How to learn magic. Spells

People who like everything related to magic begin to look for a description of how to master this art. However, not every one of them is attentive to the main actions when studying this direction. In magic, the main thing is not the technique, but the internal abilities of the person himself who decided to become a magician or sorcerer. Therefore, painstaking work is required to find these abilities in yourself.

How to learn to cast magic with your hands at home

For every person, a good trait is the desire for knowledge. This is what will give you the opportunity to study something you don’t know. The main thing is to approach this with special attention. Perhaps it seems to someone that he can cast magic and has access to the secrets and mysteries of the Universe. You shouldn't be so sure. Because real magicians and sorcerers know more than a common person. They have enormous power to achieve great results, knowing how to wield magic.

It is tempting for a beginning magician to discover these possibilities within himself. Although this requires reading many books, attending conferences of those magicians and sorcerers who have the ability to implement magical knowledge.

Since not every person can discover abilities in himself, it is advisable for him to find a mentor. Without his help, it is difficult to master the knowledge of appealing to an invisible otherworldly force in order to achieve the desired result. Only teaching and practice will allow you to discover the truth about the universe and develop the ability to cast magic.

Magic is the flow of energy of our World, which cannot be seen or touched. To achieve the desired result or goal, you need to allow this force to control you. She is the one who becomes the guide. The student is required to serve, obey, and be able to control this force. Before learning how to start doing magic with your hands at home, you need to know what kind of magic happens in order to choose a certain direction for yourself.

Information about the types of magic and witchcraft

It is generally accepted that white magic is pure and good, black magic is evil and black. This is not entirely true. Both types of magic can bring both evil and good. It all depends on what forces the magician or sorcerer begins to attract to help.

First you need to understand what light forces of white magic will help you. This ability to control this power, and not transfer it, is achieved painstakingly over several years. Never play with magic, it may end badly for you. Your actions should be aimed at helping a person restore his health, removing damage and the evil eye, cleansing his home, etc.

Having the skills of white magic, everything should be done in such a way as not to cause harm. But at the same time, you need to remember that it may carry a certain danger for you personally. When the process of removing or extracting another person occurs, you lose strength and health, which you need to restore in the future.

Sorcerers and magicians who have chosen the direction of black magic strive to take possession of the souls of people throughout the universe. More often they begin to draw strength from the dark and deep corners of human life. They call only the forces of evil for help. Such magicians, revealing their abilities, can rise above themselves, becoming a superman. All the actions of black magicians consist of rituals and ceremonies that have a very fine line between white and black magic. You shouldn't cross this line.

Gray magic is fidelity and the energy of sexuality. Western and Eastern magicians resort to it. With its help, it is possible to accumulate this energy and use it correctly. Therefore, each magician is responsible for the actions that he carries out. Every aspiring magician needs to know this.

How to start training

Every student who wants to learn how to perform rituals with his hands should know that he will need the skill of influencing other objects in order to succeed in carrying out his plans. You should not make mistakes in finding a teacher who will help you master knowledge in the field of magic in your chosen direction. Don't share your skills with those you don't know and who won't be able to evaluate your actions.

Let's start learning witchcraft with our hands

Having become familiar with a type of magic, find necessary literature, where there is detailed description about this type of witchcraft. The source must be verified.

You definitely need to keep a notebook in which to write down your successes or failures. Write down in it all the spells and conspiracies that helped in solving the task. This book will become your assistant in further actions. Never show it to anyone. Otherwise, unkind people will use your abilities not for good, but for harm. Do not forget that the world of magic is very cruel and dangerous. Because you will have to interact with human entities.

When starting to learn, do not forget to use the magic of words. These are phrases or text. Together with the movement of your hands, you can achieve the desired result.

First of all, start using the spells and conspiracies written there, the results of which can be seen immediately. Meditation will reveal whether you have the ability and ability to listen to you. Reading a plot to attract good luck and protection will require you to perform magical rituals, you always need to use words. When this is said out loud, you need to convey the meaning of what was said and the strength of the emotion. Direct all your energy and concentrate on achieving results.

The magic of sorcery and witchcraft only results when in the right mood and the behavior of the magician. It takes practical skill to learn to listen to yourself and everyone around you. There are secret words for some spells that are rarely publicly available. They have power and therefore are not transmitted to just anyone.

Stages of witchcraft with hands

Hands are a conductor of energy and intentions in the world around us. Gestures that at first glance seem to have little power are important. All the power is in the hands. Check it out for yourself. Start rubbing your palms. Then move them away from each other. Listen and you will definitely feel a tingling sensation in your fingers. As soon as your hands become hot, this is evidence of accumulated energy. It is this that you can transfer or use to achieve the desired result.

By running your palm over a certain object, a miracle can happen. The magic of sorcery and witchcraft become the result only with the right attitude and behavior of the magician. With the help of your hands you can start the mechanism of cause-and-effect relationships. This gives the desired result.

As soon as you understand that you are aware of the process of influence and can achieve results, you can begin to cast magic with your hands. To do this, you should concentrate on seeing and feeling the following.

If you concentrate, you can feel the wind starting to blow, tree branches starting to move, and leaves fluttering. Looking at the clouds, you will notice how they are moving in the direction you need. Only after this can you begin to move your arms. This will be the launch of the mechanism required action. You can achieve this on your own, through hard work, or with the help of an experienced mentor.

Exercises in teaching witchcraft using hands

Not everyone is given the opportunity to know what the internal state of a magician is when he begins to work with his hands. He needs to put his intentions into action at this moment. First, a certain plan is formed and only after that can the plan be fulfilled.

A person's hands are the most powerful tool. Or he is able to move energy. For beginners, simple movements are very difficult. You can hold your palms in front of you so that there is a small space between them. Then you need to concentrate on your imagination, which you need to imagine in the form of some object located between your palms.

We should not forget that witchcraft is an art. You need to be prepared for it. When you are a beginner, at first you are required to follow three main points. It is to have the power of imagination and self-confidence. When learning witchcraft at home, you should observe and perform the following exercises:

You should have several church candles. Light them in front of you and place them on the table. Look closely at the flame. Try to separate yourself from the space in which you are, moving with this light into the universe. Stay in this state for as long as possible. This exercise, performed daily, will allow you to learn to concentrate on objects without being distracted.

You should practice switching your attention to different objects. Then be sure to analyze and work on mistakes.

Witchcraft with your hands allows you to relieve headaches from family and friends. To do this, you need to hold your hands above your head. At the same time, imagine that the pain has the appearance of some kind of blackness that goes away. Learning to cast magic with your hands is enough long time to achieve the desired results.

Know yourself

By studying your abilities, you can find out whether you have the ability to predict events. Use meditation to develop and practice it constantly.

To cast a spell with your hands is to influence the biofield of another person. Using your biofield, such witchcraft becomes healing. In addition to moving your hands, it is important to control the magic of your thoughts. Saying out loud what you want, conducting magic ritual, you need to point towards the person or object for whom it is intended.

If you want to become a real magician, perform all the actions daily. Only hard work and self-knowledge will allow you to become a real sorcerer or magician who will learn how to cast magic with your hands at home.

The world of magic, secrets and enchantment has always been attractive to humanity. Is there anyone who wouldn’t want to learn to control the elements and destinies and events, to dominate, to get everything he wants with the wave of his hand, to learn the secrets of nature and the beyond, to become omnipotent and omnipotent? This is why the occult and esotericism around the world arouse such burning interest. But does magic exist and how can one learn it?

First of all, it is necessary to remember one biblical expression - “knowledge multiplies sorrow”. In this case, when discussing how to learn to master magic, it can be somewhat paraphrased. Knowledge that is associated with the occult can increase a person’s sense of responsibility for his every step and deed, for every action. After all, magic can be called power. But such power must be used wisely.

Many people think about whether it is possible to learn magic in order to make a person fall in love with you, to get great wealth, easily get rid of ill-wishers. It would seem that it will come then wonderful life! But alas, such a point of view is short-sighted and too superficial. After all, you have to pay for everything in our world, including secret knowledge. To be more precise, you will have to pay for their use.

Knowing the features of training black magic, not all people are able to resist the temptation to use it for unseemly purposes. They simply cannot help but look into places where the human eye and consciousness should not go. In such cases, the laws of karma are activated, in which not only the curious person suffers, but also other representatives of his family, loved ones and close people.

That's why, before you start learning magic, you need to think carefully about whether you have enough endurance, a cold and sober mind, seriousness and basic decency to continue to carry this heavy burden of knowledge with dignity. A true practicing magician has the same covenant as a doctor: “Do no harm!”

Elemental magic

A modern person who is at least to some extent familiar with the history of earthly civilization must remember that in the times of paganism and the Druids, people deified the elements of nature and its power. It was believed that such elements were capable of being controlled by spirits who also helped in witchcraft. There are four important elements that are considered truly limitless in their power:

  • Water.
  • Fire.
  • Earth.
  • Air.

Previously, primitive shamans, as well as medieval alchemists, subjugated the forces of nature and put them at the service of their own needs. Using these four elements, sorcerers could do the seemingly impossible:

  • They caused a thunderstorm.
  • They were incinerated from a distance.
  • There were typhoons and much more.

These are far from fairy tales, but precisely the very miracles that magicians associated with natural elements are capable of creating. But if you want to master these four elements, you need to remember a few universal rules.

Lord of Fire

How to learn fire magic?

  • In addition to the main special knowledge, you need to be firmly confident in yourself, in your capabilities and that you can achieve the desired result.
  • You must also be able to make a strong-willed effort, giving your desires and thoughts a strong energy impulse.
  • You must have good developed imagination, so that you can realize exactly the development of events that you need.

First of all, try to develop in yourself abilities in specified areas. And only after this can you move on to the next stage of how to learn the magic of fire and other natural elements. This is the first step that will bring you closer to your goal, that is, to getting closer to the elements.

The next step that an initiate into a master of the occult sciences must go through is establishing direct contact with the four natural elements. But how does this happen? Using the fire example, you need to do the following: stay alone in the room, light a candle.

At first, just look at the candle flame, absorb the warmth of the flame, study the shades of the glow, you need to feel the element the way you are able to feel the person close to you. Try to tune into the flame, just as a receiver antenna tunes to a radio wave. Feel the vibrations of the fire. This is especially important if you are interested in learning how to control the elements at home, and not under the guidance of a mentor.

The fire element is all-consuming, cleansing and destroying at the same time. When you subjugate it, you will immediately tame your fear of it. Stretch your hands as close to the fire as possible, close your eyes, imagine how you are getting closer to the flame, becoming one. Imagine how the flame begins to live inside you.

When you begin to feel complete triumph, you need to cast a spell, while putting into it the maximum of your will, faith and desire. The text of the spell can be absolutely anything, read from books or invented by you. You can also use this one, for example: “Sacred flame, eternal source of light and warmth, my eternal friend, spark of renewal and life! Give me knowledge of the truth, illuminate my life path, be my companion in business, so that I can conquer unconquered spheres! My word is strong, tenacious! Let it be so!".

And now you can move on to the next stage of establishing contact with natural elements. To some extent, mastering waterbending is very similar to mastering fire. Water is the source of life and energy information. Using water, you can easily get rid of negativity, as it is a purifier not only of the body, but also of the soul. Water is an almighty healer, especially holy water. That is why many healers and healers charm water for a variety of occasions in life: for love, for death, for beauty and the attention of others, for repayment of debts.

But where to start?, joining water element? First of all, it is necessary to begin with contemplation, with the search in oneself for some similarity with eternal fluidity and renewal. No wonder Leo Tolstoy once noted that a person is like a river: always the same and every moment different. You can also turn to the elements using your own spell, for example: “The transparent surface of the boundless sea, the fundamental principle of all living things in the world, help me, give me the strength to conquer the rebellious! My word is strong, tenacious! Let it be so!". And as mentioned earlier, if you want to achieve your goal, you must be willing to work hard and hard on yourself.

The same principle is used to establish contact with other natural elements.

When talking about how to learn how to use magic correctly, you shouldn’t be sure that you can achieve everything the first time. Only persistent and long training, using all your mental strength can ultimately lead to your goal. Try to achieve harmony with at least one natural element. After this, it will be much easier and simpler to interact with other forces of nature. And your power will gradually become truly limitless.

Let's assume you are kind person who does not accept evil, but at the same time wants to, without having to deal with dark forces. This means that you must learn white magic. But here we will have to disappoint you, since there can only be one magic, but what kind of magic it will be will depend only on you.

Using conspiracies and rituals, sorcerers and healers, sorcerers and shamans turn to another world, to demonic forces. Even if Christian symbols in the form of prayer are used during this, church candles and icons, the very texts of conspiracies and the actions of sorcerers are far from related to communication with God. After all, all these rituals are primarily associated with paganism, spirits, communication with the dead, and the use of energy of a completely different plane than human energy.

Another thing here is why exactly a person needs magic. If he wants to use it to treat the sick, for love spells, to remove damage, to improve the life of someone who turned to him for help, such magic will bring a positive effect. But in a different scenario, the occultist is capable of spoiling his karma so much that his soul will continue to pay for it over the course of many reincarnations.

How and what to learn

But if damage, a spell, a curse and love spells are a bad act, then should an esotericist know this, does he need such magic? Of course, he should know about it, and be able to do it too! Otherwise, he will never be able to fight evil forces, no matter in what incarnations they appear. If a person does not know how to master the technique of a love spell, then he will not be able to remove it. If you get acquainted only in theory with cemetery conspiracies to death, you will never be able to help the patient save his life. And this applies to every business that is connected with another world.

But to be able to do so does not mean to practice! It is recommended to hone your skills only by good deeds and affairs. And there is no need to strive to learn magic as soon as possible, since this matter is so complex and subtle, multifaceted that it will not tolerate any fuss.

Aptitudes and talents

Any type of activity implies two types of attitude towards your work: professional and amateur. If you want to learn how to master magic, then the amateurish type is unacceptable and unacceptable for you. Magic by by and large requires from the magician a certain talent, inclination, and special gift. Salieri and Mozart exist not only in art.

If a person was not marked by anything significant at birth, then you can memorize the text of the spell, learn by heart all the subtleties of magical rituals, but ultimately never become a real sorcerer. Magic in to a greater extent requires dedication, hard work, talent, responsibility and discipline than any other area of ​​application of our knowledge and strength. That is why a real sorcerer must be able to combine the genius of Mozart and the hard work of Salieri. Only in this case can something be achieved.

Finally, I should give some practical advice about magic.

  • The most the right way learning magic is to find a master who could pass on his knowledge to you. Most often, these are village old men and women who inherited their strength from their ancestors, while joining the sacraments from representatives of their own family. The information that will be obtained first-hand, as well as practical skills, will be an invaluable treasure for you on the path to mastering this complex science. This is very important, since a practicing healer will teach you not only magical practices, but also how you can protect yourself from the influence of dark forces.
  • Of course, in parallel with this, it is recommended to purchase special literature, editions from the beginning of the last century or older are preferable. It is there that you can find texts of spells, detailed descriptions of rituals and ceremonies, as well as explanations of how to properly use magical objects, talismans, and more.
  • In addition, you need to study moon calendar, learn to use it.
  • Delve into the texts of prayers, study religious symbols. Try to broaden your horizons as much as possible.
  • You should also be very observant, developing intuition, listening and looking closely at what is happening around you.

If a person has taken the path of practicing magic, then the world will start giving him hints.

Attention, TODAY only!

The world of the mysterious has been attractive to humanity at all times. Control the elements and destinies, subjugate people and events, dominate, get what you want with a wave of your hand, become omnipotent and omnipotent, learn the secrets of nature and the beyond - who wouldn’t want this? Weird question, Truth? And that is why to this day they arouse keen interest all over the world.

Awareness of responsibility

Remember the biblical expression that knowledge “multiplies sorrow”? In our case, when discussing how to learn magic, let’s paraphrase it somewhat. Knowledge related to the occult greatly increases a person’s sense of responsibility for his every step and action, for every action. After all, magic is, first of all, power. And it must be managed wisely.

Many people think about how to learn magic in order to get a loved one, great wealth, and easily deal with ill-wishers. What a wonderful life, it would seem, will come then! Alas, this point of view is too superficial and short-sighted. After all, you have to pay for everything, including secret knowledge. More precisely, for their use.

Knowing how to learn practical magic, not all people can resist the temptation to use it for not very plausible purposes or to avoid looking into places where the human eye and consciousness should not go at all. In this case, the Law of Karma may turn on, and not only the curious person will suffer, but many representatives of his family, close and loved ones. Therefore, when trying to find out how to learn magic, first of all think about whether you have enough endurance, seriousness, a cold, sober mind and basic decency to carry this heavy burden of knowledge with dignity. For for a real practicing magician the same covenant applies as for a doctor: “Do no harm!”

Elemental magic

Modern man, more or less knowledgeable about history earthly civilization, remembers how in pagan times people deified the forces and elements of nature. It was believed that they were controlled by spirits who could help in witchcraft. The energies possessed by the 4 most important elements - water, earth, fire, air - are truly limitless in their power. Primitive shamans and medieval alchemists knew how to subjugate the forces of nature and put them at the service of their own needs. And with their help they did the seemingly impossible. Causing a thunderstorm, taming a typhoon, incinerating from a distance - these are not fairy tales, but the very “miracles” that magicians associated with the elements are capable of. In order to manage them, it is important for you to remember several universal rules.

Firelord: Step One

How to learn fire magic?

  • In addition to special knowledge, you must absolutely firmly believe in yourself, in your capabilities and in the fact that you are achieving the desired result (without faith, any knowledge is dead).
  • Be able to do it, that is, give your thoughts and desires a strong energy impulse.
  • Have a well-developed imagination, visualize the development of events that you need.

First, try to develop your skills in these areas. And only then can you move on to the next stage of how to learn the magic of fire, air, etc. This is the first step that brings you closer to your desired goal - getting closer to the elements.

Firelord: Step Two

The next stage that initiates of the occult sciences go through is establishing direct contact with the elements. How should this happen? In the case of fire, do this: when left alone in the room, light a candle. First, just look at the flame, absorb its warmth, study the shades of the glow, feel the element as you feel the person close to you. You must tune in to the fire, just as a receiver's antenna tunes to radio waves. Feel the vibrations of the flame. This is necessary especially in cases where you are interested in how to learn magic at home, on your own, and not under the guidance of a mentor.

The element of fire is all-consuming, cleansing and destroying at the same time. Subdue her, tame your fear of her - then everything will work out for you. Stretch your hands as close to the flame as possible. Closing your eyes, imagine how you merge with the fire, become one, how it begins to live inside you. When you feel complete identity, cast a spell, putting into it the maximum of your will, desire, and faith. Its text can be different - read from books or invented by you. For example: “Sacred fire, eternal source of heat and light, enemy of darkness, spark of life and renewal! Give me knowledge of the truth, illuminate the path of life, become a reliable companion in business, so that I can conquer unconquered spheres! So be it, my word is strong and tenacious!”

Lord of the Waters

Let's move on to the next stage with the elements and talk about how to learn to master water magic. To some extent it is similar to the previous one. Water is the source of life and energy information. With its help it is good to remove negativity, because it is the first purifier not only of the body, but also of the soul. Water is also an almighty healer, especially holy water. Therefore, almost all healers and healers charm her into the most different needs: for the beauty and attention of others, for love, repayment of debts, for death - yes, and they do such dirty tricks too.

Where should you start when joining the water element? Perhaps from contemplation, from an attempt to find in oneself some similarity with its eternal fluidity and renewal. No wonder Leo Tolstoy noticed that a person is like a river: always the same and every moment different. And you should turn to the elements with the following spell: “The transparent surface of the boundless sea, the fundamental principle of all living things, become my help, give me the strength to conquer the rebellious! So be it, my word is strong and tenacious!” As already written, in order to achieve real results, you must work hard on yourself!

Perseverance and determination

Even if you know how to learn how to use magic, you shouldn’t think that you will succeed the first time. Only long, persistent training, using all your mental strength, will ultimately lead to the desired result. It is important to achieve harmony with at least one element. Then it will become simpler and easier to interact with other forces of nature. And your power will truly be limitless.

Magic white and black

Let’s assume that you are a good person, you don’t accept evil by definition, you want to do magic, but you don’t want to have anything to do with dark forces. That is, you are concerned about how to learn white magic. Alas, we will disappoint. Magic - and the synonym is the word “witchcraft” - is only one, and whether it is black or white depends on who uses it and for what.

Using rituals and conspiracies, sorcerers and healers, shamans and sorcerers turn to “that” world, to demonic forces. And even if Christian symbols are used - prayers and icons - the texts of the spells and the actions of the sorcerer themselves have far from religious significance. After all, all these rituals are associated with paganism, communication with the dead, spirits, and the use of energy on a completely different plane than human energy.

Why the magician needs them is another matter. If it is to treat the sick, remove damage, love spells, to improve the life of someone who turned to him for help (but not to the detriment of others!) - yes, such magic has a positive effect. In a different situation, the occultist spoils his karma so much that his soul will have to pay for everything over the course of many reincarnations.

What to study, how to study

Along the way, the following question arises: “If damage, love spells, spells and curses are bad, then should an esotericist know this, does he need such magic?” How to learn to cast magic - yes, you should know! And be able to. Otherwise, he will never be able to fight evil, no matter what forms it appears in. Without mastering the love spell technique, you cannot remove it. Getting acquainted only in theory with the cemetery will never help the patient save his life. And so it is in every matter connected with “that” world. However, being able to do this does not mean practicing! You should hone your skills only by good deeds and actions. And under no circumstances even think about how to quickly learn magic. This matter is so delicate and complex, multifaceted, that it does not tolerate fuss. As well as serving the muses.

Talents and inclinations

In any type of activity, there are two types of attitude towards one’s work: amateur and professional. For those who are thinking about how to learn to master magic, the first is unacceptable. However, magic, by and large, requires talent, inclinations, and a special gift from a person. Mozarts and Salieris are not only in art. If a person is not marked by anything significant from birth, then you can memorize the texts of spells by heart, know by heart all the subtleties of magical rituals, but still not become a true sorcerer.

Magic, more than any other area of ​​application of our strength and knowledge, requires dedication, discipline, hard work, responsibility and Talent. Yes, exactly Talanta with capital letters. A true healer must combine the genius of Mozart with the hard work of Salieri. Only then will he be able to achieve something.

And finally, some practical advice. Most the right way learning magic - find a master who would pass on his knowledge to you. These can be village “grandmothers” and “grandfathers” who inherit their power and join the sacraments from representatives of their own clan (they receive it by inheritance) or other practicing magicians. First-hand information, as well as practical lessons, can become an invaluable treasure for you on the path to mastering this complex science. And, what is very important, only a practicing healer will tell you and teach you not only magical wisdom, but also how to protect yourself from negativity when communicating with “dark forces.”

Naturally, try to purchase specialized literature, preferably publications from the beginning of the last century or even older. There you will find texts of spells, descriptions of rites and rituals, explanations of how to use magical objects, talismans, etc. Why ancient books? Because their contents are the fruit of the work of ethnographers and folklore collectors. In modern publications, such information is very doubtful.

Study the lunar calendar, learn how to use it. Read prayers, delve into their texts, study religious symbols. Try to broaden your horizons as much as possible. Also, be observant, develop intuition, listen and take a closer look at what is happening around you. When a person takes the path of practicing magic, the world around him begins to give him hints.

Cast incantations and spells, read people's thoughts, cast spells, control events and fulfill your desires, as if by magic... What else is a real magician capable of? People who want to know how to learn magic usually want to gain omnipotence or master some kind of technique that allows them to decide life problems. And what exactly do you want??

This is far from an idle question. The fact is that by “magic” people sometimes understand completely different things. Some people need witchcraft to take revenge on their enemies. Others want to acquire superpowers (learn telepathy, telekinesis, astral travel, etc.).

Some people have a cherished desire that they would like to bring to life in a magical way. Therefore, before you learn how to master magic, decide on the direction of development of your abilities. The table below will help you with this.

Main directions in magic

Reading spells and spells.

This is the so-called “verbal” magic - conspiracies, love spells, secret whispers, protecting words. Here are a few examples - conspiracy, ritual, conspiracy, spells. You will find a lot of simple rituals of verbal magic.

Inducing damage and the evil eye.

Our Regular readers know that the site “site” tries not to focus on black witchcraft techniques. But some people ask “how to get magic” only for the purpose of taking revenge on their enemies. If this is exactly what you need, then go or . But don't forget that there are , capable of returning the harm caused to the one who did it.

Astral travel.

Strictly speaking, astral travel are not magical techniques. Rather, it is a technique that allows you to visit subtle worlds and act in them. If you want to know more about the astral plane, then you can read about it or.

Security magic, amulet.

Each magician has his own methods of magical and energy protection in his arsenal. For example, you may need to protect , from , from . The ability to deflect the “return” and energy attack from oneself will be very useful to those who want to learn magic and master witchcraft techniques.

Development of clairvoyance abilities.

This direction can hardly be called magical, but it still arouses considerable interest. A clairvoyant is able to predict future events. Some people do this spontaneously, but most people are helped to discover their abilities special techniques, for example, or .

Voodoo rituals.

Most people associate the word “voodoo” with the famous), with the help of which you can harm the enemy, or even completely destroy him. But this idea is not entirely true. There are voodoo rituals for wealth and love. You can read about them. We also recommend getting acquainted with the revered supporters of the voodoo cult.

Love magic, love spell.

Ways to awaken love in a particular person can be “white” or “black”. You can read about it here, and to get acquainted with the “black” technique and learn how to perform it, go.

The magic of success.

Wealth, fame, development, career and financial growth - who doesn’t dream about it? Of course, many people want to learn how to master magic, precisely in order to improve their financial situation. If this is what you need and you want to learn success spells, then welcome - or.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

It is believed that many eastern magical techniques are based specifically on hypnosis. If you want to take a closer look at this interesting direction, then it is recommended to start with the article “”. Then try “” - after all, a true master of magic must experience everything for himself!

Meditation, relaxation.

Any person dealing with magical rituals and witchcraft is susceptible to energy exhaustion. If you don’t learn how to replenish your strength in a timely manner, you can get sick and be out of action for a long time. The best way to promote energy cleansing and relaxation is and.

Summoning spirits, spiritualism.

It is recommended to master spiritual techniques if you already have some experience in magical practices. In addition, it is advisable that this is done by a person with a strong will. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the summoned entity will “follow” you at the end of the session and will not want to go back to its world. If this doesn't scare you, then you can try.

Now that you have chosen the desired direction for yourself (or even several of them), it should become clearer to you how to learn witchcraft and master the basic techniques. But first you will need to develop in yourself the qualities necessary for magical work.

5 qualities of a real magician

1. Will. Probably no special explanation is required here. In his rituals and ceremonies the magician interacts with very powerful forces who will not obey a weak-willed person. Sometimes, before performing a complex ritual, a magician has to keep a strict fast, limit himself in food or something else. Therefore, if you consider yourself an indecisive, inert person (and do not even want to develop your will), then it is better for you not to think about how to learn magic, but to look for a more suitable activity for yourself.

2. Coolness. What a magician has to deal with in his practice! Starting from the machinations of unfriendly “brothers in the craft” and ending with clashes with spirits and otherworldly entities. A sorcerer should never panic, it is very dangerous. Composure helps you protect yourself and preserve your strength.

3. Ability to save energy. Have you ever met hectic people who take on several things at the same time, but never really complete anything? They are always in a hurry, running somewhere, wasting energy. A practicing magician should under no circumstances be like this, otherwise he will not be able to achieve any significant results.

4. Modesty. Unexpected, right? As the sorcerer masters magic, he gains at his disposal a very powerful force, terrible if used incorrectly. He should not flaunt it, like the son of an influential official who flaunts his “thieves’ numbers” and his “connections” with representatives of the local administration. The bearers of magical knowledge have always sought to stay in the shadows, and you should not break this tradition either.

5. The desire to gain new knowledge. As soon as the magician ceases to experience an irrepressible desire for new knowledge, we can say that he has stopped developing and that it is time for him to retire. Therefore, the question “how to learn magic” will remain relevant for you even after you have mastered most of the techniques described in this article and on the “Balthasar ru” website.

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Do you want to become a magician? We will tell you how to learn magic at home, and even without the help of a mentor. You will learn what qualities a person who practices witchcraft should develop in himself. You need to know this before you master magic and gain the opportunity to control powerful forces that can change your life and the destinies of other people.

Have you ever wondered why the same magical rituals work for some people and do not help others at all? The thing is that it is not enough to learn and mutter a couple of spells to achieve the desired effect. Like any other science, magic needs to be learned.

7 qualities of a true magician

You will definitely need to develop these character traits if you want to master magic at the professional level. Without these qualities, the magician will not be able to advance beyond simple love spells, hexes, etc. By the way, “black” magic is the easiest way to learn, it helps a lot in such matters devilry. If your ambitions go beyond “village” magic, then be sure to develop the following abilities:

1. Strength of will. This is the basis of practical magic. A magician without a strong will is not capable of any outstanding magical actions. To develop willpower, start small. For example, try to complete tedious tasks on time, but useful work. Avoid sweets and starchy foods if you are addicted to these foods and want to lose weight. Strictly fulfill your obligations, do not invent excuses.

2. Ability to concentrate. If you are an absent-minded person, then you will not get far in magic. You need to learn to fully concentrate on the task you are doing. Fortunately, you can practice concentration anywhere and everywhere - when you read the morning newspaper, wash the dishes, do housework. Try to focus on one thing and don't allow yourself to be distracted. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will develop the ability to concentrate.

3. Courage. Due to the nature of his work, a magician has to interact with the other world; sometimes mystical things happen in his life. If the possibility of seeing a ghost, coming into contact with otherworldly forces, or even scares you out of your wits, then it is better for you not to practice magic. Unfortunately, there are no exercises that can help you learn courage. But this quality can be “grow” in yourself.

4. Awareness of responsibility. Magic abilities- this is a huge responsibility! As your power grows, you will realize that you can make dramatic changes in your life and in the lives of others. A magician must not give in to emotions. If an ordinary person, in the heat of a quarrel, says to his opponent, “May you die!”, then nothing terrible will happen. If a magician does this, he can cause colossal harm to his opponent. You must always remember this and learn responsibility.

5. Tendency to experiment. Of course, experiments involve certain risks. But if the magicians of the past had never experimented, then magic would not have existed at all! In short, if a conspiracy or ritual “doesn’t work,” then you can always try to change it slightly or use another ritual.

6. Ability to learn. A true magician never ceases to “improve his skills.” Not a single sorcerer can say about himself that he has reached the heights of mastery.

7. Sense of humor. Magic is a very serious science that requires a responsible attitude. A practicing sorcerer will very quickly exhaust his powers if he treats his activities like a sapper minefield. Besides, even a magician can make mistakes. The best remedy from stress - learn to laugh at your failures. Develop it in yourself.

Listen to the world

The magician draws his powers from the natural elements - fire, water, earth and air. A resident of a modern metropolis has extremely limited contacts with nature. Unlike an ordinary city dweller, a magician must have “natural recharge.” Take walks more often, get out of town for a couple of days.

It will be just perfect if you can afford to take a walk in the forest at least once a month. The forest is a sacred place for any magician; it is here that unity with nature occurs in full. Trees and plants were worshiped by Celtic Druids and Slavic Magi, sorcerers of France and magicians of eastern countries.

Get out into nature whenever you have to perform an important magical ritual. Two or three days before the ceremony, try to reduce communication with people to a minimum. Instead, communicate with Mother Nature, ask her for help and support. Walk in the park, look at the stars, swim in the river, if the weather permits, meditate.

Don't waste your energy!

Ordinary people waste their strength and energy on a variety of things. More precisely, they “squander” them completely incompetently. Discussion of politics or the latest gossip, fuss over unimportant matters, squabbles with neighbors... All these seemingly insignificant events deprive a person of the energy so necessary to perform magical ceremonies.

Is it worth saying that only the person who conserves his strength and does not waste his time on such trifles can master magic? First of all, you need to get rid of such negative qualities as envy, jealousy and resentment. A true magician has no one to envy, since he himself is the creator of his life. And by being angry with someone, you are wasting your energy. And then, if you really want to “annoy” your offender, then you can send damage to him.

Start with meditation

This exercise will help you collect the universal energy prana, which magicians use to perform rituals and ceremonies (and the most capable - for telepathic communication). Sit comfortably, place your palms on the Manipura chakra - in the solar plexus area. Relax, try to free your mind from extraneous thoughts.

Begin to monitor your breathing, count each inhalation-exhalation cycle. If you get confused or distracted, start counting again. When you reach the number “100”, you can move on to the next stage.

Imagine that you are surrounded by a cloud of energy emanating from the Universe. This energy is absorbed by every cell of your body and then moves to the solar plexus area. You can imagine energy-prana in the form of rays of light or, for example, in the form of running ants. After a while, you will really be able to feel the movement of energy and its warmth. Continue accumulating prana for 5..10 minutes and then complete the exercise.