Information about the company by name. How to find out last name and other data from an individual’s tax identification number

First of all, you need to make sure that the company is registered in the prescribed manner and is operating. This can be done in different ways.

Check TIN

Make sure that the supplier's TIN is not a random set of numbers, but a real digital code that belongs to the company offering the transaction.

It’s very easy to check this, since the TIN has its own algorithm, and fake number, most likely, it will not correspond to it. You can recognize an error in the TIN in any program for preparing information on the income of individuals by entering the number in the “Employer TIN” field. If the number does not satisfy the algorithm, an error message will appear.

At the same time, you can establish the authenticity of the TIN and its affiliation with a particular company on the Federal Tax Service website or using the counterparty verification service.

Request a copy of the state registration certificate (or entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)

The state registration certificate confirms that the counterparty exists as a legal entity and is registered as a taxpayer. From January 1, 2017, when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, instead of a state registration certificate, an entry sheet of the required register is issued - the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Thus, the entry sheet is a document confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

In accordance with clause 13 of the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the state register entry sheet is included in the registration file legal entity. In accordance with clause 19 of the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the entry sheet of the state register is included in the registration file of an individual entrepreneur.

Get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

A fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities confirms that the counterparty is registered and has not been deregistered at the time of its receipt. In addition, according to extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities you can check the details specified by counterparties in contracts and other documents.

An extract can be requested directly from a potential partner or using the Federal Tax Service service.

The balance sheet allows you to draw several important conclusions about the company:

  • Firstly, it confirms that the company submits reports.
  • Secondly, it allows you to establish whether the organization conducted economic activities.
  • Thirdly, from accounting records you can learn about the “portfolio” of funds that the company has. If a company has practically zero asset value, significant debt obligations and an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles, this is a reason to think about whether it is worth giving such a company, for example, a trade loan. The company's turnover that is too low compared to the amount of the proposed transaction may also indicate that the supplier is hiding part of the income. In this case, it is better to refuse the deal.

Based on financial statements data, it is easy to create the financial analysis, which will show the dynamics of the company’s activities and allow you to assess its financial stability. In the service on the company card you can find links to financial statements and mini-financial analysis, which will allow you to immediately see key points in accounting forms without the need to study a large and complex financial report for the company.

Information about legal entities that have tax arrears and/or have not submitted tax reports for more than a year can also be obtained on the Federal Tax Service website.

Additional Analytics

It is necessary to verify the integrity of the counterparty and collect evidence that you have carried out the necessary checks. Why is it important? In the event of litigation, this will help confirm that your company has demonstrated .

From the point of view of the tax authorities (), a company has not exercised due diligence if it does not have:

  • personal contacts of management in the counterparty company when discussing delivery terms and when signing contracts;
  • documentary confirmation of the authority of the head of the counterparty company, copies of his identity document;
  • information about the actual location of the counterparty, as well as the location of warehouse, production, and retail space;
  • information on the method of obtaining information about the counterparty (advertising, recommendations of partners, official website, etc.);
  • information on the state registration of the counterparty in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • information about the counterparty's availability required license(if the transaction is concluded within the framework of a licensed activity), a certificate of admission to a certain type of work issued by a self-regulatory organization;
  • information about other market participants of similar goods, works, services, including those who offer lower prices.

Company information

Bulk registration address

A mass address is one of the signs of fly-by-night companies. At the end of 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued a warning that if there is confirmed information about the unreliability of the information submitted about the address of a legal entity, the registration authority has the right to refuse registration. According to the document, the inclusion of information about the mass registration address is the basis for checking the accuracy of the data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Thus, by registering companies at a mass address, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur risks being denied registration.

But tightening control over mass addresses applies not only to new businesses, but also to already registered companies: the tax office sends letters to companies that need to provide reliable information about their address to the registration authority. It will not be possible to ignore the notification from the tax authorities: if the address is not confirmed, the submitted documents do not correspond to reliability, then an entry about incorrect information about the address is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which may lead to the exclusion of the organization from the register, according to. Concluding agreements with counterparties registered at mass addresses is all the more dangerous.

How to check the “mass” of an address? Firstly, a service is available on the Federal Tax Service website that checks the address entered by the user with a list of mass addresses. Secondly, it shows which companies are registered at the same address as the counterparty or service the user is interested in. In some cases, such “neighborhood,” even if we are not talking about mass registration, may turn out to be significant.

Actual location of the counterparty

The discrepancy between the actual and legal addresses in itself does not characterize the counterparty in any way. According to the Federal Tax Service, almost 80% Russian companies are not located at the legal address specified during registration. But the tax office recommends checking the actual location of the counterparty along with other data.

Such information can be obtained by visiting the legal or actual address of the intended partner. This will allow you not only to clarify whether the counterparty’s office is actually located there, but also to look at the premises, production or retail space, and talk with employees and neighbors in the office building. Such a visit can be especially productive if made incognito, under the guise of a buyer or potential partner.

In Contour.Focus, you can view a panorama of buildings and surrounding areas for a specified legal entity in one click. This option is called .

Enforceability of the terms of the contract for the counterparty

It is necessary to have obvious evidence that the counterparty has a real opportunity to fulfill the terms of the contract. First of all, the time spent on delivery or production of goods, performance of work or provision of services is taken into account.

Violations of tax laws

The taxpayer has the right to request from the tax authorities information about the payment of taxes by counterparties. It does not matter whether the inspection responds to the company’s request. The Code does not establish an obligation tax authorities provide taxpayers, upon their requests, with information about the fulfillment by counterparties of the obligations provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees, or about their violations of the law ().

As arbitration practice shows, the company’s due diligence is evidenced by the very fact of applying to tax office requesting assistance in verifying the integrity of counterparties.

In order for the fact of contacting the inspection to be recorded, the request should be sent by registered mail with a receipt receipt (you will have one copy of the inventory and the returned notice) or submit the request in person to the tax office (in this case, you will have a copy of the request with a mark of acceptance).

Arbitration cases

“Black list” on the Federal Tax Service website

We are talking about a register of disqualified persons. Disqualification is administrative punishment, which consists in deprivation individual certain rights, in particular the right to occupy leadership positions in the executive body of a legal entity, join the board of directors (supervisory board), carry out entrepreneurial activity on the management of a legal entity.

The basis for disqualification may be deliberate or fictitious bankruptcy, concealment of property or property obligations, falsification of accounting and other accounting documents, etc.

To avoid cooperation with companies whose manager has been disqualified, it is enough to check the potential partner through special service on the Federal Tax Service website. The search is carried out by the name of the legal entity and OGRN.

By the end of 2018, the Federal Tax Service launched the “Transparent Business” service in test mode, which can be used to collect comprehensive information about the taxpayer - organization and exercise due diligence.

If you enter information about the TIN, OGRN or company name into the search, the following information will appear:

  • date of state registration and main state registration number of the legal entity, method of formation of the legal entity and name of the registering authority;
  • information about the organization’s registration with the tax authority;
  • state of the legal entity;
  • address of the legal entity and information about the address of mass registration;
  • OKVED;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • inaccurate information about the head of the company, management of the activities of many other legal entities;
  • category of small and medium-sized enterprise.

You should pay attention to the triangle sign, which may appear in the section as a warning. This means that the information requires special attention.

Powers of the person signing documents

When checking counterparties, the Ministry of Finance recommends obtaining documentary evidence of the authority of the manager (his representative). If the documents are signed by a company representative, you must obtain a power of attorney or other document from the counterparty authorizing this or that person to sign documents on behalf of the company.

The Ministry of Finance also recommends that taxpayers request identification documents from the head of the counterparty company. This will confirm that the documents are signed by the person who has the authority to do so. In addition, there may be cases when the counterparty is registered on a lost or stolen passport. You can find out this on the FMS website.

Transaction information

Confirmation of personal contacts when concluding a transaction

A lack of personal contact when concluding a transaction may indicate that the taxpayer did not exercise due diligence. The collected data on the circumstances of concluding an agreement with the counterparty (who participated in the negotiations, who sold the goods, etc.) will help prove the opposite.

Verification of transaction documents

This procedure allows you to avoid not only claims from tax authorities, but also possible legal disputes.

  • check the address indicated in the counterparty’s documents, in particular in invoices;
  • make sure that the supplier’s documents do not contain logical contradictions and comply with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other laws;
  • compare the signatures of employees on documents in order to eliminate the situation when different signatures are placed on behalf of one person (it is better to exclude such documents so that the Federal Tax Service does not declare them fictitious).

The given list of “filters” is incomplete. There are other ways to exercise caution in choosing a counterparty and obtain the most complete information about him.

Any person (individual or legal) who has found a potential business partner will want to make sure of his reliability. Using the TIN of a legal entity, an interested party will be able to find out what a particular company does, whether it is registered and whether it exists in this moment. Check the company both by identification number and in other ways. Let's take a closer look.

To find a company by TIN, you need to parse the structure of the number

Assigns an individual TIN to legal entities. This allows you to streamline everyone who pays taxes in the Russian Federation. Firms have received a personal digital code consisting of 10 digits since 1993, in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The number contains information about its location. Each number carries specific information, for example:

  • The first two reflect the code of the subject of the Russian Federation (enshrined in Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), within which the company is registered.
  • The two digits below are the number of the tax office responsible for inspection in a particular locality.
  • The next five digits are the tax record number of the legal entity in the local OGRN office.
  • The last digit is a control digit, and is used rather for the most precise definition companies.

Consequently, the TIN is assigned by the local branch of the Federal Tax Service where the organization was registered. Using the first four digits of the identification code, you can accurately identify the tax office.

Having found it in the SOUN (the directory of tax authorities that register taxpayers throughout the country), the interested person can go there by the specified address and request all information about the company you are interested in.

What information can you find out about a company using its TIN?

Using the TIN you can find out about the activities and financial condition companies

It is used by the tax service to determine a specific taxpayer company and other persons. With its help, Federal Tax Service employees can look up an organization in the database and find out whether taxes are paid, etc.

Plus, the taxpayer number is used when preparing accounting and tax reporting for a specific organization. Typically, the TIN is indicated on the official website of the company, in its title documentation used and in the forms of various agreements.

First of all, using the TIN, you can find out whether the organization exists. The applicant will be able to determine:

  1. Has the organization been registered?
  2. Is the company still functioning or has it been liquidated?
  3. What is it called, what address is it located at and what does it do.
  4. What property does the company own?
  5. What does it feel like financial situation– is it profitable or liquid, are there debt obligations, etc.

In what cases is this necessary?

TIN is assigned to legal entities, but has no legal force

The number itself has no force, since it is only a means for organizing and searching in the Federal Tax Service databases. However, it is assigned to legal entities without fail.

TIN is used by legal entities in the following cases:

  • When concluding commercial agreements, including when providing legal support to an enterprise (for example, through outsourcing companies).
  • When preparing and submitting reporting documentation to the tax office.
  • Applying for a loan from a bank, from the state, etc.

Therefore, an identification number is required in all financial transactions carried out by businesses.

Important! As a rule, the TIN and the reason for registration code (abbr. KPP) are required in order to identify any separate branch of the same company. Both codes are usually indicated along with payment details.

Please review the following information carefully:

  • When is the organization registered?
  • Where and by what department.
  • What type of activity is indicated (according to OKVED).
  • Does the organization have debts, is it involved in litigation, etc.

But there is one caveat - state databases on legal entities are not completely open. Get full list information from the tax office is possible only with the written consent of the counterparty company, which needs to be checked. Without permission, the interested person will only be able to obtain the following information:

  • Whether the person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity.
  • Are there any lawsuits regarding this company.
  • Company name and location.

Typically, “clean” companies freely provide basic information about themselves and do not make a secret of their TIN, OGRN or KPP. When a company with which you are agreeing on something refuses to provide this information, you should think twice.

The same applies to cases when the received data does not coincide with the declared information. For example, if a potential partner was registered recently, although it positions itself as a company with many years of experience, or does not do what is specified in OKVED, you can be wary.

How to check a company

Information about an enterprise by TIN can be ordered both via the Internet and at local branches of authorized bodies. Let's look at several ways:


You can check a company by TIN online without leaving your home

The easiest way is to visit the Federal Tax Service website ( and enter the TIN of the company you are interested in in the search bar. In addition to the identification number, the organization can be found:

  • Entering OGRN.
  • Indicating the name of the legal entity and the region in which it passed state registration.

The opportunity to apply for information about various companies is reserved for legal entities and individuals in accordance with the provisions:

  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 2013.
  • Federal Law on state registration of legal entities.

Having made a request, the user will later receive a PDF file with data on the state registration of the company.

Another way is to simply enter the word “TIN” and the ten-digit code assigned to the organization into Google or Yandex. Usually, this is how you can access the company’s website.

But you should be skeptical about the information provided on the company’s website. Unlike the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies, enterprises are not responsible for information posted on Internet sites. It is better to turn to official sources of information about legal entities.

At the Federal Tax Service office

To obtain information from the tax office you need a passport and an application

An interested person or his representative (by power of attorney, etc.) can independently visit the local tax office and request information about a specific company. To do this you will need:

  1. Write a corresponding statement (indicating the reason for the request).
  2. Indicate the TIN of the company of interest and other information.
  3. The applicant himself must provide personal and contact information.

You can collect information by presenting a copy of the application to the department.

Direct appeal to the Register of Legal Entities. persons

You can request the necessary information from the Register of Legal Entities by going to the official website of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The portal is publicly accessible and services are provided free of charge. Based on the result of the request, the interested person will receive a register extract (in paper or in electronic format), containing basic information about the organization.

Alternative ways to find information about an organization

There are many other ways to collect the necessary information about a legal entity. It all depends on what type of information is needed and in what time frame.

Let's say you want to find out whether a lawsuit has been filed against a specific company. To do this, you can visit the official website of the FSSP ( You will need to fill in some information about the company you are interested in in order to get it into the database enforcement proceedings and find out what his current status is (does he have debts, etc.).

You can find out about all arbitration proceedings in which the organization is involved in the database of arbitration cases by following the link to Another option is to make a request on the website, which also contains information about the participants in the proceedings.

This can also be done by contacting specialized intermediary firms that collect information about various organizations on order. You can order information both from local companies and on special online platforms on the Internet. The service, of course, is not free - the cost reaches up to several thousand rubles, depending on the requested data.

But there are many advantages: usually, such companies provide not only general information about the company of interest, but also conduct comprehensive analysis documents and information from various databases. For example, the customer will be informed how reliable it is to conduct business with a specific legal entity, what is the current state of affairs of the organization, what awaits it in the near future, etc.

So, TIN is a number assigned to any organization, with which you can find basic information about it. You can check any organization not only through the tax office, but also using other services. However, when checking, it is better to focus on official sources - information from the database of the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies is the most reliable.

Video on how to find out as much information about a company as possible using TIN and other data:

Question " how to find a person by TIN» is asked quite often on the Internet. Why does this particular document become the object of close attention and is considered as an opportunity to search for personal information? The answer is simple - because a TIN is assigned to everyone. The main source of data is the tax service. But how can you search using it if a person’s data is confidential?

Let's take a closer look. And at the same time we will find out what such a document as a taxpayer identification number actually looks like.

TIN of an individual

It is issued to each person and contains a certain set of numbers that encrypts information about the taxpayer. The set of digital values ​​is individual and is not repeated within the territory of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, since the rule of confidential information is in force, it will not be possible to simply find information on the Internet in the public domain without bypassing the rules.

Check by TIN number

Legal entities and self-employed persons, just like individuals, are issued a TIN. But it’s still possible to find information about them by number. About activities, about different encodings. And if an individual is not engaged in business, then there is no data about him for everyone else.

It's important to understand the difference here. If you have lost your own TIN, then restoring a document of even this level will not be a problem. We just write an application to the federal tax service and wait for the due date.

But if the object of your “close interest” is another person, then the tax office will only look at you suspiciously.

What can you learn from an individual’s TIN number?

As we have already written, the TIN number is a 12-digit code that hides information about a person as a taxpayer in the Russian Federation. Firstly, which is the easiest thing - you can find out your last name, first name and patronymic. This is not yet classified information. There are even many electronic services who cope with the task of issuing full names according to TIN.

But what else can you find out if you have the numbers in your hands:

  1. Firstly, the region in which this document was issued to the citizen. The first four digits in the number are responsible for it.
  2. Secondly, if we look at the next six digits, we get the access number to the citizen’s personal data. Yes, this is not the data itself, but it is something.
  3. And the last two digits of the entire twelve-digit document number are the access number to simplified data of the same type.

Check the TIN of an individual on the official website of the tax office

What will it take? First, go to the site itself. On this site (we are talking, let us remind you, about the official electronic resource of the Federal Tax Service) we are looking for special form for filling. What will this give us? What we can see is how a citizen feels about paying his taxes. That is, does he have debts? In some cases, such a simple check can give a lot, and at least save you from making the wrong choice in terms of trust. When it comes to finances, it is better to know who you are dealing with.

But more details:

  • We go to the tax office website and register (you should read more about full registration).
  • Log in with your details (this is both your date of birth and SNILS number, registration, and passport information).
  • Fill out the TIN data request form. Here you must indicate your email, since the answer will be received within five days from the date of submission of the request.

In the case where the TIN refers to the person who is the applicant, no problems will arise. You won't even give money for it.

Check TIN of an individual online

As mentioned earlier, with entrepreneurs everything is much simpler. With individuals it is more difficult, especially if you are looking for data other than your TIN. There are some simple tips.

  • Do not use unverified sites. And it's not even about viruses. If you do not resort to the official resources of departments, you may end up in a situation where your data ends up in the hands of a third party who can use it for, let’s say, unacceptable purposes. Therefore, only the Federal Tax Service portal.
  • There are many pages that offer to give you a person’s data using a TIN number, provided that you pay a symbolic amount for it. Again, it's not worth it. What you get on your computer screen may just be a collection of random data. And the online format of the federal tax service will at least protect you from information leakage.
  • Sites that ask you to enter your phone number for information. The same as the previous point, only after entering the phone number, and then the access code sent to it, with a 99 percent probability you will lose some of the funds from the account. Whether you will get the data in the end or not is an open question.
  • The only portal other than the Federal Tax Service where you can definitely get this service is the government services portal. How to work with it - read our separate article. However, it also allows you to enjoy all the privileges.

But the question of how to find detailed information about an individual using the TIN number remains open. This is because at the moment it is impossible. More precisely, it is impossible with the help of the Federal Tax Service. As we have already written, all information (except for full name) is confidential and cannot be distributed.

The only thing left for you is to take advantage of possible connections in government agencies, or purchase pirated content. But both methods are illegal!

Therefore, we can only be content with the fact that the full name and the number itself will be known, from the numbers of which you can find out something (but not much).

Another situation occurs when the taxpayer number does not belong to an individual, but to an individual entrepreneur or company.

Search for individual entrepreneurs by TIN

Once again, why are data from legal entities usually searched for? The main reason is to check the reliability of the partner. If you are an entrepreneur and are planning to enter into any transaction, be it a transaction with a business partner, or simply adding a new counterparty to your client database, you better play it safe. After all tax accounting in the field of entrepreneurship - extremely important factor, which affects the well-being of your company.

If you know the TIN of the organization, you will be able to request an extract from the register of legal entities. In addition, the following data will be available:

  • OGRNIP and date of receipt of the certificate.
  • Owner's full name.
  • Date of liquidation or termination of activity (if any).
  • City and direct branch of the department that processed the registration.
  • Data about current activities (see also "?").
  • Regulatory acts.

Again, data on the Internet will have a certain level of confidentiality. And although you can find out all the basic details of an individual entrepreneur, to get more, you will have to go to the tax office (in person or by proxy).

Well, the main thing that this will give us is that we will be able to check for tax arrears. To do this, on the Federal Tax Service portal, look for the “check yourself and your counterparty” section. This phrase can be entered into the search engine on the site.

Bottom line

It is possible to find basic information on the TIN. But in the case of an individual, this will only be his full name. And in the case of individual entrepreneurs - basic details and possible debts for unpaid taxes. You can only obtain more personal information through illegal methods. But often, more is not needed. Knowing whether your future partner is conscientious about paying taxes, you will be able to make decisions more thoroughly.

Under determination of TIN refers to a unique number that must be assigned to each newly registered company, as well as to individuals. There is no particular difference in the TIN between legal entities or individuals - the only thing is the number of digits.

The TIN encrypts information regarding:

  • code of the tax service that carried out;
  • Taxpayer registration number.

In addition, the TIN includes a unique number by which you can find out information about a specific legal entity.


Talking about determining the legal address, then it is widely used in the process of conducting business negotiations and generating various documentation. The Civil Code clearly states that this is the place where a legal entity is located.

In its turn, legal address divided into several subspecies:

  1. With the possibility of postal service, which involves receiving various correspondence with further storage and transmission to clients.
  2. With confirmation, which can guarantee the actual location of a legal entity in case of possible attempts to rent additional premises.
  3. With secretary service. This type includes the use of contact city telephone numbers to transmit any information to your clients or to the tax authority.
  4. With a workplace. It includes the opportunity for a legal entity to conduct various business negotiations on it or to be a direct participant.

To confirm the legal address, it is enough to provide the registration authority with all necessary list supporting documentation. Often, it is enough for the registration authority to provide an agreement between the legal entity and the owner of the premises on concluding a real estate lease agreement.

It is worth remembering that if there is a possible change of legal address, you must immediately notify State Register to avoid possible problems with the tax service.

If you need to make sure that the company's legal address is valid, just use the Internet.

You can find out the legal address if you have information about the TIN. To do this, just go to the official portals government agencies(for example, go to the Tax Service website and use the section for searching information by TIN.

The peculiarity is that the procedure is free, but at the same time you can significantly reduce your time for personal application, filling out an application, paying state fees, and so on.

Let's consider all the available methods of searching for a legal address by TIN in more detail.

In the process of searching for a legal address by TIN, other information contained in.

In particular, in addition to the legal address, you will be able to find out:

  • full name of the legal entity;
  • organizational and legal type of organization;
  • KPP and OGRN;
  • specific start date labor activity;
  • all necessary information during reorganization;
  • a specific date for the end of the legal entity’s labor activity upon completion of the reorganization process.

In a situation where the information provided to the user is not enough, he has every right to upload a file about the legal entity, available for download on the main search page (upon its completion). The downloaded document contains all the necessary information (a detailed extract from the register with a mandatory mention of the founders of the organization).

On official portal The tax service can search for a legal address not only by TIN, but also by OGRN, provided that the information is available.

The site allows the possibility of searching for the legal address of only those organizations that completed the registration process before October 2003 and to this day.

So, to search necessary information need to:

  1. Go to the official portal of the tax office.
  2. Go to the “Check yourself and your counterparty” subsection. After this, a window with a table will be shown on the monitor screen. The fields are not required, it is enough to indicate the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
  3. The available information is indicated in the appropriate field. After this, the user will need to pass verification to become a robot.
  4. You can search.

The waiting time for searching for information takes no more than 2-32 minutes. After this time, all information will be shown on the monitor screen, including the legal address.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In case the search necessary information on the official portal of the tax inspectorate ended without result, you can directly contact the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

To use this method, just go to the official portal, which is freely accessible. The service allows you to carry out an advanced search for a legal entity.

It is worth noting that the search can be performed after specifying the TIN or the name of the organization. The official portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains information exclusively on legal entities.

Alternative search methods

Initially, you need to understand that you can find information, knowing the TIN, regarding the contact number, address, checkpoint of a legal entity not only from official sources. A number of commercial sites also provide this service.

In this way, you can find out information regarding legal entities; it does not apply to individual entrepreneurs (the exception is those who, on their personal initiative, entered their information into the public domain).

Why is it important to check

The need to verify the legal address, first of all, serves to minimizing financial risks in the process of concluding various contracts. Confirmation of a legal address is a guarantee of conducting mutually beneficial business and eliminating possible problems.

When concluding various contracts with an unverified legal entity, you can lose not only capital. There is a possibility of receiving low-quality products in the future, failure to deliver products, and so on.

In a situation where the client nevertheless “ran into” the activities of an unscrupulous legal entity, it is necessary to immediately contact law enforcement agencies, which will help other entrepreneurs and individuals minimize risks.

If, during the process of checking the legal address, it turns out that the actual address indicated by the company does not coincide with the legal address, we can most likely say that they are scammers, and it is necessary to stop any type of cooperation with them.

Search features for individual entrepreneurs

If there is a need to find the address where the business operates individual entrepreneur, then it follows:

  • contact the tax office in person;
  • use the official tax office portal.

For the first method, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Write a corresponding statement.
  2. Pay the state fee (information on the amount is clarified by the tax service).
  3. Get an extract from detailed information about IP.

Everything is simpler on the official portal:

  1. You need to go to the site.
  2. In the appropriate field, indicate the entrepreneur’s TIN.
  3. Get the information you need.

One of the disadvantages is that the information received is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for other purposes.

As you can see, if necessary, it is not difficult to find a legal address; you just need to know and correctly use all available methods.

You can find out more about how to learn everything about the organization in this video.