Princess Diana her life. Diana, Princess of Wales

Princess Diana can rightfully be considered the star of the British monarchy. Neither before nor after her, none of royal family was not as loved and adored by the subjects of the “crown” as she was. Her life still arouses great interest among the media and ordinary people, although a lot of time has passed since the death of the princess.

What do we know about Diana?

Née Spencer was born in the summer of July 1, 1961 in Norfolk. Diana Frances had a noble origin. Her mother and father were viscounts and also maintained close links with the English royal family.

Diana's father John was from the same family line as Churchill, as well as the Duke of Marlborough. All of them came from the Spencer-Churchill family. The father of the future princess himself was Viscount Elthorp.

Only through illegal ones, but also recognized sons King Charles the Second, Diana carried part of the “royal blood”. As a child, the future princess lived in Sandringham. The Viscount's daughter completed the first educational stage at home.

The girl's parents then taught her at a private school near King's Line. A little later, after failures in her studies, she entered Riddlesworth Hall School. At the age of eight, Diana experienced her parents' divorce. She, her half-sisters and brother remained to live with their father. Diana's father quickly developed new wife, but she was unable to establish contact with the children, so she played the role of an evil stepmother in their fate.

In 1975, Diana officially received the title "lady". This event was overshadowed by the death of her grandfather. At the age of twelve, Diana Francis was sent to West Hill School. She studied poorly; she was admired only musical abilities Diana.

In addition to her favorite music, Diana was fond of dancing. She loved these two activities and excelled in her creative field..

In 1978, the girl moved to live in London. She had her own home there. Being very young, Diana loved to tinker with kids, so she got a job looking after children at the Young England kindergarten as a teacher’s assistant.

How did the lady meet the prince?

The first meeting of the future princess of Britain with Prince Charles took place when she was only 16 years old. In 1977, the prince came to her father's estate to play polo.

After a short courtship, Charles invited Diana to the royal yacht. At the beginning of 1980, Diana had the honor of meeting the royal family at the family castle, Balmoral.

The press immediately drew attention to the Prince of Wales's genuine interest in the young lady. Although the engagement of the young people was kept secret, all the details of their meetings, which the media could find out, were savored by journalists with different sides almost every day.

Under such pressure, Prince Charles made a hasty proposal to Diana. This happened on February 6, 1981. Diana was then the first Englishwoman to later become a royal bride, and she was also the first bride to have a paid position before becoming a princess.

Before the wedding, the girl settled in Buckingham Palace with the Queen Mother. The Queen herself presented Diana with an elegant and intricate sapphire brooch as a sign of her affection.

Wedding celebration

The wedding of Diana and the Prince of Wales took place on July 29, 1981. The day was chosen taking into account weather conditions so that nothing could overshadow the grand celebration. The wedding ceremony took place in St. Paul's Cathedral. Why not in Westminster Abbey, which is generally accepted for monarchs and nobility? It was just in this cathedral more places for guests. The church, of course, was not as pretentious as the abbey, but it also captivated with its surroundings and beauty.

So Lady Diana and the future queen of the hearts of her subjects became the Princess of Wales. The festive ceremony was shown by all world media. The broadcast was watched by approximately 700 thousand television viewers. Another approximately 650 thousand spectators waited for the couple on the street to enjoy the spectacle of the wedding procession.

The girl's wedding dress cost about 10 thousand pounds. The full length of her veil was also impressive, measuring 7.5 meters.

Fate after the wedding

The question of whether Charles truly loved Princess Diana remains open to this day. After the wedding, Lady Diana quit her job at kindergarten and began her immediate duties as Princess of Wales.

She visited kindergartens, schools, and charity events. Diana was very active in charity work. Helped those in need and supported AIDS patients. Its popularity among British citizens grew at a tremendous speed. Diana was literally considered an angel of mercy in the flesh. People began to call her our “Lady Di,” thereby showing special affection for her and her activities.

Every appearance, every trip abroad attracted a lot of attention to Charles’s wife. Diana very quickly became a trendsetter, managing to bring a little glamor to the strict royal dress code.

Diana loved to be in the company of children and ordinary people, she spoke openly about the problems of modern society, which earned herself even greater fame.

The princess could easily go for tea to establishments that she supported through her charitable activities. It was Diana who put an end to prejudice about AIDS patients by publicly shaking the hand of one person infected with the disease.

During her career as Charles's wife, Lady Di received the following awards:

  • Order of Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Grand Cross of the Order of the Netherlands Crown;
  • Egyptian Order of Virtue.

The princess had many more unofficial awards.

Unfulfilled dreams of happiness

The birth of Charles and Lady Di's first son, William, occurred on June 21, 1982. Then, on September 15, 1984, the couple's second son, Henry, was born. Diana always dreamed of a big family.

From the very beginning, the Princess of Wales insisted on a completely normal upbringing for her sons. At her insistence, they were sent to simple kindergartens, then attended an average English school.

After the birth of Prince Henry, known today as Harry, Diana and Charles' marriage began to crack. It is known that before the wedding, Charles told his friend that he did not love Diana yet, but perhaps he would be able to love her in the future.

Apparently, Charles, who was 13 years older than her, failed to fall in love with the girl. Then the couple began to live separately. After this event, Andrew Morton's book “Diana: Her true story" The manuscript was published with the consent of the princess herself and with the participation of her friends.

This is how the world learned about Lady Di’s suicide attempts, her experiences, loneliness, and also that she for many years I struggled with bulimia. This book provided evidence that Charles was still interested in his former girlfriend Camilla Parker. This hurt the Princess of Wales, and ultimately led to the couple's divorce.

The Prince and Princess of Wales officially divorced in 1996.

The couple's divorce turned into a standoff when Diana gave frank interview BBC channel. In it, she sincerely spoke about the fact that Charles never wanted to be king, about how difficult it was for her to live in the royal family. After the divorce, Diana devoted a lot of time to her children. She appeared with them at all social events.

Diana Spencer always said that she wanted to become a queen, but she did not want the English throne, but wanted to be the queen of people's hearts. Her reputation after the divorce was slightly damaged by information about affairs with other men. So Officer Hewitt vilely made his relationship with the princess public by writing a book about it.

When the divorce proceedings ended, the princess switched from direct charitable activities to another job. She put all her dresses up for auction. The proceeds from the sale amounted to more than £3.5 million. Diana also visited her sick mother Teresa. After the divorce, the media tirelessly followed Lady Di's activities, discussing her every step and every decision she made.

Divorce: before and after

Formally, the marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles broke up much earlier than the divorce proceedings began. Evil tongues said that even after marrying Diana, Charles did not end his relationship with his former girlfriend Camilla.

And Diana herself soon began an affair with cardiac surgeon Hasnat Khan. There is information that they really loved each other, but could not withstand public pressure and broke up. In addition, Khan’s parents were also against this relationship. Diana and Hasnat tried to save their relationship by leaving for Pakistan, but nothing worked out for the lovers there either.

Diana Frances Spencer's next relationship was the last in her life. So she was credited with an affair with Egyptian billionaire Dodi al-Fayed. The couple was allegedly even seen on the same yacht. Just confirm this connection indisputable facts It didn't work out that way.

Cause of death of Princess Diana

The Princess of Wales died from injuries acquired in a car accident on August 31, 1997. Diana was traveling in the car with her bodyguard and her “tabloid” lover Dodi al-Fayed. Everyone who was driving around Paris in that ill-fated car, except for the bodyguard, died.

Even after a lengthy investigation, the police were unable to convincingly explain why the car accident occurred..

The disaster occurred when the driver attempted to break away from reporters on motorcycles pursuing Diana. In the tunnel, he lost control, and according to one version, a collision occurred.

Princess Diana was hospitalized, but she died after two hours in the hospital. Trevor Rea Jones (Lady Di's bodyguard), having recovered from his injuries, claimed that he did not remember anything about the accident. After the incident, his face had to be restored almost completely using plastic surgery. The fatal scene took place in a tunnel under the Parisian Pont Alma. Diana's car collided with a concrete support.

At the age of 36, the people's favorite Lady Di passed away. A wave of grief swept across Britain and France. Memorials were erected in honor of the princess, to which people laid flowers.

The princess was buried in her native Elthorp on a secluded island. Versions of her death excited the hearts and minds of people for a long time. Some believed that Diana's death was a direct consequence of a conspiracy against her. Others blamed it on the paparazzi who followed the princess. Scotland Yard also published its version, which said that the driver's blood alcohol was three times the limit, and the speed in the tunnel was also greatly exceeded.

Many songs and poems were written in memory of Diana. Elton John and Michael Jackson also dedicated their works to her. 10 years after the accident, a film was made about Princess Diana and the last hours of her life. In addition, today stamps with her image are issued in many countries. According to inexorable statistics, Princess Diana has broken all records of popularity among British monarchs. She remained in the hearts of people as their true unofficial queen.

Princess Diana would have celebrated her 57th birthday on July 1st. Despite the fact that she has not been with us for more than 20 years, she will forever remain the queen of hearts for her fans. We decided to recall the life story of this legendary woman, the secrets of her style, as well as the mistakes she made. Perhaps, without having done them, her fairy tale would have had a less sad ending.

Favorite of millions: biography of Princess Diana

On July 1, 1961, a third child was born into the John Spencer family. The girl was named Diana and it is worth saying that she became a real disappointment for her father, since he wanted a son. Despite this, from childhood the baby was loved and pampered by everyone: from relatives to servants.

Unfortunately, Diana Spencer couldn't enjoy it for long family idyll. The girl's mother cheated on her father and Princess Diana's parents divorced. The relationship with her father’s new wife did not work out and throughout her childhood she lived in two homes: with her mother in Scotland and with her father in England, but she never felt truly needed anywhere.

The girl was not very enthusiastic about her studies and the teachers said that she was not very capable. Science came second for her. Ballet is her main childhood dream. However, her height did not allow her to become a ballerina. The girl had a very enthusiastic nature and she quickly found a new hobby - social activities.

Prince Charles came into Diana Spencer's life when she was 16 years old. Then he had an affair with the girl’s sister Sarah. One day, the lover gave a careless interview and after that the relationship ended. Prince Charles was not bored for long and immediately began to look closely at younger sister Sarah. Previously, he saw her only as a little girl, but now she has become perfection for him. This relationship had a happy ending.

The young people almost never separated and soon the girl was introduced to the royal family. In order to get married, Prince Charles needed to get his mother's permission. Queen Elizabeth believed that the girl was an ideal option for her already middle-aged son. At that time, he was over 30 and there was no time to look for a better candidate, so the queen did not hesitate and gave her consent.

It is worth noting that Diana was better suited to the role of Charles's wife than her sister. Attractive appearance, good origin, correct manners, modesty and innocence: the future princess had all this, which cannot be said about Sarah. But not everything was so smooth. Queen Elizabeth was afraid that her son's beloved was not at all adapted to royal life. However, years will pass and she will prove that this is not the case at all.

On July 29, Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married. The wedding ceremony was a real event. Hundreds of thousands of people watched the broadcast. Everything was like in a fairy tale, but something happened that became a sensation for everyone. The word “obey” was removed from marriage vows. This was a real shock, because even Elizabeth II swore that she would listen to her husband in everything.

A year later, the couple had their first child, Prince William. A few years later, Princess Diana of Wales gave birth to her second son, Harry. A little later the woman will understand that this was her happiest time.

It didn’t take long before the princess showed everyone her domineering character. For example, she flatly refused help in selecting nannies and independently chose names for the children. She planned her schedule so that she could pick up the children from school herself. Loving mother who dotes on her firstborns: this is how Lady Di can be described.

Do not think that the Princess of Wales devoted absolutely all her time to her family. She did not forget about her royal duties. One of her main activities was charity. She took custody of orphanages, hospitals and hospitals. The British media wrote that she was an example for many, because no one had previously done this with such awe and love.

Unfortunately, the happiness in the family did not last long. Prince Charles loved a married woman for many years. Camilla Parker Bowles was his mistress. After that offended wife started an affair with a riding instructor.

A little later, recordings of telephone conversations where the spouses exchanged pleasantries with their lovers were leaked online. This could not continue for long and they divorced. Left alone, the woman did not give up her business, but began to engage in charity work with even greater enthusiasm.

Princess Diana's death occurred on August 31, 1997. Then she dated Dodi al Fayed, who was the son of an Egyptian multi-billionaire. There were rumors that they were planning to get married soon.

On that fateful day, Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed were together. They tried to hide from the paparazzi and got into an accident. The lover died on the spot, and the woman died several hours later when she was taken to the hospital. How Princess Diana died is still a mystery. There are rumors that the accident was faked. After the incident, the police spent a long time investigating how Princess Diana died and, according to the official version, the cause of death was an accident. The only survivor is the bodyguard, who does not remember the events of that night.

Many years have passed, but the cause of Princess Diana's death raises many doubts. When the royal family learned of what had happened, Elizabeth II refused to declare national mourning, but this angered the people. A huge number of people came to say goodbye to Princess Diana's funeral.

Princess Diana's grave is in Elthropa.

People are still coming to the scene of the accident in which the woman got into. Cops and detectives are still trying to understand the real reason death.

Princess Diana's children honor her memory. At his wedding to Meghan Markle, Prince Harry himself collected a bouquet of flowers that his mother loved so much. Princess Diana's ring is now worn by Prince Harry's wife.

Lady Di: what were her main mistakes

Princess Diana made several fatal mistakes during her life. Perhaps if she had looked at some things differently, the ending of her story would have been different. Currently more than one has been filmed documentary about Princess Diana, which shows her life as it really was.

Underestimated her opponent

At the time of his marriage, Prince Harry's father had been having an affair with Camilla Parker Bowles for 9 years. Diana knew about this, but despite this she accepted the offer. It remains a mystery how she was going to outshine her rival.

After Lady Di's death, a fragment of a letter she wrote to her maid of honor appeared online. It said that the honeymoon did not go at all as she had imagined it, but was great opportunity get some sleep.

Gave scandalous interviews

In 1995, a woman gave the most scandalous interview BBC channel. In it, she openly shared everything that happened during 15 years of marriage, about her suicide attempts and infidelity. After this, the public learned that Princess Diana's husband had been cheating on her for many years. The interview was discussed for a very long time. Perhaps it influenced the “accident” with Lady Di.

Loved attention to her person

Princess Diana was accused of the fact that at the beginning of her marriage to Prince Charles, she liked to “inflate mountains out of molehills” and thereby stir up the interest of the press. For example, she once performed almost naked on the stage of Covent Garden. The second stunt was dancing with John Travolta at a reception at the White House. Lady Di denied in all interviews that she was playing to the public and loved the attention, but in fact she was flattered by it.

Princess Diana's style: what you should learn from her

Princess Diana's style was sometimes imperfect and changed over the years. Currently, her outfits are sold at auctions for a lot of money and exhibited in the most famous museums in the world. Let's take a look at what Princess Diana's style was and what we can learn from her?

First miss - wedding dress

Princess Diana's wedding dress was discussed for months after the celebration. Fashion critics compared the bride to a meringue cake. The woman herself took part in the design of the outfit. The dress consisted of lace, silk taffeta, a belt with diamonds and a thousand pearls.

The choice of fabric was a real disaster. The designers and the bride herself did not think about the fact that they still needed to get to the wedding venue. As a result, the bride was wearing a rumpled dress at the altar.

Work on mistakes

After a disastrous wedding look, Princess Diana decided she needed help with her style. She approached Anna Harvey, who was working as an editor at Vogue UK at the time. Over time, the princess's outfits became an example for many. Her main rule was to buy clothes only from domestic designers.

Using the example of Princess Diana, you can learn:

  • work with proportions;

  • select and combine accessories (two watches on one hand, a bracelet with balls, rings on the little finger, a necklace with a letter, a pearl necklace on the back);

  • carry clutches;

  • use blue eyeliner;

  • wear low heels and clothes in the same color;

  • be an individual;
  • dress simply and tastefully;

  • comply with the dress code.

The death of Princess Diana was and remains even today a real tragedy for all fans. Although the woman lived a short life, thanks to her, Prince Harry of Wales and Duke William of Cambridge were born. Prince William and Kate Middleton have three wonderful children, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently became husband and wife. By the way, there are rumors that Meghan Markle is pregnant. Whether this is true or not, time will tell.

2. April 23, 1983. Princess Diana holding Prince William at Government House in Auckland New Zealand, during an official visit.

3. September 24, 1985. Princess Diana and Prince Charles introduce their three year old son Prince William with kindergarten director Jane Minors.

4. January 15, 1987. Diana, Princess of Wales accompanies her son William on his first day of school.

5. September 1989: Princess Diana with sons Harry and William during Prince Harry's first day at school, Notting Hill, London.

6. March 1, 1991. Princess Diana and her son Prince William in Cardiff during his first official presentation.

7. September 1995: The Prince and Princess of Wales at Eton College with Principal Dr Andrew Gailey during Prince William's first day at the institution.

8. August 16, 1997. The Prince of Wales and his sons Princes William and Harry at Muick Falls on the Balmoral Estate, Scotland, during the summer holidays.

9. August 31, 1997. Prince Charles and his two sons, Princes William and Harry, leave church on the Balmoral estate after morning service. On this day they learned that Princess Diana had died in a car accident in Paris.

10. September 6, 1997: Princess Diana's sons Prince William and Prince Harry with their father Prince Charles and uncle Earl Spencer outside Westminster Abbey on the day of Diana's funeral.

11. March 24, 1998. Prince William greets the crowd during his visit to a school in Burnaby, Canada. William and Harry visited Canada for a six-day visit, their first official trip since the death of their mother Princess Diana.

12. June 2000. Two photographs to mark Prince William's eighteenth birthday. William was one of Eton's group of "prefects". In total, it consisted of 21 students who were responsible for 1,280 boys at Eton. "Prefects" were allowed to wear any frock coat of their choice. They were responsible for discipline among students. The Institute of Prefects was established at Eton in 1811.

13. August 4, 2000. Members of the Royal Family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during celebrations of the Queen Mother's centenary. From left to right: Princess Anne, Peter Philips, Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice, Prince Andrew, Princess Margaret, The Queen Mother, Prince Edward, Queen Elizabeth II, Duke of Edinburgh, Sophie Wessex, Prince William, Prince Charles, Prince Harry.

14. December 7, 2000. Prince William prepares timber to strengthen a bridge during his expedition to Tortel, southern Chile.

15. September 23, 2001. Prince William greets those gathered outside St Andrew's University in Scotland on his first day of study at the institution.

16. April 5, 2002. Prince Charles and his son Prince William follow the Queen Mother's coffin in a funeral procession.

17. June 4, 2002. Princes Harry and William attend Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee celebrations in front of Buckingham Palace.

18. June 17, 2003. Stamps featuring Prince William, issued by Royal Mail to mark William's 21st birthday. They went on sale four days before the prince's birthday.

19. June 21, 2003. A man dressed as Osama Bin Laden to celebrate Prince William's birthday at Windsor Castle. British Home Secretary David Blunkett ordered an immediate investigation after an unknown person broke into a closed event at Windsor Castle, where about 300 guests were present.

20. April 9, 2005. Prince Charles and his wife the Duchess of Cornwall, the former Camilla Parke Bowles, and Princes William and Harry leave Guildhall in Windsor after Prince Charles's wedding.

21. June 23, 2005. Kate Middleton and Prince William on graduation day from St Andrew's University.

22. October 2005. HRH Prince William during his army training course at Westbury in Wiltshire. Buckingham Palace announced that the following year William would join the army as a military officer at the Sandhurst Military Academy.

23. Her Majesty the Queen with her grandson Prince William during the parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

24. February 10, 2007. Prince William and Kate Middleton watch a rugby match at Twickenham Stadium in London. The second photo shows them at the Cheltenham Festival, March 13, 2007.

25. July 1, 2007. Prince William and Prince Harry attend a concert in memory of Princess Diana at Wembley Stadium in London, which was held on the late princess's 46th birthday.

26. April 11, 2008. Prince William and Kate Middleton after their graduation ceremony from the Royal Academy air force in Lincolnshire. Twenty-five year old William passed intensive course and received the rank of pilot.

27. June 18, 2009. Princes William and Harry at Shawberry Air Force Base, where they were both trained to fly a helicopter. William trained as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, and Harry trained as a military aircraft pilot.

28. January 18, 2010. Prince William and Sir Paul Reeves, the former Governor-General, greet each other in Maori fashion during the Prince's visit to New Zealand, Prince William's first overseas visit.

29. June 15, 2010. Princes William and Harry hold an African python during a visit to science center Mokolodi in Gaborone, Republic of Botswana. The princes visited Africa on a six-day visit, visiting Botswana, Lesotho and South Africa.

30. November 16, 2010. Prince William's engagement was officially announced at St. James's Palace in London.

Kensington Palace has officially announced the wedding date of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle. The celebration will take place in May 2018.

« The wedding will take place at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. All expenses for organizing the celebration will be covered by the royal family."- the press service of Kensington Palace reported.

According to the Daily Mail, Harry, 32, met actress Meghan Markle, 35, in 2016 on a “blind date” arranged by the wife of his Eton College friend Alexander Guykes. And the prince proposed to his beloved at the beginning of November 2017. Moreover, Harry refrained from making solemn speeches and simply asked Markle if she would marry him while cooking chicken together.

Megan's parents immediately blessed the marriage. Queen Elizabeth II did not refuse her beloved grandson. The prince himself BBC interview said his fiancée could have a great relationship with Princess Diana. " They would be inseparable. I think she would be over the moon and jumping for joy for me. And then she and Megan would quite possibly become best friends" said Harry.

However, the British are unhappy with the choice of Elizabeth II's grandson. Many are indignant about how the queen could give her consent to the engagement. People were outraged by everything about Markle - and her origin - the girl is mulatto, her father is Irish, and her mother is African-American, and the way Megan earns her living by acting in TV series and selling clothes.

In addition, the British are wondering how a prince can take a divorced woman as his wife. Before Harry, only the king dared to do such an act. Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1936 to marry his girlfriend Wallis Simpson.

More than 20 years have passed since Princess Diana died in a car accident, but new facts about her life continue to appear regularly in the press. In the InStyle review - all the most interesting and unexpected things about the “Queen of Hearts”.

1. She was the fourth of five children in the family

Princess Diana had two sisters, Sarah and Jane, and younger brother Charles. Another Spencer child, a boy named John, was born in January 1960 and died a few hours later.

2. Her parents divorced when she was 7 years old.

Diana's parents, Francis Shand Kydd and Earl John Spencer, separated in 1969.

3. Diana's grandmother served at court

Ruth Roche, Lady Fermoy, Princess Diana's maternal grandmother, was the Queen Mother's personal assistant and companion. They were very friendly, and Lady Fermoy often helped her in organizing holidays.

4. Diana grew up on Sandrigham Estate

Sandrigham House is located in Norfolk and belongs to the royal family. On its territory there is Park House, where Princess Diana's mother was born, and then Diana herself. The princess spent her childhood there.

5. Diana dreamed of becoming a ballerina

Diana for a long time studied ballet and wanted to become a professional dancer, but she was too tall for this (Diana’s height is 178 cm).

6. She worked as a nanny and teacher

Before meeting Prince Charles, Diana was a nanny. She later became a kindergarten teacher. At that time, Diana received about five dollars an hour.

7. She was the first royal bride to have a paid job

And Kate Middleton is the first to have a higher education.

8. Prince Charles first dated her older sister

It was thanks to her sister Sarah that Diana met her future husband. “I introduced them, became their Cupid,” Sarah Spencer later said.

9. Prince Charles was a distant relative of Diana

Charles and Diana were each other's 16th cousins.

10. Before the wedding, Diana saw Prince Charles only 12 times

And he became the initiator of their wedding.

11. Her wedding dress broke all records

The ivory wedding dress created by designer duo David and Elizabeth Emmanuel made history. More than 10 thousand pearls were used to embroider the dress, and the train was almost 8 meters long. By the way, this is the longest train among all wedding dresses princesses

12. Diana deliberately left out part of her wedding vows

Instead of the traditional promise to “obey” her husband, Diana vowed only to “love him, comfort him, honor him and protect him, in sickness and in health.”

13. She was the first royal to give birth in hospital.

Before her, representatives of the royal family practiced only home births, so Prince William became the first future monarch to be born in a hospital.

14. She practiced parenting methods that were unconventional for the royal family.

Princess Diana wanted her sons to live ordinary lives. “She made sure that William and Harry experienced everything: Diana took them to the cinema, made them stand in lines, bought food at McDonald's, rode roller coasters with them,” said Patrick Jephson, who worked with Diana in for six years.

15. She had many famous friends

Diana was friends with Elton John, George Michael, Tilda Swinton and Liza Minnelli.

16. ABBA was her favorite band

It is known that Diana was a big fan of the Swedish pop group ABBA. The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William paid tribute to Diana by playing several ABBA songs at their 2011 wedding.

17. She had an affair with a bodyguard

Barry Mannaki was part of the royal security team, and in 1985 he became Princess Diana's personal bodyguard. After a year of service, he was removed due to his too close relationship with Diana. In 1987, he crashed on a motorcycle.

18. After the divorce, her title was taken away from her

Princess Diana has lost her title "Her Royal Highness". Prince Charles insisted on this, although Queen Elizabeth II was not against leaving Diana the title.

19. She invited Cindy Crawford to Kensington Palace

Diana invited supermodel Cindy Crawford to tea to please Prince Harry and Prince William, who were then teenagers. In 2017, on the anniversary of Diana's death, Cindy Crawford shared a throwback photo of the Princess of Wales on Instagram. “She asked if I could come and have tea with her the next time I was in London. I was nervous and didn't know what to wear. But when I walked into the room, we immediately started chatting as if she were a regular girl,” Crawford wrote.

20. She is buried on her family's island

Diana is buried at the Spencer family estate of Althorp in Northamptonshire. The estate has been in the Spencer family for over 500 years. The small island also houses a temple on the Oval Lake, where anyone can pay tribute to the princess.