Will I become a millionaire online fortune telling. "Magic squares" layout: fortune telling with money

Online wealth fortune telling determines in what area and in what way you will receive or earn money, which will help you get rich and become a multimillionaire.

Request for this Tarot layout: I want to be rich, but I don’t know how. Where is it better to invest money and effort? Which area will bring me wealth? Can I become a millionaire? Do you have business acumen and what?

Have a nice session!

1. Your business acumen: do you have the ability to make money? 2. Partnership and ability to collaborate. The influence of people on your finances. 3. Work and attitude towards work: will you make money at work. 4. Family and its influence on your financial growth. Possibility of inheritance. 5. Force majeure circumstances: where to lay the straws. 6. Your investments: where to invest energy and money. 7. Creativity. How creative are you? Money from art. 8. Personal business: opportunities in this area. 9. Personal values, from spiritual to material: 10. What is your wealth and how can you earn capital:

  • Your business acumen: do you have the ability to make money?
  • Partnership and ability to collaborate. The influence of people on your finances.
  • Work and attitude towards work: will you make money at work.
  • Family and its influence on your financial growth. Possibility of inheritance.
  • Force majeure circumstances: where to lay the straws.
  • Your investments: where to invest energy and money.
  • Creation. How creative are you? Money from art.
  • Personal business: opportunities in this area.
  • Personal values, from spiritual to material.
  • What is your wealth and where can you earn capital?

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to read the layout

This amazing layout is made in the shape of a money bag. By clicking on the cards inside the program, you fill it with new, sometimes unexpected interpretations of the Tarot - hints about your internal and external wealth.

Ten cards will show and tell you in which areas of your life happy material changes will occur, and in which areas you need to insure yourself. What areas of your life most influence your financial situation– and here you will have the opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of your approach to finance.

The results may be unexpected. For example, once, when interpreting this alignment, in position 6 (investments where it is worth investing energy and money) - advice was received “to relax and have a good time.”

As it turned out, the questioner really needed rest and did not allow himself to relax for 7-8 years - as a result, working so hard, he was on the verge of depression and exhaustion. What kind of talk is there about wealth?

Pay close attention to all positions: the influence of family, the opportunity to get money from business (suddenly you did not dare to start your own business), money from art and creativity, etc.

Tarot fortune telling questions for wealth are designed in such a way that you will receive maximum information about your chances of getting rich. This creative assessment of your financial chances helps you explore your hidden potential, and also develops your intuition about money: how and where to get it.

Point 10 of the layout is a kind of summary and advice for the future. By the way, you don’t have to guess for the rest of your life. You can set more effective time frames, for example a month, three months, a year - and you will get more detailed instructions to your enrichment.

Fortune telling about wealth online is not difficult, it is important to understand the main principles that underlie your abundance in life, and what they are, judge by the fallen arcana, especially if some of them are repeated very often. It’s not for nothing that Tarot cards are called codes of life: seize the moment, because now they are open just for you!

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No matter how a person views the financial issue, money invariably plays an important role in our lives. It is thanks to monetary wealth and material resources that many problems can be solved: to provide the necessary level of comfort, to realize your plans, to make your desires come true. Therefore, fortune telling for money and wealth has been in demand since ancient times and enjoyed enormous popularity. This type of divination allows you to get answers to questions that are relevant to you. modern man questions. Will the planned enterprise bring material success? When and where to expect profit? Is it worth making a deal? Is it possible to spend the available funds now or is it better to save?

General rules of fortune telling for wealth

In order for fortune telling to be truthful and for you to receive comprehensive answers to all your questions related to the material sphere, you must follow a few simple general rules.

  1. If you choose fortune telling for money using cards, then be sure to purchase a brand new deck for these purposes.
  2. During fortune telling, light a green candle on the table (green is the color of money and success in business).
  3. Before fortune telling, it is recommended to put the most expensive ring you have on your finger. It will be considered a kind of symbol and “anchor” for wealth.
  4. With the help essential oils or incense sticks, fill the room where you are going to tell fortunes with “money aromas.” The scents of the following plants are suitable for these purposes: nutmeg, bergamot, orange, cinnamon, cloves, mint, basil, ginger, pine or jasmine.
  5. It is recommended to cast a fortune on wealth during the energetically bright time of day. Namely, from five in the morning to eight in the evening.

What are money fortune telling?

Exists large number methods of fortune telling for wealth and material well-being. These include various solitaire games and variations card fortune telling(on Tarot and playing cards), fortune telling on water, divination with banknotes and much more. We bring to your attention several of the most interesting, effective and common types of money divination. Choose the one you like. The main thing in this matter is to concentrate as much as possible and tune in to the “money wave”.

Ancient card fortune telling for financial profit

This method will allow you to find out whether you will achieve financial success in the near future. So, take a new deck of cards, carefully shuffle it, thinking about the subject of divination. Then, with your left hand, you should pull out any nine cards and lay them out on the table in the direction from left to right. Look at which suit cards predominate in your layout? This will be the key to deciphering the fortune telling. So if you get the most cards of clubs, you will soon receive an impressive sum of money, it is possible to receive an inheritance, win the lottery, etc. The suits of hearts and diamonds indicate that your financial situation is stable and no major changes are expected in this area. Predominance spades cards threatens losses and damages.

Fortune telling with money using water

This method of money fortune telling dates back to ancient times. It is very simple and effective. You should take a clean glass (ideally, if it is made of crystal), fill it with running water and during the full moon place it on the window so that the moon's rays literally pierce the contents of the glass with their light.

Look into your glass in the morning. If something falls into the water during the night, expect quick profit. If the water remains clean in the near future, you will not be in danger of increasing your level of material wealth.

Card spread for wealth

This version of money fortune telling will allow you to find out whether you will achieve your present great wealth and how the money will come to you.

Must be taken to left hand deck of cards, hold it in your hand for a while, concentrating on the questions financial sector. Then shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table. Place one card on the left side, the other on the right. As a result, you should have two piles of eighteen cards each. You can immediately remove the left pile. Take the right pile in your hands and lay out two cards from it at once. If there is a match (two kings, two sevens, etc.), put the paired cards aside - their interpretation will be the answer to your questions about the method of getting rich. If there are no coincidences in your layout, then you are not destined to get rich. At least in the near future.

Interpretation of cards in a wealth reading

Sixesrich life is possible, but your path to it will be long and thorny. You will have to work hard, but the result is worth it.

Sevens- they say that financial success will come to you by chance, without much effort. The main thing is to trust your intuition and believe in luck!

Eights- indicate that this person can get rich with the power of words. What does it mean? Perhaps business negotiations will bring you financial success, public speaking, journalistic or writing activities.

Nines– the incentive for you to get rich will be the desire to impress your loved one.

Dozens- they say that you can get a lot of money through gambling or the lottery.

Jacks– your wealth and material well-being are somehow connected with children.

Ladies- you will achieve wealth on your own. However, perhaps on the way to the desired goal there will be gossip, tricks and intrigue.

Kings- they say that wealth will come into your life with the help of a man. If we're talking about about a woman, it usually means a successful marriage with a wealthy person. If the fortuneteller is a man, then a business partner or male patron will probably help him get rich.

Two Aces- the most successful coincidence in this scenario. It indicates that you are very successful financially. In the future, you will have the opportunity to become seriously rich, and will spend the rest of your life in material prosperity, not knowing the need for anything.

Fortune telling with coins

Fortune telling should be carried out during the new moon. Prepare coins for the ritual of different denominations. For Russians, these will be coins of ten and fifty kopecks, as well as in denominations of one, two, five and ten rubles. Now wrap the money in green or red cloth, tie it in a knot and put it under your pillow.

If we are talking about magic, then let's look at the topic that is closest to us. This is the theme of the magic of money. The crisis on a global scale has not brought us much grief. Well, just think, in countries far from us the banking system is collapsing. So let her disappear from us too. They have already delayed us with their loans and deposits. However, the crisis in our country has brought us a lot of trouble and trouble: there was nothing left to give out loans, they stopped giving back deposits, prices soared sky-high, and salaries and pensions remained at pre-crisis levels. It is not surprising that people begin to have a panicky fear of the future and an acute longing for the old days, when shares, payments, dividends were not part of our lives, but existed separately from us; when you could get a job at any time, and there was enough money for everything. Perhaps the politicians who dragged our country into the cycle of events are to blame for this. Or perhaps our attitude towards money has changed. We have lost the ability to manage money correctly, and money has changed its attitude towards us.

Money and us

You can check how we feel about money by doing a Tarot card spread. The cards that fall out will tell you what is going wrong in our attitude towards money. Perhaps we think too much about the lack of them, and thereby only exacerbate this lack. Or maybe the word ruble itself comes from the word chop, and we ourselves chop our money. We can't change anything here. We can only perceive the ruble as it is, and think about what way or path to take so that there are more of these rubles. Let's look at the magical Tarot pictures. Here every card is an oracle and a fortune teller. Is it really impossible to increase the funds in our wallet with the help of cards? Of course, it is possible and necessary. But not in that sense, go there and take the money there. There is no such thing in Tarot cards, and cannot be. But what needs to be done for money to become frequent guests with us can be suggested by the money layout, in which both the Major and Minor Arcana are used.

In practical magic, some consider simple ways attracting money:

  • As a talisman, you can use an irreplaceable nickel, which under no circumstances should be spent. Always carry this amulet with you, and you should not part with it.
  • You can take a handful of coins from a person who has achieved a high position, both morally and materially, and put them in your wallet. Money, accustomed to going to money, will definitely find its way to your wallet. Store these coins separately and do not mix with others. Don't waste them.
  • Clean up your wallet: throw away unnecessary checks, receipts and provide the rightful owners of the wallet with the opportunity to sit comfortably in it. Money should feel comfortable in your wallet, so that when it leaves it, it wants to return quickly.
  • Make a money deal.

So, there are many ways to attract money. And today, more and more often, many people use the latter option.

Secrets of the effectiveness of Tarot readings for money

The presence or lack of money is a situation that can be considered using the “Magic Squares” layout. It was made in ancient times. That is why it is considered one of the oldest and most respected. Magicians of the Renaissance resorted to this arrangement in order to clarify the situation. They considered the square a magical figure that has its own secret symbolism. The square is the personification of stability, matter, well-being. The “Magic Squares” layout is rightfully considered universal. Since it is excellent for describing any situation, both in a specific case and when a person cannot clearly describe the situation, but wants to hear about his entire prospects. When laying out the cards, pay attention to what the Tarot pictures want to convey to you. Choose a significator - a card, the image on which will best match the person who came to clarify the situation, and immediately begin to carry out the layout.

Fortune telling with money is an exciting activity that has been popular since ancient times. Using fortune telling, you can use magical powers To improve well-being and business prosperity, fortune-telling using special rituals will help. To carry them out, you need to learn how to make wishes correctly and tune in to required streams energy.

For money and wealth

During fortune telling, no one should disturb you; it is better to retire to the room, turn off the lights and close the doors tightly. During fortune telling, you need to discard all extraneous thoughts, you need to think only about the question that interests you. Under no circumstances should you fantasize or feel fear. Think about the fact that the future is covered with a veil and you are trying to lift it. The ritual is best performed with a lit green candle. Her fire can attract the energy of cash flows to you.

On coins

You can find out whether you will be able to collect the required amount by the required deadline using coins. For this you will need a small jar or bag. Take one coin in your hands, rub it in your hands and say the following words:

“Coin, coin, tell me, will I have money by such and such a date?”

After this, put the coin in a bag or jar and within 3 days report all the small change that you accumulate.

Exactly after 3 days, count the coins, if there are any even number and a lot will be collected, your finances will grow and you will definitely collect the required amount, if it’s odd, your wish will not come true.

On the water

At home, you can easily perform fortune telling on water. Fortune telling for money and wealth using water is popular in India, and Chinese sages They consider flows of water to be a symbol of monetary energy.

In the warm season, you can use the following ritual. In the evening, fill a glass with water, leave the house and cut a small twig from any healthy tree. At home, put it in water. If the leaves on the branch do not wither in the morning, then financial losses not expected. If new buds bloom and the leaves have a beautiful healthy looking, expect a gift or profit.

The leaves have withered and the branch has dried up - losses cannot be avoided, a financial crisis is looming over you. It is urgent to clean the energy of the house: throw away old unnecessary things, restore order, fill the house with the aroma of fresh flowers and fruits. Take care of yourself too, clear your mind of negative thoughts, try not to communicate with envious and evil people.

The next fortune telling on water is best done on a full moon. To perform the ritual you will need clean spring water. On the night of the full moon, fill a glass with water and place it near the window so that the moon is reflected in the water. After that, go to bed. After waking up, go to the water and carefully look at the contents. If any objects appear in the water, this is a sure sign that you will have money. The more foreign objects there are in the glass, the greater the profit you will soon receive.

For luck and money

Horoscopes and fortune telling for luck and money are popular among gamblers and businessmen. You can find out if the day will be successful with the help of birds. Pick up a handful of grain and feed the birds that come your way. If they eat almost all the grain, the day will be successful. If someone interferes with the birds, this means that unforeseen circumstances will not allow you to earn the required amount. The birds refused to peck the grain - today it is better to stay home and not perform risky operations.

With the help of this ritual, you can also attract money - on the way to work, feed stray cats and dogs, small birds, treat children with sweets. It is important to give gifts unexpectedly when no one expects it from you. The joy of others will envelop you with energy that will definitely attract luck and money.

Ancient fortune telling with peas will help determine how lucky you are today. Take 33 peas. Mark three in red and two in black. Place them in a small bag and carry them with you always. If there are financial matters, for example, is it worth carrying out a transaction, is it worth waiting for profit, then with eyes closed Put your hand into the bag and take out 3 peas.

If you come across green ones, feel free to make a deal, everything will be as you planned. You get red ones - luck is on your heels, you can take risks. If you get a black pea, large losses are possible. If you get black and red, then your fate has not yet been decided; the transaction can bring both big profits and losses. If you get two black ones, it’s better to refuse the deal.

For work money and career

If you have any doubts about the success of your business, use simple remedies, you can tell your fortune for profit. The method is simple - go to the market and buy 12 nuts from the first seller you come across. You need to choose nuts without looking, with your eyes closed. If all the nuts are fresh and tasty, your project will bring great success and profit.

If you come across several spoiled nuts, take a closer look at the people you work with; most likely, you will face losses due to the fault of your employees or partners. The nuts are dry from the inside - expect losses. More than half of the fruits are spoiled - look at the business differently; with the way things are done, it will not bring much profit. Recalculate your costs, choose a new strategy, and then there will be no losses.

Career fortune telling is carried out when a person doubts whether he should continue to do his chosen business, or whether it would be better to choose a new field of activity. You can tell fortunes using Tarot cards, or you can also use pictures you made yourself (this option is preferable). Prepare several cards (unlimited number) of the same size. On each card you need to draw a symbol of a field of activity that may interest you.

For example, if you are thinking of going into medicine, you can draw a doctor and a patient; if you want to open a store, draw shelves filled with goods, or scales, etc. When creating images, you cannot rush, when drawing, you must completely immerse yourself in thinking about the life that you will have with the choice you make.

Sometimes the answer to the question comes while creating pictures; it is prompted by intuition. If this does not happen, then do the following: for 7 days before going to bed, carefully look at the pictures. In the morning, write down the dreams you had. They will also contain the answer to the question. You can predict in which field of activity your career will develop more rapidly by pulling out one card with your eyes closed.

By hand

Fortune telling by hand can tell about the potential that is inherent in a person, as well as predict luck in financial terms. Main line on a person’s hand there is a life line. If it is clear and deep, then its owner is predisposed from birth to achieve success and prosperity. If the beginning of the life line does not merge with the head line, this means that a person knows how to make decisions independently and bear responsibility for them. This quality is necessarily present in people who have the ability to earn big money.

The line of fate can tell a lot. If it is long and clear, then its owner is doing a lot to achieve his goals. If the line at the end (on the hill of Jupiter or Saturn) ends with a fork, then a prosperous old age awaits the person. Many lines on the Mount of Mercury indicate success in trade.

A long little finger indicates that its owner knows how to make money in any area of ​​life and is especially successful in trading. The line of wealth is not present on the palms, but a triangle formed by the line of fate, the line of the mind and the line intersecting them can indicate good well-being and the receipt of large profits. Many different triangles on the hands are a sign of prosperity in various fields activities. Three straight lines on the wrist are often found among rich and powerful people. We recommend watching this video:

Full moon fortune telling

Fortune telling for wealth in full moon can be done on wax. To do this, prepare a thick sheet of cardboard and draw a line in the middle. On the left side, describe your fears and doubts; on the right side, describe your dreams and wishes. Light the candle and tilt it slightly so that the wax drips in small drops onto the cardboard. The hand should move in a circular motion until the candle burns out.

When the wax hardens, carefully examine the symbols. Flowers and drops portend prosperity. Frightening images in the area of ​​wishes are obstacles on the way. The image of a child or the sun foretells financial success. Cross - decisions that determine future fate. If the outline of a fish appears, a long period of prosperity awaits you. If a lot of gloomy symbols appear, roll the cardboard into a tube, tie it with a thick thread and throw it away from the house with the words “Failure, go away!”

Fortune telling for the new waxing moon

On the new moon it is customary to make wishes, start new projects, and make plans. You can increase your well-being and find out what awaits you in the future using the following ritual. Take a large denomination banknote to an intersection at night. Place it on each of the 4 roads in turn, saying the following words:

“Money loves moonlight, without it there is no growth for it. All my paths are open, my chests are full.”

When transferring money, say:

"Every living thing grows with sunlight, and money needs moonlight to grow. I saw the money at the crossroads, the moon charged. I'll put them in my pocket and take them home. A cash flow follow. How many people pass at the crossroads, the moon will bring so much money.”

Put the bill in your wallet and don’t spend it for one month. Then use it to buy what you need most. This ritual is aimed at ensuring that you always have money.

Card fortune telling

Anyone can tell fortunes with cards for luck and money. The easiest way to find out what your financial condition will be is by using a deck of 36 cards and the “Magic Suits” layout.

For fortune telling by cards, shuffle the deck and take out 9 cards from it. Place them face down on the table in one row and turn them over. The suit of the cards will tell you about your well-being. See which suit of cards is drawn the most.

If the crosses prevail, things will go well. Spades - beware of losses. Cards of red suits have fallen - wait for the receipt of money from different sources.

For New Year and Christmas

A popular method of fortune telling in Rus': if you meet a man first after the New Year, then you will have money for the whole year. For the same reason, on the morning after celebrating Christmas, it is customary for the man to be the first to enter the house and sprinkle grain on the threshold so that everyone lives in abundance.

There are numerous methods of fortune telling for money and wealth. There are many ways of card fortune-telling and ancient solitaire, and divination on water, cereals, banknotes and much more. On our website we offer the most interesting and effective methods of fortune telling with money, which will help determine the chance of receiving money and fabulous wealth.

On our website you can look and tell fortunes for free.

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Fortune telling for money and wealth on water

For this method of fortune telling for money and wealth, you only need a glass of water, but this does not make it less truthful than other fortune telling. Fortune telling for money and wealth has been known for many centuries, and it has gained popularity due to its ease of implementation.

To conduct fortune telling for money and wealth, you need to take a glass during the full moon and fill it clean water. Then a glass of water is placed on the windowsill overnight. You will find out the result of fortune telling in the morning. Look into a glass of water. A sure sign that money will arrive soon will be something in a glass of water. If you see in the water some speck, a hair, a leaf from a plant, a needle from a Christmas tree, or any other object that accidentally falls into the water overnight, then you will soon have money. Perhaps a profitable job will appear or someone will repay your debt. You can perform this fortune telling for money and wealth at any time of the year. It is not necessary to keep the window open during fortune telling.

Fortune telling with coins

Fortune telling with coins will allow you to find out when wealth or material well-being will come into your life. This effective way fortune telling has been known for centuries and, of course, earlier, in pre-revolutionary Rus', it was carried out on other coins and in other denominations. Use of new and modern coins does not make this fortune telling any less truthful. Now fortune telling with money has been adapted to modern reality and is carried out on coins that can be found in any wallet. Fortune telling for money using coins is performed on the new moon, and this method of fortune telling will help you determine the likelihood of receiving money in the near future.

Coins from your wallet need to be washed for fortune telling; this, according to the teachings of Feng Shui about money, will allow you to attract the energy of prosperity into your life and material well-being and will make fortune telling easier.

This fortune telling is not simple, it is accompanied by a small ritual. You need to take coins of all existing denominations, one piece at a time. These will be coins of 10 and 50 kopecks, as well as 1,2,5 and 10 rubles, which need to be thoroughly washed until shiny. After this, put the coins in a clean canvas bag; it’s better to take a new one. Place a bag of coins under your pillow or at the head of your bed for one night so that the coins are saturated with your energy.

The next evening, take any cereal and pour it into a bowl. Take the red candle. Place the bowl of cereal along with the red candle on the table. Take out a bag of coins and, mentally asking a question about money, pour the coins into the cereal in a bowl. Everything must be mixed thoroughly wooden spoon or a stick to hide the coins in the cereal. You need to mix with a non-metallic object so that the coins do not ring and give away their location in the cereal. Then cover the bowl with the bag from which the coins were poured. Close your eyes and, without looking, take a full handful of cereal from the bowl with your hand and place it carefully in front of you on the table. Consider the coins of what denomination you got. Make an interpretation of fortune telling for money and wealth depending on which coins you got.

The meaning of coins in fortune telling

10 kopecks means that there will be no special cash receipts in the near future, you should not spend money and should monitor your expenses;

50 kopecks means that one of your relatives or friends will ask you to borrow money, you should think about the possibility of helping or refusing someone close to you;

1 ruble means that there will be considerable expenses for a major purchase or upcoming holidays;

2 rubles means that there will be a small influx of money from an unexpected source, you will receive small money or a long-forgotten debt will be returned to you;

5 rubles means receiving a substantial amount; winning, promotion or a successful sale will lead you to receiving serious income;

10 rubles means a high probability of the imminent arrival of a money period, which may relate to work, business or something else with which you have expectations of money today, with this money fortune-telling this is the best coin that shows a quick improvement in your financial condition.

If you don’t pull out a single coin, then don’t despair, it just means that it’s not time to wait for significant changes. You can repeat fortune telling for money on coins on the next new moon, and in a month luck will definitely smile on you.

The following method of fortune telling for wealth will show the prospect of enrichment for the coming year. It is best done during Yuletide fortune telling when the whole year is ahead. The desire to live in abundance and not count pennies from paycheck to paycheck is easily understandable to everyone. You can choose any method of fortune telling to find out the prospects for receiving an ordinary earthly joy - money, and if you believe in it, then it will definitely tell you about the incredible chances of your “richness” or simply prosperity. Previously, of course, banknotes of others were used paper money and other denomination. But, as practice has shown, this method of fortune telling is still effective and consistently true when using modern banknotes. To carry out fortune telling, you need to take 5 different bills of modern paper money.

This method of fortune telling also requires a certain ritual. Fortune telling is carried out at midnight, on new moon. You lock yourself in a room and light up 7 church candles. For fortune telling for money and wealth, paper money is used in denominations of 10, 50, 100, 1000 and 5000 rubles. After this, concentrate on the candle flame, mentally wish that you get the largest monetary unit.

Read a magical fortune-telling spell 7 times in a row, which helps you gain wealth and allows you to strengthen your energy aimed at getting rich:

I want wealth to be used for pleasure, I’ll take it and mix it into a deck of money;

I’ll hide it where no one will see, I hope fortune won’t hurt me;

Let an adventure open up for me, let a larger bill stick to my hand.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

After reading the plot, you close your eyes and carefully mix the bills, then hide them under the pillow at the head of the bed. After the candles burn out and go out, randomly take out one of the bills from under the pillow, without peeking.

The meaning of banknotes in fortune telling for money and wealth

10, 50 or 100 rubles means that your financial situation this year leaves much to be desired, no improvements are expected;

1000 rubles means that you have got the golden mean, no special cash receipts are expected, although there will be enough money to live on, you will still experience financial difficulties;

5,000 rubles means that this year promises you good income and money capital, and the emergence of several new sources of income for you and your loved ones. You already guessed that you were lucky enough to get your hands on the largest monetary unit and grab a lucky ticket to material well-being.

If the results of fortune telling for money and wealth did not meet your expectations, do not be upset, only the path to monetary prosperity and wealth is in your hands. Try to start your path to wealth from the other side. Most people interested in the teachings of Feng Shui believe that in order to receive money and improve their money luck, they need to use the southeastern sector of their house or apartment. It is enough to place a fountain or an aquarium there and decorate this sector in green tones. It is considered important to have a sector with fountains and water in your home, as its energies are associated with wealth.

Chinese folk wisdom says: “Only a very rich Chinese can afford to live richly.”