Virtual fortune telling gypsy. Card fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards is a very famous and simple way of fortune telling. It came from ancient times and with its help you can learn about the past, present and future. For fortune telling, a regular deck consisting of 36 cards is used.

Rules of the gypsy layout for 10 cards

Gypsy fortune telling “10 cards” is considered very reliable. But to do this you need to use a deck that has not previously been used for the game. Some professional fortune tellers claim that it is better to use a special deck of black and red gypsy cards, painted in traditional colors nomadic people. It is believed that such a deck carries special energy, which means it provides reliable information during fortune telling.

The basic rule of successful fortune telling is a person’s sincere desire to receive a correct prediction. Fortune telling should be done in a secluded place. It is very important to shuffle the cards well, this will allow you to establish an energetic connection with them. You should remove cards with your left hand towards you.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards for free begins with one card being randomly drawn from the deck. It is called a fortune card and indicates what is in a person's heart. This card is placed at the bottom of the layout. Next, three rows of three cards are laid out above it. At the same time, the top row tells about the person’s past, middle row symbolizes the present, and the bottom row predicts the future. It is important to interpret each card in the layout separately, and then pay attention to the combination of cards as a whole.

The peaks in this alignment indicate existing problems and obstacles on the path to happiness. In addition, the cards focus attention on a person’s internal anxieties that interfere with him.

The basic values ​​of cards in the suit of spades are as follows:

  • An ace portends serious trouble. Sometimes the card is a harbinger of a serious blow or death to a person in the immediate environment. In combination with the Queen of Spades, the Ace predicts separation, litigation, and imprisonment. With the nine of hearts, the card foretells profit, and with the six of hearts, it predicts the onset of a happy time.
  • The king symbolizes the official person. With the nine of spades, this card is a harbinger of a serious illness, and with the seven of clubs, it predicts an unsuccessful meeting. When the king and queen of hearts appear, you should expect the end of the black streak.
  • The lady symbolizes an insidious and cunning woman. With the nine of hearts, the card predicts the occurrence of obstacles in love; with the seven of spades, the lady warns of a threat.
  • Jack foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant news. With the jack of clubs, this card predicts useless troubles.
  • Ten is a harbinger of a difficult life period, which will be filled with hard work.
  • Nine predicts a period filled with troubles and illnesses.
  • The number eight symbolizes scandals, disappointments and resentments.
  • Seven warns that you will encounter deception or theft.
  • Six emphasizes that life will be filled with disappointments.

The club cards in the layout tell about the business sphere of the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

They mean the following:

  • The ace symbolizes the state house and warns of serious matters that will require immediate resolution. Next to the king of clubs, the card gives hope that you will receive timely help. With the Ace of Hearts, the card draws attention to the fact that assistance will be provided by an official. With the nine of diamonds, the ace predicts a big profit.
  • The king symbolizes a middle-aged man. With nine of clubs the card predicts great joy, and with the seven of hearts portends prosperity and good luck.
  • The lady symbolizes a middle-aged woman. With the Ace of Spades, the card predicts the occurrence of interference in work that will interfere with career advancement.
  • The jack symbolizes the arrival of news, and its nature can be judged by the neighboring cards.
  • Ten symbolizes entrepreneurship and business interest.
  • Nine predicts the onset of a successful period in work.
  • Eight is a harbinger of tears and sadness.
  • Seven foretells a meeting in a government house.
  • The number six symbolizes a person's hopes and dreams, and sometimes indicates a romantic journey.

Cards of the diamond suit describe the state of a person’s soul.

Their basic values ​​are as follows:

  • Ace symbolizes cash or important papers, but can be a harbinger of exciting news.
  • The king symbolizes a young free man.
  • The lady symbolizes the young unmarried girl, sometimes focuses on the fact that a rival has appeared in life.
  • Jack foretells disappointed hopes and emotional distress.
  • Ten focuses on monetary interest; in addition, the card can be predictive. that all plans will come true if other cards in the layout are positive.
  • Nine portends receiving a large amount of money.
  • Eight indicates that a pleasant conversation or meeting will take place in the near future.
  • Seven predicts successful money transactions and the conclusion of lucrative contracts.
  • Six is ​​a harbinger of a short journey.

Cards of the heart suit tell about the spiritual sphere of a person.

They describe relationships between people and can be interpreted as follows:

  • The ace is a symbol of home and a harbinger of a happy and prosperous life.
  • The king symbolizes a married young man.
  • The lady symbolizes a married young woman.
  • Jack foretells pleasant and joyful chores.
  • Ten speaks of a certain interest or surprise, in addition, it indicates that a secret desire will come true.
  • Nine symbolizes mutual feelings.
  • Eight foretells that a cordial, very sincere conversation with a loved one will soon take place.
  • Seven indicates a romantic date.
  • Six symbolizes a short-term love interest.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards is one of the the most ancient ways discover the secrets of your destiny. Gypsy fortune telling, together with cards, penetrated into Europe from India, where it was part of the ancient Gypsy culture. It is the ability to predict the future that is distinctive feature this people - mysterious and mysterious.

Gypsy fortune telling on cards is about 500 years old. Their traditions have been carefully preserved for many centuries. Today you can find many simple layouts, answering pressing questions, revealing the secrets of many problems, finding their root causes and sources, however, there are also more difficult layouts that are understandable only to professionals, but today we will talk about the first.

Like all readers, we find it more interesting to work with simple circuits, which will effectively and reliably tell us about what and from whom to expect, what is destined for us, what to do in a given situation, who to turn to and what to pay attention to. This is important for most. This is what we will talk about.

Simple gypsy layout

This layout requires only 36 regular cards playing deck, from which you must choose a lady or a king, personifying the person who is doing fortune-telling or for whom fortune-telling is being done.

The deck is shuffled and laid out as follows:

  • The person's card is placed in the center;
  • Now 4 rows of cards, 4 pieces each, are laid out, and all of them are placed above the portrait of the fortuneteller - this is the near future;
  • One more thing is placed above the laid out images - this is a characteristic of the person himself or the circumstances that will greatly influence him;
  • At the bottom of the queen or king, 4 rows of 4 units are laid out again - this is the distant future;
  • The last two cards are placed at the very bottom. The first is the person or cause of past troubles. The second is a person or circumstances that will soon disappear from your life and you will not see them again.

Cards must be laid out from left to right, face up. It is important to pay attention to the combination of cards that may have special meaning when interpreting.



  • Ace - trouble, blow, death. With the Queen of Spades - to separation, court cases, prison. With 9 diamonds - profit. With 6 clubs - unsuccessful business or unpleasant news. With 6 hearts - to near happiness.
  • A king is a person who inspires trust - an official or a respectable representative of someone or something. From the 9th of spades - speaks of a serious illness, from the 7th of clubs - of a fruitless meeting, from the 9th of tambourines - about the difficulty of getting money, with the queen of hearts - about the end of troubles, the help of good people.
  • The lady is a treacherous woman. From 9 of hearts - obstacles in love, from 7 of spades - a threat to happiness, from 6 of diamonds - receiving money with an accompanying scandal.
  • Jack - unpleasant news and worries. With the Jack of Clubs - to empty troubles, with the Queen of Clubs - to protecting your own secrets and secrets, with the 6 of Diamonds - a bad road.
  • Ten - difficult things, full of obstacles.
  • Nine – troubles and illnesses.
  • Eight – scandal and resentment.
  • Seven – theft and deception.
  • Six is ​​disappointment, a long and hopeless path.


  • Ace will talk about the state house, serious matters that require solutions. With the King of Clubs - you can expect help in business, with the Ace of Hearts - joy will come from officials in the form of help, with the nine of diamonds - you will receive a large profit, with ten of spades - a protracted case or the danger of being held accountable through the court.
  • The king is a groom or middle-aged man. With 9 clubs it promises great joy, with 9 diamonds - long-awaited news, and with 7 hearts - prosperity and good luck.
  • A lady is a middle-aged woman, possibly a widow or divorcee. With Ace of spades - a hindrance in work, with 10 clubs - vanity, with 7 hearts - new feelings, with 9 diamonds - an intriguer.
  • Jack is the bearer of news, and good or bad is judged by the adjacent cards.
  • Ten – business interest, entrepreneurship.
  • Nine – good luck at work.
  • Eight – tears and sadness.
  • Seven - to the meeting in the government house.
  • Six – hopes, expectations, dreams.


  • Ace – money or important papers.
  • The king is a young bachelor.
  • A lady is a young girl of marriageable age.
  • Jack - to disappointed hopes.
  • Ten – interest through money of a pleasant nature.
  • Nine - receiving large sum money.
  • Eight - a pleasant conversation or the same meeting with a person after a long separation.
  • Seven – receiving money, agreement.
  • Six is ​​a short-term road.


  • Ace – happiness, family, joy.
  • The king is a married young man.
  • A lady is a married young woman.
  • Jack - pleasant chores and joy.
  • Ten – interest, surprise.
  • Nine – matchmaking, mutual feelings.
  • Eight – cordial or emotional conversation.
  • Seven is a date.
  • Six – short-term love full of pleasure and pleasant memories.

If the cards are located above the portrait of the fortuneteller

  • 4 aces - to the fulfillment of all desires and plans.
  • 3 aces - success in love and business.
  • 2 aces - to surprise.
  • 4 Kings - you will be in the company of respectable people.
  • 3 Kings - expect a business meeting or negotiations.
  • 2 Kings - be careful.
  • 4 ladies - to talk.
  • 3 ladies - to squabbles and scandals.
  • 2 ladies - lies and gossip.
  • 4 Jack – troubles.
  • 3 Jacks – negative conversations about your person.
  • 2 Jack - you will worry.
  • 4 Tens - you can expect benefits.
  • 3 Tens - to changes in life.
  • 2 Tens - your dreams are unrealistic.
  • 4 Nines - expect a good gift.
  • 3 Nines - good luck will finally visit you.
  • 2 Nines - we can talk about profit.
  • 4 Eights only mean serious trouble.
  • 3 Eights - the engagement will not take place.
  • 2 Eights - get ready for red tape.
  • 4 Sevens - you will be denied the expected help.
  • 3 Sevens - people will make fun of you.
  • 2 Sevens - illness will knock on the door.
  • 4 Sixes - for a long journey.
  • 3 Sixes - to worries.
  • 2 Sixes are a long road to what you want.

Cards under the portrait of a fortuneteller

  • 4 Ace - your vanity is empty and unpromising.
  • 3 Aces - you can be wrong.
  • 2 Aces – don’t make hasty decisions!
  • 4 Kings - hurry, don't.
  • 3 of Kings – these matters cannot be debugged for later.
  • 2 Kings - be creative and imaginative.
  • 4 Ladies - to empty words.
  • 3 Ladies - to deception.
  • 2 Ladies - you should beware of flattery.
  • 4 Jacks - expect big losses.
  • 3 Jacks – empty rumors.
  • 2 Jacks - to the news.
  • 4 Tens - you have a good and reliable friend.
  • 3 Tens - you will find yourself in a hole of debt.
  • 2 Dozens - no one has ever forbidden anyone to hope - hope!
  • 4 Nines - you won’t be able to trust.
  • 3 Nines - make a mistake.
  • 2 Nines - you will have to.
  • 4 Eights – fear.
  • 3 Eights - for matchmaking.
  • 2 Eights – large number given promises.
  • 4 Sevens - you will have to defend yourself.
  • 3 Sevens - they will cheat on you.
  • 2 Sevens - you will have fun.
  • 4 Sixes - people will gossip about you.
  • 3 Sixes - for guardianship.
  • 2 Sixes - for guardianship.

There are a huge number of Tarot decks in this world, however, Gypsy Tarot– this deck is special in every sense. Author and ideological inspirer This wonderful deck is Buckland. To the gypsy people this person, is of immediate importance. After all, Roland Buckland is the grandson of one of the most famous gypsy barons, and he is also the author of several books on esotericism. The illustrations themselves were hand-drawn by Lissana Lake.

When we hear the word “gypsy” or “gypsy woman,” the first thing we imagine is a wagon drawn by a bay horse, slowly sailing across the steppe. And after this, we hear soul-tearing songs around the night fire, in the reflections of which multi-colored skirts flutter in dance, like flashes of fire tracing the black sky. Ahead is a beckoning endless distance, full of uncertainty. And then a new picture appears - an old gray-haired gypsy woman, with a smoking pipe in her mouth, telling fortunes by someone’s hand.

What can I say, there is not a single other people in this world who would be as shrouded in mysticism as the gypsies are shrouded in it. Representatives of this genus can tell fortunes not only by hand, but also by cards. There is even a special term called “gypsy hypnosis.” And it’s better for you not to know anything about him.

Returning to the Gypsy Tarot deck, it is worth noting that it is somewhat different from the traditional decks to which we are all so accustomed. Here, some Arcana are called differently, and their serial number not the same as, for example, in the tradition of the Waite Tarot. The visuals of the deck reveal to us pictures from everyday life of this people. By studying the Gypsy Tarot, we come into close contact with the ancient Gypsy culture, thanks to which we can see the customs of this nomadic people.

The Gypsy Tarot deck presented on our website is suitable for answering any questions. The interpretations of the meanings are laconic, but at the same time – wise and very informative.

Perhaps no other people are shrouded in such mystery and mysticism as the gypsies. We hear every now and then about the gypsy love spell, gypsy hypnosis, and, of course, gypsy fortune telling. Where would we be without him?! More than six hundred years have passed since the first maps appeared. And now it’s difficult to say for sure in whose hands the first deck was. Perhaps in the hands of a gypsy?

We are pleased to present you a traditional deck of Gypsy cards for fortune telling for all occasions. This deck contains thirty-six cards and the Bianca card (symbolizing the Client). The meaning of cards can be interpreted both in a literal and figurative (metaphorical) sense. So, for example, the “Death” card that falls out does not always mean the end of someone’s physical life. In some cases, it can mean global changes, a situation where something old “dies” and something new comes in its place. The “Disease” card does not always mean illness in the generally accepted sense of the word. After all, mental anguish, painful doubts, fears that make the heart feel heavy can also be called the general word “illness.”

When starting to interpret the situation that has fallen out, do not rush. Think about it. Try to literally feel what the card is telling you, what it is warning you about, what it is drawing your attention to. And only after that accept final decision, draw conclusions.

Free online fortune telling with Gypsy cards is great opportunity tell fortunes about the situation or simply make a calculation in order to see what awaits you in the future.

Gypsy online fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical and most accurate. Thanks to him, you can find answers to questions that have long interested you.

In order to tell fortunes online using gypsy cards, you need to decide on a question or a situation that you would like to clarify. Once you have decided, click the “Get Prediction” button.

Everyone knows that gypsies are the best predictors of the future. After all, they are taught from childhood different signs, use cards and other methods of fortune telling. Some even say it's in their blood.

Gypsies are the best predictors of the future

But it is worth remembering another thing: the Roma are one of the few peoples who have preserved their culture and traditions to this day. That is why the gypsy alignment is the most truthful.

Gypsy layout for 10 cards

People use a variety of fortune telling methods for different reasons, some because of some real problems, while others just want to know what awaits them in the future.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards or playing cards is the most famous and popular. Therefore, we will analyze the simplest layout for 10 cards.

First you need to mix all the cards thoroughly, and then take any card from the deck. It is also called the card of fortune, the first card for a fortune-telling layout, and it is placed at the very bottom. Fortune is something that you constantly think about not only with your head, but also with your heart. All your dreams and desires, absolutely everything is hidden behind this one card. Then you need to make three rows of three cards.

The first row talks about what is happening to you in at the moment, the second one is about what awaits you very soon, and the third row talks about what will happen to your dreams and desires. It is also worth paying attention to how the cards are placed in a row. The first card speaks about close people, the second about the fortuneteller, and the third is about everyone else who surrounds the person.

Gypsy fortune telling 10 cards 363 is very simple and interesting. It can be easily done even inexperienced magician. The spread of 10 can be done at any time of the day, and if desired, you can guess using this method or another.

What do the cards say?

In order to understand what the cards want to tell you, you need to know the meaning of each of them. In addition to the meaning, it is also worth paying attention to how they are located on the field.

Depending on this, they may change their initial interpretation. Therefore, it is recommended to do such fortune-telling with an experienced person, or with someone whose intuition works well. The suit of the card, and sometimes also the position, plays an important role in prediction. Special attention It is worth paying attention to aces, sevens and nines. After all, the sign that is located in the center can look in different directions.

Therefore, a serious test awaits the fortuneteller, because the interpretation must be approached with all responsibility. Let's look at the meaning of each card:


  • T - you will soon hear from your loved one.
  • K - someone wants you very much.
  • D – you might soon wear a white dress.
  • 10 – wait for a love message.
  • 9 – someone will tell you how they feel about you.
  • 8 – enjoy every moment.
  • 7 – you will have a fun time.
  • 6 – an interesting journey.

The Six of Hearts predicts an interesting journey


  • T - expect some news.
  • K - perhaps your future husband is somewhere nearby.
  • D is a frivolous girl.
  • B – financial problems await.
  • 10 - they will give you something.
  • 9 – to achieve the goal, you need to overcome some obstacles.
  • 8 – someone is very angry.
  • 7 – your significant other is cheating.
  • 6 – unexpected adventures.


  • T - someone is spreading gossip about you.
  • K - a faithful friend next to you.
  • D - look around, there is a married woman somewhere nearby.
  • B – you can start any business, because luck walks in step with you.
  • 10 – soon yours financial situation improve.
  • 9 – small financial support.
  • 8 – someone is trying to deceive you.
  • 7 – news from the parents’ house.
  • 6 – a journey that will bring nothing.


  • T - unpleasant news awaits you.
  • K - your enemy is somewhere nearby.
  • D - gossip.
  • B – you will have problems with the household.
  • 10 – illness.
  • 9 – separation from your loved one awaits you.
  • 8 – the person closest to you will betray you.
  • 7 – an unpleasant conversation awaits.
  • 6 – you shouldn’t go anywhere.

Six of Spades - better cancel your trip and stay home

This interpretation will be quite sufficient for a beginner. In order to understand what this or that layout means, you must not only know the meaning of the cards, but also have a gift.

If you decide to master this craft, then first you should buy a deck of cards that only you will use. Cards should only be removed with the left hand, because it is closer to the heart.

Use for fortune telling real cards, not internet fortune telling. Try to treat any answer normally, because the cards tell only the truth, and not what you want to hear. After you have told your fortune, be sure to thank your deck and intuition.

Another simple gypsy fortune telling

Before you tell fortunes using this method, you should prepare. To get started, buy a brand new deck of cards at the store or take one that only you use. You cannot take a deck intended for the game. This can negatively affect the process itself, and ultimately the interpretation. Fortune telling cards should be saturated only with your energy.

Gypsy fortune telling on cards must be carried out in secret from everyone if you are left alone in the room. Only the person for whom the ceremony is being performed can be present. You can’t even have animals in the room, because they can influence the process with their energy. It is not recommended to perform this ritual on days that fall church holidays. If you are not satisfied with the answer, then you should not repeat the fortune telling, wait at least a day.

Gypsies used Tarot cards or ordinary playing cards to predict the future.

Take the deck and mix it well, then remove half the deck. Next you need to lay out four rows, each of which should contain 4 cards.

The first row speaks of what awaits you in the distant future, the second - one hundred will happen very soon, the third - speaks of what is happening in your life now and the fourth, what happened in the past. After all the cards have been laid out, you need to take one more from the deck, it indicates what is in your soul. This card layout is very simple and has a simple interpretation:


  • T is your home.
  • K is a man who is officially married.
  • D is either you or a stranger.
  • B – problems that concern you.
  • 10 – everything you dream and think about.
  • 9 – mutual love.
  • 8 – discussion of very important issues.
  • 7 – communication that will play an important role in your life.
  • 6 – awaits you long journey or travel.

The six of hearts promises a long trip


  • T - you will have a serious conversation that will play an important role in solving the problem that worries you.
  • K is a man who is older than you in age or position.
  • D – woman, many years older than you.
  • B - you will have some urgent matters.
  • 10 - a valuable gift will fall on you.
  • 9 – unrequited love, especially if there is a ten of spades next to this card.
  • 8 – you will have to make an important decision.
  • 7 – you will be invited on a date.
  • 6 – a business trip awaits you in the near future.


  • T - an important meeting awaits you that will change your life.
  • K is a young man.
  • D – a girl younger than you.
  • B – on yours life path problems will arise that need to be urgently resolved.
  • 10 – symbolizes everything you dream about.
  • 9 – love between people who have not yet gotten married.
  • 8 – no meaningful conversations.
  • 7 – fruitless discussions.
  • 6 – next business trip.


  • T is an addiction that will negatively affect your life.
  • K – employee.
  • D - a person close to you will betray you.
  • B – actions that will not bring any benefit.
  • 10 – dreams that are not destined to come true.
  • 9 – some problems will arise on your way, maybe even with health.
  • 8 – you will have to attend some event in the near future.
  • 7 – someone will upset you very much.
  • 6 – you will have to go somewhere very far.

Six of Spades - a long trip awaits you

Rules of gypsy fortune telling using played cards

In order for fortune telling to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow some rules. It depends on them how honest and truthful the result will be.

If you want to find out your future using this method, then try to take it as seriously as possible. Be sure to follow the basic rules:

  1. You need to handle the cards very carefully, don't rush, no one is chasing you. The calmer the process, the better the result.
  2. During the ritual, you need to calm down as much as possible and focus only on the process. To do this, you can even meditate, but in general, everyone chooses their own methods of calming and relaxation.
  3. Use your imagination, this will allow you to merge with the cards as much as possible. This way you can transfer your energy to them.

You should not be afraid of the fortune-telling process, you just need to approach it with complete seriousness.

You shouldn’t guess a hundred times if the result doesn’t suit you the first time. Old people say that if you do this often, you can tell your fortune. If you want to gain experience, then perform the ritual on your friends or those people who are really interested in it.