Driving in poor visibility conditions. What do bubbles in puddles mean when it rains? Conspiracy against the teacher

Fishing is one of the best options recreation. The advantage of this hobby is that even in not very good weather, fishing can be surprisingly successful. And, if during the rain, other options for outdoor recreation will have to be postponed, then for fishing this is the best time.

  1. If it was hot before the rain started, the bite is guaranteed. Raindrops will cool the heated water in the reservoir, fill it with oxygen, which will provoke an active bite. If the weather was cool, on the contrary, you can’t hope for a bite.
  2. When it rains, the turbidity of the water will play a significant role. If the water has even slightly changed color, becoming less transparent, then you can count on a good bite. But if it becomes very cloudy, then fishing should be postponed.
  3. The place for fishing in the rain should not be in the wind. Preference should be given to places near springs and streams that flow into the main body of water.
  4. It is reasonable to choose deeper reservoirs - in rainy weather the water in them will not become too cloudy.
  5. Pisces don't really like smooth changes. atmospheric pressure(this usually happens before a long rain). Fish in such conditions are lethargic and the bite is unimportant.

Rain is not always a reason to postpone a long-awaited fishing trip

Signs of approaching rain:

  • in the morning dawn, shades from red to light red-brown predominate;
  • the stars in the night sky shine very brightly;
  • no dew fell on the grass overnight, no fog spread across the riverine lowlands;
  • in the morning the night dew does not dry for a long time;
  • it soars throughout the day, and with the onset of evening it becomes stuffy;
  • dandelion balls fold (shrink), bindweeds close, thorns on burdock cones straighten, clover leaves straighten, chickweed flowers do not open throughout the day, droplets of juice appear on horse chestnut leaves, flowers smell stronger, the forest “makes noise” in the absence of wind;
  • earthworms crawl out of their holes, crawling along the ground, leeches also crawl ashore, toads crawl out of holes, fish jump out of the water, wren butterflies try to hide in shelters, swallows fly very low, annoying mosquitoes bite throughout the day (in anticipation of prolonged rainy weather);
  • the coals in the fire smolder brighter (toward the approaching cold snap);
  • spiders weave more webs (toward wind and thunderstorms);
  • crows and jackdaws constantly scream (towards rain).

Signs about rain occupied an important place in the lives of our ancestors, since many aspects of pastime were connected with the weather.

In the article:

What signs about rain relate to the weather?

By the size of the bubbles in the puddles you can tell how heavy and long the rain will be. The larger the bubbles, the longer and stronger it will be.

If it starts raining on a summer morning, the sun comes out in the afternoon, and it starts raining in the afternoon - the precipitation will be prolonged. The downpour, which began with large drops, will not last long. If you are, it means the sun will come out soon. A morning double or triple arc means prolonged rain.

Just before it rains, it is difficult to open wooden window frames and doors. Earthworms crawl to the surface, chickens and other birds bathe in sand and road dust, and roosters may crow shrilly for no apparent reason. Cows sniff the air, often raising their heads up, and horses shake their heads and throw them back sharply.

If frogs croak loudly during the day, this means precipitation. The sign of screaming seagulls gathering on the shore is also interpreted. Swallows fly lower before the rain. Crows usually behave noisily in the cold season, but if this happens in the middle of summer, it will soon rain. In the face of such weather, insects try to hide, and midges begin to annoy people more.

If you are outdoors and cannot read the weather forecast, take a closer look at the world around you. Before the rain, dandelions and bindweeds close, the aroma of wildflowers intensifies, and thistles straighten their hooks on the cones. If there is no wind, and the smoke of the fire hits the ground, this means precipitation.

What other signs indicate bad weather? Fog rising from a body of water to the clouds - to rain. Bright stars at night and heavy clouds in the morning foreshadow a thunderstorm at lunchtime. The crimson sky after sunset and the red color of the sun mean bad weather. Pink clouds at sunrise also portend rain. There is no dew in the morning before precipitation.

The probability of rain is also determined by the moon. If during the full moon it is cloudy and does not shine brightly, it is. The red moon, which seems to have increased in size, also promises rainy weather.

Signs about rain on a holiday

If you are caught in the rain on Annunciation, pay attention to those who need your help and support, as well as children - perhaps something went wrong. Rain on Easter promises good luck in business. True, you have to get under it by accident.

If you are wet on Ascension, make a wish related to spiritual life and it will come true. There is an opinion that it is not necessary to get caught in the rain; you can make a wish at home. Getting caught in the rain on Ivan Kupala before lunch means receiving healing, getting rid of problems and good luck.

It is especially worth paying attention to precipitation on the wedding day. If the bride and groom get wet near the registry office, on the way to it or from there, this is leading to goodness and good fortune. family life. Most likely, the couple will have many children. It’s bad when bad weather strikes immediately before or after the wedding. Read more about the meaning of rain for a wedding in other articles on our site.

Folk signs about the benefits of rainwater

In the old days it was believed that water from heaven had special properties. Babies were bathed in it because they believed they would start talking. ahead of schedule, will develop well and be in good health.

During the first thunderstorm of the year, you should wash yourself with water from the sky to improve your health. If you wet your hair, it will grow better and look beautiful.

Wet money in the rain to protect against loss and theft.

In ancient times, water from the sky was collected and stored to prepare healing herbal infusions. They restored youth and beauty and helped girls become more attractive. You can follow the advice of our ancestors and prepare herbal infusions. When you wash your face with them, you will definitely notice the results. This water was used to treat warts, relieve headaches, and eliminate eye diseases.

Rainwater collected on Elijah's day (August 2) helps with damage, damage and other types of negative magical effects. Voznesenskaya has healing properties. Water should be collected in a clean vessel directly from the sky; dripping from trees and roofs is not suitable.

Other signs about rain

Bad weather on the day of the funeral - good sign. The soul of the deceased reached heaven and found its place in the afterlife. Some believe that precipitation is nature's cry for the death of a good person.

Get wet - . It's good when it rains on the road. But don't cancel plans because bad weather Most likely, you will be very lucky on this day. If the precipitation took you by surprise and you left your umbrella at home, don’t worry, it will bring good luck. Some people think that this is for new things.

The sun during a downpour - to a drowned person. Rain in a dream means harvest. For business people or those who do not have their own garden, such a dream foreshadows financial losses.

Signs associated with precipitation used to be purely practical significance, so it’s worth listening to them.

Summer showers, in contrast to the protracted and dull autumn ones, are more often associated in our minds with the cheerful patter of drops on the window glass, washed with greenery and streams of water on the asphalt. Anyone who did not have the opportunity to splash through puddles during the warm rain as a child and step with his bare heels on the bubbles jumping up here and there has definitely missed out on something in his life... Why, by the way, do they appear? Let's find out. And at the same time we’ll find out what signs say about bubbles in puddles.

Cause of bubbles

Look for this funny a natural phenomenon during drizzling rain it is useless - in order for the water under your feet to bubble, several variables must come together at once.

First, the droplet size. When one of them falls into a puddle, forming a small funnel for a split second, water splashes up from the resulting hole. Its edges collapse, capturing a small particle of air, and a bubble runs along the surface of the puddle. It is clear that the larger and heavier the drop, the harder it will hit the surface of the water - which means more bubbles will appear.

It takes a real downpour to make bubbles

Secondly, the wind. Or rather, its absence. While the drops fly vertically down from the cloud, the force of impact on the water increases, and the bubbles become large and strong. But as soon as the wind deflects the flight of a small projectile, the drops begin to scatter across the surface of the puddle and dissolve in it, unable to raise the “wave” of the required height.

And finally, atmospheric pressure. When it is raised, falling drops momentarily bounce off the puddle before dissolving into it, creating splashes instead of bubbles.

What do they mean?

Surprisingly folk signs They just can’t agree on what the bubbles in the puddles mean. Some argue that this is a direct promise that the rain will soon end: they say, now it will all pour out and the sun will come out. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that bubbling puddles promise prolonged bad weather. Who is right?

Heavy rain usually doesn't last long

And those and others. On the one hand, large drops usually fall from cumulus clouds, which themselves are not very large. This is how summer thunderstorms usually happen - they swooped in, made noise, whipped up bubbles in the puddles and died down.

On the other hand, following cumulus clouds nimbostratus often extends. And here you can’t count on a quick end to the bad weather: once it starts, a quiet and light rain can drizzle all day.

Most often, signs advise paying attention to the size of the bubbles. The larger and stronger they are, the longer the bad weather will last.

Signs about bubbles in puddles are changeable and rarely give accurate predictions. But is it worth being upset about this? As you know, “nature has no bad weather.” And when it rains, it’s so nice to sit by the window with a cup of hot tea and even meditate a little, looking at the bubbles bursting in the puddles.

After heavy, direct rain, increased mushroom growth begins- this kind of rain is called mushroom rain.

Getting wet in a spring shower- to “climb” the career ladder.

Getting wet in the autumn rain- a decline in your inner mood. In other words, the onset of a strong depressive state, capable of ruining everything in the world.

If you got wet under the summer “mushroom” rain- this is fortunate. Most likely, in the near future you will have fun until you cry.

Clothes stained by rain- a sign that someone will discuss you very seriously.

Rain and sunshine- to the drowned man or on this day righteous man died.

Large bubbles on puddles during the rain- to bad weather, heavy rain.

In times of drought to make it rain- a woman needs to spray herself and people passing by wells with well water.

If during the summer rain a rainbow shines in the sky- The rain will stop quickly.

If the rain wets the coffin- the soul of the deceased will depart without difficulty.

If it rains on St. Suetonius's day- it will rain for another 40 days.

Before the sun rose the clouds appeared- it will rain on this day.

Rain during a wedding- Very good omen: the life of the young people together will not only be long, but also happy and rich.

If rain wets the wedding procession on the way to or from church
- the young family will not see happiness.

If it rained during someone's funeral- this means that the deceased will find peace in the next world.

If at the same time it's raining and the sun is shining- someone has to drown.

Milk in a container left on the windowsill begins to foam- You can expect heavy rain.

If it starts to rain and there are small bubbles in the puddles- this foreshadows its imminent end. On the contrary, if the bubbles are large- The rain will last for a long time.

Beginning fog- a harbinger of bad weather, rain. People's aching arms or legs also warn about the same thing.

Rainy, damp summer- to a frosty and snowy winter.

There is no dew on the plants on a summer morning- a sign foreshadowing a cloudy and rainy day.

If on a summer day objects located in the distance are poorly visible, blurry, as if through a haze- It will rain soon.

Morning rooster crow, which was heard before the appointed hour- reports upcoming rain. The ringing of a bell, which does not sound entirely clear, testifies to the same thing.

If it rains on Annunciation Day- this means that the rye harvest promises to be rich; If there is a thunderstorm, the nuts will grow well, and the summer will be warm.

First two June days“to the accompaniment” of pouring rain- they promise a dry month.

On the morning of June 24, the aroma of the grass is stronger than usual- During the day you can most likely expect rain. The water also speaks about this, if on June 24 it is clearer than ever.

It rains on Elijah's day- this is the herald of a rich harvest of grain.

A man caught in the pouring rain - a wardrobe update awaits him.

Folk signs and beliefs often help people predict the weather. Such predictions have been developed and tested over centuries and therefore can be trusted. One of these predictions is the sign of bubbles in puddles during... This belief belongs to the category of weather beliefs, and can be useful both to gardeners and summer residents, and to those who like to spend time in nature and want to know in advance how long the bad weather will last.

Folk signs about bubbles in puddles

Many people argue whether the formation of bubbles in puddles indicates prolonged rain, or, on the contrary, it means that bad weather will soon end. According to, the rain with bubbles will be prolonged, and in extreme cases it may even last more than one day.

Our ancestors knew that the formation of such a phenomenon as a bubble promised only prolonged bad weather and they were absolutely right, because its formation requires a certain atmospheric pressure, which occurs when rain clouds do not even think of dissolving. This means that precipitation will continue to fall for a long time. Atmospheric pressure, which regulates the movement of warm and cold air fronts and explains how long severe weather will last. If two extended and slow-moving fronts collide, you can’t expect sun and warmth soon.

So the sign about bubbles in puddles has a scientific basis, and even more than one. In addition to atmospheric pressure, for the formation of a bubble it is necessary that rain drop was quite large. Only in this case will it be able to break through the surface tension of water. Large drops, as a rule, occur during showers and thunderstorms, and this in itself indicates that the bad weather may drag on. Although, there are exceptions to this rule, for example, in the southern regions, bad weather often begins suddenly and ends quickly.