How to write a business letter: types, design rules, style and samples of business letters. Letter of guarantee for provision of a legal address

Letter of guarantee for payment (sample) why the document is needed, how to draw it up correctly, samples of writing a letter of guarantee for payment of debt and performance of work

What is a letter of guarantee, how to write it correctly, samples of writing a letter of guarantee. A letter of guarantee is a document that confirms the intentions of one party to perform certain actions in favor of the other party or, as an example, the intention to adhere to any conditions in relation to the other party. A competently written letter of guarantee is the key to your confidence in its execution.

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Letter of guarantee - what is it?

Payment guarantee letter (sample)- this is, first of all, a document containing a guarantee of the implementation of the obligations assumed by one party in relation to the other. Such obligations may be the provision of any services, performance of various types of work, payment of debt, and so on.

The most common type of letter of guarantee is a letter of guarantee for payment of debt.

A correctly drawn up document is a guarantee of its implementation

In order for the letter of guarantee to be drawn up correctly and correctly, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Appropriate writing style – when writing a letter you need to adhere to business style, because a letter of guarantee is, first of all, a document.
  • Expediency and brevity - you should not write too much; it will be enough to briefly and concisely state what is needed.
  • Specificity - exclude words that carry uncertainty; it is worth formulating sentences clearly, using words such as, for example, we guarantee, we undertake.
  • Certainty and clarity - the text of the letter of guarantee should be clear and simple.
  • Spelling and punctuation errors in the letter are unacceptable.

Letters of guarantee on behalf of a legal entity must always contain the necessary details and the signature of the manager.

Mandatory details for a legal entity:

  • Name of the organization and its details
  • Required contact details
  • The essence of the appeal in the letter
  • Signing date
  • Seal of the organization, as well as the signature of the responsible person

Details for individuals:

  • Passport details and residential address
  • The essence of the appeal in the letter
  • Signature

Document preparation

Since the law does not clearly provide for a form for writing a letter of guarantee for payment of debt, confirmation of the completion of services and work, about employment and other types of this letter, writing it is quite simple.

When writing a letter of guarantee, it is worth considering only that if the letter is drawn up on behalf of, it must be drawn up on the letterhead of a legal entity and contain the necessary details. From an individual, a letter of guarantee can be written in any written form.

Samples of writing guarantee documents

Letter of guarantee for payment of debt (the document must be drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, must be signed by the chief accountant, as well as the manager, and must be affixed with a company seal).

Business letter forms

A letter form is a paper format with pre-reproduced details containing permanent information about the organization - the author of the document.

The use of forms significantly speeds up the process of creating a document (due to the availability of constant information), reduces labor costs for preparation, simplifies the perception of information and improves the culture of managerial work. The form makes the information official.

When receiving a document addressed to an organization, the main attention, of course, is paid to the essence of the information contained in it, but inevitably attention is also fixed on appearance document - paper quality, use of color, logo design, font style, composition of letterhead inscriptions. Based on these signs, one gets the impression of the correspondent, the degree of his solidity and prestige. It is necessary to strive to create a memorable form that can leave a favorable impression of the organization, reflecting not only certain information about the organization, but also its style. Documents on well-executed forms are integral part image of the organization, its unique calling card.

Requirements for forms of organizational and administrative documents are established by the following documents: 1) GOST R. 6.30-2003. “Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation"; 2) Standard instructions on office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Federal Archive of Russia on November 27, 2000 No. 68.

The letter form, depending on the organization’s constituent documents, may include:

State emblem of the Russian Federation or coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (only for state enterprises);

Organization emblem or trademark (service mark);

Organization code;

Name of the organization;

Reference information about the organization;

Date of the document;

Document registration number;

Place of compilation or publication of the document (if necessary).

GOST R. 6.30-2003 provides for the arrangement of the form details in two versions: longitudinal and angular.

In the first case, all the details of the form are placed lengthwise and aligned either in width or in the center.

When the details are placed in a corner, they occupy an area of ​​73 x 88 mm in the left corner of the sheet and are aligned either to the left margin or to the center of the allotted area.

For the production of forms, paper of A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (210 x 148 mm) formats is used. The use of one or another format is determined by the volume of the document being prepared. The smaller format is intended for documents whose text is small (up to seven lines); It is irrational to use A4 format for such documents.

It is allowed to produce forms using a printing method, using online printing tools or computer technology directly during the production of a specific document. The exception is letterheads of organizations with images State emblem of the Russian Federation or coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Printing forms from a computer is very economical for small organizations, but does not protect against counterfeiting. Printed forms are more reliable in this sense. In addition, to protect forms from unfair use, some organizations order numbered forms from printing houses and keep careful records of their use. For the same purpose, state and municipal institutions use different types documents, forms of different colors.

Only the first page of the document is made on forms; standard sheets of paper are used to make subsequent pages. If a document is to be sent to several addresses, then each copy of the document is created on the form.

An example of a service letter form (longitudinal arrangement of details)

Each sheet of the document, whether on a letterhead or without it, must have the following margin sizes (mm): left - at least 20, right - at least 10, top - at least 20, bottom - at least 20.

In a number of organizations, instructions and rules governing the preparation of documents established field sizes larger than those required by the standard. Here are examples of letters on organizational letterhead (Fig. 2–4).

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GOST 7.0.8-2013 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions” consolidated the basic meanings of the concepts that we will use further:

  • destination- details containing information about the recipient of the document;
  • document details– element of document design.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to the new term attribute, which is actively used when working with electronic scientific and technical documentation and is considered as mandatory component of the props document. The rules for registering the “addressee” details established by GOST R 6.30-2003 provide various options its design - in them the main attributes of the “addressee” requisite are formalized or not formalized differently.

And finally, the term destination must be distinguished from the outdated concept addressee, which is nevertheless mentioned in the appendix to the Rules for office work in federal executive authorities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477) in the meaning author, i.e. sender of the document(and above all letters).

Since correspondence usually takes up more than 80% of the document flow of organizations, we will consider the rules for registering the “addressee” details using the example of official official letters, which are drawn up in paper form and sent to the recipient mainly by mail.

In the process of conducting correspondence, managers, employees and the organization's records management service should take into account the following factors:

  • technological, which means that the organization will send its letter through post offices or using the services of companies that deliver correspondence. These companies and Russian Post act as independent third parties during the delivery process. When composing a letter, you need to take into account how it will be sent, packaged, that the order and sequence of registration of the attributes of the postal address are established by the Rules for the provision of postal services, which are approved by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and are periodically updated;
  • managerial, because The letter may contain:
    • specific management decision, proposal, report or claim - it can be addressed to a higher organization or an equal partner, client;
    • a mandatory order or normative legal act that is sent to subordinate organizations for execution or information.
      That is, the purpose of creation and content of the document, the place of the author organization in the management system and the relationship with the recipient of the letter influence the design of the “addressee” requisite. In addition, the letter must be sent to the point (organization, official, specialist, structural unit) where there is the authority to resolve the issue set out in the document, finally and on the merits. If you have several questions/suggestions for this organization that are not related to each other and the solution of which is within the competence different persons, then it is better to write a separate letter to each “final recipient”. And if you don’t know who will be assigned to work on your questions, you can put them in a letter addressed to general director or address it generally to the organization;
  • etiquette factor– the need to comply with accepted rules of politeness, taking into account the specific situation of business communication, the status and position of the addressee (legal or individual, superior or subordinate organization, the letter is sent for the first time or to a permanent correspondent, etc.).

Organization letter form

To conduct correspondence, almost every organization develops and approves its own letter form. The composition of its details and examples of design can be found:

  • in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (Figures B.2 - B.4) and
  • Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved. by order of Rosarkhiv dated December 23, 2009 No. 76 (clause 3.3.1 with appendices).
    Organizations pay great attention to the development of a letter form and even include it in a “corporate” style book, which is absolutely fair, because he is the “face” of a legal entity, forms the image of the author of the letter and the impression of him. But it’s not just about the quality of the paper and the colors of paint used to make the form. The form indicates the full and abbreviated name of the organization, organizational and legal form and subordination. The most important thing is to follow correct design information about the author that is indicated on it, listing all the ways to contact the author. In external environment this conveys signs of stability, willingness to contact, openness and “goodwill” of the organization.

The location of the details in the form can be:

  • longitudinal(as in Example 1) or
  • corner:
    • centered(as in Example 2) or
    • flag(attributes are located in the same side zone, but the text of each line starts from the left margin).

The longitudinal and corner forms have a different location for the “addressee” attribute; it is indicated by an orange fill (compare Examples 1 and 2).

Attributes of the “addressee” attribute

Moreover, the answer to the question “Where?”, i.e. registration of the “mailing address” attribute is considered optional by GOST. If it fits in, then its elements are written in the sequence provided for by the Rules for the provision of postal services (this is established by the Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies, Appendix No. 11). Indicating the postal address on the letter itself becomes convenient when using an envelope with a window, in which all the data about the addressee will be visible (to whom and where the letter needs to be delivered), then this information does not have to be duplicated on the envelope manually or by sticking a “label”. With large volumes of correspondence, this approach significantly saves time and money.

If the letter is addressed state body, local government body, supreme authority, higher organization, then the “mailing address” attribute is still not issued (it is indicated only on the envelope). See Examples 3 and 4.

If the letter is sent to the first the head of this “superior organization”, then the name of the organization is included in the position, see Examples 5 and 6. Both the position and full name are written in the dative case.

Example 1

Collapse Show

Example 2

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Example 3

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Example 4

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Example 5

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Example 6

Collapse Show

If the letter addressed to a third party peer or downline organization, then the “addressee” of the letter can include a postal address, which is best separated from the name of the organization by 1.5–2 line spacing and begins with a small letter as prescribed by GOST R 6.30-2003 (for example, “street” or “pr. "):

Example 7

Collapse Show

If the letter is addressed to the manager organization, then the position includes the full name of the organization indicating the organizational and legal form:

Example 8

Collapse Show

If the letter is addressed to the head of an organization with which communication is not being carried out for the first time, then it is better not to indicate the postal address.

If the letter is addressed deputy manager or other official (and not the first manager), then options are allowed (with or without adding a postal address), and you should pay attention to cases and line spacing. Addressing to an official is always made in the dative case; if the name of the organization is separated from his position, then it is written in nominative case:

Example 9

Collapse Show

Example 10

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If the letter is addressed structural unit organizations, then in the “addressee” attribute, first indicate the name of the organization (established abbreviations are allowed), and only then - this structural unit in the nominative case.

It is advisable to do line spacing in Examples 7, 10 and 11 to separate the attributes of the “addressee” attribute to speed up the perception and isolation of information by the recipient, but this is not a strict requirement.

Example 11

Collapse Show

Example 12

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If the letter is addressed to the head of a structural unit, then the name of the organization (in the nominative case) is included in the “addressee” attribute, and the name of the unit is included in the full name of the position in the dative case:

Example 13

Collapse Show

GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes a method of generalized design of addressees when sending letters to several homogeneous organizations or several structural divisions one organization. This method provides:

  • on the letter itself, the design of the generalized name of the addressees;
  • additional compilation of a separate list for mailing letters, which includes their specific names and postal addresses.

Example 14

Collapse Show

Example 15

Collapse Show

See article " Creating envelopes in MS Word"to learn how to customize your sender's address, quickly create many envelopes according to a given template and mailing list, decorate them with a background or design (ideas for decorating an envelope for February 23 and March 8 are suggested

Mailing List or Mailing List is generated by the executor of the letter based on the classifier of organizations and their addresses, which is usually accumulated in the office management service as a result of document registration operations (in the EDMS or in Word, Excel tables). On each envelope in which each copy of the letter is sealed, the specific name and address of the organization is indicated in accordance with the mailing list. Based on this list, printing information on envelopes can be configured automatically even through Word.

It is necessary to note that this method is usually used by a higher organization when sending letters to its subordinate bodies.

However if there are no more than 4 recipients of one letter, then all recipients are registered on the document itself, then you can do without a mailing list (the word “Copy” does not appear before the 2nd, 3rd and 4th recipients). This limitation on the number of addressees in one letter is established by GOST R 6.30-2003 and common sense. In this case, the addressing is drawn up in the upper right corner as a listing of the “addressee” details for each body/organization, but all copies of such a letter are signed as originals, and each copy is sealed in a separate envelope on which the corresponding specific postal address is issued.

This addressing method is convenient to use when you need to notify about violations or significant events, primarily to higher-level, supervisory and regulatory authorities. This way all recipients will see who else it was sent to. this letter.

Example 16

Collapse Show

If a letter of the same content (a letter of offer, for example) needs to be sent to several “independent” organizations, then it is better to issue each letter in the status of an original, i.e. On each, indicate an individual addressee. However, the registration numbers for these letters will be different.

Registration of the “addressee” details when maintaining correspondence with individuals has its own characteristics. The first attribute is the surname in the dative case, then the initials and then the postal address:

Example 17

Collapse Show

When addressing a letter to an official indicating his position, the initials are written before last name (see Examples 9, 10, 13), since the main identification of the recipient is by job title. When addressing a letter to a private person, his initials are indicated behind surname (Example 17), since our identification as citizens is carried out primarily by surname. When registering a surname and initials, they are separated by a space; the initials are not separated by a space, i.e. “I.I. Ivanov”, but not “I. I. Ivanov."

How to correctly business correspondence abbreviate double names and double patronymics of the addressee, written with a hyphen, for example, Khozh-Akhmed Sultanovich, Khalimat Abrek-Zaurovna? See the answer to the question " In business correspondence, what is the correct way to abbreviate double names and double patronymics of the addressee written with a hyphen? »

In order not to make mistakes when addressing, on the websites of organizations it is necessary to find out the exact postal addresses, full names and job titles of managers, and other information that will help in the best possible way establish communication at the first stage of document perception. You can try to obtain similar information from the secretary, or glean it from documents received from this organization.

Pay special attention to the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the names of organizations and positions. The norms of the Russian language suggest writing a position with a lowercase (small) letter, but a specific high position can be written with a capital letter, if so provided constituent documents and local regulations of the recipient organization. Pay attention to these subtleties.

Etiquette factor

Appeal- a conventional etiquette phrase, speech formula which expresses respect and a friendly, polite attitude towards the addressee. It is recommended to end it exclamation point , emphasizing the significance of both the question and the appeal to this person.

Most often contacted by first name and patronymic(Example 18), much less often - by position(Example 20). The second option is strictly business in nature and is used when addressing a person holding a high official position in state and municipal bodies, large organization. Even less often they contact by last name without initials(Example 19) - this emphasizes the “distance”, the formality of the relationship between the author and the addressee, rather typical for correspondence with a private person.

Example 18

Address by first name and patronymic

Collapse 20

Another way of especially respectful attitude towards the addressee is manifested in the “etiquette frame”: “Dear...”"With deep respect,", which is used when addressing a higher-ranking person (chairman of the board of directors, head of a higher authority or management body, etc.), as well as in the case of issuing congratulations, for example, on an anniversary.

Appeal "Expensive..." even in the case of congratulations to the addressee, it should be used with caution, because In official relations, some managerial distance must still be maintained.

Appeal "Dear" is currently considered outdated, redundant - not corresponding to the norms of modern business style of the Russian literary language.

Special handling rules gradually emerged when working with citizens' appeals. In response to their letters "best practices" State bodies and local governments recommend the following speech formulas:

Example 22

Collapse Show

But regardless of the issue raised in the citizen’s appeal, regardless of the situation (conflict, complaint or appeal on a personal issue, for the first time or repeated, etc.), it is still universal formula appeals to citizens is addressed by name and patronymic (as in Example 18).

Commercial organizations, when corresponding with customers and considering their complaints, can be guided by the same recommendations.

Business correspondence between partners can tell a lot - not only what is clearly written, but also what is hidden “between the lines.” It is important not only what is written, but also how it is done. After all, by the way it is composed and a letter has been issued, received from any company, one can draw a fairly accurate conclusion about the culture of office work, the level of the company’s management culture, and therefore its solidity.

There are various definitions of writing as a document. One way or another service letter is a generalized name for documents of various contents (open letter, confirmation, refusal, proposal, order, message, cover letter, invitation, gratitude, notice, information letter, reminder, letter of guarantee, request, response to request, complaint, claim, multi-aspect letter), allocated to one group on the basis that they all serve as a means of communication between legal entities and individuals and are sent from the author to the addressee.

Methods for transmitting a document can be different:

    in the electronic document management system between separate and remote structural divisions within one enterprise and

    by mail, e-mail, telegraph, fax, if correspondence is carried out between different enterprises.

It all depends on the practice that has developed in your organization, on the level of technical equipment.

In our company, correspondence by sending letters is carried out both within the company and with external addressees. Exchange of letters within the enterprise occurs due to the fact that regional branches, not being legal entities, operate as structural divisions and are located at a considerable distance from each other and from the general directorate. But the exchange of information within structural divisions and within the general directorate is carried out by sending memos.

Service letters are drawn up on letterhead. The forms are developed individually in each organization and approved by its head.

Regulatory documents

When developing a document establishing corporate requirements for creation business letters , you should rely on the following documents:

    GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation";

    GOST ISO 8601-2001 “Representation of dates and times of day. General requirements»;

    GOST R 1.5-2004 “Standardization in Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of construction, presentation, design and notation.”

When drawing up recommendations, you should rely on local regulations regulating the powers of officials and the procedure for agreeing and signing draft documents in your company (if such documents exist at your enterprise).

Procedure for working with letters

Over time, each enterprise develops its own practice of classifying a letter as one or another type, which determines the procedure for execution, approval and signing. It is advisable to consolidate the established practice in the form of instructions or other local regulations. At the very least, the following should be isolated from the general array and subject to uniform rules: types of letters:

    to higher organizations, federal authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the federation;

    to structural divisions;

    commercial letters sent to third parties.

Our company has implemented an electronic document management system (EDMS).

In accordance with the “Regulations for organizing document flow”, correspondence between the general directorate and branches is carried out only by means of an EDMS.

Correspondence with external organizations goes through all stages of preparing letters to the EDMS, except for sending the original, which is sent by mail, fax and other means of communication.

The stages of processing outgoing letters are described at our enterprise in a special section “Outgoing Documents” within the framework of the “Regulations for working in the electronic document management system”. In general terms this description looks like this:

    a draft outgoing letter can be created by any employee;

    approval occurs in such a way that each approver sees all resolutions received since the beginning of the approval process;

    if at least one negative visa is received at the approval or signing stage, the document is returned to the author for revision;

    in addition, the document can be withdrawn by the author himself;

    if the draft document is approved by all approvers, it automatically moves to the signing stage, after which it is registered in the system;

    if the document must be sent by mail, the original document is transferred to the DOW service for sending; in all other cases, the contractors send the document themselves;

    the originals of outgoing documents, if they were not sent by mail, are kept by the executor in the case according to the nomenclature of cases.

Composition and formatting of letter details

Letter form

A special form is used to compose official letters. The letter form for correspondence within Russia must contain the following details:

Props “10 - name of the document type” in letters is not issued. And the explanation is simple. Letters have their own form, different from other types of documents. And if you picked up (or saw on the monitor screen) a document executed in letterhead, then the conclusion you will draw will be unambiguous. You don't need the word "LETTER". You will already know that you are dealing with this type of document.

At our enterprise, the angular arrangement of details on A4 format is accepted. See Example 1.

In addition, for international correspondence, a special form can be developed and approved by order of the head of the organization (a sample is presented in Example 3).

Organization letter form with corner placement of details

Organization letter form with longitudinal arrangement of details

Organization letter form with corner location of details for international correspondence

Props “18 - title to the text”

Heading reflects summary document, and therefore it cannot be too long. It is given no more than five lines, although this volume can be considered excessive from the point of view of common sense. It is better to try to fit into one or three lines, which are printed at one line spacing.

The title should:

    be grammatically consistent with the name of the document type and

    answer the question “about what?” or “about whom?”,

    be written with a capital letter and

    without quotes,

    there is no period at the end.

Here examples formulation header. As you can see, they are all laconic and answer the question “what is the letter about?”:

    On the provision of material and technical assistance;

    About providing information;

    On failure to fulfill contractual obligations.

Heading placed below the details “13 - link to the registration number and date of the document” from the border of the left margin (without indents). See Example 13.

Props “11 - document date”

This detail is placed on the same line with the registration number of the document, which is located below the reference data about the organization, but above the link to the initiating document. On the letterhead, special restrictive marks are provided to display the date of the document (see Examples 1 and 2).

Date of the letter is the date of its signing. It is issued at eight Arabic numerals in sequence: two digits each for the day of the month and month, four digits for the year. At the same time, the letter “g.” not placed after numbers.

When you want to refer to a specific letter in the text of a document, it would be correct to first indicate the type of document, then its date and number, and at the end - the title.

And if the props are “11 - document date” allows only digital designation, then when a letter is mentioned in the text of another document, the date can also be written in an alphanumeric way (in this case, “year” or the full word “year” is written at the end of the date in the appropriate case). For example:

    letter dated July 28, 2007 No. 25/3923 “On the write-off vehicles"either

Details “12 - document registration number”

Document registration number- this is a digital or alphanumeric designation assigned to a document when it is registered. The presence of a registration number on a document indicates that it is included in the information array of the enterprise and is under the control and responsibility of the enterprise.

Letter registration number consists of a case index according to the nomenclature of cases and a serial number, for example, 01-39/64, where 01 is the case management index, 39 is the case number according to the nomenclature, 64 - serial number document.

Props “13 - link to the registration number and date of the document”

If the letter you are preparing is a response to an received (initiating) document, reflecting its data (number and date) will increase the efficiency of both the employees of your organization and the recipient of your letter.

Please note that one of the common mistakes when writing responses to letters is repeating in the text of the letter a link to the details of the incoming document. After all, the presence of a separate detail, where data about the initiating document is immediately visible, eliminates the need to duplicate this information in the text of the letter. And then instead of the phrase “In response to your letter dated July 28, 2007 No. 25/3923, we inform you...” at the beginning of the text it will show off:

    In connection with your proposal...;

    We inform you that we have become familiar with your proposal to purchase manufactured products taking into account seasonal discounts...;

    Thank you for the invitation...;

    In response to your request, we inform...;

    We confirm receipt of documents...;

    We support your proposal (appeal)...;

    On the terms proposed by you...;

    According to the supply agreement...

Props “15 - addressee”

At angular location details on the letterhead“Addressee” is located in the upper right corner at the level of the name of the organization - the author of the document (see Example 13). In the case of longitudinal, angular limiting marks are often placed for this prop (see Example 2).

The document can be addressed either to a specific official or structural unit, or to the organization as a whole. It will depend on this the composition of the information indicated in the details, but in any case the following rules will apply:

    the initials are indicated before the surname of the official and are separated from it by one space; when addressing, the person’s name is always written in the dative case;

    the name of the organization or its structural unit is always indicated in the nominative case;

    Sometimes the “Addressee” attribute includes the mailing address of the recipient of the letter. The address is located below the recipient's name. Elements of the postal address are indicated in the sequence established by the rules for the provision of postal services:

    • house number,

      office or apartment (if available at the address),

      locality(usually this is a city),

      district and region may be indicated,

      may be the name of the country,

      The postal code must be written.

The postal address is not indicated when sending a document to higher authorities state power and management (to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Government of the Russian Federation, to State Duma etc.), to a higher organization, to subordinate organizations (branches, departments, representative offices) and to permanent correspondents.

But its presence in the “Addressee” attribute becomes convenient when letter sent in an envelope with a transparent window. Then there is no need to indicate the recipient and his address on the envelope - they are visible through the transparent window. The described technology becomes especially attractive when mass mailings letters.

Now let's look at examples registration considered by us props when addressing a letter:

    organization (see Example 4) indicating the postal address;

    its structural unit (see Example 5);

    official (see Example 6);

    to a private person (see Example 7) indicating his postal address.

The lines of this attribute are printed with one line spacing. The exception is full name. official, which can be separated from the previous line by one and a half line spacing (see Example 6).

In the examples below prop lines The "destination" is aligned to the left ("flag" layout). Although it is also possible to center each prop lines relative to the longest line.

All-Russian public organization
small and medium enterprises
New Square, building 8, building 2,
Moscow, 109012

Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Department of Regulation, Management and
payment system monitoring

General Director
JSC "Perekrestok"
R.I. Svetoforov

LLC "Meteoprognoz"
Chief accountant
Yu.A. Cloudless

Perepelkin Yu.M.
St. Nadezhda Suslova, 29, apt. 201,
Nizhny Novgorod, 603098

One of the most common questions with which authors of draft letters contact the preschool educational institution service is the question of how to send one letter to different managers:

    address it generally or

    Send to each individual separately.

In this case, everything depends on the rules adopted in the organization. At our enterprise, it is preferable to address letters to each manager indicating his initials and surname. This makes it possible to start the letter with a personal appeal. For example, if one of the letters is addressed to M.A. Kotov, branch director building materials and structures, then we will begin the text of the letter with the phrase “Dear Mikhail Alekseevich!”

If personalization does not play any role, then you can address the letter to several managers at the same time, for example, branch directors, then the address to them will have the general form “Dear colleagues!”

If a letter is sent to several addressees, then there should not be more than four of them in one letter. It should be remembered that the word “Copy” is not indicated before the second, third, fourth addressees. At large quantities addressees, a document mailing list is compiled indicating correspondents and their addresses; in this case, on the letter itself, the addressee is written in a general way.

Let us remind you that according to GOST R 6.30-2003, the name of a private person or official in the “Addressee” requisite must be written in the dative case. And here we are overtaken by the “great and mighty” Russian language, which requires some surnames to be declined, while prohibiting others. And you understand perfectly well that when addressing a person, making a mistake in his last name is at least discourteous.

The rules of the Russian language, which we succinctly list in this article, can help you out. Now you can accurately determine how to pronounce any last name.

    Russian and foreign surnames that ends in a consonant, inclined if they belong to males (Lerman - Lerman, Narodovich - Narodovich, Zeiser - Zeiser, Nidens - Nidens, Petrelyak - Petrelyak). But they don’t bow if they belong to women (Maria Lerman, Elena Narodovich, Ksenia Tsayser, Valeria Nidens, Anna Petrelyak). An exception to the rule may be surnames belonging to men that coincide with the names of animals (Evgeniy Zhuk, Nikolai Strizh).

    Surnames Finno-Ugric language group do not bow (to Yuri Saknyn, Vladimir Kaikonen).

    Foreign surnames, ending in a stressed vowel(To Igor Vaino), and the name of the Foundation is not declined.

    Slavic (Polish and Czech) surnames in -ski, -y are not declined (Leonid Lewinski, Anne Zakorny).

    Georgian and Japanese surnames are usually declined (Okujawe, Kurosawa).

    Surnames on -ago (-yago), -ovo, -yh (-their) do not bow (Belykh, Zadorozhnykh, Neprago).

    Ukrainian surnames starting with -ko (-enko) do not bow (Nechipurenko, Saenko).

    In Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese names and surnames, the last part is declined if it ends in a consonant sound(Kim Il Sung).

    In double surnames the first part is declined if it itself is used as a surname (for Solovyov-Sedov), and is not declined if it is not a surname (for Arseny Bill-Belotserkovsky, Victoria Grum-Grzhimailo).

Props “20 - document text”

Home purpose of business letter- convince, show, explain and, as a result, induce the partner to action, i.e. achieve results. You should carefully consider in advance what result you want to achieve when writing a particular letter - both the lexical composition you use and the internal intonation of the text will depend on this.

It is important to remember the following: letter text should be concise, consistent, convincing, correct and simple. The information presented should be interpreted unambiguously (it is appropriate to recall the parable: “I don’t remember something: either his hat was stolen, or he stole his hat”). The essence of the letter should not “drown” in details.

The structure of the letter usually contains two parts: introductory and main.

The introductory notes indicate the reasons that caused writing a letter, and references are made to facts, dates, documents (except for references to the details of the initiating document, to which this letter is a response). The introductory part may begin with the words:

    Due to the fact that...;

    Due to the arrival with great delay...;

    Based on the order dated... No....;

    According to the agreement dated... No....;

    We have considered your suggestions...;

    In accordance with your request...;

    By way of exchange...;

    As an exception...

The main part of the letter formulates an offer, a refusal, a request.

Which form of appeal should I choose?

When addressing a group of employees or the entire company team, the following form of address is used:

    Dear Sirs!

    Dear colleagues!

A strictly official appeal is addressed to heads of government and administrative bodies who hold high positions:

    Dear Mr. Chairman!

    Dear Mr. Mayor!

    Dear Mr. Deputy!

The form of address by last name is also official:

    Mr. Smirnov!

    Dear Mr. Chernov!

It should be remembered that the form of address depends on how formal your relationship with the addressee of the letter is. For example, addressing someone by first name and patronymic or by first name only (in email correspondence) is less formal:

    Dear Viktor Sergeevich!

    Pavel Alexandrovich!

    Dear Andrey!

IN official letters the following forms of presentation are used :

    first person plural(we send for approval, please consider);

    in the third person singular (the company does not object).

This is because the official who signed the letter speaks on behalf of his organization, and not on his own behalf. That's why summary of the letter first person singular (please list, I think it’s necessary) only permissible in the following cases:

    When the letter is being drawn up on official letterhead (and not on the organization’s letterhead);

    when the letter is confidential and is not written on letterhead.

In this case, the construction verb + personal pronoun in the dative case (we suggest you, we remind you) stylistically, internal intonation differs from the form, which consists of one verb (suggest, remind) more softness.

There are two main text composition method letters: historical and systematic.

With the historical method, the content is presented in the sequence in which events occurred. Those. first, the background of the situation or event is described, then what is the immediate reason (reason) for writing the letter, then arguments are given and conclusions follow. This method of presentation is called the “ordinary pyramid” method. It is used in business letters regarding the main (production) activities of the enterprise.

At systematic the method of presentation, all the main facts or provisions are given in the first paragraph of the letter, in the following paragraphs - all the details, specific and clarifying information. This method of presentation is called the “inverted pyramid” method. It is used in the preparation of invitation letters, congratulations, informational and advertising letters, and offer letters.

For most business letters characterized by stability stylistic turns. The use of standard language models can significantly simplify the process of compiling document texts.

Depending on the type of writing, the following phrases are used when composing the text:

    Cover letter:

    • We send you...; We send you...;
    • In accordance with your request, we are sending...;
    • According to the agreement reached, we propose...
  • Reminder:

    • We remind you that...;

      After the expiration of the … period, our company’s offer becomes invalid.

  • Confirmation:

    • The Capital Construction Department confirms receipt...;

      We confirm that the equipment has been received...;

      We gratefully confirm...


    • We inform you that...;

      We inform you that...;

      We inform you that...;

      We consider it necessary to inform you...

    • We will be grateful if you can...;

      We would like to receive...;

      We are extremely interested in resolving this issue;

      Unfortunately, due to temporary difficulties we are forced...;

      In accordance with our agreement, we ask you...

  • Gratitude:

    • We are grateful to you for...;

      We express our gratitude for…

IN business letter preference is given to passive constructions, which focus on words denoting actions, For example: offers are considered, measures are taken, work is done.

The texts of the letters use constructions (splitting the predicate), which not only name the action (provide, produce), but also indicate the subject of action (support, assistance), For example:

- Provide assistance(rather than facilitating);

Perform accounting (not accounting);

- Carry out activities on...(rather than do it).

When writing letters you should follow word compatibility among themselves and management rules in Russian. Pay attention to common mistakes:

Correct usageMisuse
submit for consideration
transfer to management
exercise control
make proposals
provide credit
suffer as a result of events
provide information
get information
produced abroad
collection includes
according to the order (application)
send for consideration
transfer for management
give suggestions
issue a loan
suffer in events
provide information
find out information
pretend to be
imported production
the collection includes
according to the order (application)

In addition, in business correspondence The following phrases are often used: control is assigned, problems are resolved, tasks are resolved, debts are repaid, payments are made, agreements are reached, discounts are provided and given.

Before you finish your letter, ask yourself one question. Do you want to gain approval from those with whom you enter into written contact? In this case, be sincerely polite and end your letters with etiquette formulas:

    We value our cooperation. Thank you!

    We hope that our request will not be difficult for you;

    We hope for a successful continuation of cooperation;

    We will be grateful to you for prompt resolution of the issue;

    We hope for your interest in expanding ties;

    WITH best wishes;

    Welcome to our seminar.

Before the “Signature” attribute in business letters The final etiquette phrase “With respect” is used. Thus, the address “Dear ...!” at the beginning of the letter and the final etiquette phrase “With respect” constitute the so-called etiquette frame.

In the “20 - document text” attribute, it is generally accepted to use the font Times New Roman with font size 12 - 14. In our company, for tables we use a reduced size: 11 - 12. Because... There are no strictly defined requirements for typeface and font size; they should be fixed in the internal local documents of the organization in order to bring them to uniformity.

Our company does not allow the use of other fonts, as well as underlining words, using bold, italics, etc. In addition, we abandoned the use of arbitrary abbreviations and non-accepted designations of units of measurement.

The text of the document is printed with one and a half line spacing, unlike the others letter details, which use single line spacing.

Props “21 - mark of the presence of the application”

A mark indicating the presence of the application is located immediately after the text with two to four line spacing.

If the document has an application not named in the text, its title, number of sheets and number of copies are indicated.

At multiple applications available they are numbered (see Example 14).

In case if the application is bound, the number of sheets is not indicated, for example:

In case document application has its own applications, their presence is marked as follows:

When a document is sent to several addresses, and an application is sent to only one of them, a note about the presence of the application is drawn up as follows:

Props “22 - signature”

Signature is required requisites of the letter And consists of:

    job title the person who signed the document. If the document is drawn up on letterhead, then an abbreviated version of the position is used (without mentioning the name of the enterprise, for example, general director). If the document is not on letterhead, then the position must include the name of the enterprise;

    personal signature and

    its decoding (initials with surname).

If a document is signed by several officials, then their signatures are placed one below the other in the order of their positions: from more senior to less important. The most common example is the proximity on a letter of signatures of such officials as the general director and chief accountant.

Props “25 - seal impression”

Documents are stamped at our enterprise in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for execution, production, registration, use, storage and destruction of seals and stamps,” which was approved by order of the General Director.

According to general rules, stamps are not placed on documents drawn up on letterhead. This rule comes from Soviet office work, when document forms were produced by printing and access to them was limited in the same way as to printing. But now the situation has changed, most documents are prepared using a computer and a printer, so printing a document on a letterhead can no longer provide the same guarantees.

Therefore, a seal imprint is required on letters of guarantee. It certifies the authenticity of the official’s signature and is affixed so as not to “eclipse” the personal flourish, which should be clearly readable. The seal impression should cover the last few letters of the job title and, if possible, the edge of the personal stroke.

Props “27 - mark about the performer”

This prop includes:

    initials and surname (or full name, patronymic and surname) of the executor of the document and

    his phone number.

This allows the recipient of the letter to quickly contact its originator.

This mark is located on the front side or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner and is often made with a reduced point size (at our company we use 10 point size for this purpose).

Now let's give sample letter format with all the details we described:

Different ways to persuade people to your point of view

There are many recommendations on this topic. Many of them have become classics, but are still not widely used in practice, except in the field of activity under common name“promotion of goods and services.” However, letters, seemingly on purely “production” topics, should be written taking into account psychological characteristics, common to all people.

You should not start with issues on which you and your partner disagree. It is better to focus on those issues in which you agree with him, to emphasize that you are striving for the same thing and the difference in your views concerns only methods, and not the final goal.

Another rule is You should not express a negative answer in a categorical form:“No, never!” “The negative answer,” says Professor Overstreet in his book Influencing Human Behavior, “is the most difficult obstacle to overcome. In any case, even in the case of a complaint or refusal, you need to give the correspondence process an overall positive direction. Experienced communicators know how to refuse in such a way that the person is left with a sense of satisfaction and perspective (a positive outcome). After all, in fact, this refusal and this complaint do not end the business relationship. But even in the case when you decide to break with a client forever, is it necessary to inform him about this?

Known technique called “Socrates’ secret”: if you want to tell a person that he is wrong, gently ask him a question that should be answered positively. In political technologies, this technique, conventionally called the “law of three yeses,” is taught to agitators working with the population.

Dale Carnegie, for example, illustrated the use of the “Socratic Secret” technique.

A regular customer once refused to buy motors that he had been buying for many years in a row. The motive he stated in his address to the seller was as follows: “Your motors are getting too hot.” In response, the seller competently asked the buyer several questions, each of which clearly had to be (and was!) answered with a positive answer.

So the salesman asked, “National Association rules state that a properly designed motor can reach temperatures up to 72 degrees (Fahrenheit) above room temperature. Am I right?" “Yes,” the buyer agreed, “that’s absolutely correct. But your motors get much hotter.” Instead of arguing, the seller simply asked: “What is the temperature in your workshop?” “About 75 degrees,” he replied. “Okay,” said the salesman, “if you add 72 degrees to the shop temperature of 75 degrees, you will get a total temperature of 147 degrees. Do you think you would scald your hand if you held it under 147 degree hot water?” The buyer again answered “yes.” “In that case,” the salesman concluded, “don’t you think it would be wise to keep your hands off these motors?” Business contact has been restored!

Why not use a similar technique when corresponding with your clients?

The next rule is always necessary conduct communication (including correspondence) in the circle of interests of your partner. What will you achieve if you express your own problems and needs in a business letter? But it is precisely in order to solve these problems that you are corresponding. How can this be? You should write not about what problems you want to solve, but about what positive things your mutual actions will bring to your partner. Your benefit should be “packaged” as a gift to your partner, which he did not know about before receiving this letter. This position has nothing to do with those empty platitudes that sound in bad commercials: we work for you even despite our own benefit. Who will believe this? It's about about your high degree of awareness of your partner and the thoughtfulness of your actions: you yourself believe that cooperation with you will bring real results to your partner, and you know how to do it.

Lao Tzu wrote: “The reason that hundreds of mountain streams flow into rivers and seas is that the rivers and seas are located below the mountains. Therefore, they are able to rule over all mountain streams, and the sage, wanting to be above people, becomes lower than them; wanting to be ahead, he becomes behind. Therefore, although his place is above people, they do not feel his weight, although his place is in front of them, they do not consider it unfair.”

Human history remembers letters that “worked miracles.”

Abraham Lincoln's most famous letter is the one he sent to Mrs. Beaksey expressing sympathy for the death of her five sons who had fallen in battle.

The second, and most famous, letter was sold at auction in 1926 for $12,000 (a sum greater than what Abraham Lincoln was able to accumulate through half a century of hard work). The letter was written during one of the dark periods Civil War in America (for eighteen months, Lincoln's generals led the army from one tragic defeat to another) and is addressed to General Hooker, who made a number of grave mistakes. Yes, these were grave mistakes, but Abraham Lincoln does not call them that in his letter. He wrote: “There are facts because of which I cannot be completely satisfied with you.”

Ken Dyke, former chairman of the American national association advertising, claimed that letters sent by him to sellers and containing a request to send this or that information are rarely answered by more than 3-5% of recipients. Ken Dyke said that he would consider receiving a 15% response rate to be a completely unusual thing, and if the number of responses sent jumped to 20%, he would consider it nothing less than a miracle. But one of Dyke's letters brought a 42% response rate. In other words, this letter was twice miraculous. How did he achieve this?

It would seem very simple. The letter contained text that brought pleasure to the addressee because it contained a request to do the author of the letter a favor. Favor is a word that gives your recipient a feeling of self-worth. The letter began with an appeal, and then the phrase: “Would you agree to help me get out of a little difficulty?” In the final phrases of the letter, the author muted “I” and emphasized “You”.

Creating business letters- a responsible task. Therefore, we should not forget the proverb: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.” We are not Lincolns or Socrates, and we can never follow their advice literally. But learning the rule: start with praise and sincere recognition of your partner's strengths will certainly help in daily business contacts, including when writing letters. Like psychological technique works regardless of whether your company sells tourist trips or produces large-diameter pipes.

What wording needs to be included in the contract in order to then be able to agree on the terms of the transaction via telephone, fax or email? What is reverse side medals of such “efficiency”? By what rules will the court interpret the terms of the transaction based on existing correspondence and other documents? When does it come time to draw up a protocol for reconciling disagreements or an additional agreement to the contract and how to do it?

You will find answers to these questions in the article“Correspondence between the parties through the eyes of a lawyer”.

1 See article by E.M. Kameneva “Development of forms of organizational and administrative documents” on page 20 No. 8` 2005 and on page 40 No. 9` 2005

2 Among the required details letters, in addition to those included in the form, include:

  • 15 - addressee;
  • 18 - title to the text (required only when writing a letter on A4 format, for a document in A5 format it is not required);
  • 20 - text of the document;
  • 22 - signature;
  • 27 - mark about the performer.

Optional The following details are required for the letter:

  • 21 - mark on the presence of applications;
  • 24 - visa approval of documents;
  • 25 - seal impression (affixed on letters of guarantee);
  • 30 - identifier electronic signature document.

3 Depending on the size of the letter text, it is possible to use not only A4 format, but also A5 format.