Fire fairy transformations. Parents are faced with the mass mailing of a dangerous picture to their children about “transforming into a fire fairy.”

If you really want to become a fairy, but adults tell you that it is impossible, do not believe it. Any girl or girl can become a fairy, the main thing is desire. Only you yourself can stop you from turning into a fairy, because if there is anger, envy, hatred or other things in your soul negative emotions, then your strengths may simply not reveal themselves. Think about why you want to become a fairy? If you want to help people and give positivity to those around you, then you have every chance of becoming a good sorceress. If you are driven by self-interest, the desire to harm someone or take revenge, then don’t even try to turn into a fairy, you won’t be able to do it. So, you have figured out yourself. Now you can begin the rituals that will help you become a fairy.

How to become a fairy for real right now

There is a fairly simple ritual that helps you become a fairy in just a couple of minutes. To do this, go outside in sunny weather at noon, make sure that there are no people in the circle and they will not be able to see the ritual. Turn your back to the heavenly body, close your eyes, place your hands on both sides of your face so that the sun's rays fall on your palms. Now the most important thing is to imagine yourself as a fairy, and always in the smallest details (hair length, eye color, perhaps wings, etc.), give yourself some magical ability, for example, reading minds. At the same time imagine yourself as a fairy and try to feel how sun rays penetrate your body through your palms and bring all your thoughts into reality. It is very important not to doubt your actions, create your image and desires consistently, believe in the effectiveness of the method, since otherwise the ceremony will be in vain. Stay like this for about 2 minutes, then turn your face to the sun, look at it and quietly whisper the following words of appeal:

The sun's rays are your children. They touched my palms and gave me strength. I am a fairy, I can create miracles.

After this ritual, do not wash your hands for a couple of hours; after this time, your strength will be at its peak. If you want to read thoughts, look at a person and the first thing that comes to your mind is the readable thoughts. It is very important to catch the moment when information suddenly pops up in your head out of nowhere. There is no need to overthink anything and try to pass off your thoughts as the thoughts of the object. The first information that comes is the desired goal.

It is worth noting that during the ritual it is not necessary to give yourself the ability to read thoughts; for example, you can make a wish to control various natural phenomena: wind, rain, etc., call animals to action by force of thought, etc.

How to become a fairy for real at 11 years old

If you are not afraid of the dark, then this option is for you. On the day when you are left alone at home, close all the curtains in one of the rooms, turn off the lights (in general, make sure the room is as dark as night). Sit on your knees in the middle of the room and say three times in a row: fairy come, I'm waiting for you. Close your eyes and wait. After a few minutes, you will hear rustling, laughter or other sounds - a sign that a fairy is in the room. Under no circumstances open your eyes, much less shout or turn on the light, but smile, then most likely the fairy will talk to you. I repeat once again, during a conversation, do not open your eyes under any circumstances, and if the opportunity arises, ask the fairy to endow you with magical powers. She will definitely do this, but these forces will only act in a dream.

In general, remember, if you respect your elders, help those in need, protect the weak, and responsiveness, hard work, politeness, good nature, sincerity and others positive traits character will become paramount for you, then in the eyes of others you will always be a real good witch.

Who supervises deadly games for children in smartphones and tablets

Let's talk to an expert about the sensational stories with “blue whales” and other things.

Together with the vice-president of the Russian Criminological Association, Doctor of Philosophy Igor Sundiev, we discussed deadly games for children on social networks.

Igor Yurievich, the story with these groups is actually strange." blue whales", "sea of ​​whales", "quiet house", now a game has appeared "how to become a fairy of fire from Winx" - there are many names... In May last year, a loud article about "death groups" suddenly appeared on social networks. The author writes about 130 teenagers driven to suicide. The noise is incredible! Although statistics say that there was no surge in suicides, if compared with previous years, it seems that the administrator of one of these “death groups” was detained. And suddenly, at the end of January - beginning of February, there was a new surge of interest. Now this is a game of “blue whales” with 50 tasks that should ultimately lead the child to death. The “curators” who lead the children in this game are encrypted. , they are not so easy to calculate... What is happening?

Such a phenomenon as a massive desire for death in adolescents does not appear out of nowhere. This is the result of purposeful activity. The game of “blue whales”, “sea of ​​whales”, “wake up at 4.20” - it didn’t just appear. This is an element of modern information, hybrid warfare.

- So is everything serious? And who then leads it? Against whom?

First of all, against our state, our population. Thanks to such actions, at least three goals are achieved. First. Last year we recorded demographic growth for the first time: the number of births exceeded the number of deaths. This is a colossal victory after the failure that was in the early 90s. This unsustainable demographic trend can be broken at any time. The second is social consciousness. The most valuable thing for any parent is a child. And now he finds himself without protection, completely dependent on the terrible social networks and death groups.

- Do they want to sow panic?

Not really. Rather, to cause dissatisfaction with the existing order, with authorities who cannot ensure the safety of the younger generation.

And the third goal. Young people have always had an interest in extreme things. The more information appears about an object, the more people want to try it... It's like with extreme species sports There have already been epidemics of suicidal behavior in history. Both in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th. In this case, they are trying to provoke this kind of epidemic among the youngest people through new means of mass communication, via the Internet.

Vice-President of the Russian Criminological Association Igor Sundiev.

If you say that the project is aimed at Russia. But why are concerned colleagues from Ukraine writing to me - there are a lot of people playing “blue whales” there too?

The goal is the territory of our country and the habitat of the Russian-speaking population in the CIS countries - this is where the “blue whales” operate. And the main emphasis is on our south - Krasnodar region, Stavropol region. There difficult situation. This is the region they want to destabilize first. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan simply fell into the hands in this case.

- If everything is so sinister, so deeply thought out, I would like to know who is behind it?

State, as they say, last name, appearances, passwords? It often happens that this is precisely what cannot be done. There are a lot of interested parties. What makes our country unique? She is the only one who did not fit into the world order that was imposed on her for a very long time, almost 25 years. Not many people live on a very large territory, but the country has retained its independence, nuclear forces and is trying to form its own national idea. This state is a threat.

- For the world government?

For the world order that has already emerged. The main thing for development, it is now believed, is the expansion of production. But all consumer markets have been developed. This means that new territories are needed to sell the same smartphones, new models of which appear every six months.

In 2011, the Zurich University of Technology analyzed the connections between the 150 largest multinational corporations. It turned out that there are approximately one hundred people who are on the boards of directors of all corporations. When we talk about who is interested in destabilizing the situation in the country, in this case there is no need to talk about specific people. We need to talk about a specific order that someone wants to preserve. To provide yourself with income and a normal lifestyle.

This is also a way of recruiting young people for terrorist organizations.

Number of suicides in recent years was constantly decreasing. And then “death groups” thundered “accidentally”.

Kill the alien - get bonuses

- How?

Exactly 10 years ago, a computer game similar to “blue whales” appeared. It was called "The Great Game". The tasks had to be completed in real life. The idea is this: the earth has been attacked by aliens, the aliens are the ones who are destroying our way of life. In life, these aliens disguised themselves as Asians, residents of the Caucasian republics. It was necessary to humiliate the alien, record it on a video camera and send it. And then get points to advance further. Thus, a group of young people was formed who seemed to be playing computer game but actually committed crimes. At first it was hooliganism, then it became more complicated, even to the point of murder. With great difficulty, in 2010 we managed to close this disgrace. Those who created this " Big game", were located outside our country. There were several trials when the participants in this “game” were convicted - about a hundred people. But on the website " Big game"an archive was posted, which contained almost 30 thousand files with criminal episodes! That is, there were many more participants.

- What about the organizers of the game?

Formally, the so-called “Northern Brotherhood” stood behind it. When they started to look into it, it turned out that there were only four people in it. One of them quickly fled abroad. Of the remaining three, two were disabled from childhood; they have absolutely no jurisdiction. And another veteran of all sorts of battles, also not subject to jurisdiction. But the cost of creating and distributing The Great Game, at the prices of that time, was over $20 million. Question: where did they get the money?

I think the experience of creating the “Great Game” formed the basis for the development of a game about “blue whales”.

Fire fairies vs kids

But now, as I understand it, the action is much broader. If “blue whales” are aimed at teenagers, then for kids there are games about “fairies” (meaning the Winx fairies - Ed.) with pictures of how kids can become a “fire fairy from Winx” - that is, simply set themselves on fire. Fairies and various games about little ponies - they are incredibly popular among children 6 - 8 years old! There is also a book “50 days before my suicide”, written by “Stace Kramer”, but in fact a girl from Astrakhan Nastya Khokhlova and joyfully published by AST publishing house...

The book, by the way, is very well written. It is a kind of tuning fork by which it is tuned psychological state teenager for subsequent suicidal actions. But the book is just the beginning. After it, the teenager has a desire to learn more on this topic, as, in fact, was planned. Pay attention when you type in search engine“50 days before my suicide” and you get to the page with the book, you often immediately receive an invitation to join a certain VKontakte group.

This is understandable. The main thing here is not the commercial task of selling a book, you need to create a certain mood. By the way, in the game “blue whales” there are 50 tasks, in the book - 50 days...

I don't think it's just a coincidence...

Fairies and various games about little ponies - they are incredibly popular among children 6 - 8 years old! And these fairies, for no apparent reason, recommend climbing onto the windowsill and dousing yourself with flammable liquid...

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to what books the child reads, what games are installed on his tablet, what coloring books he uses.

How can parents save their children?

- Igor Yuryevich, what should parents do? Panic?

First of all, understand that protecting children is their constant responsibility. And the protection is not so much physical as informational protection. Parents now often believe that the main way to protect their child may be to disconnect him from information channels. This is a grave mistake. It is impossible to disconnect a modern child from information channels.

Modern operating systems made intuitive. A child, starting from the age of two, will log into the computer faster than you and find what interests him. Therefore, our task is to teach the child to use what is useful to him. In general, lay down the concepts of good and evil as early as possible. Explain to him, using the example of the information that is in the gadget, why this is good and this is bad. And, of course, carefully look at what programs your child uses and who he communicates with on the social network.

In this situation, can we count on Investigative Committee, prosecutor's office, FSB? If this is such a serious project...

As they liked to say in old detective stories, the FSB looks where it needs to. But according to the current law, any investigation begins from the moment a certain event occurs. Therefore, law enforcement actions are always late. So this time, it is not law enforcement officers who should come to the fore, but parents and educators.

By 2013, for the first time in many years, Russia managed to reverse the negative trend: the number of births exceeded the number of deaths.


But if we are talking about a long-term project, we can assume that when interest in “blue whales” and “fire fairies” subsides, there will be some kind of new promotion?

Undoubtedly. In principle, the fashion for Internet clip images does not last long - about six months. This means that already this year, maybe in the summer, maybe in the fall, a new wave will appear... What will be the reason for it? We don't know this.

Alexander Milkus

Surprisingly, articles on this topic are very popular on the Internet. I know very roughly who fairies are, so I don’t understand the universal excitement around them.

However, if someone is determined to become a fairy, here you are exactly 16 effective ways(under KAT), how to turn into a fairy forever:

Method is the simplest method for transformation number one. Write your desire on a piece of paper, you need to write that you are eager to become a real fairy with wings, but there are still conditions, you must indicate more specifically what kind of fairy you want to become (fire, water, nature, you can even have all your powers at once ) After this, you need to drink a glass of water, and throw this piece of paper into the open window so that it flies far, far away. You can, of course, eat this leaf with water. Go to bed. When you wake up, you will already be a real fairy.

Second great way turn into a winx fairy at home. Place in a bowl cold water, take colored paper, for each type of fairy, the paper must be a certain color (for the fairy of love - red, if the fairy of nature, then green, etc.). You will also need a mirror and a candle. Cut out a heart from red paper, a tree leaf from green paper, and a leaf from blue paper. sea ​​wave, the symbol depends on what kind of fairy you would like to turn into. Then light the edge of the paper with a burning candle. Place the paper in water. Then, reflect it in the mirror. Then, look in the mirror and say: “I want to turn into a real fairy with all my might!”, repeat this spell three times, loud and clear. Burn the paper completely. If the flame goes out quickly, it means that you have turned into a real fairy.

If you don’t succeed with turning into a fairy, at the end of the article you can pay attention to buying a fairy, and who knows, maybe she will teach you all the abilities that they have.

The third way to transform into a Winx, an equally wonderful way to transform into a real fairy, is as follows. Place ice in a large vessel and wait until it melts. Next, for one to two minutes, lower your hand into this vessel, close your eyes and in your imagination turn into a fairy, choose a certain power for her. Remove your hand from the container and lather it with shower gel. Rinse your hand in the same vessel immediately after soaping. Then, rub hand to hand for two to three minutes. After completing this ritual, within a few days, you will definitely turn into a real fairy.

The fourth tip for turning into a real fairy with wings in real life. Take an empty perfume bottle or eau de toilette. Fill it with tap water. Next item- very important. Pour into the water three tablespoons of table salt, three tablespoons of cane sugar, two tablespoons of soda and a tablespoon liquid soap. Then, let this bottle stand for two or three weeks on the windowsill. Then, every day you will have to spray yourself with the resulting magic potion from this bottle, while imagining in your imagination how you become a real fairy (don’t forget to choose strength). In one to two weeks the transformation will be completed!

The fifth way to become a fairy at home is to wait full moon, you should describe the fairy of your dreams on a piece of paper, then, going to the open window, reflect the moon in a previously prepared glass of water and lower the piece of paper with a wish into this glass. Pour water from a glass on yourself and your wish will come true, you will become a real fairy.

The sixth, surest way to turn into a real fairy forever is to talk to the fairy herself, let her give you her abilities. To talk to a fairy, you need to call her to talk. If you want to become a fire fairy, then sit next to the fire; if you want to become a lunar fairy, then look at the full (this condition is mandatory) moon. Then quietly call the fairy you want to see (for example: “Moon fairy, I call you!”). If you feel a light breeze, or goosebumps, or the rustling of wings, then the fairy has responded to your call. Ask her for the power you want. And do not forget to say that you will use this power only with good intentions, if you do not say this, then the fairy may think that you want to become an evil fairy and will not grant your request. After talking with the fairy, come home, brush your teeth and go to bed. You will wake up as a fairy with real wings and magical powers.

Method number seven. If you use it, you will become a fairy of all the elements. You will need toothpaste. Apply the paste to your fingernails and hold in this state for 30 - 50 minutes (the longer you hold, the stronger you will become a fairy). After this, take a deep breath and say out loud: “fairy of all elements.” Repeat this phrase as many times as you can (in one breath), the more times you say it, the better a fairy you will become. Then a fairy will appear, politely ask her to give you magical powers (if you ask not politely, she will not agree). Go to bed. In your sleep, you will dream that you turn into a fairy. When you wake up, you will be a real fairy.

The eighth way to turn into a cute fairy with wings in a minute. Make sure that you are alone at home (no one should disturb you in performing this ritual). Stand in the middle of the room, raise your hands above your head and say the spell out loud: “I don’t want to be a simple person, I want to be a fairy with a golden wing!” Repeat this ritual ten times. The fairies will hear you and will definitely endow you with their power.

I advise using the ninth method only for those girls who have a cat. The easiest way to become a fairy with wings right now. During the full moon, pick up your cat, pet it and when it starts purring, ask for its fairy powers. The fact is that cats are special animals and they have a magical connection with the land of fairies. If your cat likes the way it was stroked, then the next day a fairy will definitely fly to you and endow you with her wonderful abilities.

The tenth method is the most difficult. You have to perform a difficult ritual. Write on a piece of paper: “Greetings, oh main fairy, I am ready to pass your test!” Go to bed. When you wake up, a question will be written on your paper. Answer it. If you answer correctly, then the next day you will be asked new question. A very important condition is to answer honestly, without using prompts from adults or the Internet, if you violate this rule, then the ritual will be interrupted, and the main Winx fairy will be offended by you. If you answer all the questions, you will take the place of the main fairy, I wish you success! Thank you for taking useful tips at our useful site.

The eleventh method of turning into a fairy. Fill the bath warm water, lie down in it. After lying in it for thirty minutes, call the sea fairy with the words: “Sea fairy, I call you!” Then tell her that you want to become a sea fairy with a tail. If you have a kind heart and a pure soul, then the fairy will definitely fulfill your wish. Thus, you can only turn into a sea fairy.

Method number twelve. Take chalk and write on the wall: “I want to become a cute winged fairy.” Let the inscription remain on the wall for 15 - 20 minutes, then erase it. Repeat this procedure within two weeks. By the third week you will definitely turn into a real fairy.

The thirteenth method of transformation is designed for lucky girls. You need to cut out one hundred identical small square pictures and write numbers from one to one hundred on them. Mix them and pull out one cardboard, if you pull out cardboard number 77, you will become a fairy of luck. Repeat this magical ritual until you pull out cardboard 77.

Fourteenth method. This ritual must be performed in complete darkness at night. Kneeling down, begin to whisper: “Mighty fairy, come and reward me with your strength!” Repeat this phrase until you hear the fluttering of wings. Continue repeating the spell until you are asked the question: “Who are you and why did you call me?” Do not be afraid under any circumstances, do not open your eyelids. Answer politely and politely. Say that you called the fairy so that she would reward you with her power. Tell us how much you love fairies and want to have the same power. Say that you will use it only to do good. If the fairy likes you, she will definitely reward you with her knowledge and power.

Fifteenth method. Good fairies are known to live in flower buds. The plan is this: go to a flower shop and buy a bouquet of flowers with large buds. There will definitely be a fairy sitting in some flower. Turn away from the bouquet, close your eyes and say: “fairy, let’s live together.” Say this several times. The fairy will definitely come out, if she sees the good in your heart, she will stay to live with you. Over time, when you become friends with her, she will definitely reward you with her strength.

Sixteenth method. Just convince yourself that you real fairy. You need to believe it with all your heart. Learn to see magic in the most simple things. Give people more positivity. Smile, speak politely and kind words, in difficult times, come to the rescue. These are exactly the things that a real fairy should do, give people goodness. To become a real fairy with wings, this is exactly what you need to learn.

P.S. It’s worth saying that turning back into a human is easy, you just have to do the same ritual, but in reverse order. I think that you can choose the method that suits you and fulfill your dream of becoming a fairy right now.

A picture with instructions on how to “magically” transform a child into a fairy using a gas stove began to circulate among children at the end of May. The plot of the picture is stylized after the popular Italian animated series “Winx Club: School of Sorceresses,” which is very popular among Russian children along with the cult cartoon “Masha and the Bear.”

The ill-fated picture depicts one of the main characters of the cartoon (fire fairy Bloom) and the text of the instructions “How to become a fire fairy at home” is given. To “magically” transform into a fairy, the instructions suggest manipulating the gas stove secretly from the parents, endangering the life and health of the child.

Parents from the regions were the first to sound the alarm - warnings appeared in public pages dedicated to children (for example, “Mommies”), as well as in parent communities from Novosibirsk, Ufa, Samara, Magnitogorsk and several other cities.

In the popular community “Overheard,” a user said that in the middle of the night he found his seven-year-old daughter at the gas stove, all four stoves were turned on, and the smell of gas was spreading throughout the apartment.

The child, unaware of the danger hidden behind his actions, shared with his parents a story he had read on the Internet. In this way, the seven-year-old girl hoped to “turn into a fairy of fire.” In addition, Gazeta.Ru managed to find several more similar step by step tips, which can definitely become a threat to the child’s life.

According to parents, several children learned about the picture via WhatsApp, and since the children actively communicate with each other in chat rooms, the spread of the material turned out to be quite fast. In Ufa, for example, the picture reached a kindergarten employee.

Where did the "joke" come from?

It is worth noting that the ill-fated picture first appeared on the Russian Internet back in 2014. Popular video blogger Dmitry Syenduk first spoke about it in December of the same year. According to him, forums where young children discuss the Winx fairies are full of requests to teach them how to become a cartoon idol.

At the end of 2015, in Cheboksary, according to local media, an accident occurred with a five-year-old girl who tried to “become a fire fairy” with the help of a stove. As a result, there was a fire in the apartment, the girl received 50% burns to her body.

In Yandex, the request “how to become a fairy” for last month was entered about 38 thousand times. The first to appear in the search results are forums that advise children to study well, draw more and show their creativity. creativity. Some of the advice is devoted to fairly harmless ways to “transform” into a fairy: drink a glass of sweet or salty water, learn a simple “spell,” or simply eyes closed ask the “fairies” to give them wings.

But for a more specific request, the ill-fated picture with deadly instructions appears on the first page in image searches.

As a member of the legislative assembly told Gazeta.Ru Rostov region Ekaterina Stenyakina, with the help of volunteers, we managed to find out that one of the distributors could be a minor student at a local technical school. According to volunteers, the teenager decided to publish this picture “as a joke.”

“The young man realized his mistake after an explanatory and educational conversation,” noted one of the Rostov activists, Alexei Azarov.

Gazeta.Ru was unable to contact the 16-year-old from Rostov-on-Don.

In the community about the Winx fairies, of which this teenager was the administrator, other instructions were published, and the subscribers included children. The image may have migrated from adult lovers of dark humor to unsuspecting children who may actually believe the dangerous instructions.

Currently, the community on VKontakte is blocked.

According to Stenyakina, she was contacted by concerned parents who also found this picture on their children’s smartphones. According to her, social activists have identified several other cases where a child tried to use the “transformation instructions.”

Application to law enforcement agencies

In the Sverdlovsk region, the GAZEX group of companies even issued a memo for residents of the Sverdlovsk region, in which they expressed concern about the dissemination of “instructions for turning into a fairy.”

“The actions described in such instructions will inevitably lead to a gas explosion. Considering that children are a particularly susceptible category, we urge residents of the Sverdlovsk region to explain to their children the basic rules of gas safety,” it says in the message companies.

In addition, representatives of the Rainbow company, who also oversee the brand, responded to reports of a strange picture. Winx Club. General manager Rainbow Iginio Straffi assured that the situation was under control.

“We are now preparing a statement to law enforcement agencies in accordance with federal law“On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” upon the initiation of a criminal case and an investigation against persons who took such actions and posted information that pushes children to destructive consequences,” the company noted.

In addition, the creators of the cartoon turned to VKontakte and representatives of the League safe internet for prompt removal of provocative materials.

What should parents do?

Child psychologist Svetlana Filyaeva told Gazeta.Ru that situations in which children trust the information in the picture and are unaware of the danger occur mainly due to the fact that parents simply neglect to talk with their children.

According to the specialist, relationships between parents and children need to be built in such a way that the child is not afraid or embarrassed to ask about some unpleasant things or pictures. Parents, in turn, should under no circumstances tell their child that he is “doing nonsense” or simply drive him away from the computer without any explanation.

“You cannot blame or scold a child. If he came and asked a question, we need to figure it out,” the psychologist added.

If a parent himself or from other adults has learned about the existence of a threat that is spreading on the Internet, it is necessary to discuss this situation with the child. In addition, there are free lectures and classes for parents, and there are books created specifically for reading with a child.

Girls like small, fluttering fairies with magical powers. They control different elements. Do you dream of turning into a fire fairy? If the desire is sincere and directed towards good, then it will certainly come true.

Analyze your temperament and character to become a fire fairy

Before the mysterious rite of reincarnation, analyze your temperament and character. Intemperance, impatience and hot temper will not help you become a fire fairy. Work on yourself and get rid of these negative qualities of your nature. This is necessary for your safety. If the power of fire is added to the “hot” character qualities, you will become more hot-tempered and impatient. This will negatively affect relationships with others.

Remember that the magical powers given by the fairy should be used only for good deeds. If they harm others, the fairy will quickly take the gift of magic back.

We turn into a fire fairy with the help of wishes on paper

Your actions are as follows:

  • On a small piece of paper write that you want to become a fire fairy. Instead of a wish, you can draw a fairy with wings on the sheet. Do this before bed;
  • drink a glass of plain water;
  • throw the paper out of the open window as far as possible;
  • go to bed and try to fall asleep immediately. In the morning you will wake up as a fairy fairy with the power of the fire element.

Turn to fairies to become a fire fairy

Contact the fire fairy with a request that she give magical power. Your actions are as follows:

  • Go out into nature on an early sunny morning. This is a forest, park or any open area. Try to keep the place deserted;
  • stand towards the sun. Spread your arms to the sides, raise your head up to the sun. Feel the warm rays touching you. We tune in to the warmth;
  • Call the fire fairy three times in a whisper. If there is a slight movement of air, this is the flapping of fairy wings. Ask her to give her magical power, and tell her that power is needed for good;
  • say the following phrase: “Wings from sunlight woven, magical powers given by nature, now I am a real fairy and can work miracles.”

You will feel how invisible, but real fairy wings have appeared from the sunlight. This is a gift from nature.

Turn into a fire fairy near the fire

When using this method of transformation, you need to be very careful and know how to light a small fire. Ask your dad or older brother to help you. Never light a fire yourself; this should only be done by adults. The fire should be lit away from trees, in an open area, to prevent a fire. The ritual takes place before dawn. A small fire has been lit, let's begin the ritual:

  • sit in front of the fire in the lotus position. Continuously look at the burning flame. Imagine that you have gained the ability to glow. You can't touch the fire!
  • tune in to communicate with the fairy and call her in a whisper three times. Did the leaves rustle at dusk and a light breeze blow? This fairy heard your request!
  • ask the fairy to share her magical power. Assure that you need her for good;
  • go home and go to bed. If everything is done correctly, you will wake up in the morning like a real fairy.

Instead of a fire, you can light a candle and perform a ritual near it. But this also needs to be done in nature, and not at home. A gas stove is not suitable for rituals! What kind of natural fire is there? And you can cause a lot of trouble in an apartment.

Fairies accept into their ranks everyone who believes in magic. But don't forget about real world. Do good and help others - this is the fairy’s job. And this does not require any rituals.