Teaching magic at home: a forum about magic and witchcraft, fortune telling with ordinary cards and Tarot. Tarot card by date of birth - partner compatibility, character, fate


To learn how to correctly build your destiny and subsequent life path, refer to Tarot numerology. With the help of this science, you can learn the positive and negative aspects any person of interest, compatibility with him, and also adjust your own behavior “according to the situation” according to the dropped values ​​of the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

What is Tarot Numerology: interesting facts

Tarot Numerology is the relationship between mathematical science and the ancient system of symbols, the origin of which has not been completely solved. The main task of numerology comes down to the influence of numbers on human destiny, and Tarot cards contribute to a clear interpretation of obvious and hidden relationships that play a decisive role in choosing the Path. The information obtained allows you to analyze all the events that happened in the past and understand the relationship with the present, predicting possible option development in the future.

In ordinary Numerology, the number 0 denotes a neutral (indifferent) attitude towards current events. Everything is not even numbers(including one) refer to a person who is able to independently create and manage his own reality. All even numbers (together with two) reflect the impact of the external world on the internal state of a person and its echoes on further behavior/life path.

How to find out your Tarot card by date of birth: practical tips and tricks

Tarot numerology by date of birth is calculated quite simply - somewhat reminiscent of astrological forecasts, except for the need to know the exact time of birth. After the calculations, only three digits should remain.

For example, a person was born on May 13, 1983. The first digit is less than 22, so no additional manipulations are required. If the day of the month is more than 22, you should subtract the number of the Major Arcana of the Tarot from them and then look at its interpretation.

The date of birth will help determine the second lasso. To do this, you should divide the month and year into separate numbers, alternately summing them together. Example 0+5+1+9+8+3 = 26. As you can see, the sum is greater than 22, so we subtract 4 to get to the required value.

In some situations, for understanding true path person, the third lasso is calculated. In the case of the above example, this number is 13, 5, 22 (26-4). Summing up these numbers, we end up with 13+5+22 = 40. Since the number is much larger than the number of Major Arcana of the Tarot, we will have to subtract 22 from the result. The final number is 18.

Tarot card by date of birth

After you have completed the necessary tasks of numerology according to the Tarot, proceed to next step- determination of the significance of each of the obtained values. The first lasso (date of birth) plays a primary role in a person’s fate, in particular, it influences his behavior and social role in society. In addition, it is the first lasso that can indicate the hidden abilities and talents of the fortuneteller.

The peculiarity of the second lasso is its invisibility for people around (relatives, friends, etc.). In other words, this hidden side your “I”, the existence of which you may not even know. The dropped value will help you find out the main mission that needs to be accomplished in the current incarnation (if you believe in the Wheel of Samsara), learn the features of the path of life or find out its meaning.

The essence of the third lasso is the combination of the first and second meanings. It is not recommended to interpret it separately from the previous two, as this may affect the objectivity of the overall picture. The influence of the number of this lasso is minimal, but at the same time, it cannot be ignored.

Features of deciphering the Arcana Tarot

To find out the true meaning of numerology in Tarot cards, use this helpful interpretation of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. But first things first.

The first card of the Major Arcana. Initially called “Juggler”, “Magician”. In medieval times, it symbolized a person who was not distinguished by observance moral principles, foundations Naturally, over the years, the interpretation has changed a little - after all, in the skill of a magician and juggler there are many techniques that require sophisticated skill, which is beyond the control of ordinary people. The name "" was introduced by Arthur Waite at the beginning of the twentieth century, firmly entrenched for this Major Arcana. If you got this card, then most likely you are the Creator of your own destiny, so you can change your life path according to three basic principles:

  • Maximalism from the series - “I am the smartest, everyone else is fools.” In such a situation, only you decide how best to build your life path further, without reacting to the opinions of others.
  • “Collaboration” with other members of society. You allow other people to express their opinions subjective opinion about the current situation, after which you make a decision about the degree of its rationality.
  • It turns out that there are people wiser than me. Rare, but possible meaning, which presupposes unity of opinion at all stages of communication with others.

Priestess, Empress

The second and third cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Interpretations of this meaning differ from each other. is a lady whose main task is to take care of loved ones and fertility. She is friendly to strangers, but she has no individual preferences - this is the peculiarity of her character. She is created for family, home comfort, at the same time, she is very practical and loves informed decisions.

On the contrary, she loves the night, is very selective in choosing partners, she is not angry, but willful, and will also think a lot about listening to someone’s opinion. Sometimes he acts like a teenager.

The fourth card, which does not indicate the magical abilities of its owner, but, on the contrary, makes balanced and deliberate decisions regarding a way out of the current life situation. Rationality, power, a little ambition, business-like problem solving are just part of the interpretation of the Major Arcana.

The fifth Arcanum is symbolizing a person who is ready for changes in social status. To understand the essence of internal changes, you should pay attention to the position of the map and its design. It involves a conscious choice of the individual and the level at which she prefers to be.


- a rather interesting card that symbolizes strong feelings, falling in love and emotions without a specific direction vector. There are several options for images (depending on the Tarot deck). Man, woman and angel are older designs that symbolize relationships bordering on the moral foundations of society. The modern image is a little simpler - a man and a woman, meaning fireworks love feelings, passion, most often, fleeting.

One of the most simple interpretations the seventh Major Arcana is a victory, bordering on some negative aspects, for example, the envy of others, the inability to handle a large number money, etc. Dizzying success can be directly proportional to possible obstacles - it all depends on the character of the one who is telling fortunes.

Justice (Justice, Themis)

The eighth Tarot card most often characterizes life difficulties associated with litigation and problems with the law (if the card is in an inverted position). IN upright position means perseverance in business and achieving the desired goal, regardless of the complexity of the circumstances.

Hermit (Monk)

The main meaning is insight, wisdom that does not depend on age and caution in making key decisions that will help in solving problem situations.

The interpretation of the map depends on what your thoughts are and where you are in the world. at the moment time. There can be either a promising trip or positive changes in the current path of life. In some situations, it can act as a neutral card.

The Twelfth Major Arcana reminds us that the time has come to “pay the bills.” The fortuneteller has the opportunity to review his line of behavior and accept the right decision relatively further development events. The card is the opposite of the Chariot. The advantages of the path are that after the reckoning, there are wide opportunities to choose further actions.

Death, Temperance

Thirteenth and fourteenth Tarot cards. Death signifies a quick leap from one state to another, for example, the end of fantasies and dreams, a transition to more conscious actions that will help survive a difficult period, or the beginning of a predictable ending after a series of monotonous actions. it symbolizes the slow flow of everyday worries, the absence of something new, stability, the “rootedness of everyday life,” everyday life.

Symbolizes the negative background that incinerates the inside of the fortuneteller, the inability to give up bad habits and the reluctance to change course negative manifestations ways. Can interpret constant illnesses in the family, financial needs, unsuccessful business.

It is considered one of the most unfavorable Tarot cards and reflects failure in personal affairs, lack of spiritual growth, self-realization, collapse of dreams and desires. But after destruction, rebirth will inevitably come!

A good card, the meaning of which is the appearance of a ray of light in the hopelessness of everyday life. Helps to establish new connections, new acquaintances, and also improve your financial situation- depends on the situation.

Moon (Twilight)

It has a dual interpretation and warns against gambling and other rash actions related to the financial situation of the fortuneteller. Due to the characteristics of the Major Arcana, it is difficult to grasp the clarity and thoughtfulness of actions, everything is as if “in the fog” - deceptions, changes in consciousness, unfounded doubts, etc.

It is rightfully considered one of the best cards of the Major Arcana. Basic values ​​- family well-being, a light that promotes the path of life, since all roads are open. In some scenarios, too much fire can lead to a fire, but in most cases this is a good sign.

- one of the ambiguous and inexplicable cards of the Major Arcana. It means the right to choose - the decision is up to the one who guesses. It assumes maximalism in taking actions from the series “it’s either hit or miss.” Depending on the layout, it can make reading other cards more difficult - it all depends on the person’s priorities. Can also symbolize lingering trial and everything connected with it.

Sometimes this card is indirectly associated with the Magician, but this is a mistaken opinion. In this situation, this Major Arcana points more to those who in the Middle Ages were considered “blessed”, clowns, cheap clowns who knew how to play to the public, but were not distinguished by a bright mind. Characterizes wasteful, inexperienced, gullible people who are easily influenced by society, which leads to additional problems not related to their main path in life.

It is a symbol of complete harmony, successful travels, fulfillment of plans, gaining new knowledge, happiness - all doors are open on the path to achieving new goals.

To find out additional information on the compatibility of Tarot numerology by date of birth, read future materials, and you will definitely find answers to your questions. I wish you good luck and creative success!

Numerology is a set of beliefs based on mystical connections about the mutual influence of numbers and people on each other. Numerology Tarot - a system that gives a comprehensive psychological portrait personality by revealing internal reserves, abilities, opportunities for self-realization and relationships in society.

Calculation of your own tarot arcana by date of birth

Numerologists believe that the date of birth is not random, proving the regularity of the human portrait with ongoing events with the help of the major arcana of the Tarot - the first 22 main cards in the deck. Values ​​from 1 to 22 are sacred; in case of excess, when calculating, 22 must be arithmetically subtracted from the result obtained. Let's consider the mechanism for calculating the arcana using the example of a person born on 04/21/1997:

  1. Talent and purpose in life. Month and year are not needed to calculate the indicator. 21 is less than 22, therefore the 1st lasso 21 is Peace (interpretation below).
  2. Character. We add all the numbers that make up the date of birth arithmetically and subtract 22: 2+1+4+1+9+9+7=33-22=11 – Strength.
  3. Personal qualities. We compare each date separately with 22, and then find the sum of the resulting terms: 2+1=3; 0+4=4; 1+9+9+7=26-25=1; Then 3+4+1=8 – Justice.

To pessimistic individuals, the 3 arcana calculated solely by date of birth may seem like fate, destiny, killing attempts to move forward independently. However, there is freedom of choice and the possibility of correction in the event of an incorrectly chosen path, as evidenced by the justification of the data obtained.

Decoding the Arcana Tarot

The major arcana cards are the basic, significant elements, like the trump cards in a regular card deck. At various layouts they play a leading role, reflecting significant, important moments in a person’s life. There are layouts in which only the main cards participate. Therefore, the basis for deciphering the Tarot arcana is based on the first 22 cards. Depending on the chosen path, the interpretation of the results is presented in the table:

Arcana name Decoding Results
Cards Tarot Bright path Dark Path
1 Mage Leadership qualities, abilities for creativity, creation and innovation Tendency to adventurism, charlatanism, reluctance to develop
2 Priestess High psychological data, refined nature Energy vampirism, desire to escape reality
3 Empress Caring, responsibility for loved ones, ability to earn money Despotism, tendency to bad habits, childlessness
4 Emperor Active position, desire for leadership, discipline Conflict, tyranny, tediousness, pedantry
5 Dad High spiritual potential, wisdom Unbelief, restlessness
6 Lovers Priority of love, desire to selflessly provide assistance Timidity, shyness, inability to offer one's services
7 Chariot Courage, confidence, thirst for novelty Stagnation in life, fear of taking a step, laziness
8 Justice Stability, balance, tendency to live by the rules Bias, mistrust, karmic burden
9 Hermit Spirituality, desire to find oneself alone, lack of conflict Selfishness, bitterness, narcissism, gloominess
10 Wheel of Fortune High activity, positive attitude towards life Anxiety, anticipation of gifts of fate, lack of stability
11 Strength Powerful energy potential, ability to lead Lack of character, aggressiveness, frequent causeless depression
12 Hanged Wisdom, creativity, high creative potential Amorphousness, tendency to psychosomatic diseases
13 Death Courage, non-perception of negative experiences, belief in positive things Tendency to bad habits, psychosomatic problems
14 Moderation Gentleness in communication, calmness, kindness, endurance Passive life position, imbalance
15 Devil Craving for magical sciences, talent in the financial sector Cunning, deceit, attraction to vices
16 Tower Unconventional way of thinking, initiative Mental instability, unpredictability
17 Star Spirituality, creativity, creativity Lack of initiative, laziness, rudeness
18 Moon Abilities for extrasensory perception, psychology, creativity Tendency to phobias, vices, mental problems
19 Sun Brightness of nature, need to be the center of attention, altruism Inner uncertainty, egocentrism
20 Court Success, wisdom, spirituality, mentoring Lack of goals and desires
21 World Stability, purity of thoughts, high quality life Weakness, laziness
22 Jester Compatibility with magical practices, genius Stupidity, mental imbalance

The major arcana of the Tarot have symbolic images, to understand which and change for the better in case of problems, it is important to understand their language. To do this, you should study the numerological interpretation and put into practice the advice of the fallen lasso.

Minor Arcana and Tarot Numbers

The minor arcana of the Tarot are 56 cards that perform an auxiliary function for a complete vision of the picture. They indicate minor events in life and are divided into 4 suits, corresponding to the elements and having the following characteristics:

  • wands – fire – correspondence to the working environment associated with planning and forecasting processes;
  • pentacles – earth – responsibility for material resources, ways of earning and increasing money;
  • swords – air – search for a way out of a crisis situation, increased activity, accompanied by aggression;
  • cups - water - responsibility for the emotional side of the personality, sensitivity, sensuality.

Each suit contains 10 number cards from two to ten and ace, as well as 4 courtiers: page, horseman, queen and king. With the exception of the horseman, who symbolizes circumstances in the layouts, the minor arcana are no different from the usual card deck. There is a close relationship between cards and numbers in numerology:

  1. The one is represented by the magician and the aces, symbolizing the beginning of new things, like a number that opens the countdown. The magician is the likeness of God on earth, the aces are thought, creative insight, a suddenly revealed goal.
  2. The second card is represented by the Priestess and twos, indicating duality. It is human nature to choose between partnership and confrontation.
  3. The next card symbolizes the trinity, starting from a happy marriage with a child and ending love triangle. In the deck there is the Empress and threes.
  4. The four in the Tarot, in addition to the corresponding cards, is represented by the Emperor and refers to immutability, law, order, stability and integrity.
  5. The fifth element is the element of spirit, the card symbolizes spiritual work. Presented by the Pope and reflects the movement towards the incomprehensible, cognizing the Divine and breaking established stereotypes of thinking and lifestyle.
  6. Lovers personify harmony, the ability to unite opposites, find compromise, and provide support, which corresponds to the six.
  7. Seven – comprehension of the Divine Law in all wisdom. It is not for nothing that according to the Bible, God blessed and illuminated the seventh day, since he rested from all the works that he created and created. The chariot means an open road to the goal and its realization.
  8. Justice is the highest justice, leading to progress, movement forward, positive change. The number eight symbolizes endless possibilities; it is no coincidence that in mathematics the infinity sign represents an inverted eight.
  9. Nine is the last single digit number, calling for summing up and reaching new level. Nine is personified by the Hermit, encouraging one to think about the path traveled, draw conclusions, analyze and correct mistakes.
  10. The ability to move to a new level is provided by the Wheel of Fortune, symbolizing the number ten. This is an epilogue and a prologue at the same time. For a person who has negative karma, who has taken on an unnecessary and overwhelming burden, this is a complete fiasco. For a pure-hearted individual who has set the right priorities - new goals and creative realization.

The history of the origin of the cards is not fully known. However, interest in teaching Tarot numerology continues to occupy the minds of not only magicians and charlatans, but also psychologists, philosophers, and thinkers for a number of centuries. The cause-and-effect relationship is not random, but has a harmoniously constructed series.

Appendix "B" Numerology and Tarot

In ancient Tarot decks, allegorical drawings were present only on twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana. Sixteen face cards featured a Page, Knight, Queen, and King of each suit, while forty digital cards had only numbers and suit.

The definition of "digital" refers to the cards on which they are serial numbers. Since initially there was only a number on digital cards, the interpretation of the card depended on the numerological symbolism and characteristics of the suit of each card. To study the Tarot and understand the symbolism of digital cards, you also needed to know numerology.

The history of the appearance and development of number symbolism goes back to the deep past. Pythagoras, who gave us the famous geometric theorems in the 6th century BC. e., believed that numbers are the quintessence of life. He made the discovery that musical scales can be described by mathematical formulas. He created the “music of the spheres,” proving that with harmonious movement celestial bodies music arises. Pythagorean numerology became the basis of astrological theory, aspects (sextiles, squares, triplets, oppositions) during the Hellenistic period and thus marked the beginning of Western astrology. Pythagorean number theory also became the basis of many Western predictive systems, including modern maps Tarot.

According to Barbara Walker, the number of tarot cards in a standard deck - namely seventy-eight - owes its origin to numerology. There are twenty-one combinations of dots when rolling two dice and twenty-one Major Arcana cards. Numeric value The Fool card is equal to zero, but it can be added to the already existing twenty-one values. There are fifty-six possible combinations of dots when rolling three dice and fifty-six Minor Arcana cards. Moreover, the sum of the numbers from one to twelve (twelve signs of the Zodiac) equals seventy-eight, that is: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 0 + 1 1 + 12 = 78. The numerological correspondence has not escaped the attention of the people who give the modern Tarot deck its appearance.

We will meet symbolic meaning each number from 0 to 9. These are the values ​​​​used in the Tarot. In addition, we will talk about the number of “life path” and “strength given at birth”, as well as how to calculate the number of your personal year.

The key numbers in numerology are prime numbers ten-digit number system (0,1,2, 3, 4" 5, 6.7, 8.9) and two higher numbers (11 and 22). This concept is very important in both Tara and other divination systems. If you know your life path number and the number of your personal year*, this will help you in your further study of digital Tarot cards.

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Part 1 Numerology Practical numerology

The tarot deck represents a clearly structured system, where each card has its own place, meaning, levels and development. The ABC of Tarot is a count from 1 to 10. The ten numbers of each element show the path of development of Ideas: from the spiritual aspect to physical manifestation (from conception to embodiment). Moreover, the cycle takes place in three stages, designated by numbers 3, 6, 9.

Everything starts with a Unit, or an Idea, so it is the value of the Ace that will determine the development of the entire cycle

Unit symbolizes a point that suggests an infinite number of possibilities, a starting point and a springboard. Unit means beginning, purpose, thesis or initial idea.

In the Tarot, the One is personified by the Magician and the Aces. The magician is a symbol of initiative and the beginning of activity. The Aces represent thought, idea, seed, chance, opportunity, beginning, creative impulse, focus, gift, source, moment of creation and personal awareness.

Unit or ace is the alpha with which all things begin, the number of creative power and individuality. The point from which everything else develops. This number correlates with God and is identical with Man. It is energy and strength, the beginning of ideas, actions or new beginnings. The energy of the unit is powerful, decisive and dynamic, but uncontrollable and unstable. Red corresponds to the color of passion, urgency and anger. An Ace in a reading indicates dramatic change and/or disruption, but also hope and progress. When all four aces appear, they tend to be devastating.

Two is a reflection of One. It shows how the world around you will react to an Idea (or action).

Deuce– polarity number. Twos mean pairs, duality, discord, oppositions, connections, partnerships, dialogue, resonance, reactions, reflections, doubts, alternatives and combinations. Twos can indicate upcoming choice, confrontation and division.

In the Tarot, the Two is represented by the High Priestess, who unites opposites.

Deuce- this number must be understood as the opposition of opposites - positive and negative, day and night, man and woman, spirit and matter. In cards, this duality carries the idea of ​​balance and indicates the incompleteness of creation. It is friendliness and love that creates peace. Two is unification and partnership, close connections, group work, negotiations, compromise, exchange of warm feelings with others, in contrast to the selfish orientation of one. It's collaboration, not leadership, it's part of a team. Twos in the reading are experiences and warm feelings. They represent harmony, healing of differences, reconciliation and allyship. The color 2 corresponds to orange for impartiality, instilling peace, harmony and overall balance.

Three is the completion of the first cycle of Idea formation.

Troika symbolizes work, creation, action, growth and integration. Three is the child of One and Two. The initial impulse of the Ace, its development in the Two, is embodied in the Three. Three is the number of adaptation when a person loses unity (One), finding himself in a world of polarities (Two). The number three symbolizes the union of body, soul and spirit, and also indicates the unity of the past, present and future.

In the Tarot, the Three is represented by the Empress, who gives life to the new.

Troika is the number of growth and development. The triad is man, woman and child, or seed, earth and new plant. The mind forms an idea, followed by a stage of work and, finally, the resulting material result. If 2 is the ability to express and implement an idea, then 3 is the material result. In addition, 3 expresses the trinity of human nature - spirit, mind and material body. Threes represent completion, reaching the end of a period. It's also a necessity to start new stage in life, movement and progress. This is a symbol of the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Christianity. Threes show the ability to enjoy life, intellectual growth, easy going nature, friendliness and a good time. Compliant yellow to stimulate thinking and intelligence, logical thinking.

Four is the first manifestation of the Idea in the material world. Very important stage, which will determine the future of the Ace Idea.

Four expresses the result of labor, symbolized by the Troika. The number four represents everything practical, concrete, everything that has form. The number four symbolizes structure, building, foundation, order and dominion. Four is the number of integrity, stability, precaution, security and inviolability, law and order.

In the Tarot, the Four is personified by the Emperor, who is the ruler, the guarantor of order and stability.

Four- this is the basis of the square, the sign of equality of all components. This is the number of reality, the material world, logic and reason. The divine image of Man - a trinity being - descends into the world through incarnation, that is, it acquires another dimension and now its symbol will be a square. The divine destiny of Man is awareness of himself as an individual during earthly life. This completes it spiritual growth and the pursuit of excellence. Fours represent completion. 4 suits and 4 elements of material existence. The base of the pyramids is a square; each side corresponds to one element. Elements: North - Earth (ox), South - fire (lion), East - Air (man), West - water (eagle). Four is associated with the intellect, emotions, spirit and material life. Fours indicate progress and achievement, but you must pursue it with careful care. Compliant green for liberation from mental unrest and grief.

Five is the opposition of two formed Ideas (a collision with the realities of life).

Five– the number of changes, instability, uncertainty, crisis and accumulation of experience. Fives represent loss, struggle and symbolize precarity, regret, conflict, adventure, impermanence, betrayal and trials. The Five contains the idea of ​​searching for the hidden meaning of human existence, reminding us of physical reality and the transience of life.

In the Tarot, the Five is personified by the Hierophant, who knows the meaning of existence.

Five is the number of impermanence. It means instability, change, the need for choice. This is a sign of actions out of control, a spirit that has lost strength and a heart plunged into despair. 5 in the Tarot carries a greater charge of misfortune than is customary in Numerology. Its meaning is easier to understand based on the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah.
Five is associated with the planet Mars. Therefore, 5s represent energy, courage, boldness and ambition, but also disagreement, fear, confusion and uncertainty. Fives represent a constructive (positive, fruitful) approach to using one's freedom, struggling, adapting to demands and responsibilities in order to achieve balance. Fives bring freedom from restrictions, life's routine and conventions, they can bring significant influences. Fives are concerned about dealing with freedom, maintaining it, which leads to conflict. Five corresponds to blue, which brings calm and peace to frayed nerves and eases anxiety.

Six – stabilization of the Idea (compromise with the outside world), completion of the second cycle of Idea formation, the spiritual aspect and material manifestation are balanced.

Six– the number of harmony, balance, support, exchange, reciprocity, settlement and improvement, the number of retribution, both good and bad. Six is ​​a successful union of opposites.

In the Tarot, the Six is ​​personified by Lovers who know how to unite opposites.

Six- number of weddings, motherhood and harmony. Six is ​​the basis of balance and poise. This is the stability of a hexagonal cube. The six-rayed star - the seal of Solomon - is formed by the superposition of two equilateral triangles. One of them looks with its apex up - a sign of the spiritual trinity, and the other with its apex down - a sign of earthly incarnation. Six is ​​the basic number of the mind. In numerology, six refers to persons who help others, they can be trusted and have loving hearts. They are warm-hearted, compassionate and responsive to others. Sixes enjoy life, are in harmony with their surroundings and recognize inner beauty. Like three is completion, six is ​​the middle point, halfway to final completion, and nine is the final stage of completion. Sixes bring harmony to situations, people, plans and environments. Sixes connect material and spiritual life together in harmonious balance. The action of the six is ​​to heal, restore and reconcile with the third party. The six corresponds to the color indigo for meditation, wisdom, contemplation and intuition.

Seven - merging of the Idea with the outside world, the Idea influences the outside world, and the outside world influences the Idea.

Seven– the number of mystery, wisdom, philosophy, temptation, spirituality and psychic abilities. The disconnect between creative imagination and brutal reality creates a challenge driven by experience, willpower, determination and courage.

In the Tarot, Seven is personified by the Chariot, which can get things moving.

Seven- this number requires a particularly deep understanding, since its meaning is enormous. This is the number of wisdom, perfection and completeness. In mysticism this number spiritual development personality. On the earthly plane - the end of the cycle of annual work of the farmer. God himself rested on the seventh day of creation and commanded us to do so. 7 major planets, 7 notes in the scale, 7 days of the week, 7 deadly sins and 7 virtues. Seven is called a magical and lucky number, there are seven colors of the rainbow, seven days in a week, seven notes in an octave. According to Buddhism, seven represents the seven stages of God's ascension. Sevens represent new self-esteem, self-confidence, innate abilities, the beginning of travel. Seven corresponds to purple wisdom, experience and knowledge.

Eight is the role assigned to the Idea in the outside world.

Eight– the number of justice, since it can be decomposed into equal parts. It symbolizes balance, progress, expansion, rebirth, renewal, transformation, material success and positive change. The number eight symbolizes movement - either towards completion or departure from what already exists. Eight is the number of endless acquisition, including experience.

In the Tarot, the Eight represents Justice, as a symbol of balance.

Eight is the number of justice, fairness, common sense, material development and health. It is a symbol of rebirth and balance of opposing forces. Sometimes this number acts as a sign of death and destruction, but it only means the destruction of the old, obsolete and clearing space for the new, pure and fair. A wise person understands that every day something old dies in him and something new arises. Eight is integrity and completion. Eights contribute to the development of business skills, organizational skills, executive qualities, practical application ideas and concepts, development life plans and anticipations in our lives. Eights relate to work, ambition, work and business. Eight corresponds to pink for support, team leadership and moving forward.

Nine is the completion of the third final cycle of the formation of an Idea, which has already received material embodiment.

Nine– the number of concentration and self-knowledge. It symbolizes completion, loneliness, wisdom, integrity, protection. Nine is the path inside, it is the experience and conclusions that we make in order to move to a new level.

In the Tarot, Nine is personified by the Hermit, as a symbol of loneliness and inner concentration in search of wisdom.

Nine- this number seems to combine the power of all other numbers. It means the unity of all three planes of existence: physical, conscious and spiritual. Nine represents the final stage of completion. Nines show rewards for work and dedication. Nines indicate a sense of harmony, balance, love, strength and energy. People under the influence of Nine are idealistic, moralistic, standard setters and have strong convictions. Corresponds to the color of gold for abundance and wealth.

Ten is a consequence of One, a closed cycle and a return to the starting point, that is, we again come to Ace, signifies the transition to the next round in the development of the Idea.

Ten– the number of completion and completeness, symbolizes the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another. Ten is both the end and the beginning, farewell and greeting. It symbolizes completion, outcome, result, inheritance, harvest, fulfillment.

In the Tarot, the Ten is personified by Fortune, as a symbol of the completion of one cycle and the transition to another.

Ten- This is a sign of the completion of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. Here 1 potency is adjacent to 0 spirit, from which the spiritual growth of Man begins. From 1 a pair of opposites develops (2), it gives rise to a triad (3) and, incarnating in the material world, forms a square (4). 10 of any suit of the Minor Arcana greatly enhances its usual meaning. “Good” suits of cups and pentacles will show the highest bliss, and “bad” staves and swords will express the depths of despair, that is, the highest degree of concentration of their inherent power. This is a sign of the completion of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. Here potential 1 is adjacent to 0 of the spirit, from which spiritual growth begins. Doesn't necessarily mean a positive outcome in the end. Tens are the completion of a stage in life. Ten summarizes everything: new plans, ideas, concepts (belief system). Ten is the beginning and the end.

I have been studying numerology for a long time and discovered a very interesting connection between numbers and the major arcana of the Tarot. According to classical numerology, by adding up all the numbers of the date of birth, you can thus obtain the DESTINY NUMBER, which will characterize the fate and main direction of the life of its owner. And then I thought, why not connect this number with one of the major arcana of the Tarot.

But the question arose: how to do the calculations? I have been testing this method on friends and clients for several years, I have accumulated a decent base, and I can draw some conclusions. These are just my observations; of course, it wouldn’t hurt to check them further. Therefore, I will explain the technique itself to you, and you will test yourself and your friends. And then I will be very glad to receive feedback from you. You can write to the soap or to the forum.
So, by date of birth, you can determine several important arcana that will influence a person’s entire life. If you are new to tarot cards, then first you need to have a good understanding of the meaning of the 22 arcana. Otherwise you will get confused in interpretations. At the end of the article I will give a brief description based on my own experience, but the more you understand and feel the arcana, the more deeply you can understand the fate and life path of a person.

1) The first lasso is calculated very simply. This is the number of birth (we do not take the month and year). If the number is up to 22, then everything is clear. A person was born on the 8th of any month - his lasso is RIGHTEOUS. Born 18 – MOON. If the number is greater than 22, then you need to SUBTRACT 22. This rule applies to all further calculations! For example, someone was born on 27, 27-22=5 - his lasso is PAPA. And so on.

This is one of the most important indicators. Firstly, it is very easy to calculate, and secondly, it is usually strongly manifested in a person’s character and behavior. We can say that this is a mask, a social role. The way others see us. This lasso can tell about a person’s abilities and talents. It is best used when calculating compatibility. Fast and convenient.

2) The second lasso of birth is calculated as follows. You need to write down all the numbers of your date of birth (without zeros) in a row and add them up. If the final number is greater than 22, subtract 22 until you get the lasso. For example, 17.3.1983 – 1+7+3+1+9+8+3 = 32-22=10 – WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I hope you understand.

This lasso is less noticeable at first glance in a person, but it has a more noticeable influence on fate. This is the road along which a person walks. This is his highest purpose, his true self. Pay special attention to the interpretation of this lasso. Try to understand how it affects you, what it gives, what is your mission on this earth.

3) The third lasso is additional, sometimes it can be counted, sometimes it will be equal to the second lasso. To find the third arcana, you need to separately bring the day, month and year of birth to some of their 22 arcana, and then add all three, and, if in the end, the number is greater than 22, then subtract 22. I will explain with an example. Someone was born on 2/24/1976. 24 (day)-22=2 – PRIESTESS. 2 (month) – PRIESTESS, 1976 (year) =23-22=1 – MAG. As a result, we get – PRIESTESS (2) + PRIESTESS (2) + MAGIC (1) = 5 PAPA. This is the third lasso.

It is similar in meaning to the second lasso of birth, but less manifested, and gives some additions. It cannot be considered separately from the first two arcana.

I'll give you some here additional information, whoever wants to will continue to experiment and check. The Arcana of the Day is also ours physical body, health, sex life. Arcana of the month – our emotions, personal life. Arcana of the year - social life, work, career, mental abilities.

Now a few words about interpretation. If you have been doing Tarot for a long time, then you should not have any problems. Practice first on acquaintances and close people whom you know well and see how the birth arcana influences their lives. And then move on to experiments with unfamiliar people. The more you practice, the better.

If you are a beginner and just beginning to comprehend the wisdom of Tarot cards, then read more books. The book “TAROT Key Concepts” by Hayo Banzhaf is best suited for interpreting the birth arcana; I highly recommend it to all beginners. Well, with experience you will do everything automatically. And always trust your intuition.

In calculations, I always give Jester number 22, JUSTICE - 8, and STRENGTH -11. Sometimes there is confusion with this in different systems.

I'll write brief characteristics Arcana, in relation to birth codes. They were formed based on my many years of experience. Feel free to add your own. In general, there is no place for conventions and dogmas. The path will be one of continuous creativity.

And yet, IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND, any card has two paths - light and dark. You can never tell in advance which path a person will take. Even if his birth card is DEATH or TOWER, this is far from a death sentence (in practice, I have come across many happy and successful people with these birth arcana). Even negative cards have a bright path, this is important to understand, especially if you do not yet have practice in interpretation. There is no need to scare a person with the DEVIL card; he can be an excellent psychologist or financier. But some MIR may be lazy and selfish. Think, reflect, experiment. In the interpretation, the light path (+), the dark path (-)

(+) Creator, skillful, sociable, very interesting person. Golden hands. Magic abilities. Good manager, administrator.

(-) Cunning, swindler, schemer, liar and fraudster. Lives at someone else's expense. Charlatan (all his magical abilities are just a good hoax).


(+) Subtle, sensitive nature, always ready to help, virgin archetype, mediumistic abilities, good psychologist, teacher.

(-) Unpredictability, escape from reality, tearfulness, stupidity, energy vampire. Constantly complains and cries. Black magician


(+) Mother archetype, caring, for such a person family and children come first, fertile, sexy, can earn very well. Very down to earth, realist.

(-) It is difficult to control oneself, there are a lot of excesses (alcohol, food, drugs, sex), the character is sometimes despotic, especially with family, a spender, not family-oriented. Childless.


(+) Boss, active, energetic, often occupies a prominent position. Good politician, director. Values ​​discipline and order in everything, especially in the family and at work.

(-) Stubborn, despotic, aggressive person. Pedant and bore. Brawler. A lot of energy, but nowhere to put it, so he gets mad!

(+) Spiritual man, knows how to listen, a good psychologist, maybe a teacher, a good adviser.

(-) Unspiritual, or spirituality and ideals are just a cover, a liar, a bad adviser, a person who just can’t find his way!


(+) Sensual, kind, gentle and very sexy person. The soul of the party, loves to communicate and make new acquaintances. It’s difficult to make choices in life, often 2 marriages, love triangles.

(-) A tense, indecisive person. A lot of complexes, especially in sex and love. Constantly fluctuates, life constantly presents you with a choice.


(+) Brave, confident. Constantly on the move, rushing somewhere, he needs to do something. Travels a lot, tourism. Lots of changes in life.

(-) Or complete stagnation in life, lazy, coward. Or, on the contrary, too active, twitchy, nervous.


(+) Decent, balanced person. Often associated with jurisprudence, law, and police. A clear mind can sometimes seem very cold.

(-) Biased, lives by his own law, low moral standards, no inner rod. An indicator of great karma (many sins).


(+) Wise, loves solitude. Calm and reasonable. Constantly in spiritual search or self-knowledge. Psychologist, magician, clairvoyant.

(-) A gloomy and embittered person, many complexes, fixated only on himself, selfishness. Problems with mental health and social adaptation.


(+) Very positive personality, active, travels a lot. Lucky, optimistic.

(-) Fatalist, fear of the future, lazy, waiting for fate itself to bring everything on a silver platter.

(+) Very energetic, self-confident, clearly knows what he wants. Leader. Athlete, fighter. Sexual.

(-) Either weak and spineless, or overly active, aggressive, unstable nervous system. Problems in the sexual sphere.


(+) Wise, leisurely. At the beginning of life, there are often many trials, then everything returns to normal. Out of this world, creator, creativity.

(-) Sees everything upside down, many illusions, illness, disability (as punishment for sins), laziness, despondency and eternal whining.

13 – DEATH

(+) Very strong personality, which, going through great difficulties, strengthens its character. There are many trials in life, danger to life, trauma, accidents, especially at the beginning of life. THIS IS ONLY AN OPTION!!! DON'T BE SCARED BY THIS CARD! Magic abilities. Military (or espionage) career.

(-) Either he destroys himself, or those around him, or both. Mental problems, especially late in life. Alcoholism, drug addiction, crime.


(+) Calm, moderate and creative person. Soft and kind. Love for animals.

(-) Either complete passivity in life, constantly missing chances, or imbalance, rushing from one extreme to another.

15 – DEVIL

(+) A born psychologist, he feels people very well. Magic abilities. Working with money, banks. An excellent manager and organizer. Seducer, Don Juan.

(-) Powerful manipulator, cunning and insidious strategist (typical SCORPIO). Or a banal alcoholic or drug addict. The devil gives any form of addiction.

16 – TOWER

(+) Sharp, unpredictable, very active and active. Changes activities frequently. Mood changes. Emotional, very touchy and sensitive. Injuries.

(-) Major mental problems, aggression, crime. Danger to life, especially car accidents(tested in practice), with such a birth chart, drive very carefully and do not choose risky sports.

17 – STAR

(+) Spiritual, creative, sensitive person. Refined nature. Often writing skills, poetry.

(-) Lazy guy, he puts everything off until tomorrow. Very down-to-earth and rude, deprived of the opportunity to feel the “beautiful”.

(+) Medium. Of all the cards, in my practice, such people have the strongest psychic abilities. Psychologist. Creative talent, actor, singer.

(-) Illusions, fears, phobias, big problems with mental health, alcoholism, drug addiction. Impracticality.

19 – SUN

(+) Bright, noticeable personality. Creativity, show business. The desire to constantly be in the spotlight, to shine. Life in comfort and luxury.

(-) Or they are big egoists, thinking only about themselves. Or downtrodden and insecure people, fears and complexes.

(+) Spirituality, very deep and wise people. Often insecure in their youth, but later achieve respect and recognition. Dramatic changes in life. Emigration.

(-) Lazy people, they strive for false ideas, life is very changeable, you have to experience everything the hard way, there are a lot of karmic sins.

(+) One of the best birth cards. Life is very stable, measured, strong guardian angel. This is an indicator that the soul has not sinned much and this life is a complete thrill.

(-) Lack of self-confidence, escape from life, misses chances, many misconceptions. Laziness!

(+) The most powerful birth card. An indicator of an old soul, enormous extrasensory abilities, originality, creativity, an unusual life path. Discoverers, travelers, innovators.

(-) Eccentricity, nervousness, mental problems, lack of purpose in life, can be a very hard fall. Elementary STUPIDITY!

I have researched many dates of famous people; I could already write a book. Just for fun, take a look at how this technique works.

Vladimir Putin (7.10.1952)

1 – Chariot 2 – Empress 3 – Hanged Man

Boris Berezovsky (23.1.1946)

1 – Mage 2 – Emperor 3 – Jester (especially read the characteristics of the dark path)

Leonid Brezhnev (12/19/1906)

1 – Sun 2 – Chariot 3 – Empress

Yuri Gagarin (9.3.1934)

1 – Hermit 2 – Chariot (Just a very accurate description of fate)

Boris Yeltsin (1.2.1931)

1 – Mage 2 – Star (dark path again)

Joseph Kobzon (11.9.1937)

1 – Strength 2 – Hermit 3 – Moon (creativity)

Lev Leshchenko (1.2.1942)

1 – Mage 2 – Sun

And this list goes on and on. Just look and feel how the arcana describe the life and destiny of a person. By the way, there is no celebrity or fame lasso!!! A person can become famous both on the TOWER and on the SUN. If something is not clear, write, ask. I will be waiting for your feedback!