Semolina cereal. Semolina: properties, what it is and what it is made from

Semolina is one of the most popular porridges and is especially often fed to children in kindergarten. But despite such a widespread dish, many do not know at all what semolina is made from. Let's look at this in more detail.

Are you still tormented by the question, what is semolina made from? Of course, from wheat! After collection, it goes through several stages of processing, before reaching the state in which we are accustomed to seeing the cereal under discussion.

  • First of all, the selected grain is tested for gluten content using a special laboratory analysis.
  • After inspection, the grains are sent to a workshop where a tempering process is carried out, which gives the grains density. They are immediately cleaned and washed.
  • Next, you need to free the core from the layers covering it. This is done through coarse grinding.
  • The resulting mass is sifted, crushed by machines and processed.
  • At the last stage, the cereal is separated from the shell, polished and quality control is carried out.

A good, truly high-quality product should be snow-white. Of course, semolina can be either yellow or cream - the color depends on the type of grain.

Composition and calorie content

So, having figured out what kind of cereal semolina is made from, it’s time to find out its properties and composition. During the grinding process, the cereal loses a certain percentage of fat and fiber. By the way, the low fiber content makes porridge easier to digest, and in addition, starch relieves the stomach of mucus. Also, semolina retains a lot useful substances: zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins (E, PP, B).


  • proteins – 10.5 grams;
  • fats – 1 gram;
  • and carbohydrates – 70 grams.

In addition to its rich composition, semolina is also generous in calories - 328 units per 100 grams of dry product. But after cooking, this number drops to just 100 calories per 100 grams. Nevertheless, you should not abuse such porridge. One small portion for breakfast is enough, and not every day.

The benefits of semolina for men and women

First of all, this porridge is ideal for those who have stomach problems. This is due to its low fiber content and easy digestibility.

But besides this, eating semolina has other positive aspects:

  • Cereals contain thiamine, which is not produced by our body, and therefore must be supplied with food;
  • For healthy blood, a person needs folic acid, it can also be obtained by sometimes eating semolina;
  • A large amount of iron in the cereal replenishes its deficiency in human blood.

As for the benefits of cereals for men, first of all, it is a simple and quick saturation of the body. That is, after having breakfast with this porridge, you don’t have to think about hunger until lunchtime. It is also recommended for those who are actively involved in sports and want to gain muscle mass, because it is high in calories and contains a sufficient amount of protein.

And semolina cooked with milk, and even with sugar, will be an excellent remedy against fatigue and nervous tension for men engaged in manual labor.

Semolina is recommended for women for weight loss, but of course the portions should be small. Some people believe that oatmeal will be more effective, but this is not so - it is much more difficult to digest, and this is especially true if you have digestive problems.

Regular consumption of porridge has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair due to many microelements. And, of course, some women actively use cereals for various cosmetic purposes.

Beneficial properties for children and pregnancy

It’s not for nothing that semolina is given to children in almost all kindergartens; this indicates its necessity and benefits for a growing body.

  • A large number of vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect. Calcium and silicon strengthen bones, and magnesium and potassium strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • It is recommended to consume porridge in case of kidney failure.
  • Used for depletion due to low amounts of fiber.
  • Carbohydrates saturate and energize well.

But sometimes it turns out that this is one of the few products that does not make a woman sick and therefore has to be included in the diet.

Use of semolina

Usually they eat semolina for breakfast, but there are several other areas where it can be used usefully.

For weight loss

This porridge is perfect for weight loss for people with stomach problems and sludge in the body. It can also be used as the main component of a mono-diet (a diet where only one product is used). Semolina for breakfast several times a week will improve digestion, which will also have a positive effect on the speed of weight loss.

Face masks

Some semolina face masks can replace expensive creams.

Its regular use for cosmetic purposes:

  • will help tighten the skin;
  • will get rid of acne and blemishes;
  • removes dryness;
  • will make the skin softer;
  • protects against ultraviolet rays
  • and will launch natural regeneration processes.

In cooking

If you think that semolina can only be boiled, then you are mistaken. It is used for making dough, casseroles and pancakes. And also as a breading for cutlets, meatballs and zraz. You can make a lot out of it popular pie- manna, and this grain is also good to add to mousse, soufflé and puddings.

The most important thing to remember is that when interacting with other products, the cereal swells and increases, so be sure to take into account the proportions of the components when using semolina in the recipe.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

It would seem that what could be bad from ordinary porridge?

But in fact, you should use this cereal with caution:

  • phytin and glyodine, which are part of the cereal, can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the body;
  • some people may have gluten intolerance, and semolina, of course, contains it;
  • It is not advisable to give porridge to children under one year of age, since the cereal contains a lot of starch;
  • Excessive consumption of the product can contribute to excess weight gain.

Like any other product, semolina has positive and negative properties. It is enough to observe the measure and then there will be no harm from its use. Against! There will only be benefits that you will definitely appreciate by including a plate of semolina in your weekly diet.

Every person is familiar with it from childhood semolina porridge. It is used not only by children, but also by adults. This porridge is very healthy. Semolina contains many useful elements: vitamin E, vitamin B1, B2, B9, PP; mineral salts: sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, amino acids. Vitamin E, which is part of the cereal, is important; it affects the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Semolina porridge is useful for nervous disorders and breakdowns.

It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic properties. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer with problems with the stomach and intestines.

Nutritionists prescribe semolina dishes to patients during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses and operations. Semolina restores strength and improves tone. It contains protein plant origin, starch, antilipid fiber, therefore moderate consumption of this product improves skin condition. Semolina is recommended for people who control their weight.

Research shows that semolina is easily digestible, breaks down fats, removes mucus, and does not cause allergic reactions, except for individual intolerance. Most likely, an allergic reaction may be to milk, but adherents healthy image In life, milk is not used to prepare porridges from any type of cereal, including semolina.

Harm of semolina

So popular and known to everyone semolina includes special enzymes that are poorly absorbed by babies, which disrupts metabolism. Semolina porridge deprives the child’s body of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which can lead to developmental pathologies motor system and weakens the immune system. Indulgence in semolina porridge can lead to low blood clotting and slow circulation, which does not allow the organs to fully receive adequate nutrition.

Semolina also contains gluten, which gives the dough elasticity and fluffiness. finished products. Gluten can cause intestinal inflammation, bloating, and stool upset.

The benefits of semolina

Helps reduce the risk of heart disease and vascular system and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. Moderate consumption of semolina helps reduce cholesterol; it is also useful for people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Semolina porridge is healthy. It is included in the diet of young children after one year. At this time, the baby’s intestines can already absorb this product.

Semolina contains 70% starch, many minerals and vitamins. It cooks quickly and therefore retains almost all its beneficial properties. Semolina is a protein-free cereal and is recommended to be included in the diet of patients with chronic kidney failure.

And so, we can conclude that Moderate consumption of semolina is very beneficial and only daily use eating this product for breakfast may cause discomfort.

Types of semolina

Semolina comes in three brands:

  • From soft wheat – M
  • From soft with some hard - MT
  • From solid - T

Semolina is often used in cooking. It is suitable not only for preparing the well-known semolina porridge, but also for preparing salads and soups, casseroles and puddings, dumplings and cakes.

What is made from semolina

Semolina porridge

Semolina porridge can be prepared with various additives. Spicy and unique taste add vanillin, syrup. You can add berries to the porridge: strawberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, kiwi, viburnum and others. Porridge will also be delicious with fruit: apricots, bananas, peaches, cherries, tangerines, apples, plums, cherries, pears.

Lenten semolina porridge is not difficult to cook. Pour cereal into boiling milk or water through a sieve and stir constantly. After a few minutes, the porridge is ready, but it is better to leave it for 15 minutes to swell.

Semolina porridge in cranberry mousse

Mash a glass of cranberries, add 100 ml of boiling water to the mixture, cook for 7 minutes, add semolina (3 tablespoons) and half a glass of sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. The finished mousse should double in size.

Sweet semolina porridge with nuts

For the dish you will need: half a glass of semolina; 800 ml milk; sugar 60 g; 100 g jam or syrup, 30 g walnuts; salt, egg, vanillin.
Add sugar and salt to the milk and put on fire. Bringing to a boil, add the cereal and stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the cooled porridge.

Semolina donut with pumpkin

To prepare this dish, grate a piece of pumpkin on a coarse grater. Add semolina (4 tablespoons), salt and egg to the resulting mass. After mixing everything until smooth, place it in a frying pan, then fry on both sides in oil for 10 minutes. If the crumpet does not break when lifted with a wooden spatula and is browned, turn it over and fry for another 10 minutes. A few minutes before it’s ready, brush the top of the donut with sour cream. Beautiful sweet donuts are ready. It is the pumpkin that gives this dish its sweetness.

Semolina balls

You will need: semolina - 35 g, milk - 100 ml, sugar - 15 g, egg - 1 piece, crackers - 30 g
Boil semolina in milk, then add sugar and egg to the cooled mass and shape into balls. Roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry for 1 minute on both sides. Served with jam or.

Fried semolina

You will need: water – 600 ml; semolina – 200 g; 50 g margarine or butter (butter); salt
Pour semolina and salt into a frying pan, fry over high heat until golden brown, remembering to stir. Continuing to stir, add water. After 2 minutes the porridge is ready. Before serving, add butter.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese (500 g), egg, sugar, raisins and semolina are mixed. The resulting mass is formed into flat cakes, rolled in flour and fried. The finished curds are poured with sour cream.

Casserole with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese (250 g), 2 eggs, sugar, margarine and semolina take three tablespoons, mix everything, add a pinch of soda, dried apricots or raisins (half a glass). Bake until golden brown crust. Even a young housewife can easily prepare this dish.


After boiling semolina in water, mix raw egg with a can of canned fish, fried. Pancakes are made from the resulting mixture and fried in vegetable oil.

Semolina balls

Cook semolina porridge, cool, cut into slices. Dip in egg and then roll in breadcrumbs. Then, placing the balls on a baking sheet, previously greased with butter, put them in the oven. Kids will love this dish.

Cooks successfully add semolina to various dishes. For example, instead of flour, semolina is added to vegetable cutlets, or you can replace a third of the flour in pancake dough with semolina.

It is believed that semolina promotes weight gain, but this is misleading. If you add butter, sugar and other high-calorie additives to the porridge, it is likely that the weight may increase, but if you cook the porridge in water and add vanillin, cinnamon and berries, it will not cause harm to the body, but on the contrary, it will saturate it with microelements and vitamins.

So prepare culinary masterpieces from semolina once a week and don’t worry about your health and weight!

Semolina - what grain is it made from? Composition of semolina, benefits for the body, review best brands on the market

What grain is semolina made from?

The main properties make semolina nutritious and healthy. This is due to the origin of the product. For production, certain varieties of wheat are required. Semolina is obtained after cutting the grains, the particles are obtained with a diameter of at least 0.5 mm.
The type of cereal affects the finished cereal, which has a different category. When receiving raw materials with category “M”, it means that soft wheat was used.
The category designation “T” indicates that durum varieties were used. Sometimes a mixture of two cereals is found, in which case the brand “MT” is designated.

Composition of semolina, characteristics and calorie content

Semolina is rich in useful and nutritional elements:
  • vitamins E, B1, B2, as well as B9 and PP
  • in addition, mineral salts, among them there is sodium and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, there is iron and zinc, cobalt along with fluorine and amino acids
  • one of the main antioxidants in the product is vitamin E. Thanks to its effectiveness, it works correctly nervous system and the human brain. Semolina porridge calms a person during breakdowns or nervous disorders
Cereals cannot be cooked for a long time, and after cooking they are quickly absorbed in the body. At the same time, physical strength is restored, the body is cleansed, getting rid of excess fats, as well as harmful substances.
100 grams of semolina contain 328 kcal. In addition, it contains 10.3 g of protein, 1 g of fat, and 70.6 g of carbohydrates.
Advice! Ready-made cereals prevent the formation of cancerous tumors. At correct use semolina can avoid increasing cholesterol, it is great for people with diabetes.

Beneficial properties of semolina, is there any harm to the body?

Semolina contains minerals, vitamins, and contains 70% starch. Useful properties are preserved thanks to quick cooking. Semolina is considered to be a protein-free cereal, and doctors recommend eating it during chronic kidney failure.
Presence of harm to the body
Semolina consists of fast carbohydrates and sugar, the products instantly appear in the blood and the person receives a powerful boost of energy. But it does not last long and is not suitable for normal life. Due to the presence of these properties, the product should not be consumed by diabetics, as well as people who want to lose weight.
Semolina is rich in gluten, it is found in large quantities, so people suffering from this substance should give up semolina. The product contains high calorie content, so you should not feed your child only this dish.

Semolina porridge with cranberry mousse

Mash the cranberries and pour boiling water over them, then cook for 7 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of semolina to the mixture, sprinkle 0.5 cups of sugar on top. Cook the ingredients for 15 minutes, stirring. The finished mousse is a dish doubled in size.

Semolina porridge with walnuts

  • semolina – 0.5 cups
  • milk – 800 ml
  • sugar – 60 g
  • jam – 100 g
  • walnuts – 30 g
  • salt as desired
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • a little vanillin
Mix milk with sugar and a small amount salt. Stir thoroughly and bring to a boil, then add the specified amount of cereal and cook for 20 minutes, stirring. At the end, cool the mixture and mix with the remaining ingredients.
Important. Thanks to the porridge, fats are broken down and mucus is removed. The product does not have the properties to cause allergies, but individual intolerance may occur. If you regularly eat dishes made from semolina, you will not develop heart disease, as well as the vascular system.

Semolina and pumpkin donut

Grate the pumpkin using a coarse grater, mix with 4 tablespoons of semolina, add salt and beat in the egg. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed. Fry the resulting mixture in a hot frying pan on both sides. After the dish is browned on one side, turn it over with a spatula and fry the other side until golden brown. Before removing the product from the heat, spread sour cream on top. The sweet donut is ready.

Review of the best semolina brands

The best semolina is produced at Aleyskzernoprodukt OJSC (Altai Territory).
In addition, there are well-known manufacturers:
  • OJSC "Saratov Bakery Plant"
  • OJSC "Rostov Bakery Plant"
  • OJSC "Mill Plant in Sokolniki" (Moscow)
Thanks to the well-established work of the listed industries, excellent brands of semolina are obtained.

Pros and cons of semolina for children

Semolina contains large quantities of gluten, which is why children experience severe allergic reactions. IN early age The child has a weak body, so you should not load him with this dish until the body gets used to gluten.
Semolina consists of a huge amount of carbohydrates; a child’s fragile body is unable to cope with the substance. If you feed your child semolina often, he will begin to gain overweight, the result will be an excessive number of indicators of age norms.

Dietary recipes with semolina: video

There are many different dietary recipes with semolina. One of them can be found by following the link:

Semolina (semolina): description, preparation, composition, benefits and harm

Semolina, popularly called semolina, is made from a special varietal grind of wheat. According to GOST, the diameter of semolina grains should be 0.25-0.75 mm. For the production of semolina, both hard (grade "T") and soft (grade "M") varieties of wheat, as well as a mixture of such varieties, can be used.

Cereals from “M” wheat varieties are best suited for viscous and liquid porridges with milk, as well as for pancakes, casseroles, and cutlets. “T” grade cereals are best used for making sweet dishes, minced meats and fillings for soups.

The main advantage of semolina is that it boils very quickly. This is almost explained complete absence it contains fiber, the content of which should not exceed 0.4%.

Semolina porridge has long gained popularity in children's and dietary nutrition, especially in case of gastrointestinal disorders and in the postoperative period, when eating rough food is problematic.

Distribution of semolina

Nowadays, you can hardly meet an adult who does not know the taste of semolina porridge. Our grandmothers and mothers fed us semolina; it was given to us in nurseries, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.

People's attitudes towards semolina vary. There are both fans of this cereal and those who, at the mention of it, have discomfort. In the latter case, they occur more often if, as a child, a person was stuffed with semolina porridge very often or it was cooked incorrectly (with lumps). But some people simply don’t like it.

Okay, we modern people, because semolina is considered a completely ordinary food product and can be prepared by a person of even very little income. Although just over a hundred years ago, semolina was considered such a delicious product that only people from privileged strata of society could afford it. Only in Soviet years In our country, semolina has become food for the masses. This was due to the fact that semolina production technologies have improved, which has sharply reduced its cost.

As for the origin of semolina, according to historians, this happened in the Middle East around the 13th century. The first who learned how to produce it were the Arabs.

There is a lot of conflicting information about the benefits and harms of semolina. Some nutritionists deify it, others almost impose a categorical ban on its use. Whether semolina is beneficial or harmful, we will find out further.

How to choose semolina

The quality of raw semolina is a determining factor that affects the taste and consistency of the finished dish.

You can probably buy semolina in any store. The problem is not even where to find it, but which one to prefer. A huge number of manufacturers offer and advertise their product, calling it “the best” and “the most delicious,” although you should not take their word for it. Therefore, you need to know a few clear guidelines so that a dish prepared from semolina does not cause disappointment.

  • It is not advisable to buy semolina by weight. The reason is simple: in this case, the cereal is not in a sealed package or container and therefore becomes damp. Semolina, in general, is quite hygroscopic. As a result of improper storage, it quickly acquires a bitter or sour taste, which is clearly noticeable even if you just taste the raw cereal. If you cook porridge from spoiled cereal, the unpleasant taste will not only not disappear, but will only intensify.
  • Another way to test semolina for suitability is to evaluate its smell. If the cereal smells damp or musty, you should not buy it.
  • Not only people are lovers of semolina. Often, semolina contains all sorts of living creatures such as flies, bugs, moths and other insects. The worst thing about all this is that some of them are carriers of dangerous diseases. There is also a high probability that, once home, these uninvited guests will settle in all the nooks and crannies of the kitchen and spoil other food products.
  • To avoid all the mentioned troubles, it is preferable to buy semolina in sealed packaging. If the semolina is packaged in celluloid bags, you need to turn the pack of cereal in your hands: nothing should spill out of it.

Semolina is very popular in cooking. In addition to the well-known porridge, you can prepare a huge number of different dishes from it. Here are just some examples of using semolina:

  • filling for soups;
  • semolina dumplings;
  • pancake base;
  • casseroles;
  • bits;
  • cutlets;
  • souffle; pudding;
  • mousse;
  • manna pie;
  • additive to minced meat.

How to cook semolina porridge

The most important thing in preparing semolina porridge is to cook it without lumps. It’s not difficult at all, the main thing is to know a few subtleties, which we’ll talk about.

Firstly, you need to comply with all the necessary proportions. To prepare porridge for 2 servings, you will need half a liter of milk and 2/3 cup or 4 tablespoons of semolina (heaped). If you want to make the porridge sweet, add another tablespoon granulated sugar. Whether to salt semolina or not is a matter of taste. The sweet version of semolina porridge does not require the addition of salt, but without sugar and without salt, the porridge turns out to be tasteless.

Secondly, to obtain a homogeneous consistency, the milk must first be heated to a boil, and only then the cereal is poured into it very slowly, stirring constantly. Then the porridge is allowed to boil again, stirring continuously, after which the heat is reduced to minimum, sugar and (or) salt are added. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

I hope you understand that the main secret to preparing semolina porridge without lumps is constant stirring.

Before serving, it is customary to place a piece on top butter, but this is if there are no problems with excess weight.

Here are some additional tips:

  • To obtain a tender, creamy porridge, milk can be replaced with cream. But keep in mind that this will increase the calorie content of the dish;
  • To prepare dietary semolina porridge, you should cook it in water or at least use low-fat milk. Alternatively, dilute the milk by half with water. To prevent the porridge from turning out tasteless in this case, you can add pieces of fruit or dried fruit (dried apricots, prunes, raisins);
  • young children (up to one year old) need to prepare liquid semolina porridge, for this the proportion of liquid is doubled;
  • If your child is not a fan of semolina porridge, you can add a pinch of vanillin or a couple of chocolate cubes to it. Fruits, berries, jam or marmalade will also help deceive the little “unwilling” one.

Guryevskaya porridge is corporate identity semolina porridge, which distinguishes it favorably from ordinary semolina from the hospital canteen.

The recipe for making Guryev porridge appeared at the beginning XIX century, when semolina porridge was considered a delicacy. At that time, the Minister of Finance of the State Council, Count Guryev, once went on a visit to his friend, Major Yurisovsky. He, having heard a lot about the gourmandity of the guest, ordered his serf cook, Zakhar Kuzmin, to prepare something that could charm the count. Without cunning, the cook prepared semolina porridge with dried fruits, nuts and creamy foam. After the guest’s visit, rumors spread around St. Petersburg that, as a result of much persuasion, the count bought the serf cook for a very substantial sum, appointing the latter as his chief cook. Only then other people began to come to visit the count, spreading news about the unearthly skill of the chief cook of this minister. Gradually the recipe gained popularity, and the porridge began to be called Guryevskaya.

How to cook Guryev porridge

We will need:

  • milk - 1.25 l;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • 500 g of a mixture of various nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, roasted sunflower seeds);
  • 10 bitter almonds;
  • half a glass of strawberry or cherry jam;
  • 20 g butter;
  • a pinch of cardamom;
  • zest of one lemon.

Technology for preparing Guryev porridge

First, the nuts should be doused with boiling water, peeled and peeled, then lightly fried in a hot frying pan, and finally, mash them in a mortar with the addition of a small amount of warm water.

The milk is poured into a cast iron frying pan, which is placed in the oven. As the milk bakes, a ruddy foam will form on its surface, which should be removed and placed in a separate container.

The remaining milk is placed on the stove and semolina is boiled in it. As a result, you get a rather thick semolina porridge, into which chopped nuts, spices are poured, butter and sugar are added.

Take an enamel bowl (for example, a large bowl), into which the porridge is laid out so that the layer thickness is about 1 cm. The stored foam is laid on top of the porridge. Then another layer of porridge, again foam, etc. But the very last layer of porridge should be mixed with jam. All that remains is to put the dish in the oven for 10 minutes.

The dish itself must be served in the same (enamel) vessel in which it was baked, not forgetting to sprinkle the top again with a small amount of nuts and smear with jam.

Of course, preparing Guryev porridge is quite a troublesome task, but it is worth it. Just think about the fact that you fed your guests semolina porridge, and they not only did not turn up their noses, but were extremely surprised by such a dish. By the way, not every guest will even guess that it was semolina and not some exotic superfood.

If anything, here’s another video recipe for making Guryev porridge:

Composition of semolina (per 100 g)

Nutritional value




The benefits of semolina

Semolina has many advantages.

Firstly, it boils very quickly and is very well absorbed by the human body, since its fiber content is low. In this regard, semolina is included in many diets intended for people with gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the postoperative period.

Secondly. semolina has a rich vitamin and mineral complex (see table above). It contains quite a lot of iron, manganese, and zinc. All these elements are vital for humans, especially in childhood, under high neuropsychic and physical stress.

Harm of semolina

Semolina easily slips through the stomach and upper intestines - that’s a fact. Its main digestion occurs in the large intestine. And this is where problems can arise. The fact is that low fiber content does not contribute to the formation of proper intestinal microflora, which is fraught with constipation, dysbacteriosis and other unpleasant moments.

Semolina is rich in gluten, which is quite natural for wheat products. For the majority of people, gluten is not dangerous, but approximately every 800 Europeans have celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that involves the inability to digest gluten. Symptoms may vary, but are most often expressed in weakness, weakness, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, iron deficiency anemia, joint pain, mouth ulcers, tooth decay, depression and anxiety.

Even if a person does not have such an ailment, gluten has a bad effect on the intestines, enveloping it with mucus and thereby reducing its absorption capacity. This problem is aggravated by the high starch content in semolina.

Another unpleasant feature inherent in semolina is the presence of phytin in it - a substance containing phosphorus and binding calcium salts, converting them into insoluble compounds. Because of this, a lack of calcium may occur in the body. Since the concentration of calcium ions in the blood is stable, when it threatens to decrease, the body begins to extract it from the bones. It is not difficult to guess that this contributes to a decrease in their strength, destruction of joints and teeth. Children who are fed semolina porridge very often (2-3 times a day) develop rickets and spasmophilia. In this regard, doctors now do not recommend feeding infants semolina porridge, suggesting replacing it with vegetable purees.

You also need to know that semolina is a product of processing wheat grain, which is deprived of the germinal part and shell. As a result, the bulk of the most useful substances are removed.

Of course, semolina should not be included in the number only harmful products nutrition. When consumed in moderation, it is more beneficial than dangerous. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything.

Then, using coarse grinding, the grains are crushed, completely grinding. The most important process in the production of semolina is considered to be grinding, during which the final product loses most of the fat and fiber.

The earliest culinary memory of many of us is semolina. Almost every child ate boiled porridge with milk at breakfast.

What grain is semolina made from?

Depending on the type of cereal, semolina of different categories is obtained. Each variety of semolina has specific properties, considering which can be prepared delicious dishes. Cereals from soft grains have white and opaque structure. When cooked, the grains increase significantly in volume, finished product It turns out homogeneous in consistency.

What is semolina made from? This interests parents of small children. The cult ancient dish is familiar to everyone since childhood. Semolina became cheap and accessible only under Soviet rule.

Semolina is one of the cheapest cereals. It is rich in gluten, starch and vegetable protein, easily boiled and quickly absorbed by the body. The raw material for the production of semolina is soft and durum wheat. Semolina cooks quickly, so semolina porridge should be cooked for no more than 2 minutes to preserve as many nutrients as possible. However, semolina also has contraindications.

How to cook semolina

The secret of semolina without lumps - if you can’t gradually introduce dry cereal, you can soak it in cold water, and then pour boiling milk into the mixture. Additional ingredients for semolina - dried fruits, grated chocolate, nuts, candied fruits, fresh berries, jam - only improve its taste and aroma. You can add baked milk at the end of cooking.

How is semolina grown?

If we talk about what semolina is made from, it is traditional wheat. After harvesting, the peeled grains are coarsely ground. Varietal grinding has a medium size. It is worth indicating what grain the semolina is made from. The fact is that not any wheat is suitable for making semolina.

This knowledge will definitely help you to harmoniously integrate a natural product into your diet and make the most of its beneficial properties.

You need to store semolina in a dry, dark place, ideally in the kitchen in a table drawer, away from the sink and stove. The best option For storing cereals there is a glass container. It does not allow moisture to pass through, is sealed and prevents damage to the semolina by pests.

The smell should not be damp or musty, otherwise the product can be considered spoiled.

Category T indicates that they are made from durum wheat raw materials. Category MT. It is a mixture of soft (80%) and hard varieties (20%). These categories of cereals are excellent as a breading for fish fillets and fried chicken.

How to choose good semolina

It is desirable that the packaging is transparent so that the cereal can be seen. It is clear that if you find pebbles or small insects, then you cannot buy such a product. There should be no crunching sensation when chewing the cereal, but you will have to check this at home. The smell should not be musty.

Only large and frequent consumption of semolina porridge can cause irreparable harm to the human body. When preparing hearty and delicious breakfast, a lunch consisting of semolina porridge will require strict adherence to the proportions of cereal and liquid. I came across a categorical ban on semolina porridge in the children's diet from our pediatrician. Since childhood, I have loved semolina porridge with milk, especially with raspberry jam.

Depending on the size of the pieces, they distinguish between Poltavskaya grits (it comes in different grinds), Artek and the smallest - our semolina. It would seem - where even smaller? Nutritionists especially respect semolina porridge. Semolina is the only grain that is digested in the lower intestine, so it is often prescribed for stomach diseases. But, unfortunately, semolina porridge is not useful for everyone. Dishes made from semolina are not recommended for overweight people, as well as for people with diabetes and atherosclerosis. Semolina porridge contains a lot of gluten protein, also known as gluten, which can cause food allergies. This is a dish when semolina is not boiled, but is poured with boiling milk and hermetically sealed in a container for half an hour to steam.