Road sign cycling is prohibited. Road signs for cyclists: a matter of life or death

The bicycle as a means of transportation is becoming increasingly in demand. This is a fast and environmentally friendly form of transport that allows you to maintain healthy physical shape.

For the reason that cyclists often move not only along pedestrians, but become direct participants traffic, they need to know the 2019 statutory traffic rules for cyclists.

Having studied the basic traffic rules for cyclists, you can learn how to turn correctly at a complex intersection, where it is better to move - on the sidewalk or on the side of the road, how to cross a pedestrian crossing, who should pass the intersection first - a car or a bicycle.

The role of the cyclist on the road

To learn the rules of the road for cyclists, you need to start by becoming familiar with general positioning.

A cyclist very often moves at a speed of less than 30 km/h, he is not protected by the body and special safety bars, and it is also difficult for him to indicate the direction of his movement or to study the situation on the road on the sides and behind.

All this makes the process of moving on the road more difficult and dangerous.

To avoid problems on the road and emergency situations, a cyclist is currently entitled to the same rights as a car and motorcycle driver. There are only a few minor limitations, which you can learn about in this article.

The authors of traffic regulations use special terms in the process of developing and agreeing on rules. Most of the descriptions are significantly shortened, which makes it possible not to clutter the reader’s mind with official words.

A bicycle is a type of vehicle with two wheels.. It is driven by muscular energy and can also be equipped with an electric motor.

A cyclist is a driver, that is, a person who controls a vehicle.

As soon as a cyclist moves with a bicycle next to him, he is treated like an ordinary pedestrian. In other words, its role in traffic is completely changing.

If a cyclist carries a vehicle next to him and becomes a pedestrian, he is assigned the rights of this category of traffic.

It is worth noting that a cyclist who walks along the highway does not become a pedestrian, he is subject to the rights of a pedestrian, he is a driver.

As soon as a person gets on a bicycle, he becomes a full driver, entrusting him with all the responsibilities and rights of such.

When describing traffic rules that apply to cyclists, you first need to note the places where they can move. The permitted places of movement are quite specific.

Here are the most basic valid places:

  1. City bike paths.
  2. The right edge of the roadway, no further than a meter from the edge or directly along the side of the road. These are equivalent places. When moving along the road on foot, a cyclist must walk with the direction of traffic, and not against it, like pedestrians.
  3. In the process of moving along the sidewalk, that is, along the pedestrian zone, you can only move if the first two options are missing.

Based on the above, we can conclude that cyclists who move on sidewalks violate the rules.

A bicycle is a vehicle, not a pedestrian on wheels. This rule does not apply to children under 14 years of age. They can move along sidewalks and paths at the same time as pedestrians.

Difficult situations at intersections

There are a few enough difficult situations, which cyclists who move along the highway as full road users may encounter. Here are the most basic requirements for cyclists.


Before performing a maneuver, the cyclist, as a rule, does not have the opportunity to look in the mirror, since there is simply no mirror.

Despite such difficulties, the cyclist is obliged to make sure that his maneuver will be carried out according to the rules, and that during the movement there will be no interference with the riding of others vehicles.

This can be done with the help of basic turns of the head, and here you will need to practice so that the movements do not affect the control of the bicycle.


Cyclists, like other road users, have the right to overtake.

They have the right to carry out this process only on the left side, taking into account the possibility of all overtaken cars starting to move or accelerate.

Bicycles can also be overtaken; the rules do not prohibit moving in two rows if this process is a violation of all other rules.

People riding this vehicle are equally subject to certain cyclist responsibilities, priority signs and related regulations.

In other words, a car turning right and moving parallel to a bicycle must give way to a bicycle traveling straight.

As for the cyclist, he is obliged to give way to vehicles traveling on the right.

Pay attention to the left turn. On a one-lane road, a cyclist has the right to turn in this direction in the same way as cars and riding motorcycles along a full trajectory.

In all other situations, there are two rotation options:

  1. Crossing an intersection as a normal pedestrian.
  2. Consecutive movement in a straight line, a stop with a turn and another drive in a straight direction.

If the intersection is crossed as a pedestrian, the cyclist must guide the bicycle with his hands. In this case, the person is endowed with all the responsibilities and rights of a pedestrian and relies on the appropriate traffic light signals.

In certain cases, cyclists must ride near corners, tunnels, bushes and other obstacles that block their view.

Due to the serious vulnerability and fragility of the cyclist compared to other road users, it is recommended to use a special sound signal.

It is he who will be evidence of an approaching vehicle due to the area of ​​​​complicated visibility.

In Russia, the installation of a special bell is still a recommendation, while in other countries, the presence of a bell is mandatory.

A cyclist, like other road users, is required to give timely signals regarding planned maneuvers.

If the backpack or frame is not equipped with newfangled dimensions and turn signals, the cyclist is recommended to use hand signals, which are popular in this case.

Here are a few of the most important ones:

  1. Before turning right and changing lanes - right hand extended to the side or bent at the elbow left hand.
  2. When changing lanes or turning left, the left arm is extended or the right arm is bent at the elbow.
  3. If you want to stop, just any hand rises up.

There are also several signs that are accepted between cyclists riding in a column. If the left hand goes down, this indicates the presence of holes on the left, the same applies to the right hand.

In the process of giving hand signals, you have to control the bicycle with one hand. For this reason, it is also worth practicing beforehand, as this can be difficult for beginners.

Cyclists also get into accidents from time to time. In such situations, they, like motorists, bear a certain responsibility.

Cyclists in emergency situations must comply with the following rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to leave the scene of the incident.
  2. The bicycle must not be touched or moved.
  3. It is worth calling the traffic police.

Cyclists have the same responsibilities as regular drivers. The exception is those cases when the cyclist moves like a pedestrian, that is, driving a vehicle nearby.

Bicycle lights

In the dark, special lights or headlights must be activated on each bicycle, as light signs for cyclists.

During daylight hours, it is advisable to install low beam headlights or daytime running lights on your vehicle.

This is a legally established rule, and traffic police officers have every right to impose a fine on the cyclist.

First of all, it is worth noting that cyclists under 14 years of age are prohibited from moving along the roadway.

A separate section of the traffic rules for cyclists can be identified the following restrictions and rules for moving along the highway:

It is especially important for a cyclist to wear a helmet. This piece of equipment can save the life of a bicycle driver. You shouldn't skimp on your health.

In most cases, a bicycle can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. Cyclists can appear on the roadway quite quickly and unexpectedly. Every cyclist must take this factor into account.

The movement of cyclists on the roadway in dangerous situations should be kept to a minimum speed limit. If a cyclist violates traffic rules, a traffic police inspector has the right to fine him in accordance with modern legislation.

These requirements and restrictions are quite logical. In more detail and carefully you just need to study the features of turning left.

If a cyclist is moving through an intersection, he should not turn left. This can only be done in places where it is possible to cross a single-lane road.

Even here everything is not so simple; there are questions regarding the situation. The turn in this case will not be made from the extreme position, so the process may be accompanied by some difficulties. Each of them is worth examining in more detail.

Video: Traffic rules for cyclists in 5 minutes


The driver of an ordinary city bicycle must be a competent road user.

He must follow and know the basic rules for moving along the highway and feel fully responsible for driving on the road. Knowing the traffic rules for cyclists makes it possible to move much faster and more efficiently on your vehicle.

The established rules concern not only certain restrictions, but also traffic possibilities, among which we can note correct or priority placement on the road.

To prevent difficult situations on the road, the cyclist is obliged to give signals in the most timely manner appropriate to his subsequent movements and maneuvers.

Every cyclist must be respectful of heavier and faster road users. This is a guarantee of preserving the life and health of the cyclist, as well as an ideal opportunity to enjoy riding without violating legally established traffic rules.

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    Good afternoon

    In the paragraph “Driving near obstacles” the statement is incorrect: “In Russia, the installation of a special bell is still RECOMMENDATIONAL...”



    “The bicycle must have working brakes, handlebars and a SOUND SIGNAL...”

    In the spring of this year, it was planned to make changes to the traffic rules concerning cyclists. One of them was permission to cross the roadway at a controlled pedestrian crossing... Are these changes currently in effect or not?

The use of environmentally friendly and less aggressive vehicles for transportation is leading to a widespread increase in the number of cyclists on the streets of cities and towns. However, cycling continues to be dangerous, especially in heavy traffic conditions in a metropolis. To designate a special section of the roadway intended for this transport, a special sign “Bicycle path” is used.

Bike path definition and types

Bicycle paths can be one-way or two-way

It is an independent element of road infrastructure and is intended exclusively for the movement of two-wheeled vehicles (bicycles, scooters). The practice of organizing traffic involves three main methods of arrangement:

  • Distancing from the roadway with a lawn, fence, metal fence. As a rule, a part of the sidewalk is allocated for such a path, separating it from the pedestrian zone with a solid line and highlighting it with conventional signs.
  • The right edge of the roadway is separated from the rest of the roadway by a continuous marking line, intended for use by bicycles.
  • Part of the street or square is closed to vehicles, allowing movement on foot or by bicycle.

The intensity of the two-wheeled traffic led to the identification of two more types of tracks:

  • one-way traffic - bicycles and scooters travel in one direction, usually in the same direction as cars on the road;
  • with two-way traffic - the path is wider, divided into two lanes by markings, the direction of movement along them is indicated by directional arrows.

What does the sign look like and what does it mean?

Sign 4.4.1 visually looks like a white silhouette of a bicycle on a blue round background. Its presence is a signal for drivers and pedestrians:

  • Drivers of vehicles do not have the right to place a car on these sections of the road, using them as a parking lane, traffic is prohibited;
  • Pedestrians may use bicycle paths only when there is no sidewalk, and they must not obstruct the path of cyclists.

The sign indicates the intersection with the bike path

The “Cycle path” sign is often confused with a sign warning about crossing such a section of the road - 1.24. Each of them has its own functionality and its own rules for prioritizing:

  • If the driver, when turning right, must cross the bicycle traffic zone indicated by sign 4.4.1, then he must give way to vehicles moving in this lane.
  • If, while driving along the street, the driver approaches an intersection marked with sign 1.24, then the car has priority.

Although in practice, usually in any case, the motorist allows cyclists to pass, who do not always know the rules and do not consider themselves obligated to know them.

Where can I meet him?

A special sign is placed in the following places:

  • To the right of the path if it is separated from the roadway by a curb, lawn or fence.
  • Directly above the track, if it is a dedicated strip on the right edge of the roadway. Additionally, table 8.14 “Traffic lane” is placed under it.
  • At a standard distance from the beginning of a section of street or square closed to traffic.

Sign 8.14. serves to determine the direction of movement

Traffic regulations

Unfortunately, only a small part of cyclists know the traffic rules

Riding a bicycle requires following the rules of the road. This allows you to reduce injuries, avoid emergency situations, and save life and health. Everyone is required to know and comply with these requirements, including young cyclists, who are allowed to ride independently on city streets only within specially designated areas.

Sign area

The end of the cycle path may be marked special sign 4.4.2 or the nearest intersection

The presence of sign 4.4.1 instructs all road users to use the corresponding section of the road for its intended purpose: do not walk for pedestrians, do not drive cars. Its coverage area is limited to the nearest intersections, i.e. if there is no sign behind the intersection, this indicates that the separate zone for cyclists has ended.

To limit the effect of this sign, a special sign 4.4.2 can be used, indicating the end of the bicycle path. It looks similar with a red diagonal strikeout stripe. The black silhouette of a bicycle on a white background, edged with a red stripe, strictly prohibits riding on a two-wheeled friend. In the area of ​​effect of this sign, you must dismount and drive the vehicle.

If the bicycle path is a dedicated section of the roadway with markings in the form of a bicycle, but sign 4.4.1 is not installed, then both owners of two-wheelers and ordinary cars can move along this lane.

Speed ​​and order of movement

In Russia, special traffic lights for cyclists are rare

IN major cities with heavy traffic, special traffic lights are provided for cyclists, indicated either by a special table - a black silhouette on a white background, or by a separate traffic light window in which the silhouette of a bicycle of a certain color lights up.

Like any driver, a cyclist is obliged to warn in advance about the start of a maneuver:

  • a raised corresponding arm bent at the elbow warns of a turn to the side;
  • Braking is signaled by any hand raised up.

When driving along a designated section of the roadway, you should pay attention to the signs near the intersection of streets:

  • if 4.4.1 hangs, then you can continue driving straight, making sure that cars turning right allow the bicycle to pass;
  • if 1.24 is set, then the cyclist is obliged to slow down and let the car pass.

The speed limit is the same for all types of transport: within the city limits no faster than 60 km/h, in courtyards - 20 km/h.

In the absence of a specially designated traffic lane, a cyclist can move:

  • along the side of the road - as part of a convoy or when transporting large cargo on the trunk;
  • along the pedestrian path - with a child under 7 years old.

Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to ride a bicycle independently outside special sections of the road.

Fines for violations of the rules

Entering a bicycle path by car, using it as a parking lot or a passenger pick-up/drop-off zone is punishable by the same penalty: a fine:

  • two thousand rubles - moving along the path;
  • 2.5 thousand rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg) - using it as a parking space.

If a pedestrian, if there is a sidewalk, walks through a special zone for bicycles and scooters, then the fine is slightly less - from 500 to 1000 rubles, taking into account the seriousness of the obstacle created. If the driver does not allow the priority cyclist to pass, he will be fined in the amount of one and a half thousand rubles.

Since a cyclist or scooter rider is an equal participant in the traffic, he may also be fined for failure to comply with the rules:

  • traffic violation - 800 rubles;
  • riding able alcohol intoxication- from one to one and a half thousand rubles.

The spread of two-wheeled transport was the reason for the allocation of separate sections on the road. Their goal is to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations, especially in conditions of heavy vehicle traffic. On bicycle paths marked with a special sign, you can only move on a bicycle or scooter. Other types of transport and pedestrians have their own zones.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

As soon as sufficient warm weather, the number of two-wheelers is increasing significantly. Hundreds of bicycle and moped drivers appear on city streets and join the dense traffic flow.

According to my observations, at least 80 percent of the drivers of two-wheelers, for which a driver's license is not required, have absolutely no idea and take to the road completely unprepared.

Road rules for bicycles

Let's consider traffic rules for bicycles. A quick glance at the text may seem that traffic rules for cyclists are concentrated exclusively in section 24 of the rules "". However, in reality everything is completely different.

In the rules of the road, there are several types of road users, to which a specific clause of the rules may apply. Among others this motor vehicle, vehicle And driver. A bicycle without an engine is not a motor vehicle, however, all points relating to drivers and vehicles also apply to cyclists.

Attention! Rules that apply to pedestrians do not apply to bicycle drivers. They apply only to persons driving a bicycle.

Thus Most traffic rules apply to cyclists, including a special 24 section. I will not analyze and explain absolutely everything for cyclists in this article. The interested reader can do this himself. I will focus only on those points of the rules that are most often violated by bicycle drivers.

Technical condition of the bike

2.3. The driver of the vehicle is obliged to:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure that it is in good working order while on the road. technical condition vehicle in accordance with the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and responsibilities officials on ensuring road safety (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Provisions).

Driving is prohibited if there is a malfunction service brake system, steering, coupling device (as part of a road train), unlit (absent) headlights and tail lights in the dark or in conditions insufficient visibility, the driver's side windshield wiper does not operate during rain or snowfall.

So, the rules of the road Bicycles are prohibited, which has Malfunctions of the service brake system or steering. Moreover we're talking about not just about riding a bike with broken handlebars or broken brakes.

There are "passionate" cyclists who try to reduce the weight of their bike in every possible way. Including in progress is underway removal of brakes and other structural elements. Punishment for such a violation is provided for in the Code of administrative offenses and will be discussed at the end of the article.

Alcohol intoxication of a cyclist

Movement of cyclists over 14 years of age possible in descending order:

  1. Along bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths, or lanes for cyclists.
  2. On the right edge of the roadway.
  3. On the side of the road.
  4. On the sidewalk or pedestrian path.

Please note that each subsequent item in the above list assumes that the previous items are missing.

For example, you can drive along the side of the road (point 3) only if there is no bicycle path or lane, and there is no possibility of driving along the right edge of the roadway.

In addition, there are a few exceptions:

  • You can ride on the roadway if the width of the bicycle or load exceeds 1 meter.
  • You can drive along the roadway if traffic is carried out in columns.
  • You can ride on a sidewalk or pedestrian path if you are accompanying a cyclist under 14 years of age or transporting a child under 7 years of age.

When driving on the roadway, you should keep in mind following points rules:

24.5. When cyclists move along the right edge of the roadway in the cases provided for by these Rules, cyclists must move only in one row.

A column of cyclists may move in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.

The column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of single-lane traffic, or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of double-lane traffic. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Additional information:

Movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years possible on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and pedestrian paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Please note that “school cyclists” are not allowed to ride in bicycle lanes, the roadway or the shoulder.

Movement of cyclists under 7 years of age possible only together with pedestrians (on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, pedestrian areas).

Thus, at present, cyclists can also travel on sidewalks and roadsides. In this case, the cyclist rules impose additional requirements:

24.6. If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, pedestrian path, shoulder or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and follow the requirements provided for by these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.

I would like to note that when driving on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, roadsides and pedestrian zones, a cyclist must not interfere with the movement of other persons. If necessary, the cyclist must dismount and continue moving as a pedestrian.

Let's consider interesting example. Let's say a car (in some cases this is allowed by the rules) and a cyclist are riding on the sidewalk. If a collision occurs, both road users will be to blame. If a cyclist walks along the sidewalk, then he will not be to blame for the accident (he will not pay for car repairs).

Therefore, paragraph 24.6 emphasizes that in the event Accident on the sidewalk one of its culprits will in any case be the cyclist.

Dedicated lanes for cyclists

In 2019, you will find dedicated lanes for cyclists on the roads, marked with special signs:

Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed on these lanes.

Dedicated lanes for public transport

In addition, in 2019, cyclists can also use dedicated lanes for public transport. Clause 18.2 of the Rules:

18.2. On roads with a lane for fixed-route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11.1, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, the movement and stopping of other vehicles (except for school buses and vehicles used as passenger taxis, as well as cyclists) is prohibited - if the lane for route vehicles is located on the right) on this lane.

Please note that a cyclist may only enter a public transport lane if that lane is marked by one of the signs listed above. In addition, there should be no additional conditions prohibiting entry into the specified lane.

For example, in some Russian cities The movement is organized as follows. In fact, the road has a dedicated lane for route vehicles and all traffic participants understand this. However, from the point of view of traffic rules, the lane is not indicated by the signs listed above. Simply, at the entrance to it, a 3.1 “brick” sign is installed.

Only public transport drivers can ignore the requirements of this sign. Other vehicles, including cyclists, cannot pass under the “brick”.

Additional information:

Bicycle zones

On December 14, 2018, the concept of “Bicycle zone” appeared in the traffic rules. The following road signs are used to indicate the cycling zone:

Not only cyclists, but also motorized vehicles (cars) can move through the bicycle zone. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • Cyclists have priority over cars.
  • Cyclists can ride along the entire opposite side of the roadway, and not just at the right edge.
  • Cyclists are not prohibited from turning left and making U-turns on wide roads.
  • The speed is limited to 20 km/h.
  • Pedestrians can cross the road anywhere, but they do not have the right of way.

More detailed information about cycling zones is given in the following article:

Bicycle drivers must give way to pedestrians at crossings

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to make the transition.

A bicycle, like any other vehicle, must slow down or stop before crossing to allow pedestrians to pass.

Bicycle lights

In the dark, the headlights or lanterns must be turned on on the bicycle, and in the daytime, low beam headlights or daytime running lights:

19.1. At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the road lighting, as well as in tunnels, the following lighting devices must be turned on on a moving vehicle:

on all motor vehicles and mopeds - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts - lanterns (if equipped);

19.5. During daylight hours, all moving vehicles must have low-beam headlights or daytime running lights on to indicate them.

So far, I have not met a single cyclist who uses low beam headlights or daytime running lights when driving during the day. In this regard, traffic police officers can impose a fine on almost any bicycle driver.

Age to ride a bicycle

Riding a bicycle is allowed at any age. However, depending on age, the rules for riding a bicycle differ (discussed above).

Driving on the carriageway is only possible when from 14 years old.

Prohibitions for bicycle drivers

24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:

  • drive a bicycle or moped without holding the handlebars with at least one hand;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads that have more than one lane for traffic in a given direction (except for cases where a left turn is allowed from the right lane, and with the exception of roads located in bicycle zones);
  • drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers);
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

24.9. Towing of bicycles and mopeds, as well as towing with bicycles and mopeds, is prohibited, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

From this list the following points should be noted:

1. Bicycle drivers are prohibited from turning left and turning around on roads that have more than one lane in a given direction. Those. In the city, cyclists are prohibited from turning left on almost all major streets.

Note. This requirement does not apply to bicycle zones, as well as to roads where left turns are permitted from the far right lane.

In practice, we can offer the following way out of this situation. The bicycle driver leaves his vehicle and becomes a pedestrian. Then he crosses the intersection in the required direction along the pedestrian crossing. After this, he gets back on the bike and continues moving along the roadway or side of the road.

So the fines for bicycle drivers currently cannot be compared with (30,000 rubles for driving while intoxicated). In addition, the advantage of cyclists on the road is that they are rarely fined for violating traffic rules. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that most “two-wheelers” behave unpredictably on the road, provoking the occurrence of dangerous situations.

That's it for a look at the features finished. I remind you once again that every cyclist needs to read at least once full version.

Well, in conclusion, I suggest you look short video, which clearly demonstrates what traffic violations can lead to for cyclists:

Good luck on the roads!

You cannot drive on the sidewalk if there is a roadway not occupied by parked cars.

You can drive on the sidewalk when transporting or accompanying a child. If you are traveling alone, you should drive on the roadway.

You can drive in the lane designated for public transport.

Only if there are no signs above the allocated lane prohibiting movement on it. For example, in our city there is an additional “No Entry” sign (brick) above the dedicated lanes, and in this case you cannot drive on such lanes.

Good luck on the roads!

Ivan, You are wrong.

The Code of Administrative Offenses has its own definition of a vehicle, it is given in the note to.

Note. In this article, a vehicle should be understood as a motor vehicle with an engine displacement internal combustion more than 50 cubic centimeters or a maximum electric motor power of more than 4 kilowatts and a maximum design speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, as well as trailers for it, subject to state registration, and in other articles of this chapter also tractors, self-propelled road-building and other self-propelled vehicles, transport funds for the management of which, in accordance with the law Russian Federation special rights are granted regarding road safety.

In the Code of Administrative Offenses, bicycles are not considered vehicles.

Regarding the endings. Attach a diagram of the section of road you are interested in. Let's see how we can get there. Unfortunately, you can’t ride a bicycle everywhere and not always.

Good luck on the roads!

I repeat, it is clearly written "Please note that each subsequent item in the above list implies that the previous items are missing." There is NO choice.

And the tragedy is that I do not have the right, in PRINCIPLE, to move along the CORNER and ALL pedestrian zones.

Well, the argument “violate as you want as long as you don’t get fined” looks quite interesting on this forum))).

remember once and for all rule paragraph 1.5

and always move in such a way that it is carried out

by car on a bicycle with a tip

Let me give you just a few examples, and then you yourself, BUT ONLY with a QUOTE FROM the traffic rules, will try to refute them, because in a few minutes they will run me over.

Maxim may have already mentioned it, but I’ll just say this. As practice shows, even if this were a direct quote from the rules, then for some reason I am more than sure that at least half of the pedestrians would still proudly stand on it from a high bell tower. Because until now, a considerable number of pedestrians still have the habit of crossing the roadway in the wrong place, for example, although I myself sometimes do this. Well, or turn to red (I don’t go to red myself, except if I see that there is not a single car/motorcycle within a radius of 100 meters). But for the sake of truth, I will also say that I and most of those who do it began to at least look around more carefully before immediately diving so that at that moment there would be a safe window for everyone to cross. Therefore, whether this quote exists or not, it is unlikely that it would radically change anything.

Torturestroke, does not exist federal legislation prohibiting storing a bicycle in an apartment. I have also never heard of regional laws of this kind.

Only if in your building the apartment owners at a general meeting decided that storing bicycles in a residential building is prohibited and, for example, allocated a separate area for this non-residential premises. Although this is an extremely rare case.

Good luck on the roads!

And if someone else gets caught, he’ll knock you down and give you a fine. So save up some cash.

I’ll tell you more, even when riding on the sidewalk, if a cyclist gets into an accident with a car leaving (into) the yard, the fault will be either mutual or on the cyclist - violation of clause 24.6 (depends on the speed of the bicycle, visibility, etc. - the court decides) ,there were precedents.

Conclusion, as was written earlier, it is necessary to drive EVERYWHERE in compliance with clause 1.5 “Road users must act in such a way as not to create a danger to traffic and not cause harm...”

And in particular, when crossing the road at a reasonable speed next to a pedestrian crossing, I must make sure whether there is cover for pedestrians and whether the turning car allows me to pass or not.

And it is also desirable that there are no complaints from traffic police inspectors and vigilant citizens that I am violating traffic rules.

p.s. An exercise for those who like “not riding but fidgeting”, while sitting at the computer on a saddle chair you don’t just sit, but periodically, about once every 2 minutes, get up and make a circle around the room (in 2 minutes a cyclist when riding on the sidewalk at a speed of 10 km/h travels 330 meters - the approximate distance between intersections).

This procedure will be especially useful for legislators coming up with laws for cyclists.

p.p.s. Previously, it was possible to ride a bicycle on a pedestrian crossing, now it’s the other extreme - it’s impossible, but all that was necessary was to limit the speed for ALL road users, including. and for scooters and “roller skates”, by the way, a pedestrian walking by race walking can WALK at a speed of 16 km/h.

5.4.29. Signs 3.2 - 3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 are installed at each entrance to a section of road or territory where the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles is prohibited. Before side exits onto the road, signs are used with one of the plates 8.3.1 - 8.3.3.

No additional information by this sign in regulatory documents No.

If you stick to general principles installation of prohibitory signs, they prohibit movement to their left. That is, if there is a sidewalk to the right of the sign, then you can drive on it.

Difficulty may arise if the sidewalk is adjacent to the roadway and the pillars are installed to the right of the sidewalk. In this case, the sign is located to the right of the entire road and an incomprehensible situation arises. If you are faced with a similar situation in practice, then it makes sense to write an appeal to the traffic police with a request to clarify the traffic order or change the traffic pattern on this section of the road.

Good luck on the roads!

Comment is being added

Road signs for cyclists: a matter of life or death / GettyImages

Be honest, cyclists, how many road signs do you know? Hardly at least half of all three hundred. We have prepared a selection of road signs for cyclists - or rather, the most significant ones for drivers of pedal vehicles.

The slightest mistake on the road can cost a cyclist his health, or even his life - there’s probably no need to explain why. Therefore, cyclists need to know at least the basics of traffic rules, in particular, at least those road signs that directly concern them.

Priority signs

Sign 2.1 “Give way”. If you see this overturned triangle in front of you (and in the absence of a working traffic light), you must give way to vehicles that are approaching the uncontrolled intersection along main road. The main road is either the one that runs perpendicular to yours or the one that is drawn with a thick line on the additional sign 7.8.

Sign 2.2 “Passing without stopping is prohibited”. This sign is popularly called “Stop”, and simply put, it means the same as the previous one - give way to traffic moving along the main road that intersects with yours. Regarding which road is more important, see above.

Sign 2.3 “Main Road”. If there is such a sign on your way before an intersection, everyone else should let you through. True, we must take into account the same plate 7.8 (if available) and the fact that our car drivers do not really respect cyclists.

Prohibition signs

Sign 3.8 “No cycling”. The sign prohibits the movement of bicycles in the area from the sign to the nearest intersection beyond it, and in populated areas without intersections - to the end settlement. Exits from areas adjacent to the road (green zones, parking lots, recreation areas, etc.) and unpaved field roads, in front of which there are no priority signs, are not considered an intersection. If you live in the area covered by the sign, you can ignore it, although you must enter and exit the area at the nearest intersection.

Sign 3.1 “No movement”. Prohibits the movement of all vehicles, with conditions and reservations, as with the previous sign 3.8.

Sign 3.21 “Entry prohibited.” As a rule, this means that you cannot drive on your side, but traffic coming towards you will move unhindered. The conditions for the coverage area are generally the same as for the two previous signs.

Sign 5.1 “Motorway” and sign 5.3 “Road for cars”
The direct movement of bicycles on these express roads is not prohibited, but vehicles that use technical specifications or according to the condition, the “maximum speed” is below 40 km/h. It’s unlikely that your “big” car can be put into another category of vehicle. However, don’t be too upset – there are very few roads in our country worthy of one of the above statuses.

Other signs important for cyclists

Sign 4.12 “Path for cyclists”. The most coveted - and also the rarest in our country - sign for cyclists. Indicates a designated path on which only bicycles are allowed. However – attention! – if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path in a given place, pedestrian movement along the bicycle path is also permitted.

Sign 4.14 “Path for pedestrians and cyclists.” A path (or regular sidewalk) on which both pedestrians and cyclists are allowed to travel. Not the best option for a “big” person, but still better than nothing.

Sign 1.34 “Departure of cyclists”. Warns drivers that there will soon be a section of the road where bicycles may appear. For a cyclist, this sign can be a signal that there is an intersection ahead. highway with a bicycle path along which you can continue driving in more comfortable conditions.

Plate 7.5.7 “Type of vehicle: bicycle.” The sign is placed directly under a particular sign and makes it clear that its effect applies only to cyclists.

Plate 7.21.4 “Type of hazard”. The plate is installed with the sign 1.39 “Emergency hazardous area” and informs about a possible type of accident - a collision with a bicycle. Why bicycles received such honor is not entirely clear.

Bicycle - definitely dangerous look transport, but to a large extent your safety on two wheels depends on how you adhere to the Rules of the Road.

Bicycles are permitted in specially designated areas. As a rule, this is a dedicated lane for traffic.

Not all cities have lanes for cyclists. There are not always enough places to organize public transport.

There is clear guidance that cyclists cannot ride on sidewalks. Accordingly, they must drive on roads, carriageways and roadsides. But even in these places there may be restrictions by road signs.

In this article:

Requirements of road sign 3.9

Road sign 3.9 has a direct reference to the prohibition of bicycles in certain places.

Such places include the following:

  • bridges;
  • tunnels;
  • overpasses;
  • high-speed sections of roads;
  • highways;
  • overpasses;
  • industrial zones;
  • specially protected natural areas.

Thus, any entry under the sign will be a violation of traffic rules. Then what should cyclists who use this type transport for traveling to work, school or other places?

According to traffic rules, a cyclist can walk this section of the road, moving the bicycle in front of him.

Accordingly, the cyclist becomes a pedestrian. However, it should be remembered that even a pedestrian cannot move along the roadway or roadsides, as there are separate administrative sanctions for this.

Unfortunately, the contingent of cyclists are minor children who, if they violate the instructions of the signs, will not be held responsible except their legal representatives (parents, guardians, etc.).

Rules for installing a sign 3.9

The “No Bicycles” sign is installed at the entrance to a certain section of the road, for example, as mentioned above in a tunnel, on a bridge.

However, there are bridges and tunnels where traffic is organized for pedestrians, so if there are no prohibiting signs, traffic for cyclists may be allowed.

The effect of the sign will extend to the nearest intersection or the end of the zone.

In addition, sign 3.9 can be duplicated by signs informing about the start of the zone at a certain distance, as well as indicating the direction for a detour in the form of signs 8.3.1-8.3.3.

For cyclists, the rules do not provide for either document requirements or age restrictions, so compliance with the requirements of the signs is everyone’s business.

By observing the restrictions, you will not only protect yourself from dangerous situations, but also pedestrians and vehicle drivers nearby. Otherwise, administrative sanctions may be applied.

Liability for violation of sign 3.9

Liability for violating the sign that bicycles are prohibited is directly enshrined in administrative legislation.

So, according to Part 1 of Art. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, establishing a fine of 500 rubles or public reprimand for failure to comply with road signs.

According to Part 2 of Art. 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a cyclist may be subject to a fine of 800 rubles for violating traffic rules as a road user.

And if the cyclist is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxication, then part 3 of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

In addition, if, while riding a bicycle, a person interferes with the movement of vehicles, then a fine of 1,000 rubles may be issued to the cyclist under Part 1 of Article 12.30.

According to the same article, namely in part two, if harm to health of mild or moderate severity occurs, the fine will be 1000-1500 rubles.