What to cook economically and tasty. The cheapest products during a crisis - a life hack for healthy eating

Have you ever wondered how much of your budget goes towards groceries and how much you spend on food? Is it possible to buy healthy and high-quality products in our stores or markets without spending a lot of money? “Unreal!” - you say.

And the site believes that you can eat nutritiously, while significantly reducing your expenses for purchasing food.

Some facts

Statistics show that Europeans spend about a quarter of their family budget on food, while Russians spend up to half of it. And this is not at all because their wages are higher, but because many of us think that if products are cheap, they are of poor quality or unhealthy.

Of course, this is partly true, and sometimes cheap products are not very healthy. However, not all groups of goods can be classified as expensive and healthy at the same time. How then? What to buy?

Be smart about your purchases. Learn to choose wisely healthy foods, give preference to food prepared with your own hands - and learn to save money.

Due to a lack of money, people often start eating what they can afford, rather than what is necessary for health, believing that they cannot afford healthy foods. However, healthy eating does not depend in any way on the level of wealth: you can, having millions, eat completely incorrectly, expensive, but no less harmful to health products.

Of two options

Healthy cheap food

You always need to think about the benefits of nutrition when choosing food for yourself - chips or a chocolate bar are inexpensive, cost around 50 rubles, you can snack on them, but! In cost they are equal to one large apple and one banana , and snacking on fruit is much healthier - they will be just as filling, but much less high in calories.

A good sausage costs at least 300 rubles, but it contains only 30% meat, this is at best, the rest is cheap fat, starch, soy, dyes, preservatives, etc. A kilogram of lean pork costs about the same, but if you bake it in the oven, cut it into thin slices and make a sandwich, you will get 100% meat instead of 30%, thus saving.

In addition, you will fill up with meat much faster, since sausage contains a lot of salt, stimulants and flavor enhancers, which force our body to eat more.

Cutlets, meatballs or dumplings in the store cost from 100 to 200 rubles per kilogram, and the percentage of meat in them also does not exceed 30%, a lot of fat, soy additives, salt and spices. Kilogram minced meat it costs about the same, but with the addition of vegetables, eggs and spices, it will yield much more cutlets.

In addition, such cutlets are healthy, do not irritate the digestion and will not cause allergies due to chemical impurities in the form of monosodium glutamate or preservatives. You can prepare semi-finished products yourself and freeze them, this will solve the problem of “what to cook” when you return from work.

By-products are very good option, they are cheaper than meat, but in terms of nutritional value they are not much inferior to it, and sometimes even superior. In addition to stews and goulash, you can make minced meat, pate or soup from them.

Homemade liver pate the cost is ten times cheaper than store-bought, and you know for sure that nothing was added to it except liver, vegetables, spices and a spoonful of flour. Heart cutlets with carrots nutritional value there is no competition, and the cost is half the price of store-bought cutlets.

Don't bother with packaging

Supermarkets are designed in such a way that the most visible places and the most convenient shelves display goods that are not the cheapest or the healthiest, but in bright, eye-catching packaging. Let's look at this using cereal as an example.

Healthy cheap food

Walk through the grocery department - before your eyes stand rice, buckwheat, millet in boxes with beautiful pictures, the cost starts from 50 rubles and above for 400 grams. The packages indicate: steamed rice, polished, fried buckwheat, washed millet. But unfried buckwheat, unpolished rice and millet are healthy.

Take a look at one or two shelves below: there are the same cereals in transparent packs or packaged in plastic bags. Let's compare prices - packages of 900 grams and 1 kilogram are cheaper, and given that a package of 400 grams is half the size, the final cost difference is obvious. At the same time, the cereals are not subject to any processing - which means they contain a maximum of nutrients.

It’s the same with pasta: the most important thing to look for on the label is the inscription “made from durum wheat.” Local manufacturers often save on boxes, since the goods do not need to be transported far, and this reduces the cost of the product by three to five times.

In addition, sealed opaque boxes will not allow you to visually assess the quality of grain or pasta, whether there are many broken grains, or whether there is plaque, mold or pests inside.

About fresh products

Based on knowledge about healthy eating, those vegetables and fruits that grow within a radius of up to 200 kilometers from the place where a person was born and lives permanently are useful.

Local producers do not spend money on delivery and packaging of goods, but local apples, tomatoes and cucumbers are not as beautiful as imported ones. But they have two undeniable advantages - they are not treated with preservatives, and they are much cheaper. During the season, eat plenty of them, as well preserve , freeze or otherwise prepare. It is cheaper and, undoubtedly, better for your health.

Most people think that they can’t afford healthy products because everything is expensive. And the option of eating only buckwheat with chicken breast is not the most attractive. But this is not true! You can choose a good diet from inexpensive products, which will be discussed later, and make a tasty and delicious meal out of them. correct menu.

Sea kale
Sea kale (kelp) with its low price contains a huge variety of useful substances- almost 40 vitamins, macro- and microelements (iodine, zinc, sodium, potassium, folic acid, vitamins A, B1, B12, D, C, etc.). Ideally, it is better to eat fresh seaweed, but you can also dry it by adding it to a salad or soup.

photo zhkt.guru

Whole grains
The most useful of the cereals are pearl barley and barley, followed, slightly inferior, by millet, oatmeal, wheat and corn. ABOUT beneficial properties Each of these cereals can be written a separate article, but about all of these cereals we can say for sure that they are an excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is worth noting that very expensive lately rice and buckwheat are much inferior to the above-mentioned cereals in terms of benefits for the body.

Kefir without any fruit additives is our choice for inexpensive and healthy nutrition. As a rule, such kefir contains only milk and starter culture, has simple packaging without loud assurances of excellent digestion and a short shelf life. Numerous studies have proven that kefir is much healthier than milk (it is 3 times better absorbed and stimulates digestion) and has many substances beneficial to humans, for example, vitamins B, A, C, PP, calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, etc.

photo glamoor.net

The cheapest dietary meat. Chicken fillet is a source of easily digestible protein and many vitamins and minerals. But do not forget that the beneficial substances in chicken are contained in boiled and stewed meat, and in fried chicken there is very little useful for the body left.

photo kuking.net

1. Onions. Onions are an excellent cheap vegetable that improves food absorption and is an excellent way to increase the body's resistance colds. Onions are also useful for people with heart diseases, as they contain large number potassium But personally, I suggest using garlic to enhance the taste of food, especially if you do not use salt.
2. Carrots. Another vegetable with an excellent price-benefit ratio. In terms of carotene content, carrots are not ahead of sea buckthorn, but unlike sea buckthorn, carrots are very inexpensive and accessible all year round. Carrots also contain potassium, vitamin D, vitamin A and other beneficial substances.
3. White cabbage. Rich in vitamins (including rare vitamin U), fiber and minerals. In cooking, cabbage is very popular for its versatility - it can be pickled, fermented, stewed, eaten fresh, or boiled. Also, don’t forget about seasonal zucchini (summer) and pumpkins (winter); during the season they are very inexpensive and you can use them to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes.

It’s not exotic, of course, but by regularly eating oranges, apples and bananas, you can provide the body with an influx of nutrients. Just don’t forget that banana is a very high-calorie fruit and is best suited as a nutritious snack, but baked apple will replace perfectly delicious dessert for those with a sweet tooth.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fish. All books and articles about healthy eating certainly include this product as a must-have. And if buying red fish puts a big dent in your pocket, then herring is inexpensive, but no less healthy fish, which will serve as an excellent source of Omega-3, calcium and phosphorus. Also from budget options For fish dishes, you can suggest cooking fish soup from cheap types of fish (for example whiting), because to prepare fish soup you will need a little fish and a minimum set of vegetables.

What other cheap and healthy products can you add to this list?

P.S.: They gave a lot of useful advice in the comments.

The first piece of advice is paradoxical: don’t save too much on food. Buying rotten vegetables and low-quality expired products is not our method. Then you will spend a hundred times more on medicines than you save on groceries. So we save - but in moderation, without fanaticism.

Planning is a must

When it comes to food savings, planning is the most important thing. First you need to evaluate how much you are spending now. Where are the “weak” points? What expensive products do you buy and do you really need them? Be sure to highlight what you can refuse. Perhaps you're into crackers and chips, crazy about soda, or consuming tons of ice cream. This is not only a serious hole in the budget, but also a blow to health.

You also need to highlight those expenses that you do not intend to give up: for example, your favorite type of coffee or dairy products from a good manufacturer.

Now think, perhaps some products can be replaced with cheaper ones? For example, expensive yoghurts produced by a highly advertised factory? Or very expensive juices famous brand. In general, be careful with brands: often the products of a well-promoted company that are on store shelves in best places costs much more than even higher quality products that are not as famous brands. Therefore, saving is also a reason to study the market well.

Finally, it is advisable to create a menu for the week and make a grocery list for it. You roughly calculate the required amount, take it with you and go to the store. Just one piece of advice: take a little more with you than necessary so that you have some wiggle room and don’t feel like you’re being shortchanged on something in the store. And no matter how you look at it, you also need to please yourself.

What products do we overpay for?

Very often there are tips for thrifty housewives to do everything at home themselves. Buy a yogurt maker, make dumplings in huge quantities, and so on... Yes, these tips have a basis, indeed, homemade dumplings are of better quality and cheaper than store-bought ones, and they are much tastier. It’s just that it will take half a day off to put a lot of them on.

Nevertheless, it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards semi-finished products. So, for example, store-bought cutlets are much more expensive at cost than homemade ones, sausages and sausages cost a lot of money, ordinary goulash can be bought much cheaper than a kilo of sausages, but goulash is meat, and not an incomprehensible fatty something. And so on.

Preference: seasonal

We still won’t stop buying vegetables and fruits. Of course, it's winter now, so fresh food is quite expensive. Nevertheless, you can choose something useful and cheap. For example, oranges. With them you can spend 40-45 rubles, tangerines, however, are already running out and becoming more expensive, but pears are still quite affordable, about 50 rubles. Don't forget about domestic apples. If we talk about vegetables, we will give preference white cabbage, carrots and beets. You can also add celery root, a little pumpkin and fresh salads from the greenhouses closest to the city. In general, we choose those products that were not brought to us for a long time, but were grown and preserved in Russia or brought from our south.

Choosing domestic

No matter how trite, but often not very beautifully designed domestically produced products cost half as much as their imported counterparts. And with the fall of the ruble, the difference will become more and more noticeable. For example, walnuts from our south they cost at fairs exactly half the price of their Mediterranean counterparts.

We pay attention to new products

For example, pearl barley - does it often appear on your table? What about millet? What do you make from it, besides milk porridge once every six months? Meanwhile, cereals are an excellent and inexpensive basis for winter diet. 15-20 rubles per kilogram, and a kilogram is enough for 5-6 lunches for a family of three people.

Take a closer look at new varieties of fish, especially domestic ones. For example, foreign salmon can be successfully replaced by domestic coho salmon, and expensive beef by cheaper turkey fillet or other poultry.

Some ideas for saving

  • Buy whole chicken, not parts. Then you will cook soup from the wings and back, and the rest will go into pilaf or chicken beef stroganoff.
  • To save on meat dishes, do not cook them separately, but make casseroles and pilafs. That is, combine meat with side dishes in one dish.
  • Don't make portioned meals. That is, fried chops for each family member (and often with an addition) can be replaced with beef stroganoff or lazy cabbage roll. There will be less meat left, and everyone will have enough to eat.
  • Replace meat with offal. For example, beef heart is much cheaper than regular meat, and costs two or even three times less. And the heart can make a good goulash, minced meat filling for casseroles, etc.
  • For festive table can replace store bought ones smoked sausages and hams with homemade boiled pork. It is much cheaper and tastier.
  • Subjective advice: try Jewish cuisine. For centuries, its creators were forced to save money and come up with cheap but very tasty dishes.

You can come up with thousands of similar tips yourself, once you start, saving turns into an exciting activity, dishes come up by themselves.

Modest menu for the week

Here are some ideas for inexpensive and hearty dishes. Perhaps you will prepare some of them for two days, soups for sure.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts
Lunch: Rassolnik with heart. Rice with vegetables
Dinner: Potato casserole with beef heart and onions.


Breakfast: Lazy dumplings or cheesecakes
Lunch: Cabbage soup chicken broth. Boiled beets with walnuts and dried fruits.
Dinner: Chicken breasts, stewed in sour cream, wheat porridge with onions.


Breakfast: Milk porridge with jam
Lunch: Cabbage soup in chicken broth. Vinaigrette with sauerkraut
Dinner: Barley porridge with vegetables and cutlets


Breakfast: Buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms
Lunch: Soup from processed cheese, green bean and crab stick salad
Dinner: Chicken or pork pilaf


Breakfast: Hot sandwiches
Lunch: Puree soup from vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, potatoes). Salad of boiled carrots, beets and nuts.
Dinner: Lazy cabbage roll, boiled potatoes


Breakfast: Potato pancakes with sour cream
Lunch: Vinaigrette with herring, borscht
Dinner: Pancakes with meat, fresh vegetable salad


Breakfast: Omelette with cheese
Lunch: Olivier with chicken or meat, borscht
Dinner: Vegetable stew, beef stroganoff

Ingredients: cabbage, carrots, oyster mushrooms, bell pepper, tomato juice, salt, pepper, garlic

Stewed cabbage is always very tasty. And if you cook it with mushrooms, bell pepper And tomato juice, it will turn out even tastier! Our recipe will tell you what and how to do.

- 250-300 g cabbage;
- 1 carrot;
- 150 g oyster mushrooms;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 1 glass of tomato juice;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 1 clove of garlic.


Cheese rolls with Korean carrots

Ingredients: hard cheese, Korean carrots, mayonnaise

Cheese and korean carrot- an excellent combination, and this is proven by the recipe for an appetizer consisting of these ingredients. Our detailed master class will tell you how to prepare this dish.

- 180 g hard cheese;
- 100 g Korean carrots;
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise.


Tomato soup with sausages

Ingredients: water, potatoes, carrots, onions, sausage, salt, pepper, bay leaf, vegetable oil, pickled cucumber, tomato sauce

First courses can be complex and time-consuming to prepare, or they can be simple and quick, but still very tasty - like tomato soup with sausages. Try it, you will definitely like it!

- 1.5 liters of water;
- 3 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 4 sausages;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- bay leaf to taste;
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- pickles, optional;
- 1 glass of tomato sauce.


Jellied pie with onion and egg on kefir

Ingredients: kefir, flour, baking powder, egg, green onion, salt, pepper, sesame, spice, vegetable oil

Simple but satisfying and delicious pie made from jellied dough and stuffed with onions and boiled eggs will be useful to you in weekdays, and on holidays: these are excellent baked goods that will always be appropriate.

- 1 glass of kefir;
- 5-6 tbsp. flour;
- 1 tsp. baking powder;
- 3 eggs in the dough;
- 2 eggs for the filling;
- 5 green onions;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- sesame to taste;
- spices to taste;
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Baked potatoes in cream in the oven

Ingredients: potatoes, cream, butter, salt, pepper, garlic

It is very simple to prepare tasty and interesting potatoes - you just need to bake them in the oven in cream and spices. Moreover, such a dish is prepared very simply and quickly.

- 400 g potatoes;
- 1.5 cups cream;
- 80 g vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Quick crispy lightly salted cucumbers with mustard

Ingredients: mineral water, salt, cucumber, mustard, horseradish leaf, dill rosette, currant leaf

Lightly salted cucumbers prepared according to this recipe turn out tasty, crispy and very aromatic. They cook quite quickly - thanks to mineral water, which is part of the brine.
- 1 liter of mineral water;
- 2 tbsp. salt;
- 1 tsp. mustard;
- 6-8 pcs. cucumbers;
- horseradish leaves to taste;
- rosettes of dill to taste;
- currant leaves to taste.


Rhubarb filling for yeast dough pie

Ingredients: rhubarb, sugar, cinnamon

If you like sweet pies from yeast dough, then you'll need this rhubarb pie filling recipe. With it you will always have delicious baked goods on your table.

- 300 g rhubarb;
- 4-5 tbsp. Sahara;
- 0.5 -1 tsp. ground cinnamon.


Okroshka with salmon

Ingredients: potatoes, salmon, egg, cucumber, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, water, kefir, sour cream

Okroshka with salmon unusual dish. I advise you to prepare such okroshka. The taste is original. The recipe is quite simple and quick.


- 2 potatoes;
- 150 grams of salmon;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 15 grams of green onions;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice;
- 1 glass of mineral water;
- 1 glass of kefir;
- 2 tbsp. sour cream.


Okroshka with fish

Ingredients: red fish, potatoes, egg, cucumber, radish, onion, ayran, sour cream, salt, pepper, lemon

A wonderful alternative to okroshka with sausage or meat would be the option with fish, or rather red lightly salted fish. This first course will not leave anyone indifferent, you’ll see!
- 100 grams of lightly salted red fish;
- 1 potato;
- 1 egg;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 3 radishes;
- 2 pieces of green onions;
- 250 ml ayran;
- 1 tbsp. sour cream;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- lemon juice to taste.


Beet cutlets

Ingredients: beets, egg, semolina, nuts, garlic, salt, spice, oil

Making vegetable cutlets from beets is quite simple, especially if you have our recipe on hand. It turns out very tasty, so be sure to try it!

- beets - 2 pcs;
- eggs - 1 pc;
- semolina- 4 tbsp;
- walnuts - 2 handfuls;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- salt - 1/5 tsp;
- spices - 1/5 tsp;

- vegetable oil for frying - 2 tbsp.


Heh from pike

Ingredients: carrots, pike, seasoning, garlic, vinegar, oil, onion, salt

Heh can be made from different fish, but this time we advise you to prepare such a pike appetizer. It turns out very tasty, don’t even doubt it!
- 1 large carrot;
- 0.5 freshly caught pike;
- 10 grams of dry Korean seasoning;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 40 ml wine vinegar;
- 50 ml sunflower oil;
- 1 onion;
- salt to taste.


Spicy salted herring at home

Ingredients: herring, salt, pepper, bay, mustard

Salting fish yourself is always better than buying it at the store. So if you love delicious, spicy-salted herring, then cook it at home using our simple recipe.
- 500 grams of herring;
- 30 grams of table salt;
- 2-3 pcs allspice;
- 5 pcs peppercorns;
- bay leaf to taste;
- 0.5 tsp mustard beans.


Bean soup in tomato sauce

Ingredients: chicken wing, fillet, potatoes, carrots, onions, butter, pepper, beans, parsley, salt

It is not for nothing that many people love bean soup, especially if it is prepared with meat or smoked meats. Today I am sharing one of these soup recipes with you.


- 200 grams of chicken wings;
- 150 grams of fillet;
- 2 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- half a sweet pepper;
- 450 grams of beans in tomato;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 1 tsp. dried parsley;
- salt;
- black pepper.


Doctor's homemade boiled sausage

Ingredients: pork, beef, powdered milk, salt, mustard, nut, paprika, garlic, thyme, pepper, egg

Boiled doctor's sausage can be prepared at home. The originality of this recipe is that intestines will not be used for its preparation.


- 350 grams of pork;
- 150 grams of beef;
- 10 grams of milk powder;
- 7 grams of nitrite salt;
- 1 tsp. salt;
- 1 tsp. mustard powder;
- 1 tsp. nutmeg;
- 2 tsp. paprika;
- one and a half tsp. granulated garlic;
- half tsp thyme;
- half tsp black pepper;
- 1 egg.


How to mince pike

Ingredients: pike

Pike is a very tasty and filling fish. Today I want to tell you how to beautifully and accurately cut pike into fillets or minced meat for cutlets.


- 1 pike.


Strawberry cake without baking

Ingredients: cream, strawberries, sugar, gelatin, water, vanillin, sour cream, butter, cognac, cheese, cookies

I love making no-bake cakes. My favorite is the strawberry cake. The recipe is very simple, so be sure to try it.


- 400 grams of shortbread cookies;
- 150 grams of butter;
- 50 ml. cognac;
- 400 grams of Ricotta cheese;
- 100 grams of sour cream;
- 250 grams of sugar;
- 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
- 2 tbsp. gelatin;
- 50 ml. water;
- 400 grams of strawberries;
- whipped cream.

Eating delicious food is simple and not expensive, but it is very varied and very simple. To do this, you just need to pay attention to the range seasonal products food and, in accordance with this assortment, prepare different, tasty and inexpensive dishes. After all, no one forces you to buy strawberries or fresh tomatoes in the winter; you can fill up on them in the summer and autumn, and an inexpensive replacement for them can always be found in the form of canned food, and you can replace pork or beef with chicken. Dear sea ​​fish, you can replace river or lake, the main thing is to be able to cook it tasty. Believe me, eating tasty and inexpensive is quite possible! Our inexpensive recipes are direct proof of this!

Zucchini fritters with sweet peppers and herbs

350 g zucchini,
1 sweet pepper,
garlic clove,
1 egg,
50 g flour,
greens, salt and pepper - to taste.

Peel the zucchini and grate on a coarse grater. If a lot of liquid has formed, drain it and add the egg. Chop the greens, finely chop the pepper and add to the dough. Send the garlic passed through the press there, add flour, salt and pepper and mix. If excess liquid appears again, drain it again and start baking pancakes. Bake them in a lightly greased pan for 8 minutes on each side.

Flatbread with filling

For the test:
500 ml kefir,
1 tsp soda,
a little salt.
For the filling:
onions, fried in vegetable oil until transparent,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
chopped greens.

Pour kefir into a deep bowl and gradually add flour to it, stirring with a spoon. Then add soda, salt and mix well. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, place the mixture on a table sprinkled with flour and knead the dough, adding flour as necessary. Knead for a long time until the dough stops sticking to your hands and the table. Ready dough leave for 30 minutes. Combine the ingredients for the filling. Tear off a small piece from the dough, roll it into a bun, roll it into a flat cake, put a little filling in the center of it, pinch the edges on top, flatten the resulting pie a little and carefully roll it into a thin flat cake about 1.5-2 mm thick. Place the finished flatbreads in a dry, heated frying pan and fry on both sides. There is no need to blush too much. Immediately brush the hot tortillas with oil on both sides and stack. You can then cut them into 4 parts, but that’s who you like.

Salad “Shaggy”

2 carrots,
4 boiled eggs,
2 sweet and sour apples,
100 g cheese,
mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

Grate the carrots on a Korean carrot grater, add salt and pepper and lightly crush with your hands. Also grate the apples on a Korean carrot grater, and grate the eggs and cheese on a regular fine grater. Lay the salad in layers, covering each layer with mayonnaise: first apples, then eggs, carrots, cheese, then repeat the layers. To obtain a more piquant taste, you can add scalded and finely chopped onions as the first layer.

Vegetables in aromatic batter with sauce

Ingredients (quantity at your discretion):
red bell pepper,
vegetable oil,
For the batter:
2 eggs
3-4 tbsp. l. flour,

For the sauce:
natural yogurt (kefir, sour cream) - to taste,
1 fresh cucumber
1 pickled cucumber,
2 cloves of garlic,

Mix eggs with flour, chopped herbs, salt and pepper. If the batter is too thick, add a little water. Cut the vegetables into strips or circles, add salt, dip in batter and fry in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. For the sauce, grate the cucumbers on a fine grater, pass the garlic through a press. Combine the prepared ingredients, add chopped herbs, salt, yogurt and mix.

Cabbage in sour cream, cooked in pots

1 kg cauliflower or white cabbage,
2 onions,
500 ml sour cream,
200 g grated cheese,
green onions, salt, pepper - to taste.

Butcher cauliflower on inflorescences; if you use cabbage, cut it into checkers. Blanch the cabbage for 10-15 minutes in boiling salted water. Heat the butter and fry the finely chopped onion in it. Grease the bottom of the pots with oil, lay out half the cabbage, then add the chopped onion, salt and pepper and pour in sour cream. Then place a layer of cabbage again, fill it with sour cream, cover the pots with lids and place in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, open the lids, sprinkle the contents of the pots with grated cheese and return the dish to the oven.

Curd and meat cutlets in tomato sauce

500 g minced meat,
100 g cottage cheese,
1 egg,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. sour cream,
greens, salt, pepper, garlic, cumin - to taste.
For the sauce:
1 onion,
3 tsp tomato paste,
1 tsp flour,
herbs, sugar, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Mix the ingredients for minced meat, beat well, form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry until golden brown. For the sauce, finely chop and fry the onion, sprinkle it with flour and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Then add tomato paste, stir, simmer for 3 minutes, add water and simmer a little. Pour the sauce over the cutlets and simmer until done. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Chicken legs with sour cream and cheese

10 chicken legs (drumsticks),
100 g cheese,
100 g sour cream,
5 cloves of garlic,
chicken seasoning,

Salt the chicken legs. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with black pepper and chicken seasoning. Rub the mixture into each leg, then dip them in sour cream. Place the legs on a baking sheet greased with melted or vegetable oil, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven. Bake the legs for 30-40 minutes at 180ºC.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with mushrooms


8-10 leaves of white cabbage,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
For the filling:
500 g fresh mushrooms,
1-2 tbsp. tomato paste,
½ cup crumbly rice porridge,
salt - to taste.

Boil the cabbage leaves in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then remove and let the water drain. If necessary, lightly beat the hard veins of the leaves until soft. For the filling, boil and finely chop the mushrooms, mix with rice, tomato paste and salt to taste. For each cabbage leaf put 2-3 tbsp. filling and wrap it up. Fry the cabbage rolls in oil, then simmer in a casserole dish or on a baking sheet in the oven at 180ºC until cooked.

4-5 potatoes,
1 stack flour,
½ cup milk,
3 tbsp. butter,
1 egg,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
For the crackers:
1 fresh loaf,
spices - to taste.

Peel the loaf from the crust and break it into small pieces. Rub each piece lightly in your hands. Sprinkle the resulting crumbs with spices and, stirring constantly, dry them in a dry, heated frying pan. Peel the potatoes and boil in lightly salted water until tender. Then drain the water, mash the potatoes with a fork and cool. Add flour, milk, butter and egg, salt and pepper and mix. Take a teaspoon of puree, roll in breadcrumbs and form into an oblong croquette. Fry the croquettes in hot oil until golden brown for 5-7 minutes and transfer to paper towel to be absorbed excess fat. You can put a surprise filling inside.

Liver “Tasty Evening”

1 kg of liver,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
3-4 tbsp. mayonnaise (or better sour cream),
vegetable oil.

Cut the liver into thin slices, roll in salted flour and fry over low heat in vegetable oil until cooked. Mix chopped garlic with mayonnaise or sour cream in a bowl, add liver slices and mix. Give ready-made dish stand for a bit so that the liver is soaked.

Tender chicken balls

500 g chicken fillet,
1 onion,
1 egg,
3 cloves of garlic,
200 ml cream,
150 g hard cheese.

Beat lightly chicken fillet and chop finely. Then add finely chopped onion, salt and pepper, beat in the egg and mix well. Now take a baking dish, grease it with a little cream and, having formed small balls from the prepared mass, place them in the mold. Bake chicken balls in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. To do this, grate the cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic into it and mix with cream. Remove the pan from the oven, pour the filling over each ball and put it back in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.

Lavash fried with cheese

1 thin pita bread,
200 g cheese or 2 processed cheese,
1 tsp mayonnaise,
2 eggs
50 g vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. starch,
salt - to taste.

Cut the pita bread into squares, cut the cheese into slices. Prepare a batter from eggs, mayonnaise, salt and starch. Then place a piece of cheese on each square of pita bread and roll all the squares into envelopes. Dip each envelope in batter and place in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. After a minute, turn the envelopes over to the other side.

Buckwheat cutlets with onions and cheese

1 stack boiled buckwheat,
2-3 eggs,
100 g cheese,
1 onion,
50 g butter,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Fry finely chopped onion in butter. Grate the cheese. Combine cooked buckwheat, onion and cheese. Stir and beat in the eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Form cutlets from the minced meat, roll them in flour (do this very carefully, otherwise the cutlets may fall apart) and fry on both sides until golden brown. These cutlets are good both hot and cold.

Fish in a "coat"

600 g fish fillet,
4-6 cabbage leaves,
100 ml sour cream,
salt, fish seasoning - to taste.

Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling water, beat or cut off the thick veins. Fish fillet cut into portions, salt, season, wrap each piece in a prepared cabbage leaf and place the fish in cabbage in a baking dish, pour sour cream and bake in the oven at 180ºC for 30 minutes. The perfect recipe for a multicooker.

2 stacks milk,
250 g white bread,
3 eggs
150 g walnuts,
100 g butter,
¾ stack. Sahara,

Soak the bread in milk, dry and chop the nuts. Rub it egg yolks with sugar, combine with nut mixture, bread and melted butter. Add the beaten egg whites and place in a greased and breadcrumbed pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 160-180ºC.

Meat loaf with cheese “Instead of regular cutlets”

400 g minced meat,
2 eggs
1 onion,
100 g cheese,
1 tomato
1-2 tbsp. ketchup or tomato paste
greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the onion into cubes and fry it on small quantity oil until transparent. Mix the minced meat with the cooled onion, egg, salt and spices. Cut in half or slightly more cheese small cubes (grate the rest of the cheese), cut the tomato into circles. Add chopped cheese and chopped herbs to the minced meat, mix and beat it. Then pour the mixture into a greased mold. Lubricate the mixture with ketchup and overlap the tomatoes. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 230ºC for 30 minutes. Then remove, sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese and return to the oven for another 30 minutes. Cool the finished bread, drain the resulting liquid if necessary, and cut into pieces.

Surely you will also have recipes on how you can prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner tasty and inexpensive.

Larisa Shuftaykina