Creating an interactive map in powerpoint. Help in using an interactive whiteboard: Technology for creating an interactive map in PowerPoint

Purpose of work: Learn to create a multi-level interactive map using PowerPoint.


1. Master the basic functions of PowerPoint.

2. Learn to insert the components necessary to create interactive map into PowerPoint.

4. Be able to create “return buttons”.

Work order:

1. Open PowerPoint in the Microsoft Office folder by clicking: Start - Programs - Microsoft Office - PowerPoint . The main program window will open. 2. Click: . 3. File – New – New PresentationIn the window Layout s contentchoose Blank slide.4. Insert the main project map into the program by doing: Insert – Drawing – From File and specifying the address of the card, download it (Fig. 1). 5. In the main menu, perform the following algorithm: . Slide show Changing slides In the window that opens, find the mode P rectangle outward . With it, the effect of changing cards is most rational. Then uncheck the modes On click And

Automatically . Mark

Apply to all slides. Fig.1 Main window of the program File – New – New PresentationPowerPoint. 6. To ensure the interactivity of the map, you should select objects that will be linked by hyperlinks to the attached slides. The execution algorithm is as follows:Insert – Drawing – AutoShapes. AutoShapes choose: Basic Shapes - Polyline . Using the cross-shaped cursor that appears, we outline the boundaries of the object on the map. Be sure to close the line to get the whole object. 7. To remove the fill and make the selected area invisible, place the cursor on the object and right-click. In the window that opens, select Autoshape format. In the window that opens (Fig. 2), set Fill transparency 100%. Then do:

Line Color - Other Colors (Fig.3) . – Line transparency 100% - Approx.

Rice. 2. Program window. Rice. 3. Program window Colors . 9. File – New – New PresentationIn the window Layout s contentAutoShape Format . 8. Click:Insert - Create Slide 4. Insert the main project map into the program by doing: Blank slide10. Insert a picture (map, photograph, table, graph, etc.) into the slide that opens, which will serve as a hyperlink. To do this in perform the following algorithm: Using a hyperlink, you should link the selected objects of the main map with the attached slides. To do this, place the mouse cursor on one of the selected objects and right-click. In the window that opens, select Hyperlink . 13. In the window that appears Adding a hyperlink (Fig.4) select Link to a location in the document . Select a location in the document Slide 2 . (or other related to this object)

Hyperlinks with other objects are created in a similar way. In attached slides, you can also highlight objects and provide hyperlinks to other slides, etc. Fig.4. Program window

Adding a hyperlink. 10. Insert a picture (map, photograph, table, graph, etc.) into the slide that opens, which will serve as a hyperlink. To do this in 14. For normal functioning of the interactive map, return buttons should be placed on the attached slides, providing a transition to the main map. The algorithm is as follows: in the window left-click on the image of the second slide, and then click Slide show - Control buttons - Control button: back .Use your cursor to highlight a place on the slide for the return button. A window will appear Setting up an action (Fig. 5). Install in window At the click of a mouse the following settings: Follow the hyperlink First slide - OK. 15. To check the functioning of the interactive map, click: Slide show – Start slide show.

We are checking. .Use your cursor to highlight a place on the slide for the return button. A window will appear

Rice. 5. Program window

In previous lessons we looked at how to make control buttons on slides. Let's continue the conversation about how to do interactive presentation

. In this lesson, we will completely fill the presentation slides with information, set the background and finally configure it so that transitions between slides are carried out only using control buttons.

1. Right-click anywhere on the slide. Select Background from the drop-down menu. (Or select Format – Background from the top menu.) 2. A dialog box will appear the following type . The number 1 indicates a field showing the current color scheme of the slide. 2 – background selection. By clicking on the triangle, you can set the background color, structure or picture from the file. Button 3 allows you to apply the setting to all slides in the presentation. Button 4 – to the current slide. Click on triangle 3. Select from the drop-down menu.

Filling methods 4. In the next window, go to the Picture tab and click LMB on the button Drawing . Find the folder backgrounds for presentations located in the folder Setting up action and animation . Select any background and click.


5. Click Ok, and in the next window click Apply to all.

By default, you move from slide to slide by left-clicking. For an interactive presentation, we are not happy with this. It is necessary that all transitions be carried out only through navigation buttons.

1. Right-click anywhere on the slide and select from the drop-down menu Changing slides. (Or select from the top menu Slide Show - Changing Slides).

2. A slide change settings window will appear on the right side of the screen.

Here you can configure the type of transition (item Apply to selected slides). These transitions are similar to those used when creating slideshows.

Paragraph Change transition allows you to adjust the transition speed and add sound to the transition. If at this point in the field Sound select some soundtrack saved in the same folder as the presentation file, and then check the box continuously, then the entire presentation will take place against the background of the selected soundtrack. Important! When using a soundtrack or other audio and video files, save them on media along with the presentation file. It is advisable to immediately place everything in one directory and transfer it in the same directory.

We will not change these settings for our presentation.

3. Let's move on to the item Change slide. Uncheck on click. Now transitions between slides will only occur when using the navigation buttons.

4. Be sure to click the button Apply to all slides.

You can use the buttons to view View And Slide show.

Checking the correct operation of the navigation buttons

  1. Start the presentation, in the top menu: Slide show – Start show (or F5).
  2. Check that clicking outside the buttons does not navigate.
  3. Exit show mode by pressing the Esc key, which is located at the top left of your computer keyboard.
  4. Make sure the buttons back And Further make the transitions correctly. The line of slides involved in sequential transitions is as follows.

Title page design

  1. Select slide number 1 on the left. From the top menu, select Insert – Drawing – From File. Find the file title.png, which is located in the folder For theory. Click the button . Select any background and click.
  2. Resize the picture so that it completely covers the slide.
  3. Add a button Go! per slide: AutoShapes – Control Buttons – Control Button: Custom. Install Follow the hyperlink - Next slide. Set the appropriate sound. Write the word "Let's go!" To do this, select the Caption tool and click LMB on the button. Write the text. To select text, place the mouse cursor on it, hold Shift and select the text left or right using the arrow buttons. Set the font size and color (in the top menu Format - Font).

This is approximately what you should get.

4. Add animation to the button Go! Right-click on it and select from the drop-down menu Animation settings. In the animation settings field on the right, select Add Effect – Entry – Other Effects – Dissolve. In the settings, set Start with the previous one, speed - average. Check what happened by clicking Slide show.

Menu Design

1. Select slide #2. Set the page layout: RMB anywhere on the slide, Slide layout(or Format – Slide Layout). Select a layout Title and text.
2. In the field Slide title enter the word Menu by simply clicking LMB on the word Title.
3. In the field text enter two lines:

  • How to cross the road correctly
  • Check your knowledge of the rules traffic

4. Select text How to cross the road correctly Setting up an action. Set Follow a hyperlinkSlide…Slide 4
5. Select text Check your knowledge of traffic rules right-click on it and select Setting up an action. Set Follow a hyperlink Slide…Slide 7. Customize the transition sound if desired.
6. Test the hyperlinks by running the presentation.

Registration of the Certificate

1. Copy from slide number 2 navigation buttons.
2. Select slide number 3 in the left window. From the top menu select Edit – Paste.
3. Move the buttons to the left side of the slide.
4. Place text using the tool Inscription(in the lower toolbar) near the buttons. Write an explanation of how each button works.
5. Change the action setting for each of the buttons so that they are inactive (RMB - Action setting – Follow hyperlink – No).
6. Add a button Return to Help slide: AutoShapes – Control Buttons – Return Control Button. Click LMB anywhere on the slide. Set the sound.

This is roughly what should happen.

Design of theory slides

1. Activate slide number 4. Design it as shown in the screenshot. The image used is underground passage.jpg, located in the folder Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/ For theory.

2. Activate slide No. 5. Design it according to the screenshot. Add everything that was not done in the previous lesson. Images used are pedestrian crossing.png ( Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/For theory) and pedestrian crossing.png ( Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/Road signs).

3. Activate slide No. 6. Design it in accordance with the screenshot. The image used is the transition to a traffic light.jpg ( Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/For theory).

Formatting questions

1. Slide number 7. Incorrect answer redirects ( setting up an action - following a hyperlink) on slide 9, the correct one - on slide 8. Images of signs are in the folder Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/Road signs.

2. Slide No. 8. Button Forward! redirects to slide number 10. Image traffic light.png ( Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/For theory).

3. Slide No. 9. Button Try again moves to slide number 7, button Repeat the theory– to slide number 4. Image traffic light1.png ( Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/For theory).

5. Design slides 11 and 12, 14 and 15 in a similar way, not forgetting to reconfigure the action by pressing the buttons.

6. Slide number 10.

7. Slide number 13. Image of crossing the road.jpg ( Desktop/Creating presentations/Customizing actions and animations/ For theory). For creating white background text do the following. Select the text. Select from the top menu Format – Caption. Set the fill color in the field Fill. Setting up the action is carried out in the same way as on slide No. 2 Menu.

How to make an interactive presentation useful for preschoolers

So, we have filled out and customized the slides and transitions in the presentation. One remains important point. Preschoolers cannot read. At least many. Therefore, we need to set up the voiceover of information on the slides. We will do this in the next lesson.

All lessons on creating an interactive presentation:

Download pdf file with lessons you can

You can specify any amount.

They differ in some features of working with data, displaying information on maps, and also, of course, functionality. Storymap will help you in case if:

    • you need to create a simple, visual map adapted to mobile devices, consisting of a relatively small number of marker points;
    • your task is not to visualize large volumes of data, various statistics, but just to show the location of some objects important for the material;
    • it is important to show directional movement from one point to another - for example, the route of an international research expedition or something similar.

Let's get started

The service was developed by Knight Lab, and therefore is very similar to other applications created by the laboratory - and. Creating maps based on it is very simple and fast, and they also look beautiful (including on mobile devices), as they can include a wide variety of multimedia content. Let's figure out how to work with this application.

The Storymap interface does not have a Russian version, but if you do not speak English, this is not a problem - you just need to remember a small amount of There are enough universal words that will allow you to navigate the application.

To start creating an interactive map, click the big green button in the center of the screen and log in through your Google account. Unlike Timeline, it is only needed here for entry.

The Storymap workspace is somewhat reminiscent of a familiar presentation application. Essentially, here you are also making a set of slides, only each of them is linked to a specific location on the map. So, on the left you have a list of slides, in the center there is a map for searching for locations, at the bottom there are fields for entering text and attaching additional files to the slides.

Add the first mark on the map by clicking on Add Slide and plus in the left column. Then we will need to select a point on the map to which it will refer. To do this, there is a search window on the map itself, which is implemented here via Google. This means that you can enter addresses in Russian and, moreover, with the accuracy of street and house. We find the desired mark, and Storymap moves its marker there.

By the way, you can make your own markers if for some reason you don’t like the standard ones: the button for customization is in the lower right corner - marker options.

Everything you do can be viewed before publishing the project, through a preview - it is located in the second tab in the center under the word Preview. Each slide you create can be divided into two parts: on the left is a map, on the right is all the content that you link to it. What can you tie?

First of all, the illustration is a column with the heading Media. It can be downloaded from your computer, or added via a link if it is already published somewhere on the Internet. Here is a description and an indication of the source of the image. Next, on the right is the main content. In general, you can put your own background under the entire part with content - from illustration to text; this opportunity lies under the Background options button. Well, and finally, you can include almost anything in the text description of a mark on the map, since embed codes are supported here. This means that almost any multimedia elements will be included here.

Remember that unlike Google Maps or Yandex. For Storymaps, the sequence of the slides you add is important. That is, the reader will move around the map in the order in which you lined them up.

When all the points and descriptions have been added, you can look at the settings a little more - in Options at the top left. Here you can specify the size of the embedded map (if you will place it on the page of your website or blog), the content language (if we specify Russian, navigation in the created map will automatically be translated into it), the display style of the map itself, the font and text of the button inviting you to viewing. Another option is hidden under the Share menu item - this is the ability to set the desired image under the title screen of the map.

Want to see what the finished product might look like with Storymap? See map Media Power Tour by Oksana Silantieva in 2016.

Preparing interactive maps is now very popular. There are great opportunities to use ready-made interactive maps online from the Internet, but in class, speed can let us down. In addition, we can prepare our interactive maps based on the educational objectives that we set for ourselves. The proposed demo version of the map can easily be used for interactive whiteboard with proper setup. So, let's start creating an interactive map. Step one. Insert the main card. In this case, a map of Russia. Astvatsaturov G.O., Armavir further

Attention! For an interactive map, it is more advisable to configure not an object, but an entire slide. Step two. In the slide changer we find the “rectangle out” mode. With it, the effect of changing cards is most rational. In the “slide change” we also uncheck the “on-click” and “automatic” modes. Step three. Now we need to create hyperlinks. They will be selected objects - this or that region, even a populated area. In our specific case, we will select Krasnodar region and Karelia. We highlight them with a polyline. We get objects that will later become hyperlinks. Note! A solid fill is required so that the hyperlink appears not only along the outline, but throughout the entire object. We adjust the format of the resulting picture to 100% transparency. Further

Step four. We place the regional maps we need on separate slides. Let me remind you that all slides are changed in the “rectangle out” mode. Step five. We make each of the selected objects hyperlinks to the corresponding maps. The recommended hyperlink action is “on mouse over”. In this mode, the interactive map works most efficiently. If necessary, we can continue to deepen the content, that is, move from the region map to the city map ( settlement). From here - to individual objects. Step six. Don’t forget to place “return buttons” on all maps, both on the main map and on the map, for example, of the region. So what do we get? Further

Published: 2016-04-08

Perhaps one of the most requested methods is for presenters to be able to insert maps from Google Maps into PowerPoint. A quick search online can give you workarounds on how to take screenshots and insert them into your slides, but we have something much better.

is an add-in for office applications such as PowerPoint, Word and Excel that allows you to generate and insert maps directly to your files via Google Maps.

Install Maps for Office from the Apps Store To get this add-on, go to Apps Store via tab Insert and search

Cards for Office. You'll notice that the add-on has a price tag of around $3.5. You can also install the app on a trial basis. Once installed, you will be able to find and insert maps via Google Maps into, PowerPoint slides Word documents

and spreadsheets made in Excel.

Generating maps via Google Maps for office Documents The good thing about this add-on is that it allows you to create maps from specific place
using address or longitude/latitude. You can also get to select map types such as hybrid, terrain, satellite and road maps. The add-on uses the API Google Maps

, which gives you perfect Google Maps integration in your Office applications. The add-on uses common APIs, however, you can also provide your own API for use with the add-on. To get more detailed information

  • See the add-on download page below. This add-in works with the following Office applications:
  • PowerPoint 2013 or later
  • Word 2013 or later
  • Excel 2013 or later

Excel Internet

Go to Cards for the office

Alternative Method to Insert Custom Maps in PowerPoint While maps via Google Maps may appear to a good choice , sometimes you may just want a map for a continent, country, region or world map to design specific to your topic. In such a case, you might be better off using editable PowerPoint Maps. SlideModel

These maps can be edited down to specific provinces of a country, and if you're using a continent map, you can even extract countries separately from the main map. You can also recolor sub-maps and drag to extract parts of the main map. Additionally, these templates come with GPS marker graphics that can be used to highlight specific areas. All card templates have very good quality and are ideal for professional presentations.