, stupider than a goose, with a shrill voice, bulging, unblinking, emotionless eyes of a thief. This image is associated with hopes and expectations of beauty, which in the future turn into very serious losses. Moreover, the image symbolizes the beginning capture of female emotional sensuality. The myth of Leda and Jupiter in the form of a swan symbolizes an alien presence that appropriates to itself the erotic emotional-sensual intimacy of female grace. For men, the swan is the image of a mother or a passionately loved woman.

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of May, June, July, August

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Swan in a dream from Children's dream book

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of a swan - you will soon learn an important secret. Consider whether you should know “too much.”
If you dreamed that you were throwing a stone at a swan, you will soon be greatly disappointed.
Go to the zoo, treat the swan with something healthy - most likely, you will be able to avoid disappointment, or at least soften its blow.
A dream in which you watched someone throw stones at a swan - one of your relatives will open your eyes to one of your friends, and you will be deeply disappointed. Do not be afraid of such a dream, you yourself are able to see the good and bad sides of a person.
You were hunting swans - be careful, with your long tongue you risk bringing trouble to your head, which is also very easy to avoid.

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation by Grishina

White swan - love caress / revelation of secrets / suffering and sadness / awakening of an energetic desire for spiritual purity / cleansing of the soul through suffering.
The black swan is a symbol of the unknowable, a mystery that you are powerless to penetrate.

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

Swan in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Swan in a dream from Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Swan - personifies purity, grandeur, grace and innocence.
So the image of a swan that appeared in your dream could be caused by the fact that in real life you have met a person who has the qualities mentioned above.
There is also a famous folk sign: “A swan flies to the snow” - which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, then frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.
The following popular expression is well widespread and known to every person: “Swan song” - this expression came from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend Swans sing only once before they die. And therefore, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life.
Seeing a swan with white plumage in a dream is a sign that fate will soon bring you together as a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.
If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be amazed at the hypocrisy of someone close to you.
Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground means that in reality you will have a task that you are unlikely to be able to cope with.
Watching swans swimming on a pond in a dream is evidence that you will soon receive well-deserved respect large quantity of people. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be offered a higher position, which you will handle with dignity.
Admiring the grace of swans in a dream is a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.
Feeding swans in a dream - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many real, sincerely loving and respecting friends who you can always rely on.
Seeing little swans in a dream is a sign that your children will soon bring you untold joy. You will be very proud of them.
If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks, this is evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will later regret very much, because, apparently, he will turn into a ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.
If you dreamed of a wounded swan, you will soon be very upset by the news of the illness, and perhaps even the death of a person close to you.
Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. You may be facing a serious loss.

Swan in a dream from Hasse's dream book

Swan in a dream from Hasse's dream book

Swan in a dream from French dream book

If you dreamed of a swan, such a dream promises you wealth and power. But if you dreamed of a black swan, it’s possible. Your economy and business will decline. If you dreamed of a singing swan, this dream predicts only sad events.

Swan in a dream from Slavic dream book

Swan in a dream from Indian dream book

Swan in a dream from Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Swan in a dream from Newest dream book

Swan in a dream from Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The white swan is a symbol of the white goddess and beauty. If such a sign appears to you, decide to soar to new heights easily and freely.
Black Swan - can be a hint of inner secrets and intuition.
Some people express the opinion that the swan means the balance of male and female energies, since its rounded shape symbolizes feminine qualities, and its long, elongated neck is a symbol of the phallus.

Swan in a dream from American dream book

Swan in a dream from Correct dream book

A journey in a dream can be joyful and exciting, or it can be sad and tragic. But dreams do not always need to be taken literally.

It is worth interpreting them carefully. Why do you dream of white swans? It's worth looking into.

Why do swans dream - basic interpretation

Swans are beautiful birds that are very rare and live mainly in pairs. Many people associate them with a holiday, a wedding, a joyful event, and for good reason. Swans are truly capable of giving wonderful emotions in reality. And in a dream they promise strong feelings.

But not all dream books interpret dreams in which swans appear from a positive point of view. You can find interpretations that say that swans are dreamed of as a symbol of suppression of will. It’s worth figuring out who in your environment negatively influences your important decisions.

If in a dream you throw crumbs to the birds, in reality your soulmate will be faithful to you and will passionately look forward to meeting you. If a bird floats past you on the water, all troubles and sorrows will leave you, life will improve and become simply unforgettable. Also, such a dream can promise the birth of a relationship that will develop into a full-fledged marriage.

Why do you dream of white swans, black swans according to the women's dream book

IN women's dream book it is said that White Swan, which floats peacefully on the waves, represents prospects for the future. This is a sign the right direction in life. Why do white swans dream of being dead? To losses and disappointments. What seemed very important to you yesterday has lost its value today. Such a dream may indicate the loss of relationships and loss of direction in life.

If in a dream you feed a white swan from your hand and at that moment it changes its color to black, such a dream indicates that someone from your environment will lose your trust. Why do you dream of black swans heading towards you - you shouldn’t believe the words. A person will appear in your life who will be capable of great meanness. He will enchant you with his independence and beauty, and you will not see the lie behind them.

Why do you dream of black swans that die - your enemy will finally leave you alone. Your problems have very little time left before their logical resolution. But do not delude yourself, since you are most likely making enemies for yourself.

Why do you dream of swans according to Aesop’s dream book?

Aesop's dream book says that a swan in a dream personifies the purity of thoughts and feelings in reality. Such a dream may portend a pleasant acquaintance with such a person who will leave an indelible mark on your life. A loyal, honest and fair person.

If you see in a dream how a swan flies away warmer climes- such a dream may indicate a cooling of feelings, a break in relationships, long trip. If you see a swan singing its song in a dream, you should fear for your health; you may suffer a serious illness.

If a man dreams of a swan with white plumage, such a dream speaks of a meeting with an innocent and affectionate girl who will make his life wonderful. If a swan with black plumage appears to you in a dream, such a dream indicates that the machinations of enemies and the betrayal of loved ones await you. Don't be too upset about such events. Everyone will get what they deserve.

If a swan wants to pick something up from the ground, a rather difficult task awaits you, which will take a lot of your time and will not bring any pleasure. If in a dream you see swans swimming decorously across a pond, in reality you will command respect from many people. You may be offered a promotion at work.

If you follow the gracefulness of birds in a dream, your business will go well and success awaits you. If in a dream you hand feed a bird, you are a successful and cheerful person. We need to look for more of these. Your friends are loyal and value you, your significant other lives for you. If in a dream you see little swans, your children will delight you more and more every day.

If you see in a dream a swan swimming in a lake along with ducks, you underestimate the person close to you. He will show himself again the best side, but trust cannot be regained. Therefore, it is better to appreciate him for every small act, which can soon grow into huge joyful and good deeds.

If a swan is wounded in a dream, a sudden trouble awaits you that will disrupt your plans. Such a dream may indicate the illness of a person close to you, about big losses. Seeing a swan die means saying goodbye to someone in reality. Such a dream can indicate both physical and spiritual death of a person. It may indicate that the couple's relationship has ended.

Why do you dream of swans according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that swans symbolize a harmonious personality who finds joy and happiness in love relationships with your soulmate. Sexually, such a person has no deviations. He is always ready to love and be loved.

Why do you dream of swans on the water? Freud’s dream book says that they are dreamed of as a symbol of favorable changes in a person’s personal life. You just have to want it and happiness will resume in those relationships in which it has already been forgotten.

If you dream that you are shooting at a bird, you are experiencing a feeling of aggression towards the opposite sex. You should moderate your ardor and work through your fears and complexes - they are the ones that prevent you from building a long and happy relationship in reality.

If you dreamed of a black swan, such a dream suggests that not everything is so rosy in the relationship between partners. If a lonely girl had such a dream, she will have to wait for her prince for a long time. And all because she did not know how to appreciate self-care and the love that her previous partner gave her.

Seeing a swan in a cage means your relationship is weighing you down. It's time to break free and not live in a golden cage. You should talk to your partner about freedom in sex; it’s time to set the record straight on controversial issues. If your partner is not ready to give you freedom, perhaps he does not love you, he simply wants to own you and bend you to his will.

Why do you dream of swans according to other dream books?

Medea's dream book says that swans symbolize white magic, good deeds. If you see a pair of swans, there will be a place in your home only for love and happiness. Why do you dream of swans on the water? If a bird floats alone, then it awaits you in reality. You yourself will get tired of worldly troubles and problems and decide to take a break from everything that is happening. But you shouldn’t plunge headlong into loneliness, it’s dangerous. If you saw a black swan in a dream, you will have to face a secret, it will be very unpleasant for you.

Why do you dream of swans on the water? family dream book? They dream of a beautiful not only externally, but also spiritually beloved. If the bird takes flight, it’s time for you to take a break from the relationship so that later it can develop with renewed vigor. If one of your relatives is sick, the disease will soon recede. You should take important decisions, as they will give the desired result.

The Ukrainian dream book says that a swan is a very positive symbol in a dream. It promises favorable events and a pleasant holiday together. If a swan swims alone on the surface of the lake, separation from your loved one awaits you. If you are already separated, the meeting will not take place for a long time. If you see a lot of swans on the lake, such a dream speaks of numerous troubles associated with your personal life.

The wanderer’s dream book says that a swan dreams of sadness. A long period of mental suffering and anxiety is possible. You shouldn’t take on a lot of obligations and try to seem better to others than you are—few people will appreciate this. If you see a lonely black swan, such a dream could mean the death of a loved one. If you see a pair of cooing swans and several swans next to them, take care of the safety of your family. Your children need you, they need your care.

Just as you should not offend birds in reality, you should not do this in a dream. A bird wounded by you promises you revenge for words spoken hastily. It’s worth thinking in advance who you might offend, so as not to make enemies. You should also be more affectionate and gentle with your significant other. You don’t always need to submit, sometimes you need to submit in order to save the relationship. In any case, these beautiful birds give joy and happiness both in reality and in dreams. Dreams about them tell a person to rejoice in every happy and pleasant little thing, because there is only one life and it is fleeting.

A white swan is very symbolic, so it is not surprising that when you wake up in the morning you want to know why white swans are in your dreams. This beautiful bird is associated with purity of soul, and is also a harbinger of amazing events, therefore, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember the entire plot and take into account the details.

What does the dream mean?

Admiring the beauty of a white swan in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will try to achieve his goal in any way, but when this happens, he will not experience the expected joy. And all because hopes will not come true. The dream, as it were, warns that you should not expect any special result from what you are doing now, but instead enjoy the process of achieving it.

If a woman has such a dream, she will most likely be disappointed in her marriage, because she will convict her husband of selfishness and desire to have fun on the side. In this case, divorce may be the only option, especially if she wants happiness for herself and does not want to suffer through living with the wrong person.

For unmarried girl a dream with a pair of white swans - predicts happy marriage, but for an older woman this could mean a family reunion, for a man a meeting with new love. If you dreamed of a whole flock of white swans, then in real life your beginnings will be crowned with success and even very dubious projects will bring a lot of money.

A white swan in a dream may mean that you have finally decided to soar to new heights easily and freely. But the black swan draws your attention to the intuition and hidden internal forces of the sleeper, which you should believe in and begin to use correctly.

Often a white swan comes in a dream to warn of suffering that will lead a person to purification and enlightenment, so there is no need to complain about life - it is better to look inside yourself. All the answers are within each of us, we just need to remain honest with ourselves.

If you have seen a white swan swimming on the water, you are expected positive changes and new opportunities. Thanks to all this, you will improve your material component in life.

Killing a bird in a dream means that in real life the dreamer may behave incorrectly in a situation, which will subsequently ruin his entire life. To prevent this from happening, a person needs to start treating other people with kindness and responsiveness. For those who are married, a white swan portends an addition to the family. And those who are single need to prepare to meet their soulmate.

To dream of several swans swimming on a lake white, means that in reality you will have to pass the tests of fame and fortune. To achieve true happiness, you must always complete everything and be more flexible in decisions and actions.

What does the dream portend?

In Miller's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as an unexpected meeting in the near future, which he for a long time will remember.

IN modern dream book it is stated that the dreamer or dreamer will meet new passion. The other half will be good-looking, but on an intellectual level it may not suit you.

The most important thing after sleep is the feelings that remain with you and the thought spinning in your head. This is the main thing that the subconscious wanted to convey to you.

Find out more

  • The swan represents purity, grandeur, grace and innocence. So the image of a swan that appeared in your dream could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person with the above-mentioned qualities. There is also a well-known folk sign: “A swan is flying towards the snow,” which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.
  • The following popular expression is well widespread and known to every person: “Swan song”. This expression comes from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend, swans sing only once before they die. And therefore, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life.
  • Seeing a swan with white plumage in a dream is a sign that fate will soon bring you together as a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.
  • If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, then in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be amazed at the hypocrisy of someone close to you. After all, everyone knows that, despite its white plumage, the swan has a black body.
  • Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground means that in reality you will have a task that you are unlikely to be able to cope with.
  • Watching swans swimming on a pond in a dream is evidence that you will soon receive the well-deserved respect of a large number of people. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be offered a higher position, which you will handle with dignity.
  • Admiring the grace of swans in a dream is a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.
  • Feeding swans in a dream - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many real, sincerely loving and respecting friends who you can always rely on.
  • Seeing little swans in a dream is a sign that your children will soon bring you untold joy. You will be very proud of them.
  • If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks, this is evidence that in real life you are underestimating a person, which you will later regret very much, because, apparently, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.
  • If you dreamed of a wounded swan, then soon you will be very upset by the news of the illness, and perhaps even the death of a person close to you.
  • Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. You may be facing a serious loss.

Many people speak with delight about such a graceful and beautiful bird as a swan. These creatures certainly inspire admiration just by their appearance. But what if these luxurious birds appeared in a dream? What does such an image promise? Today we invite you to find out together why swans dream. And several of the most complete and trustworthy sources will help us with this.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

Let's find out how to interpret the vision in which the swan appears, famous esotericist from the United States. So, if you dreamed of this luxurious bird on clear water, then dubious pleasures await you in the near future. A dead bird promises disappointment and a feeling of satiety. Why do you dream of white swans? If these birds swim peacefully in calm water, then in the near future, magnificent prospects will open up for you in reality. This vision also promises pleasant experiences and

Freud's Dream Book

Now let’s find out how the founder of psychoanalysis interprets the appearance of a swan in a night dream. So, according to Freud, this bird symbolizes harmoniously developed person who does not have any deviations in the intimate sphere. But this is only if a swan in a dream swims across a lake or pond or flies in the sky. The vision in which you shoot this bird will have a completely different interpretation. Such a dream suggests that, even despite a good upbringing, you are very aggressive towards the opposite sex. Moreover, you cannot take control in any way.

Ancient French dream book

In general, this bird is considered by the compilers of this collection as a symbol of the acquisition of wealth, some kind of property. And the swan? Such a vision is considered a bad sign. So, it suggests that there is a possibility of serious problems and difficulties in your affairs. But the singing swan is a harbinger of extremely sad events in the life of the sleeper.

Islamic dream book

This source considers the swan as good sign. Thus, a dreaming bird promises the sleeping person the acquisition of wealth. However, he can achieve this only through honest work.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, if you dreamed of a tame swan, then this is a good sign. So, he promises the sleeping person happiness in family life and healthy children. But wild birds are seen as a symbol of power and wealth. A black swan promises disagreements with your spouse. However, after some time, disputes will be replaced by violent passion and reconciliation. If you see these birds in a zoo, then in the foreseeable future you will desperately want peace, quiet and comfort. Why do you dream of swans swimming in the lake? Such a vision promises excellent prospects and success, which, of course, will have an extremely positive effect on your mood. If you dreamed of swans on the shore, then perhaps you will find yourself in a very diverse company and indulge in dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Why do you dream of swans in a couple? This vision according to information from of this dream book promises happy events and changes for the better in the house. If you are currently in a quarrel with someone, then within two months you will definitely make peace. Also, after this period, you will earn respect at work both among colleagues and superiors. In addition, you will be successful in financial matters. However, it is strongly recommended not to abuse alcohol during this period, as there is a high probability of developing a stomach ulcer or problems with the pancreas. If in your dream the swans picturesquely bent their necks, becoming like the number 2, then in exactly 47 days you will be able to return to solving the issue that was previously postponed until better times. Moreover, you will be able to resolve the situation in the best possible way.

Dream book for lovers

Why do you dream of white swans? If in your vision these birds are swimming on bright, clean water, then in real life your relationship with your loved one will be harmonious and bring only joy. A black swan in a dream predicts a situation in which you will indulge in some dubious pleasures. Your partner will find out about this, which will put your relationship in jeopardy. Therefore, you should be more careful about your actions and not get involved with bad company.

Esoteric dream book

This source considers the swan as a symbol of fidelity. If the bird in your dream was white, then this is for a wedding. But the black swan promises to bring you only torment and suffering. A wounded bird indicates that some event will leave a mark on your soul for life.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to information from this collection, the swan is a symbol of purity, greatness, innocence and grace. Therefore, the image of this bird, seen at night, may hint that in real life you have already met or are about to meet a person who has all the listed qualities. Why do you dream of swans in the sky? The dream book claims that such a vision promises cold weather and the first snow. The collection also contains a reminder of the famous popular expression “swan song”. It came to us from the depths of centuries. Our ancestors believed that a swan sings only once in its life - on the eve of death. Therefore, along with positive interpretations this bird can be a harbinger of serious illness or even death.

Why do you dream of swans on the water? Such a vision suggests that the sleeper will soon earn the respect of many people. Perhaps you will be offered leadership position which you can handle successfully. A dream in which you see a swan with snow-white plumage promises a meeting with an innocent, pure girl who will make you look at the world in a new way. A black bird means that something bad awaits you. It is quite possible that you will be shocked by the hypocrisy on the part of a loved one.

A vision in which a swan is trying to pick up something from the ground indicates that in the foreseeable future you will have some kind of task that you cannot cope with alone. Therefore, do not refuse help. Why do you dream of a flock of swans? If you look at these birds in fascination and admire their grace, then you are expected a big joy and success in business. A vision in which you feed these birds indicates that you are very lucky. After all, you have reliable and devoted friends on whom you can always rely and who are ready to come to your aid at the first call. We can only envy you, because these days this is a great luxury. Therefore, appreciate your friends and never question their attitude towards you.

A dream in which swan chicks appear promises untold joy that your own children will bring you. This will make you very proud of them. If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by several ducks, then in reality you probably seriously underestimate the person from your environment. Moreover, in the future you will regret it, since he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. Seeing a wounded bird in a dream is considered a bad sign. So, the dream in which she appears indicates that you will soon receive news of a serious illness or even the death of someone close to you.