All adverbs are in Russian. What is an adverb in Russian

An adverb is an unchangeable part of speech that denotes a sign of an action, sign or object: speak indistinctly, completely incomprehensible, steps down.

The main grammatical feature of an adverb is its immutability, despite the fact that some adverbs arose from the “frozen” forms of a noun or a noun with a preposition ( in the evening, during the day, on time, in the morning, the next day etc.). An adverb performs the syntactic function of an adverb; less often, it is part of a compound nominal predicate: Come early And It only got worse.

Due to their immutability, Russian adverbs lose many forms, but, nevertheless, due to their formation from an adjective, they acquire other forms. Thus, degrees of comparison are inherent only in adverbs derived from qualitative adjectives ( fast, soft, beautiful etc.). The comparative and superlative degrees of an adverb are formed similarly to the degrees of an adjective.

Despite their apparent simplicity, adverbs prepare the student for some surprises and even difficulties. For example, one should distinguish between homonymous forms of an adverb and an adjective (in comparative degree). This can be done based on the meaning, syntactic function and connection of the word with other words. Try to “find” an adverb: The water is colder And Be colder.

In addition, adverbs are divided into significant and pronominal depending on the meaning - naming a feature or just indicating it, respectively. Pronominal adverbs are differentiated like pronouns: demonstrative ( so, there, then), interrogative ( where, where, how, where), undefined ( somewhere, somehow), etc.

According to their meaning, Russian adverbs are divided into several groups: adverbs of measure and degree ( very, slightly, completely), mode of action ( slowly, skipping), places ( far away, nearby), time ( a long time ago, on time), goals ( on purpose, out of spite), reasons ( involuntarily, blindly).

Let's not forget about a special group of adverbs - predicative adverbs. Predicative adverbs are used in impersonal sentences as a predicate; typically they pass values emotional state: He was having fun.

Spelling adverbs is one of the most difficult sections of Russian spelling. There is a certain set of rules governing the continuous, separate and hyphenated writing of adverbs, but still many of the adverbs are written according to tradition, in other words, their spelling needs to be remembered, which creates some difficulties. Thus, the most regulated section is the hyphenated writing of adverbs: remember - in German, in a childish way, in a new way, in a summer way, firstly, thirdly, somehow, somewhere, sometime, little by little, exactly the same, crosswise etc. But here we should not forget about exceptions and tricky situations: slowly, better etc.; take a new path etc. The most difficult thing is to write adverbs together and separately. Here you need to remember about the generating word, the number of words included in the adverb, about figurative meaning producing words, etc. and do not forget about exceptions ( openly, one at a time, two at a time, three at a time etc.).

You still have to remember the spelling of some adverbs: without knowledge, without enlightenment, on time, as a joke, in good faith, on account, on the run, by taste, by eye, along the way, by memory and so on.

Despite the complexity of spelling, adverbs perform important function in speech: they clarify the grammatical basis and make what is said or written more “voluminous.”

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Learning parts of speech in Russian lessons is quite difficult. The morphology section “Adverb” causes especially great difficulties.

To make it easier for students to master basic concepts, it is necessary to structure lessons in such a way that the student’s interest does not wane. When all the material has been studied, you can summarize and repeat the most important thing, to put together a complete picture about the adverb.

A presentation on the topic “Adverb” reveals this difficult topic for students in an easy and accessible way, with striking examples, interesting tasks.

Working with the proposed tasks, writing out adverbs from a literary text, students repeat the concept of an adverb, its semantic groups, methods of formation, basic features, syntactic role, spelling rules.

The presentation was prepared specifically for a generalization and repetition lesson in 7th grade as preparation for test work on the topic "Adverb". The presentation will help the teacher organize tasks for the lesson in in the required form, quite accessible for working with the class.

Description of the slides.

1. Title slide.

2. What does the adverb mean?

Adverb denotes attribute

actions: run slowly, speak quietly;

characteristic: very soft, flashy, quite provocative;

item: opposite house, soft-boiled egg.

3. Determine the meaning of adverbs.

  • There is only snow lurking here and there.
  • Everything around is asleep.
  • The sun will come out in the morning and rise high into the sky.
  • A slightly wrong step - knee-deep.
  • There is still a lot of snow in the birch forest.
  • Yesterday Grandfather Frost left us along this ski track.
  • Skates are not available for rental.

4. Classes of adverbs by meaning.

Mode of action

How? How?

Where? Where? Where?

When? How long?

Measures and degrees

How many? To what extent?

5. Examples.

ž Mode of action: softly, strangely, monstrously, scary, quickly, galloping, on foot, swimming, mixed up, idly, backhand, for sure.

Time: spring, winter, autumn, yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, sometimes, now, always, immediately.

ž Goals: out of spite, in defiance, as a joke, intentionally, unintentionally, accidentally.

Reasons: foolishly, blindly, rashly, involuntarily, not without reason.

ž Measures and degrees: a lot, a little, a little, doubly, triple, twice, thrice, two, three, six, very, very, completely, absolutely.

6. Determine the category of adverbs.

Moss-billed wood grouse have moved closer to the aspen trees.

Now you won’t see a bullfinch or a thrush in the Christmas trees.

There were a lot of spruce cones this year.

Spruce scales will fly down, straight into the snow.

Who feeds on spruce seeds and sings songs as if nothing had happened?

Crossbills quickly hang on the branches and immediately fall silent.

It is rare for a crossbill to deal with a cone even halfway.

7. Two groups of adverbs.

There are significant adverbs: they name some sign directly (quietly, loudly, in the evening).

There are pronominal adverbs: they do not name a characteristic, but only indicate:

on the mode of action (so, somehow, somehow),

time of action (then, then, sometime),

reason (because, therefore, for some reason),

goal (then, for some reason).

8. Methods of forming adverbs.

9. Determine the method of forming adverbs.

1 option

Singingly, then, in the distance, somehow, little by little, with a step, like a wolf, forward.

Option 2

Scattered, at random, apparently, then, immediately, crosswise, therefore, to the right.

10. Formation of comparison forms.

11. Form forms of comparison.

  • Strongly.
  • Fast.
  • High.
  • Tasty.
  • Low.
  • Directly.
  • Left.

From what adverb is it impossible to form forms of comparison?

12. Syntactic role.

Important Events happened in the house opposite.

There was silence all around.
He looked at me slyly and fox-like.

She is not married.

13. What parts of the sentence are adverbs?

  • Mom looked a little tired.
  • Not a single person is visible around.
  • In spring, all nature comes to life.
  • We ate meat the French way.
  • Somewhere very far away a storm began.

14. Self-test.

15. The role of adverbs in the text.

Individuals are emotionally colored artistic details(metaphors, personifications, epithets).

The description as a whole is clarified and specified (indicating the time, place, mode of action, its purpose, measure and degree).

16. Write down the adverbs with the words they define.

It's already evening. The setting sun blazes brightly on the horizon. A warm breeze blows (not) boldly. The sunset looks amazingly beautiful and colorful.

We are standing on the top of a hill, and the sea is quietly splashing below. In the distance is the white sail of a fishing boat. Twilight (un)noticeably sets in, it gets sharply dark, and in the evening sky (un)expectedly a lu(n,nn) disk appears.

17. Self-test.

18. Spelling adverbs

NOT with adverbs
b after hissing
O and A at the end of adverbs
O-Y after pinching
НН-Н in adverb suffixes

19. NOT with adverbs ending in -o, -e.

It is written separately if there is a contrast with the conjunction a: Not good, but bad (fighting is not good).

If the adverbs include the words far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all: This is not interesting to me at all.

20. b in adverbs after hissing ones.

It is ALWAYS written: backhand, backwards, all over.

Exceptions: already married, unbearable.

21. Hyphen in adverbs.

a) A hyphen in adverbs is written after the prefixes -, in-, vo-, if these words contain the suffixes -mu, -im, -yh, -ih, -i: secondly, as before, in my opinion, in Russian, in summer.

b) After the prefix koe- and before the suffixes -to, -or, -ni: some where, somehow, somehow.

c) In complex adverbs formed with the help of words of the same root or by repetition: white-white, exactly, a little.

22. The letters -O, -A at the end of adverbs.

Use the word "window"! Works with the prefix-suffix method of adverb formation!

To the left (out the window), to the right (from the window), FROM THE WINDOW (from the window).

But: trusting, intelligible, fair.

23. -O, -E after hissing adverbs at the end.

The letter O is written under the accent: hot, fresh.

In the unstressed position - the letter E: brilliant, simpler.

Exception: yet.

24. N and NN in adverbs.

enthusiastically - enthusiastic (adv.)
strongly – strong (adj.)
scattered - scattered (adv.)
terrible - terrible (adj.)
intensely - intensified (adv.)
absolutely – perfect (adj.)
interesting – interesting (adj.)


Insert b where necessary:

Hide.., wide open.., sword.., youth.., look.., already.., completely.., powerful.., fresh.., backhand.., married.., etc.., trifle. ., carcass.., mouse.., rags.., penny.., gallop.., unbearable...

26. Self-test.

27. Together or separately?

(Not) far from the house there grows an oak tree.
The soul is (not) cheerful, but very sad...but.
We talked not at all loudly.
The work was done (in)carefully.
The boy is dressed (not) sloppy.
The music sounded (not) loud.

28. Self-test.

29. E or I? Put the emphasis!

36. Self-test.

37. N or NN? Determine the part of speech! talk.
I looked crazy.
He screamed desperately.
The guys' attention is scattered..o.
The wind scatters the seeds across the field.
Slowly he walked through the city.
The roofs of the houses were white with snow.
Karti..o akimbo.

38. Self-test.

39. If you don’t understand something, ask! Wrong - repeat!

adverbium) - unchangeable, independent part speech, denoting a sign of an object, a sign of an action and a sign of a sign. Words of this class answer the questions “where?”, “when?”, “where?”, “from where?”, “why?”, “why?”, “how?” and most often refer to verbs and denote a sign of action.

The process of forming adverbs is called adverbialization.

Scientists note that there are approximately 6 thousand adverbs of the first and second groups (image and method of action; measure and degree), and their number is actively growing. And the last four groups include just over 260 words, and their number is hardly growing. There are very few adverbs of reason (up to 10) and purpose (up to 10).

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    Adverbs are unchangeable words: they are not inflected or conjugated, have no endings, and do not change in gender or number. And only qualitative adverbs formed from adjectives have degrees of comparison and forms of subjective assessment: quietly-quietly, less quietly, quieter than everyone, quietly-quietly.

    Syntax function

    In a sentence, they perform the function of adverbial adverbs, and also (less often) of definitions or predicates.

    Classification by meaning

    • Circumstantial:
      • course of action- denotes a course of action ( like spring, so), answer the questions: How?, How?
      • measures and degrees- denotes the measure and degree of something ( a little bit, a little bit, Twice, Three times), answer the questions: How much? At what time? How much? To what extent?
      • time- indicate the time of action ( yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, spring, now, later, later, always);
      • places- indicate the place where the action takes place ( far, nearby, in the distance, near, here, there, to the right, to the left, back, from a distance, towards, from the side, about);
      • reasons- indicate the reason for the action ( rashly, foolishly, drunk, involuntarily, not without reason);
      • goals- indicate the purpose of the action ( on purpose, on purpose, out of spite, in defiance, as a joke, intentionally, unintentionally, accidentally).
    • Definitive:
      • quality- express a characteristic or assessment of an action or attribute (naturally!, cold, brutal, sad, strange, monstrous, scary, fast, right);
      • quantitative- determine the measure or degree of manifestation of an action or sign ( a lot, a little, a little, doubly, triple, twice, thrice, two, three, six, very, very, completely, absolutely);
      • method and mode of action- indicate the method of performing an action ( running, galloping, walking, swimming, shuffling, idling, supine, for sure);
      • comparisons and likenings - (womanish, bearish, old, our way, friendly, still, nose hooked, upright, squiggle, on end, hedgehog, pillar);
      • totality - (two, three, publicly, together).

    Qualitative adverbs, formed from qualitative adjectives, have degrees of comparison:

    • comparative degree is expressed:
      • syntactically: using suffixes -her(-to her), -she, -e,-same (more interesting, longer, stronger, louder). Some adverbs form the comparative degree suppletively, that is, changing the stem: good - better, a lot - more, little - less, deep - deeper;
      • analytically: using an auxiliary word more in combination with the original form of the adverb: more strongly, more vile, more disgusting etc.
    • The superlative degree is expressed:
      • synthetically (Greek) σοφὸς - σοφοτατα ): wisely - wisest of all; using suffixes -eysh-, -aysh-: I humbly ask, I bow to you. Very rarely used in modern Russian;
      • analytically: by combining the word most with the original form of the adverb: most disgusting, most scary, the worst etc. Has a bookish connotation and is used mostly in scientific style speech and journalism;
      • complex form: combination of words everyone, total with the synthetic form of the comparative degree: the best.

    There are adverbs significant, if they name the feature rather than point to it: yesterday, wolf-like.

    Degrees of comparison of adverbs

    1.Comparative degree

    A) Simple form formed using suffixes -ee, -she, -e, -she, -same fun-more fun

    b) Complex shape formed using words more, less and adverbs in their original form: more strictly


    A) Simple form formed by replacing the suffix -o with the suffix -eyshe (-ayshe):humbly-humbly, brightly-brightest

    b) Complex shape is formed in 2 ways:

    With words everything, everyone and the simple form of the comparative degree: above all, most of all

    With words most, least and adverbs in their original form: most interesting

    Classification by method of education

    • suffixal: fast - quickly, creative - creatively;
    • prefixal-suffixal: dry - dry
    • prefixal: good - not good, where - nowhere;
    • Addition of different types:
      • addition of words: barely, barely - barely, recklessly - insanely;
      • addition with first element semi-: reclining; half-sitting
      • addition with the addition of a suffix or prefix and suffix: walk by - pass by; half, strength - half strength.

    Spelling hyphens in adverbs

    • in adverbs on -oh, -to him, -ki, -ski, -y with attachment By- (differently, in an amicable way, in German, in English, bearish);
    • in adverbs on -s, -their with attachment in-, in-, formed from ordinal numbers ( Firstly);
    • in indefinite adverbs with a prefix some and suffixes -something/-something (somewhere, somehow);
    • in adverbs formed:
      • repetition of words and word stems (barely, willy-nilly, after all);
      • combination of synonymous words ( unexpectedly).

    Prefix By- written together:

    • in adverbs formed from adjectives using this prefix and suffixes -y, - little, -onku (simply);
    • with forms of comparative degree of adverbs ( higher);

    They write together:

    • prepositions with adverbs ( until now, from outside, forever);
    • adverbs, formed by connection prepositions V And on with collective numerals ( doubled, three times);
    • adverbs formed by conjunction

    An adverb is an independent part of speech that does not change under any circumstances. There are several characteristic features adverbs, each of which is described in detail in this article with examples. In addition, the grammatical features of the adverb and its syntactic role in the sentence are described here.

    Adverb– an independent unchangeable part of speech, which means a sign and answers the questions: How? Where? Where? When? Where? How many? and others.

    Depending on what part of speech the adverb belongs to, it can mean:

    • Sign of action - an adverb adjoins a verb or gerund (learn by heart, read attentively, high putting, saying quiet) ;
    • Attribute of an object - adjacent to a noun (path directly, at all child, dress inside out) ;
    • A sign of another sign – adjoins an adjective, adverb, participle (enough fast, amazing Beautiful, Very Fine, doubled more, purchased yesterday made carefully) .

    What do adverbs mean?

    General meaning of the adverb
    – non-processual sign (that is, a sign that does not change over time). Highlight circumstances And definitive categories of adverbs by meaning.

    Examples of adverbs by meaning

    Adverb categories
    Adverb questions
    Examples of adverbs
    Circumstantial Time When? How long? Since when? Until when? in the morning, recently, always
    Places Where? Where? Where? at home, right, above
    Goals For what? For what purpose? For what? on purpose, specially, out of spite
    Reasons Why? Why? involuntarily, rashly, blindly
    Definitive Quality How? fun, bold, fast
    Method and mode of action How? reverently, in a whisper, together
    Measures and degrees How many? At what time? How long? To what extent? little, three times, too much

    Grammatical features of the adverb

    An adverb in the Russian language is not inflected or conjugated (it does not change according to gender, number, or case, like other independent parts of speech). A constant morphological feature of adverbs is rank by meaning.

    Adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives have a comparative and superlatives comparisons: bad - worse - worst of all, loudly - less loudly - loudest of all, boldly - more boldly - boldest of all.

    TOP 5 articleswho are reading along with this

    Syntactic role of the adverb

    In a sentence, an adverb is usually used as an adverb (Boy Fine knows the topic). Less likely to act as inconsistent definition (Mom cooked an egg soft-boiled. We had a running competition race) .

    Adverb (part of speech)

    Adverb- this is an independent part of speech that is not inflected or conjugated. Indicates a sign of action (driving fast, rotating slowly), a sign of a condition (very painful), a sign of another sign (extremely cold), and rarely a sign of an object (soft-boiled eggs). In a sentence, an adverb is usually an adverb and answers the questions how? how? to what extent? to what extent? Where? Where? where? When? Why? For what? or agreed upon definition. Adverbs are organized into phrases according to the type of connection - adjacency. When characterizing adverbs from the point of view of morphology, it is necessary to indicate the absence of a paradigm of conjugation and declension. But it would be inconsistent to talk about the complete immutability of adverbs: adverbs formed from adjectives, in many cases, retain the ability to form forms of comparison and forms of subjective assessment of quality. So adverbs can have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, superlative. Comparative and superlative are formed either synthetically or analytically.

    In Russian

    Classification by lexical meaning

    • Circumstantial: characterize spatial, temporal, causal and target relationships.
      • time- indicate the time of action ( yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, spring, sometimes, now, later, later)
      • places- indicate the place where the action takes place ( far, nearby, in the distance, near, here, there, to the right, to the left, back, from a distance, towards, from the side)
      • reasons- indicate the reason for the action ( blindly, rashly, foolishly, drunk, involuntarily, not without reason)
      • goals- indicate the purpose of the action ( on purpose, on purpose, out of spite, in defiance, as a joke, intentionally, unintentionally, accidentally)
    • Definitive:
      • quality- express a characteristic or assessment of an action or attribute ( cold, brutal, sad, strange, monstrous, scary, fast, correct.)
      • quantitative- determine the measure or degree of manifestation of an action or sign ( a lot, a little, a little, doubly, triple, twice, thrice, two, three, six, very, very, completely, absolutely)

    1) measures and degrees; 2) a certain amount; 3) indefinite quantity.

      • method and mode of action- indicate the method of performing an action ( running, galloping, walking, swimming, shuffling, idling, supine, for sure)
      • comparisons and likenings - (womanish, bearish, old, our way, friendly, still, nose hooked, upright, squiggle, on end, hedgehog, pillar)
      • totality or compatibility - (two, three, publicly, together)

    Qualitative adverbs formed from qualitative adjectives have degrees of comparison

    • comparative degree is expressed:
      • synthetically: using the suffixes -ee(s), -she, -e - more interesting, longer, stronger, louder. Some adverbs form the comparative degree suppletively, that is, changing the basis - good - better, much - more, little - less
      • analytically: using the auxiliary word more in combination with the original form of the adverb - more strongly, more interesting, more sad, etc.* superlative
    • The superlative degree is expressed:
      • synthetically (Greek) sophos - sophotata): wisely - wisest of all; using the suffixes -eysh-, -aysh- - ( I humbly ask, I bow to you most humbly). Very rarely used in modern Russian.
      • analytically: by combining the word most with the original form of the adverb - ( most interesting, most vivid, most offensive, etc.) It has a bookish connotation and is used mostly in the scientific style of speech and journalism.
      • complex form: combination of words everyone, everything with the synthetic form of the comparative degree - best of all, best of all, most of all

    There are adverbs significant, if they are formed from significant words, that is, if adverbs name some attribute directly ( quiet, loud, evening).

    There are also adverbs pronominal, that is, if the adverb does not name a characteristic, but only points to it, that is, to a manner of action ( So), location ( there, here, here, there), action time ( then, then then), reason ( because, therefore), target ( then).

    In the Russian language, significant adverbs predominate.

    Classification by method of education

    1. suffixal: fast - quickly, creative - creatively;
    2. prefix-suffixal: dry - dry, inside out - inside out;
    3. prefix: good - bad, where - nowhere;
    4. addition of different types:
      1. addition of words: barely, barely - barely;
      2. addition with the first element semi-: semi-lying;
      3. addition with the addition of a suffix or prefix and suffix: to walk by - in passing; gender, strength - half strength.

    Exceptions and misconceptions

    1. SUBSEQUENTLY - Later, after some time, after, when. Then.

    Subsequently is an exception and, contrary to popular misconception, is written only together, unlike similar adverbs with prepositions (during, in consequence/and, in mind, etc.)

    Adverbs in other languages


    • "Modern Russian Language", ed. D. E. Rosenthal

    Lectures by Inga Anatolyevna Slavkina


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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