Prince William and Kate Middleton are the last children. Children of Kate Middleton and Prince William: interesting facts from the life of royal heirs

Yesterday in the UK an event took place that many were waiting for. Pippa Middleton, sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, married her lover James Matthews. The marriage took place in Berkshire County in the town of Englefield. In addition to 300 guests, Pippa’s famous relatives also arrived at St. Mark’s Church - sister Kate with her husband Prince William and children: Charlotte and George, as well as Prince Harry. It was to these persons of royal blood that the greatest attention of the press and all those present was focused.

Kate kept a close eye on the children

A few months ago, journalists wrote that the bride’s sister would not be present at the wedding ceremony. However, as it turned out yesterday, they were wrong. Kate had a rather difficult role at this event - to monitor the children, not only her own, but also those of others. As the Duchess previously said, she is very worried about this mission, because Charlotte and George will need to scatter rose petals along the carpet, and at rehearsals the little monarchs do not really follow the rules.

As the images in the photo show, Kate had quite a difficult time with her children. Little pranksters constantly violated the rules of the event, wandering into different sides, talking and simply ignoring Middleton's request to scatter petals. Photographers managed to capture on their cameras Kate’s “educational moment” when the strict mother talked to George and Charlotte, taking them aside. And if the 3-year-old prince did not like such a mother and he frowned, then 2-year-old Charlotte frankly didn’t care. In principle, this is not surprising, because close friends of the royal family say that her character is very similar to her uncle Harry, which means that Kate and William will have many more surprises related to the wayward character of the little heiress.

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Middleton in a pale pink ensemble amazed many

36-year-old Kate appeared at the wedding ceremony in a pale pink ensemble from her favorite brand Alexander McQueen. The Duchess's dress was made in modern trends, which were very reminiscent of the fashion of the 80s of the last century. The outfit had a cut-out bodice with a yoke and gathers in the chest area, a full midi-length skirt and voluminous cuffed sleeves. The look was completed with an elegant hat with a flower and cream-colored pumps.

Kate's fashionistas and fans liked this image so much that pages social networks The Internet is full of various positive reviews regarding Middleton’s impeccable taste. As for the bride, everyone really liked Pippa too. Firstly, she lost a lot of weight, which made her figure chiseled, and secondly, designer Giles Deacon created a truly royal outfit that suited Pippa very well.

If you think you have nothing to do with , you are wrong. In addition to her royal duties and the title of Duchess, Kate is first and foremost a mother of two children. We have collected for you 20 situations with Kate Middleton and her children in which every mother recognizes herself.

18. See the world through the eyes of a child. And enjoy this world and the opportunity to observe the emotions of a child. Because in moments like these, even the simplest things can mean something more.

19. Carry in your arms. Even if the mother is very tired, she will still have the strength to take the baby in her arms if he asks.

20. Reinforce a small kindergarten. When you are a mother, you treat other children as if they were your own. So, Kate Middleton kept an eye on her all the time. In addition to her children, at times Kate also had to restrain all the other children present at the ceremony.

And although Kate most often seems collected and balanced, she knows very well that raising children is very difficult and that a lot of effort and effort goes into it. But one way or another, Kate Middleton is first and foremost a mother who wants the best for her children and tries to raise them as they should.


I've been suffering for over a week now... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more on that later... The apartment disappears right away; they are very far from the sea. Of course there are, but the price there is one and a half times higher. Guest house... but those in my price category are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, very budget modest, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little money on a cafe. (but here Of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, you need to go downstairs with groceries in the morning to cook and bring the finished food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfast up to 20 thousand, but they don’t have there’s even a kettle in the room. There’s also an apartment hotel... it’s certainly super... and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I’m paying for the presence of a kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy groceries myself.. or I give these 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes, the average cost of breakfast in a hotel is 250-300 rubles)... and where is there another 2 times a day, with the condition that our child is 4 years old... and how much money should we budget for food... per day.... entertainment, I looked at the prices a little... I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to budget 15 (one trip to the aquarium 700+700 I don’t know how much for children it’s probably 500=1900, there’s also a dolphinarium, I’m also wondering if there’s any point in going to the water park...., also tell me, I want to leave 2 days at Krasnaya Polyana, so I don’t have to wander back and forth for 50 km. That's where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day. You can even get lunch there for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late departure, and this will most likely need to be paid for another 2 days... Tell us how you plan your vacation based on money.... Since we were only in Minsk as a family. but it’s 4 days, and I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but that’s with tickets and accommodation) I’ve never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was single, it was only abroad But this time we her We are not considering There are but...I won’t go deeper. Those who consider themselves poor.... you can count and pass by... We have half the country like this.... Sunshine to everyone.... for those who don’t mind, I’m waiting for advice.


Daughter of a minister without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. We already had a dog before, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rainbow dreams, I was walking with my wonderful obedient dog, watched TV, stroking him behind the ear, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a little puppy, has turned into big crocodile, which chewed up all the walls. On the street, he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of a dog handler, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I cannot find an approach to him, but I no longer have enough patience. And so I think: not to spoil his and my psyche and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


Mom sawmill

I adopted a cat from the shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered a lot. He was planted on May 9 to the woman who was leaving him. The eyes were festered, bleeding, dirty, flea-infested.
I'm at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. He purrs when he plays and eats. He slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian Blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. He despises the kitten, growls, hisses, but does not touch it.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast and kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food from an adult cat and vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, she was afraid to give it. She fed me chicken.
And one more thing, please recommend a name for the kitten.
Just not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.


Kate Middleton's younger sister Pippa was photographed walking through the streets of London. The woman, who was due to go to the maternity hospital any day, walked loaded with shopping bags, and no one accompanied her.

Recently, Pippa Middleton was photographed in London. The woman was seen with bags from supermarkets and, most interestingly, she walked several blocks of the British capital with her purchases. No one helped Middleton, burdened with packages and an impressive belly. Pippa was completely alone. However, judging by her face, this circumstance did not upset her at all. On the contrary, in anticipation of the first child younger sister The Duchess of Cambridge is literally beaming with happiness.


For the walk, Middleton chose a light black dress in a boho style, which she paired with a long cardigan in a rich plum color and white sneakers. Pippa also threw a large bag over her shoulder. Dark hair the woman removed it and adorned her face with sunglasses.

UK. The children of Kate Middleton and Prince William are heirs to the throne. Therefore, their lives are noticeably different from the lives of their peers. the site decided to tell interesting facts from the life of Princess Charlotte and Prince George.

Children of Kate Middleton and Prince William

To say that the British royal family is no different from any other family would leave them undervalued. But this is not so, since the life of the heirs to the royal throne is far from standard.

Take, for example, Kate Middleton - yes, she is an ordinary girl, but she is married to the royal heir, Prince William, who may become king in the near future.

The Duchess recently became a mother for the third time, and just seven hours after giving birth, she appeared in full hair, makeup and heels (!) to greet the media with her baby in her arms.

Would the most ordinary woman do this?! Hardly.

Catherine and William's children are also not like ordinary children, although their parents try to give them ordinary, carefree childhood. At the same time, the kids relax with mom and dad on. But this is still required by safety.

Curious facts from the lives of the children of Kate Middleton and Prince William

Princess Charlotte was born a leader. The girl is growing up very active and persistent. With her behavior, she completely overshadows her brother, who, in turn, is a very shy and reserved boy.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte go to different kindergartens. The girl attends Willcocks and the boy went to Westacre Montessori.

The children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been learning Spanish since childhood.

Princess Charlotte as a child is very similar to her famous great-grandmother Elizabeth II.

Prince George loves thunderstorms...and pancakes.

Prince George has no idea that he is third in line to the royal throne. Only his grandfather, Prince Charles, and father, Prince William, are ahead of the boy. The ignorance of a 5-year-old child is due to the fact that the parents decided to give him.

But, in a recent interview, the Duke of Cambridge said that the time will come when his son will know everything and will be prepared for his role.

Prince George has already acquired a hobby - the boy collects stickers and also loves to cook with his mother. He also loves playing video games. The child's favorite toys are dinosaurs. And his favorite book is Fireman Sam.

Prince George calls the Queen of England, his great-grandmother, Gan-Gan. The boy is also very close to his uncle, Prince Harry.

Both George and Charlotte love to ride horses.

Very soon in royal family will . Sibling Kate Middleton will give birth to her first child in the fall. This event may prevent the Duchess of Cambridge from attending the wedding of a close relative of her husband.

Kate Middleton lost a lot of weight after giving birth to her third child

It's only been three months since Prince Louis was born. However, it didn’t take much time to bring my figure back to its previous form.

Already, the Duchess of Cambridge can boast of a remarkable slim figure. Prince William's wife even managed to finally say goodbye to her postpartum slightly rounded tummy.

Photo: Instagram

When she was captured by the paparazzi during the Wimbledon tennis tournament in London, she looked amazing. The newborn prince will be only 4 months old on August 23, but his 36-year-old mother is already sporting tight dresses.