Daddy's girls. Interview with Mikhail Turetsky

Russian showman, conductor, singer, founder and producer of the art group " Choir Turkish" And " SOPRANO Turkish». People's Artist Russia (2010).

Mikhail Turetsky. Biography

Mikhail Turetsky born on April 12, 1962 in Moscow. Father - Boris Borisovich Epstein. Mikhail took his mother’s surname, since all relatives on her side died during the Holocaust. Paternal uncle is a famous violist and conductor Rudolf Barshai. Mikhail Turetsky Graduated from the Moscow Choral School named after A.V. Sveshnikov, then with honors from the conducting and choral faculty of the Gnessin Institute, studied in graduate school, studied symphony conducting.

In 1989, Turetsky began recruiting soloists " Male Jewish chamber choir» Moscow Choral Synagogue. Participants recruited included university graduates, students and students.

In 1991, the head of the travel company People Travel Club Marina Kovaleva I accidentally heard a choir rehearsal. Thanks to the help of Marina Kovaleva in 1995-1996. the choir sang in a synagogue in Miami. Some of the choir members remained in the USA. In 1998, the Turetsky Choir received the status of a state collective. Then MOST Bank and the President of the Russian Jewish Congress began to support him Vladimir Gusinsky, and later - the Moscow State Variety Theater headed by Gennady Khazanov.

Since 2003, the choir took its now famous name - the Turetsky Choir Art Group. The repertoire of the group has also changed. Jewish liturgy and songs in Yiddish and Hebrew form a significant, but not the main, part of the program. Works of Western and Russian stage, urban folklore (for example, “Murka”), opera arias, Orthodox liturgy.

The Turetsky Choir performed with famous musicians of our time: Placido Domingo, Zubin Mehta, Julio Iglesias, Gloria Gaynor, Emma Chaplin, Isaac Stern, Joseph Kobzon and many others.

Mikhail Turetsky. Personal life

First wife Mikhail Turetsky, Elena, died in a car accident in August 1989 on the Minsk - Moscow highway. In a terrible accident, his father-in-law and Elena’s brother died along with Turetsky’s wife. There is a daughter from his first marriage Natalia, who was only five years old at the time of her mother’s death. Now Natalya, having received a law degree, works in the office of the Turetsky Choir.

Mikhail’s second wife (Turetsky married 12 years after Elena’s death) Liana, whom he met in America. Two daughters were born into the Turetsky family: Emmanuel(2005) and Beata(2009). Liana also has a daughter from her first marriage Sarina. In 2014, Mikhail became a grandfather: Natalya had a son, who was named Ivan.

Mikhail Turetsky. Awards and titles

1994-1995 “Golden Crown of World Cantors” (only 8 people in the world have been awarded this distinction).

2002 - Honored Artist Russian Federation.

2004 - National Award “Person of the Year” in the category “Cultural Event of the Year”.

2010 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

2011 - People's Artist of the Republic North Ossetia- Alania and Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia.

2012 - Order of Honor - For great contribution to the development of the domestic musical art and many years of creative activity.

Mikhail Turetsky. Interesting facts

Mikhail Turetsky, the father of four daughters, dreams of an heir, whom he will name in honor of his father.

One seer predicted to the artist that his daughter, whose name has two “m”s, would give birth to a king.

Mikhail and Liana Turkish registered their marriage in tracksuits.

In the name of the artist's daughter Beata The names of Mikhail's parents are hidden: Boris And Bela.

In 2005, Turetsky wrote the book “ Choirmaster"(M., 2005).

In the "Turetsky Choir" Mikhail is called "Tsar". On one of family holidays The group members presented the leader with 10 nesting dolls with cartoons of all the choir musicians. The first is the “Tsar” himself. Also, the soloists of the “Turetsky Choir” presented Mikhail with a piccolo flute and engraved their nicknames on the entire fingering.

After the concerts in Miami, local authorities issued a proclamation declaring February 6 Moscow Choir Day.

In one of the television programs “Turetsky Choir” he sang as an improvisation advertisement from a telephone directory, bringing the audience to tears.

One of the performances of the “Turetsky Choir” took place on the deck of the heavy carrier aircraft cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”, surrounded by several thousand sailors of the Northern Fleet, who sang along with the artists.



“Now I’m finally calm,” says the new grandfather. “I now have confidence that the business I am doing will continue to exist when I retire. Of course, I have many daughters and each of them can become my successor, but a man at the head of a music holding is somehow more reliable, in my opinion. “Turetsky Choir” is a serious project, not a one-day project. And if you put your soul into it, it will delight people in 50 and 100 years. Although, of course, I understand that these are just my dreams and my grandson will not necessarily follow in my footsteps. While I’m imagining how I’ll ride with him on alpine skiing and go to the skating rink. Well, I have every chance to participate in his upbringing: I’m 51 years old now, and my father was 50 when I was born. And he lived to be 96 years old, and managed to rejoice when I was given the title of People’s Artist. A last time he and I went skating together when he was 94. So my grandson and I will skate again!
But Mikhail does not yet plan to play cars and trains with the new member of the family.
“I played enough with the girls,” he laughs. - My daughters not only played with dolls, they were also interested in cars, so the house is still full of all kinds of toy equipment. Our girls are very inquisitive and active, they go in for sports. 9-year-old Emmanuelle stands confidently on skates, and I can barely free time, she and I are going to the skating rink. As a rule, we spend our winter holidays skiing with the whole family. The youngest, Beate, is not yet 5 years old, but we are also gradually accustoming her to exercise. I believe that the main task of parents is to discern the child’s abilities and open the right door for him. Because if he chooses the wrong path and the door turns out to be not his size, not his liking and not his talent, the person will not be happy.


Turetsky’s eldest daughter Natasha has already found her “door”: she is a lawyer, works in the office of the Turetsky Choir. She is nearby all the time, so dad is calm for her. Natasha is a real friend and helper for him.
Sarina is 17 years old and has not yet decided on her future. According to her parents, the girl likes to be in the public eye, and she is seriously considering whether to become a journalist. The younger daughters are still searching.
- We try to develop them in a variety of ways; in addition to sports, there is music on the schedule. Emmanuel has been playing the violin since he was 5 years old. She has absolutely my “Turkish” temperament, irrepressible energy, she loves everything that I love. Although I can’t say that my daughter runs to the instrument with pleasure every day and practices with enthusiasm. No, like any child, she needs to be motivated. I tell her, for example: let’s do something that interests you - let’s talk about the history of our family or the world, go for a walk. And then we’ll pay attention to my requests - we’ll go skiing and play the violin. I try to praise her as much as possible: listen, I say, what sound you made from the violin! Cane discipline in raising children worked well 100 years ago, but now - unfortunately or fortunately - it no longer works. The child needs to be interested. But it's not easy. A modern child has everything from birth; he has nothing to dream about. Therefore, it would be good to explain to your child that a dream can be something intangible. Extracting a special, lively and warm sound from your violin is a dream. This is the ultimate goal.

Mikhail Turetsky personal life (photo 2014)


There are four women in Mikhail Turetsky's house - Natalya lives separately. It would seem the only man they must be nurtured and nurtured continuously. But the head of the family assures that this is not always the case.
“With us, a man earns food, provides for his family, gives it protection and confidence in the future. A man is the stronger sex, it is he who is obliged to patronize and care. Of course, sometimes I really want them to take care of me, but I don’t allow myself to give in, become slack and relax. After all, the wife also has enough to do - she has a house and children who need care and attention around the clock. We care how they grow up, so Liana devotes almost all her time to the girls. And they are still too small to take care of anyone else.
Several years ago, Mikhail decided to put into practice his rich life experience in educating women and, in addition to the men’s choir, gathered women's team, which called "The Sopranos 10".
- I understand women and always try to be on their side. During this time I became an excellent female psychologist. The main trump cards in communicating with girls are truth and sincerity. A woman is always a lot of emotions. Each of the soloists needs to be listened to, understood, infected general idea, and only then will they feel more confident. But with men everything is different. Any man is the center of the Universe. Well, at least that's what he thinks of himself. And when too many of us gather in one place, chaos can begin. With men I am a dictator. But - velvet! My artists jokingly nicknamed me the Tsar. I don’t let them talk, I maintain iron discipline. Sometimes I even punish them with rubles. But people don’t raise their hands to large fines - I feel sorry for the people, and small ones, alas, don’t work. Therefore, I rarely resort to such measures of influence. People are held back by something else: in our team, everyone depends on each other. It's like being on a football team. How well you play determines your overall success and, ultimately, your own earnings. If an artist allows himself any excesses, this is sure to be reflected in his voice. And we already have difficult conditions: sleepless nights, moving, everyday problems... That's why everyone tries to stay within the limits. Dictatorship alone will not help here. You cannot force an artist to sparkle on stage - you can only create the right conditions for this.

Michael Turkish family, house (photo 2014)


Mikhail Turetsky, like any popular artist, is not with his family too often, although, according to him, the choir’s schedule is quite lenient.
- You can find me at home early in the morning, late in the evening and traveling from one airport to another. But even if after all the traveling I only have 30 minutes left to go home, I will still go there. I’ll spend an extra two hours on the road, but I won’t miss the chance to be with my children, chat with my wife, and just take a contrast shower and sit in the silence of my office. I need a home to reboot. The task of a modern man, like his distant ancestor, is to get a mammoth. And in order to hunt successfully, you need to accumulate energy from time to time. All I need to do is stay at home for half an hour and I feel rested and ready for new fight.
Such big family and a rather large house is required. Several years ago, the Turetsky family looked at a plot of land in the Moscow region. Mikhail’s wife, Liana, was entirely responsible for the construction of the housing; she supervised everything, from laying the foundation to decorating the rooms. One look at the house shows that it was decorated by a woman. This is reflected in everything: in posters, paintings, pillows, figurines and other elegant things. And even now, after several years, Liana still finds ways to improve the interior. During the shooting, she was distracted twice: first, the Turetskys delivered a huge mirror, especially for Sarina’s room, and half an hour later, the courier carefully brought two floor figures into the living room - white and red cherries made of glossy ceramics.
- Many men would probably be annoyed by such an abundance of decor in the house, but not me. Everyone knows that being an artist is a female profession, and even members of the stronger sex in our country gravitate towards aestheticism. I really like all these cute interior things. For example, this mirror, which has now gone to Sarina’s room - I want that too! I go on stage, I have to look perfect, and for this I need to be able to look at myself from head to toe from time to time. An artist is simply obliged to demonstrate his best qualities. If you already went on stage and said: “Look at me and buy tickets,” be so kind as to comply! And the voice must be on top level, and manners, and ability to dress, and figure. We have a small room in our house with a swimming pool and exercise equipment. I train here if my trainer has time to get to me. Yes, and on tour in any city you can find a fitness center, if you wish.


Physical education is a very important part of Mikhail’s schedule. Sometimes he even thinks that gym The first floor of the house is too small.
- I would make it more spacious, but now this is hardly possible - it was necessary to initially buy a larger plot. But overall we have a great house. The ceilings are high, the windows are huge, there is a lot of light. Although, to be honest, I don’t feel very comfortable in large rooms. I was born in a communal apartment and for a long time lived in a 14-meter room with my parents and brother. So in large spaces, St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome is always remembered - it is designed so that people feel the greatness of the Almighty, and feel themselves to be only small particles of the Universe. In general, I am unpretentious: an artist is by nature a vagabond and a nomad, and he should not be embarrassed by life in hotels and everyday hardships. True, when you get up at three in the morning somewhere in Kazakhstan and fly home for several hours, the only thing you dream about is sleep. And the house is designed in such a way that on the third floor in the bedroom you can hear the voices of children playing in the living room below. I would, of course, eliminate this shortcoming. For now we just have to drive the entire population out onto the street for two hours so as not to disturb them.
Now the issue of sleep and rest is especially acute for Turetsky: in March, his team is giving a big concert in Moscow under the intriguing title “A Man’s View of Love,” which, like any large-scale event, requires careful preparation.
- The most important thing in life normal man- woman. And in life normal woman- man. Of course, you can deceive yourself and convince yourself that the main thing is work, money, career, fame... But you want to give creativity, thoughts, philosophy, every day and hour of your everyday life to someone. The concert “A Man’s View of Love” is just about this. An encyclopedia of a man's feelings conveyed through masterpieces of world music. These girls can easily share emotions, we are more closed. And with the help of music it is much easier to confess your feelings. Therefore, at its concerts, the Turetsky Choir gives every woman the opportunity to hear and understand what a man thinks about love. And men - to convey this feeling to their companion.
- Sometimes I really want someone to take care of me too, but I don’t allow myself to relax (photo)

Based on materials from teleru

Mikhail Turetsky - People's Artist, musician, producer, founder of the groups "Turetsky Choir" and "Soprano".

Born in April 1962 in the capital in a large and friendly family. He graduated from music school, the Sveshnikov College and the Academy. Gnesins. After graduating from the choirmaster department, he entered the service of the Theater of Musical Art.

In the late 80s, he began recruiting soloists to create his own choir. The compositions were supposed to be sung without musical accompaniment, so the selection was carried out very carefully.

The choir became quite popular abroad, but in the USSR it could not find its audience. In the late 90s, the group received the status of a city municipal choir. In the early 2000s, the choir was transformed into an ensemble in which all types of voices are represented: from bass profundo to tenor altino. The repertoire has been greatly expanded. From that moment on, the group began to gain increasing popularity among listeners. By the end of the 2000s, the “art group” gathered four sold-out shows at the Kremlin Palace, and an additional fifth was held at Luzhniki.

Personal life

During his student years, he first married his classmate Elena, they had a daughter, Natasha, but in the late 80s, his wife died in a car accident.

In 2000, he met Tatyana Borodovskaya, from whom she was born a year later illegitimate daughter Isabel, but this relationship never led to marriage.

While on tour in the USA, he met his second wife Liana; she already had a five-year-old daughter, Sarina. In 2005, the couple had a daughter, Emmanuel, and four years later, Beata.

Twice grandfather. The eldest daughter gave birth to a grandson, Ivan, in 2014, and two years later, Elena.

Apartments of Mikhail Turetsky

The artist was born in a four-room communal apartment on Lesnaya Street near the Belorusskaya metro station. Over time, all the rooms went to their family, and when the opportunity arose, the parents exchanged it for a two-room apartment near the Dynamo metro station.

In 1993, he purchased a small two-room apartment on the tenth floor for $18,000 in a house next to the Sokol artists’ village. The view from the windows was simply magnificent. He didn’t hire any designers, but major renovation made by professional builders based on a picture from a magazine.

He lived for another year and a half near the Airport metro station, and then moved to Tishinka. I have already done design work here on my own. I found a professional who restored antique parquet flooring.

In 2000, he invested in three rubles in Skolkovo, and together with his second wife they made renovations here. They soon came to the conclusion that the apartment was becoming crowded. In the same area, we managed to buy a plot of land from one of our friends at a significant discount.

House of Mikhail Turetsky

I got a plot of land of 25 acres with a small house in which it was quite possible to live. When Turetsky was on another tour, his wife hired builders who demolished everything and dug a foundation pit, making it clear to the owner that it was time to start construction. Since the tastes of both spouses coincide very much, Liana was completely involved in all issues. She invited a professional designer to help her.

The arrangement lasted two years. The result is a very cozy and even artistic house.

The mansion has a carefully thought out layout of not only the interior premises, but also general style. The structure has the appearance of an open piano. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace area, a kitchen, a lounge and a spacious hall.

The living area has the only carpet in the house. It advantageously combines red, white and beige colors in the interior. Nearby is a dining area decorated in a modern classic style. There are no unnecessary details here, everything is simple and functional.

On the second floor: family living room with Italian furniture self made, master bedroom, office. Since the owner is often absent, the whole family uses the office.

Only the family gathers in a small living room; adjacent to it is a bedroom, a large dressing room and a bathroom. Even at the construction stage, one of the prerequisites was a huge dressing room, which would fit all the dresses and suits.

The third floor is completely dedicated to girls. Each daughter has her own room, bathroom and dressing room. Everyone's bedroom design is completely different. Beata's room is very soft with beige furniture and pink elements. Cheerful Emma has a combination of turquoise and pink, and her bed is made in the shape of a castle. U eldest daughter minimalism and order reign.

Just like in the family large number women and everyone, together with the owner of the mansion, prefer to keep themselves in excellent physical fitness, then the house received: a spacious swimming pool, a gym and a sauna.

On the ground floor there is an attached summer veranda with a small kitchen where you can cook kebabs and barbecue and have a summer tea party here.

According to CIAN, houses in Skolkovo cost from 39 to 155 million rubles and more.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky- famous Russian musician, founder and music producer art groups "Turetsky Choir" and "Turetsky SOPRANO". In 2010 he received the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He has a singing voice, a lyric tenor. Over the years creative activity The Russian artist was awarded various prizes and received many domestic and international awards.

Childhood and youth of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

The future Russian musician Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky was born April 12, 1962 atMoscow. The boy had Jewish roots. People from his family belonged to the Mogilev province, now Belarus. Boris Borisovich Epstein, the son of a blacksmith, was a participant in the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, worked as an employee of the silk-screen printing workshop at a factory near Moscow. The father of the future artist was categorically against the birth of a second child. According to him, he and his wife were already at an advanced age. Also, the first child was born very sick, and the Turetskys had to go through a lot. In addition, their family faced financial problems and it would be extremely difficult for them to provide for another child.

Mikhail Turetsky’s mother, Bella Semyonovna Turetskaya, worked as a teacher all her life kindergarten. The woman was against abortion and argued that she was obliged to give birth to this child. In addition to Misha, there was another child in the family, son Alexander. Note that Alexander was older than Mikhail for fifteen years. The future Russian producer and musician spent almost his entire childhood with his older brother. The Turkish parents spent 24 hours a day at work to provide their children with everything they needed.

Alexander Turetsky did not like sitting with his little brother every day at all, so he often left him alone. The elder Turetsky turned on the radio or TV for the baby so that he would not be afraid and go for a walk with friends. He hoped to hide it, but sooner or later Boris and Bella Turetsky still found out about their son’s deception. But they did not scold or punish him at all. Soon they little son Misha began to sing and show good vocal abilities. The future artist especially liked the song called “Lilac Fog.”

Mikhail Turetsky with his father - Epstein Alexander Borisovich

There was absolutely no cash. They could hardly provide their children with clothing and food. Boris and Bella worked tirelessly and soon they managed to buy an apartment near the Belorusskaya metro station. Now their housing was more spacious and comfortable to live in. The parents were also able to buy an old piano for Alexander and Mikhail so that they could study music in their free time.

Soon the parents of the future Russian musician noticed that their son had excellent musical abilities. Therefore, Bella and Boris Turetsky decided to invite a music and vocal teacher to Misha. Mikhail studied with a tutor for six months. He soon abandoned his studies. The reason was that, according to the teacher, Misha Turetsky has absolutely no hearing. Note that one vocal lesson cost ten rubles. At that time this was a huge amount, especially for people who had no money.

Mikhail Turetsky told military history the love of your parents

The artist's parents were very upset. Before this incident, they were sure that their son had talent and had excellent inclinations. After this, Mikhail promised to improve and prove to them that he was truly capable of much. Next, Turetsky entered a music school for a piccolo flute course. At that time, studying at music school it cost a lot of money. Therefore, Mikhail was enrolled in this course, it was less expensive.

In 1973, an incident occurred that turned the life of Mikhail Turetsky upside down. Their father's cousin, Boris Borisovich, came to visit them. He is Rudolf Barshai. Let us note that Turetsky’s cousin was a world-famous violist and conductor. Bella and Boris immediately informed Rudolf that they youngest son studies at a music school, plays musical instruments and sings excellently. After this, Barshai asked his nephew to perform some song.

Mikhail Turetsky sang one of his favorite songs to demonstrate his vocal abilities. Rudolf Barshai was shocked by what he heard. He argued that Misha needed to develop his abilities and inclinations for music. Soon, through influential acquaintances, Barshai managed to get his nephew into the choir school named after Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov. As is known, in this educational institution accept children aged seven years. Mikhail was already eleven, but he was accepted thanks to his uncle’s connections.

After graduating from the choir school named after Alexander Vasilyevich Sveshnikov, Mikhail Turetsky entered the conducting and choral department of the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. There was an extremely serious competition and strict selection. Turetsky had real musical talent, so he was immediately accepted. In 1985, Mikhail graduated from the Pedagogical Institute with honors. He decided not to stop there and entered graduate school. In parallel with educational process Turetsky is actively involved in symphony conducting. The future artist attended rehearsals every day Academic Symphony Orchestra St. Petersburg Philharmonic under the direction of E. A. Mravinsky. Soon he became a choirmaster and actor Musical Arts Theater under the direction of Yuri Sherling. At that time, Turetsky was seriously interested in the history of synthetic art.

Most of all, Mikhail Turetsky admired the maestro’s playing. He was confident that he would achieve the same success in the future. At that time, the Russian musician had already participated in successful performances under the leadership of Mravinsky and Sherling. Note that at that time Turetsky already had a wife and daughter.

Music and Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

After graduating from graduate school, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky interned at rehearsals of the academic symphony orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic and at the Theater of Musical Art. The artist barely had enough money for food, so he was forced to work as a bomb driver in old Zhiguli cars and as a loader in a supermarket. Throughout many years Mikhail dreamed of creating his own team, becoming a maestro. These thoughts did not leave Turetsky for many years. He was sure that he would definitely achieve his goal.

In 1987, Mikhail Turetsky began actively collaborating with a church choir and a political song ensemble. In 1989, the Russian artist announced a selection of soloists for the male choir of the capital's choir synagogue. Let us remember that Turkish is Jewish by nationality. The novice leader had a rather unusual idea for his creativity. The artist dreamed of reviving Jewish sacred music in the territory Soviet Union. All members of the group had professional musical education.

The creative team of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky was engaged in Jewish liturgical music. This was an innovation at the time, as music like this had not appeared since 1917. The so-called highlight of the choir was that they performed songs acapella, without musical accompaniment. It was really difficult, because to perform songs without music you need to have perfect vocal abilities.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky - People's Artist of Russia

Over the course of a year and a half, the Mikhail Turetsky Music Choir prepared an incredibly successful program of Jewish sacred and secular music. Their work was original and unlike others. Soon the creative team began to actively tour around the world. They visited Israel, the United States of America, Germany, Great Britain, France, Canada, Spain. It should be noted that in Spain, Turetsky’s team performed at a festival called "Por Me Espiritu". They were accompanied by world-class stars. Among them are Placido Domingo, Isaac Stern, Zubin Mehta and others. At that time the band was incredibly popular in foreign countries. They have gained many fans all over the world. However, it was difficult to achieve success at home. Let us note that the president of the Russian Jewish Congress was interested in the work of the group.

Also, the team of Mikhail Turetsky performed in Lithuania in tandem with Vladimir Semenyuk. When the Russian musician returned from a grueling tour, he learned shocking news. It became known that in car accident his wife died along with her brother and father. A woman crashed on the Minsk-Moscow highway. They were returning to celebrate the birth of a relative. The artist fell into a deep depression and canceled all tours. For a long time Mikhail Turetsky could not come to his senses. Elena's mother tried to help her son-in-law. She supported Mikhail in every possible way and suggested that he take custody of his granddaughter. The artist was categorically against it. He took his daughter and went to the United States of America. Turetsky worked there under a contract.

Turetsky Choir - New Year's concert

In 1995, a turning point occurred for the creative team of Mikhail Turetsky. Half of the artists remained in Moscow. The remaining performers, accompanied by Mikhail Borisovich, set off to conquer the United States of America under contract. They started creating in Miami, Florida. This period was very difficult for Mikhail Turetsky. He had to manage the team both in Miami and Moscow. During the two years of his contract, he flew from Russia to the United States of America more than twenty times.

Western culture made an incredible impression on the Russian artist and his team. In this regard, Mikhail Turetsky decided to change the repertoire and format of performances. He completely changed the style of the songs. As you know, his little daughter lived with Turetsky in the United States of America. They often attended Broadway musicals. It was musicals that influenced the worldview of the Russian artist and the repertoire of his group.

Now the repertoire of Mikhail Turetsky’s group was more vibrant, spectacular, interesting for the listener and unique. In 1997, the artists' contract in the United States ended and they returned to their homeland. During this period, an art group called “Turetsky Choir” went on a tour with. Their tour significantly influenced the popularity of the Russian band. They became more famous in their homeland, and the group gained many fans. In 1998, the choir received the status of a city municipal group.

The work of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky developed rapidly. From 1999 to 2002, his choir performed with the innovative performance “Mikhail Turetsky’s Vocal Show” at the Moscow State Variety Theater under the direction of. Let us note that the performance was presented to the audience twice a month. Then the team was clearly represented in the capital. In 2003, a Russian musician introduced the world to a completely new concept in music called an “art group.” It was like nothing else.

His group received a new name - “Turetsky Choir Art Group”. Mikhail Turetsky's creative group included ten soloists with different singing voices. The artists had both the lowest and highest voices, from bass profundo to tenor altino. Now the collective was not based on Jewish culture. Of course, their repertoire included national songs, but they were not the basis of the group. They created innovative songs. Music critics characterized their work as a classic crossover. There is a synthesis of elements of pop, rock and electronic music.

The team of Mikhail Turetsky annually surprised fans with new products. They presented songs both without musical accompaniment and with instrumental accompaniment. They organized show performances that combined vocals with elements of original choreography. The peak began in 2004 creative career team of Mikhail Turetsky. They perform at the best concert venues in the world. Among them are the Olympic Stadium in Moscow, the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, the Great Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg, the Albert Hall in England, famous concert halls in the United States of America - Carnegie Hall in New York, Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, Jordan Hall in Boston.

In 2005, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky presented his autobiography to fans. In it, the Russian artist shares the story of his personal life and the secrets of the Turetsky Choir. In 2008, the creative team held four concerts at the State Kremlin Palace. Each of them was sold out. Soon, due to numerous requests from the audience, an additional sold-out fifth concert was held at the Luzhniki Sports Palace.

In 2010, Mikhail Turetsky created an innovative project called “SOPRANO”. He became the so-called female version of the “Turetsky Choir”. The girls from the SOPRANO team quickly became popular. They perform at various music festivals, including Slavic Bazaar, New Wave and Song of the Year. Today, all groups of Mikhail Turetsky are extremely popular. Let us note that according to published statistics, they go on stage more than two hundred times a year and fly about a hundred times. They also travel about one hundred thousand kilometers.

Art group "Soprano Turkish"

Awards and achievements of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

Over the years of creative activity, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky received many awards and medals. In 1994, the Russian artist received the award “Golden Crown of Cantors of the World.” As you know, only eight people in the world have such an achievement. In 2002, Turetsky became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” In 2004 he received the National Award “Person of the Year” in the category “Cultural Event of the Year”. In 2010, Turetsky became “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation.”

In 2011, Mikhail Turetsky became “People’s Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania” and received the title “Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia.”
In 2012, the Russian musician and producer received a new title - the Order of Honor. In 2012, he also received the honorary title of People's Artist of the Republic. In 2015, Turetsky became an Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Last year, Mikhail became the Laureate of the 2016 Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of culture. In 2017 he received the Order of Friendship.

Personal life of Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

The personal life of Mikhail Turetsky was very eventful. In 1984, the Russian artist married his classmate Elena for the first time. The girl was also an artist and a student at the Gnessin Institute. In 1984, they had a daughter named Natalya.

In 1989, Mikhail Turetsky was in Lithuania. He was informed that his wife Elena, her brother and father had been killed in a car accident. A woman had an accident on the Minsk-Moscow highway. Soon Mikhail took his daughter Natalya and went to the United States of America. Turetsky worked there under a contract. In the USA, Natasha also tried herself as a performer and performed on stage. The girl liked being a star; she really wanted to connect her future with the stage. But her father insisted that she acquire a more serious and promising specialty. Today Natalya works as a lawyer in the office of the Turetsky Choir. In 2014, she gave birth to a son, Ivan, and in 2016, a daughter, Elena.

In 2001, Mikhail Turetsky had a short-term affair with Tatyana Brodkovskaya. They had a daughter named Isabelle. Now the girl lives in Germany with her mother, but often sees her father.

In 2002, in the United States of America, Mikhail met an Armenian woman, Liana.

It was during that period that the artist toured in America, and his father future wife was the organizer of the tour. In the same year, the wedding of Mikhail and Liana took place. From her first marriage, the Armenian woman had a daughter named Sarina. In 2005, the couple had a daughter together named Emmanuel. In 2009, they became parents again. The marriage produced a daughter, Beata.

Mikhail Turetsky today

Today, Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky is actively engaged in creative activities. Russian artist and the musician is working on releasing new hits.
Under his leadership is a women's group called "SOPRANO" and the "Turetsky Choir Art Group". Every year the groups tour around the world. They are greeted especially warmly in the United States of America, Germany, Spain, Italy and other countries. At home, creative teams are also successful. They hold a ton of concerts every year. Each of them is sold out. For a year musical groups Mikhail Turetsky gives more than two hundred concerts. Over the years of creative activity, they have repeatedly become prize winners and received both domestic and international awards.

Mikhail Turetsky is a popular Russian musician and producer. Over the years of creative activity, the artist managed to achieve success, despite difficulties in his career and personal life. He became the winner international competitions, received honorary titles. His teams have millions of fans.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky tries to spend all his free time with his family. Together with his wife Liana, the man is raising two daughters together, Beata and Emmanuelle. Liana’s daughter from her first marriage, Sarina, also lives with them. Recently the girl got married.

Turkish is active user social networks and regularly shares moments from her life with her subscribers. He publishes both creative fragments and photos of his family. The Russian artist loves to tour, so his account in social network under the name “Instagram” you can see photos and videos from your travels.

Mikhail Turetsky often visits social events. The Russian musician and producer can also be regularly seen on television. From time to time he is an honored guest of television programs, projects and entertainment shows.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky(April 12, 1962, Moscow) - musician, founder and producer of the art groups “Turetsky Choir” and SOPRANO. People's Artist of Russia (2010).

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    Born in Moscow into a Jewish family of immigrants from Belarus.


    Father - Boris Borisovich Epstein, was born into the family of a blacksmith in the Mogilev province. At the age of 18, after the death of his father, he left for Moscow, where he studied at a pedagogical college, and then at the Academy of Foreign Trade. Nine years later, while visiting relatives in the town of Pukhovichi near Minsk, he met a 17-year-old Jewish girl playing the guitar. Girl - and it was expectant mother Mikhail, Bella (Beyla) Turetskaya - he liked her, and she was immediately matched. In October 1940, Boris Epstein took his bride to Moscow, and 8 months later, in July 1941, Bella Semyonovna’s entire family was destroyed (buried alive) by the Nazi occupiers. Already as spouses, Boris and Bella went through the entire war: he, who went to the front from his second year at the Academy in the first days of the war, became a participant in the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, she was a nurse at the evacuation hospital in Gorky.

    Childhood. First music lessons

    Mikhail Turetsky is a late child in the family. At the time of his birth, the future artist’s elder brother Alexander was 15 years old, his mother was 40, and his father was 50. The family lived modestly, in a 14-meter room in a communal apartment at the Belorusskaya metro station. My father worked as a foreman in a silk-screen printing workshop at a factory near Moscow, and my mother worked as a nanny in a kindergarten.

    Since my son’s birthday coincided with Cosmonautics Day, they wanted to name the child Yuri(in honor of Yuri Gagarin), but my father insisted on the name Michael. “Yugga, it’s too difficult to pronounce, let it be Misha,” Boris Borisovich said, grazing. The family decided to give the son his mother’s surname, since at that time not a single representative of the surname was alive.

    Musical ability Mikhail Turetsky manifested themselves in early childhood. Already at the age of 3, he repeated many songs coming from the radio and television, clearly chanting all the words, without even understanding their meaning. The first concert venue little musician there was a chair on which the boy willingly sang the then popular song “Lilac Fog” for his older brother and his friends.

    Soon a second room in a communal apartment and a piano appeared in Mikhail’s house. Noticing his extraordinary abilities, the parents decided to hire a piano teacher for their son, one lesson of which cost ten rubles - at that time this was a lot of money for the family. The classes lasted four months and stopped after the teacher declared that the child had absolutely no talent.

    After some time, Mikhail Turetsky himself asked his parents to send him to a music school. The financially constrained family could afford only the most inexpensive education. In the state school price list, the cost of training on various instruments varied in the range from one and a half to twenty rubles. So Mikhail began to master the piccolo flute (small flute), which occupied the bottom line in the list of prices. In parallel with the flute, the father took his son to the boys’ chapel.

    Vocational education

    One of the visits of his father’s cousin, the famous conductor Rudolf Barshai, turned out to be fateful for Turetsky’s creative future. Having heard at a family dinner that Mikhail was playing the flute, the maestro offered him a consultation with one of his professional friends. Having learned that his nephew also sings, his uncle asked the boy to perform a song. Afterwards, Rudolf Borisovich made a call to the director of the Choir School named after A.V. Sveshnikov with a request to listen to Mikhail without bias. Turetsky was eleven years old at that time, while the average age of applicants was seven. Despite this, the boy was soon accepted.

    After graduating from college, having passed a serious competition, Mikhail Turetsky entered the conducting and choral faculty. In 1985, having received a diploma with honors, he continues his postgraduate studies and is engaged in symphony conducting. Regularly attends rehearsals of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic under the direction of E. A. Mravinsky, observing the work of the maestro. Soon Turetsky became a choirmaster and actor at the Theater of Musical Art under the direction of Yuri Sherling, where he seriously immersed himself in the history of synthetic art.


    In 1984, Mikhail Turetsky marries the daughter of a military man Elena, his classmate at the Gnessin Institute. Parents on both sides did not support this union, wanting for their children “a couple of their own nationality,” but kindred spirits of lovers (Elena was also a musician) defended their right to be together. That same year their daughter is born Natalia. At that time, Mikhail Turetsky was 22 years old.

    To provide his family with everything necessary while continuing his graduate studies, the young father worked in several places at the same time: as a night director in a large supermarket, as a teacher. At the same time, he began working with the Orthodox church choir and at the same time with the political song ensemble “Voice”.

    In the latter, new artistic principles of some kind of synthetic art are born in varying degrees combining singing, elements of plastic theater and acting, which as a result will lead Turetsky to the creation of the first art group in history. The musician thought and dreamed about this in those years.

    In August 1989, together with his friend and teacher Vladimir Semenyuk, Turetsky went to Klaipeda. At night, the musician received a telegram from his older brother with the words “Call urgently. Sasha". The next morning, Mikhail learned about a terrible tragedy: his father-in-law, his wife and her brother died in a car accident on the Minsk-Moscow highway.

    The artist remains with his five-year-old daughter in his arms. Into this hard time Turetsky was supported by his mother-in-law Zoya Ivanovna, which - according to Mikhail Turetsky - still remains an authority for him. It was Zoya Ivanovna who helped raise the girl before Turetsky left under a contract for a tour in the USA, which lasted two years. In America, Mikhail and Natasha became real friends and spent a lot of time together. There, the daughter repeatedly successfully appeared on stage and sang with the choir, finding a warm response in the hearts of American listeners. Later, the father dissuaded the girl from studying music, fearing that it would be difficult for her to secure a future for herself. At that time, the musician did not yet have his current authority and position. Today Natalya, having received a law degree, works in the office of the Turetsky Choir.

    For the second time, Mikhail Turetsky decides to marry only 12 years later. During an American tour in Dallas (Texas) on Halloween, after another concert, the artist met Liana, who later became his wife. The girl turned out to be the daughter of an agent who was organizing tours of the “Turetsky Choir” in the USA. By that time, Liana’s life was already well arranged: a small daughter Sarina, home, a prestigious job as a lead programmer at a telecommunications company in Dallas. After some time, Mikhail and Liana got married, and the girl agreed to move to Moscow. Soon two daughters were born into the Turkish family: Emmanuel(2005) and Beata(2009). He also has a daughter, Isabelle (2001), who lives with her mother in Germany. In 2014, Mikhail became a grandfather: Natalya had a son Ivan Gilevich. And in 2016, Natalya awarded Mikhail with her granddaughter Elena.

    Creative activity

    Art group “Turetsky Choir”: history and modernity

    After graduating from the institute, in 1989, Mikhail Turetsky began recruiting soloists for the men's choir at the Moscow Choral Synagogue. All team members had professional music education. The main goal of the choir was the revival of Jewish sacred music in the USSR. The group's repertoire consisted of Jewish liturgical music, which had not been performed since 1917. According to tradition, the musicians sang all works a cappella, that is, without musical accompaniment, which required high professional training.

    For eighteen months, the choir under the direction of Mikhail Turetsky prepared an extensive program of Jewish spiritual and secular music, which it successfully performed in Israel, America, Germany, Great Britain, France, Canada, Spain (the “Por Me Espiritu” festival in the company of world music stars: Placido Domingo, Isaac Stern, Zubin Mehta).

    The group quickly became in demand abroad, but in Russia in the early 90s, it was difficult for artists to find their audience. In 1993, the musicians were briefly supported by LogoVAZ (Boris Berezovsky) and the President of the Russian Jewish Congress, Vladimir Gusinsky.

    In 1995-1996, the team is divided into two parts: one remains in Moscow, the second goes to the USA (Miami, Florida) to work under a contract. Mikhail Turetsky has to lead both groups at the same time. During the contract, the artist makes about twenty flights from Moscow to Miami!

    The experience gained by the group while working in the USA significantly influenced the choir’s further repertoire policy and understanding of the syncretic nature of the present show. The artists immersed themselves in the atmosphere of American culture with its characteristic entertainment, dynamics, brightness of musical colors, as well as everything that is included in modern concept action (action). It is in the USA, among famous Broadway musicals and first-class musicians, that the variety direction of the project is being formed for the first time.

    Thanks to a joint concert tour with Joseph Kobzon, in 1997−1998. The public of the former USSR also becomes acquainted with the work of the group.

    In 1998, the choir received the status of a city municipal group.

    In the period from 1999 to 2002, the choir had its own repertoire performance (“Mikhail Turetsky’s Vocal Show”) at the Moscow State Variety Theater under the direction of Gennady Khazanov, which takes place twice a month. On this stage the presentation of the choir to the general public of Moscow took place.

    In 2003, M. Turetsky discovered his universal concept in music, leaving a mark on the history of world and domestic show business not only as a professional musician, but also as the creator of such a phenomenon in mass musical culture as the “art group.” From this moment on, his team acquires modern name- “Art group Turetsky Choir.” Now it is an ensemble of 10 soloists, in which all existing species male voices: from lowest (bass profundo) to highest (tenor altino). The rebirth of the band opens up broader horizons for musicians. The choir's repertoire is noticeably expanding, going beyond the boundaries of one national culture; Jewish prayers and songs still remain in the repertoire, but no longer form its basis.

    The essence of the concept of “art group” lies in the limitlessness of creative possibilities within one musical group. The art group's repertoire covers music different countries, styles and eras: from spiritual chants and opera classics to jazz, rock music and urban folklore. Within the framework of the new phenomenon, all kinds of performance options coexist: a cappella (that is, without accompaniment), singing with instrumental accompaniment, show performances combining vocals with elements of original choreography.

    The new style in which the Turetsky Choir works is partly defined by the concept of classical crossover (synthesis of elements of pop, rock and electronic music), however, in the creative activity of the art group there are trends that go beyond this concept: polyphonic singing and voice imitation musical instruments, interactivity and the introduction of happening elements (for example, audience participation in a dance and song program). Thus, each concert number turns into a “mini-musical”, and the concert into a show with extraordinary energy. The repertoire of the “Turetsky Choir” still includes masterpieces classical music in its original form. Mikhail himself not only sings, but also brilliantly hosts and directs his own show. Today the team has no analogues in the whole world.

    Since 2004, the Turetsky Choir began extensive concert activities and began its social life and is experiencing a meteoric rise variety career, which is accompanied by many awards and a constant increase in the number of fans. The group performs at the best concert venues in the country and the world. Among them: the Olympic Sports Complex (Moscow) and the Ice Palace (St. Petersburg), the Oktyabrsky Great Concert Hall (St. Petersburg), the Albert Hall (England), the largest halls in the USA - Carnegie Hall (New York), Dolby Theater (Los Angeles), Jordan Hall (Boston).

    In 2008, the Turetsky Choir attracted four sold-out crowds at the State Kremlin Palace, and, at the request of the audience, gave an additional sold-out fifth concert at the Luzhniki Sports Palace, which set a kind of record.

    Artists go on stage 200-250 times annually, board a plane 100 times a year, and travel 120 thousand km. on cars, buses and trains.

    Despite the fact that the group has existed for more than 20 years, its core is still made up of musicians with whom M. Turetsky is familiar and friendly student years or since the formation of the choir.