The first Perm fish is the main idea of ​​the story. Analysis and evaluation of stories

Lesson literary reading in 1st grade of educational complex "Perspective"

LESSON TOPIC: E. Permyak “The First Fish”.

Educational technology: Development of critical thinking through reading and writing (RCW): cluster, “basket of ideas”, reading with stops, compiling a syncwine.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

- Introduce the work of Evgeny Permyak “The First Fish”.

Improve correct and expressive reading skills

Develop the ability to predict the content of a text by its title, analyze the text, highlight the main idea of ​​the text, learn to ask questions, argue with reason, express your thoughts, develop speech, memory, thinking, creativity

Promote the development of an attentive attitude towards other people, love for your family, and work.

Planned results:

Students will learn to read a work expressively and thoughtfully and convey its mood.

They will learn to explain the meaning of the title of the work, find words that reflect the character of the hero.

Equipment and teaching materials:

Interactive whiteboard and multimedia installation

Video series of photographs about the family, about E. Permyak

Text for reading with stops.

Proverbs about family and work.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Call stage.

1. Check homework. Updating knowledge.

A) Reading by heart a poem of your choice: G. Vieru “How many stars are there in a clear sky?..”, N. Bromley “What is the very first word?...”, V. Berestov “Poems for Dad.”

Class assessment (What rating should we give and why? What did you like and what didn’t you manage to convey to the reader when telling the poem?), supplemented by a conversation about your family (Why did you choose this particular piece to memorize? Tell us about the people closest to you. How do you take care of each other? What are your common interests?)

As the children answer, the teacher hangs pictures on the board reflecting scenes from family life.

B) Conclusion. Creating a cluster. (What is family? What does family give to a person?). Love, support, confidence, friendship, mutual assistance, warmth, good mood, knowledge, etc.

C) Presentation of the work “The First Fish” by E. Permyak. Author's biography. Video series of photographs: portrait of the author, milestones of life and creativity, illustrations of works.

D) Discussion of the title, forecast of content and issues.

Read the title and try to guess what it might be about.

Compiling a “basket of ideas”: about the very first prehistoric fish on Earth, about the most important fish in the school, about little fry and its development, etc.

Who will be the main character? What kind of work will it be: a fairy tale? story? poem? etc.

II. Physical education minute.

The fish are having fun

In warm, clean water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

III. Conception stage.

Part 1 text for reading with stops.

Yura lived in a big and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked.


Who do you think lived in the family? Who is Yura?

Who do you mean worked? At work? What about the old people? Grandchildren?

Once, Yurina’s family went to catch fish and cook fish soup...


What is ukha? What fish? (Display of photographs of river and sea ​​fish, from which you can cook fish soup, including ruff)

Why do you think they caught it and cooked it? Did you earn a living or for yourself, or relax?

We caught a lot of fish and gave it all to grandma. Yura also caught one fish. Ruff. And I also gave it to my grandmother. For fish soup.


What of our assumptions was confirmed? (This is not a poem, there is a grandmother in the family, one of them was caught for fish soup listed fish- ruff)

Why does the author highlight the word “Ruff” in a separate sentence? (most delicious fish, rare and Yura is an excellent fisherman; Ruff will be one of the heroes of the work and this is his name - after all, we still don’t know what it is: a fairy tale or a story; maybe the author wants to joke with Yura, to show that he only caughtone small fish, not a big fish)

Who do you think will be the main character - Yura or Ruff?

Describe Yura. (Hardworking, patient, diligent, not greedy)

On interactive whiteboard appears Part 2 of the text.

Grandmother cooked fish soup. The whole family on the shore sat down around the pot and started praising their ears:


Why did they praise it? (We cooked a lot, delicious, a lot different fish in the ear)

That’s why our fish soup is delicious, because Yura caught a huge fish soup.


What assumptions were confirmed? (We cooked fish soup for ourselves, rested, main character- Yura).

- Who do you think Yura was? Why was he praised? Did you praise or make fun of you?

Do you think fish soup can be tasty without a ruff? What is "fat"?

appears on the interactive whiteboard Part 3 of the text.

And even though Yura was small, he understood that the adults were joking. Is there a lot of profit from a tiny brush?


Which of our assumptions were confirmed? (This is a story, Yura is a little boy, he is the main character, the adults were joking)

What is "fat"? How would you answer the question - Is the gain great?

Guess how Yura will behave next.

But he was still happy.


What could Yura be happy about?

He was glad that his little fish was also in the big family ear.

Which of our assumptions was confirmed?

Describe Yura. ( Little boy, understands humor, friendly)

IV. Reflection.

Compiling a “syncwine”.

Did you like E. Permyak's story?

What did you especially like? What surprised you? What made you happy?

- How did you see Yura in this story? Let's make a "syncwine".

Acquaintance with “syncway”, writing rules.

1. Who? Yura

2. What is he like? Two words. Small, hardworking

3. What does it do? Three words. Catches, gives, tries

4 word sentence.

5. What would you call Yura Assistant

In one word?

V. Lesson summary.

We return with the “basket of ideas”.

- Why is the story called “The First Fish”?

Let's return to the cluster.

What does the story teach?

What is the main idea of ​​the story?

What kind of person will Yura grow up to be?

What will help Yura grow up to be such a person?

Proverbs about family are written on the board. Choose the proverb that most fully reveals the essence of the story.

“Patience and work will grind everything down”

“You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family”

“There is no good in an unfriendly family”

“A little deed is better than a big idleness”

VI. Assessment.

- Who would you tag for having bold thoughts?

For smart thoughts?

for active participation?

Draw pictures based on the text you read.

Target: The formation of the ability is associated with retelling a literary text.


To develop the ability to retell a literary text using the author’s means of expression according to a given plan, along a chain, individually;

Pay attention to how the meaning of a word changes from the use of different suffixes;

Improve the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct verbal statements about the content of a work;

Practice selecting synonyms and antonyms in speech.


Develop interest and love for books;

Continue to develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor, express your thoughts fully and accurately;

Develop creative imagination.


Cultivate an attentive attitude towards elders and a desire to help them.

Progress of activities.

1. Guys, today I have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. Let's start with the fact that I suggest you go to the table and guess what task you need to complete.

(Children are offered cut-out pictures.)

That's right, you collect and tell me what I want to talk to you about.

What did you put together? (children name their fish).

Where do fish live? (in the river, sea, ocean)

So what are they? (sea,......)

Name the sea and river fish.

What do fish have in common?

Do all fish have gills? What are these fish called?

Look at the pictures and tell me what fish you see? Arrange the pictures into groups according to where the fish live. (Classification.)

Guys, tell me, what kind of water is there? I tell you a word, and you name it with the opposite meaning.

D/game “Say the opposite”

Hot - Cold

Cool - Warm

Clean - Dirty

Boiled - Raw

Salty - Fresh

Stormy - Calm

Transparent - Cloudy

What can people do with fish?

2. - Guys, how many of you know what fishing is? Today I want to introduce you to a story that talks about family fishing. The story was written by E. Permyak, it’s called « First fish" .

Reading a story (draw children’s attention to the illustrations for the story)

followed by discussion

Questions to the text:

Why is this text called "story"?

What is this story about?

What family did Yura live in? (Yura lived in a large and friendly family.)

Where did Yurina's family go? (catch fish and cook fish soup). How else can you say this? (For fishing, for fishing.)

How many fish did Yura catch?

What words are used to name Yurin’s catch in the story? (Ruff, huge brush, tiny brush.) From the text: “That’s why our fish soup is delicious, because Yura caught a huge fish fish. That’s why our fish soup is fatty and rich, because fish soup is fatter than catfish.”

Why are the same fish called differently in the story? "huge ruff", That "tiny ruff"? (children's answers.)

That's right, guys, because when they joked, they wanted to exaggerate what actually happened, so they chose these words. Not just big, but "tremendous", not just a ruff, but "ruff". But Yura understood the joke, realized that in reality everything was different. So I used the words with the opposite meaning: not "huge ruff", A "tiny ruff".

3. Physical exercise. Let's jump and gallop!

One, two, three, four, five!

Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.)

Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)

One, two, three.

Left side bent.

One, two, three.

Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.)

And we will reach the cloud.

Let's sit on the path, (Sit down on the floor.)

Let's stretch our legs.

Bend your right leg (Bend your legs at the knee.)

One, two, three!

Let's bend the left leg,

One, two, three.

Legs raised high (Legs raised up.)

And they held it for a while.

They shook their heads (Head movements.)

And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.)

Guys, Yura wrote a letter to a friend about his fishing trip. But my friend did not understand some words: (explain the meaning of words)

ear (fish soup);

around (near, near, near);

praise (praise a lot);

brush (big fish);

navarista, fat (this is water in the ear with fat from the fish, the fattier the fish, the more fat in the ear).

Now let’s remember what Yura wrote to his friend about. I will read the story, and you think about the words in which Yura wrote the letter.

Re-reading the story.

Didactic game "Make a proposal"

This is a magic fishing rod that will turn you into the boy Yura.

I will ask you questions, and you will answer in complete sentences.

What did Yura write about his family? (I live in a large and friendly family.)

How did he write about where his family went? (Once my family went to catch fish and cook fish soup.)

How many fish did Yuri's entire family catch? (My family caught a lot of fish.)

How he wrote about his catch (I also caught one fish. Ruff.)

Who did they give all the catch to? (They gave all the fish to grandma.)

What did you cook from the fish? (Fish soup was made from fish.)

Where did the whole family eat fish soup? (My whole family sat down on the shore around the pot.)

How did the ear turn out? (The soup turned out delicious, fatty, and rich.)

What was Yura's mood? (I was in a joyful and cheerful mood.)

Why was Yura happy? (I was happy because my little fish was in the big family ear.)

4. Guys, now I’ll read this story again, and you listen to it carefully. Try to remember the words and expressions of the author.

(Re-reading the story by the teacher.)

Guys, you will tell the story according to a given plan: one of you will tell about how Yurin’s family went fishing, the second about how they cooked fish soup, and the third about how Yuri felt.

(Three guys retell the story according to plan if they wish.)

Did the guys manage to tell exactly according to plan?

The next task will be more difficult: you need to be very careful. I can stop your story at any point, and the next one will have to continue it. (The guys talk.)

Were all the guys attentive?

And some of you will have to complete the most difficult task - you need to tell the entire story.

How accurately did you tell the story using the author's words?

Guys, you did a very good job, we can play.

P/i "Fishing Rod"

Guys, what do I have in my hands? (jump rope)

What else could she be?

Well, since I have a fishing rod in my hands, then who am I? And you are my fish.

5. Reflection

- Guys, what story did you read today? Who is the author of the story? What did you like best, what do you remember?

Veronica Savelyeva
Retelling of E. Permyak’s story “The First Fish”

Teach children retell a literary text using the author's expressive means.

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s questions and answer them

Draw children's attention to how the meaning of a word changes from the use of different suffixes.

Learn to evaluate phrases by meaning.

Practice choosing synonyms.

Develop creative imagination.

Cultivate an attentive attitude towards elders and a desire to help them.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Guys, how many of you know what fishing is? Today I want to introduce you story, which talks about family fishing. The story was written by E. Permyak, called « First fish» .

Reading story followed by discussion

(Text story presented in the appendix)

Questions to the text:

Why is this text called « story» ?

What does this say? story?

What family did Yura live in? (Yura lived in a large and friendly family.)

Where did Yurina's family go? (catch fish and cook fish soup) How else can you say this? (For fishing, for fishing.)

How many fish did Yura catch?

What words is it named in Yurin's catch story? (Ruff, huge brush, tiny brush.) From text: “That’s why our fish soup is delicious, because Yura caught a huge fish fish. That’s why our fish soup is fatty and rich, because fish soup is fatter than catfish.”

Why the same the fish is called differently in the story: That "huge ruff", That "tiny ruff"? (Because when they joked, they wanted to exaggerate what actually happened, so they chose these words. Not just big, but "tremendous", not just a ruff, but "ruff". But Yura understood the joke, realized that in reality everything was different. So I used the words with the opposite meaning: Not "huge ruff", A "tiny ruff"- the teacher should formulate this conclusion when the children answer.)

Why was Yura happy?

And now we will also try to fish together.

Coordination of speech with movement « Fish» .

A fish swims in the water,

The fish has fun playing.

Fish, fish, mischievous,

We want to catch you.

The fish arched its back,

She took a bread crumb;

The fish waved its tail,

The fish quickly swam away

Educator. Yura wrote a letter to a friend about his fishing trip. But my friend didn't understand some things words: (explain the meaning of words)

ear (fish soup)

around (near, near, near)

praise (praise a lot)

brush (big fish)

navarista, fat (this is water in the ear with fat from the fish, the fattier the fish, the more fat in the ear)

Now let’s remember what Yura wrote to his friend about. I will read story, and you think about the words Yura wrote the letter with.

Re-reading story.

Didactic game "Make a proposal"

Educator. This is a magic fishing rod that will turn you into the boy Yura.

I will ask you questions, and you will answer in complete sentences.


What did Yura write about his family? (I live in a large and friendly family)

How did he write about where his family went? (Once my family went to catch fish and cook fish soup)

How many fish did Yuri's entire family catch? (My family caught a lot of fish)

How he wrote about his catch (I'm alone too caught a fish. Ruff.)

Who did they give all the catch to? (They gave all the fish to grandma.)

What did you cook from the fish? (Fish soup was made from fish.)

Where did the whole family eat fish soup? (My whole family sat down on the shore around the pot)

How did the ear turn out? (The soup turned out delicious, fatty, and rich.)

What was Yura's mood? (I was in a joyful and cheerful mood)

Why was Yura happy? (I was happy because in the big family ear there was also my little fish).

Educator. Guys, I’ll read the text again now, and you try to remember it, so that later you can read it yourself retell.

After retellings a collective assessment is carried out. The teacher asks which of the children told interesting, expressively, used the author's words and expressions.

Educator. IN the story says"tiny ruff". How can you say it differently? Choose words for the word tiny that are close and similar in meaning (small, tiny).

Educator. What word is the opposite in meaning to the word small?

Educator. What words are spoken about "ruff"? Yes, "huge ruff". Let's put it another way. Match the word "tremendous" words with similar meaning (huge, huge).

Educator. Do you think this is possible? say: "huge brush"? Why do you think it's impossible? Can you say "tiny ruff"? Why can't you say that?

Educator. What else can you say? "tiny", what happens to be tiny?. And what happens to be huge? (Children make up phrases; the teacher monitors the correct agreement of adjectives with nouns.)

Pronouncing tongue twisters in different ways pace: “There are reeds on the river - ruffs danced there”.

The teacher sums it up and praises the children for their work in class.


First fish

E.A. Permyak

Yura lived in a large and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked. Only Yura was not working. He was only five years old.

Once, Yurina’s family went to catch fish and cook fish soup. They caught a lot of fish and gave them all to grandma. Yura is alone too caught a fish. Ruff. And I also gave it to my grandmother. For fish soup.

Grandmother cooked fish soup. The whole family on the shore sat down around the pot and let's have a fish soup praise:

That’s why our fish soup is delicious, because Yura caught a huge fish soup. That’s why our fish soup is fatty and rich, because fish soup is fatter than catfish.

And even though Yura was small, he understood that the adults were joking. Is there a lot of profit from a tiny brush? But he was still happy. He was happy because in the big family ear there was also his little one. fish.

Technological map

Organized educational activities for children of the preparatory group

Educational field: Communication.

Topic: retelling of E. Permyak’s story “The First Fish.”

Target: teach retelling of text in the first person without visual support.


educational:– developing the ability to focus on the source text material when composing a story in the first person;

Consolidation of relative adjectives in speech;

Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Utensils”;

Strengthening the ability to form related words.

developing:– development of reconstructive and creative imagination, formation of children’s creative abilities;

Development of skills in planning your own story;

Development of coherent speech in children;

Development of visual and auditory attention and perception;

Development of children's fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements.

Educational: nurturing an emotional response to the content of the story, instilling interest in artistic expression, education of self-control over speech.

Equipment and visibility: text of the story by E.A. Permyak “First Fish”, overlaid pictures on the topic “Dishes”, subject pictures on the topic “Dishes”, a boy’s cap mask, a subject picture of a bowler hat, pictures for the game “Big - Small”, a guide for laying out sentence diagrams, words for vocabulary work .

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”, Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Crane." Games: “What are the dishes made of?”, “Find the dishes”, “Count them”, “Find out by description”.

Predicted results:

Know: source text material when composing a story in the first person;

Be able to: retell a literary text in the first person without relying on visuals

Lesson plan:

Organizational moment. The game “Find the dishes” (overlaid pictures) with laying out a sentence diagram.

Development fine motor skills hands Finger gymnastics “Machine porridge”.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Main part.

Reading the story “The First Fish” by E. A. Permyak, followed by discussion.

Coordination of speech with the “Fish” movement.

2) Game “Big - small”.

Vocabulary work.

Repeated reading with the mindset of completing a creative task.

Children's first-person retelling of the story.

Analysis of children's stories.

Summary of the lesson.

Stages of activity

Teacher's actions

Children's actions

Motivational incentive

Organizational moment.

Guys, I'm glad to see you in class! Let's smile at each other and cheer up! Look, Masha the confused one is not having fun at all - Masha has lost her dishes. We need to help her: find the dishes and tell her what kind of dishes they are and what material they are made of.

(Children make sentences about dishes using relative adjectives.) Analysis of the last sentence with laying out the diagram.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Masha found some dishes, and Masha made some porridge!

Finger gymnastics “Machine porridge”.

Masha cooked porridge,

Masha fed everyone porridge.

Masha put porridge

Cat - in a cup,

For the bug - in the bowl,

And for the cat - in a large spoon.

In a bowl - for hens, chicks

And in the trough for the piglets.

Took up all the dishes

I gave away everything down to the crumbs.

There is a drawing on the flannelgraph sad girl Masha, superimposed pictures of dishes. Children stand in front of a flannelgraph.

Organizational search

Guys, I found another dish. What kind of dishes is this?

+ (children's answers)

What is it for?

+ (children's answers)

Main part.

1) – We learn this from the story of Evgeny Andreevich Permyak. Listen carefully to what this story is about.

Reading a story by a speech therapist.

First fish

E.A. Permyak

Yura lived in a large and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked. Only Yura was not working. He was only five years old.

Once, Yurina’s family went to catch fish and cook fish soup. They caught a lot of fish and gave them all to grandma. Yura also caught one fish. Ruff. And I also gave it to my grandmother. For fish soup.

Grandmother cooked fish soup. The whole family on the shore sat down around the pot and started praising their ears:

That’s why our fish soup is delicious, because Yura caught a huge fish soup. That’s why our fish soup is fatty and rich, because fish soup is fatter than catfish.

And even though Yura was small, he understood that the adults were joking. Is there a lot of profit from a tiny brush? But he was still happy. He was happy because his little fish was in the big family ear.

Questions for discussion:

What is a cauldron for?

Who is the story about? (Who is the main character of the story?)

Who else is mentioned in the story? (Minor characters of the story)

What family did Yura live in?

Where did Yurina's family go?

How many fish did Yura catch?

What did you cook from the fish?

Why did everyone start praising the fish soup?

Why was Yura happy?

What can you call this story?

Name options suggested by children.

But Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak called the story “The First Fish”. Why do you think?

Children's guesses.

Yura caught his first fish, albeit small, but for him it is very important!

Remember when you were going fishing?

Who did you go fishing with?

What kind of fish did you catch?

How did your family praise you?

And now we will fish together.

Answer questions

Coordination of speech with movement"Fish"

The fish swims in the water,

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish, mischief maker,

We want to catch you.

The fish arched its back

She took a bread crumb;

The fish waved its tail

The fish quickly swam away.

Standing on the carpet

Formation of related words. Game "Big - small".

That's how much fish we caught! Both big and small. Let's put it in the pot. To do this, you need to correctly name the small, medium and large fish.

Pictures for the game are placed on the board

Yura wrote a letter to a friend about his fishing trip. But the friend did not understand some words: (explain the meaning of the words)

ukha (fish soup)


navarista, navar

Now let’s remember what Yura wrote to his friend about. I will read the story, and you think about the words in which Yura wrote the letter.

Repeated reading of the story by a speech therapist.

This is a magic mask that will turn you into the boy Yura.

Making proposals for children regarding speech therapy issues:

What did Yura write about his family?

How did he write about where Yurin’s family went?

How did he write about his catch?

What did you cook from the fish?

Tell me on behalf of Yura how his family praised him.

How did Yura write about his joy from his first fish?

Children's answers

Combining sentences into a story - storytelling in a chain, story by 1-2 children.

Analysis and evaluation of stories

When telling a story, he puts a mask-cap on the person telling the story.

Reflexively corrective

What did we do in class today?

What was the name of the fish that Yura caught?

Why was the pot needed?

Who cooked fish soup for Yura and his family?

Why did Yura like fishing?

What did you like about today's lesson?

Guys, my cauldron is not simple, but magical, with a surprise!

Surprises for children - origami fish