An easy way to solve a Rubik's cube. Beginner's instructions for easy assembly

Before you start studying the algorithm for assembling the Rubik's Cube game, you need to know the history of its origin. The cube was invented by the Hungarian professor and sculptor Erno Rubik in order to explain the basics of mathematics to his students.

However, the mathematics of the Rubik's cube soon captured the minds of other people, including Tibor Lakzi, who began promoting the game. By the end of the 20th century, solving the Rubik's cube had become a new hobby for many, and the game's circulation exceeded one hundred million copies. The world record was set by Mats Wolf. He solves the Rubik's cube the best in 5.55 seconds.

How to disassemble a Rubik's cube if it is already assembled and why is this necessary? The structure should be disassembled to ensure that all parts are arranged correctly. To do this, you need to mechanically arrange the parts in their places and only then proceed to the initial stage.

What types of Rubik's cubes are there? It should be said that the varieties of Rubik's cube vary from 2x2 to 7x7 inclusive.

The types of Rubik's cube are also varied. For example, there is a very original Rubik's cube - in the form of a 3D pyramid, Munx, mirror Rubik's cube. However, the 3x3 Rubik's cube puzzle is most often used.

Before you learn how to assemble a disassembled game, it's worth learning a little theory for beginners. To begin with, this is the device of a Rubik's cube. The entire cube consists of 6 edges and 12 faces, as well as fasteners that hold all parts of the structure.

There are three positions of small elements:

  • Central. There are only 6 such positions, the element is located in the center of the face. One side position contains 1 part.

  • Lateral. Such elements form a cross of 4 pieces on one side. One side position contains 2 elements.

  • Corner. They are located in the corners of the structure. There are 3 cubes per corner.
    It is also necessary to study the language in which any formula for solving a Rubik's cube is written. Rubik's cube notation diagram.

After the basic designations have been studied, you can begin to assemble the structure itself.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube - quickly and easily. The best technique for beginners.

Stages of solving a Rubik's cube

There are simple instructions that prove better than anyone that even a child can fold an ordinary figure, as well as a mirror Rubik's cube. How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube diagram for children - Friedrich's method.

First stage. Solving a Rubik's cube always starts with a cross. Assembling a regular cross on one of the faces is quite simple, you just need to decide on the color: yellow is most often used. At this stage, you can ignore the position of the flowers on the other sides.

Second phase. The most important thing is to learn how to assemble the correct cross. This means that the top elements of the mating sides must have the same color as the central elements of the same faces. If this does not happen, that is, at most two sides do not match, you should use one of the following algorithms.

In this case, an important criterion is that the cross is always at the top.

Third stage. You need to completely assemble one of the sides, that is, put the corners in place. If you turn the cross over and make it the bottom side, you will notice that the upper corners of the adjacent sides contain the one you chose as the basis. Accordingly, there are three options for the position of the yellow element: on top, on the left or on the right, and for each of them there are their own combinations to combine them with the bottom side.

The end result should be that one side is completely finished, and the top layer of each adjacent side and the center are the same color.

Fourth stage. Before you start solving the speed cube, you should remember some more formulas.

First you need to turn the finished side up again. Then scroll the bottom edge so that one of the colors of the side element matches the color of any side and forms the letter “T”. Thus, you will need to move the side cube from the bottom layer to the middle one so that its two colors match the colors of the adjacent sides. In this case, two situations may result.

Fifth stage. Now you need to deal with layer 3. First, you need to turn the cube over so that the “raw” side is on top. If you chose yellow as the main color, then the diametrically located color should be white. It is necessary to apply the following algorithm for a certain position of the cube(s) with white color.

Sixth stage. Assembling a correct cross, in which the colors of the top edge must match the adjacent ones, involves two cases, but if none of the cases is suitable, you can take any algorithm.

Seventh stage. It will be quite difficult to place the angles in your position at this stage. There may be confusion between the layers, but if assembled correctly, everything will easily fall into place.

Eighth stage. To rotate the corners correctly, you need to consider two cases, again related to moving in a circle.

If you need to change the angles crosswise or opposite angles, you can use any of the algorithms.

The same method can be used to solve a mirror Rubik's cube. A small Rubik's cube will be much easier to solve, but the Rubik's cube record will only be considered for the 3x3 version.

Secret technology

If your goal is to solve a Rubik's cube in a minute, or even less, and become the best at this, you need to know some assembly secrets.

  1. It is best to start assembling by choosing white or yellow as a base color.
  2. The correct Rubik's Cube technique means that you need to spend as little time as possible turning the cube over. Even if done quickly, the difference will be precious seconds or milliseconds, which could change the world record. Therefore, many begin assembling the initial cross on the bottom edge.
  3. A good result is always shown by those who know how to look one step ahead - at stages where strong mental stress is not required, you need to already think through the next move.
  4. The 3x3 speed Rubik's cube is of high quality and has the ability to rotate, but for this you can use a special lubricant even for not very expensive structures.
  5. A professional Rubik's Cube requires the ability to use all fingers when solving, and this often helps set a new world record.

How to assemble using an algorithm with your eyes closed

How to solve a Rubik's cube with your eyes closed? You just need to remember a few rules.

  1. Pictures of a Rubik's cube should always be in your memory as before your eyes. To do this, you need to start assembling each time with one color and remember that the centers of the sides are always motionless relative to each other.
  2. The invented method of assembling with your eyes closed is the best way to quickly begin to amaze others. The algorithm assumes that you first need to correctly orient the corner elements using the formula “P V P’ V P B2 P’ L’ V’ L V’ L’V2 L”, since each corner contains either white or yellow.
  3. Then you need to orient the side elements. We need to determine whether the element is in the correct orientation. If it is correct, then the color of the element matches the color of sides B and H and does not coincide with the other sides. If the element belongs to the middle layer, then the orientation is correct if the color of the element of the same sides is also on the F or W sides.

Thus, by repeating these algorithms, one can arrive at the original position of all elements. In the same way, you can learn how to solve another unusual type - a mirror Rubik's cube.

How to solve a Rubik's Cube - the simplest instructions

So, you have already read the introductory part and are ready to start solving the Rubik's cube!

At this stage (step 1), the most important thing is to understand the principle of assembling the cube, select the starting side and assemble a cross on it.

Step 1: Gather a cross on the starting side

Start side- this is the side from which assembly begins. When the first layer is solved, it will be assembled and all the colors on it will match.

You can choose the starting side of any color. Sometimes, when choosing the starting side (especially when collecting for a minimum number of spins), before assembling, they look at which color is more profitable to start with. In speed assembly, they usually always start with the same one, for example, always with white.

Usually, when I solve a Rubik’s cube, I start solving it from the white side, I’m just used to it, and among speedcubers it is considered that it is most profitable to start with white, because white is the brightest color and is easier to find with your eyes on a disassembled cube. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all to you what color you start with; I would even recommend starting from different sides at first in order to focus on the method, and not on the colors.

So, choose the color of the starting side. The first time, let it be white so that you don’t get confused with the algorithms, since I will show all the pictures for the case when the initial side is white.

Find the side of the Rubik's Cube with the white center. That's where the white side will be.

As you can see in the original drawing, the final goal of this step is a assembled white cross with four side elements containing white. But not everything is so simple, you also need to the second color of each white side piece matched the color of the center of the sides.

There are people who can solve the cross themselves without a technique. Therefore, if you wish, try to assemble the cross yourself.

If you can’t assemble the correct cross, try first assembling the wrong white cross, without the side stickers matching the centers. Just a white cross.

Then all you have to do is swap either 2 adjacent or 2 opposite side elements. How to change them is written at the end of this page.
If you can’t assemble the cross even without a match, then read on...

Method of collecting the cross

You may ask why I didn’t just give instructions right away, but suggested that we try it ourselves first? The fact is that there is no such technique for collecting the cross! There is a very large degree of freedom; if you painstakingly install piece by piece, then you need to write a large methodology for this, and the assembly will be slow. If you were able to come up with the idea of ​​the cross yourself, then, most likely, you yourself will develop for yourself in the future some kind of instruction in the subconscious that you will follow.

Cube solving champions solve the cross this way: they are given 15 seconds before assembly (preinspection time), during which they can examine the cube and choose the most advantageous start. During these 15 seconds, they calculate how they will assemble the cross. And when the assembly itself begins, it takes 1.5 - 2 seconds to complete the cross!

Therefore, I will not give a complete methodology, but simply various cases with their descriptions, and how to solve them:

The cross consists of 4 movable side elements that need to be assembled around a white center (the white center does not move). These elements on a shuffled cube can be anywhere, but in any case they are side elements, and you can easily find them (side elements containing white). Now I will give examples of how to make them fall into place for different cases.

At this stage, we do not pay attention to other elements of the cube, namely the side ones without white color and any corner ones. You need to assemble exactly the white cross and for this we mentally divide the cube into 3 layers.

Before you start assembling the cross, look at the side where the white center is, it is possible that next to the white center there is already a side element with white, as in the picture.

In this case, we just need to rotate the top edge IN, so that the side color of the element matches the side center. The remaining options for the case when there is white are similar. Just turn the top until the color matches

If there are already two or more side elements with white on the initial side, then rotate the top until the largest number of elements coincide with the side centers.

Now I will move on to typical cases. The important thing here is not to memorize cases, but to understand the logic of the process, then you will remember everything without effort.


A: The element is in the first layer

Image Algorithm Explanation
P' V P V' The piece is unfolded correctly, but is out of place. First you need to understand where “his” place is. Its place is where the orange side center is. In our case, the piece needs to go to the back plane, since the orange one is located opposite the red center. Therefore, we make the algorithm P’ V P V’. The logic here is this: we lower this piece into the 2nd layer, then turn the top so that its place is exactly where the piece was, and return the piece to the top layer. Then we move the top layer back so that everything falls into place.
P' V' F' V The piece is turned incorrectly, that is, not white at the top, and it must be moved to another place (in our case, to the left plane. We do the same as in the previous case, lower this piece into the 2nd layer, then turn the top so that when returning the piece, already unfolded correctly, it is in its place and then we return the top to its original position.

B: the element is in the second layer

B: The element is in the third layer

Image Algorithm Explanation
H2 Z2 The piece with white and green colors (the white is not visible, it is at the bottom) must be moved from the third layer to the first. In this case, when white is in the lower plane, moving it to the upper plane is very simple, you just need to do a double 180-degree rotation of the side plane in which it is located. But before that, we will first transfer it to where it will go exactly to its place. We rotate the lower plane 180 so that it is under its place, then the rear plane 180 degrees.
1. N’ F’ P F
2. P V F’ V’
In this case, the white piece is more difficult to move to the top layer because it is not deployed correctly.

How to make a correct cross from an incorrect one (so that all the side colors coincide with the corresponding centers)

You have assembled a white cross and see that not all the colors on the sides match. Rotate the top side and see what matches. At least 2 colors must match. When you find that two colors match, but the other 2 do not, then, therefore, you need to swap the other 2 colors.

There are only 2 cases possible:

Having learned how to assemble a cross, take the cube apart again and try a couple more times to assemble the cross yourself in white or any other color, and then move on to.

Solving a Rubik's cube can be difficult for both adults and children, and if after several attempts you have not succeeded, do not despair, simple and understandable 3x3 diagrams will help you figure out the puzzle. There are many different ways to do this, because the best minds spent their time on this and gave amazing results in the form of schemes and algorithms.

The easiest way to assemble for those who are just starting out

This scheme is considered the simplest and is great for children. It starts with assembling a cross, in other words, each edge should have the same color of the central die and corner elements. At the beginning of the assembly, the Rubik's cube must be disassembled. Assembly diagram 3*3 in 8 stages.

First, you need to take the cube in your hands and turn one of the sides towards you, respectively, taking its frontal side - F, all the rest according to the diagram. Assembly must begin from the bottom (H).

Below is a diagram of this approach:

  • Having chosen the color you want to start first, we begin assembling the lower cross. This is a simple step, the complexity of which ends solely with the choice of color. What is on the other sides of the cube at this stage should not attract attention.

Stage of solving a Rubik's cube

  • The cross must be assembled correctly - the cross must end on adjacent edges. This means that the edges located at the top of the mating sides should have the same color as the cross at the bottom. If this did not happen during assembly, then there are two available algorithms that can correct the situation:
  • The discrepancy on two adjacent sides is corrected by the following scheme:

P V P»V P V2 P V

  • If the error is on opposite parts of the cube, then you can try the following formula:

F2 T2 N2 F2 T2

When working with these algorithms, the cross should be at the top.

  • Completely solve one side of the Rubik's cube. To do this, you need to put the corners in place. Turning the puzzle over with the already assembled cross facing down, you will notice that the upper corners of the sides adjacent to H have acquired the same color as the cross. That is, if the cross is yellow, then the corner elements in question will also be yellow. With such a scheme, only three options for the position of the base color can be possible: on the left, on the right, or on top, and for each such position there is its own assembly scheme:

The result of applying such algorithms is one completely assembled color, and the upper stripe of the adjacent side has one color.

We continue the assembly

  • If you want to solve a Rubik's cube at speed, then there are a few more important and relevant formulas for you to remember. We turn the side that is already completely ready up. We begin to twist the bottom edge until the color of one of the side elements matches with any of the sides and form the letter T. Then, it is necessary to move the side element from the bottom edge to the middle until it matches the color of the adjacent sides. As a result, we get two variants of positions in which:
  • Left turn required: N L N»L» N» F» N F.
  • Move to the right: N» P» P N P N F N» F».
  • Now it’s time for the third layer. We turn the toy itself over so that the side that has not yet been folded is at the top. Most likely, the opposite color became white if you chose the most popular color to start the build, yellow. If there are white dies in front of your eyes with any position described below, then I proceed according to the following formulas:

White dies: central and 2 opposite F P V P" V" F".

White dies: center and two on the side F V P V" P" F".

White dies in the center, choose the pattern you like and repeat 2 times.

  • Another correct cross with the top edge matching in color with the adjacent ones, in which 2 outcomes are most often possible:

But, if this does not affect the situation in any way, then you can use any options.

  • Quite a difficult stage at which it is necessary to put the corner elements in their rightful places. And it's not that simple. Most often there is a lot of confusion in the layers, but if you do it right, eventually each color block will fit where you want it.
  • Stage number eight is associated with the same angles and circular turns:

Clockwise P2 B2 "P F P" B2″ P F P .

And in the opposite direction: P" F P" B2″ P F" P" B2″ P2 .

Any of these algorithms will also be useful when moving in corners: crosswise or opposed.

The mirror cube is also assembled using the same algorithms, but those who want to break the record should know that only the 3*3 model applies to this indicator.

For clarity, the assembly of the 3*3 model can be seen in the video below:

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube - quickly and easily. The best technique for beginners.

Seven steps to assemble

  • First, make sure that the cube is disassembled. This will mark the beginning of stage number 1. The stage ends by assembling a cross on the top side of the cube, and the upper middle edges of the sides should match the center in color. One of the dies of the upper cross should be located on the edge of the bottom. To do this, we take either the first or second option.

The operation is repeated for all remaining cubes of cross B.

  • Stage two starts with the upper part of the cross assembled and ends with the upper part fully assembled. How does this happen? The diagram popularly explains the entire sequence of actions. We take the corner element of face B and transfer it to H. Depending on the color distribution, you need to choose your solution.

With three cubes of the corner of the upper face, you need to repeat exactly the same thing.

  • It is not difficult to guess that the beginning of the next stage is always the result obtained from the previous one. As we remember, the previous goal was to assemble the face completely. If the goal is achieved, then you can begin to implement a new task: assembling the two top layers.

To simplify, let's again turn to the help of diagrams. It is necessary to move the selected side cube down. Next we select:

We continue the assembly

As usual, we repeat everything and stirrup with the last dies.

  • The cube assembled with two belts must be placed in layers down. This part will end with the cubes from cross B in their place, but upside down. You just need to rearrange the cubes in the middle part until everything falls into place.

These actions will have the effect of breaking, but do not be afraid. Repetition is the mother of learning. Let’s fix the algorithm and voila – we have a cube in front of us where everything is in its place. But you need to change the irregular cube in your hands a little spatially, turning it over to the face on the right.

  • In this step, we take the beginning, as always, from the end of an already completed step. Let's go according to the scheme.

  • At the end of the step, the cube will be completely assembled, but it will begin with all the corners being where they should be, but possibly upside down.

There may be two positions.

To perform a revolution we perform the following steps:

The algorithm is applied until the PV becomes correct. Again, things can go wrong, but that's okay if you trust consistency over and over again. Before repeating, place another “wrong cube” in the corner on the right. Repeat until the cube is completed.

Jessica Friedrich Method

Jessica Friedrich's method is one of the fastest methods for solving a Rubik's cube.

In 1981, Jessica Friedrich developed her own assembly plan, which has all the same main points and has no fundamental differences, but it significantly speeds up the process. You just have to learn “only” 119 rules. If you want to break the record, you'll have to use your brain.

If you are just starting out and spend two minutes or more on assembly, then this method is not for you yet; practice using the eight-step instructions.

  • This method begins with the same assembly of a cross with edges on the sides. In English, the name of this step sounds like Cross and translated means cross.
  • The second stage involves assembling two layers of the cube at once and is called F2L (an abbreviation for the phrase First 2 Layers, which literally translates as the first two layers). Algorithms describing this path are given below:

  • The OLL stage means solving the top layer of the Rubik's cube. It will be described by 57 formulas.

  • The final, fourth stage is called PLL and means placing all the elements in their places. The last stage can be described by these algorithms:

15 steps to assemble a 3*3 cube

In 1982, competitions appeared for the first time, in which those who wanted to complete the puzzle the fastest took part. In connection with the discovery of such games, more and more new formulas and algorithms for solving the problem began to appear. But in fifteen moves no one has yet managed to cope with the task. Even a build using 8 stages involves many more moves. The God algorithm given below has twenty such moves.

The discovery of such a quick assembly belongs to a team from Google; in 2010 they released their solution to the Hungarian sculptor’s puzzle.

Now, if you hear somewhere again about the 15-step solution system, you can safely argue with him, there is no chance that his resource will exceed the resources of such a powerful company. Those who want to learn how to solve a cube with the fastest and probably the youngest method among the fastest ones can pick up toys and use the diagram shown in the picture below.

Secret assembly technology

Those who want to cope with the task in a time equal to or less than a minute should learn a few simple rules.

  • White and yellow colors will be an excellent solution for starting the build.
  • Many precious seconds are spent turning the Rubik's cube in your hands, which, of course, negatively affects the temporary results. That is why they begin the assembly by assembling the cross on the bottom edge of the puzzle. This way you will save time on turning the toy over in confusion.
  • The size of the 3*3 cube is good for the hand and its surface is already quite slippery and rotates well, but for greater success you can purchase a special, not very expensive lubricant for such objects.
  • Always be one step ahead: at the moment when mental stress has already subsided and you are completing one of the algorithms that will definitely lead to success, it’s time to think about the next step.
  • Use all your resources: all your ten fingers. This is what will lead to new records in solving the cube.

With your eyes closed? Easily!

Do you want to surprise everyone with your ability to solve a Rubik's cube without watching the process? Learned algorithms will help you deal with this. In addition, follow a few simple rules:

  • Keep a picture of the puzzle in your head, it should always be mentally before your eyes and remember the golden rule, which states that it is best to start assembling from the bottom edge. And do not forget about the immobility of the centers relative to the sides.
  • Solving the cube with your eyes blindfolded or closed will definitely amaze those around you. The invented algorithm says: orient the corners correctly! As a rule, all corners contain two colors: it is either yellow or white.
  • Correctly position the side elements of the puzzle and whether its orientation is correct.

Modern varieties of Rubik's cube

The Rubik's Cube was created by the Hungarian scientist Erno Rubik; the professor and sculptor used this model to explain to his students the basics of mathematics, namely the mathematical theory of groups. In that same 1974, Rubik could not even imagine that this attempt to clearly demonstrate mathematics would make him a millionaire.

The assembly of the item took about a month, during which time it underwent many changes, mainly related to size. The scientist tested the future toy on his friends and loved ones. The patent was received in 1975, and the first batch was published only in 1977. “Magic cubes,” as the invention was dubbed, first appeared in Budapest, in a small cooperative just in time for the Christmas holidays. Several pieces from that very first batch ended up in the USSR.

Such mathematics soon interested the minds of other people. Tibor Lakzi started promoting the cube as a puzzle game. It was with his help that the world recognized the now beloved cube. Lakzi lived in Germany at that time, but often visited his homeland, where the object he liked was discovered. In one of the cafes where the entrepreneur was having lunch, he saw a funny little thing in the hands of the waiter. He, as a mathematician and as a businessman in the computer field, immediately saw the prospects and contacted the inventor. Another game inventor, Tom Kremer, who had already founded Seven Town Ltd., was brought in for promotion.

First popularity

And already at the end of the 20th century, hundreds of millions of copies of the Rubik's cube went on sale, making it an exciting game and hobby. The thing spread in European countries in May 1980, and the USSR saw it a year later. Of course, in our country there were some oddities. Some officials were bribed with these toys, to receive which citizens had to stand in line and go around the circle twice.

The desire to understand the puzzle and learn its secrets enlivened the minds of everyone, even those who did not have it themselves. And in 1982, an article appeared in the famous magazine “Young Technician”, which presented diagrams and methods for making foreign toys with your own hands. And, of course, they could not do without the stigma - a bourgeois toy that takes up a lot of the workers’ time. But these arguments did not exist for long, and soon articles with diagrams for assembling a Rubik’s cube appeared on the pages of scientific journals.

So that people who could not cope with this difficult task and did not drown out their failures in alcoholic binges, special plastic hatchets were developed to destroy the unsuccessful, nasty model.

A little more history

In 1982, the first puzzle assembly competitions were held. The venue was the capital of Hungary - Budapest, where the game was invented. The participants were 19 countries, represented by the best players and winners of local competitions. The winner was Minh Thai, an American student from Los Angeles, who was 16 years old at the time. He completed his task in 22.95 seconds. Although at that time there were persistent rumors about craftsmen who could complete the assembly in just 10 seconds. Of course, compared to Mats Volk's current record, these numbers seem simply huge.

The Dutchman manages this in just 5.5 seconds. Although there is a video where the previous record holder Felix Zemdegs solves the magic cube in 4.21, it has no official confirmation. But there is another record, which is also not officially included in the Guinness Book of Records. The CubeStormer-3 robot managed to beat Zemdegs, spending only 3.25 seconds on the problem. Let's hope that one day one of the people will be able to break the program's record.

Today it is the best-selling toy in the whole world, which everyone has tried to collect. She has several awards to her name: she has repeatedly received the National Hungarian Prize for the best invention, and won in France, the USA, Germany and the UK. In 1981 he received his rightful place in New York, in the Museum of National Art. There is even a special Rubik Foundation, established in 1988. It was founded to support young inventors.

Probably everyone has at least once tried to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube - a simple-looking, but in fact a tricky puzzle. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to fold it using special diagrams and assembly algorithms that will be understandable even for beginners.

The Rubik's Cube (other names: Rubik's Cube, Magic Cube) is a famous mechanical puzzle. In 1974, it was invented by the Hungarian sculptor and architecture teacher Ernő Rubik, and in 1975 he patented his invention.

The classic puzzle consists of 26 smaller multi-colored cubes (size - 3x3x3). They can be rotated around axes that are invisible from the outside. The task is to assemble the “toy” so that each of its faces consists of squares of the same color.

Rubik's Cube: solving the first puzzle belt

Solving a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners seems difficult, but is quite easy to master.

First, let's define the terminology and give each cube a name. The central cube (center) in the figure is designated by number 1, the side cube (side) by number 2, and the corner cube (corner) by number three.

Important! The main rule of assembly is that the front side (front) should not change!

Try to assemble the first belt yourself - the first side is assembled however you like, you can show your imagination. After this, by exchanging the cubes of the first side, the first belt is assembled.

Here are a couple of tips for collecting the first side:

  1. The central squares are always located equally relative to each other.
  2. The white side cannot physically be adjacent to the yellow side, the green side cannot be adjacent to the blue side, and the red side cannot be adjacent to the orange side.

First, make sure that the first side has a regular cross of sides, then assemble the corners.

Rubik's Cube: formulas for the second puzzle belt

To assemble the second belt, you may need two formulas.

Scheme for solving a Rubik's cube - formula 1 Scheme for solving a Rubik's cube - formula 2

These formulas are easy to understand. For example, turn 1 of formula 1 is turning the top side clockwise. And turn 7 of formula 1 is turning the front side counterclockwise. The rotation is always 90°.

In the diagram for assembling the second belt of a 3x3 Rubik's cube, the fully assembled side with the first belt is the invisible part to your left. Remember: the central cube always comes in one color, the side has two, and the corner has three. Front side - 4.

First, change side 2 to cube 0-1. In this case, the color of planes 2 and 4 must match. The invisible color of the side 2 when assembled according to the first formula is 5.

Squares 2 and 3 are on the third belt, which has not yet been assembled. That is, you need to find on the side opposite to the one already assembled, the sides without color 6, and, by rotating the 3rd belt, the color visible on side 6 is opposite the corresponding color of the first belt.

If the color of square 3 matches the color of square 5, collect according to formula 2: place side 3 in place of 0-1.

Rubik's cube: assembling the last, third puzzle belt

To assemble the third belt (the last side), you will need three formulas.

How to put a puzzle together: formula 3 How to put a puzzle together: formula 4 How to put a puzzle together: formula 5

First you need to assemble the correct cross on the last side - this way the sides will take the desired position. The cube must be oriented relative to the sides, indicated in blue in the figure. In this diagram, the front side is highlighted in blue; the fully assembled side is the bottom invisible side. In order to assemble the correct cross, repeat formula 3 several times. The cross will appear when the farthest cube is positioned correctly, but the nearest one is not.

After this, only the corner squares should remain unassembled. If they are in place, but oriented incorrectly, do not follow the following formula. The blue cube in the picture is in its place. If you don’t have any, the front side can be anything. After 2-3 repetitions of formula 4, the corners should fall into place.

To correctly orient the corners, use formula 5. In order for the blue-colored corner to fit correctly, it must be rotated several times. The most important thing is not to change the front side until the cube is completely assembled - even if it seems to you that nothing is working out. If the corner doesn't fit correctly the first time, do the formula again. To substitute the next angle, the first step would be:

Video tutorial: how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners

To better understand the presented diagrams and visualize the process of assembling a Rubik's cube, pick up the cube and watch the video tutorial. Try to repeat what you have learned. We are confident that now you will be able to complete this puzzle without difficulty!

You have mastered the scheme of how to correctly and quickly assemble this most famous puzzle. Of course, there are many more formulas for assembling it in the 3x3 format, we have described only a few, but after a little practice you can quickly figure it out without an assembly diagram.

There is no puzzle more famous than the Rubik's Cube. Since its appearance, this toy has captured the minds of not only children, but also adults. Every year competitions are held to test the speed of assembling multi-colored faces. If you want to take part or surprise your friends, read how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube. The easiest way is described below.

Rubik's Cube: basic rules and concepts

Before moving on to the Rubik's cube assembly scheme, you need to understand the basic rules and concepts. Alas, but without this information you can’t go anywhere. Many will not understand what needs to be done and why.

Let's start with the pieces of the puzzle:

  • Centers are located in the center of the cube and do not move relative to each other. There are six of them in total - one for each face.
  • Ribs are two-color elements. Perpendicularly adjacent to the central part of the puzzle. Total quantity - 12 pcs.
  • Corners are three-color details that are located at the corners of the structure. There are eight of them.
  • The frame is the base on which the centers are rigidly planted. That is why they do not move relative to each other.

A standard Rubik's cube has three layers and six sides. Each of them has nine colored cells that can be simultaneously moved relative to the frame. To correctly apply assembly formulas, you need to learn the notation of faces:

  • The top one is marked with the letter U (Up) or “B”.
  • The lower one is designated D (Down) or “H”.
  • Right - marked as R (Right) or (P).
  • Left - in the formula has the symbol L (Left) or “L”.
  • Front - listed as F (Front) or “Pr”.

By default, one rotation of a face is considered to be an angle of 90 degrees. If there is no special mark in front of the symbol, the rotation is performed clockwise. That is, if the combination says U, then you need to rotate the top of the cube once as the clock progresses.

If you see the designation L2 or any other with the prefix “2”, then the corresponding part of the puzzle must be rotated twice.

Designations with a prime F" mean that the turn is performed counterclockwise. Accordingly, F"2 is a double turn in the same direction.

Now you need to understand a few rules, without which the application of the formula will turn into a meaningless rotation of elements. Here's what you need to know:

  1. It is important to hold the cube correctly during assembly. One of the centers of the puzzle must “look” at you until the end of the combination.
  2. You need to rotate the faces in order and only in the indicated direction.

Remember these rules well: the final result depends on them.

How to solve a 3X3 Rubik's cube

So, how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube? Let's highlight several stages:

Stage No. 1. We are building the correct cross.

The correct cross is a center with adjacent edges of the corresponding color. For example, if the center is yellow, then the edges should be yellow. In addition, the second color of the ribs should match the center of the side edges. For clarity, take a look at the figure below:

For all the elements to fall into place, you need to:

  • Until the end of the stage, make sure that the yellow center “looks” up.
  • Find the rib with the yellow sticker. In our case, this is a yellow-blue element.
  • Move it down. To do this, depending on the position of the element, rotate the right or left side of the cube one or more times. In the example below we do R.
  • Align the blue side of the element with the corresponding center of the D cube."
  • Place the rib in its rightful place by double turning the front part F2.

Note: if at the end, the edge colors are oriented incorrectly, use the sequence: F, U", R, U.

For the remaining edges, proceed in the same sequence, only first turn the cube towards you with the other center (yellow is still on top).

Important: After collecting several edges, can't you place the next one without moving the previous ones? Apply the pattern R" D" R.

Stage No. 2. Arranging corners and assembling the first layer.

The task for this stage: select a corner, lower it down, then twist the element to the desired place and apply the formula until the colors match. This is what should happen ↓↓↓

To assemble, follow this sequence:

  • Place the yellow center so that it faces up.
  • Select any corner element. For example, let's take yellow-red-blue.
  • If it is on the bottom, make one or more D turns so that the corner is underneath where you want to put it. After this, follow the formula: R" D" R D.
  • If the desired element is located at the top, rotate it so that it is on your right side.
  • Next, follow the same method: lower the element down, twist it and apply the combination: R" D" R D.

Do the same with other corner elements.

Stage No. 3. Solving a Rubik's cube: middle layer.

Here proceed as follows: find and correctly orient the edge, apply one of the proposed sequences. This is what the cube should look like at the end of the stage ↓↓↓

Assembling the middle part of the puzzle may seem tricky to some, but with practice, you realize that everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly:

  • Turn the Rubik's cube over so that the white center is at the top. The rule is the same as with the yellow cross - we hold the position until the end of the assembly.
  • Find the element at the top where there is no white sticker. How about green and orange?
  • Rotate the middle section so that the green or orange piece aligns with its centers.

Now we use two combinations:

  1. U" L" U L U F U" F" - for green.
  2. U R U" R" U" F" U F - for orange.

Note: if the edge is initially in place, but the colors are twisted, use one of the combinations above until you knock the element up. Then follow the steps of step No. 3, starting from the second point.

Stage No. 4."Wrong" cross.

It remains to assemble the last layer. This is where most people stopped, because in order not to disrupt the integrity of the assembly, it is necessary to use longer combinations than in the previous stages.

First you need to make an “incorrect” white cross. That is, let's move the white cells to the top edge, not paying attention to the side colors. After completing the third stage, one of four situations should arise ↓↓↓

If the white cross turns out automatically, congratulations - move on to the next step. Other options will require a little work:

  • Take the cube as shown in the picture above. That is, the white corner should be to your left, and the white stripe should be horizontal.
  • To assemble the cross, use the sequence: R U R" U" F".

The combination works for any of the three options.

Note: if after the third stage not one of the possible patterns has formed on top of the cube, it means that someone decided to prank you. It is likely that the cube was disassembled and then reassembled incorrectly. To repair the toy, disassemble and fold the colored edges by hand.

Stage No. 5. Assembling the “correct” cross.

This stage in some way repeats the first. It is necessary to place the edges of the top face so that the side colors coincide with the corresponding centers. This is what should happen ↓↓↓

Rotate the top of the cube until any two edges match the colors of the side centers. As a result, you will get one of two options (see picture below).

If two opposite elements (1) coincide with the centers, use the sequence: R, U, R", U, R, U2, R". After this, you should get the second option (2), when the matching elements are located at an angle. In this case, use the combination: R, U, R", U, R, U2, R", U.

Important: During assembly, hold the cube relative to you as shown in the image above.

Stage No. 6.

If everything is done correctly, assembling the white “correct” cross should lead to one of two situations:

  1. None of the corner elements were in the right position.
  2. One of the corners fell into place.

In the first case, you need to do this: U, R U", L", U, R", U", L. So we come to the second situation.

  • Clockwise (place the assembled corner closer to you on the left side): U", L", U, R, U", L, U, R".
  • Counterclockwise (the assembled element “looks” at you and stands on the right side): U, R, U", L", U, R", U", L.

Stage No. 7. We turn the corners.

The final stage comes down to applying a simple formula called “four”. It looks like this: R", D", R, D.

To turn a corner, turn one of the sides of the cube towards you and hold it in that position.

Turn the corner that is closest to you on your right hand. Apply the above combination 2-4 times until the element is twisted.

Note: after turning the corner, the integrity of the assembly will be compromised. Ignore it and move on to another element.

Next, holding the puzzle in the same position, rotate the top (U) and engage the “four” again. When you unfold the last piece, all the other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. That's it - the puzzle is solved!

Now you know how to solve a Rubik's cube in the fastest way. At first it seems like a difficult task, but with experience it will take less and less time to assemble. It really works! The main thing is regular practice and not giving up at the first failures.