Taxi driver tips. Some useful tips for a novice Taxi Driver

Working in a Yandex taxi is attractive, but the profession of a taxi driver itself is something more complex than the ability to simply take a passenger to their final destination. You can know all the rules, be able to disassemble and reassemble a car with eyes closed and absolutely do not know how to work with a person. A taxi driver needs to be able to interact with every client - and please everyone. This is the very profession where resistance to stress is not just a banal requirement. So, you decided to take a taxi. What to expect, where to start, what to fear?

Where to start?

The first thing you need to decide for yourself is whether you are ready to drive as a “cab driver”. The profession has many advantages, and high earnings are one of them. But there are also disadvantages to this work. A firm no will have to be told to the profession if you serious problems with health - a diseased spine, varicose veins, heart problems, migraines. In this case, you not only risk aggravating your condition, but are responsible for the safety of your passengers. How to know that your health will not fail you on the road at the right time.

Driving experience is nuance number two. Working in a taxi company and “bombing in the evenings” are two different things. To be hired, it is not enough just to have your own car and have driving experience. It's good if you have experience as a driver. And another plus - not a single accident on the account. Of course, you don’t need to lie to get a bonus in front of your employer.

The condition of the car is a stumbling block for many drivers. A domestic used car will be accepted into economy class. But if you are the owner of a foreign car no older than three years, your chances of being hired increase.

Working with clients

A good taxi driver will simply take the passenger to the address, and a professional will make the trip pleasant and comfortable. It is not for nothing that it is believed that Yandex and Uber have changed their attitude towards taxi drivers. Now the quality of services is reflected in the driver’s rating. To get bonus points, make the passenger feel comfortable in your car: ventilate the car, don’t play intrusive loud music, don’t smoke in the cabin, wash the car and interior on time.

Get a recorder - let it work constantly. It will help in controversial situations on the road, in an accident, and sometimes even stop a violent passenger from a rash act.

Communication while traveling is another one important point. It is important not only for beginners, but also for experienced drivers to know that obsession does not play into their hands. Some people like to talk and are willing to support, while others just want to get there. You will have to communicate with sociable, emotional clients and maintain topics too. It’s good if these are neutral stories about yourself, the weather, work. But (!) Do not, under any circumstances, touch upon topics of politics, faith, nationality or other uncomfortable conversations. Don’t provoke a person’s emotions and don’t get involved in it yourself. There are different situations, sometimes the client is so hot-tempered that he can assault. Behave politely, calmly, and reservedly.

In general, the issue of security is acute. There are often reports in the news about thefts, injured taxi drivers, and hooligans. And it’s not just newcomers and private owners who are affected. To protect yourself:

  • Don't keep cash in plain sight.
  • Don't leave your car unlocked.
  • Do not give in to the persuasion of those who ask you to wait until he withdraws money from an ATM, goes into the entrance to get it, and exchanges banknotes. Of course, it’s another matter if the passenger is sober or leaves a personal item or passport as collateral.
  • Remove pillows, toys that dangle on the windshield, and Christmas tree scents from the car interior - they can interfere in a stalemate.
  • Place a rigid base under your back and a high headrest under your head and neck. This is for your safety.
  • Do not tint windows or use curtains to shade the interior. May you have good review: you see those around you, those around you see you.

Earnings issues

The biggest profit is during peak hours; at this time, trips are paid at a double rate. Moreover, the nights holidays And bad weather- a chance to earn more. Keep downtime to a minimum. Take the order immediately after dropping the client off at the location.

Learn the city perfectly - this will add a plus to your rating. Use not only the navigator, but also regular card, since the navigator does not always show small streets and alleys, especially on the outskirts. It would also be useful to know the suburbs, the schedule and routes of public transport, the operating hours of cafes, clubs, restaurants, at least the largest ones.

But remember: no matter how much you want to earn more, do not sacrifice proper rest. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day, eat normally and not ignore your health condition. If you feel like you are falling asleep, get off the line and get some sleep. The road requires increased care, do not risk yourself and your passengers.

When to work?

Conventionally, a day can be divided into several time zones:

  • 4:00 - 7:00. At this time there are no traffic jams, almost no competitors, but it is physically difficult to start working at such a time.
  • 7:00 - 10:00. Rush hour at weekdays and “dead time” for weekends. The main disadvantage is traffic jams towards the city center.
  • 10:00 - 16:00. There are no morning traffic jams, and there are enough requests so as not to stand idle and not drive around idly.
  • 16:00 - 19:00. It’s evening rush hour, there are a lot of orders, but again there are traffic jams, but this time from the center. On weekends at this time there are usually also plenty of orders, but the drunks are already showing up.
  • 19:00 - 22:00. The flow of applications is slightly decreasing, there are almost no traffic jams, and competition is quite high.
  • 22:00 - 1:00. There are especially many applications on weekends, however, most of them are drunk clients.
  • 1:00 - 4:00. A kind of lull in orders, especially on weekdays.

For a beginner, it is better to take orders in the morning and afternoon, but for night work You still need to get used to it: develop a routine, think about rest, recovery, nutrition before, during and after the shift.

The profession of a taxi driver requires a lot of dedication and, most importantly, the desire to work with people. The pursuit of earnings will not bring satisfaction, so before deciding to work in a taxi, weigh the pros and cons.

Many Russian residents are increasingly wondering whether it is profitable to work in a taxi. This question occurs mainly among people who want to earn extra money cash. In addition, working as a taxi driver is of interest to people with a driver's license. On the one hand, the profession does not require anything special from a person. On the other hand, there are many unclear aspects and features of work. Is it profitable to be a taxi driver in Russia? What are the pros and cons of this profession? The answers to all these questions will be given below.


The first step is to understand what the profession being studied is. A taxi driver is a taxi driver. He is engaged in transportation of the population. In some cases, taxi drivers transport small goods and parcels along with people.

Is it profitable to work in a taxi? In Russia, this position is common mainly among men. They work as taxi drivers both full-time and as part-time jobs. What are the pros and cons of this field of activity? Is being a taxi driver really as good as many people imagine it to be?

Working methods

If you think about whether it is profitable to work in a taxi, you can come to the conclusion that this work has a huge number of features. For example, not everyone understands how one can become a taxi driver. In Russia, several options for the development of events in this sense are envisaged.

You can work as a taxi driver:

  • as an individual entrepreneur (for himself);
  • through cooperation with dispatch companies;
  • in the staff of taxi services;
  • by renting a car in a taxi.

In addition, it is proposed to work as on your own vehicle, and on the regular one. It all depends on the type of employment.

How exactly to proceed? Everyone decides this for themselves. All of these work options have their advantages and disadvantages. Which ones exactly?

Private drivers

Let's start with the most common scenario - working as a private taxi driver. Is this work option profitable?

Yes, but only if it is used as a side hustle. Typically, private work is suitable for people with a good income. In practice, private taxi drivers often do not register as individual entrepreneurs and conduct illegal activities. Therefore, for an unregistered private taxi driver there are considerable risks of being caught tax authorities. Such an employee can be held accountable, including imprisonment.

If a person registers an individual entrepreneur (passenger transportation), he can safely work as a taxi driver. But at the same time the following disadvantages appear:

  • high taxes;
  • unstable salary;
  • the need to make mandatory fixed contributions to the state budget;
  • repairs and inspection of vehicles are carried out at your own expense.

Is it profitable to work in a taxi as a “private owner”? Not really. Therefore, more and more often, preference is given to working in taxi services and control rooms.

Through dispatchers

Working through dispatch services is also not easy. Typically, such companies accept orders for passenger transportation, after which they distribute them to their employees via radio or telephone. From each order you must give up to 25% of the profit to the employing organization.

This kind of taxi work allows “private owners” to look for clients and work quite actively. However, dispatch services do not have their own fleet of vehicles. Therefore, the driver will need to work on his car. Repairs and technical inspections are also carried out at the taxi driver’s expense.

Previously, dispatch services were in demand - a cooperation agreement was simply concluded with them. Now these organizations require drivers to have a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs. This option is not suitable for everyone.

The advantages of this work are the lack of control, freedom to choose orders. Disadvantages - cost.


Clients do not often trust private taxi drivers. Therefore, some drivers agree to work through taxi services. In your own car or in a company car - it’s not so important. The main thing is that the taxi service takes orders from clients and distributes them to its subordinates.

At the stage of searching for workers, all taxi services guarantee applicants comfortable working conditions, high earnings and official transport. In reality, a different picture emerges. The work of a taxi driver has a huge number of nuances. For example, regarding salary. It consists of several parts - salary and interest on orders.

Taxi driver salaries are usually not very high. It reaches 15-22 thousand rubles in some regions. In this case, the employee must fulfill the monthly quota of orders. Usually you need to earn 60-70,000 rubles per month. After this, bonuses of up to 25% will begin to be charged on orders. For failure to comply with the norm, the driver is subject to a fine.

The taxi driver of the company's car will pay for all damage to the car that he caused to the vehicle during work. In addition, repairs are often made from the pocket of a subordinate. Therefore, many people prefer to work in their own car.

Despite all the listed features, working as a taxi driver (regardless of the chosen work scheme) has a number of common pros and cons. Which ones exactly? Is it profitable to work in a taxi?

Work schedule

Any taxi service promises a flexible work schedule when recruiting staff. But in reality this is not the case. Working as a taxi driver implies a partially free and flexible schedule. Taxi drivers work either in shifts or all day (every day...).

Accordingly, the work of a taxi driver implies that in some cases a person will not spend the night at home. Night work is difficult for workers. Typically, this disadvantage does not occur among “private traders” - they organize their working day completely independently.

Education and skills

Among the advantages of working as a taxi driver, the need to have driver's license. Nothing more is needed. A person without a higher education can work as a driver or taxi driver.

It follows that even students can be taxi drivers. Only for them such work is not suitable due to a very busy schedule. In any case, the employee must be able to drive a car, this is the only requirement necessary for the job.


Some people wonder if working in a taxi is dangerous. After all, not only men, but also women can drive. But in practice, as already mentioned, taxi drivers are mostly men. Why?

All this is due to the high danger of the profession. Firstly, working on the road, while driving, is very difficult. Man controls the source increased danger(auto), there is no guarantee that during working day there won't be an accident.

Secondly, clients are different. Many people travel by taxi. An inappropriate passenger can be encountered at any time. A criminal, a bandit, a rapist, drunk or under psychotropic substances - all these people can turn out to be clients of a taxi driver. It is easier for a man to cope with such inadequate passengers than for a woman.

It follows that working as a taxi driver involves certain risks. This profession cannot be called safe.

About salary

Is it profitable to work in a taxi? Among the disadvantages of the profession, unstable and low earnings are often highlighted. Both when working through dispatch services or taxis, and during private transportation.

The point is that modern Russia Taxi fares are not too high. In some cities, traveling through half the city by taxi costs 100 rubles, sometimes less. In Moscow, for example, taxi services range from 300 to 600 rubles. Such transportation is available to almost the entire population of the country. In order to receive good salary, you need to fulfill a lot of orders. This is not always possible.

In addition, from the income received from transporting the population, it is necessary to either give a part to the dispatch/taxi service, or transfer it in the form of taxes and deductions. And don't forget about car maintenance! All this is a big waste. Therefore, working as a taxi driver cannot be called profitable.


The next feature of the profession is the instability of work. Taxi drivers, as already mentioned, can work for days. At the same time, no one can say exactly how many passengers and orders a person will make per day. You can sit in traffic jams all day and take several citizens to their destination. And on some days, taxi drivers manage to fulfill the monthly quota of orders.

The taxi driver's workload is heavy, but unstable. Perhaps this is in to a greater extent a disadvantage rather than an advantage. After all, a taxi driver’s earnings directly depend on the work performed. How more people he will deliver, so much the better.

Taxi drivers and cars

Of course, you shouldn’t forget that you can’t just become a taxi driver. Every car must have a walkie-talkie or a company phone. All this comes at a certain cost. In addition, modern drivers use GPS navigators to help them find their way to any point in the city - another expense item.

Taxi drivers, as has been repeatedly emphasized, are obliged to maintain the car and maintain its performance. This applies to everyone without exception. Car maintenance is not a cheap pleasure. There is no way to work as a taxi driver without a car. Don't think that this profession is easy. When choosing it, a person must be prepared for certain considerable investments in the car.

Another nuance that everyone needs to take into account is that the vehicle for passenger transportation must be comfortable. Sometimes choosing a car for a taxi driver is not so easy. Some drivers specifically rent cars to transport passengers.

Transportation nuances

Is it profitable to work in a taxi? Some people say that this work is good for single and unemployed people who have good stamina and strength. So that you won't be afraid to work.

In addition to the listed features, a taxi driver is often faced with problems of transporting the population - some do not warn that they will take a lot of things with them, some are silent about traveling with a child. The second problem is especially common. Because of this, the driver may be deprived of his driver's license. After all, in Russia, transporting children requires special attention.

In addition, during the trip, the driver has to comply with a huge number of rules. For example, do not smoke or talk on the phone while driving. Many people neglect established traffic rules. In this case, the taxi driver risks not only not making money, but also remaining in debt to the state, as well as losing his driver’s license.


Now it’s clear whether working in a taxi is profitable. The majority of the population assures that this profession is not the most best place for employment. Dangerous and unprofitable - this is how some taxi drivers describe their work. However, this profession does not require special skills and knowledge. Therefore, she should not be excluded from possible employment opportunities.

Based on the above, the advantages of working as a taxi driver are the following:

  • there are no age restrictions (after 18 years, anyone can be a taxi driver);
  • there are earnings prospects;
  • flexible work schedule (especially for private traders);
  • constant communication with people;
  • no requirement for higher education;
  • prospects for using a company car;
  • official employment.

The job also has its downsides. For example:

  • danger;
  • lack of security guarantees;
  • communication with inappropriate passengers;
  • car maintenance costs;
  • deductions and fines (especially when working in taxi services);
  • intense and unstable work schedule (mostly it is like this);
  • the need to comply with many traffic rules;
  • the risk of being left without a driver's license;
  • the need to install equipment in cars;
  • constant checks (in taxi services).

Is it worth working as a taxi driver? Everyone decides this question for themselves. In any case, being a taxi driver is not very popular among the population. Working as a taxi driver is hard work.

Many people are interested in whether it is profitable to work as a taxi driver in your own car in Moscow, and how to organize everything? This article discusses the pros and cons of this type of activity, requirements for cars and the specifics of cooperation with dispatch services. Special attention is paid to such a topic as connecting to Yandex Taxi.

Advantages of working as a taxi driver in your own car in Moscow

Of course, you can always rent a car and drive it. But if your personal “horse” is toiling in the garage from idleness, then why not use it?

Working conditions in a taxi with your own car will seem attractive to many. No rental fees or other obligations allow you to get behind the wheel at any time. convenient time: during the day, at night, after main work, on holidays and weekends - whenever you want! Such a taxi driver is not tied to anyone, owes nothing to anyone and can rationally use his personal time as he pleases.

Someone may notice that a private owner will have a hard time finding clients. But the solution to the problem lies on the surface. In Moscow, as in many other cities of Russia, there are dispatch companies, by connecting to which you can receive orders for taxi services. Working on a personal car in this case will bring good profit. The only thing that is required is to give the dispatcher a percentage of orders on time (this is approximately 10-12%).

If time allows and you want to earn more, you can connect to several dispatch services at once, and clients will pour in like out of a bucket.

Fly in the ointment

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of a private taxi. Working on a personal machine, unfortunately, has them too. More precisely, one, but big and fat.

Those who plan to “harness” their “horse” should take into account what roads it will “run” on. Unfortunately, in Moscow they are far from ideal. And if you engage in driving seriously, and not as a part-time job, you will have to cover about 200-400 km a day. These are inevitable breakdowns and rapid wear and tear of the car. Almost half of what you earn will be spent on repairs and maintenance of the car, and all the same, in 2-3 years it will most likely have to be sold for scrap.

"Paper" working conditions

If the last factor does not put you off, well, let's look at the paper aspects of working in a taxi with your own car in Moscow.

Many people, in particular, are interested in whether it is necessary to become an individual entrepreneur for this or can this formality be dispensed with?

Answer: no, it is not necessary to register a business activity. But it is advisable if the plans are to turn the cab into a serious profitable business. Over time, it will be possible to expand the taxi fleet, hire assistants, etc.

But, if you don’t want to bother with registration, but want to get experience, then the best option is to officially register as a taxi driver at the dispatching company.

There is another question that potential taxi drivers ask: is it possible to operate a personal car without a license or not? Here the answer is clear: no. A license will have to be issued, otherwise the activity will be considered illegal.

Car requirements

Let's move from paperwork to action. If you don’t have a vehicle yet, what kind of car should you buy for taxi driving?

The ideal car for transportation is an inexpensive, but durable and unpretentious model. It’s better not to look too hard among the “foreigners” - they have no idea about our roads and quickly fall into disrepair. In this case, machines created in the open spaces former USSR, turn out to be more profitable. If we talk about specific models, then, according to experts, Skoda Octavia, Lada Largus, Daewoo Matiz, VAZ 2107 or GAZ 3110 ideally fulfill the requirements for a car for working in a taxi. Each of them is worth a closer look.

But knowing which cars are suitable for taxi work is not everything. Any car (even a Mercedes or a Volga) must be:

· in good working order (passed technical inspection on time);

· clean;

economical (preferably with gas installation);

· with “checkered” signs, an orange lantern and other taxi paraphernalia;

· having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for this type of activity;

Features of cooperation with Yandex Taxi

The Yandex Taxi service is very popular among both passengers and drivers in Moscow. The conditions for working on your own machine are as follows:

· availability of documents (passport, license, car registration, license to work as a taxi driver or appropriate permit);

· equipping the car with a device on which you can install a special application for receiving orders (tablet or smartphone on Android or iOS);

· connection to Yandex Taxi is not possible if the applicant is under 23 years of age;

· 2 years of work experience required;

· good command of the Russian language, competent speech, politeness.

The service puts forward its own requirements for cars. They depend on the class of the car, year of manufacture and other features. Discussed at interview.

Connecting to Yandex Taxi may require a little extra effort, but in the future it will turn out to be a real benefit, since more and more people are using the service, which means there will be no problems with orders. For those who intend to make transportation the main type of income, cooperation with a powerful dispatcher is simply necessary. And Yandex is a good option.

These people often know more about us than our relatives do. They know all the vices and flaws of people. Their work requires attentiveness, skill and self-control. These people are taxi drivers.

How do you get to the taxi service?

There are several options. Someone was left without work and decided to work as a taxi driver, and stayed that way. Some people find it difficult to pay off a car loan, but working in a taxi makes it possible not only to pay off the loan, but also to earn good money. Someone, working as a “bomb driver,” could not stand the competition and came under the wing of the taxi service.

Who do they hire for a taxi service?

The main criterion is good driving experience, no criminal record, knowledge of the city. However, many companies hire almost everyone.

What car should I work on?

The vast majority of companies do not issue cars. Drivers drive either their own car or a rented one. True, some companies will take a driver even with a “six”, and some have more stringent requirements for the car. It is clear that Income will depend on the level of the car. Business class taxi trips are more expensive.

Working hours

Most taxi services, where drivers operate their own cars, do not set strict working hours. Drivers set out on the route at a time convenient for themselves. Some people prefer to work at night, others go to work during rush hour, in the morning and evening.

“In our taxi service, no one sets any schedules. If you want, work, if you want, relax. Everything you earn is yours. Every week we pay the company a certain amount.”

What is the income of a taxi driver?

The average income of a metropolitan taxi driver is 20-80 thousand rubles. If you work well, you can achieve an income of 120 thousand rubles or more. Naturally, incomes are lower in provincial cities.

“You can earn 8-10 thousand a day. Or maybe nothing. Usually it’s 2.5-4 thousand rubles a day.”

How do you receive orders?

A taxi service manager takes orders from customers and distributes them to drivers. Depending on the organization of work in the taxi service, the driver accepts the order either by radio or by mobile phone. IN lately special ones have become very popular mobile applications for taxi drivers, and orders are accepted with their help. For each order the driver pays the dispatcher 5-10%.

"Left" income of taxi drivers

At all times, taxi drivers have found a way to increase their income. As a rule, additional income comes from tips for helping with lifting heavy things to the floor or simply for a good trip.

“Colleagues are always surprised by the amount of my tips. What am I doing? Nothing special: I help passengers get into the car, carry their luggage home, I try to be friendly with everyone.”

Passengers are different

Despite all the horror stories about the work of taxi drivers, most often you come across normal people: mothers driving their children to school, employees running late for work, families going on vacation. People are like people, many of them love to talk. Unfortunately, the topics of conversation are monotonous to the point of nausea: weather, politics, news. You get tired of this.

True, there are passengers who you get great pleasure from communicating with. But this is rare. By the way, according to the taxi driver code, The taxi driver is not the first to start a conversation, if it does not relate to direct customer service.

Often you have to transport drunk people, some of them are quite inadequate.

“There is a risk of robbery, but less than if you work on your own. A good dispatcher “filters out” inadequate passengers. Just in case, I carry a gas canister and a stun gun in the car. I hope they won’t be needed.”

In conclusion

In general, this is a job in demand for decent remuneration. Are you thinking about joining a taxi service? Try it, what if it’s yours?

Many people today are interested in working in a taxi. Of course, it brings in a decent income, but you will also have to work quite a lot. The main feature of this type of income is the lack of stability. For example, in one night you can earn as much as in a whole month. And for the whole week you may not even be able to save enough for current expenses. This review will describe in detail how to get a taxi in your own car. We will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this profession.

Working in a taxi: advantages

Each type of activity has its positive and negative sides. After reading them in detail, you can decide for yourself whether you want to get a job in a taxi with your own car.

First, let's talk about the advantages of this profession.

Taxi drivers, as a rule, note the following positive aspects:

  1. Fast payment. A taxi driver can receive money in his hands every day, and he does not have to wait for an advance or salary for this.
  2. Working in a taxi can be combined with any other type of activity. This can be either your main job or a part-time job. You always have the opportunity to get a taxi in your own car to earn extra money in your free time from your main job.
  3. Working as a taxi driver, you can easily earn an additional few tens of thousands of rubles. Of course, this opportunity usually falls on holidays. This option is very helpful if you really need money.
  4. Flexible work schedule. Each taxi driver independently decides when exactly he wants to go to work. You can leave for a shift only when it is convenient for you, or when there are no traffic jams, so as not to waste your time.
  5. You are your own boss. Of course, it is worth observing basic rules Decency: speak politely to passengers, obey traffic rules and maintain a neat appearance appearance auto. However, you do not have a direct supervisor who can give you instructions. This is a big advantage of working in a taxi.
  6. Developing driving skills. Working in a taxi, you will be able to thoroughly learn the city, detour routes and all the ways to avoid traffic jams.

Working in a taxi: negative aspects

How often today can you hear from colleagues and acquaintances: “I want to get a taxi in my own car”?

However, before you rush to get behind the wheel, you should carefully read all negative sides such work:

  1. Working as a taxi driver can be life-threatening. The driver is behind the wheel all the time, and the risk of getting into an accident increases many times. In addition, some choose to operate a vehicle as their main source of income. In this case, the driver may become seriously tired and fall asleep while driving. To avoid this, you must not forget about rest.
  2. Danger posed by passengers. When working in a taxi, you never know who your next client will be. Seemingly decent people can easily turn out to be scammers. It is for this reason that it is better to play it safe and install an anti-theft button on your car. Also, you should not take it with you. large sums. For your own safety, it is better to install a sheet of metal in the back of the seat. A high headrest will help protect you from a stranglehold. In case of an attack, it is better to have a stun gun or a gas cylinder with you.
  3. Impermanence. When working as a taxi driver, you can never predict in advance how much you can earn today. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to plan any expenses.
  4. The need for car repairs. Before you take your car to a taxi, be sure to think about the wear and tear on your car. Roads in our country are far from ideal. Daily work in such conditions can kill even the most reliable car. That is why it is always beneficial to start working on a new car. The old one will torment you with constant repairs. It is also worth considering that the mileage will increase wildly from such work. Ultimately, the vehicle will have to be sold very cheaply.
  5. Monotonous tedious work. Like any other, in a taxi you will have to perform the same set of actions, which over time will begin to be very exhausting.

Where can I find a car?

Suppose you have firmly decided to get a job in the "Vezet" taxi in your own car. In this case, you must initially calculate how much money you will need each month for depreciation of the vehicle. The amount of earnings and types of expenses will depend on which car you choose.

In addition, you can work in a taxi for:

  • own car;
  • rented car;
  • a rented vehicle, with the possibility of subsequent purchase.

If you use personal transport to earn money, then you get a number of advantages. You can choose your own work schedule and do not depend on third parties. Before you get into a Maxim taxi with your own car, it is better to consult with professionals. They will tell you how to arrange everything correctly. When everything necessary documents will be prepared, you can get to work. In this case, you will not need to pay huge sums for renting a vehicle. After some time, you will be able to sell your car, worn out from constant travel, and buy yourself something newer. To correctly calculate the profit margin, do not forget to subtract fuel costs from the money received.

How to rent a car to work as a taxi?

What to do if you want to work as a taxi driver, but you don’t have your own car? In this case, you can rent a car from a taxi company or a taxi company. For many, this option will seem more convenient. In this case, net earnings will be the amount earned per day, minus rent and gasoline costs. This method has one important advantage: you don’t have to worry about technical condition motor transport. The owner of the car will be responsible for all breakdowns and malfunctions.

Long-term rental and other tricks

You can save a little on renting a vehicle if you rent a car long time. In this case, the owner can provide you with a decent discount. You can also rent one car for two people with a partner. This will also save you money.

Another popular service among taxi drivers is renting a vehicle with the option of subsequent purchase. Some people consider this method as buying their own car without using borrowed funds. However, everything is not so simple here either. On average, it takes three years to buy a car. During this time, working in a taxi will simply “kill” the vehicle. In addition, during the entire period you will need to pay increased rent and repair the car yourself. It is unlikely that buying such a vehicle will bring you satisfaction.

Getting a job in a taxi

Many people today are interested in where to get a taxi with their car. Currently, there are many companies on the market that want to cooperate with drivers with their own vehicles. If you decide to work as a taxi driver using your own car, then first you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and obtain permission to transport passengers. In this case, you will be able to legally engage in private transportation. In this case, you will need to install on the car identification marks, confirming that it refers to a taxi. If you are going to work in a provincial small town where there are no large networks taxi, like "Gett", "Maxim" or "Vezet", then you can try to promote your own company.

Many taxi drivers avoid formalizing all documents in order to avoid paying taxes and contributions to the pension fund and social security. At the same time, they provide taxi services using their personal vehicles without putting appropriate markings on them. Such drivers risk receiving a fine for conducting illegal activities.

You can work as a taxi driver either with the help of dispatch services or independently. If you choose the latter method, then you will have to look for clients on your own. It takes a long time to build up a customer base. However, in this case you will not have to pay intermediaries a percentage of the order.

We work with dispatch services

In order to accept orders through a taxi dispatcher, you must first register with special service. For example, you can get a job in the "Vezet" taxi in your own car. To do this, you need to come to the office of a private transportation company and take a short training course.

The company's requirements for drivers are mostly standard:

  • age from 25 years;
  • minimum driving experience - 3 years;
  • well-maintained, clean car;
  • ability to navigate the city;
  • Having a tablet or phone on which a special program is installed to search for an order.

If you decide to get a taxi in your car through dispatch services, then be prepared to give them from 10 to 30% of the order. Many companies do not want to work with old cars. Others register them, but only if they work in tariff schedule"Economy".


Particular attention must be paid to the issues of obtaining permits. If you don't want to study on your own entrepreneurial activity, then you better use the services of control rooms. In this case, there is no need to register an individual entrepreneur, you just need to get a license.

To operate a taxi legally, you must obtain a license. The rules for obtaining it depend on the region in which you plan to work. It is also worth considering that each region sets its own requirements that a taxi car must meet.

Typically they look like this:

  • undergoing a technical inspection every six months;
  • presence of checkers;
  • mileage meter;
  • insurance stating that you have the right to work as a taxi;
  • taximeter;
  • posting information about the driver and the controlling company.

Registering an individual entrepreneur to work in a taxi

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must submit to tax office at the place of residence, a special form of application. In this case you need to choose OKVED codes and tax payment system. You also need to pay a fee to register an individual entrepreneur. Of course, completing all the documentation will take some time, however, in this case the driver receives full right to engage in private transportation. In this case, you can even get a VIP taxi in your own car.

Working with dispatch services

If you are just starting to engage in private transportation, then it is better for you to cooperate with dispatch services.

In this case, you immediately receive a number of advantages:

  • The company symbols are applied to the car, which makes it noticeable;
  • in such companies there is already a constant flow of orders;
  • The order route is already known in advance, so you can choose the most convenient one for yourself;
  • the dispatcher will automatically calculate the cost of the trip;
  • Working with managers is easy and simple, thanks to the presence of a special program for your tablet or phone;
  • Working in a company, you can easily and quickly find partners.

In addition, you can get a job in a rather specific field, for example, get a job as a cargo taxi driver with your own car.


In this article we tried in simple language explain how to work in a taxi. It is quite simple to complete the necessary documentation, and over time you will gain valuable experience and skills that will greatly simplify your work. Using these simple recommendations, you can get a job in a "Red" taxi with your own car. But be that as it may, if you decide to work on your vehicle, then be very careful and attentive.