Training scenario “Yes to a healthy lifestyle. Sketch “Drug Addiction Trial”

mm MBOU "Kosolapovskaya secondary school"

Scenario of the evening

"We are for healthy image life"

Prepared and carried out

With. Kosolapovo

Target: activation creative activity youth in the field of prevention of asocial phenomena of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, promotion of a healthy lifestyle and traditional moral values, support for socially significant forms of stage creativity.


Development of creative abilities of teenagers

Disclosure of creative individuality and development of social activity of the younger generation, including in the field of prevention;

Improving preventive work based on developing students’ motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Venue:The event is held in the assembly hall. Classical and modern music sounds. On the stands there is an exhibition of works (drawings and posters) “Life is Beautiful!”, in the middle of the hall there is a screen for multimedia display of the presentation. It is assumed that the Leader is the teacher.

Time:Second half of the day, evening, since after the event there is a disco.

Materials, equipment:for each team 1 balloon, 1 badminton racket; 1 rapier (pointer) and 5 rings (small diameter hoops) per team for fencing; sports bench, two sofa cushions; 2 hockey sticks, 1 puck and 1 “goal” per team for Hockey; 3 hoops per team for Synchronized Swimming.

Progress of the event

I. Teacher's opening speech.


Presenter 1: Today we offer you an alternative - sports. We are proud that the city of the Krasnodar Territory, the city of Sochi, was chosen as the capital of the 2014 Olympics! And we continue our meeting .

1contest Badminton.

Presenter 1: In this competition atattended by 2 people We will not replace the racket with anything, but we will mint an ordinary balloon. The player must, hitting the ball with the racket, guide the ball to the finish line and place it in the bucket.

2nd competition Medvy shooter 2 people participate in the competition. Players throw rings onto stands.

3 competition Wrestling

Presenter 1: 2 people take part in the competition. Players stand in pairs on the balance beam (sports bench). They are holding sofa cushions in their hands. The task is to stay on the log while knocking down the enemy

4 competition Sprint running.

a person is twirled by a thread; whoever is faster wins

Presenter 1: 4 pairs per team take part in this competition. Each pair with hockey sticks, passing the puck to each other, must roll it to their goal, go around it and return back. Passing the stick and puck to the next pair. The winner is the team that handled it more accurately and quickly, without touching its goal, and without interfering with the players of the opposing team.

5th competition Synchronized swimming

Presenter 1: In this competition the team also works in pairs. At a distance of 50 cm from the starting line, and then from each other, there are 3 hoops. The task of each pair is to run and stand inside each hoop, remove it through themselves (through the top), and put it back in place. Move in a back and forth direction. The team that completes the task faster wins. Well done!

Leading. Hello! When meeting people, they usually say this good word wishing each other health. So I’m turning to you - hello, dear participants and guests.

“Do you love life? What kind of question? Life is a wealth given to everyone from the beginning, and we really want it to be beautiful and happy. What is it good life?

If we determine what the life and health of people on Earth depends on, then the most important thing will be peace, the absence of war. This is the most important thing, the most important thing. Then follow: adequate nutrition, material well-being, medical care... We adults want you to be physically and spiritually developed, purposeful, cheerful people. I would like the younger generation, our future, to learn how to improve their health, and there are no trifles in this matter.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future.

So, today we will talk about a healthy lifestyle.

We rise proudly and boldly

The banner of the struggle for a great cause -

Banner of the great struggle for freedom,

For better world, for the health of nations!

2 B. And suddenly... We can’t understand with our minds,

Don’t wash it off your hands, don’t wipe it off...

HIV is spreading, death is approaching!

(everyone runs in different directions)

3 B. Friends! Our world has been taken over by drugs!

1 Hour How great is this! The whole world is immersed in a buzz!

4 B. And after the high - death? Do you know how pale and covered in goosebumps Death comes in his terrible hour? Without an invitation, without a report?

2 hours It’s simply indecent to live in society and not try a joint! And it's rude! After all, you are being treated with “pure” intentions! And if you like it, you can repeat the pleasure!

3 hours And we, “caring friends,” will help you find something stronger!

We know what?

Where? When and how much?


1 B. My friend, my neighbor, comrade and brother!

Do you hear a heavy and menacing alarm bell?

Cocaine, nicotine, tobacco, vodka, wine!

ALL white: There is no place for them in life!

In the depths of the scene, a flower is illuminated; under the influence of the beam, a heart begins to beat in it. The flower opens and out comes Thumbelina. The soundtrack of the song from the movie “The Three Musketeers” sounds:

A little child was born

Having increased my mother's hopes.

And mother, turning to God,

I prayed to be fenced

Her child is in trouble,

From poverty, prison, vice,

From a narcotic needle

And death that fell before the deadline.

There is an old pond in the city,

There lilies bloom, there lilies bloom.....

2 B.(takes Thumbelina by the hand): We are all born into the world for happiness, love and joy. And also in order to make our world kinder and cleaner!

ALL black: What are we up to?

(singing and dancing):

They say we are byaki-buki,

How can the earth bear us?

Give me some needles in my hands,

We won't get high in vain!

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,

Heroin for me!

And such is life

Every day and every hour

No family, no prospects,

We have no future!

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la

Come join us, friends!

Thumbelina: How incomprehensible mysterious world! What's going on in it? Who lives in it? (to the audience) There are so many sweet and kind faces around! You are all my friends!

1 H. (jumps up): Hello, baby! Let's get acquainted! What are you smoking? Marlboro? "Chester"? “I’ll accept”?

Thumbelina: “Do you smoke”? I don't know what smoking is!

2 Hours: Have you fallen out of your mind? Never tried it? Well, darkness!

(knocks a cigarette out of the pack) Well, let's smoke?

Thumbelina(scared): No - no! What do you! I don't want!

3 Hours: Why are you showing off? Don't you want pleasure?

Thumbelina: Oh, don't be upset! Actually, you can try...

(lights a cigarette and coughs)

4 H. :Nothing, nothing, you’ll get used to it soon! Come on, drink it up! (holds out a bottle of beer)

Thumbelina drinks, coughs: Oh, how bad I feel, I feel nauseous and dizzy!

1 Hour: Nothing, nothing! Now it will pass, everything will be cool! Come with us!

BLACKS sing:

How seductive the evenings are at the entrance!

Tobacco, drugs in the basement corner,

Drunken walks through the city hangouts,

Datura, entangling until the morning.

Let it all be a dream, let fate be a game!

From the end of the needle dreams come to you with hugs!

In this and this world I will remember,

How seductive such evenings are!

2 Hours: Well, are you not dizzy anymore?

Thumbelina(cheekily): Everything's ok! Total fun!

3 Hours: Do you want something even cooler? Completely free!

(takes out a syringe)

Thumbelina(frightened): I... I... better go home, I promised my mom...

4 H.: Baby, now you won’t give a damn! You will find yourself in a fairy tale where neither a home nor a mother will be needed.

Phonogram SOUNDS:

5B. Bloomed in her home

Like a lily daughter,

But then trouble arose

It's in a basement nook.

6B. Girls' dreams were shattered

Disappeared usual life appearance

Misfortunes squeezed like ice,

Hopes of a ghostly boat.

7B. Behind the garden there is a distant meadow,

Red poppies are blooming there... red poppies are blooming there...

White people RUNN OUT.

1 B.: Stop, girl! Wait! Think about it! These moments may be

the last breath of freedom in your life! Look what awaits you...


I am AIDS!

I'm here! I'm nearby! Among you!

You will become my slaves!

There is no cure for you yet!

The number of patients is growing over the years!

BLACKS dance and sing:

But we don’t care, but we don’t care!

We are not afraid of AIDS, drugs,

But we don’t care, but we don’t care:

We always drink beer and go for walks...

Film screening

2 B.(addressing the audience): So that AIDS is the plague of the 21st century -

Didn't threaten me or you -

Help, man, man,

To become twice as human!

The angels say the words of prayer:

1st: Oh God! Keep young, fragile souls under your protection!

2nd: Drive away from them the spirit of pride, temptation and malice!

1st: Give them a peaceful, happy and dignified life!

2nd: Save it! Save! Give them faith and love!

1 B(To Thumbelina): And you, do you really want to die young?

2 B.: Not out of curiosity...

3 B.: Not out of a sense of camaraderie...

4 B.: Never try or even touch cigarettes, wine or drugs.

1B: And if you are still planning to try them...


All members of the propaganda team take the stage. The melody of the song “Before it’s too late” sounds. Dobronravova, music. Pakhmutova:

While the planet is still alive,

While springs dream of winters,

Let's imagine our rights to life.

Before it's too late, before it's too late!

Let's save living people from AIDS -

Let him sleep peacefully under the starry sky.

Young people will be healthy

Before it's too late, before it's too late!

Chorus: Near, near, joy and trouble

We must, we must, give a firm answer...

To the solar world: yes, yes, yes

AIDS and drugs: no, no, no!

1 B.: Let the one who stumbles be saved tomorrow!

Let hope shine on every destiny!

ALL: The heart of the planet is still beating,

The heart of the planet is in me and in you!

1B We have entered the 21st century

And let this century be completely safe

2B Let’s say “NO” to bad habits

Be a healthy and beautiful person.

3B Strengthen your health with sports,

Go hiking and watch the sunrises,

4B The secret of success in life, know for sure -

Your health, remember this.

5B Look, life is beautiful

Start with good, good day

6B Your habits are only beneficial

Use it for yourself.

7B And how many good things you will find around:

1B Sports sections will occupy your leisure time

And only healthy juices drink!

4th participant:

Who chooses such a life? –

I! (all together)

One, two!

Breathe deeper (in chorus)

Three, four!

Stand up straighter (in unison)

Happy health day every day.

We are for sports!

Here's to friendship!

Presenter 1: Today we offer you an alternative - sports. We are proud that the city has been chosen as the capital of the 2014 Olympics Krasnodar region, city of Sochi! And we continue our meeting JOKIC SPORTS OLYMPICS .

1 contest Badminton.

2 Sprint competition

3 shot throwing competition

4 contest

5 contest

One, two!

Breathe deeper (in chorus)

Three, four!

Stand up straighter (in unison)

Let it become in our school

Happy health day every day.

2B We are for sports!

Here's to friendship!

CHORUS: For a healthy lifestyle!

SINGING THE SONG “We wish you happiness”


Leading. We urge you to make your choice now. Choosing a lifestyle, choosing your future, your destiny. If you have already made a decision, write about it in our “Clean Book”. Perhaps your words, your calls will stop those who still doubt and those who walk on the edge of the abyss. Now there is a chance to start life with a clean slate or a “Clean Book”.

Russian folk proverbs:

o Life is given for good deeds.

o The kind of friendship you make is the kind of life you will lead.

o Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever.

o Everyone chews, but not everyone lives.

o Health is the head of everything.

o Healthy soul in healthy body.

o Health is more valuable than money.

o You can't buy health.

o Our happiness is in our hands.

o Happiness is not sought, but made.

o A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Health Scientists:

Health is not a gift that a person receives once and for life, but the result of the conscious behavior of each person and everyone in society.

(P. Voss – German professor – valeologist.)

A healthy body is a product of a healthy mind.

(B. Shaw.)

The main thing is what it depends on physical health, – moral health... to maintain your health, think about the health of others.

We can't have another national idea except for saving people.

A person, moving and developing at the same time, winds the clock of his life.

(I. Arshavsky)

Health is a peak that a person must climb to by himself.

(I. Brekhman is the founder of valeology.)

It is necessary to select a jury, which may include biology teachers and a psychologist.

You need to, you need to study in the mornings and evenings.
Wash, toughen up, boldly play sports,
Try to be healthy.
This is all we need!

Let's be friends with sports!

And drink only healthy juices!

Let's always practice hygiene

Then any problems will bypass us!

4th participant:

Let's think together, friends.

Who chooses such a life? –

I! (all together)

Replaced smoke breaks

We provide useful physical education,

'Cause now for you

He can sing for at least an hour.

So that Russia becomes stronger,
Walked ahead of all countries,
You must be healthy
So quit smoking quickly!

We will run through everyone faster, Try to catch up with us,
Because in the lungs there is no
Smoke, all kinds of cigarettes.

A healthy lifestyle is:

All: SPORT!!!

A healthy lifestyle is:

All: GRACE!!!

A healthy lifestyle is:

Do you exercise?

Every morning.

And, of course, toughen up -

This will help you so much!

4th participant: There is no better recipe in the world:

Be inseparable from sports.

Then you will live a hundred years -

That's the whole secret of health!

Life is good with sports!

Life is so easy with him!

Sport is health!

Health is life!

Play sports

And you will be happy!

1.Name natural means of hardening. (Sun, air, water)

2. Give an example of general hardening procedures. (Shower, bathing, sunbathing)

3. Give an example of local hardening procedures. (Washing cool water, foot baths, barefoot walking, etc.)

How to resume hardening if for some reason it was interrupted? (You need to “go back a step”, for example, if before the break in classes you doused yourself with water at 20 C, then after the break you will use water up to 24 C.)

4.What procedures can I take without leaving my room? (When the window is open - sun and air baths).

5.How do physical education classes affect the hardening process? (positive, because the body “accustoms” to the effects of cold faster.)

6. At what age can hardening begin? (from birth).

Why is it believed that success in hardening depends on perseverance and perseverance? (because the main thing in hardening is systematic procedures).

Is it possible to compete in hardening? (no, everyone has their own rhythm and schedule.)


Registration e: large: the name and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs.

Form of conduct: mind game with elements of conversation and student performance.




For healthy


Scenario extracurricular activity

on the prevention of smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism.

Bashmakova Asiya Yagfarovna

GPD teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 4

Noginsk, Moscow region.

Purpose of the event:

  1. Promoting a healthy lifestyle


Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, conscious refusal bad habits and addictions that contribute to the development of various somatic and mental illnesses;

Systematization and generalization of schoolchildren’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of an active life position.

Design: large: the name and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs.

Form of conduct: an intellectual game with elements of conversation and student performance.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello guys! I'm telling you"Hello" , and this means that I wish you all health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Health for a person is one of the main values.

And my goal today is to promote a healthy lifestyle, to awaken in you sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle, so that after this event you consciously give up bad habits, if you have them.

I’ll start the event with the words of Heinrich Heine: “The only beauty I know is health.” Yes, I agree with this statement and add thathealth is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

(Sign on the board). (Explanation from myself).

Spiritual and physical health are 2 integral parts of human health. They must be in harmony. Physical health affects spiritual life. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society.

Today we will try together to answer the question of what a healthy lifestyle is. To make it more interesting, we will hold our meeting in the form of a game in 3 stages. Thanks to the correct answers to questions asked, we will learn a lot useful information. Questions can be answered from the seat, but shouting will not be accepted as an answer. This is not team game. Everyone can earn a token with their correct answer. 2-3 players who have scored greatest number tokens. The respected jury will record who answers and receives tokens.

And so, let's start the game!

Stage 1.

1. Anyone who starts every morning with this action needs half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. What is this action? (Morning exercises).

2. Science about cleanliness of the body (Hygiene).

3. Training the body with cold (hardening).

4. What gives a person energy? (Food).

5. These “brave warriors” in the human body boldly rush into “battle” with pathogenic bacteria(Antibodies).

6. Which great Russian writer, who lived to be 82 years old, adhered to a very strict daily routine all his life? (L.N. Tolstoy).

7. This activity is a natural massage, increases muscle tone, improves heart function (Swimming).

8. You can’t buy it for any money (Health).

9. What fruits, vegetables, and plants are used to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden, chamomile, sage).

10. Why can’t you exchange clothes, shoes, or take other people’s hats? (You can become infected with skin infections infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

11. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (Bacterium).

12. What was grown in “pharmaceutical gardens” in Russia in the 18th century? (Medicinal plants).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. IN Ancient China one of the worst tortures was the deprivation of a person of this state. What is this condition? (Dream).

14. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence sun rays. (Vitamin D).

15. In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your profession, you need curiosity, hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-confidence and... What else? (Good health).

Leading: Stage 1 of the game is completed. From your answers guys, we can conclude that good health achieved with motor activity, rational nutrition, hardening of the body, general hygiene, rational combination of mental and physical labor.

I ask the jury to check the number of tokens earned by the guys for correct answers. (Participants in the game stand up one by one, announce their names and the number of tokens they have).

Guys, of course, you have been to our school’s medical office more than once. The school paramedic helps you stay healthy and not succumb to any illnesses. You undergo regular medical examinations in this office.

And here's what funny incident happened in one school. We present to your attention a short humorous scene from school life. The scene is called “Medical Examination”.

Medical examination.

The school doctor asked Grisha:

Do you have any complaints about your nose and ears?

Eat. Ears and nose get in the way

Wear a sweater with a fleece.

The school doctor asked Dima:

Is everything okay in your head?

The radiologist took a picture

Didn't find anything there.

The school doctor asked Misha: -

Are there any hearing difficulties?

If only you knew how bad my hearing is

I give clues with my left ear!

The school doctor asked Fedya:

Do you want to be cured right away?

Copy less from your neighbors

And you won't be cross-eyed.

Are there any hearing difficulties? -

The school doctor asked Leva.

Eat. One ear flies into

Flies out of another.

The school doctor asked Petya:

How do you sleep at night, boy?

Petya answered the doctor:

Without shoes and in pajamas.

The school doctor asked Lyosha:

Any complaints?

Don't count!

Both mom and dad

And there is one for my grandfather too!

Stage 2.

Leading: You and I understand that in order to maintain health, and for it to be enough for a long and active life, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also involves giving up bad habits - giving up the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Information block.

(Students' speech)


Smoking is the voluntary poisoning of your body with nicotine and other harmful substances. All organs human body suffer from tobacco. Smokers have poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, and they think slowly. Smokers' skin withers faster, their voice becomes hoarse, and their teeth turn yellow. Tobacco smoke causes great harm to non-smokers.

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing is that you need to truly want to free yourself from a bad habit and show your will.


Alcohol is the most common drug that kills a huge number of people every year. It's the poison that destroys internal organs person. A drunk man who has lost his human appearance is an unpleasant, repulsive sight. Many crimes are committed due to drunkenness, families are destroyed, loved ones suffer: mothers, wives, children.


Drugs are an even more serious poison; having gotten used to them, a person cannot live without them, and pays a lot of money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict the first time. With its poisons, the drug acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to himself; he will commit any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three options: prison, mental hospital, death.

Leading: The questions of the 2nd stage of the game will most fully reveal this topic; we will talk about how these addictions adversely affect a person.

(Tickets with questions are laid out on the table. Players choose a ticket and answer the question without preparation).

1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. ( Tobacco smoke. )

2. How does alcohol affect a teenager’s body? (Delays his mental, mental and physical development.)

3. What disease is most often associated with smoking?(Lung cancer.)

4. With this disease due to alcoholism, deception of vision, hearing, and hallucinations occur. What disease is this? (Acute alcoholic psychosis – delirium tremens.)

5. How long does the average person live after becoming a drug addict?

10 years.

5 years.

12 years old.

6. Why do doctors say that a drug addict is dooming himself to slow suffocation?(The activity of the respiratory center decreases and then inhibits.)

7. Drug dealers reason like this: “drug-addicted rednecks will get away with it anyway,” and add drugs to increase profits...



- washing powder.

8. What effect does drug use have on offspring?(Children born to parents who are drug addicts are mentally and physically handicapped.)

9. At what concentration of alcohol in the blood can death occur?(0,6 – 0,7 %)

10. What toxic substances, which destroy the body, does it contain tobacco smoke?(Hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, arsenic, etc.)

Leading : All questions of the 2nd stage were answered. Let's count the tokens.

Guys, pay attention to the posters and visual information signs. Let's find out with you what it consists of:

Healthy lifestyle.

This is social behavior- i.e. refusal of health destroyers. What can be considered health destroyers? (bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)

This is personal hygiene, which includes skin care, oral care, and clothing hygiene.

This rational nutrition . Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Nutrition should be complete and include vitamins and minerals.

Motor mode. This includes morning exercises, swimming pool, sports sections, hardening. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life.

Speaking in numbers, human health depends on:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% is lifestyle. Please pay close attention to this figure. Your health, both physical and spiritual, depends on what lifestyle you choose for yourself in the future.

Stage 3.

(In the 3rd stage, students who have scored maximum quantity tokens).

Leading: I invite students who have collected the maximum number of tokens to the final stage. It will be short. A total of three questions will be asked to the players to determine the winner of the game.

So , "Questions out of a hat."

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What kind of substance is in the hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - substances that a person needs in quantities of only a few milligrams per day. But without them, a person gets sick and gets tired quickly. It’s not for nothing that their name is derived from Latin word"life". (Vitamins, vita-life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. It should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro- and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called “living water”. What's in the hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in preventing diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

Leading : The game has come to an end and while the jury is summing up the results, we present to your attention a fairy tale - a hint, which is called “Turnip”.


A fairy tale is a hint.

An oak tree was cut down near Lukomorye

And the chain was taken to the landfill,

The cat was placed in the shelter,

The mermaid was salted in a barrel...

Why are your mouths open here?

This is a saying, I guess -

The fairy tale will be ahead.

In short, there lived a grandfather

At lunchtime he is a hundred years old,

And he decided to plant a garden,

I decided to plant a turnip.

Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip grew and grew

And she grew big, very big.

Grandfather goes to the garden,

He takes the turnip by the top,

Pulls - pulls,

But he can’t pull it out.

Where there! All my life

Smoked and drank

It would be better to be friends with sports.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

Granny earlier

I wasn’t good with sports

And I got myself so many pains!

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

But where can I help my granddaughter?

He rides a Harley day and night.

I'd rather go to the gym

I would have accumulated strength.

They called Zhuchka.

The bug barely crawled.

Of course! Look how fat she is!

He sleeps all day and “Chappie” eats -

That's where the fat comes out of it!

Bug - for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

They didn't get the turnip again.

With nowhere to go, the cat was called.

Where can you help a cat?

She's on diets day and night -

I no longer have any strength from these diets.

They sit and cry

They don’t know what to do.

Having abandoned all business,

A mouse came running.

It was not in vain that I came running:

She brought a bunch of sports equipment.

Dumbbells for grandfather

So that your hands don't hurt;

Grandma - a jump rope,

For the sake of health, you don’t regret anything;

Granddaughter and Bug - ball -

The solution to all failures.

Cat - hoop:

Lose weight day or night.

They worked all week

Then they took up the turnip again.

And they pulled it out!

This is how it happens:

Sport always helps!

Conclusion. Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have an inherent desire to be healthy and strong, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today’s event was not in vain for you, you understood a lot and can unanimously say:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle."

Summing up.

Presentation of prizes to the winners and members of the propaganda team.

Literature used:

"Encyclopedia of a healthy lifestyle." Author G.A. Kapetskaya. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2007

“Healthy lifestyle.” - M.: ZAO “AiF” - 2004 - No. 1

Scenario of an extracurricular event for college students "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Description: I present to your attention a script for an educational event dedicated to the prevention of bad habits and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. This development will help social teachers and educators prepare for the event. educational institutions.
Target: formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle
teach to value and maintain your own health;
develop horizons and cognitive activity
Equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, presentation, handouts.

Progress of the event

Social teacher:
- Hello! When meeting, people usually say this wonderful word, wishing each other health. So I’m turning to you - hello, dear students, colleagues and guests. Today we will hold an event with you called “We are for a healthy lifestyle.”
Are you ready for a conversation? Slide- 1, 2

Girls, I want to ask you: “Do you love life? (the girls answer).
Life is a wealth given to everyone from the beginning, and we really want it to be beautiful and happy. What is a good life? Please, everyone, think about this and write down the continuation of the phrase: “A happy life is...”
The pupils write down those concepts that, in their opinion, characterize a happy life (work for 2-3 minutes).

Social teacher. If we determine what the life and health of people on Earth depends on, then the most important thing will be peace, the absence of war. This is the most important thing, the most important thing.
Then will follow: health, adequate nutrition, material well-being, family, children, medical care...
Then it is proposed to discuss the notes about happy life and rank them in order of importance with the pupils..

Social teacher. We want you to be physically and spiritually developed, purposeful and cheerful people.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among young people.
Today we will talk about health and a healthy lifestyle. Slide 2.3
1.Health is value and wealth,
People should value their health!
Eating right and play sports,
And harden yourself, and make friends with exercises.

2. So that any illness does not set in,
So that your heart beats smoothly, like a motor,
There is no need to smoke, or drink, or get angry,
A smile can overcome any reproach.

3. A healthy lifestyle is strength!
After all, there is nowhere in life without health.
Let's be strong and beautiful together
Then we won't have to worry about years!
Social teacher: What is health? People have been trying to answer this seemingly simple question since ancient times. Slide 4.
Health -“this is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,” i.e. health is the normal state of the body, when all our organs work together, rhythmically, in harmony with each other and environment.(inhale - exhale, sleep - wakefulness).
Now we will discuss what health is from the perspective of three aspects. This information will help you complete the next task.
You have pieces of paper with words - associations. You will need to attach them, this will show what kind of health, in your opinion, this word means (on the board there is a locomotive with three cars: 1 car - social health, 2 car - mental health, 3 car - physical health). Slide 5.
Physical health associated with the functioning of our body. First of all, a person must have a healthy body, a correct, beautiful physique, sufficient weight, and height relative to his age.
A person must have good physical training, and this means strong muscle strength in the arms and legs, it is good to tolerate physical activity, without feeling very tired. Undoubtedly, healthy person rarely suffers from colds and other diseases, i.e. it has a good protective function against viruses and microbes.
Human social health- this is nothing more than his social activity, behavior in society, personal attitude towards the world. That is, here we can consider those personality qualities that will ensure harmony between needs this person and society as a whole.
It is very important that a person strives for self-realization and constant personal development. Some, for example, find a way of self-realization in their studies or career, others - in their family and children.
Thus, social health means the ability to communicate with other people in the surrounding social environment and the presence of personal relationships that bring satisfaction.
Under mental health we understand our feelings, i.e. mood (good, cheerful or sad, bad), a feeling of joy, friendship, love, mutual understanding, mutual respect... But there are such emotional feelings as fear, oppression, humiliation, resentment, pain. And depending on what their predominant feelings are, so will our emotional health.
Social teacher. Now we will conduct the “Your Health” test. Summing up the testing results.
Game “Believe it or not”
(if you agree, raise your hand, if not, don’t raise your hand) Slide 10,11
1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)
2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)
3. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)
4. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)
5. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)
6.To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them twice a day. (Yes)
7. Is it true that drinking on a hot day helps to harden you? ice water? (No)

Information lecture. Slide 11-21
Components of a healthy lifestyle. Pupils performing:
Daily routine. Slide 24
A person who follows a daily routine is always cheerful, energetic and cheerful.
Dream. Slide 25
Sleep has a positive effect on the human body. Sleep restores strength and often heals better than any medicine;
Hardening. Slide 26
An important role in the development of health is hardening. Hardening the body helps prevent many diseases that occur seasonally.
Personal hygiene Slide 27
It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene in life!
Long live the scented soap and the fluffy towel!...”
Even if it seems that your hands are quite clean, then if you put them under a microscope, small, impudent microbes will appear before your eyes.
Social teacher:
Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness, goodwill..
Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.
Social teacher:
-But there are factors that also negatively affect human health. Which?
Slide 28-30
1.Tobacco smoking often referred to as bad habits, but this is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependence.
Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body.
If a woman smokes, her child is more likely to get sick and lag behind in development.
The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant these days.
The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, young people, as well as the health of expectant mothers. Alcohol has a particularly active effect on the body, gradually destroying it.
Consequences of use narcotic substances are destructive: they cause diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, serve as personality degradation, which is often associated with social decline and often progressing into dementia.
Now we have identified those factors that negatively affect human health. Avoid bad habits
After all, it is in adolescence The body is finally formed, which should serve you all your life.
Social teacher: Slide 42.
What do PROVERBS mean?
1. If you are healthy, you will get everything!
2. Better means There is no cure for illness: do exercises until you are old.
3. Move more - you will live longer.
4. A healthy body means a healthy mind.
5 Appetite flees from the sick, but goes to the healthy

Well, in conclusion, let’s summarize the results of the correspondence survey. The task was to choose from the values ​​presented below that, in your opinion, are important for a person
professional career - 18%;
good health – 31%;
good friendly family – 24%;
bright, rich life - 12%;
material well-being -8%;
close friends -7%.
Social teacher:
Girls, what new did you learn in our lesson?
I hope that the knowledge you received today will help in your life.

I wish YOU
Never get sick;
Eat right;
Be cheerful;
Do good deeds.
We are for a healthy lifestyle!
Thanks to everyone for participating in the event.

Presentation on the topic: We are for a healthy lifestyle

Design, equipment, props. Book exhibition: “The road to good health” with subsections: “Charging life’s batteries”, “Get ready to exercise!”.

Posters: “There is no greater victory than victory over yourself!”, “Sport is health!”, “If you want to be strong, run!”
Projector and screen for showing presentations, balls, balls, sticks, buckets, bows.

Leading. Hello! People often say when we meet that this is good, kind word. They wish each other health. So we turn to you - hello, dear participants and guests.

Greetings to everyone who found the time,
And he came to us for a health class,
We will be healthy and friendly with exercise.
We need sports and physical education like we need air.

Leading. 9th grade students from school No. 1 came to congratulate you on the opening of classes.

Student 1. Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here in the reading room,
We are sports, skills are compatible.
We are this glorious holiday with you Great games we will dedicate.

Student 2. Abu Ali Ibn Son "Medical advice"
He is proud of his slender figure.
Sitting in a seat for a whole century, subject to all flaws.
Be friends with gymnastics,
Always be cheerful
And you will live a hundred years,
Or maybe even more.
Potions, powders - the wrong path to health.
Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and in the open field.

Student 3. So that we grow strong,
Three - four. (Stomp)
Dexterous, skillful,
To grow healthy
We're doing exercises!
Get ready to exercise!
One-two! (Stomps his right - left foot)
Islands. (Shows a circle with hands)
Three-four! (Stomp)
We have arrived. (He makes “swimming” movements with his hands.
Five - six! (Stomp)
Go here! (Right hand forward, palm up, left palm down)
Seven, eight! (Stomp)
How many pine trees! (Hands up one at a time.)
Nine - ten! (Stomp)
We're on our way! (Imitation of a step with the fingers of both hands)
Counted (Stomp)
Until ten. (Head tilted forward)

Leading. Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. Did you know that 10% of our health is genetic, 5% comes from medicine, and 85% depends on ourselves, on our lifestyle. Therefore, without health it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. And often we waste this gift, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult.
It's better to be active and healthy than passive and sick! It is better to go through life with a bright smile than with a grimace of pain. Healthy lifestyle skills are as necessary as air, water, food!

Leading. So, the strongest, most resourceful and friendly teams arrived to us.

First team: “Sportyata”

Motto. Be healthy!
Always healthy!
Our best friends Sun, air and water Sun, air and water Our best friends.
Speech. To love sports, to be strong,
We gave our word to the Motherland to strengthen peace on earth.
Song. We are the southern region, we are a friendly squad,
We're made up of cool kids.
The commander will always help us - We are a team together, we are a family together.
Our team is called “Sportyata”
Move over people, we are always ahead!
Team two: “Vitamins”
Motto. We cannot live without movement. We are always energized. We will kindle your spark,
Let's recharge everyone around us.
Speech. One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two Sports of high achievements - This is a dispute of high goals.
Song. Sports and health,
Dexterity and strength.
The school needs to instill this.
One day the children will say affectionately:
No lesson
Better in the world.
Leading. Our fun starts can begin! proverbs, after all folk wisdom says the truth, proverbs, and you continue.

Proverbs For team 1:

Take care of your dress again, and your health... (from a young age)
Cleanliness is half... (health)
For health... (not treated)
There would be health, and happiness... (there would be)
Where health is there... (beauty)
Move more - you will live... (longer)
After lunch, lie down, after dinner... (walk around)
Bow seven ailments... (heals)

For team 2:
Disease doesn’t wander through the woods... Taking care of your health is the best... To each his own illness...

The teams respond.
Leading. Where does it begin? Good morning? (The guys answer). Some people think that spending precious time in the morning on exercises when you are about to be late for school is an unforgivable luxury. And completely in vain. It has been proven that exercise helps you wake up and get your body working. To be beneficial, exercise must be done for at least fifteen minutes. By doing exercises every morning, you increase your immunity by at least 50%. You know that exercise is not done for show, but for the sake of your health.
Leading. Now let's move on to the main competitions.

"Breathe - don't breathe"

The players' task is to inflate one at a time balloon. Whoever completes the task faster, that team wins.

Leading. It's so good that there are games in the world!
Second test.

Relay "Hold the Ball"

The players stand in pairs. Each participant in the game has a stick 35-40 cm long. One has it in his left hand, and the other has it in his right hand. Each pair is given a ball. Holding the ball with chopsticks, run the distance and, without stopping at the finish line, return to the starting line. Whichever team can do this faster, that team will win. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up and continue running, then pass it to another pair, etc.

Relay "Carry the Ball"

Players stand in pairs opposite each other. The ball must be carried with your foreheads until specific place and back, then pass it on to the second pair. Etc.

Bow relay

The target will be a bucket, and the bow will be a garden onion. The bucket is placed at a distance of two meters. At the finish line, onions are laid out, their number equal to the number of team members. At the signal, players throw the onion into the bucket. A team earns as many points as there are onions in its bucket.

Quiz for teams

1. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)
Comment: Chewing gum only cleans
chewing surface of the teeth, and the most dangerous zones in terms of caries are in the spaces between the teeth using chewing gum you can't clean it! The best remedy fight against caries - toothbrush.

2. Do bananas really lift your spirits? (Yes)

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    • Schedule of the school stage of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad for schoolchildren in general education subjects for the 2018-2019 academic year
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  • Health
    • Algorithm of teacher actions when conducting outdoor activities with children
    • Sample scenario for the prevention of smoking mixtures
    • Some rules of healthy eating for children and adolescents, as well as their parents
    • Training scenario “Yes to a healthy lifestyle”
    • Scenario of a preventive measure with students in grades 9-11 and educational institutions of vocational education
    • Basic principles of a healthy lifestyle
  • Memo for students PREVENTION OF PAS. (for students) “Rules for confident refusal.” 1. if you want to refuse a person something, clearly and unambiguously tell him “NO”. Explain the reason for the refusal, but don't apologize for too long. 2. answer without
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    Training scenario “Yes to a healthy lifestyle”

    Training scenario “Yes to a healthy lifestyle”

    Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle among teenagers, developing a value-based attitude towards their own health.


    1. Give an idea of ​​the concepts of “health” and “healthy lifestyle” in the broad sense of the word: physical, social, mental aspects.

    2. Contribute to the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

    Progress of the training:

    Hello guys! When we meet people, we say hello.

    We say “hello” to you, which means that we wish you all health! Have you ever wondered why greeting people involves wishing each other good health?

    Health for a person is one of the main values.
    Let's greet each other in different languages.

    What greeting words do you know? (children name words).

    Health is value and wealth,

    People should value their health!

    Eat right and play sports,

    And harden yourself, and make friends with exercises.

    So that any illness does not set in,

    So that your heart beats smoothly, like a motor,

    There is no need to smoke, or drink, or get angry,

    A smile can overcome any reproach.

    A healthy lifestyle is power!

    After all, there is nowhere in life without health.

    Let's be strong and beautiful together

    Then we won't have to worry about years!

    We invite you to play a little.

    And the first game is called “Associations”. (Tasks by squad).

    Guys, you must write down one association on one piece of paper per word that I say (5 pieces of paper in total).

    Word: Health .

    (Time for selecting associations is 2 minutes, music plays during the task).

    Each squad reads out its association words, which are written down on a piece of paper.

    And so, health for you is...

    (list association words written on a piece of paper).

    You will learn more about health from our story.

    So guys, what is health? To this apparent at first simple question people have been trying to answer since ancient times.

    “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,” i.e. health is the normal state of the body, when all our organs work together, rhythmically, in harmony with each other and the environment (inhalation - exhalation, sleep - wakefulness).

    Now we will discuss what health is from the perspective of three aspects. This information will help you complete the next task.

    You have pieces of paper with words - associations. You will need to attach them to the carriage which health you think this word means (on the wall there is a picture of a locomotive with three carriages: 1st carriage - social health, 2nd carriage - mental health, 3rd carriage - physical health).

    Let's look at physical health first.

    Physical health connected with the work of our body, it is important for us to know how our body should work. First of all, a person must have a healthy body, a correct, beautiful physique, sufficient weight, and height relative to his age.

    A person must have good physical fitness, which means strong muscle strength in the arms and legs, be able to tolerate physical activity well, and not feel very tired or faint. Of course, a healthy person rarely suffers from colds and other diseases, i.e., he has a good protective function against viruses and microbes.

    Now let's look at what social health is?

    Human social health - this is nothing more than his social activity, behavior in society, personal attitude towards the world. That is, here we can consider those personality qualities that will ensure harmony between the needs of a given person and society as a whole.

    It is very important that a person strives for self-realization and constant personal development. Some, for example, find a way of self-realization in their studies or career, others - in their family and children.

    Thus, social health means the ability to communicate with other people in the surrounding social environment and the presence of personal relationships that bring satisfaction.

    Under mental health we understand our feelings, i.e. mood (good, cheerful or sad, bad), a feeling of joy, friendship, love, mutual understanding, mutual respect, and so on, but there are such emotional feelings as fear, oppression, humiliation, resentment, pain. And depending on what their predominant feelings are, so will our emotional health.

    Important for a comfortable positive state of the body is the acquisition of good friends, a loved one, the presence complete family(moms and dads). It is very important that a person is understood by those around him, that he himself understands others, that he can not only express his complaints to others, but also give in to others and not create conflict situations.

    So, guys, we have looked at three main aspects of health that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

    And let's move on to the next exercise - "Locomotive of health."

    Exercise with association words.

    You need to attach associations to the carriage of what kind of health, in your opinion, this word means (on the wall there is a picture of a locomotive with three carriages: 1st carriage - social health, 2nd carriage - mental health, 3rd carriage - physical health).

    Time to complete the task is 1 minute.

    The conclusions from the exercise are announced.

    So, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

    And most importantly, you learned that our health depends only on us. And that’s why the motto of our lesson is “my health is in my hands.”

    Let's say the motto all together.

    Now let’s play the game “Believe it or not” (if you agree, raise both hands, if not, slap your knees 2 times)

    1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)
    2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)
    3. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)
    4. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)
    5. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)
    6. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them twice a day. (Yes)
    7. Is it true that drinking ice water on a hot day helps you harden? (No)

    Our lesson is coming to an end. What new things have you learned?

    We would like to thank you for your activity, goodwill and complete mutual understanding. We hope that the knowledge you received today will help you in your life and you will lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Video lecture script “Me and my health”

    Generate an interest in a healthy lifestyle.

    Educate careful attitude to your own health.

    To instill an interest in physical exercise, observing personal hygiene rules, healthy eating.

    Progress of the lesson:

    The first verse and chorus of the song “Children of the Earth” sounds. Music and poetry by V. Udarnov.

    Teacher: It’s so good that there is peace on the planet. It’s so good that the sun is shining, and we want our children to be healthy. Moreover, your health is in your hands.


    What is "Hello?" -

    The best of words

    Because “Hello!”

    It means “Be healthy!”

    Why do people say hello? - wish each other health. Let's greet each other again and wish everyone good health.

    Hello girls! - Hello.

    Hello, young men! - Hello.

    Hello adults! - Hello.

    Hello everyone! - Hello.

    IN different countries people greet each other differently. How do they do this in our country?

    Eskimos, when greeting each other, rub their noses against each other's noses.

    The Japanese bow.

    Tibetans take off their headdress when greeting right hand, A left hand they put it behind the ear and still stick out their tongue.

    And I am very glad to see you - cheerful, vigorous, healthy.

    Teacher: The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle is a sign of a person’s high culture, his education, perseverance, and will.

    How many folk proverbs about health. Let's put the phrase together and read the proverb:

    A healthy body... a healthy mind.

    Health... is more valuable than gold. can't buy it.

    There are thousands of diseases... there is only one health.

    Every day is healthy... a holiday.

    Where there is tobacco, there is an ulcer and... cancer.

    Better breathe fresh air than... taking medicine.

    Teacher: You are young. Life is wonderful. Are you in a good mood? A good mood- this is also a guarantee of health. Therefore, I suggest everyone have fun together.

    Fun first “Come on, try it!”

    Extend your arm forward with your palm open. Press it into your palm thumb. The remaining fingers should be turned out. Now press your little finger. Did it work? Not so!

    Fun second - “Salute!”

    Salute with your right hand, and at the same time extend your left forward with your thumb extended, saying: “Wo!”

    Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

    Teacher: Now I’ll ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire and draw a conclusion: What is your health and how do you take care of it?

    Questionnaire “Student’s attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle”:

    Have you been sick in the last six months?

    Do you have a regular daily routine?

    Do you do morning exercises every day?

    Do you spend 1.5-2 hours outdoors every day?

    Do you eat fruits and vegetables every day?

    Do you always dress according to the weather?

    Are you involved in a sports section?

    Teacher: Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the entire society. When meeting or parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, as this is the guarantee and main condition for a full and happy life. Good health, wisely maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures a long and active life.

    Maintain hygiene.

    Do hardening, physical education, sports.

    Maintain a healthy diet.

    Don't have bad habits.

    Teacher: What is hygiene? Translated from Greek, “hygiene” means “healthy”. Hygiene is a science that deals with health protection and disease prevention. The motto of the hygiene rules is: “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

    Name personal hygiene items? (Toothbrush, washcloth, comb, towel, handkerchief, soap).

    Let's watch the video: an excerpt from the film "Moidodyr".

    What do you think happens in our body when we exercise? (During physical activity our muscles work harder, so they need more oxygen. A heart that works smoothly is forced to pump blood harder and faster to deliver more oxygen to the muscles. If you exercise daily, your heart becomes stronger.)

    Let's watch the video: “Morning exercises.”

    Teacher: Sports are necessary in the life of every person. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person should be beautiful both spiritually and physically.

    And now a task for your attention. Here's the word: SPORT! (poster) Who is an athlete? Think and answer quickly. What should it be like for the letter: S, P, O, R, T?

    Teacher: Now we will hold a competition.

    1. Who will do more squats?
    2. Who can do the most one-legged jumps?

    Teacher: Let’s rest a little and answer the quiz questions.

    What sports do you know?

    Name sports attributes.

    What is the name of the sports challenge prize? (Cup)

    In which sports games is the ball used? (Football, volleyball, basketball, handball)

    The final part of the competition that determines the winner? (final)

    Name famous athletes.

    Let's watch the video: “Fun Starts”

    Teacher: Nutrition is one of the most important conditions for human life. Proper organization Nutrition allows you to maintain and strengthen health, and its violation leads to the occurrence of many diseases.

    What types of products do you know? What's your favorite food? Think and name the rules of nutrition.

    You need to eat at the same time every day.

    Before eating, you should wash your hands with soap.

    You need to eat foods that are good for your health.

    It is necessary to eat not quickly and not very slowly. Each piece must be chewed thoroughly.

    You can't overeat.

    Sweets can only be eaten after meals.

    Teacher: Guys, what vitamins do you know? In what products are they found?

    Listen to the vitamin debate:

    Let's watch the video "Healthy Nutrition".

    Teacher: We enjoy life. Life is what people strive most to preserve, but protect least!

    I wish you guys

    Always be healthy

    But to achieve results

    Impossible without difficulty.

    Try not to be lazy -

    Every day before meals

    Before you sit down at the table,

    Wash your hands with water.

    And do exercises,

    Every morning,

    And of course, toughen up -

    This will help you so much!

    Breathe fresh air

    If possible, always

    Go for walks in the forest,

    He will give you strength, friends!

    What can harm your health?

    We have already said that it is harmful to overeat, eat a lot of sweets, move a little, sit for a long time and a lot in front of the TV, computer, sit bent over. Eating unwashed fruits and vegetables is harmful...

    Smoking, alcohol, and drugs are also harmful to health.

    What do you think makes kids try these substances that are dangerous to life and health?

    Some people are interested in how it feels.

    Others want to be like their elders.

    Some people don’t want to smoke, but it’s inconvenient to refuse in company.

    Maybe someone wants to please those friends who already smoke or already drink.

    Some do this to spite their loved ones - out of resentment or simply to show their independence.

    Teacher: Data for thought:

    Tobacco smoke contains up to 4000 chemicals, some of them are carcinogenic, i.e. contributing to the emergence malignant tumors. One of the most harmful components of tobacco smoke is nicotine. Tobacco smoke also contains hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, ammonia, and radioactive polonium.

    The mortality rate of smokers is 30-80% higher than the mortality rate of non-smokers. Smoking is one of the causes of lung cancer. Smoking causes vascular sclerosis, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, chronic bronchitis, and gangrene of the legs. Smoking leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, and fingers often turn yellow. An unpleasant odor comes from the smoker's mouth.

    Many people start smoking to appear more mature. But even having truly matured, they often cannot quit smoking, finding themselves dependent on tobacco.

    Let's watch the video clip "Tobacco".

    Teacher: We live in an age of all kinds and the most varied passions. And the most harmful of them is alcohol. Taken orally, it is quickly absorbed into the stomach, intestines and enters the blood. And what younger man, the more sensitive it is to the toxic effects of alcohol. Therefore, alcohol is especially harmful for a growing body. Alcohol causes significant brain damage, memory weakens, sleep and vision are disturbed, growth slows down, voices and sounds are imagined.

    Let's watch the video clip “There are no strangers.”

    Teacher: Drug addiction is one of the most terrible scourges, which can cripple not only the personal life of everyone, but also lead to the death of an entire nation. And these are not just “harsh words”. The drug business brings profit to those who benefit from it, and therefore drug traffickers do not care who they drag into their networks, as long as they have money. A very large proportion is spent on processing teenage minds.

    Why do you think? Why don't adults get involved? (Adults have already developed a system of life values, they can immediately identify danger. But a teenager is open and vulnerable, easily susceptible to provocative remarks like “What are you, mama's boy, weakling?)

    But in fact, you are now at the most wonderful age, because all the most interesting things are ahead. But due to the characteristics of age, the main thing is not to take a rash step. Therefore, youth campaigns to prevent bad habits are held everywhere.

    Let's watch the video clip: “No drugs!”

    Teacher: Proper organization of free time is one of the ways to distract people from smoking, drinking, and drug addiction.

    Name ways to spend your leisure time. (Music, sports, dancing, “hobbies.”)

    You should know that in any difficult situation You will be helped by: a sense of humor, self-control, dedication, passion, logic, consistency of actions, discernment in the means of achieving goals, respect and interest in people.

    Final circle “Interesting - useful”.

    You have worked diligently. Now tell me what you liked in our lesson, what you learned new, what useful tips got it?

    Final words from the teacher:

    Please stand up. Holding hands, let's say the words:

    We wish everyone good health,

    We don't offend anyone.

    Enough space on earth

    All people, animals, me.

    So that our land blooms,

    We wish everyone well!

    Scenario for the class hour “Living healthy is great”

    Target: V game form repeat and allow students to learn more about maintaining natural health.

    Educational materials: computer, projector, screen; table with playing fields, cards, envelopes with tasks; video about water; product packaging.

    Progress of the event:

    Teacher. Guys! You are especially beautiful today, and I want this beauty to remain with you for a long time. To do this you need to maintain your health. How do you think it can be preserved?

    The children's answers are listened to.

    Well done! Our class hour dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. On the board there is a table with six playing fields. You will open fields and receive tasks.

    Work on the “Hygiene” field.

    What is hygiene? What is it for? Explain the meaning of proverbs.

    On screen:

    Those who are neat are liked by people.

    Don't think about being smart, think about being neat.

    Guys, when we get up in the morning, where do we go and what do we do?

    Children: Let's go to the bathroom to wash.

    Teacher: What do we wash with?

    Children: Water.

    Teacher: Water is known for its miraculous properties. It relieves fatigue and gives strength. Now we will watch a video about water.

    The teacher shows a video.

    Water is described here as living creature. And in fact, water feels related to it. Since ancient times, ablutions have been performed with water. What do we do after washing? How to take care of your teeth?

    After the children’s answers, the rules appear on the screen:

    The teacher stops at points that the children did not name.

    So that you do not forget the rules of dental care, I will read you a poem:

    Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.

    Do this twice a day.

    Prefer fruit to candy -

    Very important products.

    So that the tooth does not bother you,

    Remember this rule:

    Let's go to the dentist

    Visit twice a year.

    And then smiles light

    You will save it for many years!

    Work on the field “Proper nutrition”.

    Teacher: Distribute the words in two columns into groups “ Healthy Products" And " Harmful products": apples, Pesi-Cola, rolled oats, Fanta, chips, kefir, cabbage, carrots.

    Children distribute words in a column one card at a time.

    Healthy foods: apples, rolled oats, kefir, cabbage, carrots. Are they always beneficial?

    On the board:

    Harmful products: Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, chips. Why are they harmful? We do not store these products in the refrigerator, but they for a long time do not spoil. Thanks to what? They have food additives. Group E supplements, when used frequently, cause harm to the body. Read the ingredients on the Pepsi-Cola package.

    Children are reading. The teacher distributes packages of different, commonly found food products to the children. Children are looking for group E supplements.

    Did you understand anything? I didn’t understand anything, as if I had read a chemistry textbook. I hope you understand that there are products that are produced “in a chemical factory.” Should not be eaten frequently.

    Work on the “Daily Routine” field.

    Each row receives a blank sheet of paper and a marker. You need to create a daily routine (without specifying time) in 3 minutes. After completing the task, the teacher checks the children’s work with the prepared daily routine.

    On the board:

    The row that completed the task closer to the sample won.

    Work on the “Bad Habits” field.

    Wellness moment (attention).

    What mistakes do people make? Name and explain.

    The children answer.

    Work on the “Vitamins” field.

    Game “Say the Word.”

    The cows are far from us,

    And close - in a pack... (milk).

    The red maiden sits in prison,

    And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

    There are many holes in this product,

    And it’s called... (cheese).

    Teacher: What common vitamin is present in these products?

    Children: Vitamin A is a growth vitamin that improves vision.

    Without her, the kitchen is empty.

    We will add...(cabbage) to the cabbage soup

    Well done in the garden

    Green long... (cucumber)

    It's round and red

    Like the eye of a traffic light.

    Among vegetables

    There is no juicier... (tomato)

    What common vitamin is present in these foods?

    Children: Vitamin D. It strengthens the skeletal system.

    Work on the “Hardening” field.

    Teacher: I will name several items. You need to guess the work in which they are all present and name the author: blanket, pillows, cakes, compote, felt boots, mittens.

    “About mimosa” by S.V. Mikhalkov:

    This is who is covered in the bed

    Blankets on cotton wool?

    Who lies on three pillows

    In front of the food table

    And, barely dressed,

    Without making my bed,

    Gently washes cheeks

    Boiled water?

    Who is this?

    They drag boots for him,

    Fur mittens,

    So that he can warm his hands,

    So that he couldn't catch a cold

    And die from the flu?...

    U. What mistakes did adults make?

    The children's answers are listened to and the work is discussed.

    How should you dress?

    D. According to the weather.

    U. Where should hardening begin?

    D. With rubbing, dousing.

    U. Why do you need to harden yourself?

    D. To strengthen the body.

    U. Choose words to describe a healthy person.

    On the board:

    I wish you to be beautiful, strong, dexterous, ruddy, stately, slender, strong, fit; take care of your health.