How to apply developed imagination in life. Development of imagination in preschool children

Which of us, serious adults, has never fantasized? No one. We all dreamed as children. Even if now all these processes have been pushed far, far away, in childhood everyone came up with some incredible space travel, prince charming riding a unicorn or controlling a time machine. For us little ones, fantasies were very important; thanks to them, everyone had some kind of cherished secret dream that they strived for. Aspirations have changed, but have adults become happier? Hardly. Why not have a little imagination for serious adults?

What is fantasy?

In psychology, fantasy is usually understood as the activity of the psyche associated with imaginary, unrealistic ideas. This, one might say, is an improvisation of our brain. It’s worth mentioning right away that the concepts of fantasy, although very close in meaning, are not one and the same. If the imagination operates with something or someone real, then fantasy is based on unreal, completely fictitious ideas. For example, imagining yourself in front of the Statue of Liberty is imagination, even if you have never been near it. But imagining yourself flying on a beaked wing to the Statue of Liberty is already a fantasy.

Many people think that fantasy, like imagination, needs to be developed only by children in order to adequately adapt to the surrounding reality. But this is not entirely true. Any unrealistic dream moves a person and allows him to create something new. It was only thanks to imagination that inventors showed the world the light bulb, television, cars and all other achievements of human thought. It is only thanks to her that we have music, literature, cinema, photography, etc. Everything created by the hands and thoughts of man was once just someone’s seemingly unrealizable fantasy.

How to develop imagination?

There are many ways to develop imagination. Don't be afraid to try various methods and exercises, since they definitely won’t be superfluous, especially. They guarantee an interesting pastime for everyone who fantasizes. All methods are suitable for children and adults. However, parents should remember that the child should not be completely immersed in his fantasies, otherwise this will prevent him from contacting real people around him, and the child’s ideas should not border on delirium, although in this matter the categories are quite arbitrary.

Games as a way to develop imagination.

To develop imagination, exercises that provoke you to come up with something non-standard are useful.

For example, the exercise “Chair” (or “Bedside Table”, or “Stapler”, it’s not so important). Participants need to come up with as many uses as possible for the corresponding item, and applications such as “sit” or “rest” must be discarded immediately. But the options “make a cannon” or “drive away aliens” are quite suitable.

Another similar exercise is to come up with a way to create a particular item. For example, a chair can be folded from coins, molded from melted chocolates etc.

On paper you can draw identical or different squiggles, circles, triangles. The players must draw each of these figures to something complete.

Using verbal exercises.

There are a variety of such exercises. By the way, you can come up with them yourself.

  • Connecting parts of words. For example, we take the halves of the words “socket” and “TV” and get: “rosevizor”. And then this “rosevisor” needs to come up with a description, purpose and a short story. Such exercises are good because they do not cause any subconscious mental reactions - a completely new concept is obtained.
  • Verbalization of nouns. If you take two objects and make one of them an action, you can get various interesting phrases: “sofa phone” or “phone sofa”, “thread the carpet” or “carpet the thread”, etc. And that’s not all - then you need to describe all these strange-sounding actions.
  • A combination of the image of one object and the action of another. We take two objects, for example, a phone and a mug. We imagine the action of one and the other: we call on the phone, and drink from a mug. We connect the action with the image: “the phone drinks from a mug” or “the mug calls the phone.” Thanks to such absurd proposals, imagination develops, because then you need to come up with a whole story: who is the mug calling and why the phone suddenly became thirsty.

Creative activity.

Even if labor lessons in elementary school finished long ago, drawing was never a favorite subject, and the process of writing poetry always ended before it really began, due to the always absent muse, sometimes you can do something creative. Together with your child or on your own, you need to take paints, brushes and start drawing. The hand itself will create something on a sheet of paper. If you end up with something mysterious or unreal, you can then come up with a story about the hero of the drawing. In the same way, you can sculpt, sew, write essays, songs or poems, play the guitar, choosing chords by ear.

Imaginary friend.

Almost all kids had an imaginary friend. It could be some kind of animal, a fairy-tale kind monster, an imaginary child or an adult. Together with him, the baby could come up with some games, act out situations, and make entire trips. Why don’t adults come up with someone with whom you can imagine the most unprecedented miracles without hesitation? So that this would also be useful in real life, you can endow your imaginary friend with qualities that the adult himself does not have, and consult with him on what to do in a given situation. This will be a more objective look at the situation from the outside, which in some cases helps a lot.

Coming up with stories.

To diversify your daily life, you can fill it with various interesting stories. Not only can you come up with the ending of books, having read only half, or new twists in a movie, stopping at the very interesting place, even what seems unpleasant in life will become enjoyable thanks to the development of imagination.

When going to work in the morning, you can look at the faces of passers-by, not forgetting to come up with ideas for them interesting fate or profession. Only they really have to be interesting, for example, an ordinary old lady in a beret, who jostles in the subway, can become the owner of countless treasures buried somewhere on desert island, and the sleeping guy with the headphones actually works as a vampire slayer at night. Another way to develop imagination can be to imagine the childhood or old age of random passers-by or fellow travelers. This is a very exciting activity that also works to improve communication skills.

If you learn to come up with such stories and biographies, you can imagine in your fantasies the evil boss as a cute toddler in childhood or in a funny hat. It will no longer be possible to treat him negatively, which means the relationship will improve. And boring work can be perceived as a quest or mission, so as not to lose motivation.

Fantasies and dreams are necessary for everyone so as not to become soulless robots, doing everything according to the same algorithm every day. And only imaginative representatives of society will be able to create many more objects of art and make discoveries in various fields.

You know what the faculty of invention does real world more interesting. But when they tell you: “Imagine this!”, you can’t do it. Of course, imagination cannot be turned on with a button, but it can and should be developed. Is it hard to imagine? Try it. With our help.

Responsibilities of the left hemisphere

It is responsible for logical thinking, education and analysis. Also for verbal processing and language abilities. Controls speech functions, as well as reading and writing, plus remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling (and is able to connect them through analysis).

The left hemisphere helps us understand the literal meaning of words. As for information processing, it performs this task sequentially, in stages. Numbers and symbols are also recognized by it, and it is also responsible for mathematical abilities. In addition, the left hemisphere controls the movements of the right half of the body.

Responsibilities of the right hemisphere

Firstly, it is responsible for intuition and imaginative thinking. Secondly, for the processing of nonverbal information (expressed not in words, but in symbols and images). Moreover, unlike the left hemisphere (which analyzes information only in a clear sequence), the right hemisphere is capable of simultaneously processing different data. Thirdly, it helps a person consider the problem as a whole. Thanks to it, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. And if someone says, "He's on my tail," right hemisphere will tell you what was meant.

Also, the right hemisphere recognizes faces, and we can perceive a collection of features as a whole. With its help, we understand metaphors and the work of other people's imagination. It is also responsible for spatial orientation and gives us the opportunity to dream and fantasize. Composing and making plans, the question “what if?” - it asks exactly.

We would like to especially mention creative abilities (musical and artistic). Here we will also write down emotions, religiosity, and belief in something.

The right hemisphere also controls the movements of the left half of the body.

If we compare all the pieces of information stored in our brain with the elements of a construction set, then a person with a developed imagination can put together more figures from the same elements than someone who lacks imagination.


Well, let's get started with exercises to develop the imagination? The author’s methodology of psychologist Andrei Rodionov ( will help us with this. Don't be alarmed, all tasks are easy to complete. By the way, you can involve a friend or loved one in the “training” - and have fun and spend your time usefully.


Look carefully at any object. Now close your eyes and try to keep it in your memory for as long as possible. Present the subject as a whole and in parts. Now open your eyes and look at the object again. Maybe you missed some details?

Repeat these steps several times until the item comes to mind in detail. Achieve maximum identity between the physical and the imaginary. As you progress in your studies, choose increasingly complex subjects for analysis.

Cinema without sound

This is a fun exercise. Choose an unfamiliar movie on TV. Watch the beginning and then turn off the sound. Try to understand the meaning of what is happening on the screen without words. We warn you right away: it will be uncomfortable, you will want to turn on the sound. Be patient! After a while, you will be surprised to realize that much is clear.

Unreal things

Try to imagine things that don't exist (and never happened) in reality. What would they look like? What sounds did they make? Imagine a butterfly the size of an airplane, a book with 50 thousand pages, an inhabitant of a distant planet, a talking ant...

Familiar melodies

Pick (or rather, sing!) several different melodies you know:

Fruits and vegetables

Using all your senses, imagine an orange, banana, grape, pear, melon, blackberry, cabbage, lemon, carrot, pepper, tomato, radish, plum, date, apple. Try to imagine them clearly and realistically, so that you can see (and smell!) all the nuances.


These exercises will require more time and effort from you than the previous ones. But the result is worth it. All of them help develop concentration, expand the scope of perception, improve memory and, of course, stimulate the imagination!

I think and see

Select an object at eye level at a distance of 1-3 meters. The item should be simple to begin with: a book, a pen, a folder. Close your eyes and imagine a white, empty, glowing space. Mentally hold this image for 3-5 minutes. Open your eyes and contemplate the selected object for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, do not think about it, look through it (as if you are looking into the distance). Now close your eyes and imagine an object, placing it in a white luminous space for 3-5 minutes.

The exercise must be done 5 times, do it calmly, without effort.

Rainbow World

Imagine a small red square, fix it in your imagination. Now imagine that the square increases in size, diverging its edges to infinity. Now there is only red space in front of you, contemplate it.

The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Once you have mastered this, move on to more complex things. Imagine first the color red, smoothly turning into orange, orange turning into yellow and so on until purple. Then you need to go back from purple.

Third level of difficulty: imagine red-skinned people walking through a green forest. People's skin gradually turns orange, yellow, and so on until purple. Then scroll color scheme in reverse order (the skin should turn red again).

Eh, apple!

Sit in a chair or lie down on the bed. Close your eyes. Imagine an apple. Start rotating it clockwise in space. Now let it “fly” out of your head. Place the apple opposite the bridge of your nose and look at it. Carefully mentally enter it, feel yourself inside the fruit (don’t forget about its shape and size!).

Then imagine that part of you remains in the apple, raise the fruit one meter above you. Try to see yourself from above. At the same time, inspect the walls of the room, the furniture, and the nearby ceiling.


People have long believed that creative inspiration comes from above. It was equated either with a gift or with a punishment. And even now they often try to explain talent genetically or mystically. But thanks to scientific research, work on psychoanalysis and psychology, training on the development of creativity, we can already say that creativity a person does not always depend on a fickle muse. But it is often associated with the capabilities of the right hemisphere of the brain. Isn't it time to stop ignoring the dormant powers of your imagination and find out what it is capable of?!


Surely soon one of your loved ones will have a holiday. This time, don’t limit yourself to a standard greeting card, with a template poem printed inside, but come up with a rhyme yourself (even the simplest one!) and write the message yourself. Or draw (glue, decorate) a greeting card. The recipient, believe me, will appreciate your efforts!


  • Marilee Zdenek "Right Brain Development"
  • Andrey Rodionov “Development of intelligence”
  • Anna Weisz “Inspiration by order”
  • I.A. Beskova “How is creative thinking possible?”
  • Cleg Brian" Development Crash Course creative thinking»
  • I.Yu. Matyugin “Methods for the development of memory, imaginative thinking, imagination”
  • Alexey Turchin “Textbook on active imagination”

Some books from this list are available for download on the Internet.

Anna Serikova

We thank Andrey Rodionov, an expert in intellectual and communication technologies, for his assistance in preparing the article.

Regardless of a person’s age, it is very important that he has well-developed speech, imagination, fantasy and creativity. After all, these abilities help people in life. For some, they are an integral part of the profession. There are several effective techniques, developed by specialists. These methods enable adults and children to improve by developing their imagination.

Developing speech

Naturally, any person’s speech begins to develop from an early age, when children become familiar with their surroundings. However, it is still possible to help them. The main thing is to do it correctly so as not to harm the child.

There are three generally accepted ways of developing speech: visual, practical and verbal. In preschool organizations, a visual method is most often used, which consists in the teacher himself telling children about the world around them.

So, there is a direct version of this method, which involves visiting excursions or simply pointing at one or another object and pronouncing its name. Another option is indirect, which develops speech by describing certain images or toys. Thus, coherent speech skills are improved, and also strengthened vocabulary in children.

Ways to develop speech

The verbal method of speech development is more common in schools. It involves oral retelling of stories or memorizing texts. By pronouncing a text, a person improves not only memory, but also diction, which helps improve speech skills. The verbal method also includes describing various toys or paintings without visual contact with the object being described. That is, a person must talk as colorfully as possible about a picture or toy he saw earlier.

The practical way is intellectual games, in which there is an element speech development. For example, these could be all kinds of quizzes, dramatizations, or


In addition, we can distinguish several For example, verbal, which, in turn, have subtypes:

  • Speech samples. When the teacher himself builds a speech that is accessible in form and content. For older children, a correction method is used when the teacher begins to correct the phrase said by the child.
  • Repetition. In this case, words or phrases are deliberately repeated several times for the purpose of memorization. The main thing is to choose a form of learning that is convenient for the child. For example, choral or joint speaking.
  • Explanation. This method is used in cases of explaining to a child the concept of a particular object. Also, explanation implies disclosure of the need and properties.

There are also visual techniques that teach correct sound pronunciation and articulation. And gaming ones that attract children into educational games.

How to develop imagination?

Developing a child’s imagination and imagination is very important. But these abilities also need to be formed or consolidated in adulthood. WITH early childhood a person must accumulate a visual representation of objects. When developing this ability, it is important to look at as many illustrations and objects as possible, focusing on the smallest details. Having carefully memorized an element, you need to mentally imagine it, remembering all the nuances from memory.

Also, developing imagination requires effort. For example, a person engaged in creativity often cannot finish his work, because he simply sits and waits for his imagination to start working. in the right direction. This way you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Experts in this field recommend making your imagination work through effort. For example, a person who paints landscapes is advised to visit picturesque places more often, and people who study music are advised to draw their imagination from other compositions.

Only the ability of mental concentration can provoke the development of imagination, which subsequently begins to act in the right direction.

Thus, there are two main directions in the development of imagination:

  • recreating, when a person restores in memory the previously seen images of heroes of books, stories and other literature;
  • creative when a person comes up with his own ideas appearance heroes of stories, novels and other things.

How to develop imagination?

The development of fantasy often comes with the development of imagination. Therefore, these two abilities are often improved simultaneously.

How to develop fantasy and imagination? To do this, it is recommended to read literature to the child from early childhood that helps improve these abilities. For example, in the very early age It will be useful for children to listen short stories, and in more adulthood - novels and science fiction literature.

The main thing when teaching a child is to explain to him that this ability is extremely necessary. After all, it is from this that the possibility of imagination arises.

Cooperative learning

How to develop creative imagination? Another good method is to come up with ideas together. For example, parents should provoke the child to create a mental image of an unrealistic situation. So, experts advise adults, for example, to find out from their baby what he would do if he had wings, what magical land the child wanted to go to, how he imagines a castle of knights or princesses. The development of fantasy consists in the child’s fascination with one or another thought and its further development.

You can ask your child to come up with short story. Or let it be a whole fairy tale about a situation seen on the street. For example, ask your child to tell you where the cat you met on the road ran to, what she was doing or will do, whether she has kittens, and so on. Here are some tips on how to develop your imagination. Such exercises will be effective if you do them regularly.

How to develop creativity?

Every person is endowed with some set of creative abilities at birth. In some people they are naturally more developed, in others less. In the second case, when they are poorly formed, you can try to develop them using several methods. However, parents should understand that it is recommended to do this even in preschool age. After all, it is during this period that children are most liberated.

So, we develop imagination and creativity. What should I do? First of all, such abilities develop well during games. Even the usual construction of a tower can contribute to this. After all, children learn to improve, which means they will begin to modify the constructed structure, adding or, conversely, removing some details.

You can also develop creative abilities through modeling, drawing, singing and other activities of this kind. In addition, attending a music school is very useful. Therefore, experts recommend sending children to such institutions from early childhood.


Now it’s clear how to develop imagination, creativity, and speech. So, cultivating it in yourself or yours is quite simple. Moreover, almost all of them are interconnected, and one complements the other. The main thing is not to scold the child for not succeeding in some task the first time, but, on the contrary, to praise him, motivating the desire for independent development.

  • What is imagination?
  • How to develop your imagination
  • Visualization
  • Count in your head
  • Silent movies
  • Read books
  • Fictional stories
  • What if?..
  • Find a creative hobby
  • Sequel, prequel, fanfic...
  • New words

A dreamer is the name given to someone who is cut off from reality, lives in his dreams and is unable to cope with the vicissitudes of fate. It's practically a diagnosis. Saying to a friend, “He’s a dreamer!” - a person will most often wave his hand in doom, as if adding: “He won’t be of any use.”

But let's imagine what our planet would look like if people had no imagination. We are the only species that is characterized by fantasy, the ability to imagine objects and phenomena that do not exist in reality. at the moment time. (By the way, it is worth understanding that fantasy and imagination are synonyms).

So what would our world be like? People still live in caves, there are no cars on the roads, there are no cities, and you, the reader, do not have a computer from which you are viewing this article. And, of course, there is no article either. If man had no imagination, he would not have become a man, civilization would not have appeared, and the Earth would have remained a wild animal kingdom.

Are we all a product of the imagination? Exactly. Everything that is around us, our self-awareness and even the ability to read and write - all this exists thanks to the imagination. Therefore, before you say that dreamers are not of this world, think about the fact that it was dreamers who created this world. At least the man-made part of it.

But it seems I'm getting ahead of myself. To understand the importance of fantasy, you first need to understand what it is.

What is imagination?

Imagination is the ability of the human psyche to create new images based on those already in memory. Roughly speaking, imagination is the visualization of non-existent events, phenomena, pictures. Not existing does not mean impossible. This means that a person can imagine an acquaintance whom he does not see at the moment, or draw a familiar landscape in his mind. Or he may come up with something new that he has not seen before - for example, a triangular blanket that deprives people of sleep.

This is precisely where we differ from animals - none of them is capable of reproducing or creating images, they can only think about those pictures that are currently in front of their eyes. Imagination is one of the foundations of thinking, memory and analysis - we know how to think, remember, dream, make plans and bring them to life precisely thanks to imagination.

The creation of new images is based on a combination of already known components. That is, everything that a person can come up with is a vinaigrette from what he once saw. The mechanisms of imagination have not yet been studied; few people imagine how it works, what it is based on and in which part of the brain to look for it. This is the least studied area of ​​human consciousness.

There are many varieties of imagination.

Active imagination
allows you to consciously evoke the necessary images in your head. It is divided into creative and recreative . Creative serves to create new images, which can subsequently be embodied in the results of labor - paintings, songs, houses or dresses. Before starting work, any person first imagines its result, then draws a sketch or drawing (if necessary), and only then gets down to business. If there was no imagination, the work would not even begin - what result would a person strive for if he were not able to imagine it?

Therefore it is also called productive imagination, since images are embodied in the results of labor, inventions and cultural objects.

Recreating Imagination is aimed at resurrecting visual images of what you once saw - for example, you can close your eyes and imagine your dog or the situation in your apartment. This type of imagination is an important component of memory and the basis for creative imagination.

Passive imagination produces images that a person does not intend to bring to life in the near future. It can be conscious or unconscious and also has its own subcategories.

Dreams- conscious creation of images of the distant future. Dreams are plans that a person currently does not have the opportunity to implement, but theoretically they are viable. They may not necessarily be the property of only one person - descendants often fulfill the dreams of their ancestors, described in drawings and literary works.

For example, a person's thousand-year dreams about eternal life today are embodied thanks to modern medicine, which has made it possible to significantly prolong our age and youth. What if you compare 60-year-old women from the Middle Ages to the 21st century? The first one, most likely, was no longer alive at that age, because at 40-50 she became a very toothless old woman. And today's granny, if she has money and desire, can easily compete with her granddaughter in figure and marry a thirty-year-old youth.

People's dreams of being able to quickly transmit information are over long haul from pigeon mail to the Internet, dreams of capturing pictures of the world around us have evolved from cave painting to digital cameras. Dream of fast movement made us tame the horse, invent the wheel, invent the steam engine, the automobile, the airplane and hundreds of other devices. Wherever you look, all the achievements of civilization are dreams realized, and therefore a product of the imagination.

Dreams- another branch of passive imagination. They differ from dreams in that their realization is impossible. For example, if today my grandmother begins to dream that she will go on a trip to Mars, this can safely be called dreams - for this she has neither the money, nor the opportunity, nor health, nor the necessary connections.

Daydreams and daydreams are conscious manifestations of passive imagination.

Hallucinations - unconscious generation of non-existent images by the brain in cases of disruption of its functioning. This may occur while taking any psychotropic drugs or in case of mental illness. Hallucinations are usually so realistic that the person experiencing them believes they are real.

Dreams are also an unconscious creation of images, but if hallucinations haunt a person in reality, then dreams come during rest. Their mechanism is also practically unstudied, but it can be assumed that dreams have some benefit. They can talk about true attitude To unresolved problem, which we try not to think about through an effort of will.

Here we talked mostly about visual images, but imagination relates to all human senses - smell, hearing, taste, touch. Imagine biting into a juicy lemon. Sour? Are your teeth cramped? Has there been saliva? This is the work of the reconstructive imagination.

All people's imagination is developed differently - someone can easily invent amazing stories and present unprecedented pictures, and for some even school essay is a real problem.

It's all about how much effort a person and his environment put into developing their imagination. If a child grows up in a family where there is no place for fantasies, then over time he becomes as down-to-earth as his parents.

French psychologist and educator Théodule Ribot in the 19th century described three stages in the development of fantasy. The first one starts at childhood, along with the emergence of imagination. This period covers childhood from three years of age, adolescence and adolescence. At this time, a person has the most unbridled imagination, he believes in miracles, is capable of embarking on adventures and committing rash acts. The body at such a time is strongly influenced by hormones that rage during puberty.

Unfortunately, this period has its own dark side- most suicides occur at this time precisely because young people succumb to their feelings inspired by imagination. Amazing fact- The more developed a person’s imagination is, the stronger his feelings. It is people with wild imagination who are capable of falling in love into old age and truly suffering from unrequited love. And they experience all other emotions more vividly.

The second period does not last long and represents the emergence of a rational mind in a person, which says that emotions and dreams cannot be fundamental life guide. In terms of physiology, we can talk about the end of puberty, the formation of the body and brain. At this time, the sensual and sensible personality are fighting in a person - in most cases, the second one wins and the third period begins.

It is final, reason subjugates fantasy and a person learns to live according to the rules, and not obeying the call of dreams. Disappears creativity, feelings are considered only ghosts of the past, a person becomes practical and measured. His imagination degrades, but never completely disappears - this is impossible. There is always a small spark of fantasy left in the soul that can be fanned into flame again.

This was the case in the time of Théodule Ribot - he calculated that the beginning of the deterioration of imagination occurs at the age of 14 years. But today everything is much sadder - due to the influence of the media, the Internet and too large quantity information, children already by the first grade begin to lose their imagination and think in clichés.

How to develop your imagination

Lack of imagination makes inner world dull and monotonous, deprives a person of the opportunity to develop and enrich himself through the images and ideas that our brain is capable of endlessly generating if it is not disturbed. There are numerous exercises to develop imagination that will help adults learn to fantasize.


It is with this exercise that you should start developing your imagination - it helps you develop the ability to reproduce and construct visual images in detail. Visualization improves not only imagination, but also thinking and memory.

Imagine an object. For example, a box of matches. Imagine it in all its details - brown sides, inscription. Now mentally open and take out a match. Set it on fire and watch it burn. It seems simple, but at first the visual images will slip away, and the brain will try to lead you towards its usual state of passive observer.

You can imagine different objects, places and actions, trying to reproduce them in your head down to the smallest detail. Imagine coming home, turning the door handle, taking off your shoes, jacket, putting your keys on the nightstand... The interior may be unfamiliar. In general, practice visualization and over time you will notice that you are better able to manage your own thoughts.

Count in your head

Mental arithmetic helps develop imagination, although it may not seem related to fantasy. If you are far from mathematics, then at least perform the simplest operations - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. If you can’t count quickly, imagine solving the problem in a column on paper, but don’t even think about using a notepad. Everything should happen only in the head.

If you have highest score in mathematics, you can complicate the task set for yourself - solve geometric and algebraic equations, draw drawings in your mind. Silent film

Silent movies

Turn off the sound while watching a movie and add your own story to what you see. It's better if there are humorous dialogues between the characters that will lift your spirits. You can invite your friends to visit and do the scoring of the film with them, turning a horror film or melodrama into a real comedy.

Read books

This helps to develop the most different sides personality, including fantasy. Try to vividly imagine the descriptions of the interior, landscapes, and people you meet in the book. Over time they vivid images They will begin to appear in your head without any effort.

Fictional stories

Gather a group of friends and tell each other stories. A prerequisite is that fairy tales must be invented independently and preferably impromptu.

What if?..

The first sentence of the hypothesis game begins with this phrase. You can play it in a group or by yourself. Assumptions should be as unrealistic as possible: “What if our house is now flying in space, and there is a vacuum beyond the threshold?” “What if Count Dracula comes to us now and offers to buy a set of knives from him?” And develop your thoughts by constructing stories about what could happen in such an unusual situation.

Find a creative hobby

All people have a creative streak. Many people believe that a hobby that does not bring money or world fame is a waste of time. But this is not true - a hobby develops imagination and makes our lives richer. Remember how you wrote poetry in school or loved to embroider before you got bogged down in a routine. Even if your crafts are far from ideal, but if the process of creating them is enjoyable, then you need to get the forgotten tools out of the dusty box and start creating again. What it will be - knitting needles and threads, fabric and needles, paper and paints - is up to you to decide.

Sequel, prequel, fanfic...

Are you familiar with these words? In simple terms, this is a continuation, backstory, or your own version of the development of events in a film or other work. What happens after your favorite TV series or book ends? You can come up with this yourself. What kind of life did the heroes live while the author did not pay attention to them? How could everything have been if one of the characters had not committed some key action? You are capable of creating your own literary reality. It could exist

A dog with six legs, an ostrich with the head of a crocodile, multi-colored snow that appears flying through a rainbow... What is not in this world, but could be! Imagine non-existent animals, objects and phenomena, discuss them with friends - it will be funny and fun. Imagine if people lived underwater like fish. What if oranges were salted? We would eat them as a snack with fried potatoes! This may seem crazy to some, so choose your friends with whom you can play this game carefully, otherwise some vigilant friend will call the paramedics.

New words

Feel free to play with the language as with a constructor. This is a very flexible material, from the disparate elements of which you can create fundamentally new words. It will seem difficult at first, but over time new words will pop out of your head and perhaps become the basis for a new secret language in your family. So the table easily turns into a “borsched”, a dog into a “bark leg”, and a cat into a “fly eater”.

Knowing how to develop imagination, you can significantly expand the horizons of your consciousness. All of the above exercises are aimed at the comprehensive development of a person - they help him become more liberated, cheerful and extraordinary.

And may you live up to the fame of an eccentric, but this should not embarrass you. Remember that great people did not follow the beaten paths of ordinary people, that all inventors had wild imagination, and the most successful and wealthy businessmen were able to create their own business by implementing new, previously unknown opportunities. They came up with their own world.

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After writing the previous article, I realized that for many, a “simple” technique can be quite complex. Complaints about a lack of imagination among beginners are very common. So - in this article - a few simple “tricks” for developing imagination, fantasy and creativity (creativity).

But first, an important thought. If you think you don't have a sense of humor, creative thinking, creativity or imagination, forget that thought. You have everything you need! Most likely, you simply forgot where they live, put your imagination in a canvas bag and shoved it into the farthest corner of the closet. Well, or look in your nightstand - it’s probably there - your imagination - curled up and sleeping, smiling in its sleep. And he doesn’t know that it’s difficult for you without him.

Seriously, every person has an imagination. You can remember what your girlfriend or boyfriend looks like, right? What does the metro station you use often look like? If yes, you're fine. It’s just that your imaginative thinking is somewhat conserved, and only images of your familiar reality live in it. And it’s worth a little effort to expand the space of your imagination. For in the human imagination there is a huge creative force and an inexhaustible creative resource.

You can reactivate your imagination using very simple techniques.

Long live advertising!

The best material for developing imagination is... advertising. Posters with advertising slogans, store signs - all this is material for us. They can be read backwards. Or you can combine parts of posters and inscriptions.

Another option - ready-made, combined - “Moscow coffee shop. Don't worry, take a swim!

Another option - I look at the box of chocolates and the inscription on the notebook - “My cockroaches - plastic cover: it won’t get dirty, it won’t wrinkle.”

Another option is to combine pictures with inscriptions. A picture of the same ham + an inscription on a bus passing by. We get: Apartments in new buildings...

I think the idea is clear...


A little more difficult than the previous one, but usually after a couple of days of training everyone starts to find it easy.

We take one object and take an action from another. As a result, we get the desired absurdity that develops the imagination.

Examples. Nightstand + notebook. We take the action from the notebook. It opens, you can write in it, etc. We get it - the nightstand writes in a notebook. You can further develop what he writes, why he writes, who he writes to... But for starters, that’s enough. Because, in this case, our task is not to make a cute guy, but simply to pump up the imagination.

Lamp+robe. In principle - it’s not bad at all - a lamp in a robe. Bann. Apparently he had just come from the bathhouse. This means she is also wearing a turban. But if you strictly follow the letter of the technique, then the robe that catches your eye is fluffy. So, another option is to cover the lamp with fur. Or rest in peace. Or - laughter. Fur lamp. Hairy. Laughing.

In this case, as I already said, we are not chasing the beauty of the image and are not trying to ensure that the images are funny or extreme. We just mix everything together.


Option similar to the previous one. Only two objects are connected by the action of the third.

Example. Linoleum + balcony door + ruler. Linoleum gallantly opens the balcony door with a ruler. The balcony door measures linoleum. The ruler walks the balcony door along the linoleum.

Another example. Mobile phone+bus+traffic light. A mobile phone winks at the bus like a traffic light. The bus calls the traffic light on its mobile: “Please turn it green!”

Here's a simple combination for independent work: Gift wrapping + showcase + zebra crossing (pedestrian crossing).

Half a word+half a word

This technique comes from childhood. New words are obtained. The technique is simple, and it develops the imagination remarkably. Because behind every word our brain is accustomed to seeing an image. And by creating new words, we encourage the brain to engage in the work of fantasizing and creating new images. That is, I suggest not just creating new words, but also imagining what “this” could look like.

TV+bedside table = TV cabinet

Rhinoceros + cover = Oblorog

Curtain + column = curtain


We take 2 items. The second subject - let's spell it out. And then again we come up with what it could look like.

For example: - scissors are sharpened, a stapler is used in a notebook, a hairpin is mirrored, a car is on battery, an aquarium is filled with candy, and so on.

The main thing is to act

From experience I can say that many people experience difficulties with imagination at first. And it is with simple techniques that you can achieve results the fastest.

It is interesting that the person himself usually does not really notice that he changes as his figurative space opens and develops. But from the outside it is very interesting to watch.

After all, what awakens in a person is his creative beginning.

Many participants in the laughter training noted that when you start practicing these and similar techniques, your approach to life changes very quickly. It becomes an order of magnitude more creativity, flexibility, the ability to come up with something, as well as the ability to find ways out of any life situations and solve problems of any complexity.

With love for your fantasy, Junia