Riddles on the theme of Russian folklore. Russian folk children's riddles

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RIDDLES The material was prepared by teacher of Russian language and literature Kashirina N.V. http://aida.ucoz.ru

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Riddle is a genre of oral folk art. A riddle allegorically (without naming) describes an object or phenomenon. The purpose of the riddle is to test intelligence, to teach you to see the world in a new way, so it is not an independent genre, but an applied one. The name of the genre “riddle” comes from the word “gadati” - to think, reason. “Fortune telling is the discovery of something hidden, obscured.

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Is this a mystery? Where is the birch tree, pockmarked and sparse, Where the haze of the willow tree melts, He, gray, sits on a branch And holds a worm in his beak. But it is he, simple, nondescript, chilled at night from the dew, who will enchant the dacha village near the suburban strip. (Sergey Shchipachev) The author's title of the poem is “The Nightingale” This is not a mystery. Why?

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The history of the riddle A long time ago, even when people were afraid of nature, it seemed to the ancient hunter, farmer and cattle breeder, that there are good and evil beings everywhere. In the forest - Leshy, in the river - Vodyanoy, Mermaids, in the hut - Brownie. People thought then that a tree, a fish, and a bird understood everything. human language. And people in those days, when going hunting, fishing, or simply going into the forest with their herd, tried not to utter out loud those words that were connected with the success of the upcoming task. And in order to deceive the beast and understand each other, hunters, fishermen and shepherds came up with a special “secret” language, a special “mysterious” speech.

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Winter evenings When all the housework had been done, both old and young would gather in some hut. And the old people began to ask the young sophisticated questions. And the old people did not just make wishes as they pleased, but adhered to strict order. They started with riddles about a person, about what is closest to him - about clothes, about home. Then about the vegetable garden, garden, field, apiary. And then about snow, thunder, lightning, stars and the month.

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Gradually, over the centuries, stronger yes smarter person I became less afraid of “dark forces”. “False” names were no longer needed; they were gradually forgotten. But the riddle was not forgotten. It was widely used as a test of wisdom both in life and in fairy tales. The main thing became that a person should test his ingenuity, look around once again - let him see in what interesting world lives.

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And everywhere, in the most everyday things, the riddle is able to notice something interesting, to make the most familiar unusual, mysterious. Here, for example: “Laughs downwards, cries upwards.” The solution is simple: the bucket is in the well. But it is so subtly noticed that the empty bucket goes down and creaks, as if laughing, and as it goes up, it splashes water, as if crying. Later, the riddle moved into the world of childhood and began to teach the child to recognize the world and see it in a new way. For a child, the world is always full of mystery; he still has a lot to guess. Solving riddles gives pleasure, solving them pleases and surprises.

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Guess the riddles. (From the teacher’s archive) 1. It began to rain, and we picked up strange mushrooms: there is a cap and a stem, but, alas, we cannot eat them. 2. The girl holds the mushroom so that her raincoat does not get wet. 3. The rain is pouring down like buckets, it’s time for me to go to school. And I opened my mushroom - Look: it didn’t get wet! 4. The bird will open its wings and save us from the rain. 5. As soon as I open up, I will become like a bird. 6. In the rain, a heron on a high leg walks along the path. 7. Multi-colored daisies carry everything above them in the rain. The clouds are clearing - the daisies are closing.

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I decorate the house, I also collect dust. And people trample me underfoot, and then they beat me with batogs. Inside is empty, And the voice is thick. He himself is silent, but when they beat him, he grumbles. Her whole soul is wide open, And even though there are buttons - it’s not a shirt, It’s not a turkey, but it’s puffed up, And it’s not a bird, but it’s filled with water. Now back, now forward The steamer wanders. Stop it - woe! The sea will be perforated! All his life he flaps his wings, but cannot fly away. He has a rubber trunk and a canvas stomach. As its engine hums, it swallows both dust and debris. If I see dust, I will grumble, wrap it up and swallow it.

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Learning to write riddles Preparation 1. Fragrant snowflakes Hanging on a blade of grass (lily of the valley flowers) 2. In the spring, in May, white rattles appeared at the edge of the forest. (lily of the valley flowers) 3. The hammers knock, knock, and the letters fall into even lines. (typewriter) 4. There is a bell on a thin stem in purple clothes. (bell) 5. They hang like beads, but do not ring, a strong aroma emanates from them. (lily of the valley flowers) Improved version 1. Fragrant snowflakes hang on a blade of grass in the forest. (lily of the valley flowers) 2. At the end of May, rattles turned white at the edge of the forest. (lily of the valley flowers) 3. The hammers are knocking briskly and hammering the letters into the lines. (typewriter) 4. There is a bell on a thin leg in purple clothes. (bell) 5. White bells hang, but do not ring, and a wonderful aroma flows from them. (lily of the valley flowers)

What do they hammer the nail into?
In a hat

The hut is coalless,
The people living in it are crazy.

Face the wall
And with your back to the hut

It’s heavy, not heavy, but you can’t throw it over the hut.

One father, one mother,
And neither one nor the other is the son?

My dear friend
In the tea trust the chairman:
The whole family in the evening
He treats you to tea.
He's a burly and strong guy:
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although small in stature,
And it puffs like a steam engine.

There's a hole in the sky
There's a hole in the ground
And in the middle are fire and water.

Hands on hips like a boss
He gets up on the table before everyone else,
Your own stove and kettle -
He'll brew it himself, pour it himself.

Two brothers are arguing -
They won't argue
They fight with each other -
They won't disperse

Two godfathers of Abakum,
Two godmothers of Avdotya,
Six Thalelei,
Yes, nine Andreevs.

Both you and us have a pig stuck

The ankle shakes, it is easy to bow.

I’ll stand taller than the horse,
And I’ll lie down lower than the cat

Chicken - on chicken,
And the Little Russian is on the street.

Here is Asya, lying down,
If only she stood up
Got the sky!
If only I tied the thief’s hands,
If only my legs had caught up with the horse,
If only my eyes had seen it!
As if the language - told!

They run without legs
They scream without a mouth,
They don't know the roads
And others are escorted

Why can’t you surround the hut?
Water in a sieve

It’s standing tall, the barrels are pecked

What can’t you get kicked out of the hut?

A stick through the wall.

A goat is lying in a hut.
And the horns are in the yard.

One hundred guests, one hundred beds,
Everyone has felt.
Logs and moss

Selected horses stand on the field on Romanov,
They drink rainwater and eat marsh grass.
Logs and moss

He doesn't walk, he walks.
It walks on the same runner day and night.
Door in the hut

Two walk, two wander.
The two will come together and kiss.
Swing door

What is there in the world that is more violent?
Wind and water

What's not faster?

Little black cow, iron horns,
That's why it's useful; in winter, twice a day,
One day the summer one milks a pebble,
There is no inter-milk movement.

I slept in stone, I stood up on iron,
He walked up the tree like a falcon flew.

I'm not on my own, but the strongest
And the worst thing is, and everyone loves me,
And everyone is ruining me.

What does each village stand on?
On a righteous man

The ram is in the barn,
And the horns are in the wall

A little boy is looking at everyone's feet.

It stands like a pillar, burning with fire;
No heat, no steam, no coals.

Turchen flies to storbuchen
And a stroke into the hole.
Lock and key

A little red cockerel is running down the street.

I'll put it in a golden bowl,
I'll beat you there and turn back.

A black hen sits on red eggs.

The black sheep is all on fire.

Three legs, two ears,
Yes, the sixth belly.

Not sewn, not cut, but covered in scars

No arms, no legs,
It leans in all directions.

I was on the Kopanets, I was on the Hlopansk,
I was at a fire, I was at the market;
He was young - he fed people,
He became old and began to swaddle,
Died - my bones are worthless
They threw it into a hole, and the dogs didn’t bite.

I was at the market and found myself on fire.
Pot in the oven

There is a mountain, in the horn there is a hole,
There is a beetle in the hole, and there is water in the beetle.
Furnace and boiler

Little pot-bellied one.
And he protects the whole house.

What can’t you get out of the hut?

There is no warmth in winter,
Summer doesn't get any colder

Yaga stands with horns on his forehead.
Stove and Voronets

There's a bear's paw under our bench.

The little black dog lies curled up;
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite.
But he doesn’t let me into the house

Neither the light nor the dawn has gone,
Bent over from the yard

Two brothers want to fight
Yes my arms are short

Two jackdaws sitting on one stick
Buckets and rocker

Two are bathing, the third is lying around;
Two came out, the third hung
Buckets and rocker

Forty floor - one hem

I dragged the intestine through the ceiling.
Pipe on the roof

How much have you lived in your belly?
9 months

Where are the water and the horns?
Where does the cow drink?

What can produce good and evil?

The old man and the boy walked
The boy was asked: What kind of relatives are you, old man?
He answered: His mother is my mother’s mother-in-law.
What kind of family is this?

Not a bird,
Doesn't sing
Who goes to the owner -
She lets you know.

I'll go out on a prank
I beckon to little ones,
A jacket is running towards me.
Hen and chicks

The king walks around the city,
Wears honor on his head.

Pan Panoval fell into the water,
But he didn’t muddy the waters.

I'll go out into the forest without an ax, without a chisel,
I will carve two driving boats,
two floorboards,
A lid for the pot, a handle for the ladle.

In our hut the grandmothers are red.

The cow is in the stable, and the tail is in the stable.
Spoon in a cup

Without arms, without legs - he crumbles noodles.

The body is lying there: the head is missing, but the throat is intact.

Never eats, but only drinks;
And when it makes noise, it calls everyone together

What is sweeter in the world?
Bread and salt

Little black one, little one,
She ran around the whole field and had lunch with the king.

I’ll take the dusty one, I’ll make it liquid;
If I throw it into the fire, it will be like a stone.

Sits on a spoon, all legs

On the Nogai field,
At the Tatar border
There are chiseled pillars,
The heads are gilded.

Stooped, hunchbacked,
There's a gag on the front.
The whole field will be afforested,
He'll come home
It will go through the cracks.

The longest one
Long nose
And the hands are small.

He won't eat as much
How much will it trample?

Baba Yaga is standing
Spreading the leg,
The whole world feeds
She's hungry herself.

The old man is on the mountain,
And the old woman is under the mountain;
The old man was holding on,
Yes, he clung to the old woman.

Between the mountains
The Kholuyan bird sits between the pits,
Laying eggs is a gift from God.

There is a town on the stamen,
There are seven hundred governors in it.

What animal in
Wasn't there Noah's Ark?

Knocking, spinning,
He is not afraid of the fear of God;
It is our age that counts, not man.
Clock on the wall

Why can’t you put it to the hut?
Way to go

What is more expensive in the world?

I do the same job day and night.
I breathe

Partially taken from the site http://presspull.ru

Riddles - absolutely special kind folklore. This is not just entertainment, riddles train the child’s mind, develop attention and memory, and teach him to identify important features of objects.

Give your children riddles! Even if the child couldn’t solve the riddle himself, but learned the answer from you, that’s also good. It helps to look at a thing or phenomenon from a different perspective, enriches lexicon child. Children learn to identify figurative meaning words

We are used to offering small children poetic riddles, in which the answer is an easily guessed rhyme. The child often does not even understand the meaning of the words of the riddle, but simply substitutes a rhyme. But Russian folk riddles for children are rarely poetic, often just one sentence. But they are laconic and require ingenuity.

When guessing Russians folk riddles children there is one nuance. Some of them use outdated words, and some - about objects that modern child I haven’t seen it, or which are not common (for example, felt boots: “not sewn, not cut, but covered in scars”). When posing such a riddle, be prepared, in case of difficulty for the child, to give leading questions, small hints, but do not immediately say the correct answer, do not take away the pleasure of guessing yourself.

Riddles about tools

  • The iron nose has grown into the ground, digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow)
  • Who gets hit on the head to make him walk smoothly? (Nail)
  • He bows, bows, when he comes home he stretches out. (Axe)
  • The ankle shakes, but it’s easy to bow. (Axe)
  • The nose is steel, the tail is linen. (Needle with thread)
  • Two rings, two ends, studs in the middle. (Scissors)
  • He knocks, spins, and is not afraid of the fear of God. It is our century that counts, not man. (Watch)
  • One brother rests in winter, and the other in summer. (Cart and sleigh).
  • It won't eat as much as it will trample. (Mortar)
  • Baba Yaga stands with her leg cut open. She feeds the whole world, but she herself is hungry. (Sokha)
  • No arms, no legs, crumbles noodles (Knife).
  • A small head and a thousand eyes. (thimble)
  • A black hen sits on red eggs. (Cauldron on fire)
  • I’ll stand up higher than a horse, and I’ll lie down lower than a cat. (Yoke)
  • Two brothers want to fight, but their arms are short. (Yoke)
  • Neither light nor dawn went, bending out of the yard. (Yoke)
  • Small, pot-bellied, but takes care of the whole house. (Lock)
  • She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door)

Riddles about plants

  • Countless clothes, and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
  • It's not fire, it burns. (Nettle)
  • The golden sieve of black houses is full. (Sunflower)
  • The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats; And whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)
  • The red maiden sits in prison, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)
  • It blooms white, hangs green, falls red. (Apple)
  • A golden calf on a leash is getting fatter. (Melon)

Folk riddles about animals

  • Not a tailor, but has been walking around with needles all his life. (Hedgehog)
  • A poultry woman in a red fur coat came from the forest to count the chickens. (Fox)
  • Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but waking everyone up. (Rooster)
  • There is a haystack in the middle of the yard: a pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (Cow)
  • There are many pebbles singing under a big stone. (Chicks under the chicken)
  • The hut is without coal, the people living in it are insane. (Hive)
  • Whom in Noah's Ark did not have? (fish)
  • Nothing hurts, but everything groans. (Pig)

Children's riddles about natural phenomena

  • From one hearth all the light is heated. (Sun)
  • The lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground. (Rain)
  • A painted yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)
  • A white tablecloth covered the entire field. (Snow)
  • It flies - it is silent, it lies - it is silent, when it dies, then it roars. (Snow. Will growl - here it means “will cry”, i.e. will melt).
  • Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens. (Wind)
  • One pours, another drinks, the third turns green and grows. (Rain, earth and grass).
  • The gray-haired child at the gate covered our eyes. (Fog)
  • The goose barked all over Rus'. (Thunder)
  • When you see, you don't see. And when you don’t see it, you see it. (Darkness)
  • She ran and made noise, fell asleep and sparkled. (River)
  • If you open the door, a shaggy dog ​​will come in. (Steam in the cold)
  • He eats everything, doesn’t get enough, but drinks water and dies. (Fire).
  • Where the red goat lay, grass does not grow there. (Fire pit)

What do they hammer the nail into?
In a hat

The hut is coalless,
The people living in it are crazy.

Face the wall
And with your back to the hut

It’s heavy, not heavy, but you can’t throw it over the hut.

One father, one mother,
And neither one nor the other is the son?

My dear friend
In the tea trust the chairman:
The whole family in the evening
He treats you to tea.
He's a burly and strong guy:
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although small in stature,
And it puffs like a steam engine.

There's a hole in the sky
There's a hole in the ground
And in the middle are fire and water.

Hands on hips like a boss
He gets up on the table before everyone else,
Your own stove and kettle -
He'll brew it himself, pour it himself.

Two brothers are arguing -
They won't argue
They fight with each other -
They won't disperse

Two godfathers of Abakum,
Two godmothers of Avdotya,
Six Thalelei,
Yes, nine Andreevs.

Both you and us have a pig stuck

The ankle shakes, it is easy to bow.

I’ll stand taller than the horse,
And I’ll lie down lower than the cat

Chicken - on chicken,
And the Little Russian is on the street.

Here is Asya, lying down,
If only she stood up
Got the sky!
If only I tied the thief’s hands,
If only my legs had caught up with the horse,
If only my eyes had seen it!
As if the language - told!

They run without legs
They scream without a mouth,
They don't know the roads
And others are escorted

Why can’t you surround the hut?
Water in a sieve

It’s standing tall, the barrels are pecked

What can’t you get kicked out of the hut?

A stick through the wall.

A goat is lying in a hut.
And the horns are in the yard.

One hundred guests, one hundred beds,
Everyone has felt.
Logs and moss

Selected horses stand on the field on Romanov,
They drink rainwater and eat marsh grass.
Logs and moss

He doesn't walk, he walks.
It walks on the same runner day and night.
Door in the hut

Two walk, two wander.
The two will come together and kiss.
Swing door

What is there in the world that is more violent?
Wind and water

What's not faster?

Little black cow, iron horns,
That's why it's useful; in winter, twice a day,
One day the summer one milks a pebble,
There is no inter-milk movement.

I slept in stone, I stood up on iron,
He walked up the tree like a falcon flew.

I'm not on my own, but the strongest
And the worst thing is, and everyone loves me,
And everyone is ruining me.

What does each village stand on?
On a righteous man

The ram is in the barn,
And the horns are in the wall

A little boy is looking at everyone's feet.

It stands like a pillar, burning with fire;
No heat, no steam, no coals.

Turchen flies to storbuchen
And a stroke into the hole.
Lock and key

A little red cockerel is running down the street.

I'll put it in a golden bowl,
I'll beat you there and turn back.

A black hen sits on red eggs.

The black sheep is all on fire.

Three legs, two ears,
Yes, the sixth belly.

Not sewn, not cut, but covered in scars

No arms, no legs,
It leans in all directions.

I was on the Kopanets, I was on the Hlopansk,
I was at a fire, I was at the market;
He was young - he fed people,
He became old and began to swaddle,
Died - my bones are worthless
They threw it into a hole, and the dogs didn’t bite.

I was at the market and found myself on fire.
Pot in the oven

There is a mountain, in the horn there is a hole,
There is a beetle in the hole, and there is water in the beetle.
Furnace and boiler

Little pot-bellied one.
And he protects the whole house.

What can’t you get out of the hut?

There is no warmth in winter,
Summer doesn't get any colder

Yaga stands with horns on his forehead.
Stove and Voronets

There's a bear's paw under our bench.

The little black dog lies curled up;
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite.
But he doesn’t let me into the house

Neither the light nor the dawn has gone,
Bent over from the yard

Two brothers want to fight
Yes my arms are short

Two jackdaws sitting on one stick
Buckets and rocker

Two are bathing, the third is lying around;
Two came out, the third hung
Buckets and rocker

Forty floor - one hem

I dragged the intestine through the ceiling.
Pipe on the roof

How much have you lived in your belly?
9 months

Where are the water and the horns?
Where does the cow drink?

What can produce good and evil?

The old man and the boy walked
The boy was asked: What kind of relatives are you, old man?
He answered: His mother is my mother’s mother-in-law.
What kind of family is this?

Not a bird,
Doesn't sing
Who goes to the owner -
She lets you know.

I'll go out on a prank
I beckon to little ones,
A jacket is running towards me.
Hen and chicks

The king walks around the city,
Wears honor on his head.

Pan Panoval fell into the water,
But he didn’t muddy the waters.

I'll go out into the forest without an ax, without a chisel,
I will carve two driving boats,
two floorboards,
A lid for the pot, a handle for the ladle.

In our hut the grandmothers are red.

The cow is in the stable, and the tail is in the stable.
Spoon in a cup

Without arms, without legs - he crumbles noodles.

The body is lying there: the head is missing, but the throat is intact.

Never eats, but only drinks;
And when it makes noise, it calls everyone together

What is sweeter in the world?
Bread and salt

Little black one, little one,
She ran around the whole field and had lunch with the king.

I’ll take the dusty one, I’ll make it liquid;
If I throw it into the fire, it will be like a stone.

Sits on a spoon, all legs

On the Nogai field,
At the Tatar border
There are chiseled pillars,
The heads are gilded.

Stooped, hunchbacked,
There's a gag on the front.
The whole field will be afforested,
He'll come home
It will go through the cracks.

The longest one
Long nose
And the hands are small.

He won't eat as much
How much will it trample?

Baba Yaga is standing
Spreading the leg,
The whole world feeds
She's hungry herself.

The old man is on the mountain,
And the old woman is under the mountain;
The old man was holding on,
Yes, he clung to the old woman.

Between the mountains
The Kholuyan bird sits between the pits,
Laying eggs is a gift from God.

There is a town on the stamen,
There are seven hundred governors in it.

What animal in
Wasn't there Noah's Ark?

Knocking, spinning,
He is not afraid of the fear of God;
It is our age that counts, not man.
Clock on the wall

Why can’t you put it to the hut?
Way to go

What is more expensive in the world?

I do the same job day and night.
I breathe

Partially taken from the site http://presspull.ru

These riddles have been invented, collected and kept by people for centuries. People living in those ancient times did not have entertainment like fist fights between villages, and show off your mind by asking riddles. They gathered after a difficult working day, lit a torch in the hut, and began to take turns telling fairy tales and asking riddles. This is how the smartest and most intelligent person showed up among them. In this respect he deserved respect throughout the entire district.

If you look at it, you will cry, but there is nothing more beautiful than him in the world. (Sun) A piece of bread hangs above the woman’s hut. (Month)

White carrots grow in winter. (Icicle)

He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out. (River)

Why is she white? Because it's green. (Currant)

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard: a pitchfork in front, a Cow in the back.

The hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest)

There are pitchforks, on the forks there is a rake, above the rake there is a breather, above the breather there is a peeper, above the peeper there is a field, and beyond the field there is a dense forest. (Human)

Under the bridge, under the bridge, under the city, fortification, two trumpets were blowing, two candles were shining, two sables were playing. (Lips, teeth, nose, eyes, eyebrows)

I will open the stable and let out a flock of white sheep. (Mouth, teeth)

It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, and warms in the winter. (Tree)

The iron nose has grown into the ground, digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow)

The bowlegged one will ruffle his hair, the toothy one will comb his hair. (Plow and harrow)

Little Dorofeyko has a short belt. (Sheaf)

No windows, no doors - full of a flock of swans. (Cucumber)

Where does the water stand? (Well)

A sieve with four corners, one hundred legs, and seven humps. (Peasant hut)

The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the son is brave and has gone to heaven. (Oven, fire, smoke)

They soaked it, beat it, tore it, twisted it and put it on the table. (Tablecloth)

I was at a fire, I was at a circle, I fed a hundred heads, I became old - I began to take swaddling clothes, they threw me out the window - and the dogs don’t need it. (Pot)

A fox was running close to the forest: it was impossible to catch up, impossible to see. (Sun)

When he comes into the house, you can’t drive him out with a stake, but when the time comes, he leaves on his own. (Ray of sunshine)

A steep-horned bull looks out from the high road. (Month)

Grandfather paved the bridge without an ax or a chisel. (Ice)

The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground. (Rain)

Twelve eagles and fifty-two jackdaws laid one egg. (Year)

The black cow conquered the whole world; The white one stood up and raised the whole world. (Day and night)

She feeds everyone, but doesn’t ask for food herself. (Earth)

They drink my blood, they burn my bones, they beat each other with my hands. (Birch)

If you don't break the pot, you won't eat the porridge. (Nut)

What you love, you can’t buy, and what you don’t love, you can’t sell. (Youth and old age).

The log lies in the middle of the swamp: it does not rot, does not dry out. (Language)

Brother doesn't see brother across the border. (Eyes)

Balls of balls are rolling around near the barrel. (Pig and piglets)

He lives in the next world, I die in this world. (Fish)

The forest is cut - the forest withers, in that place the city will rise. (Haymaking)

The oak socks fly, they fly and say:

“That's me! That's me! (Threshing with flails)

Baba Yaga, leg with a pitchfork; She feeds the whole world, but she herself is hungry. (Sokha)

The more I twirl, the fatter I get. (Spindle)

A pig ran, with a golden back and a flaxen tail. (Needle)

Born in water, but afraid of water. (Salt)

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house. (Lock)

He himself is naked, and his shirt is in his bosom. (Candle)

He's thin, but his head is big. (steelyard)
RIDDLES, favorite among CHILDREN
A living survivor on a living stool. (Child on adult's lap)

Two brothers live across the path, but they see each other. (Eyes)

Two mothers have five sons. (Hands)

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned. (Sky, stars, month)

A piece of bread hangs above my grandmother's hut. The dogs bark, but they can’t get it. (Month)

God was driving and scattered the peas.

It was getting light - there was nothing to collect. (Stars)

Zarya-zoryanitsa, red maiden. I was walking through the forest and dropped my keys. I saw it for a month, but didn’t say. The sun saw and rose. (Dew)

A bird flies across the blue sky. She spread her wings and covered the sun. (Cloud)

First the shine. Behind the shine is a crackling sound. Behind the crackling is a splash. (Lightning, thunder, rain)

He walked lanky. Stuck in the ground. (Rain)

The tablecloth is white. I dressed the whole world. (Snow)

A bridge is being laid without planks, without an ax, without a wedge. (Ice)

One is lying down, the other is running, the third is bowing. (Stream, shore, reeds)

I drive, I drive - there is no trace, I cut, I cut - there is no blood. (River, boat, oar)

It flies and howls.

He sits and digs the ground. (Bug)

It flies and buzzes,

As soon as he sits down, he remains silent. (Bee)

The sieve is hanging - not made by hand. (Web)

Who carries their home on themselves? (Snail)

Not a warrior, but with spurs. (Rooster)

She swam, bathed, and remained dry. (Duck)

Born twice

Dies once. (Bird)

Falls asleep in autumn

Wakes up in the spring. (Bear)

She neither speaks nor sings, but whoever goes to the owner - She lets him know. (Dog)

And lumpy, and spongy, and sour, and brittle, and the cutest of all. (Bread)

They don’t eat me, and without me they don’t eat much. (Salt)

Doesn't hit, doesn't scold,

And it makes you cry. (Onion)

The red maiden sits in the dungeon, and the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

On the forest, on the ravine, there stands an old man, a little red cap. (Boletus mushroom)

Bows, bows,

When he comes home, he will stretch out. (Axe)

Two stand, two lie, the fifth walks, leads the pole, sings the seventh song. (Doors)

Runners are running and carrying

Lucky ones stab the shaggy one, sharpen the horned one. (Horse, sleigh, hay, pitchfork)

It’s not nettles, but it burns; it’s not the sun, but it bakes. (Stove)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Table)

Glass fields,

And the boundaries are wooden. (Window)

Not a person, but a storyteller. Not a shirt, but sewn. (Book)

When you take from it, it becomes bigger. (Pit)

He rides on someone else's back, but carries his own load. (Saddle)

Two sons, two fathers, divided three eggs. How did they divide it, so that not a single one was broken? (Grandfather, father, son)

Seven brothers have one sister. Are there many sisters? (One)

Three cats are sitting. For every cat there are two cats. Are there many of them? (Three)

An old man was riding with boards, and the boards ate him. (From spruce)

Are there horses on the balcony (at the ball)? (No)

When do all the bells ring? (Never in oats)