For users of the previous version of the solution.

The software product "1C:University" is designed to automate management activities in institutions of higher professional education.

The 1C:University program was developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, using all the advantages of software products of this generation: ergonomic interface, developed tools for creating analytical reporting, fundamentally new capabilities for analyzing and retrieving information, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration , ease of system administration. "1C:University" supports multi-user work on a local network or via the Internet using web browsers or a thin client. The new product allows you to automate the following functions of the university: the work of the admissions committee, planning the educational process, managing the contingent of students, working with orders, printing diplomas, applications and certificates, accounting for tuition fees and employment of graduates.

Main functionality of the program:

"1C:University" supports multi-user work on a local network or via the Internet using web browsers or a thin client and allows you to automate:

  • The work of the admissions committee;
  • Planning the educational process (curricula, workload);
  • Management of the student population (personal records, records of academic performance and attendance, military records);

Work with orders;

  • Printing diplomas, applications and certificates;
  • Accounting for graduates' employment;
  • Accounting for tuition fees.

"1C:University" is implemented on the "1C:Enterprise 8.2" platform and supports the use of licenses with software protection. Technical support for the configuration is provided by the SGU-Infocom company (Stavropol).

Application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform are distinguished by an ergonomic interface, developed tools for creating analytical reporting, fundamentally new capabilities for analyzing and retrieving information, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration, and ease of system administration.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system enables users to work via the Internet in web client mode using an Internet browser running Windows or Linux operating systems, including via mobile communication channels (GPRS).

"1C:Enterprise 8.2" supports working with various DBMS - file mode, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 server can operate both in a Microsoft Windows environment and in a Linux environment. During implementation, this provides the ability to select the architecture on which the system will operate and the ability to use open source software to operate the server and database.

"1C:Enterprise 8.2" supports the ability to customize an application solution to reflect the specifics of a particular institution:

using the mechanism of functional options, with the help of which the system is quickly configured during implementation, without changing the application solution, using the "Configurator" launch mode, which provides visual development tools, constructors and other mechanisms for changing the application solution.

Information protection

The 1C company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the secure software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access (NAA) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the certification results, compliance with the requirements of the governing documents for protection against unauthorized access to class 5, to the level of monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDC) to level 4 of control was confirmed, the possibility of using for creating automated systems (AS) up to security class 1G (i.e. AC) was confirmed , ensuring the protection of confidential information on a LAN) inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems (PDIS) up to class K1 inclusive.

All configurations developed on the "1C:Enterprise 8.2" platform (for example, "1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", "1C:University") can be used to create a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when hundreds of users work. The modern three-level system architecture ensures that high performance is maintained despite a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved through server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved through dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of DBMS from world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows you to build high-performance and reliable information systems.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.

This makes it possible to build solutions for universities with a branch structure based on the “University” configuration, allowing you to effectively manage the educational institution and see the “big picture” with the efficiency necessary for decision-making.

About the release of edition 1.1 of the product "1C:University"

A number of changes have been made to the functionality of the subsystem for coordinating the work of the admissions committee to make working with the subsystem faster and more comfortable.

Functional features:

  • Admissions Campaign Wizard, which allows you to quickly navigate through the documents required to conduct the admissions campaign; From the Wizard you can both view documents of the admissions campaign and create new ones.
  • Possibility of taking into account the categories of admission of applicants.
  • Processing that allows you to automate a number of processes in the admissions campaign:
  • “Distribution of applicants into groups” – automatic generation and completion of the document “Distribution of applicants into groups”.
  • “Generation of admissions for applicants” – automatic generation and completion of the document “Admission to entrance examinations”.
  • "Generation of examination sheets" – automatic creation and completion of the "Examination sheet" document.
  • "Downloading the results of checking the Unified State Examination certificates" - interaction with the AIS "Federal Database of Unified State Examination Certificates" (AIS FBS).
  • Processing "Recalculation of Unified State Examination results" - automatic filling of examination sheets in accordance with the data of Unified State Examination certificates.
  • A number of reports have been added that allow for more complete monitoring of the admissions campaign at the university:
  • The "Applicant Activity" report is intended for graphical presentation of information on the progress of accepting documents as part of the admissions campaign.
  • The report "Form 76-KD" is intended to display statistical information about the results of admission of students to a state educational institution for full-time study.
  • The report “Form 76-KD (UGS)” is intended to provide information on the enrollment of full-time students at a university, taking into account enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training.

Integration subsystem with solutions "1C: Salaries and personnel management" and "1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution"

A new subsystem that allows for data exchange between “1C:University” and the solutions “1C:Salaries and personnel management” and “1C:Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution.”

Functional features:

  • Formation of lists of candidates for a particular position for the purpose of subsequent uploading to “1C: Salaries and personnel management” or “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution.”
  • Filling out the document "Assignment to the Department" of the "1C: University" configuration based on the data contained in the "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management" or "1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution" configuration.
  • Filling out a time sheet in the "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management" or "1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution" configuration automatically based on the data contained in the "1C: University" configuration.

1C: PROF University

"1C:University PROF" is a comprehensive solution for automating the management activities of a university, in which, in addition to "1C:University", a number of subsystems are implemented for the following departments: research department, postgraduate and doctoral studies department, dissertation councils, control room (schedule) , Department of Pre-University and Continuing Education, University Campus.

The implementation of 1C University allows you to fully automate the process of storing, recording, processing and analyzing data on the main processes of the university: admission, payment of tuition, training, graduation and subsequent employment of certified specialists, management activities of dean's offices and methodological departments, distribution of the load on the teaching staff of the institution .

The 1C University program provides support for various training systems (bachelors, masters, specialists) at the level of educational documentation and state plans. sample of successful completion of educational institution.

The program can be used to effectively automate the workplaces of employees of the following structural divisions of the university:

  • admissions committee;
  • various departments;
  • dean's offices;
  • educational and methodological department;
  • trade union committee;
  • student personnel department.

Features of the 1C ACP University application

1. Admissions committee

In this section 1 C University you can:

  • setting up scoring systems;
  • creating a plan for recruiting students by form of study and specialty;
  • creation of a list of entrance tests;
  • creating a procedure for enrolling applicants taking into account various factors;
  • statistical information of applicants.

2. Planning the learning process

  • versioning of various curricula;
  • creation and recording of working curricula;
  • support for a multi-level system (bachelors, masters and specialists);
  • formation, storage and subsequent processing of study process graphs.

3. Calculation and load distribution

  • creation of a contingent of trained students;
  • the formation of different rules calculating the workload of teachers;
  • teachers' time log;
  • planning the load on departments;
  • coordination and synchronization of teaching hours.

4. 1C contingent management

  • storing and processing information about the student population, their personal cards, detailed records of attendance and academic performance;
  • formation of examination and test reports;
  • lists of students not admitted to certification;
  • reports on the progress of the session.

5. Order processing

  • formation of various instructions and orders;
  • independent determination of new types of orders and changes to existing ones;
  • easy customization of the output printed form of administrative documentation.
  • taking into account the correctness of documentation.

If you decide to buy 3 1C University PROF from us today, you for free get:

  • first 3 months of support, consultations and updates
  • delivery in Moscow and regions
  • installation
The 1C-Bitrix company offers a comprehensive solution for educational institutions, which allows, on the one hand, to create internal information and communication resource for employees, and on the other - to build closed social and educational network for students and teachers integrated into the educational process.

“1C-Bitrix: Internal portal of an educational institution” is built on the basis of the product “1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal”: a platform for managing corporate information and internal communications, laureate of the Russian Internet Prize in 2011 and fully inherits all its functionality and advantages.

A modern educational institution also means a high level of informatization and penetration of Internet technologies into internal business processes and the educational process. Most students today are advanced users of the Internet and its modern services. Today, all these opportunities can be used in the educational process, and provide students with familiar and comfortable environment for education and creativity.

It is no longer enough to make a simple website for students; today it is necessary to use modern web technologies, especially the principles of Web 2.0: blogs, social networks and collaboration tools, posting photo and video content, instant messages, mapping services, mash-up, RSS and many other information and ways to obtain and work with it. It is in this case that internal portals for students and teachers can become effective educational tool.

Many educational institutions pay attention to internal efficiency of the organization: reducing costs for exchanging and searching for information, automating document flow and work processes, etc. Portal solutions for employees can solve many problems and achieve excellent results!

Artem Ryabinkov, head of the business development department at 1C-Bitrix, Ph.D.

Download presentation

1C-Bitrix industry solutions successfully combine the flexibility of free software and the guarantees of proprietary (commercial) software:

  • are cross-platform and can run entirely on free software. The software package for the web server in this case can be as follows: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP architecture);
  • supplied completely in source codes, which allows you to make any changes to the code for a specific project;
  • are provided by Russian-speaking technical support 1C-Bitrix companies have detailed documentation and training courses in Russian;
  • have the ability to download and install add-ons (plugins) from , expanding the functionality of the solutions;
  • allow you to count on great things on the 1C-Bitrix platform, use their developments and recommendations, find developers to support and refine the project.


“1C-Bitrix: Internal portal of an educational institution” is a comprehensive solution that includes the following components:

1. Corporate portal for employees of an educational institution ( intranet zone )

The solution offers the full range of capabilities of the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product for the organization and its employees:
  • HR portal with representation of the organization and employees;
  • Document storage, corporate search;
  • Time planning and time management;
  • Tasks and assignments;
  • Working groups and much more.

2. Portal for students (extranet zone)

The portal for students solves the following main tasks:
  1. Informing students
  2. Electronic support for the educational process
  3. Creating a community of students and teachers and communication organizations
  4. Receiving feedback from students by the educational institution

The student portal is a closed system of the educational institution. Access to it can only be obtained by students (current and graduates), authorized employees and teachers of the educational institution, or invited external persons who need to be involved in the educational process and life of the educational institution.

The intranet portal and the portal for students are two components of a common system, a unified information environment and a database, which simplifies the integration of these components with each other, working with common data, and integration with external services and systems of the educational institution.

Features of the extranet zone “Student Portal”

Students of the educational institution will be able to

Educational process:
  • View the structure of the educational institution (faculties/departments/administration), information about key persons;
  • Receive detailed information from the department, faculty (news, documents, event calendars);
  • See your group, list of students with contacts, headman;
  • See your subjects, teachers, study groups by subject;
  • In the subject, find teachers, materials, receive assignments (assignment materials), report for completing assignments, see the grade, receive comments from the teacher;
  • Communicate with the teacher and other employee of the educational institution;
  • View the class schedule (download file);
  • Take an online training course and pass a test to test your knowledge of the material;
  • Save your studies (personal storage of documents), refer to them regularly;
  • Supplement the wiki by subject/group;
  • Participate in a meeting/meeting, add a report to the minutes on your tasks;
  • Send an appeal/application for the administration to resolve various issues and track the status of the solution in your personal account.
  • Find people on the educational institution’s social network (teachers, classmates, other students, alumni), view contact information, send a message
  • Find communities (study groups, subject groups, other interest groups), join, communicate and share information
  • View the live feed of social network messages (according to the subscription), send a message to the live feed
  • Maintain your personal blog
  • Upload photos, rate others' photos
  • Conduct a discussion in accessible forums

Teachers of the educational institution will be able to

Educational process:
  • View your study groups: lists of students and their contacts, prefects, manage the group (for curators);
  • Lead groups in your subjects. Replenish the knowledge base on the subject, communicate with students on the subject;
  • View your teaching schedule (download file);
  • Save your pedagogical experiences in teaching, refer to them regularly (in your personal storage, or in groups by subject);
  • Communicate with students and other teachers;
  • Create an online training course in your discipline and organize online testing for students;
  • Give a task to the whole group or individual participants on the subject, get the results, give comments;
  • Organize/participate in a meeting/meeting/meeting, add a report to the minutes.
  • Finding contacts (students, alumni) and communicating with them;
  • Search for communities (groups on various topics), join and communicate in them;
  • Opportunity to maintain your own blog within the portal;
  • Participation in accessible forums.

The administration of the educational institution will be able to:

Portal management:
  • Manage the structure of the educational institution and its main entities (faculties/departments, specialties, groups, subjects)
  • Create separate sections of the portal for faculties/departments, delegate rights to manage them and post information
  • Place necessary documents for students in a common document storage, manage access rights
  • Send notifications to students on various issues (general information, events, finances, debts) manually (to specific students or groups) or automatically (with integration with internal accounting systems)
  • Import new lists of students into the portal, form study groups
  • Automatically transfer students to the new school year
  • Receive student requests and feedback from one point, manage the flow of requests and monitor their implementation by educational institution employees
  • and much more


Features of the student portal (extranet zones)

Home page

The portal's home page opens first after a student logs in and offers summary information. The central place is portal live feed(analogous to a live feed on social networks), where the latest changes concerning a given user are displayed.

Unread messages, tasks, and notifications are marked with a special background, which makes it possible to quickly find out the latest news in the life of the portal and educational institution. Directly from the main page, you can send a message to the live feed, addressing it to selected people, sending it to certain educational groups and communities.

In the classic design template, portal administrators can customize the composition of blocks on the main page using technology visual placement of gadgets. You can choose from a large number of standard gadgets, or during implementation, develop custom gadgets that, for example, display information from the organization’s internal IT systems (finance, educational process, etc.).

Information about the educational institution

The “Educational Institution” section provides the most complete and up-to-date information about it:

  • description;
  • key people;
  • latest news and events;
  • photo and video materials.
Clearly presented organizational structure of the educational institution, which reflects both the connection between divisions, faculties and departments, as well as key persons and employees working in a particular division. The structure can be imported from external systems or built manually in visual mode without programming.


Information about faculty and staff

Students can easily find the right employee and teacher to ask him a question (by email or via the instant messaging system built into the portal). The Absence Schedule and Birthdays pages will provide information about employee absences and help you remember to congratulate them.

Contacts Absence schedule Birthdays

Document storage

The administration can create unlimited number of virtual document storages on the portal. These can be general documents and reference materials for all students, as well as individual repositories for faculties, departments, graduate schools, etc. The ability to assign individual access rights down to a specific folder and document, full-text search across the entire array of documents, easy downloading of documents through a browser - all this will allow you to provide the materials necessary for the educational process, the regulatory framework, reference and teaching aids and any other documents.

General documents

Search for students

Lists of students can be imported into the portal automatically, from internal accounting systems, or students can independently register on the portal so that administrators can link them to the appropriate groups and structure.

After that, in the “Students” section you can find a person: by last name, by group, by other fields.
Having found a contact, you can write him a message (either through the built-in messenger or by finding out his e-mail), add him as a friend, and also go to the student’s personal page, which is similar to people’s pages on social networks.

List of students User's personal page


Groups represent an opportunity organizing communities of people and solving joint problems. The Student Portal has three predefined group types.

Study group Group by subject Other groups

Study groups- represent an electronic space for a real study group. Students automatically gain access to their study groups and cannot leave them. As a rule, students have one study group of their own. If a student simultaneously receives a second education, then he will have two groups and so on.

Groups by subject- designed for communication and collaboration between teachers and students on a particular subject. Subject teachers or administrators can create a group that will automatically include those students who are taking this subject this academic year. Within the group, you can post information on the subject, set tasks for students and monitor their completion, form a knowledge base, plan events, and so on.

Other groups- are intended for free communication, exchange of opinions on various issues, both on the educational process and on other topics.

Online courses

Within the framework of the portal, students can be organized to pass online training courses. Course materials can be created by teachers or portal administrators in the administrative section, or imported from other systems in SCORM format.

List of courses

Additionally, testing of students’ knowledge can be organized based on the results of studying the course materials.

Communication tools

In the student portal many communication tools, allowing you to easily receive information, send files and documents, organize discussions, maintain your blog and comment on other people's posts.

Support and sending requests

An important part of the portal is student support system on various issues. The central element in it is a system for receiving student requests, which allows you to ask the right question and indicate all the necessary data to solve it. A back office is available to the administration of the educational institution, into which all requests are collected, reaction time and student satisfaction based on the results of the decision are monitored.

Create a request Frequently asked questions

This is an excellent tool that allows you to collect feedback, automate and speed up the resolution of many issues, and increase the efficiency of correcting errors in internal systems.

Supply and licensing

Product supply includes:
  1. Distribution kit "1C-Bitrix: Internal portal of an educational institution"
  2. Documentation "Installation Guide"
Distributions and documentation are downloaded from the client section of the site

In prices 15% discount already taken into account for educational and government institutions. For additional clarification, please contact 1C-Bitrix.

The cost of licenses includes:
  • the ability to create one internal portal of an educational institution per organization;
  • 1000 internal portal users (institution employees);
  • unlimited number of extranet users (students and invited external users);
  • unlimited amount of posted information;
  • one year of free platform updates and technical support from 1C-Bitrix.
Extension updates and technical support after the first year of use are optional, but recommended. The cost is calculated similarly to the editions of “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”: 22% and 60% for preferential and standard renewals, respectively.

For users of the previous version of the solution

Owners of the previous version of the solution “1C-Bitrix: Internal portal of an educational institution” will be able to automatically receive all the innovations while saving data through the SiteUpdate system.

Information about the procedure for migrating to a new version is described in the installation and launch guide for the solution. Please note that for successful installation you need to update the module “1C-Bitrix: Internal portal of an educational institution” to at least version 11.5.3. If an update to this version is not available to you, you must contact the 1C-Bitrix technical support department.

The transition to a new version of the solution is not mandatory, but is recommended, since the 1C-Bitrix company is discontinuing development of the previous version of the solution. Owners of previous versions will be able to receive technical support, as well as update system modules of the corporate portal on the basis of which the solution was built.

For additional questions regarding the transition, please contact the 1C-Bitrix sales department:

The software product "1C:University" was developed on the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3".

The work of the admissions committee

Using the software product, various models of conducting an admissions campaign can be implemented (processing of personal files, ranking of applicants and their enrollment)

1. Planning the admissions campaign

· Formation of a plan for recruiting applicants in areas of training and forms of study;
· formation of a list of entrance examinations;
· determination of lists of documents that applicants must provide;
· determination of the list of individual achievements to be taken into account;
· setting up scoring systems;
· formation of an enrollment procedure taking into account:
benefits established by law
· reasons for receipt (budget, on a paid basis, targeted admission, referral from an enterprise, etc.) of victories and prizes in Olympiads.

2. Possibility of flexible configuration of parameters for conducting an admissions campaign using the “Admissions Campaign” document:

· type of restriction of selected areas of training in the applicant’s application;
· Batch submission of applications;
· parameters for automatic generation of statements;
· control of the number of submitted original documents;
· control of the number of applications submitted for training areas of one competitive group;
· mandatory automatic verification of the category of applicants “Without entrance examinations”;
· control of the correctness of submitted documents;
· restriction of editing the applicant's application after the deadline for accepting documents;
· limiting the list of sending organizations in accordance with the recruitment plan;
· checking the maximum amount of points for individual achievements;
· setting up the accounting of individual achievements in the total score;
· setting up the use and accounting of consents for enrollment;
· setting up rules for including applicants in the enrollment order (conditions for determining the highest priority);
· setting up rules for excluding applicants from the competition;
· the admissions campaign may include an arbitrary number of stages.

3. Ability to copy settings of previously conducted recruitment campaigns when setting up the current one
4. Formation of the applicant’s personal file (with a note on the availability of originals or copies of documents)
5. Admissions campaign wizard for automated mass work with applicants’ documents
6. Entering complete information about the applicant on the Applicant Application form:
· personal information of the applicant;
· contact information of the applicant;
· data on previously acquired education;
· data on the results of the Unified State Examination (not required to be filled out, the possibility of automated mass downloading of this information has been implemented);
· about the areas of training (specialties) for which the applicant is applying;
· list of entrance tests taken by the applicant (automatic completion based on the selected set of entrance tests);
· a mark indicating consent to enrollment in one of the areas of training (setting this mark is not required);
· information about the applicant’s benefits, distinctive features, and results of Olympiads;
· health information (health group, physical education group, notes on the need for an adapted program and long-term treatment);
· information about the applicant’s individual achievements;
· list of documents submitted by the applicant upon admission;
· information about the applicant’s parents.
7. Formation of the necessary list of documents for the applicant:
· examination sheets;
· examination sheet;
· a document on admission to entrance examinations (if internal entrance examinations of the university are taken - exams, interviews, etc.);
· agreement with the applicant upon admission on a paid basis;
· it is possible to set priorities between several areas of training (specialties) in the applicant’s application.
8. Processing information about entrance examinations and the Unified State Exam
9. Maintaining information about the results of Olympiads in which the applicant took part
10. Possibility of forming competitive groups
11. Data exchange with FIS State Examination Agency and reception
12. Possibility of automated mass download of data on the results of the Unified State Examination of applicants from the FIS State Examination Agency and admission
13. Possibility of re-crediting the results of the Olympiads as the results of entrance examinations
14. Data exchange with FIS GIA and reception
15. Conducting entrance tests and enrollment:
· taking into account the results of both the Unified State Exam and the university’s own tests;
· the ability to take into account points awarded for individual achievements when calculating the total amount of points;
· the possibility of transferring the results of the Olympiads as the results of entrance examinations;
· formation of ratings and lists of applicants recommended for inclusion in the admission order;
· generation of enrollment orders.
16. Master of applicant lists, which allows you to generate both lists of applicants recommended for admission, and arbitrary lists of applicants compiled in accordance with the settings specified by the user (flexible options for selecting data, determining the composition of the fields included in the report, grouping, sorting and conditional formatting data).
17. Formation and printing of statistical, analytical and list reporting forms:
· statistical tabular data of applicants;
· results of entrance tests;
· protocol of admission to entrance examinations;
· examination sheet of applicants;
· data for checking Unified State Examination certificates;
· information about enrollment in a university based on the results of the Unified State Exam;
· information about the results of entrance examinations;
· information on the progress of receiving documents;
· Unified State Exam certificate;
· average score of the Unified State Examination and entrance examinations;
· contingent and movement (lists of applicants);
· GZGU report.

Planning the educational process

1. Formation and accounting of curricula and work curricula in accordance with the State Standards, Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education
2. Support for the level system (bachelor, master and specialist)
3. Creation, storage and processing of educational process schedules
4. Assignment of curriculum disciplines to departments and divisions of the university
5. Integration with GosInsp (loading and unloading data in .xml format; .plx format (blue star) is not supported)
· possibility of single and mass downloading of curricula;
· the ability to automatically search for matching plans in 1C:University based on details of plans in .xml format during mass upload;
· the ability to create missing curriculum when downloading;
· setting up rules for conducting downloadable curricula;
· the ability to automatically create a set of working curricula based on the downloadable basic
6. Accounting for specializations in the “Curriculum” document
7. The document “Curriculum” may indicate the main and additional terms of study
8. Possibility of marking the curriculum as an abbreviated curriculum
9. Possibility of checking the curriculum according to specified criteria
10. Ability to copy data from one curriculum to another (both single and bulk copying)
11. Possibility of automatically replacing the details of the “Curriculum” document in accordance with specified conditions
12. Possibility of uploading curriculum to files in .xml format (both single and mass upload is possible)
13. Print output:
· curricula;
· schedules of the educational process;
· forms of approval of the assignment of disciplines;
· competency matrices.

Load calculation and distribution

1. Formation of a contingent of students according to the curriculum and disciplines
2. Formation of rules for calculating the workload of teachers
3. Formation of the structure of the student population
4. Accounting for the planned contingent
5. Ability to configure automatic combination and division of contingents
6. Possibility of merging and dividing contingents manually
7. Planning load distribution of departments
8. Load distribution among teachers
9. Taking into account the main and additional workload of teachers
10. Coordination and synchronization of clock calculations
11. Storage and processing of information about the teaching staff (teaching staff)
12. Integration with personnel accounting programs ("1C: Salaries and personnel management", "1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution")
13. Taking into account the workload of teachers and the time of classes, i.e. actually performed load;
14. Generating reports
· teacher checklist;
· hourly accounting;
· hourly accounting for courses;
· analysis of the staffing of departments;
· gradualism of teaching staff;
· age composition of teaching staff;
16. Distributed workload across the department (including by form of education)
17. Generating reports on teacher workload:
· workload by departments;
· teacher workload;

Contingent management

1. Storage and processing of information about the university student population:
· personal affairs;
· personal cards of students;
2. Control of student movement
3. Maintaining student record books (the possibility of simultaneous training in several areas of training is provided)
4. Ability to customize the format of the rules for creating a new record book (for enrollment in a university, transfers)
5. Assigning specific elective disciplines to students
6. Recording academic performance and attendance
7. Possibility of mass generation and printing of statements
8. Formation and printing:
· test and examination records;
· lists of persons not admitted to certification;
· reports on the composition and movements of the contingent;
· reports on the progress of the session;
· certificates (certificate from UMU, certificate-call, certificate from the dean’s office);
· final progress report;
· reports on readiness for issuing diplomas.
8. Accrual of scholarships:
· orders for the appointment and payment of scholarships;
· automation of the calculation of scholarships using the “Calculation Formulas” document;
· generation of reports;
· protocol for awarding scholarships;
· details of scholarship payments.
9. Practice management
· schedules for the distribution of students to practice;
· orders for practice;
· generation and printing of protocols for assigning students to practice.
10. Formation, printing and recording of state documents on graduation from an educational institution:
· diploma;
· Diploma supplement;
· copy of the diploma and diploma supplement;
· academic certificate;
· the ability to independently customize printed forms for diplomas and applications;
· the ability to create printed forms of diplomas of the 2014 model;
· accounting of issued documents on education and qualifications.
11. Possibility of mass registration of diplomas, formation of a diploma registration book
12. Uploading data on diplomas to the FDDO
13. Military registration:
· maintaining information on military registration of individuals;
· generation of a certificate of the appropriate sample (Appendix No. 2 to the List).
13. Student trade union committee:
· formation of orders for enrollment in the student trade union committee and expulsion from the student trade union committee;
· accounting of payments to the student trade union committee;
· accounting for student incentives;
14. Graduate employment management:
· maintaining questionnaires and lists of vacancies;
· maintaining a list of contractors (employers);
· taking into account the areas of employment of graduates;
· generation of statistical reporting on areas of employment.
15. Formation and printing of statistical, analytical and list reporting forms
16. Formation and printing of the VPO-1 form (in accordance with the orders of Rosstat)
17. Uploading data to the GIS “Contingent”

Working with orders

1. Formation of orders and instructions
2. The ability to independently determine new types and types of orders and change existing ones
3. Setting up rules for student state transitions according to orders of various types
4. The ability to independently configure orders of various types:
· setting up printed forms of orders and extracts from orders;
· setting restrictions;
· setting up fields in the tabular part of the order, etc.
5. Setting up order signatures
6. Creating orders to change existing ones, canceling orders
7. Accounting for the correctness of document processing

Accounting for paid services

1. Setting prices for tuition on a paid basis during the admissions campaign
2. Planning of revenues (payment schedule) for educational services provided
3. Maintaining a register of concluded contracts
4. Mass formation of contracts for the provision of educational services
5. Reporting:
· for debtors and those who have paid;
· summary report on contracts.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.

This makes it possible to build on the basis of "1C:University" solutions for managing multi-branch universities with a geographically distributed structure, allowing you to effectively manage and see the "big picture" with the efficiency necessary for decision-making.

Integration with other systems

Integration with external programs of domestic and foreign developers (for example, a client-bank system) and equipment (for example, barcode scanners, equipment for acquiring systems, RFID tag readers) is ensured based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3".