Why do you dream about the neighbors from above being flooded with water - interpretation of the dream according to dream books. I dreamed of a flood in the apartment - interpretation according to famous dream books

Were your upstairs neighbors flooded in your dream? This plot is often interpreted in a negative way, but there are also positive values. What does the vision mean in a dream - difficulties, misunderstandings, hardships or career growth, problem solving - our dream book will tell you.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what the water was like:

  • icy - hardships await;
  • hot, scalded by it in a dream - your carelessness will cause material losses;
  • cloudy - you will get sick soon;
  • rusty - personal relationships will be complicated by quarrels;
  • poured very strongly - you will feel strong emotions and physiological desires, it will be difficult to resist them.

Miller's Dream Book: Wasting Time

Why dream of seeing your neighbors and quarreling because they flooded you? The dreamer will waste a lot of useful time in disputes and gossip.

Misunderstandings, unhappy events

Did you dream about how your apartment was flooded by your upstairs neighbors, and you were quarreling with them? In reality, life will become more complicated due to some misunderstandings.

Did you dream that your apartment was flooded? The dream symbolizes sensuality and base desires. Soon some extraordinary event will occur that will have an impact on the relationship with your partner.

Why do you dream that you are in a flood in your apartment and feel cold streams of water on you? The dream book warns: some unhappy events are coming that could come as a shock to you. Moreover, troubles will happen within our own walls.

Problems with property need to be resolved in a timely manner

Did you dream about water pouring into your apartment from above? Serious difficulties with property are possible, although at first they will seem insignificant. Try to take measures at the first alarm bells so as not to worsen the situation.

The dream book says: seeing in a dream how the neighbors from above were flooded is a hint that you need to be able to use in a timely manner. The problems are still small, so the dreamer can still solve them with minimal losses. To do this you need to show persistence and common sense.

Fight negative emotions

Why do you dream about such a plot? The sleeper is overwhelmed negative emotions, feelings, thoughts that can negatively affect his relationships with others. We need to restrain them, control them, so as not to provoke quarrels and conflicts. We need to try to get rid of dark thoughts, negative.

To see your home being flooded by your upstairs neighbors in a dream and water simply flooding it means: there will be a lot of news that will be the beginning of change. Was she going up? You will resist this trend. Decreased? You will find yourself powerless.

Positive values

Did you dream of cleaning up the consequences of a flooded house? The dream book suggests: if you managed to eliminate them, restore cleanliness and order, the problems will soon be resolved, the troubles will end or will be avoided altogether.

Some dreams cause anxiety and fear in people, especially if the events in them were not very pleasant. If you dreamed that your apartment was flooded, you need to remember what the water was like, where it came from, how the dreamer behaved, and what furniture was damaged during the flood.

What if you dream about your apartment being flooded?

If in a dream the apartment in which the dreamer lives is flooded, then there is not much ahead good times. Dirty and dark water flowing down the walls from the ceiling is a warning about financial losses, discord in your personal life, minor troubles, illnesses of relatives and friends. Also, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s real concerns about his property. And, by the way, this concern cannot be called unfounded. It is possible that some losses or waste related to existing property await the person ahead.

If in a dream clean water flows down the walls and the dreamer sees damaged repairs and flooded furniture, he will have some troubles related to current affairs. Due to the fact that the water in a dream is clean, there is no need to worry about the successful outcome of the matter; everything will turn out in favor of the dreamer.

Getting wet feet in a dream due to a flood in the apartment is a warning that the dreamer will soon have an unexpected business trip, which will bring the person many pleasant memories and possibly a promotion up the career ladder.

If a young girl sees her own flooded apartment in a dream, this is good sleep which promises the dreamer quick marriage with a desired and beloved man, healthy children. Moreover, the marriage will be successful, life will be comfortable and the dreamer will be absolutely happy. For married women, such a dream promises troubles related to children.

A dream in which your own apartment is flooded with water right up to the ceiling can be interpreted depending on how the dreamer felt in it. If a person swam calmly and without panic in his own home, the dream predicts nothing bad. Especially if the water was free of dirt. The dream promises big profits or a stable financial situation in the family.

If a person sees in a dream a completely unfamiliar apartment that is buried in water, changes await him ahead associated with a change in place of residence. It is possible that the dreamer will soon purchase or receive a new home.

Trying to collect water from the floor in a dream means frustration in reality. The dreamer will be dissatisfied with that that in the workplace management will not appreciate his efforts. Collect water from strangers- find out that employees are baiting the person who has had a dream and are trying in every possible way to denigrate the person in front of their superiors.

What does it portend?

If the dreamer suddenly sees a fire in the middle of a flooded apartment, one should expect news of the sudden death of one of the relatives. The combination of water and fire in one dream is a very bad omen that should never be ignored.

Trying to stop the water that is gushing from the pipe is a sign of gossip, which will make the person who sees the dream experience unpleasant emotions. Ill-wishers or enemies will denigrate the dreamer in every possible way.

Quickly eliminating the consequences of the flood means good changes and the successful completion of all work started. The dreamer can also count on financial rewards at work.

Seeing real rain in the apartment is a good omen. The dream promises the dreamer an acquaintance, which will soon develop into strong and mutual love. Drops falling from the ceiling are strong and passionate feelings that will engulf the person who sees the dream.

Swimming in a panic in dirty water, drinking it or drowning - to big financial losses, which the dreamer cannot control in any way.

No matter how the dream scares the dreamer, no matter how scary it is, there is no need to panic and despair. Dreams come true quite rarely. You need to be wary if the dream is repeated periodically or occurs on prophetic days or major church holidays.

Water is a symbol of human passions and emotions, which are often hidden. A flow of water or flooding means that feelings are getting out of control, something is ready to break out into the outside world, causing a lot of inconvenience to those related to this process or situation. Flooding is considered a sign of lack of independence of the sleeper. The solution will be self-control, getting rid of internal negativity, or a way of resolving issues in which no one gets hurt.

If you dream of an apartment being flooded, this is a symbol of the dreamer’s helplessness. One side of the interpretation is failure and major failure, and on the other, success and prosperity that will come into life. The interpretation focuses on the details of the dream, which will help determine its true meaning.

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    Basic meaning

    Housing flooded with water - to trouble, illness, restrictions, loss of property, the end of an important matter, family misunderstandings. To experience fear while sleeping means that in reality it will not be easy to adapt to new circumstances after failures.

    Seeing a house filled with water is a sign of big changes that will turn life in a different direction. Observing a space filled with water, and if things and furniture do not deteriorate, in reality means being in a state of overwhelm with feelings, inactivity of the mind, and falling in love.

    To an unmarried girl seeing a flood in a dream promises imminent marriage and pregnancy.

    A dream in which it is necessary to carry out work to eliminate the mess, collect water, has negative interpretation. Sometimes it means that the owner will lose his home, sign the wrong papers under the influence of alcohol, or be deceived.

    If the water begins to decrease - a sign of an unchanged position in life, the dreamer will want to leave everything as it was. To be able to free an apartment or house from water means to be drawn into sad consequences as a result of someone’s harmful influence.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    rushing stream

    Seeing a flood intensifying before your eyes means blows of fate are coming, you need to be prepared for the unexpected and stressful situations.

    Watching the water level rise and demolish furniture and a bed - such a dream is positive, destined for relief from difficulties, and a valuable find awaits. Objects floating with the flow towards the dreamer - profit, confrontation, long-awaited happiness, good sign.

    But if the stream captures and carries things out, the dream foreshadows the loss of a material property. Drowning during a flood means problems in the workplace or in the service. Making efforts to stop the flood means increasing profits.

    Features of flooding

    The room is flooded by neighbors from above, water is flowing from the ceiling - the dream calls on you to gather strength and defend your own righteousness, which will end in success. In another sense, such a picture indicates that the dreamer will remain passive in solving life issues.

    Flood degree:

    • A powerful stream will carry away with the same force the dreamer’s habits and long-standing preferences in life.
    • If the ceiling is warped under the influence of a flood, in reality you should expect a reprimand from your superiors, problems from your superiors or at work.
    • Flood approaching the level of the windows - the dreamer’s secret will become accessible to everyone, there is a risk of losing authority; water reaches the ceiling - a serious test awaits.
    • Minor flooding, in which there is a little water on the floor, is a conflict within the family; you should consider how to mitigate it.
    • Seeing a floor covered with water means receiving interesting information. With its help, you will be able to look at life in a different dimension and rethink your goals.

    Loff's Dream Book

    If the flow of water began from below, if first the basement was flooded and then the floor, such a dream marks the fulfillment of base desires. Something emotional will happen related to sexual relations. If water appeared from above, this indicates sublime desires, but the rest of the interpretation remains the same.

    To realize that the neighbors are the culprits of the flood is the intervention of third parties in current circumstances in reality, the dreamer accepts someone else's guilt upon himself. Flooding due to the dreamer reaches the neighbor's living space - his intention is to penetrate someone else's life. If the flow turns into pressure under pressure, this is a desire to control and influence other people, a symbol of interference in their rights.

    If the flood goes beyond the boundaries of the home and fills the street, something intimate coming out from within the soul will affect close people. If the neighboring houses remain covered with water, and his own is dry, the dreamer will be able to change something characteristic of his family and firmly entrenched in tradition.

    To feel an icy stream - to the main semantic load should be added a painful feeling of constraint during waking events, which will be expressed by physical ailment and can be both the cause and the consequence of what is happening. An icy touch symbolizes shock.

    If the water becomes hot, it is an unkind sign, a delusion in one’s own ideas.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Flood in a home - to the unprecedented love feeling with disastrous consequences. If a person has suffered, the more strongly the event will be expressed in reality.

    Flooding that occurs while the owner is away means a sudden feeling that will greatly complicate life. The kitchen flooded - giving up something vital in the name of love. The toilet is flooded dirty water- the dreamer will be involved in an uncontrollable relationship, which he will greatly regret later.

    Sometimes a dream where valuable things are destroyed is interpreted as severe despair, a critical state of mind, tears and illness. For a girl, the vision means a cooling partner, unhappy love, family troubles and suffering.

Some dreams cause anxiety and fear in people, especially if the events in them were not very pleasant. If you dreamed that your apartment was flooded, you need to remember what the water was like, where it came from, how the dreamer behaved, and what furniture was damaged during the flood.

If in a dream the apartment in which the dreamer lives is flooded, then not very good times lie ahead. Dirty and dark water flowing down the walls from the ceiling is a warning about financial losses, discord in your personal life, minor troubles, illnesses of relatives and friends. Also, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s real concerns about his property. And, by the way, this concern cannot be called unfounded. It is possible that some losses or waste related to existing property await the person ahead.

If in a dream clean water flows down the walls and the dreamer sees damaged repairs and flooded furniture, he will have some troubles related to current affairs. Due to the fact that the water in a dream is clean, there is no need to worry about the successful outcome of the matter; everything will turn out in favor of the dreamer.

Getting wet feet in a dream due to a flood in the apartment is a warning that the dreamer will soon have an unexpected business trip, which will bring the person many pleasant memories and possibly a promotion up the career ladder.

If a young girl sees her own flooded apartment in a dream, this is a good dream that promises the dreamer a quick marriage with a desired and beloved man and healthy children. Moreover, the marriage will be successful, life will be comfortable and the dreamer will be absolutely happy. For married women, such a dream promises troubles related to children.

A dream in which your own apartment is flooded with water right up to the ceiling can be interpreted depending on how the dreamer felt in it. If a person swam calmly and without panic in his own home, the dream predicts nothing bad. Especially if the water was free of dirt. The dream promises big profits or a stable financial situation in the family.

If a person sees in a dream a completely unfamiliar apartment that is buried in water, changes await him ahead associated with a change in place of residence. It is possible that the dreamer will soon purchase or receive a new home.

Trying to collect water from the floor in a dream means frustration in reality. The dreamer will be unhappy that management at the workplace will not appreciate his efforts. Collecting water with strangers means finding out that employees are baiting the dreamer and are trying in every possible way to denigrate the person in front of their superiors.

If the dreamer suddenly sees a fire in the middle of a flooded apartment, one should expect news of the sudden death of one of the relatives. The combination of water and fire in one dream is a very bad omen that should never be ignored.

Trying to stop the water that is gushing from the pipe is a sign of gossip, which will make the person who sees the dream experience unpleasant emotions. Ill-wishers or enemies will denigrate the dreamer in every possible way.

Quickly eliminating the consequences of the flood means good changes and the successful completion of all work started. The dreamer can also count on financial rewards at work.

Seeing real rain in the apartment is a good omen. The dream promises the dreamer an acquaintance, which will soon develop into strong and mutual love. Drops falling from the ceiling are strong and passionate feelings that will engulf the person who sees the dream.

Swimming in a panic in dirty water, drinking too much of it or drowning means large financial losses that the dreamer will not be able to control.

No matter how the dream scares the dreamer, no matter how scary it is, there is no need to panic and despair. Dreams come true quite rarely. You need to be wary if the dream is repeated periodically or occurs on prophetic days or major church holidays.


Why do you dream that your apartment is flooded?

Most often, a flood in an apartment is dreamed of by those people who have deep experiences or who are not going very well in life. You should take it seriously if you dreamed that your apartment was flooded. This dream warns of some problems that can be avoided if you interpret it correctly and take measures to avoid trouble.

If you had a dream that your apartment was flooded, you should take it very seriously. Many people wake up after such a dream in panic, subconsciously realizing that there is no good news this dream does not carry. Someone is already suggesting that a flooded apartment foreshadows property damage. However, this is not the only thing that a dream about a flood in an apartment can warn about. It could also be problems in the family or on the personal front. It's worth finding out more. what this dream could mean to prevent the troubles it predicts.

It would be nice to remember the emotions experienced during sleep. The strength of the expressed feelings in a dream can indicate how seriously troubles can affect you. The degree of fear shown can show how much the predicted troubles will affect a person.

A flooded apartment in a dream can also mean damage to property, which is very important for the owner. Also, such a dream warns that you should pay attention to what is going on in the family. If there is no family, then a flood in the apartment may mean a complicated relationship with your partner. It is worth being alert and trying to resolve any possible disagreements. After all, it is easier to prevent a quarrel than to return the relationship to its previous course. Indeed, you should understand in detail why you dream that your apartment is flooded.

If you dream that the apartment in which a person is located is flooded, then you should pay attention to what is happening in the family, because this dream warns of brewing problems in the family. These could be sudden conflicts between family members, protracted quarrels between relatives, or serious health complications in one of the relatives. A flooded apartment in a dream can also mean damage to property, which is very important for the owner. Perhaps it will be theft or loss. There are also worst case scenario predictions of this dream - a flood may actually happen or a fire will occur in the apartment.

You shouldn’t immediately start worrying too much about the predicted events. You should have a cool head on your shoulders and try to understand the causes of disasters and try to eliminate them. Otherwise, it will only be a hassle for yourself and your loved ones.

Indeed, you should understand in detail why you dream that your apartment is flooded. Then a person has the opportunity to eliminate the cause of the trouble that may come soon. This way he will have the opportunity to avoid trouble.


Why do you dream about flooding?

If you dream of a calm, clean and clear water, which rises and floods the space around a person - then this is a harbinger of the long-awaited peace and prosperity that this person will finally find.

Another wonderful dream, in which flooding promises rare luck and happiness, is if you see that a powerful but not aggressive stream is carried away along with the bed on which you are sleeping.

Less positive events in life are promised by dreams in which we see stormy and muddy streams of water. If you dream of dirty water, it always speaks of gossip and gossip, often malicious and envious.

If a stream rushes by without touching a person, then it makes sense to pay attention to recent acquaintances: among them there are probably those that can harm your reputation. If in a dream you are haunted by a feeling of danger from “rising” water, then this may be a strong recommendation to get rid of bad habits.

During sleep, a person opens his mind to all levels of the subconscious, which has amazing property find solutions to the problems facing us. It is dreams that give us clues on what to do in a given situation.

Seeing flooding in a dream means that at the moment there is some kind of problem, emotions about which are “off scale”, “overwhelming”.

In general, flooding is a rise in water in a river due to the construction of a dam to create a reservoir, or, on the contrary, a “break” of the dam, when a huge mass of water suddenly rushes forward, carrying away everything in its path.

Likewise, dreams with “passive” and “active” flooding reflect the character and emotional background of what is happening to us. As in any dream, it is very important to remember and analyze all the details.

What dreams of flooding mean, if a person himself is immersed in water and feels its coldness, foretells that he will repent of some of his actions, or wants to change his lifestyle.

Seeing in a dream how you save people who are drowning in a flood is a warning about an illness that will slow down the completion of an important task. Also, a dream that a person is in water surrounded by debris and debris warns of possible illnesses. If you see it. like water passing by someone close to you - such a dream foreshadows serious material losses, even to the point of feeling hopeless.

There is another common and very interesting dream “scenario” for young girls about flooding: a threat to life, a struggle with the water element and a happy rescue. Such a dream foreshadows a great and beautiful love with a happy continuation.

A dream about flooding is always a warning. Water element, destroying and cleansing, often gives us the right hint in life very timely. There is no need to be afraid of such dreams. It’s not for nothing that they say “forewarned is forearmed.”


Why see neighbors in a dream?

If you go to modern dream book neighbors will quickly catch your eye. It is impossible to say unequivocally what such images say.

Each of the predictors tries to give their own interpretation, but it is better to combine different opinions in order to suggest what kind of future awaits a person.

What exactly happens in a dream?

If you dream of a neighbor, you need to immediately remember the remaining details of the images that appear. Usually it is in them that the true meaning is hidden, which a person will have to understand. Otherwise he will not receive detailed information transmitted by the subconscious. What do neighbors usually do?

  • The apartment is flooded;
  • They swear;
  • They are talking.

Such actions stand out in dreams, because they occur more often than others. When a person asks a question about what neighbors dream about, he must immediately give several clarifications. Without them, you won't be able to know what to prepare for.

The apartment is flooded

When you dream that neighbors flooded your apartment from above, you need to pay attention to the water. She is the main object, because the person who appears in the background will not tell the correct answer.

What options open up when you are faced with an apartment flood? It all depends on the water:

  • Clean water suggests the best thoughts of a person’s immediate environment. In the future, you can expect support from loved ones, which will be offered at the right time.
  • A dirty leak has two interpretations. Or it is considered squabbles (although such a description is not related to relations with real neighbors). On the other hand, predictors point to impending profits.

They swear

Sometimes in a dream a neighbor starts swearing. Such predictions are often interpreted as a future scandal. But also a quarrel with a neighbor in a dream may indicate see you soon with friends and long friendly conversations.

Also, such a vision can appear as a result of a real skirmish with those who live next door. Or if for some reason you do not like your neighbors, complaints have accumulated, but in reality you do not allow yourself to express them.

In fact, cursing in your sleep is beneficial. Psychologists have proven that in this way the subconscious mind provides a kind of outlet for negative emotions. If a person does not throw it away in reality, images help him in this. When you dream of a neighbor, you shouldn’t be upset; it’s better to get ready and go visit and talk about pressing matters.


If you dreamed of a neighbor talking, evil tongues are talking about gossip. This is the most common opinion, which is difficult to refute, but it is worth giving a few clarifications. Such discussions are not always caused by envy; on the contrary, predictors often talk about discussions behind their backs.

Conversations are good. There are stories when, after such dreams, people are promoted at work. Because of this, it is impossible to point out a negative meaning. In practice, such images only tell a person that a man or woman has noticed him in a given situation. After this, discussions begin that lead to different results.

When wondering what your neighbors are dreaming about, you don’t need to get upset in advance. Forecasters talk about the importance of surrounding objects, because they hide a secret. Having assessed these images, you can immediately say why, for example, you dreamed that the apartment was flooded.

Seriously assessing the details is the most important step in ensuring you can rest easy another night without indulging in unnecessary worry.


Today I dreamed that my upstairs neighbors flooded me. Why would this be?



Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you.

If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy.

If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influence.

If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship.

fall into muddy water- a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset by this.

Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes.

Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion.

If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily.

The next dream and subsequent events in real life This is how they are conveyed by a young woman studying dreams:

“It is unknown how in a dream I ended up in a boat sailing on the blue clean water to the pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely judged for this."

The blue water and the beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.


this means that you are not very friendly with your neighbors, well they irritate you in some way, so you dream that they are taking revenge :)

Sofia Pilipenko

A glitchy dream, that's for sure :)

Dmitry Kirnos

I don’t know what it means, but I had the same dream today

Tatiana Zhu

It's just a "glitchy" dream!


Ask the person in your photo...

His grimace tells him that he is aware...!


Seeing your neighbors in a dream means that you will lose many precious and useful hours in meaningless disputes and gossip. If they look sad or angry, this portends serious disagreements in your circle.

The neighbors flooded the apartment

Dream Interpretation Neighbors flooded the apartment dreamed of why in a dream the neighbors flooded the apartment? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the neighbors flooded the apartment in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts. Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love. Someone else's apartment means that the person you are with intimate relationships, is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding. Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits. If someone is arrested in your apartment, this means surprises and pleasant surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer. If the tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you will be in trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, means being humiliated in reality. Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover. To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

If in a dream you just saw your apartment, this dream promises a peaceful life.

Dreaming of someone else's apartment marks the betrayal of a person with whom you have a close relationship.

Changing an apartment also means betrayal in love.

Buying an apartment means profit.

Rent an apartment - to new job, a new hobby or a new intimate relationship.

Renting an apartment means getting a job, success in business, close relationships without love.

Paying rent means separation from a friend.

Receiving rent from someone means the return of forgotten friendship or love.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbors

They indicate the proximity of an event.

If this dream foretells some event for you, then the image of a neighbor in it suggests that this event is just around the corner.

Quarrel with neighbors in a dream: a sign that some misunderstandings may soon seriously complicate your life.

Friendly conversation with your neighbors: suggests that some extraneous events, although they will not cause you any trouble, may interfere with your current plans.

To dream that you have new neighbors: foretells a quick and unexpected turn in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbors

Any dream about neighbors foreshadows household chores, anxiety, troubles and subsequent gossip that you will hear about. Embittered neighbors in a dream are a warning that they envy you and will be glad if you experience some misfortune or shock. The good disposition of neighbors in a dream indicates that they feel sorry for you.

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

If in a dream you saw yourself in an unfamiliar apartment, then significant changes will soon occur in your life.

If it is bright and spacious, then luck will certainly smile on you.

If it causes gloomy feelings, do not count on success.

If you dreamed that you were renting an apartment, then in reality you will face problems that you can solve on your own.

If you see your apartment in some unusual or distorted form in a dream, know that the attempts you make to change your life will sooner or later be crowned with success.

If in a dream you cannot leave your apartment, in reality your planned trip will be overshadowed or upset by unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbors

Your neighbors at home or on the street, seen in a dream, symbolize wasted time and effort.

Seeing them, talking to them means engaging in gossip, useless showdowns with someone, squabbles at home or at work.

If in a dream your neighbors look dissatisfied or sad, then in reality there may be quarrels, serious obstacles in business, and disagreements between people close to you.

Hosting your neighbors means experiencing a joyful and amazing event.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbor

If you dreamed of a neighbor of the same sex, then very soon you will be able to realize your dreams. So that you have helpers in implementing your ideas, and throughout the week, before you cross the threshold, throw a coffee bean in front of you.

If you dreamed of a neighbor of the opposite sex, then they will try to rape you. To prevent anything bad from happening, treat your neighbor to coffee.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbors

Seeing your neighbors in a dream means that you will lose many precious and useful hours in meaningless disputes and gossip. If your neighbors look sad or angry, this portends serious disagreements in your circle.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbors

Meeting a neighbor in a dream is a waste of time.

Imagine that your neighbors are going to a resort.

Dream Interpretation - Neighbors

Seeing your neighbors in a dream means you will waste too much precious time on meaningless arguments and gossip.

If your neighbors looked upset or angry in a dream, then there may be serious disagreements in your circle.


I dreamed that the neighbors upstairs flooded us with water.


Alena Zakharchenko

Water is talking about you, gossip, discussions. No more. Look what the water was like. Clean or dirty? From here, draw a conclusion about what they are saying about you.

If a person dreamed that the apartment was flooded, then, most likely, in real life he will be completely overwhelmed by a series of some very significant events. Flooding symbolizes love relationship and sensuality. Perhaps a person will appear in the sleeping person’s life who will capture his heart seriously and for a long time. New novel will be very bright and memorable.

If the sleeper is alone at the time of the vision, then such a dream serves as a kind of signal for him that it is high time for him to think about a relationship. Psychologists say that such visions are quite natural and understandable. A person on a subconscious level wants to find his soulmate. Flooding can also mean the collapse of something very significant and dear.

A person may have to say goodbye to his usual way of existence and start life from scratch. Such changes may not always be something bad. Sometimes they are even necessary. If nothing interesting has happened in a person’s life for a long time, then changes will be very useful for him.

A dream in which water pours from the ceiling of his apartment onto a sleeping person is considered a bad sign. ice water. In this case, we can say that perhaps he or his immediate family will get sick. Most likely, the disease will affect one of the inhabitants of the apartment in which the person witnessed the flood in a dream. Psychologists claim that dreams are a reflection of people’s state of mind.

Don't take them too seriously. Bad visions come true only when a person himself begins to believe in them. In this case, you do not need to be afraid of the disease, but you need to be more attentive to your health. You can simply go to the doctor for an examination. Negative visions should not be a reason for frustration, but a signal for some action that will prevent trouble.

If a person sees in a dream how he flooded his neighbors, then perhaps it seems to the people around him that he is interfering too actively in their lives. Any penetration into a home can be regarded as a tendency of people to interfere in other people's affairs and problems. This dream should serve as a signal to a person that he needs to be more restrained and tactful. Perhaps you should be more actively involved in your life, and not interfere in the lives of your relatives and acquaintances, and even more so strangers.

From the point of view material assets flooding an apartment in a dream leads to monetary losses and the loss of a huge part of one’s fortune. Such a dream is very unfavorable for businessmen. If a person had to observe this vision, then he should be more attentive to all financial expenses. In addition, you need to pay attention to who you are doing business with.

Most often, flooding an apartment in a dream is associated not only with monetary losses, but also with the betrayal of loved ones and business partners, which results in financial collapse. If a person can correctly interpret what he saw and draw the appropriate conclusions, then, most likely, he will be able to avoid all the troubles and hardships that could happen to him.

Experts in the interpretation of night dreams advise remembering everything you dreamed. Water from the ceiling is a very symbolic vision. It may mean that a person will soon have to face serious changes.