Tkemali sauce, classic cottage cheese recipe. Recipes for making tkemali sauce at home

Pine cone jam is a tasty, unusual and extremely healthy delicacy. Since ancient times, such jam has been widely used to treat various diseases, and its unusual taste and aroma only added to the popularity of this healing product.

Pine cone jam: beneficial properties

Pine is evergreen tree, which is a phytoncidal plant. Phytoncides are biologically active substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, and they are found in large quantities in pine cones. Of course, old, woody cones are not suitable for jam. For this you need young cones, no more than 4 cm long, which can be easily pierced.

Pine jam contains not only phytoncides. Jam is rich in vitamins B, C and P. It contains many micro- and macroelements, essential oils, lipids, monoterpene hydrocarbons, flavonoids and linolenic acid.

Pine cone jam is used primarily to treat respiratory diseases. Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, as well as flu and colds. Therapeutic effect will provide you with two tablespoons of jam per day.

Pine cones enhance gastric secretion, so they are taken for many stomach diseases, including peptic ulcer. Pine jam increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, is a diuretic and tonic. It is good to use it for vitamin deficiency and for the prevention of cancer, since the buds contain antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body and have an antitumor effect. It is known that pine cone jam can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent and for gum pain.

Spruce cone jam

Fir cone jam has similar properties, for which you also need to collect young, soft cones. Due to its rich composition, fir cone jam has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. It is indispensable for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, urethritis, cystitis, and osteochondrosis. Spruce jam reduces fever, eliminates the feeling of general malaise, and has pronounced diaphoretic properties, which helps remove toxins from the body. This product helps improve immunity and is used to restore the heart and blood vessels after heart attacks or strokes.

Contraindications to the use of cone jam

Jam from cones under certain circumstances can cause harm to the body. It should not be abused - 2 tablespoons of jam per day will ensure good health. Exceeding recommended doses may cause gastric upset and allergic reactions. It should not be used by adults after 60 years of age, during pregnancy, lactation, renal failure and acute hepatitis

Is it possible to eat cones made from jam?

Fir and pine cone jam is made by leaving the cones in or discarding them. Jam without cones is a thick syrup similar to dark honey. To do this, 1 kg of young cones is poured into 3 liters of water and boiled for 4 hours. Pot cones are removed, 1 kg of sugar is added to the decoction and boiled in two stages, like regular jam.

If cones are left in the jam, then they can also be eaten. Cones boiled in jam are soft and very tasty. Jam with cones is cooked in two ways. You can boil 1 kg of cones for 15-20 minutes, then make a syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 2 cups of broth and place the cones there, then cook for another 30 minutes. The second method: for 1 kg of cones, take 1 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water. Place the cones in cold water and let it sit for a day, drain the water, and cook the cones in thick sugar syrup until they open.

A walk through the forest will invigorate you, fill you with strength, help you get rid of stress, and forget about irritability.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of the plant are concentrated in the seeds. Pine accumulates biologically active substances in reserve, storing them in cones from spring to winter.

Phytoncides, tannins, vitamins, essential oils, selenium and magnesium, iron? these are the “treasures” of these small pine storerooms.

Traditional medicine about the properties of pine cones

Traditional medicine specialists claim that pine cones can be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, joint diseases, and to cleanse the body.

Since ancient times, green pine cones have been used as a remedy against scurvy.

The components contained in this natural medicine help improve immunity and help avoid infection with tuberculosis. These properties of cones are most widely known.

If you are going to use folk remedies for treatment, do not forget about the general rules:

  • consult your doctor;
  • find out about the benefits and contraindications;
  • do not use folk remedies during acute periods of the disease;
  • use with caution in the treatment of children and people over 60 years of age;
  • start with small doses, gradually increasing the amount and carefully observing the body’s reaction;
  • don't accept long time the same herbal preparations;
  • take breaks;
  • remember about dangerous consequences self-medication.
  • Decoctions, tinctures, syrups and jam from pine cones have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, immunomodulatory medicinal properties. They can be used for various diseases:

    In folk medicine medicinal purposes Both old and young cones are consumed - the latter remain green and unopened all summer.

    Usually young specimens from 1 to 4 cm long are collected in May-June (the optimal time for the middle zone). They should be easy to cut with a knife and be soft. In “field” conditions, to check such cones, they scratch them with a fingernail or try to bite them through.

    Give preference to dense, resinous and sticky buds. These are females. They are easily identified by their ribbed scales.

    Firm green specimens can be used to make tinctures. If you are going to use the tincture to prevent stroke or during the recovery period after this disease, go to the forest from June to September. The buds will already ripen, accumulate tannins (they play a key role in fighting the death of brain cells), but will not open and lose their seeds.

    Cones age a year after formation: they darken, change color and open. By this time, you will no longer find seeds in their hard cavities.

    Pay attention to the tree itself. Sometimes pine trees are affected by pests. It is better not to use medicinal raw materials from such trees.

    You can use the beneficial properties of pine cones in different ways. You will be surprised how many options there are for their use in traditional medicine.

    Mature cones in decoctions and tinctures

    Tinctures are prepared with alcohol or vodka. Decoctions are recommended for use if alcohol is contraindicated. You can cook them with water or milk. Used for bronchitis and pneumonia, cold cough, pulmonary tuberculosis.

    In the East, decoctions of green pine cones are considered a good remedy for cleansing the skin. If you drink a glass of decoction every day for 10-14 days, irregularities and rashes on your face will disappear, a blush will appear, and small expression wrinkles will smooth out.

    To cleanse the skin, you can prepare a decoction with flower honey (just 1 teaspoon per glass is enough).

    Alcohol tincture is taken for the prevention and treatment of strokes, but not in the initial stage of the disease.

    Like others medicines plant-based, decoctions and infusions from green and mature pine cones have contraindications. The main ones are kidney diseases, as well as:

    Individual intolerance will complement the contraindications listed above.

    Large doses should be avoided. Otherwise, you may experience headaches or symptoms due to stomach inflammation.

    Attention! Benefit medicinal decoctions will not replace medications prescribed by a doctor.

    Use natural remedies with caution.

    Don't forget to consult a specialist. Self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Rinse 4-5 green cones well, chop, add 1/2 liter of water, wait until the water boils, hold the broth for 5 minutes on low heat.

    Drink a quarter glass every morning after meals. Take up to 3 times a day.

  • To prepare the tincture you will need 5 mature cones. Wash them and cut them.
  • Pour one glass of medical alcohol or good vodka.
  • Be sure to place the dishes in a dark place for at least 2 weeks. Don't forget to shake the infusion every day. It is advisable to do this several times a day.
  • After two weeks, the resulting tincture must be strained.
  • To prevent stroke, take 1 tsp. every morning after eating. In the post-stroke period, it is recommended to take it three times a day. The benefits of using this infusion will only be with long-term use: at least six months.

    I would like to warn against thoughtless use of tincture. Remember to confirm medicinal properties Only a doctor can give tinctures.

    Alcohol tincture with homemade vinegar

  • For this remedy, pour 5 ripened cones with a glass of medical alcohol or vodka. Vodka must be of good quality.
  • It is recommended to leave for 10 days in a dark place at a temperature of about 20 degrees.
  • Then strain, pour in 1 tsp. homemade apple or grape cider vinegar.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of tea with honey and a teaspoon of this tincture.

    Infusion for joint pain

    1. To improve joint mobility, it is recommended to take an infusion prepared according to the following recipe: fill a three-liter jar 1/2 full with chopped young cones, add 400 g granulated sugar, pour in cooled boiled water. Until fermentation stops, you need to shake the jar several times a day. Take one tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.
    2. An infusion of opened old cones can be prepared overnight. Pour boiling water over no more than two large cones so that the water covers them a little, wrap them up and leave them overnight. Drink the medicine 20-30 minutes before breakfast. It is necessary to drink the infusion for joint diseases for about 2 months.
    3. Jam and syrup made from green pine cones, although pleasant to the taste, are a medicinal remedy. Therefore, it is recommended not to feast on them, but to take them for colds, coughs, pneumonia and bronchitis. These natural sweets have excellent expectorant properties.

      Making syrup is simple. Cut the young cones collected in the spring and put them in a jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar. It is better to store syrup in the refrigerator.

      For children with a cold, give 1 tsp, but it is better to start with small doses. Do not forget about contraindications for children under 7 years of age.

      Jam from pine cones is prepared in the same way as from fruit. Just don’t try to cook as much as possible. 2-3 liters per family is enough for the winter-autumn period, when there is a danger of contracting the flu or a cold. Using 1 tsp. with a glass of tea, you will strengthen your immune system.

      Medicinal properties of pine cones and their contraindications

      Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree native to the Northern Hemisphere. In total, about 120 species of this plant are known. In Russia you can often find Scots pine.

      Since ancient times, people have used pine cones to treat various ailments and diseases. The peoples of Siberia were especially active in using these gifts of nature. Why are pine cones so useful?

      The most common ailment from which pine cones can save is stroke. For a long time it ranked second among the most common causes of death in our country. Also, tincture of pine cones is used for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, scurvy, tuberculosis and joint diseases. Truly a magical remedy!

      Various ointments, balms, tinctures, solutions and honey were prepared from these cones.

      Americans also became interested in the unique effect of pine cones. They conducted a number of studies that confirmed their healing effects on the human body. Moreover, for their convenient use, they took care of producing the medicine in the form of tablets.

      But cones are used not only for treatment. You can make delicious and equally healthy jam from them! Which, by the way, can also help in getting rid of some unhealthy conditions.

      What exactly makes pine cones so beneficial and miraculous? What are their benefits?

    4. Phytoncides. Or essential oils. Perhaps this is the main magical component. These are biologically active substances that can completely prevent or reduce the growth of bacteria and fungi. They also improve the immune state of the body.
    5. Tannins. This is a medicinal substance that helps in the fight against stroke. Tannin has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    6. Vitamins C, B, K and R. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, strengthens the immune system, the walls of blood vessels, and has a healing effect on the central nervous system. The group of B vitamins has 12 types, and each of them has great benefits for the body. Benefit for nervous system, tissue regeneration, protein synthesis, etc. Vitamin Participates in the synthesis of bone tissue, helps with bleeding, because promotes blood clotting. Vitamin P, or rutin, strengthens the walls of capillaries, normalizes heart rate when it increases, and reduces tissue swelling. And these are not all the benefits of vitamins contained in pine cones!
    7. You need to know that young cones are used to prepare tinctures, decoctions, and jams. The pine tree bears fruit in the second year. Under the influence of winds, the cones dry and open. But we need still unopened, green cones. They should be soft. You can easily pierce them with a sharp object or even your fingernail. They should be small in size, usually about 4 centimeters. Of course, it is better to collect pine cones away from the roadway or roads.

      Cone collection time middle lane falls at the end of June, and in the southern regions earlier - late May - early June.

      Pine cones are used to treat not only serious diseases such as stroke and tuberculosis. If you have a cold or an acute respiratory infection, then pine cone jam will help you a lot. This jam has a delicate taste and aroma of resin.

      In fact, there is more than one recipe for this drug. Let's take the most common one. You'll have to be patient, because... This jam is not prepared as quickly as usual from berries and fruits.

    8. First, wash the cones and remove the needles. Then fill them cool water so that it covers the cones by 2-3 cm. Leave for a day. They need to brew.
    9. In a saucepan for making jam, mix sugar with the water in which the pine cones were soaked. Bring to a boil. Sugar should completely dissolve in water.
    10. The next step is to add the infused cones to the pan and cook, stirring constantly.
    11. When the jam acquires a beautiful amber color, the jam is ready! This process can take from one and a half to two hours.
    12. Be sure to remove any scale that will form while making jam.

      Roll the finished jam into sterile jars and store in the refrigerator or simply in a cool and dark place, for example, in the utility room.

      Tincture of pine cones is used to treat various diseases. Its use helps stop cell death after a stroke. The tincture has diuretic properties. Increases immunity. Can be used as an expectorant for coughs. Even stomach ulcers can be treated with decoctions and tinctures of pine cones!

      To prepare the tincture you will need:

    13. Place the cones in a narrow bowl. Typically a jar is used. Pour vodka so that it covers them completely.
    14. Then you must close the container as tightly as possible so that the alcohol does not evaporate.
    15. We put our future tincture in a dark, cool place for two weeks.
    16. Now it is advisable to shake the contents of the jar every day to ensure better absorption of the active medicinal substances into the tincture.
    17. After two weeks, the tincture is opened and filtered. Ready!
    18. To prevent stroke, the tincture should be consumed one teaspoon per day. For treatment - three times a day. Repeat these procedures every day for six months. This is how long one course of taking the infusion lasts.

      Contraindications to tincture

      Pregnancy and period breastfeeding. Old age from 60 years and older. Alcoholism. Chronic diseases excretory system. Hepatitis. Individual intolerance to the components of the infusion.

      Already mature pine cones are very sensitive to changes in humidity in the air. So, they are able to shrink when air humidity rises. And they bloom when it goes down. This ability of pine cones can be used to determine the approximate air humidity.

      The word "cone" was coined by the Greeks ("conos"), and is translated as "pine cone".

      There are male and female pine cones. Female cones grow at the tips of branches, usually towards the top of the tree. And male ones, on the contrary, are at the base of the branch, closer to the middle and the very bottom of the tree. They differ in their structure. Male cones have a different shape from female ones - it is more rounded. Their color is yellowish. And they are smaller in size. Women's ones have a pointed shape and a greener color.

      Video about the benefits and harms of pine cones

      Pine cones: medicinal properties and benefits

      Pine is the personification of harmony and beauty in relation to other trees. The tree has a very smooth trunk and long needles instead of leaves. The tree itself can reach more than 30 meters in height. Pine cones, whose medicinal properties are quite diverse, have a slightly ovoid-oblong shape. Pine is the most popular tree for humans; it is worth noting at least the New Year and Christmas holidays, which we all love to celebrate not only with friends and relatives, but also with this coniferous tree. The forests where they grow have phytoncides secreted by pine trees in the air, due to which there are practically no harmful microbes within a radius of 25 meters from the trees. Thanks to this property, pine is actively used for medicinal purposes.

      Pine is very common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. A large number of people know the beneficial properties of pine cones and the trees themselves, so they try to get out into the forest as often as possible and relax, breathe in this unique, rich air. Thanks to such rest, it happens beneficial influence on the lungs and bronchi.

      It is worth noting that pine as a tree is very valuable; almost everything can be used in it for medicinal purposes: pine resin, needles, bark, pollen and buds. But among this, the cones (young ones) are of particular interest. Pine buds are collected mainly in early spring, before they have time to bloom; some do this in winter period, but still best quality has a collection carried out early spring. After they are collected, drying occurs. Young cones are fundamentally different from pine needles, which are consumed raw, and can be collected year-round.

      Healing properties of pine cones

      In fact, no one paid attention to the beneficial properties of pine cones, and did not even suspect it until employees in American zoos noticed that various animals loved to eat them. After this, tests were carried out that proved that a lot of useful medicinal substances accumulate in the cones over the entire summer, which are subsequently preserved in them. Moreover, all the beneficial substances that remain in the cones are there in a completely natural form. They retain not only a lot of vitamins, but also a special type of tannins and phytoncides.

      It turned out that tannins are of great interest to scientists. During experiments on laboratory mice, unexpected results were obtained. It turns out that this type of tannin prevents the death of brain cells. And as you know, when a person experiences a stroke, due to poor circulation, it is the brain cells that die. But when blood flow resumes, even more of them die. This is due to the fact that there is a certain type of enzyme that plays a huge role in the normal functioning of cells, and if this enzyme is somehow blocked, the cell will remain alive. Thus, scientists have discovered that tannin works to block these enzymes. But so far no medicines have been invented on this basis, and treatment with pine cones occurs mainly with the help of folk recipes. It is very important to know when and how to collect them correctly.

      When to collect pine cones

      The first thing you need to know is that you need to collect only those cones that have not yet had time to open; it is in them that all the beneficial properties of green pine cones are fully manifested. Based on differences in climatic conditions, they must be collected from May to the end of August. By the way, it is in the last month of summer that they accumulate maximum quantity useful substances. Thus, the size of the cone should be approximately 4 cm. While you collect them, you must definitely pay attention to their appearance and the condition of the trees. The pine should not have any damage from insects or show signs of rotting. You cannot collect cones from such a tree. As for storage, the period should in no case exceed more than 18 months, the room should be well ventilated. If the buds are stored longer, they will begin to lose their unique beneficial properties.

      Pine cones in folk medicine

      Pine cones, the medicinal properties of which are truly unique, have already become quite firmly established in household use, but some still do not know what exactly can be treated with them and how it is done. The most common mistake is that people start their treatment by picking mature buds or even those that are already in their second or third year of ripening. Naturally, such a product contains neither seeds nor nutrients. Treatment with pine cones should be carried out exclusively at the ripening stage, with still green buds, which continue to feed themselves at the expense of the pine tree and its roots. It is for these that people come to the forest, who intend to prepare jam or a healing decoction in the future. It is not uncommon to make honey from cones, although its consistency and appearance no one will be able to distinguish him from anyone else. In addition to his unique taste and aroma, it has bactericidal properties, making it an excellent remedy for problems with the stomach and respiratory organs.

      Uses of pine cones

      Application occurs in different forms, it can be: jam, tinctures or honey. In alternative medicine, buds are used for different types diseases: pneumonia, colds, low hemoglobin, vitamin deficiency, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial diseases and as a cough medicine. The extract made from pine cones is a very good antioxidant.

      Pine cone jam

      Everyone should know how to make pine cone jam. The properties of such a medicinal and tasty product are quite diverse. In winter, having such jam always on hand, you can not only protect yourself from negative impact some types of viral and infectious diseases, but also significantly strengthen your immunity. This way you can create a unique protective barrier. As an added bonus, it's also worth noting positive influence product on the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

      Preparation and use

      The recipe for making jam is quite simple and does not require any complicated steps:

      1. First you need to sort through the cones and remove excess debris, after which you need to wash them.

      2. If you come across large cones, you should cut them in half, while small ones can be left as they are.

      3. After all the manipulations, you need to prepare a spacious pan, into which you place the cones and pour drinking water so that the liquid covers the main ingredient by about 2 cm.

      4. After which you need to put it all on the fire and bring to a boil.

      5. After everything has boiled for a few minutes, you need to add sugar and wait until the mass boils again and turn the fire down.

      7. After this, you need to put out the fire and remove all the cones from the broth.

      8. The result will be poisonous red jam; it must be poured into pre-sterilized jars and then sealed with lids.

      As a result, you can get a unique delicate taste and smell of jam, which leaves behind a delicate aftertaste. By the way, it is recommended to use it with tea, which will only enhance the healing effect.

      To prepare the tincture, only green pine cones are taken. The medicinal properties of this drink are due to its disinfectant, deodorizing and antimicrobial effect. When consuming this tincture, the immune system is noticeably strengthened, along with the removal of toxins and waste from the body and the restoration of microflora. Such drinks are relevant for various diseases that are associated with the respiratory system of an infectious and cold nature. Tinctures may include needles, buds, and pine cones. Medicinal properties of all products coniferous tree They have a very good expectorant effect, which cleanses the airways and removes mucus. It is worth noting that tinctures are relevant as a healing agent for wounds and ulcers. And in case of bronchial asthma, they are used as an anti-asthma remedy.

      In general, such tinctures are multifunctional products that have a very strong effect to strengthen the immune system, treat stomach ulcers, gastritis, and oral ulcers.

      For the tincture you must have pine needles, pollen and/or pine cones. The healing properties of these products have been proven, and you can use all three ingredients at the same time, or any one at will. Although these products are basic, you can also add some medicinal herbs at your own discretion.

      Quite popular is a balm made from cones (young, green) to which tinctures of chestnut and sweet clover fruits and verbena tincture have been added, and the ratio should be 5 to 1. Thus, you will get a unique balm that is capable of treating and preventing thrombophlebitis.

      The second most popular is the following recipe, in which the base is a tincture of pollen or pine cones; you need to take it in an amount of 0.5 l, then add 0.1 l of honey. And the same amount of aloe juice. Next, this mixture must be shaken well, closed and placed in a dark place for 24 hours. The resulting balm is indispensable in the treatment of lung diseases and general immunity maintenance.

      Naturally, such tinctures are made using ethyl alcohol, but they should not be abused. To prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system, it is enough to drink a teaspoon of tincture once a day. In case of treatment, it is necessary to increase the dose by 3 times and take 3 spoonfuls during the day 30 minutes before meals. The treatment period is 20 days. For the greatest effectiveness of the tincture, it is recommended to drink it with hot tea.

      A healthy mind in a healthy body

      Thus, it is safe to say that, along with most widely used medicinal herbs, the pine cone also takes pride of place. The properties of this product have been proven and are widely used. Everyone should have in their first aid kit remedy from cones to keep your health in good shape. Thanks to the large list of diseases that can be treated with medicines made from pine products, they will remain relevant for a long time.

      Pine cone jam

      Pine is loved not only for the joy it gives in new year holidays, but also for its many beneficial and medicinal properties. For centuries, the Slavs have used this tree to improve their health. From young shoots, cones, and pine needles, not only medicinal preparations are prepared, but also jam is made. The most popular jam is made from pine cones. This jam is not only tasty, but also has many beneficial properties.

      Pine grows almost everywhere in our country. And many do not miss the opportunity to walk through the pine forest in early spring, breathe in the healing air and collect the gifts of this coniferous tree. Such walks are useful for everyone, but especially for those who suffer from frequent colds and respiratory diseases. Pine contains phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the body, relieve inflammation, nervous breakdown and tension. Inhaling fresh pine air, we feel a rise in energy and cleansing of the soul. This evergreen tree has a very strong aura.

      When returning from such a spring walk, do not forget to collect pine cones to make delicious healing jam, the recipes for which you will learn today from this article.

      Pine cone jam beneficial properties

      Our ancestors knew about the beneficial and medicinal properties of pine cones for a long time and accumulated considerable experience in using them in the treatment of many diseases.

      Almost all parts of the pine tree, including needles, shoots, buds, and cones, contain many useful healing substances. In addition to vitamins, the cones contain:

      Decoctions and tinctures of pine cones have good:

      Pine cone jam is not only tasty, but healthy. It is recommended to be used for:

      Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including bronchitis;

      Diseases of the stomach and intestines;

      Just one teaspoon of aromatic and tart-tasting jam will help you cope with ailments faster. For colds and flu, it is recommended to consume jam twice a day.

      How to make pine cone jam

      For preparation, you need to collect only young green pine cones. The time of their appearance depends on climatic conditions where the pine tree grows. The size of the cones should be approximately 1-4 centimeters. These cones are soft and can be easily cut with a knife. They stand out well against the background of last year's old cones and are difficult to confuse. The main thing is not to miss the collection time.

      They need to be collected in places near which there are no highways or industrial enterprises. It is imperative to pay attention to ensure that the tree is not sick or infested with insects.

      Pour the collected cones before preparing the jam. cold water to better clear away any stuck-on debris. Young buds are sticky and everything sticks to them well.

      Use the usual cooking utensils for making jam. The main condition is that it should not oxidize, i.e. Only aluminum is not suitable.

      This general recommendations how to make jam from pine cones. And keep in mind that after cooking it may be difficult to wash the dishes.

      Pine cone jam recipes

      There are many recipes for making jam from pine cones. There are recipes where the cones are whole, and there are recipes where they are cut into several parts. Taste, medicinal and healing properties it has no effect. Jam made from a decoction of cones is called pine honey.

      The ratio of sugar to cones is usually 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar per 1 kg of cones.

      Classic pine cone jam

      This is the simplest recipe. This recipe is used to make jam from many berries and fruits.

      To make jam take:

      1 kg pine cones

      Rinse the cones well and shake off excess water. Cut into several pieces (optional). Place in a bowl for making jam.

      Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar. To do this, pour the required amount of sugar into water and, stirring occasionally, heat until the syrup boils. When boiling, skim off any foam that forms.

      Pour hot syrup over the prepared pine cones and leave for 4-6 hours.

      Then put on the stove and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and leave for 8-12 hours. Then boil this way another 2-3 times.

      IN last time cook the jam until tender for about 30-50 minutes over low heat.

      Pour into prepared jars and seal. You can determine if the jam is ready by the following signs: the syrup should be a clear amber color and the cones should be soft.

      Pine cone honey for cough

      To prepare honey take:

      Pour washed pine cones with water and heat over low heat. Boil for a few minutes and leave to sit for at least 12 hours.

      Strain the broth. Pour sugar into it and, stirring, gradually heat, bringing to a boil. Cook over low heat until the broth reduces to a syrupy state.

      When hot, pour into prepared jars and seal. Turn the lids down and leave until completely cool.

      Pine cone jam

      This recipe produces richer honey. To prepare it take:

      Pour the washed cones with water so that its level is only 1-1.5 centimeters above the cones. Add sugar, taking it in the ratio of 1 liter of water to 1 kilogram of sugar.

      Place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar.

      Reduce heat and simmer over low heat for another hour and a half.

      Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and seal. To make the syrup transparent, constantly skim off the foam that forms. At the end of cooking, the buds should turn pink and the syrup should be clear.

      This jam is an excellent tonic; it is taken for bronchitis, colds, flu, and to improve immunity.

      Dry pine cone jam

      There is no need to boil the pine cones in this recipe. You need to get some syrup. Therefore, take the cones young and juicy.

      Dry the prepared cones from water. Cut into several pieces and place in dry, sterilized jars, sprinkling each layer with sugar. The layer of cones is approximately 1.5-2 centimeters. At the very end, pour an additional 2-3 tablespoons of sugar into the jar, so that the cones are completely covered with it.

      Cover with a plastic lid and place on a windowsill in the sun. Leave it like this until the juice comes out. Shake the jar well from time to time to dissolve all the sugar.

      As soon as all the sugar has dissolved, put the jars in the refrigerator or other cold place.

      Pine cone jam contraindications

      Not everyone can use pine cone jam. Its use is contraindicated for those who:

      Pine cone jam: what diseases is it good for and how many spoons can you eat?

      The resinous aroma of pine needles that envelops a person entering the forest makes him immediately forget all problems and worries and feel like a part of nature. And sometimes it even brings you back to the carefree village of your childhood. Pine was revered by the Chinese as a symbol of courage, and the Japanese associated it with immortality. And the Greeks knew for sure that modest bumps concealed powerful healing power. Young fruits serve as the basis for medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Jam made from pine cones is considered to be healing and also tasty. But you just need to know how to cook it correctly.

      Both adults and children enjoy the unusual taste of the pine delicacy. And the benefits it brings to the body are simply invaluable. Pine jam helps cope with chronic fatigue on severe frosts and rainy days, protects against colds, and improves immunity. Even a small spoon of pine honey will improve your mood and energize you for the whole day.

      Healing effect and possible harm

      The healing properties of pine needles, cones, and resin have been known since ancient times. You just need to remember how easy and free it is to breathe in a pine forest. Rich, resinous aroma helps eliminate diseases respiratory system. And tinctures and decoctions from cones are used to treat joint pain. Pine baths are recommended for treating skin pathologies and calming the nervous system. What does pine cone jam contain? And what benefits will it bring?

      8 reasons in favor of jam

      A delicacy made from young pine cones will delight you not only with its excellent taste. Doctors identify the following eight beneficial properties pine cone jam.

    19. Phytoncidal effect. The coniferous product allows you to effectively fight bacteria and viruses. It is endowed with antifungal effects. This is why traditional medicine often uses pine needles to treat viral and bacterial infections.
    20. Anti-cold effect. Jam helps prevent the development of a cold. But if it was not possible to completely protect the body from the attack of viruses, then the coniferous product will help to easily cope with the disease, eliminate cough, runny nose, reduce fever and relieve chills.
    21. Immunostimulating property. Jam contains useful minerals and vitamins, which strengthens the body. The pine delicacy increases tone, improves mental state, and enhances performance. The product eliminates fatigue, relieves drowsiness and provides vitality to the body.
    22. Expectorant property. The coniferous remedy is recommended for use for pathologies of the respiratory system. Doctors and patients have noticed the benefits of pine cone jam even in the treatment of such serious diseases as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchial asthma.
    23. Strengthening blood vessels and heart. B vitamins help normalize heart function. Jam increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Thanks to the tannin contained in pine cones, the product effectively prevents the development of stroke.
    24. Analgesic property. The jam has a pronounced analgesic effect. If your joints are very bothersome, it is recommended to apply a compress soaked in pine honey to the problem area. And for those who are worried about their teeth or gums, as doctors’ reviews show, it is enough to hold a treat in your mouth, and the unpleasant discomfort will subside.
    25. Improved digestion. Pine cones normalize the functioning of the pancreas. The sweet product helps cope with ulcerative lesions and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
    26. Antitumor effect. While studying the therapeutic effect of the coniferous product, scientists discovered antioxidant properties in it. Jam protects a person from the harmful effects of free radicals. This helps prevent the risk of developing malignant tumors.
    27. When pine honey is prohibited

      Initially, it is necessary to recognize that jam from pine cones is a medicinal raw material. Therefore, it has not only healing properties, but also a number of contraindications. It is recommended to avoid using pine jam in the following situations:

    • breast-feeding;
    • children under three years of age;
    • elderly people over 65 years of age;
    • patients with renal failure;
    • allergy sufferers;
    • people with acute hepatitis.
    • The medicinal properties of jam depend entirely on plant materials. Therefore, it is important to know when to collect cones and which fruits are the most healing. Healers offer the following six recommendations for collecting pine cones.

    • Collection time. The period of ripening of cones depends on the climate. In the southern regions, cones are collected in mid-May. In more cold zone raw materials are ready by mid-June.
    • Place. It is recommended to "harvest" in ecological areas. Raw materials from industrial zones and areas contaminated by roadways are unlikely to be beneficial.
    • Tree. Special attention must be given to the pine tree itself. If the branches show signs of insect damage, then you should refuse to collect cones from such a tree. Also avoid trees that show signs of rotting.
    • Raw materials. It is necessary to collect only young pine cones that have not yet had time to overwinter. They “sit” on bright green young branches and differ from old ones in juiciness, resin and color.
    • It's sung. To check for ripening, you need to pierce the bright green cone with your fingernail. Ripe fruit yields easily. This means that the time for collection is chosen correctly.
    • External characteristics. For jam, select fruits with the following dimensions: up to 45 mm in length and up to 40 mm in diameter. The cones should not have a whitish coating. Preference is given to sticky, intact and juicy fruit.
    • Rules for treating pine cone jam

      Overuse of jam is quite dangerous. In order not to provoke overdose symptoms, it is recommended to divide the daily portion into several even doses. You can take the product as part of green tea, add it to baked goods, or simply eat a treat. The dosage of pine jam depends on the age and disease of the patient. Thus, pine cone jam, prepared according to the classic recipe, is recommended to be taken as follows.

      Pine jam recipes: 5 options

      Before preparing the jam, you need to soak the cones in cool water for about one to two hours. Young fruits are quite sticky, so they often get stuck various garbage. Any pan is suitable for cooking, except aluminum, since it oxidizes. If you choose an enamel container, be prepared for it to darken after preparing the jam.

      Description. This jam is suitable for treating any of the pathologies described above. It is effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, and even helps with pulmonary tuberculosis. Jam can be used to strengthen the immune system and prevent seasonal colds.

    • The washed cones are cut into small pieces.
    • In a separate container with thick walls, boil the syrup by combining sugar and water. The liquid is simmered over low heat until it becomes thick.
    • The chopped cones are placed in a jam pan and poured with hot syrup.
    • The mixture is put on fire. As soon as the jam begins to boil, remove it from the heat, cover tightly with a lid and leave for four hours.
    • The warming up procedure is repeated three times.
    • During the last heating, the jam is simmered over low heat for one hour after boiling.
    • After this, it is poured into sterile jars and sealed with lids.
    • Description. If you don’t want to spend a long time fiddling with jam, you can cook the aromatic dish at one time. This recipe is sometimes recommended for diabetes mellitus to improve immunity and to combat hypertension. People suffering from high level blood glucose levels, must understand that such treatment is possible only after approval by a doctor. Don't forget, jam contains sugar, so it is not suitable for all diabetics. Diabetics are recommended to add 5 ml of prepared jam to their tea.

    • cones - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • water (only if necessary) - one glass.
    1. Pine cones are cut into several parts.
    2. Coniferous raw materials are covered with sugar. Waiting for the juice to appear.
    3. If the cones turn out to be low-juice, then you can add a little water.
    4. Place the pan in a water bath and simmer for an hour and a half.
    5. Periodically collect the emerging foam.
    6. Jam that doesn't need to be cooked

      Description. This recipe without boiling allows you to get jam, which is very beneficial for the respiratory system. The product has high antimicrobial properties and can be used in the treatment of genitourinary ailments, prostatitis, and cystitis. Jam is in demand in the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity.

    7. The cones are cut into three or four parts.
    8. The raw materials are well rolled in sugar.
    9. Then the cones are placed in jars.
    10. Sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top. It is necessary to calculate so that the proportions of pine raw materials and sugar are as follows: 1:2.
    11. Each jar is covered with gauze and exposed to the sun. Periodically, the raw materials are shaken well.
    12. This procedure continues until the sugar is completely dissolved and syrup appears.
    13. Now the jam can be covered and stored in the refrigerator. It is ready to receive.
    14. Fir cone dessert

      Description. Fir cone jam is used to prevent blood clots. The product cleanses blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and increases hemoglobin in the blood. Coniferous delicacy helps fight bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis. It is useful for joints if the pathology is caused by salt deposition.

    15. Whole cones are filled with water.
    16. Place the pan on low heat and cook the raw materials for two hours.
    17. After removing the container from the heat, close it with a lid and allow it to brew. It is believed that the decoction will infuse when it has cooled completely.
    18. The liquid is filtered through a sieve. Fir cones are thrown away.
    19. Add sugar to the aromatic jelly and stir if possible.
    20. Place the pan on the fire and cook again for two hours.
    21. The jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

    Delicacy made from pine shoots

    Description. It is very useful to use jam made from shoots and pine needles. The product normalizes the emotional background and prevents colds. This jam is recommended for heart pathologies.

    • pine shoots - 1 kg;
    • water - three glasses;
    • sugar - four glasses.
    • Pine needles are filled with water.
    • The mixture is simmered over low heat for about 20 minutes.
    • Cover the broth with a lid and leave for one day.
    • Then the drink is filtered. The softened shoots are well squeezed.
    • The strained drink is boiled again. Then sugar is added. And continue cooking for another 15 minutes. During this time, the sugar should completely dissolve.
    • The jam is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator, closing the jars with nylon lids.
    • Despite the fact that the classic recipe for pine cone jam contains a recommendation to cut the raw material into pieces, this need not be done. You can prepare the delicacy from whole raw materials. In this case, an additional “medicine” is obtained. Breaking the boiled cone reveals pink resin. It is this substance that has the highest healing power. This resin can be given to children for cough. The pink substance helps increase appetite, relieves severe bronchitis and is even useful for pneumonia.

      “Asthmatics didn’t remember about inhalers for six months!”: reviews

      My grandmother made jam from pine cones. But she called it “pine honey” or “cone honey.” As a child, he was always at home. My grandmother said that it was only thanks to this honey that she cured scurvy and ulcers after the blockade. Then my great-grandmother cooked it.

      About twenty years ago, when I was still in the tenth grade, I tried homemade jam from pine cones. It seems they brought it from Kabardino-Balkaria. It turns out that this is a common type of jam for the locals. I didn't like the taste. Precisely resinous and too sugary. So there was definitely sugar there. I tried to chew the cone, but it was difficult. Just as sweet. However, I’m not a fan of jam or sweets at all. But as for decoctions and infusions, non-alcoholic, from young pine cones. Very invigorating and improves immunity.

      Without arguing about vitamins, I will say:

      Between the city of Kharkov and the city of Donetsk there is the city of Slavyanogorsk. There, in the pine forests, sanatoriums were built for miners who have pulmonary diseases... Asthma, silicosis, etc. So, not all medications are suitable for them and they prescribe this jam from pine cones - it helps, and it really helps. Two asthmatics went for the first time (for 18 days) - they forgot about inhalers for six months!

      We made jam a couple of years ago, and still have the leftovers in the refrigerator for a rainy day. In winter, it goes well with a cold. The cones were collected, as written, green. Take care of the good pots; they are difficult to wash.

      Pine cone jam is truly a very useful thing. I gave it to my son for a cough when he was not yet a year old. It helped a lot. In the Caucasus, jam is highly praised.

    Ecology of consumption. Traditional medicine: Many diseases have been treated for a very long time in the Crimea and the Caucasus with jam from young pine cones. Every local housewife knows that jam from young pine cones helps in the treatment of diseases such as colds, flu, vitamin deficiency, throat and gum diseases, upper respiratory tract diseases (cough, bronchitis, pneumonia), bronchial asthma, etc.

    Many diseases have been treated for a very long time in the Crimea and the Caucasus with jam from young pine cones. Every local housewife knows that jam from young pine cones helps in the treatment of diseases such as colds, flu, vitamin deficiency, throat and gum diseases, upper respiratory tract diseases (cough, bronchitis, pneumonia), bronchial asthma, etc.

    Healing “gum” honey made from young green pine cones is really beneficial for the body if they are collected and prepared correctly, maintaining the technology. During the long rainy autumn and frosty winter, you will have a tasty and healthy cure for chronic fatigue, sore throat, colds, lack of sleep, and overwork. Just one spoon of pine honey will help the body fight weakened immunity, especially for children and the elderly.

    The healing properties of pine cone jam are explained very simply: pine is one of the most popular phytoncidal plants. And phytoncides are biologically active substances produced by plants that kill or suppress the growth and development of bacteria, as well as microscopic fungi and protozoa. Air and soil samples pine forest showed that they contain 10 times less pathogenic microorganisms than in similar samples taken in a birch forest.

    Fruit preparation

    In different climatic zones their formation on trees occurs in different ways. In Ukraine they are ready for use from mid-May to early June, in Russia from June 21-25. Only those cones that can be cut with a knife or pierced with a fingernail are suitable for making jam; their length ranges from 1 to 4 cm.

    Pine cone jam has a pleasant resinous taste; even children enjoy eating it. On cold winter evenings, tea with a couple of spoons of pine cone jam will support your immunity and improve your mood. As practice shows, for the winter it is enough to prepare 1-2 liters of pine cone jam for a family of 2-3 people, and a tasty and healthy folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu will always be at hand.

    To prevent respiratory diseases, it is useful to add 1 tsp. jam in tea during an exacerbation.


    There are many recipes and methods for making jam from pine cones, each housewife has her own tricks, here are a few recipes for you:

    1 way: sort through the cones, remove debris and needles. Rinse the pine cones with water, place them in an enamel pan and add cold water so that it covers the cones by 1-1.5 cm. Bring to a boil and then add sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. Bring to a boil again, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat for about 1.5 hours, removing foam. By the end of cooking, the pine cones will be completely saturated with syrup and will turn reddish in color.

    Method 2: This method is used to brew the so-called “honey” from pine cones. Sort through the cones, remove debris and pine needles, then wash the cones clean water. Pour the prepared cones into an enamel bowl and add cold water so that it covers the cones by 1-1.5 cm. Then boil the cones for 20 minutes. in a closed saucepan and then leave for 24 hours at room temperature. The infusion will turn out green; it will need to be drained and the cones thrown away. Next, cook the syrup with sugar, for 1 liter of syrup 1 kg of sugar. Cooking lasts at least 1.5 hours. For cooking, be sure to use enamel dishes. The finished “honey” from pine cones has a raspberry color and an unusually delicate taste. The honey should be poured hot into hot jars. There is no need to sterilize “honey”; with this method of cooking, honey is stored for a very long time, even in room conditions.

    3 way: You can make a healing syrup from pine cones without cooking. Sort and wash the pine cones. Then cut each cone into particles and roll them in sugar to release the juice faster. Place the chopped cones in layers in jars and sprinkle them with sugar layer by layer (1:1 or 2:1). Top layer The cones should be completely covered with sugar. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm, dark place, shaking from time to time until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pine cones prepared in this way are used to treat respiratory diseases, and also as a tonic for dessert spoon half a glass of boiling water twice a day. Drink hot in small sips in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.

    1. Before cooking, we sort out the young pine cones, throw out the garbage, and wash them thoroughly in clean running water. Then pour 1 kilogram of cones into 3 liters of water and cook over low heat for 4 hours. Then this mixture cools down and put it in the refrigerator overnight (according to the recipe, put it in a cold place for 10-12 hours).

    2. In the morning we strain, we get this pink jelly. We throw away the cones (you can leave a few things for beauty).

    3. For every liter of this pink jelly, add 1 kilogram of sugar.

    4. Cook until it thickens.

    5. During the cooking process, the jam becomes transparent and looks like honey.

    6. Pour into prepared jars. Can be covered with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator. Or you can roll it up and store it like regular jam.

    Pine cone jam - useful tips from experienced chefs

    1. When pouring water over the cones, do not “overdo it”; take into account the fact that they can float.

    2. Leave the cones to soak until they cool completely - this will make the process go better. Too much thick jam can be diluted with water and boiled.

    3. This jam has its contraindications. It is not recommended for people with acute hepatitis or pregnant women to eat it. For young children prone to diathesis and allergies, let's try the jam in small doses.

    4. By breaking apart a boiled cone, you can discover the most useful substance - resin pink color, pleasant to the taste. This treat can be given to children with poor appetite, bronchitis or severe cough. The syrup is taken one teaspoon at a time. green tea.
    You will definitely enjoy the pleasant resinous jam with a tart-sweet taste and a minty aftertaste.

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    This decoction will bring your blood pressure back to normal.

    Pine cone jam - contraindications

    Like any medicine, treatment with pine cones has contraindications. First of all, people with kidney diseases should be careful about this treatment. You should not take drugs from cones during acute hepatitis. Pregnant women and people over 60 years of age should take pine preparations with caution. In large doses, pine preparations can cause inflammation of the stomach and headache. published

    In domestic latitudes, pine grows almost everywhere. But for some reason, housewives don’t make jam from its cones so often. But residents of forested areas always have in their pantry several jars of this miraculous remedy, which protects the whole family from colds and a number of other diseases.

    The benefits and harms of pine cones and jam from them

    In folk medicine, a dessert made from pine cones is known as a powerful anti-cold, antipyretic and disinfectant. Having studied the whole range of beneficial properties of jam, you will probably want to make it. But do not forget about the presence of contraindications.

    Pine cone jam. Medicinal properties

    The beneficial properties of pine cone jam are not limited to the anti-cold effect. In fact, its effect is much broader and affects almost all systems of the body.

    To prevent diseases, you can consume just one small spoon of pine cone jam per day, not forgetting the candied pine cone. Can you eat pine cones? Of course, after cooking they will become soft and sweet.


    Do not forget that edible cones can be beneficial, but in some cases, pine dessert can cause harm. Make sure that you have no contraindications to consuming this treat:

    • children under three years of age;
    • old age over 60 years;
    • acute hepatitis;
    • pregnancy;
    • breastfeeding period;
    • disorders of the kidneys;
    • tendency to allergic reactions;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • chronic liver diseases.

    How and where to collect cones: 4 tips

    To make tasty and healthy jam, you need to know some subtleties that relate to the collection of raw materials. There are four key points to remember.

    1. Where to collect raw materials. The best place to go for buds is pine forest or planting away from dusty roads and industrial plants. This is due to the fact that all the dirt from the atmosphere “sticks” to the resin that is present on the surface of the buds.
    2. When to collect pine cones. Residents of the warmest regions can begin collecting pine cones as early as the end of May. In general, the optimal time is the end of June.
    3. Quality of coniferous shoots. Small green cones, the length of which does not exceed four centimeters, are suitable for jam. But the most tender and tasty during the cooking process are those that do not reach a length of two centimeters.
    4. How much raw material is needed? In order to prepare jam, which will be enough for a family of three or four people for the entire cold period, one kilogram of cones is enough.

    Those cones that are easy to cut with a knife are suitable for jam. If you didn't bring a tool with you, just try piercing the bump with your fingernail. If the skin gives in, it means that such raw materials can be safely used.

    Pine cone jam: a selection of recipes

    Taking care of your family's health, you should definitely master the recipe for pine cone jam. This pleasant delicacy with an aroma atypical for jam will protect you and your loved ones from insidious infections, and will also add new shades to your usual menu.

    Recipe No. 1: classic

    Peculiarities. It will require a minimum set of ingredients. At the same time, the taste and medicinal properties of pine cones are fully revealed in such a simple jam.

    You will need:

    • young pine cones;
    • sugar - in equal quantities;
    • water - to cover the cones two centimeters above their level.


    Wash the cones several times cold water to rid them of dirt and pine needle impurities.

    Transfer the raw materials into a large saucepan or basin and fill it with water. The liquid should be about two centimeters above the cones.

    Turn on the gas and place the filled pine cones on the burner.

    1. The decoction should be prepared 30 minutes after boiling.
    2. Cover the container with gauze or a towel and leave it in a dark place for 12 hours. For example, in a closet. As a result, the broth will acquire a greenish tint and a pronounced aroma of resin.
    3. Strain the broth. In a separate saucepan, combine the liquid with sugar, put on fire and heat until the granules are completely dissolved.
    4. Add a third of the total volume of buds to the syrup and boil the composition for another seven to ten minutes.
    5. All that remains is to roll the jam into jars and store it in a cool place.

    You can make jam from fir cones in a similar way. This dessert reveals its flavor best when combined with green tea. The raw materials must meet the same parameters as in the case of pine.

    Recipe No. 2: without heat treatment

    Peculiarities. This recipe without boiling is less labor-intensive and allows you to preserve the maximum of the beneficial substances of the buds. In addition, if you do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, this option is ideal for you.

    You will need:

    • kilogram of cones;
    • one and a half kilograms of sugar.


    1. Sort through and wash the pine cones well. Cut each of them into four parts.
    2. Roll each cube in sugar.
    3. Place a layer of candied cones tightly on the bottom of the jar. It should be about two centimeters in height.
    4. The next layer is sugar. Its height should be about one and a half centimeters.
    5. Continue layering ingredients until the jar is full. There should be sugar on top.
    6. Cover the container with gauze and place it on a windowsill or other bright place accessible to sunlight.
    7. Shake the jar as the sugar melts to form syrup. And when all the granules dissolve, the jam can be considered ready.

    Recipe No. 3: with lemon

    Peculiarities. If your goal is to strengthen your immune system, combine pine cones and lemon in one jam. This will increase concentration ascorbic acid. In addition, the citrus additive will eliminate the bitterness inherent in pine needles.

    You will need:

    • pine cones - 120 g;
    • kilogram of sugar;
    • half a glass of lemon juice;
    • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
    • water - to cover the buds.


    1. Rinse the pine cones. Transfer the raw materials into a saucepan and pour in enough water to completely cover the raw materials.
    2. Cover the container with a lid and place on low heat. Simmer the pine cones for half an hour, then let them sit for a day.
    3. Pour the broth through cheesecloth. Add to it lemon juice, vanilla and sugar, then put on fire. Boil the mixture until it turns into syrup.
    4. Add pine cones to the syrup and simmer for ten minutes after boiling.

    To avoid problems with storing jam, it is necessary that the temperature of the sweet mass coincides with the temperature of the walls of the container. Therefore, you will have to either cool the jam completely or warm the jars well before rolling.

    Recipe No. 4: from pine needles

    Peculiarities. If you didn’t have time to collect the cones, this does not mean that you will be left without a healthy treat. IN autumn-winter period You can easily make jam from pine needles.

    You will need:

    • pine needles - two glasses;
    • large lemon;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • water - six glasses.


    1. Wash the needles and pour three glasses of boiling water over them.
    2. After a couple of hours, when the raw material has softened, puree the mixture using a blender.
    3. Add three more glasses of boiling water, cover the container with a towel and leave for 12 hours.
    4. Fold the gauze in several layers and pour the infusion through it. Squeeze the pine mass well so that all the essential oils are in the water.
    5. Place the liquid on the fire, add sugar and simmer over low heat for about one hour. Don't forget to stir constantly.
    6. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add it to the boiling syrup and simmer for another ten minutes.

    Little tricks

    The preparation of any delicacy has its own tricks and subtleties that help make the work easier and make the taste of the dish more refined. There are three basic recommendations regarding pine jam.

    1. Preparation. Before you start cooking, remove needles and foreign impurities from the raw materials. You will also have to sort through the cones to remove the spoiled ones.
    2. Dishes. During cooking, the cones actively release resin, which is not easy to wash off the surface of the pan. Therefore, it is not recommended to use white enamel dishes to make jam.
    3. Storage. It is advisable to store jam in a dark room. The optimal air temperature is 12-14 C.

    To maximize the benefits of pine cone jam, prepare the jam in as soon as possible after collecting raw materials. If you don't have this option, transfer the pine cones into fabric bags. But you can store them like this for no more than a month and a half, otherwise they will dry out.

    How to take jam

    If you have no contraindications to consuming pine delicacies, you can safely use it for preventive or therapeutic purposes. How to take pine cone jam depends on what problem you want to solve with its help.

    Doctors' reviews of pine cones contain warnings that this product is a strong allergen. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to conduct a tolerability test. Eat a drop of jam. If you feel well, increase the amount to a teaspoon daily. If no skin or other problems appear, you can safely begin treatment. For diabetics, such experiments are contraindicated, because the jam contains a lot of sugar.

    If you still doubt whether it is advisable to make jam from pine cones, simply turn to the experience and knowledge of your ancestors. Pine was held in high esteem not only in Rus', but also among representatives of other cultures. So, the Chinese considered this tree a symbol of longevity, and the Japanese even thought that it could give a person immortality. The ancient Greeks had a real cult of pine cones. They believed that the secret of good health and fertility was hidden in them.