How to prepare freshly squeezed apple juice for the winter. How to make apple juice at home

How to do apple juice

Since childhood, most people have become accustomed to considering apples to be a simple and unremarkable fruit. From store windows and TV screens we are attracted by colorful and lush exotics brought from afar. But few people know about the enormous benefits and properties plain apples, growing in almost every garden.

Benefits of apple juice

Drinking apple juice daily helps to heal and rejuvenate the body. Proof of this is the famous American doctor Norman Walker, who lived to 119 years of age thanks to juice diets and healthy image life. But the most interesting thing is that he was able to become a father at 105 years old. All this is thanks to the beneficial properties of apple juice.

This drink contains many vitamins and substances. Its benefits are difficult to exaggerate:

  • thanks to the iron, phosphorus and magnesium contained in the fruit, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases and the immune system is strengthened;
  • the presence of enzymes helps improve digestion;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • accelerates metabolism, thereby renewing restoration processes in the human body;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • contains biotin and folic acid, which has a positive effect on the growth and strength of hair and nails.

Apple juice helps fight many diseases and is a good preventative:

  • high level iron increases hemoglobin in anemia and anemia;
  • saturates the body with vitamins A, B and C, which effectively treats vitamin deficiency;
  • organic acids (ascorbic, citric, niacin) help with low acidity stomach and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • protects potassium and magnesium cardiovascular system;
  • such chemical compounds, like triterpenoids, destroy cancer cells.

It's just short list the benefits of this drink. Its properties help children develop and strengthen the body. Freshly squeezed juice, thanks to its acid, cleanses the oral cavity and teeth, which is the prevention of caries.

How to make apple juice: recipes

Before making juice from apples, you need to make sure they are fresh and ripe. You should not use fruits that are still greenish or overripe, as they may contain toxins.

Making apple juice with a juicer is quite simple. First of all, read the operating instructions for the device in detail. It must have a section indicating the preparation of fruit before pressing. There are juicers that can easily handle whole fruits, for example, Moulinex XXL. All you have to do is wash the fruits and load them into the container one by one.

But how to make juice from apples, if not suitable technology? To do this, you can use a meat grinder or a fine grater. Squeeze the resulting mass through a strong (but not too dense) cloth. You should not use cheesecloth as it will let a lot of pulp through.

How to make the most of apple juice

To do this, several different fruits and vegetables are often combined. The combination of their components improves the body’s condition and well-being.

Apple-carrot juice

For 100 ml of carrot juice you will need 150 ml of apple juice. If desired, you can puree the carrots. To do this, it is finely cut into strips, boiled until completely softened and rubbed through a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting juice and pulp to taste. Beta-carotene contained in carrots helps eliminate toxins from the body and is good for vision.

Cucumber-apple juice

For cooking you will need vegetables and fruits in equal proportions. A pinch of cinnamon will add a special aroma to the drink. Cucumber juice is very beneficial for hair and skin. It contains potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.

Beetroot-apple juice

For 2 medium apples, use half a kilogram of raw beets. It is quite hard, so you should chop it finely so as not to damage the juicer. This cocktail is very useful for increasing hemoglobin in the blood.

Preparation for the winter

For preservation, only freshly squeezed juice is used. It should be strained through a cloth to separate all the pulp. In an enamel saucepan, bring the juice to a boil and skim off the foam. Sugar is added to taste. Standard consumption: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of drink. After boiling for 2-3 minutes, the juice is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with metal lids.

It should be remembered that during thermal treatment vitamins and useful substances partially destroyed. Therefore, it is best to consume juice in fresh. The same applies to store-bought products in bags: vitamins and microelements are destroyed during thermal treatment, and sweet taste justified by the presence large quantity sugar or sweetener.

The best varieties for juicing

To prepare freshly squeezed apple juice, late-ripening varieties (autumn and winter) are most often used. They are softer and have larger fruits. The most commonly used varieties are Antonovka and Snezhny Calvil. The resulting juice has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. More sour ones - Boyken, Streifling or Mekintosh, are more often used for making fruit cocktails and punches.

An important factor when choosing a variety is the percentage of juice yield after direct pressing. The highest coefficient is possessed by Oryol Pioneer and Yubilyar (more than 70% of juice by weight of raw materials).


Apple has many beneficial properties, but there are some warnings:

  • It is not recommended to drink sour apple juice for gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • You should not drink the drink if you are allergic to red fruits or if you are individually sensitive to the components.
  • At diabetes mellitus Apple juice of any variety is not allowed.


Apples have many beneficial properties for the human body. This fruit is filled with vitamins and microelements that are necessary not only for children, but also for adults. Freshly squeezed apple juice is the elixir of youth and an integral part of a raw food diet.

Find optimal reliable recipes for apple juice for the winter in the site’s richest collection of culinary super ideas. Try classic and mixed variations of natural juice, make a drink with or without sugar. Try the pasteurization or sterilization technique. Delight your loved ones with unforgettable pleasure!

For making juice from apples, the best ones are juicy ones. winter varieties: “semerenko”, “antonovka”, “grushovka” or “anise”. The juice from these fruits can be mixed. This will make the final product taste more interesting. To prepare the drink, you should take ripe fruits without spoiled areas or wormholes. As a last resort, all suspicious areas should be carefully removed. The easiest way to extract juice is with a juicer or cook in a juicer. But if these helpers are not available, then the drink can be obtained using a meat grinder with a special attachment.

The five most commonly used ingredients in apple juice recipes for the winter:

Interesting recipe:
1. Wash ripe, juicy apples. Cut into slices.
2. Extract the juice using any in a convenient way(juicer, meat grinder with attachment or manually).
3. Strain. Pour the liquid into a saucepan.
4. Add sugar to taste.
5. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
6. Boil for 12-15 minutes, carefully skimming off any foam that forms.
7. Pour hot apple juice into sterile jars.
8. Sterilize according to the volume of the jars.
9. Seal tightly.
10. Leave under the “fur coat” ( warm blanket, blanket, etc.) until completely cooled.
11. Store in a cool place (preferably in a cellar).

Five of the fastest apple juice recipes for the winter:

Helpful Tips:
. To prepare juice, it is advisable to use enamel or stainless steel utensils.
. Apple juice can be mixed and prepared not only from different varieties of apples, but also with the juices of other fruits and vegetables.
. You can make wonderful compotes or baking fillings from the pulp of squeezed apples.

Apple is the most common and beloved fruit. It has a pleasant, refreshing taste. It is superior to other fruits in iron content. Apple juice is the best use for them. Apple juice can be prepared for the winter in various ways.

It is easier to prepare juice in a juicer. It consists of three vessels. Prepared fruits are placed in a vessel with holes. Water is poured into the lower bowl. The juicer is placed on the stove. After a couple of hours, the finished product, collected in the middle bowl, is poured into jars and rolled up.

Using a juicer, juice with pulp is obtained. You can preserve it as is or strain it. Pre-heat treatment.

What varieties of apples are best to choose?

Juicy, crispy fruits of autumn varieties are suitable for this preservation. Exit finished product There will be more of these fruits than soft, starchy varieties. If the harvest of summer varieties is large and other preparations have been made, you can use the remaining fruit. To prepare juice from summer apple varieties, it is better to use a juicer.

Preparation of the main ingredient

The collected fruits should be washed thoroughly in two waters. Place on napkins to dry. The starting material must be dry. Free the fruits from stems, seed boxes, and various damage. Cut the fruits into small pieces.

Depending on the size, they are cut into four, six or eight pieces.

Recipes for making apple juice at home

Apple juice for the winter is prepared from apples alone or with the addition of other fruits, berries, even vegetables. Sugar is added as desired. Juice prepared at home will be an additional source of vitamins.

A simple recipe for the winter

Required Products:

  • a bucket of apples;
  • sugar.

This amount of fruit will yield three liters of juice. You can make an unclarified drink. Pass the prepared fruits through a juicer. Pour the resulting liquid into a container. Heat, stirring and removing foam. During the heating process, sugar is added to taste. Bring the liquid almost to a boil, but do not boil. Maintain at this temperature for ten minutes.

The resulting drink must be preserved in sterile jars, sealed with boiled lids. Cover the jars turned upside down with a warm blanket for a day.

Through a juicer


  • 10 kilograms of apples;
  • 250 grams of sugar for sour varieties.

Pass the washed fruits, cleared of seeds and damage, through a juicer. Strain the freshly squeezed juice through three layers of gauze. Heat until hot. Pour into liter jars. Place them in a container with warm water. Sterilize from the moment the water boils for 20 minutes. Preservation prepared in this way is well stored.

With pulp

Ingredients for preparation:

  • 3 kilograms of apples;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • liter of water.

Squeeze juice from prepared fruits. Fill the cake with water. After boiling, rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Add fresh juice to the puree, add sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil. Remove foam during the process. Keep on fire for 15 minutes, without letting it boil.

Prepare glass containers. Pour hot nectar into it. Roll up immediately. Cover with a cotton blanket. Leave until cool.

In a juicer


  • 5 kilograms of apples;
  • 50 grams of sugar.

In order to cook the juice, you need to place clean, cut into slices fruits in the upper container of the juicer, sprinkle with sugar on top. Pour water into the bottom pan.

Place the juicer on the fire. After two hours, when the middle bowl is filled with juice, it should be poured through a straw into a sterile jar. The jar can be closed immediately, without additional heat treatment.

In a slow cooker

Product List:

  • 2 kilograms of apples;
  • 75 grams of sugar.

Pass the washed, chopped fruits through a juicer and strain. Pour into the multicooker bowl. Set the “Soup” mode. After boiling, add sugar and remove foam. Close the lid and cook the drink for five minutes. Fill a sterilized jar with hot juice. Cork. Let cool under a blanket.

The sterilization procedure in a multicooker is easier than on the stove.

No sugar


  • bucket of apples

Since the preparation is made without sugar, the apples must be of sweet varieties, well ripened. Cut the washed fruits and cut out the seed box. Prepare fresh juice. It is good to warm it up without letting it boil. Remove foam from the surface.

Pour the nectar into prepared jars and secure with sterile lids.

With cherry


  • 5 kilograms of apples;
  • 1.5 kilograms of cherries.

Peel the cherries, grind in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. Wash the apples, remove the seeds, squeeze out the juice.

Mix cherry and apple nectars and bring to a boil. To preserve most of the vitamins, the juice should not be boiled. Fill a sterile glass container with the prepared hot drink.

With pumpkin

To make apple juice with pumpkin, you will need:

  • 4 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of pumpkin;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • lemon.

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces, place in a container. Add water and cook until soft. Squeeze lemon juice and add to pumpkin. Boil for five minutes. When the pumpkin has cooled, it must be pureed.

Pass the peeled apples through a juicer. Pour fresh juice into puree, add sugar. Bring to a boil, pour into sterile jars, and roll up.

With pear

You need to prepare:

  • 3 kilograms of pears;
  • 4 kilograms of apples.

Cut the washed fruit into quarters, remove the seeds. Prepare fresh juice. Cook it at a low boil for six minutes, removing the foam. Pour the finished drink into a sterilized bottle and roll it up. Let cool under a blanket.

With grapes

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • kilogram of grapes;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of filtered water.

Clean the grapes from debris and remove the green fruits. Place in a colander, rinse well with running water, and let the grapes dry.

Wash the apples, cut into pieces, remove the core. Pass the fruits through a juicer. Bring the resulting fresh juice to a boil, add sugar, simmer for several minutes, skimming off the foam. Then add water and boil for another three minutes. Pour the drink into sterile jars and seal. Wrap up the sunset. After cooling, send to the basement.

Storage Features

Fresh juice is stored in the refrigerator for several hours. Be sure to keep it in a tightly closed container.

It can be stored frozen for a long time, but this option is not suitable for everyone.

The most relevant way to preserve vitamins is canning. If you follow all the rules for preparing, the juice can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to two years.

Despite the abundance of juices in the store, many housewives prefer to prepare juices for the winter from gifts own garden and vegetable garden. And they do the right thing, because by preparing the juice yourself, you can not only be 100% confident in its quality, but also create a bouquet of different juices to your own taste. You can preserve the juice for baby food or for the whole family, it can be “just” juice or juice like remedy- there are many options.

To obtain juice, you will have to arm yourself with some devices. This can be an electric juicer for extracting juice from apples, pears, carrots and other juicy but dense fruits and vegetables. To obtain juice with pulp, a meat grinder or a similar design with a special attachment is suitable. In some farms you can find wooden manual screw presses - they are used to squeeze the juice dry. And in city kitchens, juice cookers most often live.

Juice obtained using a press, meat grinder or juicer is preserved in two ways. At hot spill Freshly squeezed juice is heated to 70-75°C, filtered, boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into sterilized containers and rolled up. For pasteurization the juice is heated to 80°C, filtered, heated again to 85-90°C and poured into sterilized jars, which are then pasteurized in water at a temperature of 85°C: 0.5-liter - 15 minutes, 1-liter - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 35 minutes. Juice cans and bottles should be filled almost to the top to reduce the possibility of spoilage. The juice from the juicer is immediately poured into prepared jars and rolled up.

After rolling, leave the jars and bottles with juice in a dark place. room temperature for a couple of weeks - during this time, low-quality juices will definitely show themselves: the juice may ferment, become cloudy or moldy. If such an embarrassment occurs, pour the juice into a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. This juice cannot be re-rolled.

X hurt the juices homemade maybe not longer than a year in a dark, cool place. At high temperature the juice loses its taste and nutritional qualities, and in the light it becomes discolored or turns brown. Not lethal, but not aesthetically pleasing.

The quality of the finished juice directly depends on the quality of the raw materials. Fresh, ripe, healthy vegetables, fruits and berries are used to obtain juice. Unripe products have a weak aroma, they have little sugar and vitamins, and overripe produce little juice. Sour juices are prepared with sugar or blended (mixed) with other, more flavorful and sweet juices. Different types of juice require different quantities Sahara. For example, apricots, cherries, gooseberries, currants and blueberries require 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. For raspberries and plums, 70-75 g of sugar is enough. For pears and apples - 50 g of sugar, and the least amount of sugar is needed for making grape juice - only 40 g per 1 kg of berries.

Different fruits and vegetables produce different amounts of juice. So that you do not miss the amount of container, our website offers an approximate table of juice yield from raw materials (based on 10 kg of fruits or berries):

- apples - 4-6.5 l
- pears - 4-6 l
- cherries - 4-6.5 l
- black currant- 5-6.5 l
- red currant - 6-7 l
- gooseberries - 4-6.8 l
- strawberries - 5-6.5 l
- raspberries - 5-6.5 l
- grapes - 5-6.5 l

The amount of juice depends on the method of obtaining it, the ripeness of the products, the variety and other factors.

You can prepare any juices for the winter according to your taste and capabilities. “Culinary Eden” offers you several recipes: both simple, one-ingredient and unusual blended juices. Get to work!

Before squeezing the juice, you should prepare the jars and bottles. They should be sterilized over steam for 15 minutes. Lacquered metal lids must be sterilized in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

For juice it is good to choose aromatic sweet and sour apples. Squeeze the juice, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar (according to the table or to taste) and bring to a boil. Immediately after the boil begins, remove the pan from the heat and pour the juice into jars, roll up with sterilized lids, turn the jars over and wrap.

Grape juice. Carefully sort and wash the grapes, pick the berries from the bunches and place them in a saucepan so that they fill it ¾ of the volume. Fill the grapes with water 1 centimeter above the berries and put on fire. Bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes and pour into prepared jars, straining through a cloth. Immediately roll up, turn over and wrap.

Crush the washed strawberries with a wooden pestle, filter and drain the juice into an enamel pan. Place on fire, heat to 85°C and let stand for 5 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up and pasteurize at 90°C for 20 minutes.

Tomato juice. Peel the tomatoes from rough parts, cut into slices and place in an enamel pan. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes. While hot, rub through a sieve, pour back into the pan, add salt at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of juice and bring to a boil. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Rub the washed berries through a sieve or pass through meat grinder Add sugar to the resulting mass to taste, bring to a boil over medium heat and pour into sterilized jars or bottles. Roll up or seal and cool.

Cucumber juice with tomato paste. Wash the young cucumbers, sort them and put them through a juicer. Add tomato paste to the resulting juice at the rate of 30% of total mass(300 g paste per 700 ml juice). Place on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add sugar to taste and nutmeg Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

In the same way, you can prepare cucumber juice with the addition of currant, strawberry, and raspberry juice. Cucumber and berry juice can be mixed in proportions from 30% to 50%. You can add sugar to taste.

Wash healthy, elastic root vegetables thoroughly, cut off the skin with a stainless knife, cut into slices and pass through a juicer. Beetroot juice can be blended with any fruit and berry juice (up to 30%). Add sugar to taste, bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars. Roll it up.

Carrot juice. Squeeze the juice out of the carrots. Mix with any sour juice (250 ml for each liter of juice), add 100 g of sugar for each liter of juice obtained and put on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately pour into sterilized jars. Roll it up.

Wash the sorted berries, mash with a wooden masher and filter through a cloth. For each liter of juice obtained, add 100-200 g of sugar and put on fire. Heat the juice to 85-90°C, pour into sterilized jars and sterilize at 100°C: 0.5-liter jars - 10 minutes, 1-liter jars - 15 minutes.

Roll it up. You can do without sterilization by simply bringing the juice to a boil and pouring it into sterilized jars.

Sea buckthorn juice in a juicer. Place the berries in a juicer, add sugar at the rate of 250 g per 1 kg of berries and prepare the juice. Pour it hot into jars and roll up. During storage, a layer of sea buckthorn oil forms on the surface of the juice - before use, it can be drained and used in medicinal purposes or shake and drink with juice.

Pour a small amount of water over the cherries, place a flat plate of smaller diameter than the pan in the pan, put pressure on it, put it on the fire and heat it without bringing it to a boil. When the berries become soft, strain the juice through a cloth and pour into sterilized jars.

Plum juice with pulp. Remove the seeds from the plums, place in a saucepan and heat over low heat until completely softened. Rub through a sieve, add sugar at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 kg of plums. Bring the juice to a boil and pour into sterilized jars, reaching 1-2 cm to the edges. Place to sterilize in boiling water: 0.5-liter - 7 minutes, 1-liter - 10 minutes.

Blackberry juice. Crush the sorted and washed blackberries with a wooden pestle, filter and put on fire. Heat the juice to 90-95°C and pour hot into jars, roll up, turn over and cool.

Apricot juice with pulp. Wash the apricots and blanch in boiling water for 10 minutes until soft. Rub through a sieve wooden spoon. Prepare sugar syrup (160-180 g of sugar per 1 liter of water): boil, filter through a thick cloth. Add the resulting syrup to the apricot mass at the rate of 100 ml of syrup per 900 ml of apricots, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars. Sterilize in boiling water: 0.5-liter - 25 minutes, 1-liter - 40 minutes.

You can make juice from plums and peaches in the same way.

Disassemble the pomegranate fruits, removing thin partitions, otherwise the juice will be bitter. Extract the juice using press, stirring the pulp several times. Filter the resulting juice and heat it to 95°C, add sugar at the rate of 100 g for each liter of juice, mix and pour hot into sterilized jars. Roll it up. During long-term storage, sediment forms at the bottom of the jars and the juice becomes discolored. Before use, do not shake it, but carefully drain it from the sediment.

Prepared in a juicer. Add sugar to the berries at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of currants. Pour the finished juice and roll it up.

Juice from chokeberry and apples. Mix chokeberry and apples in arbitrary proportions (to taste, since chokeberry juice is quite tart and has little flavor). To sweeten, add 40-60 g of sugar per 1 kg of mixture. Place the food in the juicer. Pour the finished juice into sterilized jars, roll up and place upside down.

Rosehip juice with sugar. Place the prepared berries along with sugar in a juicer. Sugar should be taken in the amount of 25-30 g per 1 kg of berries. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Rose hip juice can be blended with other juices, for example, red currant juice, in a 50/50 ratio.

Rowan juice with sugar. Wash the berries and let the water drain. Place in a small container, add a little warmed boiled water and mash with a wooden pestle. Warm it up a little and squeeze it out. Add sugar at the rate of 250-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice, heat to 80°C and pour into sterilized jars. Place to sterilize at 90°C for 20 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Sort through the berries, wash thoroughly, place in a juicer and add sugar at the rate of 150-200 g per 1 kg of berries. Pour the finished juice hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

These are just a few of the juice recipes for the winter. Your fantasies can only be limited by your capabilities. Do-it-yourself juices for the winter will only bring you benefits.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The most delicious and useful look Today's drink is apple juice. Apple juice for the winter is made through a juicer by those chefs who care not only about the taste of the resulting product, but also about its useful qualities. The process of preparing such a preparation is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook can handle it. The product prepared by the housewife will not only be an excellent health product, but also good addition, to the main dishes prepared for the festive table.

The main advantages of the dish include: juice passed through a juicer retains much more beneficial properties, is more nutritious and easier to prepare. The disadvantage of this production method is that only ripe fruits are suitable for its preparation.

The benefits of apples for the human body

The beneficial properties of apples are so great that a huge number of people eat them. On the one hand, this fruit has a low calorie content, and on the other hand, it is easy to digest. It is great for people who want to lose weight. The calorie content of 100 grams of product is 47.5 kilocalories. It is often used in various diets. Apples help people lose weight quickly by consuming a tasty food product.

Apples contain the following groups of vitamins: C, E, A, H, PP, K, B1, B5, B6, B9. In addition, they contain huge number micro- and macroelements. Some of the most important are trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper and iodine. The main advantages include the huge content of fiber, organic acids, pectins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber in fruits. It is precisely because of the large number of positive properties of the fruit that preparing apple juice for the winter through a juicer is so popular.

Choosing a variety for canning

Choosing the right type of fruit will largely depend on the desired result you want to achieve. The juice can have a pleasant mild sweet taste or sourish taste. By choosing a sweet variety of apples, you can get a drink with a sweetish taste, and a sour one with sourness. Apples Cosmonaut Titov, Freedom, Antey, Elena - have a dense structure, so the juice made will have a lot of pulp and not a lot of liquid. This product is suitable for those who like to drink juice smoothly.

Fans of sour taste can pay attention to the following varieties of fruits: Nizhegorodka, Antonovka. Professionals recommend canning apples with sourness; they last much longer than sweet ones.

Important! Mix different types There should be no apples when making juice. It is also necessary to distinguish between quickly ripening and summer fruits of this fruit.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: video

Secrets of making apple juice

In order to winter preparation turned out more pleasant to the taste, it is recommended to adhere to some important cooking secrets:

  • The time for pasteurization of juices largely depends on the volume of its preparation. A jar of 1 liter size will be processed for 15 minutes, 1.5 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes.
  • Experienced cooks add sugar syrup to the preparation instead of sugar. The recipe for its preparation is simple: 200 grams of sugar are dissolved in water, mixed, filtered through a thick piece of gauze. This juice is tastier and milder in taste.
  • Enameled containers are used for cooking juice, since they are more harmless than aluminum or steel.

Preparing apple juice for the winter through a juicer can be prepared according to various recipes, but using these recommendations, the product will be of higher quality.

Sterilizing juice jars

The sterilization process ensures not only the tightness of the container, but also long-term storage of the workpiece. Heating of juice cans, in order to destroy all dirt and germs, mainly occurs along with the preparation. Since the juice has a liquid consistency, it should be sterilized using a special method.

Sterilization of juice at home, both fruit and vegetable, should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 85 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the sterilization process is quite long, it lasts from 1 to 3 hours. Famous chefs guarantee excellent results.

Cans of juice subjected to this type of heating last much longer and are completely sealed. For this method of destroying microbes, various dishes are used: a large saucepan, a bucket or a special container for sterilizing jars.

Very often housewives ask how to seal apple juice for the winter so that it can be stored for a long time? To do this, heat the container with its contents in a pan filled with water. The amount of liquid in it should be enough to cover the shoulders of the jar with its contents. Before lowering glass containers into water, its temperature should be no more than 70 degrees Celsius.

The sterilization time can begin to be counted from the moment the water begins to boil. During this period of time, it is recommended to cover the jar with a lid. At the initial stage, the fire should be strong, at the second - weaker, in order to constantly maintain the temperature at a boil. The juice preparation will be sterilized within 10-15 minutes. After the jar is removed from the pan, it must be immediately closed with a tin lid and rolled up. At the same time, attention should be paid special attention quality of the rolling tool.

Choosing a juicer for juice

The modern market is ready to offer the buyer both manual and electric juicer options. The first type of device is suitable for daily single preparation, and the second for mass production. The first device will be much cheaper than the second. Manual model suitable for recycling small quantity apples, at home, for a large number of such fruits should be purchased professional model. Preparing apple juice for the winter using a juicer can be done using a hand-held device.

Many buyers consider the most important characteristics of a juicer to be its overall dimensions and appearance. However, this everyday approach to technology, in fact, in such a device there are other, much more important characteristics. The main quality of the device is the principle of its operation, it is divided into:

  • screw;
  • centrifuge.

The first option is more economical, but the quality of the product decreases. This phenomenon occurs because the juice heats up during fruit processing. The second model is more expensive, but it retains pleasant taste qualities product, its beneficial properties. In addition, the screw model significantly saves electrical energy.

The power of the device is a very important property; it must be at least 300 W. Juicers with a power of about 500 W are considered to be of the highest quality. This indicator affects the performance of the device.

DIY apple juicer

The juicer can be assembled with my own hands from washing machine activator type. The operation of the device is based on centrifugal rotation. The activator and shaft are removed from the bottom of the old machine and installed on a shaft of the required diameter. 3 knives are installed on the threaded part using nuts at an angle of 60 degrees. The hole for the drain is covered. A stainless steel mesh with a mesh size of 1.5 millimeters lies on the wall of the centrifuge with an overlap of 40-50 millimeters. A lid made of rubber with a stopper is placed on its bottom, tightly closing it. Everything is washed thoroughly with baking soda, and the timer relay is turned off.

Afterwards, 2-3 apples are placed into the homemade structure on rotating knives. They are thoroughly crushed within half an hour. You can put 3 liters of applesauce into the centrifuge at one time. After completing each procedure, the device must be thoroughly washed. The assembled apparatus can prepare about 10 liters of juice with pulp per hour. This device performance is perfect for home use.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: without pulp recipe

Many people prefer to drink juice without pulp. Creating a similar product is very simple if you follow the following recipe. Main components needed for cooking:

  • apples – 3 kilograms;
  • sugar – 50 grams.

Instructions for making apple juice:

    Selected and thoroughly washed apples are cut into 4 parts, the core is removed, and sent to the juicer.

    The juice turns out very cloudy, so it needs filtration. As a filter, you can use a small piece of cotton cloth, gauze or a sterile bandage. Cooks prepare jam from the resulting pulp.

    The strained juice does not need to be brought to a boil, but it needs to be heated to 85 degrees Celsius, after which it can be poured into separate jars. It, together with the container, must be sterilized before rolling. Sterilization time is 20 minutes.

recipe for cooking without pulp) is one of the most common.

Ask the chef!

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Apple juice for the winter through a juicer, transparent without pulp

The cooking sequence is very simple:

  • peeled apples are cut into small pieces, after removing the cores;
  • the fruit is passed through a juicer;
  • after that, it is filtered through a fine sieve, separating the pulp from the clear juice;
  • at the end of the procedure, the juice is heated to a boil and it is sterilized along with the container in which it will be located.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer with pulp

Many chefs advise making apple juice from a juicer for the winter, and there are a wide variety of recipes. The main components of this drink:

  • sour and sweet varieties of apples – 2-3 kilograms;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We wash the fruits with water and chop them into small pieces, place them in a large saucepan, press them down with something heavy so that the apples release juice, add granulated sugar and water, bring to a boil.
  2. Afterwards, remove from the heat and mash the apples using a wooden masher, put the puree back on the fire for about 5 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, carefully sterilize the container with the product for 20 minutes and roll up the lid.

Apple and carrot juice for the winter

This is a healthy and attractive-tasting food product.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • apples – 1 kilogram;
  • carrots – 1 kilogram.

Step by step instructions:

  1. We select the ripest apples and carrots, wash, peel, cut out the core, pass the prepared products through a juicer, bring the resulting mass to a boil over low heat. Remove the foam that appears with a strainer.
  2. Boil the juice for 2-3 minutes; cover with a tin lid.

Persico - apple juice

This drink is very tasty. Two healthy fruits harmonize perfectly with each other. The result is a very nutritious and tasty juice.

Product Components:

  • peaches – 5 kilograms;
  • apples – 3 kilograms;
  • sugar – 70 grams.

Product preparation process:

  1. We wash the apples and peaches well with water, peel them, and put the fruits in a juicer.
  2. Sterilize the jars and boil the lids for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the apple and peach juice into a large bowl and bring to a boil, then add sugar to the resulting mixture, boil for about 7 minutes, pour into jars and close with lids.

Bottom line

Apple juice for the winter is prepared very simply and quickly using a juicer. It can be prepared at home not only using an expensive juicer, but also using a home-made device. Apple juice has a lot of valuable qualities that support the normal functioning of the human body.