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I once had the opportunity to try an excellent drink, mead. This aroma and rich taste cannot be compared with anything; no other alcohol comes close. But I never thought that I could cook this myself.

It so happened that I have a friend who is a beekeeper, he prepares this very mead just perfectly, there’s not even a hangover after it. I borrowed his method, and a couple of ingredients at the same time - he has them in abundance. And after about four months we already held our first joint tasting. It was decided to leave the main volume to stand further, but we already really liked what we drained.

Now I will tell you a recipe for making excellent strong mead in at home. If you follow the instructions, you too will get this drink of the gods.

Mead recipe

Cooking time: for a light drink 2-3 weeks, for a strong drink - at least 2.5-3 months.
Kitchen utensils: pot; fermenter with water seal; three-liter jar; cutting board and knife; 10 liter bottle; watering can; sieve and gauze; hose; water seal.


To make mead tasty, strong and rich, you need to take the choice of ingredients seriously:

  • Ideally, it is better to buy honey from a familiar beekeeper.- this way you will be 100% sure that this is really honey. But you can do it both at the market and in the store. Choose any - linden, buckwheat, floral. Of course, the bouquet of taste and aroma will depend on the type of honey, but I don’t think this is important. Ideally, take such a product during the season - this way there is less chance of getting counterfeit and melted honey.
  • You need to take purified water, ideally artesian water. The tap water is not good; it contains too many impurities that can inhibit fermentation and subsequently give an unpleasant aftertaste. So it’s better to buy peeled ones - this is sold in stores and supermarkets.
  • Bee bread is plant pollen processed by bees, which they collect in old honeycombs. It is this pollen that gives the yeast effect that causes fermentation to occur. You can buy it or ask a beekeeper you know, or you can look for it in the market and beekeeping stores. The main thing is that it is not too dirty and preferably relatively fresh, so look for such a product in season (August-early September, before the cold weather).
  • Pelleted hops can be found in a specialty store, very rarely in a supermarket. If you haven’t found it, you can always order it online. I took “Zhatetsky”, I liked it, but I think the type and variety are not important, although the taste and aroma of the finished mead will of course differ with different types of hops.
  • You can find alcohol in any pharmacy, this is not a problem, we don’t need much of it. But if you have pure home-distilled distillate, it will be much better.

When you have stocked up on everything you need, you can begin the simple, but rather painstaking mechanism of creating this alcoholic drink.

Step-by-step preparation

First, let's prepare the “mash”

Pour the remaining water (about 1.5 liters) into a saucepan and boil. Then, within 20 minutes, add 1-2 hop granules (20 grams in total) to boiling water so that it releases all its aroma. Stir regularly. Then turn off the stove and let the liquid cool to 30-40°C. After this, pour into the fermenter and stir. Close the fermenter with a lid with a water seal. Pour strong distillate (alcohol) into the water seal - this will prevent foreign microflora from getting into it.

Place the fermenter in warm place for 2-3 weeks so that its contents are thoroughly fermented. Then follow the water seal, but I waited exactly two weeks. Periodically stir the fermenter, as if mixing the contents without opening the lid.

Now let's get down to the mead itself.

Happy tasting!

Recipe video

If you still have questions or confusion about the recipe for making mead at home, be sure to watch this video. Everything will become clear to you right away, and even novice gourmets will enjoy the drink.

  • The main thing in this important matter is not to overdo it with beebread. A little is bad, a lot is also not very good, in large quantities it will give extra bitterness, but this will not affect the strength
  • It is very important to use good, purified water, ideally artesian water. It would be a good idea to boil it first.
  • For a pleasant sourness, my friend adds unwashed raspberries or grapes at the fermenter stage. I haven’t done this yet, but it’s good advice – I really like his mead.
  • Take your time at all stages. This is a drink that needs time. First, so that it ferments properly, then, so that it stands.
  • It is important to observe the temperature regime. In a cool room, mead will sit longer than in a warm room, but the main thing is not to allow this temperature to spike.
  • The longer the mead sits, the stronger it becomes, but the first sample can be taken after 2-3 months.

Serve this alcoholic drink It can be added to any feast - it will definitely complement it and decorate it with its golden color and extraordinary aroma.

Drink preparation options

As for me, there is little that can compete with real mead. But there are recipes for drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) that will not leave indifferent even a homemade gourmet like me:

  • Even from an average quality wine you can make an excellent one.
  • If you are not a fan of alcohol or you are temporarily unable to drink it, there is an amazing recipe, be sure to try it.
  • It’s very cool to make beer at home, the recipes are quite simple, but it’s a hundred times cooler than any store-bought one, believe me.
  • Honey can be used to make more than just mead. Try to prepare -jelly at home-, the recipe for this original Russian drink is simple, but very tasty, although without alcohol.
  • You can also make an excellent spicy one - ginger tea with lemon and honey - by simple recipe. For a cold - an exceptional thing.
  • Well, if you delve deeper into the topic of spicy teas, then try it, the recipe is originally Indian, very tasty and aromatic.

As my beekeeper friend says, not a single recipe is an axiom, you can always add something, simplify something, and simply improve the result of your efforts. If you know how to complement the method I gave for preparing mead at home, or you have your own unique way of creating this alcoholic masterpiece, share the information in the comments, I will be glad for any advice and outside views!

This drink, which has a unique mild taste, can compete with most modern low-alcohol drinks. It was prepared in ancient times, but it is still popular to this day. Its name is mead.

Briefly about historical facts and myths

This name appeared not as long ago as the drink itself. It began to be widely used only towards the end of the 18th century. All events that were significant for the population (the birth of a baby, a wedding or other rituals) could not do without this drink. There is even an opinion that the first month of the newlyweds was called “honey” because they were given a huge barrel of light mead as a gift.

They had to start drinking it at the ceremony and finish it after the first month. Mead was given to young people for several reasons. Firstly, it was believed that it has the property of increasing potency. Secondly, it had a tonic effect on both spouses.

Initially, this drink was called honey, intoxicating honey, or nutritional honey. Until the 18th century, this drink was quite popular. But at this time wine became more popular, so nutritious honey was forgotten for some time. And only in the 21st century did the traditions of this drink begin to be revived.

Why is this drink valued?

In ancient times, this drink was loved not only for its taste characteristics. Many people used it as a prophylactic against various ailments.

Mead was also believed to have the following beneficial properties:

  • diaphoretic property;
  • due to the fact that the base of the drink includes bee honey, it has antibacterial properties and relieves inflammation;
  • when heated, the drink was used as medicine for sore throats and colds;
  • if you mix mead with mint leaves, it has a calming effect on the nervous system (relieves irritability, anxiety, improves sleep).

Classic mead: recipe for making it at home

To prepare a real honey drink, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Honey – 0.3 kg;
  • A couple of liters of water;
  • A teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • Hop cones – no more than 5 g;
  • A pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Hop cones are not as complex a component as it seems at first glance. They can be found in almost every pharmacy kiosk. The question of choosing honey is much more important. The best option would be either linden or buckwheat varieties, as they are the most aromatic.

First of all, it is worth remembering that when boiling honey, you should not leave the stove unattended. Not only does honey burn very quickly, but it can also ignite.

Pour water into a convenient saucepan and bring it to a boil. After this, add honey and stir constantly.

After about 5 minutes, a white film will appear on the water's edge, which needs to be removed. After this you can add cinnamon and nutmeg, hops. Mix well and set the pan aside.

We wait until the liquid cools down. A temperature of 25-30°C is sufficient. Once the desired temperature is reached, add the yeast. If the liquid is hotter, the yeast will simply die and fermentation will not begin.

The liquid will need to be poured into a fermentation container, make a water seal, or use a more simple method: Put a medical glove with a small hole in the finger over the hole.

Fermentation will last from 4 to 6 days. A deflated glove or the absence of air bubbles in the water seal will indicate completion.

The next stage is the spill. Pour the liquid into other containers. Care must be taken to ensure that the sediment remains in the original bottle. It is advisable that the drink steep for about 3 days, after which it can be safely consumed.

How to make old-fashioned mead at home without yeast

The basic components are:

Take a container with cold water, add honey there and stir thoroughly until the last component is completely dissolved. The optimal choice of container would be a glass jar. Add raisins.

We tie the top hole with gauze. Place the bottle in a warm corner. After a couple of days, you will notice the beginning of the fermentation process. After the foam has appeared, filter the liquid through a couple of layers of gauze and pour it into another container and close it. In this case, neither a water seal nor a glove is needed.

After the allotted time, you can get a drink. It will taste slightly sour and slightly carbonated.

Simple homemade mead recipe

Nowadays, not everyone wants to wait many months to create such a drink. To create simple and flavorful homemade mead for over short terms you will need:

Cut the lemon into slices. Place it in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Stir and let the lemon liquid cool. Add honey, stir until it completely dissolves. Then we throw in the raisins and yeast. Mix, cover the hole with gauze and leave for a couple of days.

When the fermentation process begins, we make a water seal or use a glove. At the end of the process, filter the drink and bottle it. Let it brew for a couple of days.

Other mead recipes

Mead without yeast can be prepared not only with raisins. It can be replaced with fresh cherries. First you need to remove the seeds from them.

So how to cook it? When using this method you need:

Honey dissolves in water. Then the cherries are added. At the same time, it should be remembered that the cherries are not washed before adding, since “wild” yeast should remain on them.

The container is covered with gauze and left for a couple of days in a warm corner. During this time, the first signs of fermentation should appear.

Once the process has begun, the liquid must be filtered and poured into another bottle. Close it tightly and leave it for 3-4 months in the basement or refrigerator. After the allotted time, the drink will be ready for consumption.

Although recipes without yeast are quite long (preparation takes up to 3-4 months), there is a recipe for the most patient. In this case, the process may take several years. According to this recipe, for mead you will need:

Honey dissolves in water, after which you need to add cones. The container must be closed and placed either in a cold cellar or in the refrigerator. To try this drink, you need to wait until the liquid stops fermenting.

  • 0.7 kg of honey;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 9 g dry yeast;
  • Protein – 1 pc.;
  • Cloves - a couple of pieces;
  • A pinch of nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon.

Honey is not first mixed with water, but with protein. Next, fill it with water and place the saucepan on the stove. The liquid should come to a boil and after 10 minutes the spices are added. Together with the spices, the liquid should be cooked for about another hour (45-50 minutes). At the same time, during this time it should decrease in volume by almost half and be transparent.

Leave the bottle in a warm place for a day. After this, it is tightly closed and stored in the cellar for 6 months.

After half a year, the drink is bottled into a convenient container and can be stored in the refrigerator.

How to drink and what to eat mead with?

Modern traditions of drinking alcoholic beverages differ significantly from how they drank them in the old days. Initially, mead was usually served as an aperitif in tandem with a wide variety of snacks. The dishes had to be light, they could be both sweet and not sweet.

And the drink itself had to be chilled. Warm mead was served cold winter evenings, or as a medicine for colds. And at the richest feasts it was customary to serve mead with Tula gingerbread.

This drink is sure to please both warm and chilled. As a snack, lemon slices, pickled apples and other fruits are perfect. If we consider the option with vegetables, then cabbage with lingonberries, as well as pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, are suitable.

Nowadays they often snack on mead and various varieties meat products. In some countries, for example, in Ireland, this drink is eaten traditional dish- Irish stew.

The only thing that does not go well with this alcoholic drink is fish products.

Read how to properly prepare buckwheat porridge. Recipes you knew and ones you didn't know. Read the secrets of making the most delicious porridge.

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How to store mead?

Preparing this drink takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is very important to be able to store it for a long time.

The first thing to take care of when deciding to make mead is the container. Previously, wooden barrels were used, which were tarred inside. As main material the best option there will be oak.

But if the drink is not prepared in very large volumes, glass can also be used. Such a bottle will easily fit in the refrigerator, and it will not take up much space in the cellar.

Another popular container material is plastic. It is also practical, has a variety of volumes and shapes, and easily fits in the refrigerator. However, it is worth remembering that this material is completely unsuitable for long-term storage.

The best place is a basement, cellar or refrigerator. Impact of direct sun rays highly undesirable. In terms of timing, it can be noted that the drink, subject to the rules in choosing containers and storage location, can last for several decades.

But this applies to mead, which is prepared according to classic recipes. Taking into account that the components in individual recipes vary significantly, the timing may also be different. You also need to understand that if a container of mead has been opened once, then it needs to be drunk in the near future.

As you know, mead, in the form in which we know it, appeared more than three hundred years ago. We “tasted” the wonderful drink closer to our time, in the 20th century. The taste of the drink is bright. Having tried it just once, you will no longer be able to forget the specific pleasant aftertaste. It contains many useful minerals and vitamins. This makes mead an even more attractive drink.

Features of the drink

It should also be noted that its strength is relatively low. To be more precise, mead contains only 10 revolutions, but sometimes there is a strength of 16 revolutions. But let us also note the fact that mead is not vodka, and there simply cannot be a universal degree in it. It all depends on the method of making the drink. It is based on honey, hence the name. Often mead without yeast, the recipe for which is often used among people, contains a wonderful combination of berries, spices and honey. This is what gives the drink a more subtle aroma and taste.

What methods of making mead are more popular?

So, let's look at several ways to prepare the drink. The best recipe yeast-free mead at home, according to many people who tested it, we will consider below. We will need to take:

  1. 2 liters of purified water.
  2. About 700 grams of honey (flower honey is best).
  3. 300 grams of raisins;

We will work with these simple ingredients in the future. Add honey to water (not boiling water, but cold). Stir the contents of the selected container until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the resulting solution should be placed in a warm place, covering a pan or bowl with gauze. The product begins to ferment approximately on the third day, depending on the air temperature in the room where it is located.

When foam appears and thickly covers the surface of the future drink, it should be strained. This is quite easy to do. You just need to fold the gauze in several layers and strain the fermentation product through it three or four times. When only clear liquid remains, cleared of foam and sediment, pour it into a jar/bottle. This is a fairly simple recipe for yeast-free mead at home, which can be safely used in practice.

How to properly store the product?

It will be stored there for at least three months. Important! Leave the future drink in a cool, dark place to ripen. Otherwise, it may simply go bad. This popular recipe for yeast-free mead at home has been popular for many years. This product is not strong. In terms of turnover, it is not too ahead of cider, containing no more than 2-4% alcohol. By the way, great way take off " hangover syndrome"when the body needs help coping with alcohol intoxication.

A few more recipes

A simple recipe for yeast-free mead is known to many lovers of low-alcohol drinks, and is successfully used by them. But this recipe is specific, since cherries add a special taste to the final product. In order to prepare such a drink, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • Cherry (ripe berries, about 5 kilograms).
  • Water - 1.3 liters.
  • 2.5 liters of honey.

Let's proceed directly to manufacturing the product. First of all, we remove the seeds from the berries. This action must be done, as they can give an unpleasant bitterness to the drink, ruining its taste. Wash the berries thoroughly after cleaning. Prepare a solution of honey and water in the above proportions. Then pour the resulting solution over the berries and leave them warm for three days.

During this time, foam forms. We remove it in the same way as in the previous recipe. This will be the basis from which mead will be made at home. The recipe without yeast is characterized by the absence of a sharp aftertaste. This is the key to creating the perfect drink that can please even the most demanding gourmets. True, it will take at least three months to appreciate this taste. But it's worth it!

Russian folk way to prepare mead

Since ancient times in Rus', our ancestors knew how to prepare such a product as mead at home. The recipe without yeast takes its origins from truly distant times. But the modified and improved one came to us. You need to use the following:

  • A couple of liters of water.
  • 400 grams of honey.
  • Hops (you will need a little, just one tablespoon).
  • A well-known seasoning is cardamom, also one spoon.

Bring the water to a boil, then pour it into an enamel pan, into which we put honey in advance. Stir the contents of the pan until the main ingredient is completely dissolved. Boiling will need to be carried out several more times (preferably 5 times, starting the next day, with breaks of several hours). You need to add hops during the first heat treatment.

But add cardamom to the already cooled liquid and stir it. Pour the cooled base for the future drink into bottles and jars. It is important not to fill them out completely. This way you get mead without yeast. The recipe for preparing such a product at home is very useful to master. The drink not only does not harm the body, but also strengthens the immune system and is very useful.

Apple mead

We invite you to consider how mead is prepared at home, a recipe. Yeast-free mead is easier to prepare.

You need to use simple ingredients such as:

  • base - honey, 1 liter;
  • you will need twice as much purified water, not boiled;
  • freshly squeezed juice of sweet and sour apples (1.5 liters).

The procedure for making apple mead is simple. Heat the water a little to make the honey dissolve in it more comfortably. Add apple juice there and stir everything until a homogeneous liquid forms. To infuse, pour the resulting liquid into a clean saucepan or bowl (it doesn’t matter) and leave it in a warmer room.

The liquid will begin to become covered with a thick layer of foam (after about a couple of days). Then you should strain it using gauze folded several times for better filtration. Pour the resulting mixture into bottles and place in a cool place (refrigerator, basement, etc.). Enjoy exquisite taste You will be able to drink the drink in a few months (it is advisable to try after 4). This homemade mead without yeast or boiling will be simply irreplaceable at any feast. Refreshing and invigorating, it will only brighten up your holiday table.

Grape mead

This mead is prepared at home. The recipe without yeast makes it low-turnover. This is what attracts attention to her. The taste of this drink is very interesting. The grapes give it some piquancy. So you should use:

Pour honey dissolved in water over the grapes. No need to boil! Stir and leave the drink base in a warm room, uncovered. Depending on temperature regime the wort will begin to foam. When the amount of foam is high, you need to filter the liquid through gauze several times. Pour into bottles (do not fill one third full) and leave in the refrigerator or basement. In a couple of months you will have a wonderful mead at home. You will like the recipe without yeast only if you are not a fan of “heavy” drinks containing a lot of alcohol.

Mead with currants

Mead is made at home. The recipe without yeast and boiling slightly extends the preparation time of the drink, but does not worsen it in any way taste qualities. This mead is easy to prepare. For this you will need:

  • Plain water, not boiled, preferably filtered - about one liter.
  • Half a liter of honey.
  • One and a half liters of freshly squeezed currant juice.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Leave the resulting mass in a dry, warm place for fermentation. Then we filter, after three to five days, to get rid of the currant seeds and the resulting foam. Pour the liquid into containers (jar, bottle) and place in a cool place so that the product infuses and “ripens”. You can try it a couple of months after the spill.

A little about mead in general

There are many different ways and recipes for preparing this amazing drink. They are all good in their own way. But one thing is for sure - mead really goes well with any desserts and is suitable for consumption in medicinal purposes. And in general, lovers of tasty low-alcohol drinks simply cannot help but like this bright representative.

You can prepare such a drink yourself using one of the above recipes. But having mastered the technique of making mead, you can easily come up with your own unique recipe with the addition of any herbs, spices, “secret” ingredients, and so on. In a word - experiment and you will definitely succeed! It cannot be otherwise!

The only drawback of the drink is the preparation time.

First, a little history. Mead is one of the fairly young drinks, by all standards. It is believed that its first recipe was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century. This was the period of Bolshevik rule. Wanting to know how to make mead at home, this drink should not be confused with honey.

Interesting! In Rus', honey has been prepared since time immemorial, but due to the hassle and length of the process, the drink soon lost its popularity. But! During the time of Peter the Great's reforms, ancient “goodies” found a new life.Manufacturing modernhomemade mead can be called honey wine or beer.

There are a lot of recipes for making it, so the drink itself turns out a little different. Today, there are such types of mead as prepared without boiling, boiled, and there is also one that is sterilized by boiling. The drinking liquid may be of natural strength, or it may be with the addition of ethyl alcohol.

Choosing ingredients for mead

Arguing on the topic of how to make mead at home, used recipes, I would like to say right away that one of the main points here is correct selection components. The drink is traditionally prepared using old candied honey. Both linden and buckwheat will do, as long as it is aromatic. When choosing, you should pay attention to the presence/absence of “signs” of the disease. In order not to make mistakes, you need to know certain rules.

Before how to make alcoholic mead at home, you should choose the right honey.

  • Firstly, it should not foam; if this happens, it means the product is of low quality and spoiled. For example, foam is formed if a fermentation process takes place.
  • Secondly, the sugariness of honey indicates its high quality. The exception is the heather product; it does not crystallize at all, but only turns into a jelly mass. Keep in mind that if they try to sell you liquid honey in winter or spring, it is fake.
  • A product of natural origin is always characterized by the presence of a pleasant and pronounced aroma. If the honey is not real, it has no smell, because the process of preparing it involves adding regular sugar.

Useful properties of mead

Most of the healing characteristics of the described product are due to the fact that the main component of mead is honey. If you do not suffer from individual intolerance, you will be able to experience the positive properties of the drink. The secret is that it contains fructose and glucose, proteins, microelements necessary for the human body, and enzymes. Separately, I would like to say about vitamins, which include: useful substances, representing groups A, B, C, E and K.

Important! Components such as berries, spices, roots, spices, and pollen make the liquid not only healthy, but also tasty. Benefit finished product is enhanced by the use of a special cooking method that does not involve boiling. Due to this beneficial properties components are not destroyed.

Knowing recipe for making mead at home, as well as adhering to the norms for drinking the drink, you can avoid harming your own body. After you “take it to heart” a little, you will feel a feeling of warmth come, strength and energy fill your body, and your mood noticeably improves. Traditionally, the drink is drunk before meals and in small sips, so you can enjoy its taste to the maximum. In winter it can be slightly heated, and in summer, on the contrary, cooled.

We'll figure it out a little later how to make mead at home conditions in detail, but now let's talk about the purposes for which it is used. Often the drink, back in the days of Rus', was used as remedy. He helped fight diseases such as:

  • common cold;
  • severe cough;
  • infectious inflammation of the tonsils, palate;
  • pneumonia.

Diseases are no exception nervous system, kidneys, digestive glands, atherosclerosis. In the old days, people who were in a painful state were often given a healing drink to calm them down, stimulate the release of urine from the body, and also as a diaphoretic.

Interesting! Even newlyweds were recommended to use alcoholic drink, cooked with honey. It was believed that this contributed to the appearance of strong, and most importantly healthy offspring.

Remember, mead is not a panacea for all diseases; on the contrary, in order not to harm your own body, you must always follow the norm. The alcoholic drink described also has age restrictions. The main contraindications to its use are allergic reactions, bearing a child, breastfeeding.

Classic recipe

The process of preparing the described drink cannot be called complicated. It is ready for use after 5-6 days of infusion. Most a simple recipe for strong mead at home involves the use of the following ingredients:

  1. 1.water in a volume of 2 l;
  2. 2. honey - 300 g;
  3. 3.hop cones - 5 g;
  4. 4. yeast - 1 tsp.

Nutmeg and cinnamon are also added to taste. When all the ingredients are prepared, the cooking process begins. First of all, you need to boil water, carefully pour honey into it, it is important not to forget to constantly stir the mixture. When 5 minutes of boiling have passed, you need to remove the resulting foam, then add hops, cinnamon, and nuts. At the end, the stove is turned off and the pan is covered with a lid.

Attention! Yeast is added only after the drink has cooled to 50 degrees Celsius. The container is placed in a warm place for a couple of days, and then the liquid is poured into a glass jar, which should have a lid to allow air to escape.

In total making mead at home It takes a little time, 5-6 days are allotted for fermentation, after which the liquid is bottled. The sediment should not get there, it is better to strain. The finished drink should be stored in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar).

One conclusion can be drawn: carbonation of mead at home anyone can do it. The main thing is to maintain proportions and the order of actions, then everything will work out.

One of the many advantages of mead (a low-alcohol honey drink with a strength of 1-16 degrees) is the ability to prepare it at home.

Of course, we are not talking here about the home production of honey mash in industrial quantities, but each of you can easily provide for yourself with a dozen or two soul-warming half-liters this way.

Monastery honey for drinking


    Honey – 3.25 l

    Water – 6.5 l

    Fresh hops – 75 g

    For tea essence: 1 tsp. tea leaves and 1 cup boiling water

Cooking method

    To prepare honey, the best, pure honey is taken, without the slightest admixture of wax.

    Take a well-tinned iron or copper cauldron, pour honey and water into it, stir and place on the stove.

    Cook for 3 hours over even, low heat, maintaining the temperature between 50 and 60 degrees. Then put hops in honey, tied in a bag made of loose fabric. Attach a sinker to the bag so that it lies at the bottom of the cauldron.

    Boil with hops for 1 hour. Then add hot boiled water to the original volume (that is, add boiled liquid), boil again, set aside and cover.

    While the honey is still quite warm, strain it through a thin cloth or gauze into a wooden or glass bowl, but so as to fill it 4/5, cover with a cloth and place in a warm place (from 18 to 20 degrees), in winter near the stove, and in the summer in the sun. After 2 days the honey begins to foam.

    If honey is kept at a lower temperature, it will not ferment, but will begin to mold. The warmer the place, the sooner the honey will be ready. This usually takes 3-5 weeks. After 3 weeks, you need to listen: if the honey makes a lot of noise, leave it some more, but if it stops hissing and you can already smell honey and alcohol, then it’s ready.

    If you want stronger honey, you need to let it sit in a warm place until it stops fizzing, and if you want weaker and sweeter honey, you can strain it while it’s still fizzing.

    Before straining honey, you need to pour a glass of tea essence into it. Do not stir the honey liquid, but carefully drain it, straining through flannel or several layers of gauze, repeating this even several times until the honey is completely clean and transparent. Honey strained in this way is good for consumption, but after six months it will be better, and after a year it will be excellent. The longer it sits, the better it will be.

Straight mead


    Water – 3 l

    Vodka – 125 ml

    Honey – 1 kg of honey

    Yeast – 50 g yeast

    Cloves – 4 grains

    Ground cinnamon – 8 g

    Violet and cardamom – 5 g each

    Melissa – 3-5 g

Cooking method

    Heat the water, add honey, stirring, and simmer over low heat until it reaches the consistency of molasses. Remove from heat and strain.

    Pour the liquid into a wooden barrel, add and stir the yeast.

    Allow the drink to ferment, pour in vodka and add spices in a fabric bag.

    Leave to infuse for 1 month, then strain and pour into bottles for storage. Seal tightly and keep in a cool place.

Southern mead


    Water – 3 l

    Honey – 1.5 kg

    Light raisins – 200 g light raisins

    Hops – 30 g

    Brewer's yeast – 1/3 tsp.

Cooking method

    Place the hops in a fabric bag, put them in water, put the bowl with water on the fire and bring to 60 degrees.

    Reduce heat to low and evaporate the liquid by a third, without letting it boil (keep at 50 degrees).

    Remove the hops and place them in a small amount of cold water, then squeeze them well, add the squeezed liquid to hot water. Dissolve honey well in the same water.

    Measure out the honey liquid, transfer it to a large saucepan, and pour it in cold water three times more honey water. Let it boil, stirring constantly, cook at low boil for 40 minutes, strain while hot.

    Wash the pan thoroughly, pour the honey liquid back into it and boil until the volume is reduced by a quarter. Remove from heat, cool, add brewer's yeast and raisins.

    Pour the honey into a wooden barrel, let it ferment in a warm place (about 10 days) and move it to a cold place for 4 days.

    Pour the finished drink into bottles, seal tightly, and leave for 90 days before drinking.

Birch honey


    Birch sap – 3 l

    Honey – 500 g honey

    Rye (black) bread – 1 slice

    Liquid yeast – 20 g

Cooking method

    Pour honey into birch sap, stir and cook for an hour at a temperature of 50 degrees.

    Boil for an hour over low heat, then cool until warm.

    Coat rye bread with yeast, put in syrup and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.

    Add a little more yeast if the honey does not start to ferment.

    From the moment fermentation begins, remove the bread, cover the dishes with a cloth, and keep in a warm room until the end of fermentation.

    Pour the drink into bottles, seal and store in a cool place. Consume after 120-150 days.

Vanilla honey


    Water – 5 liters of water

    Honey – 1 kg

    Sugar – 1 kg

    Hops – 50 g

    Yeast – 15 g

    Vanilla sugar packet – 1 pc.

Cooking method

    Mix the yeast with 40-50 g of sugar, pour in a little water, grind thoroughly, and leave to rise.

    Pour cold water into a saucepan, add all the sugar, vanilla sugar, add honey and hops and put on fire.

    Cook for 1 hour at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, cool.

    Mix with yeast, place for fermentation in a warm place for 4-5 days (until the hops float to the surface).

    When foam appears, strain the drink, pour into bottles, seal tightly and leave in a cool place for 14-15 days.

Cherry honey


    Water – 500 ml

    Honey – 1 kg

    Cherry – 2 kg

Cooking method

    Wash the ripe berries, dry them, and carefully remove the seeds.

    Mix water with honey and cook at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, stirring and skimming foam from the surface.

    Place cherry berries in a bottle with a narrow neck, pour honey syrup and cover the neck with a wet cloth.

    Leave for 3 days in the fermentation room. Then seal the bottle tightly and move it to a cool, dark room.

    Leave for at least 90 days before use.

Cherry honey alternative recipe


    Water – 1 l

    Fresh cherry juice – 1 l

    Honey – 1 kg

    Yeast – 50 g yeast,

    Raisins – 50 g raisins

    Cloves and ground cinnamon – 10 g each

Cooking method

    Pour water into a saucepan and boil, remove from the stove. Add honey, stir until completely dissolved, put back on the fire and cook for 5 minutes at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Remove foam.

    Remove the liquid from the heat, cool to room temperature, pour in the cherry juice and put the spices in a bag (can be made from medical gauze). Also add raisins and diluted in small quantity water yeast.

    Stir gently, let ferment for 3 days (keep in a warm place) and strain.

    Pour into bottles, cap tightly, and leave in a cool place for 12-20 days before use.

Ginger honey


    Water – 4.5 l

    Lemon – 2 pcs.

    Light honey – 2 kg

    Yeast – 25 g

    Hop cones – 25 g

    Ginger root – 14 g

    Gelatin – 7 g

Cooking method

    Wash the lemons, pour boiling water over them, squeeze out the juice.

    Cut the lemon peel into small strips.

    Boil water, dissolve honey and add hops, chopped ginger root, lemon juice and peel.

    Cook for no more than 45 minutes at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, strain and pour into a wooden barrel or dark glass bottle.

    Add yeast to the warm liquid, stir gently and leave to ferment for 35 days.

    Dilute gelatin in 100 ml of water, pour into honey liquid, mix everything and seal the container tightly, leave for 175-180 days.

    Pour the finished honey into bottles and close them well with corks, tying them with wire on top.

Raspberry honey


    Water – 3 liters of water

    Fresh raspberry juice – 180 ml

    Honey – 500 g honey

    Hops – 15 g hops

    Yeast – 10 g

    Dark raisins – 2 pcs. per bottle.

Cooking method

    Boil water, dissolve honey, put on fire and bring to a boil.

    Cook at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for about 2 hours. Add half the amount of hops, simmer for another hour and strain the honey.

    Mix the second part of the hops with the yeast, let it rise, add the mixture to the slightly cooled liquid along with raspberry juice.

    Allow the drink to ferment, strain, pour into a bottle and seal tightly. Keep the drink in a cool place for 12-14 days.

    Strain carefully, pour into bottles for storage, adding 2 raisins to each. Seal the bottles and store in a cool, dry place.

Mint honey


    Water – 1.5 l

    Honey – 1 kg

    Molasses – 100 g

    Fresh mint leaves (for example: peppermint) – 50 g

    Yeast – 25 g yeast

    Gelatin – 5 g

Cooking method

    Melt the molasses in 500 ml of water, add mint leaves, let simmer for 10 minutes.

    Heat the remaining water, dissolve the honey completely in it, put on fire and cook at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 30 minutes.

    Pour in the mixture of molasses and mint leaves, stir, let it boil once, remove from heat.

    Cool to room temperature, strain, add yeast and leave to ferment for 3-4 days.

    Then add pre-dissolved gelatin, keep in a cool place for 2 days, pour into bottles, close tightly.

Fruit honey


    Fresh fruit juice– 3 l

    Honey – 1 kg of honey

    Yeast – 50 g

Cooking method

    Pour the fruit juice into a saucepan and heat until it boils.

    Remove from heat and immediately dissolve honey in it. Allow the liquid to cool well.

    Separately, dilute the yeast in a small amount of water or juice, then pour it into the liquid and stir.

    Leave at room temperature for 1-2 days, then pour into bottles and seal tightly.

    Let stand for 14-20 days in a cool place before use.

Berry honey


    Water – 1 l

    Honey – 2 kg

    Pitted cherries – 1 kg

    Strawberries – 1 kg strawberries

    Rye bread – 100 g rye bread

    Brewer's yeast – 50 g

Cooking method

    Wash ripe and high-quality berries, dry them, remove the seeds.

    Mix berries with honey and mash.

    Pour in warm boiled water, put in a piece of rye bread, add yeast, mix everything.

    Leave to ferment for 15-20 days, drain the liquid into another container, and place again in a warm place for 7-12 days. Ready honey can be consumed immediately.

Strong honey


    Water – 4 l

    Honey – 600 g

    Dry yeast – 5 g

    Port wine or cognac – 40-60 ml

Cooking method

    Boil 1 liter of water, dissolve the honey well and mix with the remaining cold water.

    Add yeast, stir, leave at room temperature for 14 days.

    Add an alcoholic drink to taste and leave for another 14-15 days.

    Seal the container tightly and leave in a cool place for at least 180 days.

    Pour the finished drink into bottles for storage, keep in a cool place.

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