What are parts of speech? Functional parts of speech.

Parts of speech - Textbook on the Russian language, grade 3 (Kanakina, Goretsky)

Short description:

You already know that words in Russian can answer different questions. Who? or what? - means an object, a person, an animal. That is, something that lives or exists. Such words are called nouns. Nouns also include the following concepts: joy, happiness. These are, of course, not objects, but you won’t deny that they also exist.
The question “what does it do?” shows the action of an object or living creature. These are verbs. Obsolete word"verb" means "to speak."
The question “which one?” indicates the qualities of objects, people or animals. Such words are called adjectives. They are “attached” to nouns.
All these new terms for you have one thing in common: common name– parts of speech. There are twelve parts of speech in the Russian language. You will meet the three most important of them in second grade. This is a completely new topic for you. But since you already knew how to ask questions about Russian words before, it won’t be difficult to remember the first three parts of speech. You probably already guessed that this is a very important section of the textbook. After all, you will need to remember the terms, learn to recognize parts of speech, and name their signs. WITH parts of speech Many spellings of the Russian language are related.

A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions: Who? What? (person, book). They differ by gender and vary by cases and numbers. There are animate ones (worker) and inanimate (TVs).


An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers the questions: Which? which? which? which? Changes by gender, number and case. Differs from participles in that it has no signs of collateral, type or time.

  • Qualitative adjectives denote an unrelated property of the object itself, capable of manifesting itself with different intensities: white, fast, old. Have short forms and degrees of comparison: white, faster, oldest, oldest.
  • Relative adjectives denote the property of an object through its relationship to another object or action: door, iron, inflatable, measuring.
  • Possessive adjectives indicate who owns the item they identify: fathers, sisters, foxes.


Numeral is a part of speech that means:

  • number of items; answers the question How many? (Cardinal numbers): two, fourteen, one hundred twenty-five;
  • order of objects when counting; answers the question which? (ordinals): second, fourteenth, one hundred and twenty-fifth;
  • Among cardinal numbers, the group stands out collective numerals, denoting the number of objects as one whole: two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, ten, both, both.


A pronoun is a part of speech that indicates a person, object or sign, but does not name them. Pronouns are divided into:

  • Personal: I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they.
  • Returnable: myself.
  • Possessives: mine, ours, yours, yours, yours.
  • Interrogative-relative: who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many.
  • Index fingers: this, that, such, such, so much.
  • Definitive: himself, most, all (all, everything, everything), everyone, each, any, other.
  • Negative: no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one, no one, nothing.
  • Undefined: someone, something, some, some, several, someone, something, some, any, something and etc.


A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or state and answers the questions: what to do? what is he doing? what did you do? what will it do? It has signs of aspect, voice, person, number, tense, mood and gender (in the past tense, in the subjunctive mood).

Verb forms:

  • Infinitive– an indefinite form of a verb without signs of person, number, tense, voice, mood and gender: run, sleep, read.
  • Participle– an unconjugated verb form denoting an action or state as a sign of an object that can change over time. Changes by gender, number and case; has signs of voice, type and time - this differs from adjective.
  • Active participle denotes an action that is performed by the bearer of the attribute: reading student, blossomed garden.
  • Passive participle denotes a sign that arises as a result of the influence of someone (something) on ​​the bearer of the sign: abandoned stone, persecuted blown leaves.
  • Participle– an unchangeable form of the verb, denoting an action as a sign of another action, for example: said, looking in the eyes; exhausted, sat down on the bench. Differs from participles that which does not change; has signs of type and voice.


An adverb is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an action, quality or object and answers the questions: How? When? Why? Where? and so on. The main feature is immutability: slowly, yesterday, foolishly, everywhere etc. Adverbs also include pronominal adverbs: where, nowhere, so, how, no way, when, never, sometimes, from where, where, from here, there, there, why, because, therefore, why, then etc.


A preposition is an auxiliary unchangeable part of speech that connects words (to be distinguished from unions, which connect not words, but syntactic units: sentence members or parts complex sentence): in, to, with, on, from, at, through, between, for, through, during, around, about, like, relatively, according to, thanks to, after, despite, really, due to, depending on, in connection with, in relation to and so on.


A conjunction is an auxiliary unchangeable part of speech that connects members of a sentence and/or parts of a complex sentence (to be distinguished from prepositions, which connect not syntactic units, but words).

  • Coordinating Conjunctions: and, yes, but, or, either, too, also.
  • Subordinating conjunctions: when, before, while, that, so that, how, since, because, thanks to the fact that, so, as if, as if, if, once, although, despite the fact that, in order to, not only... but also ..., not so much... as... etc.


Particles are function words that give additional semantic or emotional shades to sentences and individual words: no, not, any, -something, -that, -those, -sya (s), -ka, -de, but, whether, would, happened, yes, let, let, even, really, only , almost, only, at least, really, really, give, know, come on, well, they say, after all, well, as if, as if, exactly, as if, like, supposedly, tea, perhaps, maybe, just, exactly, almost, almost, or something etc.


A connective is a function word torn away from the paradigm of a pronoun or verb. Its functions include indicating the syntactic relationships between the components of a sentence. Links include words This, phrase it is, it is(and other verb forms be), conjugated forms of verbs appear, appear, mean, signify, be called. Connectives are often omitted, and a dash is placed in their place in the sentence: Automobile - [ There is] is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

Remember! Words in Russian are divided into large groups - parts of speech. Each part of speech answers only its own questions, has its own features, fulfills its role in the sentence.

1. What parts of speech have you already become acquainted with in Russian lessons? Give examples of these parts of speech. Find the parts of speech you don't know in the list below.

2. Read it.

      Noun - school,
      Wakes up- verb.
      With an adjective funny
      A new school day has arrived.

      Got up We- pronoun,
      Beats the numeral seven.
      For learning, without a doubt,
      Everyone needs to accept...
      (O. Vysotskaya)

  • What parts of speech are named in the poem? What other parts of speech do you know?
  • Write down 1-2 words from the poem that relate to these parts of speech.

Sample. Verb: hits, ... .


3. Read it.

      Quiet go out the stars became
      AND Star The star said:
      “I dreamed that this night
      I've been to Earth!..

      All V lights and bright glitter
      Christmas tree in that hall stood,
      A at the Christmas tree on the top
      With a proud shine I was beaming!”
      (B. Nikonova)

  • On what day could the Star have had such a dream? What did these lines remind you of?
  • What parts of speech are the highlighted words? By what criteria did you identify them?
  • Write down the words of the Star. Test yourself.

Remember! To find out what part of speech a word is, you need to ask a question about it and determine what the word means.

Book- this is a noun that answers a question What?, denotes item.

Draws- this is a verb that answers the question what does?, denotes action subject.

4. Read it. Determine what part of speech each word is.

  1. The humpbacked one stands on a bridge on four pillars.
  2. Buried, with, a ball, a stump, under, needles.
  • Make up a riddle sentence from the words of each group.
  • Write down riddles and answers. Underline the basis of each sentence.

5. Read it. Write by inserting the missing letters.

I admire the beautiful painting winter forest. See...decorated with leafy cones fir branches. Crossbills were circling over the tree. The nimble birds, with their crooked curves, fetched them from the bushes themselves.

  • Indicate the part of speech above each word of the first sentence (see Memo 4).
  • Choose any sentence and analyze it orally according to the parts of the sentence. Emphasize the main members in it.
  • Find words in the sentences that are not members of the sentence. What part of speech do these words belong to?

6. Read it.

There was a birch tree on the edge of the cliff. There was a gr..nest hanging on a birch tree. Recently, small..s..chat appeared there.

One night a strong storm began. She began to swing the birch from side..to side..well.

It was difficult for Birch to cling to the edge of the cliff, but she did not give up. The birch fought not only for its own life, but also for the life of little..n..people. This gave her strength, and the birch tree survived.

It all ended well.

(V. Stepanov)

  • Decide on a topic and main idea text. Come up with a title for the text that reflects the main idea.
  • What is the most important thing talked about in each part? Give each part a title.
  • Explain the spelling of words with missing letters. Write out difficult words from the text.
  • Write down the title. Prepare to write each part from memory.

7. Look at the drawing. Determine its topic.

  • What is shown in the picture? Tell me.
  • Make up a story based on the picture. Get ready to tell it. Write down the text.
  • Determine which parts of speech you used in your text and for what purpose.

1. Differences in those syntactic functions that are performed by different categories of words in coherent speech, in the structure of a sentence;

2. Differences in the morphological standing of words and forms of words;

3. Differences in real (lexical) meanings of words;

4. Differences in the way reality is reflected;

5. Differences in the nature of those correlative and subordinate categories that are associated with one or another part of speech.

V.V. Vinogradov, noting that in different languages there may be a different composition of parts of speech, emphasizing the dynamism of the system of parts of speech in one language.

Chapter III . Parts of speech in Russian

Parts of speech are groups of words united based on the commonality of their characteristics. The features on the basis of which words are divided into parts of speech are not uniform for different groups of words.

According to their role in language, parts of speech are divided into independent and auxiliary.

Independent words can be divided into significant and pronominal. Significant words name objects, signs, actions, relationships, quantity, and pronominal words indicate objects, signs, actions, relationships, quantity, without naming them and being substitutes for significant words in a sentence (cf.: table - he, convenient - such, easy - so, five - how many). Pronominal words form a separate part of speech - a pronoun.

Significant words are divided into parts of speech taking into account the following characteristics:

1) generalized meaning;

2) morphological characteristics;

3) syntactic behavior (syntactic functions and syntactic connections).

There are at least five significant parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral (group of nouns), adverb and verb.

Thus, parts of speech are lexico-grammatical classes of words, i.e. classes of words identified taking into account their generalized meaning, morphological features and syntactic behavior.

There are 10 parts of speech, combined into three groups:

1. Independent parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb.

2. Functional parts of speech: preposition, conjunction, particle.

3. Interjection.

Modern Russian language has a large number morphological variant forms. Some of them are entrenched in the literary language and are recognized as normative, while others are perceived as speech errors. Form variations may be related to different meanings words. Also, variant forms may differ in stylistic coloring. Variants of forms associated with the categories of gender and number can also be stylistically colored.

Morphology - (Greek "morphe" - form, "logos" - science, word) - a section of grammar in which words are studied as parts of speech. And this means studying general values and changing words. Words can change by gender, number, case, person, etc. For example, a noun denotes an object and changes according to numbers and cases, an adjective denotes a characteristic of an object and changes according to gender, number and cases. But, there are words that do not change, for example, prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs.

In speech, independent and function words perform various jobs. In a sentence, independent words, naming objects, their characteristics, actions, etc., act as members of the sentence, and auxiliary words most often serve to connect independent words.


A noun is an independent significant part of speech, combining words that:

1) have a generalized meaning of objectivity and answer the questions who? or what?;

2) are proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate, have a constant gender sign and inconsistent (for most nouns) number and case signs;

3) in a sentence they most often act as subjects or objects, but can be any other members of the sentence.

A noun is a part of speech, when highlighted, the grammatical features of words come to the fore. As for the meaning of nouns, this is the only part of speech that can mean anything: an object (table), a person (boy), an animal (cow), a sign (depth), an abstract concept (conscience), an action (singing) , relation (equality). From the point of view of meaning, these words are united by the fact that they can be asked the question who? or what?; This, in fact, is their objectivity.


An adjective is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that:

1) indicate a non-procedural feature of the subject and answer the questions which?, whose?;

2) change according to gender, number and cases, and some - according to completeness/brevity and degrees of comparison;

3) in a sentence they are definitions or the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

Adjectives depend on nouns, so questions on adjectives are asked from nouns. Adjectives help us select the desired item from many identical items. Our speech without adjectives would be like a picture painted with gray paint. Adjectives make our speech more precise and figurative, as they allow us to show various characteristics of an object.


A numeral is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question how many? or which one?.

The numeral is a part of speech into which words are combined based on the commonality of their meaning - their relationship to number. The grammatical features of numerals are heterogeneous and depend on which category of meaning the numeral belongs to.

Words with number meanings play an important role in people's lives. Numbers measure the number of objects, distance, time, size of objects, their weight, cost. In writing, number words are often replaced by numbers. In the documents, it is necessary that the amount be written in words, and not just in numbers.

Pronoun as part of speech

A pronoun is an independent non-nominal part of speech that indicates objects, signs or quantities, but does not name them.

The grammatical features of pronouns are different and depend on which part of speech the pronoun is a substitute for in the text.

Pronouns are classified according to meaning and grammatical characteristics.

Pronouns are used in speech instead of nouns, adjectives, numerals and adverbs. Pronouns help to combine sentences into a coherent text and avoid repetition of the same words in speech.

An adverb is an independent part of speech that denotes a sign of an action, attribute, state, or rarely an object. Adverbs are unchangeable (with the exception of qualitative adverbs in -о/-е) and are adjacent to a verb, adjective, or another adverb (run quickly, very fast, very quickly). In a sentence, an adverb is usually an adverb.

In rare cases, an adverb can be adjacent to a noun: running a race (the noun has the meaning of action), a soft-boiled egg, Warsaw-style coffee. In these cases, the adverb acts as an inconsistent definition.

The classification of adverbs is carried out on two grounds - by function and by meaning.

A verb is an independent significant part of speech, denoting an action (read), a state (to be sick), a property (to limp), an attitude (to be equal), a sign (to turn white).

The grammatical features of the verb are heterogeneous among different groups of verb forms. The verb word combines: indefinite form(infinitive), conjugated (personal and impersonal) forms, inconjugated forms - participial and participial.

Speech verbs are very important because they allow us to name various actions.


The participle as a morphological phenomenon is interpreted ambiguously in linguistics. In some linguistic descriptions, the participle is considered independent part speech, in others - a special form of the verb.

A participle denotes an attribute of an object by action and combines the properties of an adjective and a verb. In oral speech, participles are used less frequently than in written speech.


Like the participle, the gerund can be considered as an independent part of speech or as a special form of the verb.

A gerund is a special form of a verb that has the following characteristics:

1. Denotes an additional action, answers the questions: what are you doing? or having done what?

2. Has the grammatical features of a verb and an adverb.

Functional parts of speech

Functional parts of speech are those that, without independent parts of speech, cannot form a sentence and serve to connect independent units or to express additional shades of meaning.

A preposition is an auxiliary part of speech that serves to connect a noun, pronoun and numeral with other words in a phrase. Prepositions can denote the relationship between an action and an object (look at the sky), an object and an object (a boat with a sail), a sign and an object (ready to sacrifice).

Prepositions do not change and are not independent parts of a sentence.

By connecting independent words with each other, prepositions express, together with the endings of independent words, different semantic meanings.

A conjunction is a functional part of speech that serves to communicate homogeneous members sentences, parts of a complex sentence, as well as individual sentences in the text.

Unions do not change and are not members of the sentence.

A particle is an auxiliary part of speech that serves to express shades of meaning of words, phrases, sentences and to form word forms.

In accordance with this, particles are usually divided into two categories - semantic and formative.

Particles do not change and are not members of the sentence.


Interjection - special part speech that does not belong to either the independent group or the service group.



Target: - introduction of the concept of part of speech as a group of words with the same common

grammatical meaning.

Tasks: educational – introduce students to different parts of speech,

as with words that have the same common grammatical


developing – continue the formation of spelling and

punctuation skills, development of cognitive activity


educating – use the educational opportunities of this

topics for improving the culture of students, instilling a sense of love and

respect for the Russian language, show the richness and beauty of the Russian


During the classes:


Work on designing a notebook.

Read today's date and write it down in your notebook, highlight the spellings.


Look carefully at the words. Identify the pattern by which the pairs are selected.

Cheerful - sad

Old …


Easy …

Smart …

Hungry …

Is it possible to single out words among these combinations? What do they mean?


1. Psychological preparation to the perception of new material.

How do people communicate with each other?(Using language, speech.)

What kind of speech is there?(Oral and written.)

What does our speech consist of?(From words.)

Do the words have the same meaning?(No. Some words denote an object, others a sign of an object, and still others a process.

Well done!

2. Creating a learning situation.

Distributive dictation.

Write the words in three columns.

Beautiful, passing, kitchen, athletic, running, food, kind, admired, button, tractor driver, sad, moving away, stroking, preparing, local, writing, notebook, sad, table, get ahead, draw.

On what basis would you classify these words?

IV . Self-determination for activity.

1 How many words are there in Russian?

2 And in all languages ​​combined?

Imagine a box from which words spilled out. What to do? Point order. But as? They need to be grouped. What to do? (words need to be grouped so that in one group there are words that have common characteristics.)

Parts of speech

Independent Service

Nouns Adjectives

Prepositions Conjunctions


Numeral Pronoun Verb

By what criteria can words be grouped? (by parts of speech)

Complete the diagram.

Formulate the objectives of the lesson (repeat parts of speech and their signs, learn to recognize the learned parts of speech)

3. Reading the rule in the textbook


1. Application of the constructed concept to distinguish parts of speech.

What two large groups can words be divided into?

How many parts of speech have you discovered? Can you prove that the words Anxiety, Anxious and Worried refer to different parts speeches?

2. List the functional parts of speech. Give an example.

3. Why are these parts of speech called function parts? (they do not have their own grammatical features, they serve to connect words in sentences and phrases)

4. Performing exercise 3 page 1. (part 2)

Read the sentences expressively.

Determine which parts of speech the highlighted words belong to - independent or auxiliary.

Read the sentences without function words.

What is the role of function words in sentences?

5. Performing exercise 5 p.2.

What role do conjunctions and prepositions play in a sentence?

Which group of parts of speech do they belong to?

Find the numerals in the sentence.

What question do numbers answer?

Explain the spelling of words thirteen and sixteen.

Write the word twelve in the dictionary, underline the spelling and put the emphasis.

Examination. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word finch on the board.

VI . INDEPENDENT WORK. (Work using cards.)




Raises, blue, tree, proud, clarity,

colorful, river, glitter, mirror, yellow

Distribute the words into groups.

In each group, assign words from a specific part of speech.




Crafts, reads, construction, carpenter, leaf,

engineer, red, walking, turning green, warming.

Work from a notebook on a non-printed basis. Perform exercise 1 in workbook on page 1 (part 2)

What other questions can a noun answer?

How do nouns change?

What constant features do nouns have? (gender, declension, can be animate and inanimate, proper and common nouns)

What part of speech is associated with the noun? (adjective)

How do verbs change? (by dates and times)

What parts of speech can a pronoun have grammatical features? (pronouns - noun – personal and indefinite (nobody, nothing, no one, nothing, someone, something, someone, etc.)pronouns - adjectives - none, no one, some, some, some, etc.) ,pronouns - numerals - a few, some)

v I . Reflection

Indicate which parts of speech the highlighted words belong to.

Speaks parrot parrot :

I love you parrot , parrot !

To the parrot the parrot answered:

- Parrot, parrot, parrot !


What new did you learn in the lesson?

Who do you think answered the questions best?

How do you evaluate your work in class?


Exercise 2 page 2 (workbook)