Short story for children - animals in spring. Short stories about spring

Spring has come into its own, I want spring fairy tales and about spring.

The astronomical beginning of spring is considered to be the days of the vernal equinox on March 20-21. At this time, the revival of nature is felt. It is no coincidence that the Old Russian name for March is protalnik, solar protalnik. In Russian folk oral literature, many poetic lines and songs and sayings dedicated to spring have been preserved, for example:

Spring is red! What did you come with?
On the bipod, on the harrow,
On a sheaf of oats. Rye wheel!
Spring is red! What did you bring us?
Red fly!

Children, climbing onto sunny hills, climbing onto the roofs of houses, merrily sang spring chants directly onto their carved skates:

Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy,
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread.

First, let's look at what was written a long time ago: “Spring Tale” by D. N. Sadovnikov , 1880

Children, spring is just around the corner!
Ice on a frozen window
A fairy tale about sweet spring
She reminded me this morning.

In the kingdom harsh winter
There's no fuss
Only cruel frost
He walks everywhere with a stick.
Sees if the ice is reliable,
Is the fallen snow dense?
Are the wolves in the forest fed up?
Is the woodcutter alive in the hut?

Everyone left Frost,
Everyone to whom life is dear,
Only the trees stand:
They were crushed by snow...
There is nowhere for the forest to go:
Its roots have grown into the ground...
Walks around and knocks
White Frost with a stick.

In the kingdom of Spring, young
Everything lives differently:
The streams run loudly,
The ice rushes noisily:
Where it goes
Spring in the brilliance of its beauty,
Dressed in green meadows
And flowers run out.
The forest is covered with leaves,
Everything in him grows and sings...
Near Merry Spring
Motley wove a round dance.

“Honey, sing, tell me,
What did you see in your dream?” —

Frisky children scream
Noisily running towards Spring.
I heard Frost about Spring,
He thinks: “Let me see,
I'll look at people myself,
I will show myself to people.
Why am I not Vesna’s groom?
(Thoughts come to him.)

If he doesn't want to, then
I will take you as a wife by force!
I'm old, what's the big deal?
Still, in the area I am the king.
I'm all over these places
All creation obeys..."

I got ready and went on my way,
Having abandoned my friend Blizzard,
The one that cold winter
The bed is made of snow.

Everyone's favorite Spring
A messenger brings news,
Motley comrade of people -
Our homely starling.

This morning I saw Frost...
We all have a big problem:
He got angry again
Wants the cold back.
I saw it myself: in the fields
It became white and white,
Saw on calm water
Ice blue glass.
He himself has a big beard,
White and austere in appearance...

We don't let him in, but he:
“I’m going to get married!” - speaks.
It’s stuffy for the frost to go...
Will the journey end soon?
He thinks where to lie down,
Where should he rest?
He sees a deep ravine,
There is a forest hidden in it...
How did you reach the birch tree?
He curled up and lay down next to him.

Is he a lot or a little?
I slept in this ravine,
I just woke up when -
Became surprisingly small.
They ran into the forest in a crowd
Children pick bird cherry...
This is how the ice lies -
We took it to show Vesna.

Children! Have you been to the forest?
Didn't you get Frost?
We just found an icicle!
Here it is! I brought it in my pocket!
Hearing such words
Everyone around laughed:
Birds, flowers and streams,
Lake, grove and meadow.
So, the queen herself
I laughed until I cried...
Made her laugh a lot
Grandfather White Frost

This author of the second half of the 19th century is little known and published. D. Sadovnikov is the author of the poem “Because of the Island on the Rod,” which became a popular Russian song. In a book published in 1963 poems by this poet glorifying the Volga and based on folk legends, legends, fairy tales.

And in modern literature about spring there are more poems than fairy tales. But the more valuable are those that we managed to collect.
Russians folk tales There’s not much about spring at all. Winter's Tale“The Snow Maiden” is one of the first to be mentioned as a spring flower. And this fairy tale was talked about.
A. N. Ostrovsky defined the genre of his completely non-children's play “The Snow Maiden” as a spring fairy tale (in four acts with a prologue).

The heroes of the famous fairy tale also live at the junction of winter and spring. "Fox, Hare and Rooster"
In the Ozone In the Labyrinth
and less known “How Spring overcame Winter” .
Among the Ural tales there is a fairy tale "Vesenushka", which starts like this:

“Why do you think it’s so good in spring? Why is the sun warm and gentle? Why do flowers begin to bloom? Why do people look more cheerful at this time?

You might say that nature is changing its appearance! I won’t argue; according to science, it turns out that way. The sun will rise above the earth, pour its grace over it - and then spring has come. And in previous years (a long time ago!) this is what people used to say about this time.”

Most of what has been written about spring is a fairy tale in genre. And then the beginning came from the classics: L. N. Tolstoy “Spring has come” , excerpt “Anna Karenina” part two, chapter XII,
A.P. Chekhov “In Spring”, “Meeting of Spring: (Discourse)”, Alexander Kuprin “Starlings”.

Konstantin Paustovsky “Steel Ring”:
In the Ozone In the Labyrinth
Skrebitsky G.A.: “The Tale of Spring”, “Happy Bug”, “Spring is an Artist”.
An excerpt from G.A. Skrebitsky’s story “The Rooks Have Arrived”: “ The rooks are the first to fly to us. There is still snow all around, and they are already walking importantly along the roads - black, white-nosed. The rooks will choose a park or grove and begin to build nests. They make noise all day, breaking branches for their nests. Old nests are repaired, new ones are built. And in the evening they sit by their nests and sleep until the morning. And in the morning back to work! The rooks are in a hurry! It's time to hatch the chicks. Rooks are the earliest chicks. The leaves on the trees haven’t yet blossomed, but the kids are already screaming and asking for food.”
Georgy Skrebitsky. Tales of the Pathfinder . The book contains 6 stories: Spring Song, The Most Stubborn, The Cunning Bird, The Happy Bug, The Mysterious Find, The Invisible Creak. The book is recommended for independent reading in primary school. The content of the stories is interesting and accessible.
In the Ozone In the Labyrinth
And read a selection about spring: “Stories about spring - Skrebitsky Georgy Alekseevich”

The classics include part "Spring" in Mowgli — The Second Jungle Book R.D. Kipling.

Many spring fairy tales written by authors who wrote (and write) about nature, about the inhabitants of forests and fields. The most famous of them:
Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov: Sat. “Spring in the Forest” (stories: Through the deep thickets, Early morning, At the edge of the forest, In the ravine, Bear family, Lynx's lair, Near an old pine tree, At the edge of the forest, Early spring, Over the swamp, Evening in the forest).

Nikolay Sladkov- famous naturalist writer, friend and like-minded person of Vitaly Bianchi. In his collection “Forest hiding places. Stories and fairy tales" There are texts for each month:

March: Winter debts, Hare round dance, Spring streams, Polite jackdaw, First Winged songs, Grouse notes, Warm stream, Oatmeal advice, The bear and the sun, Stunning shower, What was the magpie singing about? Desperate Traveler, Glass Rain, Arithmetic Tits, Thawed Incidents.

April Two on One Log, Footprints and the Sun, Spring Bath, Early Bird, Forest Werewolves, Inhuman Steps, Singer, Vacuum Cleaner, Uninvited Guests, Swans, Whole life, Thrush and Owl, Dancers, Philip and Fedya, Cheerful old women, Flags in the swamp, Woodpecker's ring, Drummer, Willow feast, Five black grouse, Whispering tracks, Everyone wants to sing, Forest comb.

May: Invited guest, Birds have brought spring, Lost copses, Flower lover, Hot season, Nest, Husky cuckoo, Siskin, Woodpecker, New voice, Sparrow's spring, Trees, Nightingale sings, Happy birthday, Extra nail, Why does the fox have long tail? Angry Dummies, Night Cuckoo.

Later he writes wonderful tales Sergey Kozlov– and there are also several fairy tales on a spring theme: Clean birds, Forest thaw, Spring fairy tale, How the Hedgehog went to greet the dawn, Unusual spring . Some of these tales are in the collection Sergey Kozlov: “Fairy Tales”.

Vladimir Suteev: “Spring” . Collection of stories about Masha and Vanya Knopochkin: As winter ended.

Tove Jansson- Finnish writer, illustrator, artist, who gained worldwide fame thanks to her books about the Moomins, wrote a fairy tale in this series "Spring Song" .

Elena Ermolova Illustrator: Inna Koltushina "Spring Tale" . Book from the series “Reading by syllables”. Good fairy tale about animals.

Marina Aromstam "Spring Tales" - a small book (thin, there are only 2 stories in it) - all filled with sun and anticipation of spring. You should start reading such stories in March, when everyone is already looking forward to the sun that will melt the snow.

Yulia Kasparova “Spring Stories” . A book from the series “Reading with Vanechka and Sonechka.” The book is intended for joint activities between an adult and a child: one page is read by the mother, and the next page by the child. Funny stories about the undertakings and adventures of Vanechka and Sonechka, game tasks with letters, syllables, words and simple sentences, as well as good illustrations.

A. Goncharova “Enya and Elya. Spring stories" . Spring stories about raccoons from the Magic Forest help you have fun and usefully spend time, introduce you to the laws of friendship, and talk about magical power words and teach you to notice the beauty in every season. The stories are decorated with gorgeous illustrations and complemented by a fun quiz.

Interesting collection “Spring is red, what did you come with?” was published in 2012 - Encyclopedia children's folklore. Calendar songs, fairy tales and tunes for them, included in the book, were collected by musicologist-folklorist, member of the Union of Composers of Russia Georgy Markovich Naumenko over thirty years on folklore expeditions in Ivanovo, Kostroma, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Smolensk, Kursk, Bryansk, Ryazan and other regions . There are a lot of fairy tales and songs about spring.

And another unusual collection "The Herald of Spring. Collection for children" compiled based on materials from pre-revolutionary magazines “Firefly”, “Guiding Light”, “Sincere Word” and many others, published under the editorship of the wonderful children's writer Alexander Fedorov-Davydov. The book also includes works by poets and writers of the 19th-20th centuries: Alexander Ishimov, Nikolai Leskov, Nikolai Pozdnyakov, Leonid Velsky, etc.; poems, stories and essays by various authors about animals.

“Spring of Bruno the Bear” by Gunilla Ingves Bruno the bear and his dog Lolla are the heroes of 4 picture books created by contemporary Swedish artist Gunilla Ingves. Each book is dedicated to one of the seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn - and it describes one day in the life of the heroes, filled with activities and entertainment “according to the season.” In the book “Spring of Bruno the Bear,” the bear and the dog go for a walk in the morning to see what has changed in nature with the onset of spring. They watch how birds build nests and hatch chicks, how young grass breaks through last year's foliage, how insects wake up. They learn to identify songbirds - lark, woodpecker, owl - by their voices, plant seedlings and do spring cleaning in the house.

Jill Barklem "Spring Story" . The author, one of the most popular children's authors and illustrators in England, invites you to Bramble Glade! Here, on the other side of the stream, behind the field, among the roots and in old tree trunks live funny mice, with whom things happen. different stories. Published in Russia for the first time.

Ekaterina Abdelnasir

Target:Formation of children’s ability to compose story about spring.

Tasks:Expand vocabulary in children (thawed patches; long-awaited; blooming)

Exercise children in selecting feminine nouns and adjectives;

masculine and neuter.

Exercise children in word formation.

Develop auditory-speech memory.

To develop in children the ability to convey feelings through intonation (joy; indifference;


1. Greeting.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Let's give each other smiles and good mood.

2. Subject message. Guys, guess what we are going to talk about today.

She comes with affection;

And with my fairy tale.

He will wave his magic wand;

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest. (Spring)

Right. A picture is hanging about Spring.

What time of year is shown in the picture? Children answer (Spring) .

Educator:There is snow in this picture. I think it's winter.

And here I see flowers; maybe it’s summer. Prove what it is spring.

But don't forget the rules: Raise your hand and answer in a complete sentence.

Children:In this picture I see the sun shining brightly

The snow melts; thawed patches appear

Drops are ringing; streams are running

The trees buds swell and leaves bloom

Migratory birds fly from warm regions

Educator: Well done guys; you said everything correctly. Spring is wonderful and

a wonderful time of year; when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep.

3. Guys, it turns out that every word has words relatives.

What words can be formed from the word spring?

Children:stonefly;spring; freckles;spring;spring.

Game "Magic Ball".

Educator:What can we say about spring?


Educator:What can we say about spring?

Children:water;puddle;drops;thawed patch;river;night;weather;rainbow.

Educator:What can we say about spring?


How can you say about spring?What is she like?


4. And now we will play the game "" Spring"".

Sunny;sunny (children walk in a circle, holding hands)

Golden bottom.

Burn; burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden (children run in a circle)

A hundred rooks have flown (flying in a circle)

And the snowdrifts are melting; melting (squat slowly)

And the flowers grow (stretch on tiptoes; hands up).

The game continues 3 times.

5. I have a mnemonic assistant in my hands. Today, using a table, we will

make up story about spring. Children make up story for 6-7 people.

And whose story did you like it the most? The children answer.

6. Guys, you know that the same sentence can sound different;

It's worth changing your intonation. We can say with joy Spring has come!

We can say with sadness Again it's raining. And one can say with indifference, that is

you don't care (the sun is shining or it is raining).

Children perform an exercise (invent short sentences and say them

with different intonation).

Guys, what new did you learn today?

What did you like most?

What was difficult for you?

Publications on the topic:

Development of basic speech mechanisms Leading activity is one that ensures maximum development of thinking and speech (D. B. Elkonin). Basic activity in infancy.

Development of coherent speech skills Every child in kindergarten must learn to speak meaningfully, grammatically correct, and express their thoughts coherently and consistently.

Consultation for parents “Speech development” Developing children's speech The general psychological development of the child and the formation of the sphere of interpersonal interaction depend on speech development.

The material for the photo report was prepared by Natalia Aleksandrovna Belotelova, teacher of GBOU school No. 2065 of the “Miracle Island” kindergarten. Class.

Speech development in children 6–7 years old Speech is the leading process mental development child. The emotionality of the child, his needs, interests, temperament, character - everything is mental.

Speech development in children aged 1.5 to 3 years For a child of the second year of life, the leading form of activity that stimulates him is speech development, is objectively effective communication with.

Speech development through finger games Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 15" Shatursky municipal district of the Moscow region.

Spring is the period of awakening and blossoming of nature.There is still snow on the ground, but alreadyHedgehogs and bears woke up from a long winter sleep.They left the hole or den and went to look for drier places.

How did they know that spring had come? After all, there is no TV or radio in the forest? How did they know that it was time for them to wake up and get out of their holes and dens as quickly as possible?

It turns out that the snow melted in the spring,Water leaked from the melted snow into their holes and dens. Even if you want to sleep, you can’t lie in a wet hole. So they had to crawl out of their holes and dens and look for drier places for themselves.

  1. Bears in the spring.

In April, a mother bear with grown cubs wakes up and leaves the den. She wanders through the forest - looking for food: pulling out bulbs and roots of plants, looking for larvae.

Coming out of the den, the bear stretches, rolls around, tries to warm up after hibernation, and puts his fur coat in order. And looking for food.

By the time they leave the den, bears molt. They lose their thick winter coat and grow a short, darker coat. The fur will grow again all summer and will be thick and warm by the new winter (bears do not shed in the fall).

In the spring, the she-bear not only feeds the cubs with her milk, but also teaches them to get their own food - dig roots out of the ground, look for insects, last year's berries. Even if the mother bear is hungry, first of all she will give food to her babies - the cubs. While protecting the cubs, the mother bear can attack any enemy.

In the spring, the mother bear bathes her cubs in streams and lakes: she takes them by the scruff of the neck and lowers them into the water. Later, when the kids grow up, they will begin to bathe themselves.

Sometimes in a family of bears there is an older bear cub - a “pestun” (a bear cub from last year’s litter). So it is called from the word “nurture”. A bear cub is a nurse - the main assistant of a mother bear, a role model for little bear cubs. He shows them how to climb hollows for honey, how to feast on ants and their larvae. He separates the cubs if they fight and restores order among them. This is the kind of helper the bear has! And daddy bear does not take part in raising the cubs.

  1. Hedgehogs in the spring.

Hedgehogs wake up after hibernation only when their burrow warms up. And the mink warms up when the ground thaws. At the end of March, at the beginning of April, you can come to the forest and hear snorting, coughing and rustling of last year’s leaves under the bushes. It's probably a hedgehog. And if the hedgehog wakes up, it means that winter will definitely not return.

In April, hedgehogs also appear. They are born in a hedgehog's nest, which looks like a hut made of dry leaves, twigs and moss. The hedgehog feeds the hedgehogs with milk and takes care of them.

Hedgehogs, like baby squirrels, are born helpless and naked, without needles. A few hours after birth, bumps appear on the skin of the hedgehogs, then they burst, and thin needles appear from them. Then the needles will harden and turn into thorns. The mother of the hedgehog first feeds the hedgehogs with milk, and then, when they grow up, she brings them earthworms and slugs to their nest.

They love hedgehogs. Do you know why... Because you rarely meet with them. And those who are familiar with them know that the character and manners of hedgehogs... Well, in short, hedgehogs are not fluffy bunnies!

To begin with, I will tell you that hedgehogs are terrible sleepers. They sleep a lot. And for a long time. From October to March they hibernate. And in the summer, when they eat up their sides, hedgehogs can sleep most of the day. They really love to sleep.

Dad the hedgehog especially loves to sleep. He runs away from his wife immediately after the wedding ceremony. In one of his holes, of which he usually has about ten. A hedgehog takes care of its offspring for 30-40 days. After this, the little hedgehogs scatter in different sides: some for beetles, some for slugs, and the most cunning ones - for the larvae of mosquitoes and centipedes. When the mushrooms grow and the berries ripen, hedgehogs can become vegetarians.

Hedgehogs also love to eat - sometimes they eat so much during the night that their weight increases by a third.

  • IN in spring many animals molt. .

They exchange their winter coat - warm, thick - for a summer, lighter one. Hares, foxes, bears, and moose moult in the spring. The squirrel becomes red again, and not silver as in winter.

To quickly shed its white fur, the hare rolls on the grass, rubs against the branches of bushes and tree trunks. Therefore, in the forest in the spring you can see scraps of hare fur on stems, branches, and in thickets.

In spring, animals feel hot in winter coats; the fur is too thick. And the sun is getting hotter and hotter, it's time to change your winter outfit. The animals began to molt. Their old fur gradually falls out and their fur becomes sparse. Now it won’t be so hot for forest dwellers in the spring sun. Some animals not only shed, but even change the color of their coat. The hare's fur was white in winter and turned gray in spring. This makes it easier for him to hide from predators in the forest. And in winter, a bunny in a white fur coat is not visible in the snow, and in spring, gray fur helps to hide from enemies under the bushes.

The squirrel also changes its outfit - in winter it was in a thick gray fur coat, and in the spring it faded and became red. Now you won’t even notice it right away in the crowns of pine trees.”

  • In the spring, the animals give birth to their young.

Almost all baby animals live with their mothers, except for rabbits.

  1. Squirrels in the spring.

At the squirrel's Baby squirrels also appear in the spring. They are born naked, helpless, and cannot see anything. The mother squirrel takes care of them, feeding the squirrels milk for two months. But the squirrel dad does not live with his family, he lives separately.

The mother squirrel spends a lot of time searching for food, otherwise the baby squirrels will grow up frail and sick. Baby squirrels require special attention from the mother squirrel; they need to be covered, warmed, and fed. Only after a month do the baby squirrels open their eyes and begin to look out of the nest.

In spring, the squirrel is the enemy of all birds and the most dangerous predator for many birds. She destroys bird nests on tree branches and steals chicks and eggs from them.

  1. Hares in spring.

Mom is a hare feeds the bunnies and immediately runs away, leaving them alone under a bush. And the bunnies sit under the bush for three to four days, waiting for someone to feed them. new mom- hare.

There are no strangers' bunnies - they are all their own and will always be fed. Rabbit milk is fatty and nutritious; it lasts for 3-4 days.

Why does nature work this way? The fact is that hares have sweat and sebaceous glands only on the soles of their paws. And if the hare lived with the hares, they would quickly be found - smelled by the smell - a fox or a wolf. After all, rabbits have many enemies - fox, wolf, marten, lynx, and birds of prey. And when a tiny bunny sits under a bush and hides its paws under itself, it is impossible to find it by its smell. It turns out that by running away from the bunnies, the hare saves them.

After 8-9 days, the rabbits will have teeth, and then grass will appear, and they will begin to feed themselves.

  1. Foxes in spring.

Foxes also have cubs. Usually in March - April, a fox gives birth to 4-6 cubs. Little fox cubs are dark brown in color, and the tips of their tails are white! After 3-4 weeks, the fox cubs stop eating the milk of their mother, the fox, but still live in the hole. Their parents bring them food into the hole.

Their mother, the fox, does not allow anyone near the fox cubs. She guards the hole. The mother fox watches closely to see if there is any danger nearby. In case of danger, the fox barks loudly, and the cubs quickly run away - they hide deep in the hole. And if people or dogs have visited the fox hole, then the fox will definitely move her cubs to another safe place - away from the previous hole. The father fox also helps raise the fox cubs. He teaches them and brings them booty.

In the spring, the fox gives birth to cubs: 4.5 or 6 puppies. Yes, yes, fox cubs are called puppies. Whose other babies are called puppies?

Foxes and dogs are close relatives. They even have similar voices: foxes, like dogs, bark and yap.

  1. Wolves in the spring.

To raise wolf cubs, wolves make a den in the forest thicket. In the spring, a she-wolf gives birth to 4-7 cubs. They are born helpless and covered with gray fluff. First, the she-wolf feeds the cubs with her milk, and does not leave them anywhere. And daddy the wolf brings food to the she-wolf. When the wolf cubs grow up, both mother and father feed them together.

Stories, fabulous and not so, about animals are useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for preschoolers who are starting to read, because in addition to reading skills, they broaden the children’s horizons. You can see examples of texts.

Understanding and memorization are greatly facilitated. Not all children (for various reasons) like to draw. That's why we came up with stories for coloring books: we read the text and color the animal. The site "Non-standard children" wishes you success.

Short stories about animals

A story about a squirrel.

A squirrel lived in an old forest. The squirrel gave birth to a squirrel daughter in the spring.

Once a squirrel and a squirrel were collecting mushrooms for the winter. Suddenly a marten appeared on a nearby tree. She prepared to grab the squirrel. The squirrel mother jumped towards the marten and shouted to her daughter: “Run!”

The squirrel ran away. Finally she stopped. I looked around, and the places were unfamiliar! There are no mother squirrels. What to do?

A squirrel saw a hollow in a pine tree, hid and fell asleep. And in the morning the mother found her daughter.

Greedy squirrel

Near new school the builders left about two dozen birch and pine trees. It turned out to be a small square.

Despite the school noise and din, two squirrels settled in it. The animals were young and agile. If someone appeared below, they immediately flew up to the top of the tree.

Schoolchildren brought nuts to the squirrels. They left treats on a large boulder in the middle of the park. When the children left, the animals came down and fed.

Sometimes hooligans came. They threw stones at the squirrels. But the animals ran away to the treetops. The stones did not reach there.

One day a strange old squirrel appeared in the park. First she ate all the nuts on the stone. The little squirrels also tried to go down for food. But a strange squirrel drove them away.

This happened several times. The young squirrels were starving. They ate their supplies and left the park because of a greedy old squirrel.

A story about an owl

IN northern forests an owl lives. But not an ordinary owl, but a polar one. This owl is white. The paws are shaggy and covered with feathers. Thick feathers protect the bird's legs from frost.

The white owl is not visible in the snow. The owl flies quietly. He will hide in the snow and watch for a mouse. A stupid mouse won't notice.

A story about a moose

The old elk walked through the forest for a long time. He is very tired. The elk stopped and dozed off.

The moose dreamed that he was still a little moose calf. He walks with his mother through the forest. Mom eats branches and leaves. And the elk calf is happily jumping along the path nearby.

Suddenly someone buzzed terribly near my ear. The little elk got scared and ran to his mother. Mom said: “Don’t be afraid. It’s a bumblebee. It doesn’t bite moose calves.”

In a forest clearing, the calf liked the butterflies. At first the elk calf did not notice them. Butterflies sat quietly on the flowers. The elk calf galloped across the clearing. Then the butterflies flew into the air. There were a lot of them, a whole swarm. And one, the most beautiful one, sat on the elk calf’s nose.

Far beyond the forest, a train whistled. The old elk woke up. He rested. You can move on with your business.

A story about a deer

Deer live in the North. The homeland of deer is called the tundra. Grass, shrubs and gray reindeer moss grow in the tundra. Reindeer moss is food for deer.

Deer walk in herds. There are deer in the herd of different ages. There are old deer and little fawns. Adult deer protect babies from wolves.

Sometimes wolves attack the herd. Then the deer surround the fawns and put their antlers forward. Their horns are sharp. Wolves are afraid of deer antlers.

There is a leader in the herd. This is the strongest deer. All deer obey him. The leader protects the herd. When the herd is resting, the leader finds a tall stone. He stands on a stone and looks in all directions. He will see the danger and blow his trumpet. The deer will get up and move away from trouble.

A story about a fox

At the foot of the mountain there was a round lake. The place was deserted and quiet. There were a lot of fish swimming in the lake. A flock of ducks liked this lake. The ducks made nests and hatched ducklings. They lived like this on the lake all summer.

One day a fox appeared on the shore. The fox was hunting and came across a lake with ducks. The ducklings have already grown up, but have not yet learned to fly. The fox thought it would be easy to catch its prey. But that was not the case.

The cunning ducks swam far to the other shore. The fox destroyed the ducks' nests and ran away.

In the Khibiny Mountains in the North you can meet a bear. In the spring the bear is angry because he is hungry. All winter he slept in a den. And winter in the North is long. The bear was hungry. That's why he's angry.

So he came to the lake. He will catch a fish and eat it. He'll drink some water. The lakes in the mountains are clean. The water is fresh and clear.

By mid-summer the bear will have eaten enough and become fat. It will become more good-natured. But you still shouldn't date him. Bear - wild beast, dangerous.

By autumn, the bear eats everything: fish, berries, mushrooms. Fat accumulates under the skin hibernation. The fat in the den in winter both feeds and warms it.

Stories for children about spring, nature and animals in spring.

Spring! Spring! And she’s happy about everything!

Spring, long delayed by the cold, suddenly began in all its glory, and life began to play everywhere. The woods were already turning blue, and the dandelion was turning yellow over the fresh emerald of the first green... Swarms of midges and heaps of insects appeared in the swamps; a water spider was already running after them; and behind him all the birds gathered in the dry reeds from everywhere. And everyone was going to take a closer look at each other. Suddenly the earth was populated, forests and meadows awoke. Round dances began in the village. There was space for the party. What brightness there is in greenery! What freshness is in the air! What does the sound of birds cry in the gardens!..


It was now impossible to look at the sun; it poured down from above in shaggy, dazzling streams. Clouds floated across the blue, blue sky like heaps of snow. Spring breezes smelled of fresh grass and birds' nests.

In front of the house, large buds burst on the fragrant poplars, and chickens moaned in the heat. In the garden, grass climbed out of the heated earth, piercing the rotting leaves with green stalks, and the entire meadow was covered with white and yellow stars. Every day there were more birds in the garden. Blackbirds ran between the trunks - dodgers to walk. There is an oriole in the linden trees, big bird, green, with yellow, like gold, down on the wings, - fussing, whistled in a honeyed voice.

As the sun rose, on all the roofs and birdhouses the starlings woke up, began to sing in different voices, wheezed, whistled, now with a nightingale, now with a lark, now with some African birds, which they had heard enough of over the winter overseas - they mocked, and out of tune terribly. A woodpecker flew like a gray handkerchief through the transparent birches, landing on a trunk, turning around, raising its red crest on end.

And so on Sunday, on a sunny morning, in the trees that had not yet dried out from the dew, a cuckoo crowed by the pond: with a sad, lonely, gentle voice she blessed everyone who lived in the garden, starting with the worms;

Live, love, be happy, cuckoo. And I’ll live alone for nothing, ku-ku...

The whole garden listened silently to the cuckoo. Ladybugs, birds, always surprised frogs, sitting on their stomachs, some on the path, some on the steps of the balcony - everyone wished for fate. The cuckoo cuckooed, and the whole garden whistled even more merrily, the leaves rustled... The oriole whistles with a honeyed voice, as if into a pipe filled with water. The window was open, the room smelled of grass and freshness, the light of the sun was obscured by wet leaves. A breeze blew and drops of dew fell on the windowsill... It was so good to wake up, listen to the whistle of the oriole, look out the window at the wet leaves.

Forest and steppe

... Further, further!.. Let's go to the steppe places. If you look from the mountain - what a view! Round, low hills, plowed and sown to the top, scatter in wide waves; ravines overgrown with bushes meander between them; small roshis are scattered along oblong islands; Narrow paths run from the village... but further, further you go.

The hills are getting smaller and smaller, there is almost no tree to be seen. Here it is, finally - the boundless, vast steppe!..

And on a winter day, walking through high snowdrifts following hares, breathing in the frosty sharp air, involuntarily squinting at the dazzling fine sparkle of soft snow, admiring green sky over the reddish forest!.. And the first spring days when everything glitters and collapses steeply, through the heavy steam of melted snow there is already the smell of warmed earth, in the thawed patches, under the slanting ray of the sun, larks trustingly sing, and, with a cheerful noise and roar, streams swirl from the ravine...

Spring has come

Spring has come. Hasty streams gurgled along the wet streets. Everything became brighter than in winter: houses, fences, people’s clothes, the sky, and the sun. The May sun makes you squint your eyes, it’s so bright. And in a special way it gently warms, as if stroking everyone.

Tree buds swelled in the gardens. The branches of the trees swayed from the fresh wind and barely audibly whispered their spring song.

The chocolate scales burst, as if shooting out, and green tails appear. Both the forest and the garden have a special smell - greenery, thawed earth, something fresh. These are the kidneys with different trees different smells echo. If you smell a bird cherry bud, the bitter-tasty smell reminds you of the white tassels of its flowers. And birch has its own special aroma, delicate and light.

Smells fill the entire forest. IN spring forest breathe easily and freely. And the short, but such a gentle and joyful song of the robin began to ring. If you listen to it, you can make out the familiar words: “Glory, glory all around!”; The young, green forest whistles and shimmers in every way.

Joyful, young both in heaven and on earth, and in the heart of man.


Spring did not open for a long time. The weather has been clear and frosty for the last few weeks. During the day the snow melted in the sun. Suddenly a warm wind blew. A thick gray fog moved in. Water flowed in the fog. The ice floes crackled. Muddy streams moved. By evening the fog disappeared. The sky has cleared. In the morning bright sun quickly ate thin ice. The warm spring air trembled from the evaporation of the earth. The larks began to sing over the velvet of greenery and stubble. Cranes and geese flew high with spring cackling. Cows brayed in the pastures. Real spring has come.

Steppe in spring

An early spring morning is cool and dewy. Not a cloud in the sky. Only in the east, where the sun is now emerging in a fiery glow, do the gray pre-dawn clouds still crowd, turning pale and melting with every minute. The entire vast expanse of the steppe seems to be sprinkled with fine golden dust. In the thick lush grass, diamonds of coarse dew tremble here and there, shimmering and flashing with multi-colored lights. The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers: gorse turns bright yellow, bells turn modestly blue, fragrant chamomile grows white in whole thickets, wild carnations burn with crimson spots. In the morning coolness, the healthy smell of wormwood is diffused, mixed with the delicate, almond-like aroma of dodder. Everything shines and basks and joyfully reaches for the sun. Only here and there in deep and narrow ravines, between steep cliffs overgrown with sparse bushes, wet bluish shadows still lie, reminding of the bygone night.

High in the air, invisible to the eye, the larks flutter and ring. The restless grasshoppers have long since raised their hasty, dry chatter.

The steppe has woken up and come to life, and it seems as if it is breathing with deep, even and powerful sighs.

Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson


... In the middle of Lent, a strong thaw occurred. The snow quickly began to melt, and water appeared everywhere. The approach of spring in the village made an extraordinary, irritating impression on me. I felt a special kind of excitement that I had never experienced before... and followed every step of spring. The muddy thawed patches became wider and longer, the lake in the grove filled fuller, and, passing through the fence, water was already visible between the cabbage beds in our garden. I noticed everything accurately and carefully, and every step of spring was celebrated as a victory!

The rooks have been walking around the yard for a long time and began to build nests in the Rook Rosh. The starlings and larks also arrived; and then a real bird began to appear, game, as the hunters say.

How much excitement, how much noisy joy!

The water came in strong. The river overflowed its banks and merged with the Rook Grove Lake. All the banks were strewn with all kinds of game; many ducks swam on the water between the tops of the flooded bushes, and meanwhile large and small flocks of various migratory birds were constantly rushing by; some flew high without stopping, while others flew low, often falling to the ground; some flocks sat down, others rose, others flew from place to place; screams, squeaks, and whistles filled the air. Not knowing what kind of bird it was flying or walking, what its dignity was, which one was squeaking or whistling, I was amazed, distraught by such a spectacle. I listened, looked, and then I didn’t understand anything what was happening around me, only my heart either froze or pounded like a hammer; but then everything seemed to me afterwards, even now it seems to me clearly and distinctly, it gave and continues to give inexplicable pleasure!..

Little by little I got used to the coming spring and its various phenomena, always new, stunning and delightful; I say I got used to it, in the sense that I no longer went into a frenzy...

It's already spring


It's spring outside. The pavements are covered with a brown mess, on which future paths are already beginning to appear; roofs and sidewalks are dry; On the floor of fences, tender, young greenery breaks through last year’s rotten grass.

In the ditches, merrily murmuring and foaming, he runs dirty water... Slivers, straws, sunflower shells quickly rush through the water, swirl and cling to the dirty foam. Where, where are these slivers going? It is very possible that they will fall from the ditch into the river, from the river into the sea, from the sea into the ocean...

Dictionary of native nature

The Russian language is very rich in words related to the seasons and natural phenomena, associated with them.

Let's take early spring for example. She, this spring girl still chilled from the last frost, has a lot of good words in her knapsack.

Thaws, snowmelts, and drips from the roofs begin. The snow becomes grainy, spongy, settles and turns black. The fogs eat him up. Gradually the roads are being destroyed, muddy roads and impassability are setting in. On the rivers the first gullies with black water appear in the ice, and on the hillocks there are thawed patches and bald spots. Along the edge of the compacted snow, the coltsfoot is already turning yellow.

Then the first movement occurs on the rivers; water emerges from holes, holes and ice holes.

For some reason, ice drift begins most often around dark nights, after “the ravines go”; and hollow, melt water, ringing with the last pieces of ice - “shards”, will merge from the meadows and fields.

Hello spring!

The roads have darkened. The ice on the river turned blue. Rooks are adjusting their nests. The streams are ringing. Scented buds appeared on the trees. The guys saw the first starlings.

Slender schools of geese came from the south. A caravan of cranes appeared high in the sky.

Willow loosened her soft puffs. Busy ants ran along the paths.

A white hare ran out to the edge of the forest. Sits on a tree stump, looks around. A large elk with a beard and antlers came out. Joyful feeling fills the soul.

Sounds of spring

Sokolov-mikitov Ivan Sergeevich

Anyone who has spent the night by a fire in the forest many times will never forget hunting spring nights. The early morning hour in the forest is miraculously coming. It seems that an invisible conductor raised his magic wand and at his sign the beautiful symphony of the morning begins. Obeying the baton of an invisible conductor, one after another the stars go out over the forest. Increasingly and fading in the tops of the trees, the pre-dawn wind sweeps over the heads of the hunters. As if joining the music of the morning, you can hear the singing of the first awakened dawn bird.

A quiet, familiar sound is heard: “Horr, horr, tsviu!” Horrr, horrr, tsviu!”; - this is a woodcock - a long-billed forest sandpiper - pulling over the morning forest. From a thousand forest sounds, the hunter’s sensitive ear already catches the unusual, unlike anything else, song of the wood grouse.

At the most solemn hour of the appearance of the sun, the sounds of forest music especially increase. Welcoming rising sun, cranes blow on silver trumpets, tireless musicians - blackbirds - sing everywhere on countless pipes, larks rise into the sky from bare forest glades and sing.

Great time

Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilievich

April is coming to an end. Spring was early. The snow has melted from the fields. They turn green in winter. It's so good to be in the field! The air is filled with the songs of the lark. Fresh sap moves in the branches and stems. The sun warms the thicket and fields. The remaining snow is melting in the forest and ravine. Beetles are buzzing. The river has entered its banks. It's a wonderful time - spring!

In the March sun

In the calm, in secluded forest glades, the sun is as hot as in summer. You turn one cheek to him, you want to turn the other cheek too - it’s nice.

The horned spruce is basking in the sun, densely, from crown to hem, hung with old cones, birch trees are basking, and the forest children are basking - the willow.

We waited

It's spring again. No sooner had the sunset played out than the east began to blush. The forest is thick and scattered throughout Pinega. The long-faced logs, like large fish, hammer away at the newly installed boom with a dull thud. The boom creaks, the water sloshes in the rocky throat of the lintel:

“Ehe-he-he-hey!”; The loud sound swept through the night Pinega, jumped out onto the other bank, hooting, along the tops of the pine forest.

The echo began to play like summer. Waiting for brighter days again!

And day is not day, and not night... Mysteriously, transparently the sky above the silent earth. They are dozing, surrounded by forests - dark, motionless. The dawn, which never fades for a minute, gilds their pointed peaks in the east.

Dream and reality are confused in the eyes. You wander through the village - both the houses and the trees seem to sway blindly, and suddenly you yourself no longer feel the weight of your own body, and it already seems to you that you are not walking, but floating over a silent village.

Quiet, so quiet that you can hear the bird cherry tree resting under the window, showering with white flowers. A drop of water reluctantly separates from the wooden bottom of a bucket raised above a well - the depths of the earth respond with a resounding echo. The sweet smell of milk flows from the slightly open barns, the bitterness of the sun radiates from the hut wood, heated during the day. Hearing footsteps, a dove will move under the roof, cooing sleepily, and then, slowly circling, will fly to earth lung feather, leaving behind a thin stream of nesting warmth in the air.