Why do you dream about being called by name? Signs of changes in your personal life

Often a sleeping person can see in his dreams that he is calling someone. Is such a dream a good sign? Perhaps he foreshadows trouble? You can find out about this in full detail below.

When wondering why you dream of calling someone in a dream, you should familiarize yourself with the explanations of the dream book of the healer Evdokia. According to him, such dreams foreshadow risky situations that a person will find himself in in the near future. Moreover, if you had to call your relatives in a dream, then this means illness. If a person was called by name in a dream, then this portends serious troubles. However, if you are careful, you can avoid them to some extent.

The psychological dream book interprets such dreams differently. Calling someone in your dreams is a harbinger of the loss of a loved one. Moreover, this will not happen because of a catastrophe or other accident, but because of a serious quarrel that will ultimately destroy the relationship. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore them in the future. If a person called friends in his dreams, then this foreshadows betrayal on their part. Therefore, it is recommended to beware of them. If a person called his enemies in his dreams, then you can prepare for the fact that a magnificent celebration will soon be organized, where you will be able to make new useful acquaintances.

According to the modern dream book, if a person called a friend in a dream, then he will become seriously ill. The disease will need to be treated for a long time and complications will still remain. Calling a relative in a dream is also a bad sign, because it means that things will be at risk. However, there is a chance to save them, but with the help of strangers. Calling your lover in your dreams good sign, because it means that you will soon be able to experience unforgettable moments.

If you dream that unfamiliar faces are calling a person in your dreams, then this is a good omen. You can count on unexpected luck in the future. White stripe will accompany you in life for a very long time.

The big dream book predictor interprets the call differently. According to him, dreams where a person dreamed that he was calling loved ones by name is a sign that a serious danger is hanging over him, which he is not even aware of. It will entail dire consequences. Call your own in a dream best friend will mark illness. Moreover, it will occur in a very serious form. It is possible that you will have to spend more than a year on treatment. In this case, it may also happen that a person will not be able to overcome the disease and will die.

If a person calls in a dream those people who have already died, then this is an excellent sign. He says that positive changes will come in his life. They will have a positive impact on how professional activities, and in my personal life. It is possible that you will open your own successful business and enter into a marital union that will be strong and happy. If a person invited his friends to visit, this means that he will soon have to deal with the hassle associated with preparing the holiday. By the way, it will be fun and will leave a lasting impression.

Calling unknown people in a dream means achieving peace. It will be achieved through the search for one’s own Self. This state will definitely bring a person positive changes in life, which will be appreciated by him. Calling children in your dreams is a bad sign. It is a commemoration of adversity and difficulty. Not everyone will be able to overcome them. There is a risk of falling into a depressive state and giving up a cool-headed solution to the problems that have arisen.

Having seen a dream where a person called someone in a dream, you should not immediately be afraid of him. You should try to analyze it and use interpretations famous dream books. Then you will be able to find the key to its correct solution.

The Small Velesov Dream Book interprets the call of someone in a dream quite positively. So, if a person tried to call out to loved ones in his dreams, this means that he will soon be promoted. In this case, there will be a rise in career ladder several times very short term. You will be able to stay at the top for a long time and earn everyone’s respect. If a person called someone from his family in a dream, then you should prepare for great joy. It may be associated with the birth of a child, the purchase of something valuable, meeting a person with whom you have not been able to meet for a long time, and so on.

According to Esoteric dream book calling someone in a dream is a sign of being in danger. However, if you manage to make an effort, then serious consequences can be avoided. Calling a woman in a dream means that a person lacks warm attitude from loved ones. Such dreams often plunge people into a depressed state. It is extremely difficult to get out of it if you do not meet a person who will help you survive such a moment. According to the Esoteric Dream Book, calling in a dream in a raised tone is a bad sign. Someone close to you will soon get sick. If a person called animals, then you can count on an acquaintance to invite you to a fun event where you can have a good time and make useful contacts.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, to call someone in a dream to an unusual incident of an unpleasant nature. If a person calls out to his mother in a dream, it means that he will soon have to receive good news. If the call was loud, then this portends trouble.

Calling someone in a dream can be either a good or a bad sign. Here it all depends on which dream book a person decided to use to unravel his dreams. It is recommended to rely on several interpretations to get a complete picture.

A dream about a dreamed name may have different interpretations. If the dreamer hears one of his relatives calling out to him, then he needs to start communicating more with this relative. If the dreamer calls someone, but the person being called does not want to turn to him, this is not auspicious sign, characterizing the dreamer as a selfish and narcissistic person. Writing someone's name is a sign that the dreamer does not think about the future, but lives only in memories. If a person dreams of being called by someone else’s name, then such a dream foreshadows minor domestic quarrels and disagreements between family members.

Key values

If a guy dreamed of the name of a girl who is attractive to him, but does not pay attention to him, then such dreams are a reflection of the dreamer’s feelings and experiences.
Dreams in which the dreamer shouts a name loved one or a relative is a sign of serious problems in mutual understanding between people. In reality the dreamer cannot find common language with others, to reach them. To resolve this situation, a frank heart-to-heart conversation is needed, without unnecessary emotions.

If the dreamer calls a person in a dream, but he does not respond and does not turn around, then this is a sign that the dreamer’s selfishness and narcissism are the causes of many of his problems. It is necessary to change your attitude towards loved ones and life priorities. Otherwise, the possibility cannot be ruled out that in difficult times the relatives will turn away from the dreamer and will not lend him a helping hand.

Writing someone's name in a dream is a negative sign. He says that the dreamer is too fixated on events that happened in the past. The future doesn't matter to him. If you don't change your attitude towards life, it can result in depression, apathy and emotional exhaustion.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

What do the letters you see portend?

An accurate interpretation of dreams about a name is impossible without taking into account the meanings of each letter that is included in the name:

Letter Big Small
A Victory over enemies and ill-wishers Small income
B Promotion Ability to keep the situation under control
IN To unexpected news Towards profit
G You need to go to church and pray Blessing of the dreamer's deeds
D To temporary financial difficulties Need to save money
E Life with clear conscience Regret about certain actions and words
AND Invitation to the celebration Desire for dramatic changes in life
Z A lot of worries and worries Small household chores
AND Anxious anticipation of an inspection or commission To receive disturbing news
TO Visiting a spiritual meeting, temple Purity of thoughts
L Profitable event Doubt about your feelings
M Development of plans Depression, apathy
N To conflict at work Help from a loved one in difficult times
ABOUT Repeating your mistakes Solving an old problem
P Rash words and actions The insincerity of a loved one
R Party invitation To receive good news
WITH Meeting with ex-love To receive interesting information
T Getting to know good person Meeting with an old friend
U Success and honor among colleagues Successful completion of the planned event
F Development of new original ideas Monotonous and boring life
X Wedding ceremony Preparing for the wedding
C Start of a new romantic relationship Attention from a loved one
H Errors in calculations Passion for gambling
Sh To an unexpected gift Name day invitation
SCH Generous gift Original surprise
E Need to be more proactive Towards the implementation of the plan
Yu Living with your elderly parents Reflections on the future
I Resolution of a controversial issue Getting advice from wise man

If you dreamed about your name

A dream in which one of the relatives called out to the dreamer, and the dreamer recognized this voice - a sign that the dreamer had completely forgotten about this person. You need to visit him or call him.

If the dreamer was born in the fall, and he happened to hear his name in a dream, this is a warning symbol indicating that it is necessary to go to church and pray for those relatives who are no longer alive. If you were able to recognize the voice and it belonged to a deceased person, then you should light a candle for his repose.

If a male dreamer was born in the summer and he dreamed that some woman was calling him, this is a favorable sign. The dream means that the dreamer has a secret admirer who dreams of being with him. For girls, a dream has the same meaning if the person who said her name in a dream is a man.

According to the Ukrainian dream interpreter, hearing in a dream how an alarming voice calls the dreamer by name is a good sign, foreshadowing the receipt of good news from afar or dramatic changes in better side.

If someone called a person by name, and this caused him a pleasant feeling, then the dream means that the dreamer’s help is needed by one of his relatives. A call that evokes anxious and exciting feelings indicates that the dreamer is in danger. It is necessary to avoid walking around the city alone at night and drinking alcoholic beverages large quantities, especially in the company of unfamiliar people.

A dream in which the dreamer is called by someone else's name, but he cannot remember what his real name is, foreshadows minor domestic quarrels. Another interpretation of the dream - stranger will deceive the dreamer or drag him into some kind of scam in order to denigrate his reputation and position in society. Such dreams indicate that the dreamer is carried away by solving other people's problems to the detriment of his own interests.

According to the Gypsy Dream Book, seeing your name written in luminous letters means great material losses, poverty and the lack of opportunity to return to your former self. material well-being.

According to modern dream book, the dreamer's name written on a blank sheet of paper, dreams of a difficult and long trial, which will take a lot of physical and moral strength.

The dreamer may dream unusual places where he saw or heard his name:

  • Seeing your name displayed on the board is a sign that in the near future you will have to engage in socially useful activities.
  • If the dreamer heard his name on TV or in a radio program, then fame, glory and honor await him.
  • The dreamer's name written on a large banner indicates that soon the person will have to go out into the world. To avoid falling flat on your face, you should practice oratory.
  • Addressing the dreamer in a letter promises meeting interesting and pleasant people.

If they try not to call a person by name, this promises dismissal from work or separation from the other half.

Hearing several people calling the dreamer at the same time means getting rid of loneliness and depressive state.

Getting lost in the forest and hearing your name is a favorable symbol, foreshadowing the beginning of a turning point in life.

Hearing a friend’s name in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer’s good friends will provide him with help and support in a difficult life situation.

For unmarried girl calling your lover by name is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the rapid development of relationships and fast wedding. If in at the moment If there is some cooling in the relationship, then the dream symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of losing her other half.

If a man who recently broke up with his beloved dreams female name, then this suggests that he will be successful among girls. In addition, his financial affairs will go up, he will be able to improve his financial condition and pay off his debts.

If young man he dreamed about the name of a girl he has been thinking about for a long time - this is a good sign. He says that the girl herself will take the initiative in their romantic relationships.

If in a dream the dreamer chooses a name for a child, although in reality he has no such intentions yet, this is a warning sign that promises big changes in life. The main thing is to remember the name and then look up its meaning. This will determine further development events in the dreamer's life.

Hearing your boss being called in a dream means a promotion. wages. This will be a worthy reward for the dreamer’s hard work at work.

The meaning of the dream about Shortness of Breath (Symbolic Dream Book)

To dream that you are calling someone, calling someone in a dream - in reality you will receive unexpected support from a complete stranger to you. The one you least count on will help you. In general, this dream can be considered a positive omen. Except for those cases when in a dream you had to call for help - this is already a warning, a warning about some danger that will threaten you in reality. And a big trouble awaits you, from which you will not be able to get out without outside help. Probably, in order to cope with the problem, you will have to involve someone from high-ranking acquaintances in it. Calling them for help is no longer, but in reality.

Why do you dream about Calling (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Did you dream about calling? Tsvetkov’s dream book says that if in a dream you understand who you are calling, and clearly recognize the identity of the person you are looking for, the dream can be considered prophetic. That is, in reality you miss exactly the person you call in your dream. Perhaps, in this way, your subconscious is trying to tell you who exactly can help with the problem that is most acute for you in reality at the moment. Listen carefully to your dream, and it will help you get rid of the problem.

The meaning of a dream about calling someone (Modern dream book)

If in a dream you have to call someone, it means that a not very pleasant period in life awaits you. Calling in a dream - expect in reality some troubles, problems in business and other difficulties in which you may need outside help. If you dream that you are calling, and this person responds, comes to you, the dream says, then you will be able to get the support you need. You dream that you never received an answer; unfortunately, in reality you will also have to make do on your own.

Why does a woman dream of Calling (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

If you call friends or acquaintances in a dream, you will soon need powerful support and help, material. If they call you, you will have to be helped: someone is in dire need of your advice, kind words, and support. Why dream of calling - If your relatives do not have such a need, this is an old acquaintance or a person with whom you see extremely rarely.

Analysis of a dream in which I dreamed of Calling (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

When you call someone, this is a sign of your imbalance, dissatisfaction with your existing sexual relationships and a tendency to be adventurous. At least, this is how psychoanalysis interprets the dream in which you happen to be called. You dream that you are calling someone, calling in a dream - obviously, in reality you would like to find another partner, and perhaps even several. Or are you looking for a person who will be your support in life and will be able to solve your problems for you.

Why do you dream about Calling in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

When you see a dream in which you are calling someone, calling in a dream is a warning that you should not agree to participate in some risky business. Otherwise, you may even lose what you have. If you dream that you had to call someone close to you, the dream predicts the illness of one of your family members. Seeing yourself calling for your loved one is not a very good warning. Most likely, changes are overdue in your relationship. It is possible that one of you will find a new partner.

Calling is always a warning sign. If you dream that you are calling your children home, for example, the dream predicts difficulties and problems in your business that will grow like a snowball. One trouble will drag a friend down with it and you may find yourself in difficult situation. Probably in reality it is best for you to call someone for help in time, as your dream tells you. When you dream that you are inviting someone to visit, but people refuse to come or simply do not come, the dream indicates that you have extremely complex character. Because of this, you may quarrel with someone close and dear to you, and the matter will end in a final separation. Try to draw the necessary conclusions in time and not lead to a break. Especially if you really value this relationship.

What does it mean to see a dream about the Call of someone? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

Call in a dream. If a familiar voice calls you in a dream, you should take this literally - this is the person who wants to see you and say something. Hearing a stranger calling you in a dream is a warning of danger. Something bad may happen to the one whose name is mentioned; the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of the one whose voice you hear. Calling a deceased person in a dream is a symbol of approaching trouble or illness. For people in love, calling each other is a call to be more attentive to each other, a warning about possible separation.

How to understand why you dreamed of Calling in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

According to the dream book, to see in a dream that someone was called loudly in a dream - in reality this is an expression of your fears. IN real life You will do a stupid thing and become the subject of persecution or ridicule. To accurately interpret the dream Call, you need to remember who you killed in the dream. If it was a person you didn’t know, then the dream is talking about a risky undertaking in reality. Calling a person you know means help from your good friends and acquaintances. Calling a friend or relative in a dream means their illness. But a dream in which you call a dead person speaks of the support of higher powers.

Call, call, Loff's dream book

Quite often a person has to call someone in a dream, and among these dreams, only those require special consideration when this element of the dream is especially emphasized and is key. Most often this is a sign of a request, help, service, sometimes for forgiveness and return (an example of a dream is calling a loved one and seeing him leaving). This refers to dreams in which the one you are calling is present in the plot.

If in a dream you happen to call by name a person who is not nearby, then the motivating motive for your action is important, since even in the dream you know very well that they will not hear you. The reasons, and therefore the forecasts, remain the same, but the details of the dream indicate an increased distance and, most likely, the futility of your cry from the soul - they do not hear you.

You dream that someone is calling you - who was it? Did you recognize this voice, is this person alive at the moment, or is the deceased calling you? We will dwell on dreams in which the call of a dead person is seen later.

If someone calls you from behind, from behind, the dream indicates that it is not this person, but you yourself who will need his help. The voice was unfamiliar - you will be looking for support, so do not cut bridges, do not summarize contacts that, in your opinion, have exhausted their usefulness.

A living person calls you in a dream, standing in front (he is visible) - a sign that he will need help and moral support in reality. Perhaps this will be a request for forgiveness, which for various reasons he cannot express in real life. Help him do this.

If you don’t see someone who calls you by name and encourages you to go forward, this is danger.

A special and very common category of dreams is a dead person calling a living person to him. Interpretation similar dreams should be mentally divided into three large groups. But they all relate to those cases when the deceased, who is calling you to follow him, was during his lifetime a significant person for you, a close person, and was, of course, recognized in a dream.

The first reason for dreams of the call of the deceased is guilt, a conscious or subconscious awareness of its degree and depth.

The second is emotional, financial or intellectual dependence on the departed person.

The third is the psychological inability of the sleeper to accept the fact of this death. We consider all three reasons in isolation from the metaphysical aspects of the immortality of the soul.

From what has been said, it is clear that the more often a relative or a deceased person appears in a dream and calls you, the more restless the atmosphere of such a dream, the more burdened your conscience is in front of him and the higher the dependence.

Often the logical chain of this dependence is built from an analysis of the life period (in real life) during which the dead call to themselves. If in a dream a dead person calls at the moment when a problem is overtaking in reality, the dreamer is in obvious difficulty - it means that it is in this plane that there is a gap formed after the death of this person.

If dreams in which the dead man calls for him are accompanied by nightmares, take on the appearance of real horror, and the calling dead man takes on an ominous appearance - the dreamer is left with guilt, an “unpaid debt”, which he still does not consciously and objectively recognize, this feeling comes to him from the depths of the subconscious. This is the quiet voice of conscience, which can only be heard when the voice of reason falls asleep and consciousness is inactive.

Why do you dream about calling - esoteric dream book

If you dream that your name is being called, the person doing this will need help, this is a dream with a literal meaning (if the voice was familiar to you).

If a dead person calls with him in a dream, it means illness.

The deceased invites you to visit and promises that you will return - to the great danger of an accident.

A dead father calls his son - sleep demands separate interpretation. Maybe, we're talking about about the life of a sleeping person, which runs counter to the upbringing he received. This is a warning that all this will be followed by serious punishment.

Calling the deceased yourself in a dream means an inability to do anything after this person leaves your real life.

Calling your mother's name in a dream means you will experience a strong fright.

Why do people dream about calling people - a modern dream book

If you dream that a deceased person is calling you to him, this means that you feel guilty towards him or find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without the help that he could provide you during his lifetime. If you have such a dream often, you should atone for your guilt with alms.

If in a dream a dead man whom you barely knew in life calls for you, listen to how his voice sounded. If you feel anxious and frightening, there is real danger ahead. If he calls you calmly and kindly, you will need the help of strangers.

A dream in which a deceased person calls not you, but a person close to you, is a harbinger of a terrible danger for him.

Calling a dog means being forced to turn to friends for help.

If you yourself had a chance to call a dead person in a dream, you will create problems for yourself.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Call in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about the Call in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Call in a dream?

They called you by name strangers- you will find yourself in a risky situation, but strangers will help you; if a friend or relative called - to their illness. Hearing that your loved one (or beloved) is calling you means that you are not attentive enough to him (her) and this is fraught with misunderstanding and quarrel. Hearing the call of a deceased person means trouble, illness, as it is said in the dream book about this dream; for details, if you dream about the Call, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Call in a dream?

Do you hear some strange voices calling your name? There are plans in your affairs serious problems. Hearing the call of a friend or relative means a serious illness or other trouble for this person. The call of a lover is a warning: you risk losing your loved one. Hearing the voice of a deceased person means a serious illness or major troubles in business.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Call according to the dream book?

If you dreamed that someone called you - know that your business will be at risk, but strangers will help you. Hearing the call of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. The call of your lover means that you are not attentive enough to him. The call of the deceased warns against possible illness.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Call mean?

Call (see also Scream) - If you dreamed that someone was calling you by name, although you did not see the person calling you, then this is a sign that you are in dangerous situation. If the voice that calls you by name is familiar to you and is the voice of a friend or relative, then this dream foreshadows serious illness and even the danger of the latter's death. If you hear the call of those who have already died, then this dream indicates to you the danger of getting sick yourself.