How to view the list of active users. How to view the list of active users Where is the user monitor in 1c

Administration and control of 1C 8.3 users is an integral part of the implementation and support of any software product 1C company. In fact, this is not a difficult task, and I am sure that anyone can cope with it without any problems. Let's take a closer look at the process of administering 1C users.

User management in 1C is a fairly simple and intuitive process, but still needs description.

Conventionally, administration and control includes:

  • creating a user;
  • setting user rights;
  • view active users;
  • analysis of user actions.

Let's look at each of these points in more detail:

Creating and installing user rights 1C 8.2

Depending on the configuration, users are entered either in the configurator or in user mode. Almost all modern configurations support user input in 1C: Enterprise 8 mode. Also in 1C: Enterprise mode, as a rule, additional user parameters are entered.

However, regardless of the configuration, the first user with administrative rights is always entered in Configurator mode. Therefore, we will consider both user input modes.

Entering users in the Configurator

To enter the 1C Configurator mode, you must select the Configurator option in the database selection list:

After logging in, you need to select Administration - Users in the menu. A list of users will open; if you create the first user, it will be empty. Let's add a new user "Administrator":

On this page you must specify user settings:

  • Name And Full name — user name.
  • If the flag is set Authentication 1C: Enterprises, then the items will become available Password(password used to log into 1C), The user is prohibited from changing the password(makes it possible for the user to change the password in user mode), Show in selection list(makes it possible to select a user from the list, otherwise the user name must be entered manually).
  • Authentication operating system flag responsible for the ability to authorize using the operating system username. User— information system user name (for example, \\dom\kirill, where dom is the network domain, and kirill is the OS user name). When 1C starts, it first checks authorization through the OS, and then 1C 8.2 authorization.
  • OpenID authentication— enabling authorization using OpenID technology . OpenID is an open decentralized system that allows the user to use a single account for authentication on a set of not related friend with other sites, portals, blogs and forums.

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On the tab Other you need to specify the appropriate roles for user(). In our case, we will specify for the administrator Full rights. For other users, you can check the required roles here. User rights are summarized from the available objects of different roles. Those. if the user has two roles selected, one has access to the “Nomenclature” directory, and the second role does not, there will be access. For any user without "Full rights" The role “User” must be set(if present).

You can also specify on this tab Main interface(only works for regular forms). Default language— if the configuration is developed in several languages. Startup mode- managed or regular application.

Creating a user in 1C Accounting 2.0

After a user with full rights is registered in the system, users can be entered in 1C: Enterprise mode. For example, let's create a user in the most common configuration - Enterprise Accounting 8.2.

To do this, select the item in the menu Service - User and access management. The “Users” directory will open. Create a new user:

Enter information about the user and his basics, click the “OK” button: the system will offer to automatically create a database user:

You must agree and the new database user form will be displayed:

That's it! The creation of the user and assignment of rights to him is completed.

Viewing active users in the 1C database

To view users working in the database in 1C: Enterprise mode, you must select the item Service - Active Users. A list of users working in the database will open:

How to disconnect users in 1C 8.3 and 8.2

There are two ways to disable an active user in the 1C database:

  • in the program interface (for configurations 1C Accounting 3.0, Trade Management 11, etc.);
  • via the server cluster console (available only in client-server mode).

From the interface

In user mode, you can kick out a frozen user by going to the “Administration” - “Support and Maintenance” menu, then selecting “Active Users”:

Select the desired user from the list and click the “Finish” button.

From the cluster console

If you have access to the administrative panel of the 1C server, you can end the session using it. We go to the console, find the frozen user in the “Sessions” menu, call context menu and click “Delete”:

Monitoring the work of users 1C 8.3

To view the history of user work, you need to go to the menu item Service - :

With the advent of the new 1C platform (8.3.5) and the development of the 1C: Accounting 8.3 configuration (rev. 3.0), not only user functionality was improved, but also administrative functionality. Thus, in recent releases of the program, changes were made to the system and user administration block.

In this article, we will look at several major changes from the administration block, designed to improve the efficiency of working with the software product.

1. Organization of administration menu sections

In the “Administration” section, all objects are collected into several groups (see Fig. 1):

Program settings;


Figure 1 Composition of the administration section

The composition and set of each group may differ for different users, since the “Taxi” interface is easily customizable and the initial delivery of the configuration is not overloaded with menu list items. To add a particular position, just go to the “Administration” section and click the button<Настройка навигации>in the upper right corner of the list that appears.

1. Support and service

In the “Program Settings” group there is a “Support and Maintenance” subgroup. This is a new subgroup that contains the main mechanisms for controlling the state of the program, backup and recovery, updating versions and optimizing performance (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Support and Service Team Blocks

New reports have been added to the system for program administration. To go to the list of such reports, you must select “Administrator Reports” (see Figure 2).

The window that opens will present a list of main reports on analyzing user activity and monitoring the log of user actions (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 List of administrator reports

Now, in order to view the list of critical log entries that could lead to system errors, you need to generate the “Log Monitor” report (see Fig. 4).

Figure 4 Log audit report

To monitor user activity in working with system objects, it is enough to generate the “User Activity Analysis” report (see Figure 5).

Figure 5 Analysis of system user activity

1. Backup and recovery

Now the user-friendly interface provides the ability to configure backup and restore copies of the system. To do this, you need to go to one of the menu items in the “Support and Maintenance” group (see Fig. 2)

Directly from user mode it is now possible to check the presence of active users (the ability previous versions program) and save data (added service feature new version programs).

In this case, it is possible to set up a schedule to start the database saving schedule. To do this, you need to go to the “Backup Settings” menu and fill in the schedule parameters (see Fig. 6)

Figure 6 Setting up a system backup schedule

1. Performance assessment

To evaluate system performance, just set the “Performance Evaluation” attribute and go to settings and calculate indicators (see Fig. 7)

Figure 7 System performance evaluation

1. System update and other services

Directly in user mode it is possible to perform a system update. In this case, the program will record the detailed progress of the update in the registration log (see Fig. 8)

Figure 8 Setting up the system update process

In addition, the system configures the protection of personal data, and also adds the ability to search and delete duplicates (see Fig. 9)

Figure 9 Removing duplicates reference information systems

We reviewed the main changes that were made to the block for administering the 1C: Accounting 8.3 system (rev. 3.0) based on the Taxi interface.


ArkNet company team

The registration log in 1C 8.3 is very useful in that it displays events that occurred in the information base, indicating the time, computer name and user name, and links to the data being changed. When users are authenticated, entries are also created in the log indicating the method of logging into the program. This mechanism allows you to answer one of frequently asked questions– who last made changes to a specific object.

Where can I find the logbook in 1C 8.3? Through the menu “All functions” - “Standard” or, in typical 1C configurations, in the menu “Administration” - “Support and Maintenance”.

The logbook is configured in the configurator mode. In the “Administration” menu, select “Log Settings”.

Here you configure the events that will be displayed in the log.

Selecting the first setting item allows you to not keep a log at all. The remaining settings are arranged in ascending order of importance. If there are a large number of users, it is not recommended to register comments so as not to clog the database.

When creating a new infobase, the default mode for recording all events is set.

View and search records

When you open the logbook itself, at first glance it may seem that there is a lot of information and it is simply unrealistic to find it. Actually this is not true.

By default, 200 entries are displayed in the log. Displaying a large number of entries can negatively affect the performance of your program or simply cause it to freeze.

In the registration log list form, you can set the selection and use the search. The search only applies to records that are already displayed (in this case, the last 200 events). The selection applies to all records.

The search is carried out using the displayed data in the tabular section, so when using it you only need to specify the column and data that you want to find.

Selection allows you to select data by specific users, computer names, events, etc. You also have the ability to display log entries only for specific metadata, data (a link to the desired object, for example, a specific document) and other settings are indicated.

IN in this example log settings for selecting all events of the “Admin” user starting from 06/20/2017 are shown.

Where is the 1cv8.lgd log file stored?

The physical storage location of the logbook directly depends on file database or client - server.

File database

With this placement mode, the registration log is located in the folder with the database itself. You can find out its location either from the list of databases or from the “About the program” help.

If you go to to this address, you will find a folder named "1Cv8Log". This is where the log data in the 1Cv8.lgd file is located.

If you need to transfer the database from one place to another, you can also copy this directory, then the log data will be transferred along with the database.

When you delete this directory, the log will be cleared.

Client-server base

In this mode, everything is the same as in the previous one, only the 1C log data is stored on the server. Most often its location is as follows:

  • C:\Program Files\1cv8\srvinfo\<место расположения информационной базы>\1Cv8Log


The registration log can be optimized if necessary, especially when there is a large number events.

One way is to configure the registration of only certain events as discussed above. For example, there's no point in tracking notes if you simply don't need them.

In older platform releases, division of the log by periods was available in the log settings. The entire log could be divided into separate files with a specified frequency (day, month, year, etc.).

Starting from version 1C platform, the log is stored in a sqlite database file with the extension *.lgd, and this setting has become unavailable. This method Log storage is significantly more efficient than the old one.

How to reduce or delete the registration log in 1C

If you need to partially or completely clear the log entries, in the settings window, click on the “Reduce” button. In the window that appears, specify the date by which all records should be deleted. You can also save deleted entries to a file just in case.

We are starting a series of materials on preparing management reports for small businesses in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program. The recommendations presented to you do not contain reports of little use or highly specialized concepts. With a minimum of economic knowledge, business owners, as well as managers and accountants, can get a real picture of business performance, which will help in making the right decisions.

Main purpose management reporting- providing information about the current value of the organization with relevance “here and now”. In addition, the peculiarity and value of management reports is that all information “gets” into them, regardless of the way it is reflected in accounting.
And so, we start by setting up the main indicators.
On the initial page of the program we see the “Manager’s Monitor” - this is the main form where key business indicators are reflected and the current dynamics of the enterprise’s work are visible.

Position of key blocks home page(“Remains cash"; "Buyers"; “Suppliers”) can be changed depending on the organization’s priorities by simply moving within the block using the mouse

You can also add a “Key Indicators Monitor” to the home page. We do it like this: “Main Menu” - “View” - “Setting the Home Page”. The composition of the main indicators is adjusted depending on the tasks being solved. It is possible to include for comparison indicators of the same period last year, indicators of the previous month, and overdue debt.

In addition, it is possible to configure the list of users for whom the Vital Indicators Monitor will be available.
“Total secrecy will ensure your market leadership” (Steve Jobs)

The settings are ready, now it will be more convenient to analyze the main indicators.

The 1C administrator can find out at any time who is connected to the infobase, and this can be done in several ways.

In the configurator

The list of active users in the configurator can be obtained through the menu Administration ⇒ Active users.

The window displays the user name, startup mode, start time, computer name, and session number. From this window you can open a log of the actions of the user of interest.

In enterprise mode

1. Via the "All functions" menu:

The functionality of this window completely repeats the window discussed in the configurator mode.
2. Through special processing of the library of standard subsystems (built into all standard application solutions). Usually it is located: Administration ⇒ Support and Maintenance ⇒ Active Users. Appearance Processing in different configurations may vary slightly.

In the server cluster administration console

Most full information for 1C sessions (and therefore for active users) can be obtained in the administration console of the server cluster. This method is only suitable for server databases.


You can use global context method(). The function is available on the server, has no input parameters, and returns an array of values ​​like Connection of Information Base.
Type value Connection of Information Base has properties:

  • ComputerName(String);
  • ApplicationName(String);
  • StartConnection(Date);
  • SessionNumber(Number);
  • ConnectionNumber(Number);
  • User(InformationBaseUser).

An example of programmatically obtaining active users:

ArrayConnections = GetConnectionsInformationBase(); For each connection from ArrayConnections Loop Report("Name: " + Connection . User . Name + "; computer: " + Connection . ComputerName ); EndCycle;