Search for information entered into the Unified State Register by inn. How to get an extract from the Unified State Register at the tax office using your tax identification number or order online for free

To bring your business to the top of the business “Olympus”, you need not only to masterfully conduct business, but also to understand people. AND we're talking about not at all about brilliant intuition, but about competent testing of a future partner. After all, together with rapid growth competition is growing and the number of fraudsters is growing, especially among small entrepreneurs who cannot afford to pay taxes.

Trust, but verify, and the best option is checking individual entrepreneurs by TIN or full name on the Federal Tax Service website, with which you can find out all the information about the counterparty and reveal its secrets, for example, the lack of a license or hidden bankruptcy.

How to check an individual entrepreneur by TIN

When a citizen undergoes state registration as an individual entrepreneur, all information about him is entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). They are kept there forever, even after liquidation. If any registration data changes during the work, the entrepreneur is obliged to notify the tax office about this so that its employees make changes to the register.

There is no need to report a change of name, passport or place of residence; the Federal Tax Service independently monitors the relevance of such data.

The information stored in the Unified State Register of Enterprises is not classified. Each individual has the right to check any individual entrepreneur through the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, knowing only the TIN or full name and region of the entrepreneur of interest.

Don't panic! Personal data, such as residential address, passport number and series, bank account, are not provided to third parties. They can only be obtained by the entrepreneur himself by personally contacting the tax authority.

Verification algorithm

To obtain information, go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service and click on the “Business risks” tab. Then set your search criteria:

  • In the topmost field, click on “Individual entrepreneur/peasant farm”;
  • In the “Search by” field, select the option with the data you know - OGRN and INN or full name and region of residence.

If you chose to search for an individual entrepreneur by OGRNIP or TIN, indicate the 12-digit taxpayer identification number or the 15-digit number under which he is listed in the register of individual entrepreneurs. And if full name/region - last name, first name, patronymic and region of residence of the businessman. Then enter the numbers from the picture and click “Find”.

Using the service, you can check the reliability of a legal entity. The principle of action is the same, but since legal. person acts on behalf the whole organization, when choosing the second search option, you should indicate its legal name, and not the full name of an individual citizen.

Check result

If a citizen has not undergone mandatory registration with the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the system will not find information about him. The absence of an inspection result indicates that the businessman is carrying out his activities illegally, and the registration documents provided by them are false.

If the individual entrepreneur you specified is listed in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the system will issue a document for download in PDF format with the following information:

  • about an individual;
  • about registration;
  • about the main type of business activity and additional ones;
  • on registration with the tax authority;
  • about the changes made;
  • on bankruptcy and liquidation procedures.

But if you indicated the full name and region of the businessman, a list with all namesakes will appear on the page. Select the appropriate option and click on your name, the document with the data will be downloaded to your computer.

How to find out your or someone else's TIN

Using the “Business Risks” service, you can not only verify the reliability and solvency of the counterparty, but also find out the TIN of any individual entrepreneur by last name. You need to find the business entity you are interested in using the same scheme mentioned above, for this:

  • select “Individual entrepreneur” and search by full name;
  • indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and region;
  • enter the captcha;
  • click "Find".

The system will give you a list of all individual entrepreneurs with that name. Their TIN, OGRNIP, and registration date will also be indicated. Just select the props you need.

There are often situations when an entrepreneur needs to find out his own TIN. For example, if you need to fill out some paper, but you don’t have a registration certificate at hand, which contains all the basic details. You can find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur that belongs to you in two ways:

  • through the Federal Tax Service service;
  • through the Gosuslug service.

Both portals provide the service for free, but on the second you will have to go through a simple registration procedure. The details you will need are your full name, place and date of birth, number and series of your passport or other identity document, and date of issue.

To find out the TIN individual entrepreneur, go to the website, fill out all the fields, enter the numbers from the picture and send a request.

How to get an extract

The PDF file obtained as a result of verification in the Business Risks service does not have any legal force. It is intended solely for informational assessment of the counterparty. If a businessman needs a document with legal significance, for example, to confirm the legality of a transaction before the tax service, he can order it in several ways:

Any individual can receive an extract; it will only contain general information about an individual entrepreneur, like an information copy, but it can appear in any cases as official document. To obtain it you will need:

  • A freely drawn up application and a copy thereof.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of 200 rubles for a regular extract or 400 rubles for an urgent one.
  • A power of attorney certified by a notary, if a representative has applied for the paper.

The above method is expensive, since a fee is paid for each requested copy of the extract. If checked large number entrepreneurs, it is better to resort to the free online option:

The completed statement will appear in your list of applications; download it to your computer and print it. But please note: to open a PDF file with electronic signature, you will have to install software Crypto Pro version 3.6 or higher.

Other services for checking

You can find information about individual entrepreneurs not only on the Federal Tax Service website. Although this portal is the most accessible, reliable and, moreover, free, with its help you can not find out all the important information.

The list of official sites that provide information from the database of entrepreneurs includes:

Website: What you can find out How to find out
SAC of Russia (Federal Arbitration Court) Complete list of ongoing and completed litigation.
  • Go to the “Card Index of Arbitration Cases” service.
  • In the topmost field on the left side of the page, enter the name or full name, INN or OGRNIP of the participant in the case.
  • If you know any other information, add it too; if not, there is no need to find out.
  • Click on "Find".
  • A to-do list will appear on the right side of the screen.
Bailiffs portal Full list of completed trials, on which a court decision has already been made.
  • Follow the link and select search individuals.
  • Specify the search region, for example, Moscow.
  • Enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the plaintiff or defendant.
  • Click Find.
  • Scroll to the top of the page, there you will find all the cases you are looking for.
"Contour-Focus" Information about the counterparty and a simplified version of the extract without legal significance.
  • Free: INN, OGRN, KPP, main and additional OKVED, company address.
  • Paid: telephone, arbitration cases, balance sheet and reporting, registration in extra-budgetary funds, certificate number, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

If you don't check your partner

To reduce risks for your business, you should not blindly trust your partners. When entering into a business relationship, ask them for a package of documents confirming the reality of the existence of an individual entrepreneur and allowing you to assess the reliability of the company. And also check the counterparty in all possible services to avoid such unpleasant situations as:

  • delay in payment for goods/services;
  • non-receipt of the goods you paid for;
  • appearing in fraudulent schemes;
  • impossibility of deducting VAT;
  • signing an agreement with a future bankrupt.

And if the tax authorities come to the conclusion that the company knew about the unreliability of its partner, then it will have to prove its non-involvement in fraud in court. Therefore, in addition to checking the individual entrepreneur, it is also worth getting an extract to provide it as proof of your innocence.

Identification of taxpayers, both individuals and legal entities, introduced in 1993. The obvious reason for this step was the need to make the accounting of tax payers in the state transparent and to facilitate the work of the tax authorities.

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The correct decoding of the term is “ taxpayer identification number" The task is achieved by assigning each tax payer a unique number to create a clear structured accounting of all enterprises and individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of Russia.

For what purposes may a TIN be needed?

An identifier is assigned to an enterprise at the time of registration and accompanies it throughout its existence. In accordance with its name, this number is an integral sign of a legal entity and can confirm its identity at any time. For example, if there are several companies with the same name. It is possible that they are registered at the same address, but it is impossible for two enterprises to have the same identifying feature.

TIN for enterprises and organizations consists of ten digits: AAAABBBB10, where the first digits (AAAA) correspond to the code of the tax department that assigned this number to the legal entity, the second four digits (BBBB) correspond to the entry number in the accounting registers assigned to this and only this enterprise, the number 10 at the end is the calculated number that is displayed by a certain algorithm.

The division of the tax authority indicates the number when issuing a certificate (or sends it by mail) stating that the enterprise is registered for tax purposes. In addition, this number must be indicated in each issued tax authority document.

Thus, the TIN is universal hallmark any legal or natural person. It is assigned upon creation of an enterprise and exists throughout the operation of the enterprise. Upon termination of its activities in the prescribed manner, this number is declared non-existent.

This indicator is necessary to clarify data about the company - a potential partner, for maintaining tax records and conducting settlement transactions, being a mandatory banking detail.

About ways to clarify the TIN of organizations

There is a significant difference between the identifier of an individual and the same for a legal entity. It consists in the fact that the TIN of individuals is personal data and is not published. The identifier of a legal entity can be made public and, if necessary, easy to find.

Information about the full details of a legal entity can be found on the Internet.

The TIN is unique for all organizations and it is possible to use it to clarify the compliance of the declared data. If it is necessary to carry out a transaction through a banking institution, you must indicate the TIN. If such information is not available, you can always check it online.

This will take much less time than calling the organization you are interested in, especially since the employee who answers the phone may not know the number you are interested in. In addition, he may accidentally or intentionally make a mistake during transmission.

An identifier by name can be obtained by visiting the nearest branch of the Federal Tax Service. Despite the fact that this data is freely available, before going to the tax office you need to take your own documents with you. To obtain the information you are interested in, you must:

  • arrive at the office of the Federal Tax Service;
  • introduce yourself by presenting documents;
  • Ask the person in charge to check the TIN of the organization you are interested in.

That's all there is to it. However, if due to some circumstances it is inconvenient or undesirable to appear at the tax office, such information can be found online and free of charge. There is a page on the Federal Tax Service website where all data about any enterprise can be obtained by its name:

  • website address;
  • You can also obtain the necessary data on the website, which belongs to the Unified Federal Register of Legal Entities.

The methods for obtaining data on both sites are the same, but the Federal Tax Service information is more complete.

The algorithm for obtaining information on these sites by name is simple:

  1. Log in to one of the specified addresses.
  2. On the Federal Tax Service website, in the “Search by” field, select “Name of legal entity.” There is no need to do this on the Federal Register website.
  3. In the “Search” field, enter the name of the company.
  4. When searching on the Federal Tax Service website, you will need to enter the number from the picture.
  5. Click the “Login” or “Search” button.

As a result, data will be obtained in which all the search words will appear. There may be several such names of organizations. The Federal Tax Service website makes it possible to narrow the search by entering additional information, for example, the address of the organization, codes, abbreviations of the form of ownership. The most reliable result can be obtained by specifying the address: region, city, etc. The bottom line is that in one region it is impossible to register two enterprises with the same name.

In this way, unambiguously correct information will be obtained.

Search by business address

You can find out the TIN and name of an organization by knowing only its address. There are also two options for this:

  1. Visit the tax office. The Federal Tax Service database contains not only tax identification numbers, names of organizations and other information, but also the addresses assigned to them. In this case it is necessary:
    • Arrive at the Federal Tax Service office.
    • Introduce yourself and present documents.
    • inform the responsible employee of the address of the enterprise and ask to clarify the TIN. The requested information will be provided.
  2. To search by address on the Internet, you need to go to the Federal Register website indicated above.
    • In the “Address” line, you must indicate the address that is available.
    • Click "Search".
    • As a result, all data about the organization located at the specified address will be displayed.

If you are not sure of the accuracy of the company name, but the address is known, it is better to enter it in a simplified way. Street names can be identical to the names of alleys, dead ends, etc., so it’s easy to make a mistake. You should enter an address with certain conventions, for example: “Tver Dekabristov 12”, and after receiving a list of possible options, select the appropriate one based on indirect data.

If the name of the enterprise is not in the found options, you need to look at the type of activity. As a rule, this data is sufficient.

Determination of the organization's TIN according to the BIC

BIC – bank identifier. There is no direct search for this code, but finding it in a roundabout way is not difficult:

  • if there is a BIC, most likely the name of the bank is also known. It is enough to call this bank and ask to clarify the necessary data;
  • when the bank is unknown, you need to enter this code in the search engine in the form “bik........” and the system will display the name of the bank and all the details associated with this code, including the TIN.

Identifier by OGRN code

Codes and TIN are closely interconnected. Finding out the identifier by OGRN is available on the same sites as by company name. For this it is enough:

  1. Login to any of the sites listed above.
  2. If the search is carried out using the Federal Tax Service, enter the option “OGRN/TIN” in the “search by” field. Enter the OGRN code in this field.
  3. On the Federal Tax Service website, repeat the numbers from the picture.
  4. Click “Search” (“Login”).
  5. The search result will be reliable data about the organization that interests the searcher, including the TIN.

Indicating an incorrect TIN, intentionally or unwittingly, may be part of a scam when concluding contracts of one kind or another. Reasons for checking may include:

  • indicating a residential apartment as the legal address; as a rule, enterprises prefer to have their own office;
  • if the owner of an enterprise occupies several responsible positions in it, especially those related to financial liability, for example – director and chief accountant;
  • if an organization is registered immediately before the conclusion of a transaction, such an “office” may turn out to be an ordinary company – a fly-by-night company.

Search by OKPO code

It should be taken into account that this identifier is assigned only to persons, enterprises and organizations that do not form a legal entity. In this case, you can clarify the TIN of such entity. Knowing you need to request and receive within 15 minutes enterprise data and information on financial statements.

Checking the validity of the code

You can check the correctness of the identifier yourself by calculating the last two digits using the appropriate method. However, it is much more convenient to use the capabilities of the site http://www.egrul.ru_test.inn.html. To do this you need:

  • enter the TIN in the field;
  • click the “Check” button.

The system will show the result of the check. If everything is fine, you can then check all other data of the organization.

You should remember the importance of correctly indicating the TIN; you cannot save time and not check the ID of the transaction partner; this can save you from unplanned losses and troubles associated with such a situation.

Where to go to solve this problem

The above describes step-by-step actions to clarify or clarify the TIN. The choice of options is small, these are:

  • official websites of the Federal Migration Service or the federal register;
  • personal visit to the tax office.

On the sites you can quickly and effortlessly get full information about subjects of interest.

When visiting a Federal Tax Service office in person, you may be required to write an application for the issuance of such a certificate. You will have to wait about three days for a response or receive it by mail within five days. The method of obtaining a response will need to be indicated in the application.

All information of this nature is provided free of charge.

If you know the TIN of the counterparty, - the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia - allows you to learn quite a lot about the legal entity, merchant or ordinary individual with whom you intend to cooperate. We will tell you what and how you can learn from this portal below.

Mandatory stage

The ability to check a counterparty by TIN on has become firmly established in business practice. Moreover, on the one hand, this is your right, but on the other hand, it is also your duty to exercise the necessary caution when choosing business partners.

If you check a counterparty using the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), you can be sure that you are receiving reliable information from official sources. In particular, they make it possible to:

  • draw conclusions about the solvency of the counterparty, including mandatory payments to the treasury;
  • can it be classified as ephemeral;
  • to know legal address and full name the head of the organization of interest.

Meanwhile, in practice, checking a counterparty using the TIN on does not always provide a sufficient amount of information to confidently draw a conclusion about the degree of reliability of the counterparty.

Main online service

First of all, in order to check the counterparty by TIN at, go to the following link:

To find out the counterparty by TIN on, you need to take the following steps, which are described in the table.

It looks like this:

It should be noted that the Federal Tax Service of Russia updates information from this service every day. Using, searching for a counterparty by TIN allows you to be aware of:

  • name of the organization, its legal address;
  • dates of state registration;
  • termination of activity (with date);
  • invalidation of registration (with date).

In addition, from this service you can download and print an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with more expanded information about the counterparty you are interested in. In particular:

  • on the amount of authorized capital;
  • founders/participants;
  • persons who can act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney;
  • types of activities according to OKVED, etc.

A complete list of data about organizations and individual entrepreneurs that the Federal Tax Service puts into its open databases is given in Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 5, 2013 No. 115n.

Corporate history

On the website, checking a counterparty by TIN for free also means finding out its corporate history. The publication of the Russian Tax Service “Bulletin of State Registration” helps in this. You can find it at the following link:

Here you can find various communications from companies that they are required by law to post publicly. First of all, these are the facts of decision making:

  • about closure;
  • reorganization;
  • reduction of authorized capital;
  • purchase of LLC 20% of the authorized capital of another company, etc.

Threat of exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In relation to inactive organizations that do not exhibit any business activity, the Federal Tax Service may decide on future exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Such data is also reflected in the publication “Bulletin of State Registration”. But the link to them is slightly different:

When there is no connection with a legal entity

The Federal Tax Service daily updates the database containing companies that cannot be contacted at the legal address they declared during state registration. In this regard, you can check the counterparty by TIN on the website here:

Tax debts of the counterparty

To find out the tax debt of a counterparty using the TIN, you must use the following link:

This service makes it possible to obtain information about a company if it:

  • does not submit tax reports for more than 1 year;
  • as of April 1, 2017, her tax debt to the budget exceeded 1,000 rubles and a procedure for its forced collection was initiated.

This is a completely new service on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, so for now it is working in test mode. Tax officials promise to update it once a month.

It is difficult to say in what exact situation a citizen may need to find the TIN of a legal entity. There are many options, and the most popular ones are listed below. But we can say with complete confidence that the most popular and easiest way to search is by company name: this is much easier than searching for the necessary information using rarer statistical codes such as OGRN or by registration address.

Thanks to the development of information technology, now anyone with access to a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet can use online services presented on the World Wide Web and find out the TIN of an organization by entering its name in the search bar. About the most reliable and simple ways receiving necessary information we will talk.

What is a TIN and why is it needed?

TIN, or taxpayer identification number, is a ten- or twelve-digit numeric code (cipher) assigned on a voluntary or mandatory basis to each person obliged, according to Russian legislation, pay taxes, fees, contributions and other deductions.

Despite a common misconception, the taxpayer number is not randomly generated: although such an approach would lead to an increase in the number of possible options, it would greatly complicate the final identification. As a result, for each request (and there are several thousand of them per day), it would be necessary to conduct an “end-to-end” search in the all-Russian database, which would lead to enormous loads on computing equipment.

TINs issued to organizations and individual entrepreneurs consist of ten characters; to ordinary citizens - out of twelve. This procedure is strictly defined and cannot be changed: a private individual does not have the right to receive a “shorter” number, and an LLC or individual entrepreneur does not have the right to receive a “longer” code that is easier to remember.

To streamline the assignment of a taxpayer identification number, the following system is used:

  • the first two digits of the code indicate the region of registration of the person ( autonomous region, republic, region, region);
  • the next pair is the department number tax office in which the document was issued;
  • the next five digits are actually the unique taxpayer number (six characters are used for individuals);
  • the last character is a control character, allowing you to check the correctness of the entire code (for ordinary citizens, there are two final digits).

According to the provisions Tax Code Russian Federation, in particular Article 84, and the Order of the Federal Tax Service of June 29, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/435 “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, and changing the taxpayer identification number”, legal entities and private entrepreneurs are required must register for tax purposes before the expiration of 10 days from the date of their registration. Upon completion of the procedure, the new taxpayer is assigned a TIN according to the specified algorithm and is issued a paper document with this number.

Important: An identification number is assigned to an ordinary citizen or company once and for all. The “constancy” of the TIN is especially important considering that the other codes used to identify the taxpayer are inextricably linked with it. Thus, it is possible even after the most serious structural changes.

As already mentioned, obtaining a taxpayer identification number is a legal obligation of a legal entity. He needs a TIN if:

  • concluding transactions and executing contracts with counterparties (companies, individual entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens);
  • transfer of financial statements to supervisory and regulatory authorities;
  • intention to participate in government tenders;
  • obtaining bank loans and loans.

When is it necessary to obtain a company TIN?

Persons who in one way or another cooperate with a legal entity or individual entrepreneur may need to find the company number in the following cases:

  1. To the counterparty- to check the very fact of registration of a company and the correctness of the information provided by the company about itself (in parallel with the TIN, the interested person is usually given information about the registration address, founders, as well as other statistics codes).

Advice: although even minor errors in the documents offered to a potential business partner are unacceptable for a reputable organization, you should not immediately refuse a profitable deal if you notice a typo or error in one number - most likely, this human factor, and not the machinations of a fraudster. If, based on the results of a search for the TIN of a company by its name, it was discovered that the legal address, names of founders, form of activity or other statistical codes do not completely coincide with the declared ones, refusal to conclude a transaction will become a guarantee of its own financial security for the future counterparty.

  1. To an ordinary person- to check the reliability of the organization whose services he intends to use. A simple example: a manufacturing company plastic windows offers attractive discounts on prepayment of work and materials. But a citizen who decides to find the TIN of a company by its name finds out that it is either not registered in the register at all, or during registration it indicated a completely different address and full name. The conclusion is obvious: even if the organization that provided false information in the contract does not plan fraudulent actions in relation to a specific person (however, how can you find out?), you should not trust it - if only because if the company performs the work poorly, you can get your money back by filing a formal claim for a non-existent legal entity, it will be extremely difficult.
  2. To the employee- to check the employer (it is carried out according to the principle described earlier), as well as to provide information about him to various government and financial institutions. The most common case is obtaining a loan or loan from a bank. Each credit institution decides independently whether to require a TIN or not; general list necessary documents does not exist. However, it is by the identification number of the organization that the bank can check the existence and reliability of the employer indicated by the potential borrower in the application form and, based on the information received, make a positive or negative decision on the application. And although nothing prevents the bank itself from finding out the TIN of an organization by its name, in practice it shifts this responsibility onto the borrowers themselves - perhaps in order to save resources, or perhaps due to a lack of serious interest: the flow of people wishing to borrow money does not dry up, and most of them will easily agree to the creditor’s not-so-fair demands.

How to find out the TIN of an organization by name?

Let's look at the most popular and reliable methods.

Service ""

The first way is to use the wonderful service “”, which offers the visitor, in addition to checking the counterparty, services for issuing and maintaining qualified electronic digital signature keys, automated electronic trading platform with transparent trading and lending, as well as publication of information about reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy in official publications and in full compliance with current legislation.

To find out the TIN of a company (employer or counterparty) by its name using, you must:

  • Enter the address in the search bar of the browser you are using and confirm the transition to it with any in an accessible way(by clicking the left mouse button, Enter key, and so on). On the page that opens, find an empty text field (it is located at the top of the screen directly under the words “Checking counterparties”) and enter the name of the organization in it, then click the blue “Find” button located next to it.

Important: the system helps the user by showing him while entering information possible options. You can select from them without using the above button

  • Although the service offers to obtain comprehensive information, register in it or log in personal account, you can skip this step by clicking on the cross at the top of the pop-up window.

  • The next step is choice the right organization from the list (of course, provided that the user is not offered only one position). Having found the organization of interest, you should left-click on its name, highlighted in blue. However, if a citizen only needs a TIN, OGRN or OKPO, they can be found out in the issue window - and, if necessary, copied by highlighting and pressing the key combination Ctrl+C or using the context menu.

  • Basic information, including complete and short name, address and statistics codes will be available to the portal visitor on the newly opened page. If you plan to obtain more detailed data using the service, you will have to sign up for a paid subscription.

  • By clicking on the link on the right, a citizen can familiarize himself with the list of all changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities relating to the desired legal entity.

  • As you can see, no matter how serious these changes may be, the TIN always remains the same, issued during the registration of the organization. At this point, the search for an identification number on the website can be considered complete.

Important: It is not recommended to sign up for a paid subscription on sites offering similar services without first studying the offers of competitors and government agencies. For example, on the website of the Federal Tax Service, all “crossed out” data is publicly available and completely free of charge.

Service "Contourfocus"

The functionality of this site is much wider than that of the above. In addition to searching for the TIN of a legal entity by name, a portal visitor can:

  • obtain all data about an organization or individual entrepreneur with one click;
  • find counterparties and subsidiaries of the company;
  • subscribe to the newsletter about the bankruptcy of partner companies;
  • track debts of legal entities for taxes and fees;
  • keep abreast of arbitration court decisions;
  • find out the latest data on government contracts;
  • receive information about scheduled inspections.

To find a company’s TIN, a portal visitor needs to:

  • Go to the website Find the text field located under the heading “Quick check of counterparties” and enter the available information into it (name of the organization, its address, statistical code, name of individual entrepreneur), then click on the gray magnifying glass located in the same field (or press the Enter key ).

  • In the list of several names that opens, select the company you are interested in by clicking on its name. If the user only needs an INN, you can find out (and copy) it directly from the issue, as well as the OGRN located next to it.

  • On the page that opens, as in the previous case, not all information will be presented, but the site visitor will be able to find out the main information, including INN, OGRN, OKPO and OKATO, as well as the company’s registration address.

  • If you need to find more information (about arbitration, collateral, organizational finances and audits), you can purchase full access or take advantage of a free demo offer that is valid throughout the day.

  • To obtain demo access, you just need to enter your phone number, confirm your belonging to the world of people and click the “Send password” button.

  • Now we just have to wait until specified number You will receive a text message with a code, enter it in the appropriate window and click on the “Enter service” button. The full functionality of the service will be available within one day.

Important: One-time password is one-time password in every sense of the word. If for some reason the user was unable to log in immediately, he will not have a second attempt. You will either have to use a different phone number, or still buy a subscription.

Service "My Business"

A slightly less convenient, but quite popular online resource, primarily offering organizations and individual entrepreneurs a full range of accounting services.

To find a company’s TIN by name on the portal, you will need:

  • Go to in any convenient browser. On the main page that opens, find the heading “Other services” and, by hovering your mouse over the nearby arrow, call up the drop-down menu.

  • Go to the sub-item “Checking counterparties” by left-clicking on it. After waiting for the new page to load (this will take some time), enter the name of the organization or the name of the individual entrepreneur in the only search line and click on the red “Check” button located next to it. As in previous cases, the interested person can take a different route by finding out the specified data through the TIN: it all depends on the information at his disposal.

  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to search the database without subscribing to the service. However, the user can get free demo access by entering their phone number in the pop-up window and clicking the huge red “Register” button.

  • After waiting for an SMS with a one-time code, enter it in the text field and click on the “Enter service” button.

  • Select the one you need from the list of organizations presented on the new page and click on its name with the left mouse button. You can find out the TIN at this stage: it is located, along with the address and OGRN, directly under the company name.

  • Now the user can view comprehensive information about the employer or contractor, including phone number and email address.

  • To use the data offline (without an Internet connection), the user can download a PDF extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) by clicking on the appropriate link.

Important: the received certificate can be used for informational purposes only: due to the lack of an electronic signature, it will not have legal force.

Federal Tax Service website

This is where you can log into your personal account and find out about your identity (the identification number is used for authorization on the site; you do not need to enter it again). Unfortunately, the service does not currently offer sales: in this case, the taxpayer will have to rely on his own strength or trust an experienced accountant.

But you can find the TIN of a company by its name on the Federal Tax Service portal even without logging into your personal account. Need to:

  • Go to official portal tax office by entering in the browser, confirming the action and waiting for redirection to the regional page. When searching for the TIN of an organization by its name, the region does not matter, so it does not need to be corrected, even if it is incorrectly determined by the service. Next, find the link “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” on the main page of the portal and click on it with the left mouse button.

  • An identical result can be achieved by following the link at the bottom of the page “ Electronic services» and selecting the item of the same name.

  • On the new page with the heading “Information on state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farm) enterprises”, find the “Search Criteria” window and mark the desired tab: “Legal entity” (by default) or “Individual entrepreneur”.

  • In order to find out the TIN of the employer or counterparty by its name, you need to select the circle “Name of legal entity” with a mouse click. faces." Now all that remains is to enter the name of the organization in the upper (text) field (for greater accuracy, you can check the “Search by exact name match” checkbox), and in the lower one, select the region in which the company was registered.

  • Now all that remains is to enter the numbers from the picture in the bottom line, thus passing the protection from robots, and press the blue “Find” button.

  • The next step is to select from the list presented on the search page the desired organization whose TIN you want to find out. By the way, you can copy it right here, just like the OGRN with the checkpoint.

Advice: by left-clicking on the name of the desired company, highlighted in blue, the user can download a PDF extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is completely identical to that described in the previous paragraph and, unfortunately, also has no legal force. If you made an error while filling out the text fields, you can correct it by returning to the beginning (blue button “Return to search criteria”).


A very convenient and easy-to-use service that allows you to find out the TIN of the employing organization or business partner by its name in just one click.

To find the required information, a site visitor must:

  • Go to Scroll down the page slightly and find the heading “Search for information about subjects economic activity» and enter the name of the organization you are looking for in the line located directly below it. Next, click on the white magnifying glass on the orange background located to the right of the line.

  • On the new page with search results, select by left-clicking the right company. As usual, TIN and OGRN can be copied directly from the search results without going any further.

  • Most full list The data that can be found on the site also includes the full name of the legal entity, physical address, e-mail, telephone, statistics codes, as well as the name and personal INN of the founder.

Advice: Information can be exported to PDF file by clicking on the corresponding link at the top right of the screen.


It’s worth warning right away: find the TIN of the organization by its name on the website Federal service bailiffs will not work. In addition, the service provides information exclusively about individuals and legal entities who have ever had contact with bailiffs. All that a site visitor can squeeze out of it is the registration address and information about debts on taxes, fines and other fees. The information, of course, is modest, but sometimes it is enough to sensibly assess the prospects for cooperation with an employer or counterparty.

The interested person must:

  • Go to the website using the link In the “Find out about your debts” box located directly below the page title, click on “Advanced search”.

  • Mark the desired circle in the window (in this case it is “Legal Entity”), enter the name of the organization in the top field, and in the bottom field select the region in which it is registered. After that, click on the yellow “Find” button.

  • If a company has debts that are being handled by bailiffs, they will all be listed on the search results page called “Data Bank enforcement proceedings" Here you can find out the postal address of the debtor, as well as the reason for the debt: the service does not provide any more information about the company you are looking for.

Important: you should not call the bailiff “attached” to the company - he does not have the right to disclose information about the debtor, whatever the reason for the debt.

Mobile application

Extremely convenient way obtaining information about a company or individual entrepreneur, allowing you to find out the TIN of a legal entity without being tied to a computer or laptop. All you need is a smartphone connected to the Internet and installed program“Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs”, which can be downloaded from the official store Google Play(or using any other trustworthy source, since there are currently plenty of them on the World Wide Web).

Having completed this task, a user who wants to find the TIN of an organization by its name must:

  • Go to mobile application. In the search bar located at the top of the screen, enter the name of the company or the name of the individual entrepreneur. There is no need to click on the search button: after accessing the single database, the system itself will display all possible options on the screen.

  • From the list provided, select the desired option by clicking on it. The main tab of the new page will provide detailed information about the organization, including short and full name, address and date of registration, TIN, OGRN and KPP. If desired, the company can be added to “Favorites” by clicking on the floppy disk located at the top right.

  • By going to the “Ready documents” tab, the owner of the smartphone can download an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in PDF format - the same as described in the previous paragraphs. Legal force it will not have it, as before, but it will be quite suitable for checking data. To receive the document, you must click on the top button “Download an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs”.

  • Now you need to enter a six-digit code consisting of the numbers shown in the picture in the text field on the next page and click the “Download link” button. The finished document will automatically open in the PDF reader installed on your smartphone.

  • Other data, including the company’s participation in arbitration courts, are available only by paid subscription, as stated in the program.

  • To purchase access to all functions of the system, you must click on the “View subscription options” button and follow further instructions from the system.

  • If necessary, you can always return to the results of a previous search by selecting the “Last viewed” item in the side menu (three horizontal bars) and the corresponding line.

Let's sum it up

Finding out the TIN of an organization by its name is not difficult: just log on to any of the sites listed above and enter the available data in the search bar.

However, you should not spend money on sites offering paid services: all the information necessary to verify an employer or counterparty, not to mention the TIN, is presented on the official website of the Federal Tax Service - it is recommended to use it first.
