Gosha Kutsenko personal life children. Brilliant actor Gosha Kutsenko and his wife Irina Skrinichenko

Irina Skrinichenko is a model, born in Moscow in 1980. Today you will no longer see her at social parties, but five years ago she did not miss a single event and was known as socialite. Fashionable blonde posed at photo shoots, filmed with her star boyfriend. Soon she began to appear in scenes of premiere films. Gosha Kutsenko's wife Irina Skrinichenko dated Georgy for twelve whole years and finally, it all ended with the long-awaited wedding. Kutsenko became a director, successful in his field, and the model happy mom and a faithful wife.

Biography of Gosha Kutsenko's wife

Young Irina was tall and quite thin, which is why the path model business was open to her. The famous agency Fashion Group invited her to cooperate. In 1997, she entered the Plekhanov Academy and received a successful diploma; she soon got a job as a PR manager in a production company, where she worked for a wonderful seven years.

Nine years later, she was given the unique right to represent a famous photographic agency in our country, and a year later she made her debut in the tragicomedy “Rusalka”. Participation in the action movie Antikiller by Danila Koretsky “Love Without Memory” in the episode became a memorable work; Kutsenko’s wife starred in new version Diamond Arm and V. dramatic production “Son”, this particular picture became Kutsenko’s debut. Kutsenko’s wife Gosha starred in the drama “Doctor” three years later. Today, the woman is involved in charity work and is a member of the Step Together foundation.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife photo

Gosha Kutsenko met his wife even before his ex-wife Maria Poroshina left. There were all sorts of rumors about a connection with Skrinichenko; they either converged or separated again. In 2010, Gosha proposed to her, but the wedding never took place; they practically did not appear together in public. A little later, rumors appeared that Kutsenko had an affair with the lead singer of “Chi-li”. Two years later, since the first attempt failed, Gosha decided to propose to Irina a second time, and the marriage was registered. The couple's personal life was simply wonderful and soon Kutsenko and his current wife a daughter was born, who was named Evgenia.

Modern life of young people

For a woman, family now comes first, but she never stops participating with her husband in his creative projects; he never stops posting his wife’s photos on the Internet. She supports Kutsenko in everything, as a result of which an interesting family work to create a video for the song “Such Love.” Here Gosha Kutsenko is the music video director, and in leading role His wife and Zhenechka also participated; she was already one and a half years old here. The presentation of this work took place in a famous Moscow cinema and today you can find this touching and interesting video on YouTube. Last year in the summer, Irina gave birth to another daughter to Gosha Kutsenko, she is a bright and radiant child, the girl was named Svetlana.

The fifty-year-old actor shares his good news with journalists. So this time he told me what he was waiting for long-awaited son, but in fact, after the post appeared on the Instagram microblog, everyone found out that a girl was born. Congratulatory comments began to pour in, and for the father of three children this is real happiness. The first daughter from Maria Poroshina is named Polina, she was born in 1996, but, unfortunately, the relationship did not last long, he is involved in every possible way in raising Polina and helps Polina, so she followed in her father’s footsteps and even starred with him in the TV series “The Last Cop” "

Kutsenko is happy to work with his daughter; they have a close relationship and work from morning to night. Filming brought them closer together, they can talk and discuss something, and most importantly, Gosha learned what it was like when his daughter kissed a guy in front of his eyes. Irina speaks about ex-wife the actor and director were very warm and reverent, claiming that his first marriage was a definite experience that was not in vain.

Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko (acting pseudonym - Gosha Kutsenko) - theater and film actor, screenwriter, director, singer. Graduate of the Moscow Art Theater. The heyday of his popularity came in the 2000s thanks to his filming in “Antikiller” by Yegor Konchalovsky and “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov. In 2013 he became an Honored Artist of Russia.

Childhood: Zaporozhye - Lviv

Recalling his own childhood years in Zaporozhye and then in Lvov, Gosha Kutsenko calls them absolutely happy. He was born in the Soviet Union on May 20, 1967, in the family of radiologist Svetlana Vasilievna and radio engineer Georgy Pavlovich.

In Zaporozhye, the worries of a preschool boy that did not allow him to sleep were the morning exchange of stamps for buttons, ripening cherries and mulberries, which grew in abundance in Ukraine. Getting on his bike, Yura rushed to the bank of the Dnieper, where his friends were already waiting for him. Boys' free play, swimming, bulls on the asphalt... “It was a wonderful time!” – the actor said in one of the interviews.

The Lviv period is the time of studying at school. Loving caring parents, mother Svetlana Vasilievna and father Georgy Pavlovich, rejoiced at the success of their son, practically an excellent student, an athlete and an exemplary pioneer, Komsomol member.

Gosha Kutsenko - “Mama” (Video chronicle from the actor’s personal archive)

After prom Yuri entered a polytechnic university. Kutsenko did not have time to finish it, because he was drafted into the army. Some time after serving in the army, Yura’s father was appointed Deputy Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR, and in 1988 the whole family moved from Lvov to Moscow.

Youth: Moscow – MIREA – Moscow Art Theater

In the capital, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation MIREA. But after his second year of study, Kutsenko firmly decided to become an actor and took his documents to the Moscow Art Theater. It was then that a split occurred in the Kutsenko family for the first time. The father, secretly proud that his son was following in his footsteps, even demanded admissions committee not to accept his son, and at the technical university they promised to give Yura his documents only on the condition that he passes the exam without failing grades. Yuri passed all exams with flying colors.

In the theater, Kutsenko liked the chairman of the commission, Oleg Tabakov, with his Yesenin-like spontaneity. The master was especially amused by how the applicant dealt with his own burr when he said that it was better to call him Gosha, since that’s what his mother calls him. Kutsenko’s perseverance and originality were rewarded: as he dreamed, he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater.

Gosha Kutsenko received a diploma from a theater university in 1992, during a time of crisis for the country. The theaters had no time for young graduates; fees for rare, and, moreover, episodic, roles in films were not enough to live on. The actor worked on television as a presenter for a couple of years, then taught at VGIK. At the same time, he was the lead singer of the rock band “Lamb-97”.

Maturity: career – family – popularity

Filming in Konchalovsky's Antikiller in 2002 opened the door to big cinema for the artist. His Fox became, without exaggeration, new national hero. The film set gave Gosha the experience of working with such stars of Russian cinema as Mikhail Ulyanov, Ivan Bortnik, Alexander Belyavsky.

From that moment on, roles rained down on the actor as if from a cornucopia. In just a few years, Gosha starred in the big-budget “Special Forces,” “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov, “The Turkish Gambit” by Janik Fayziev, and even played a Russian general in the American “Gift” with Shane West and Jonathan Pryce. In the series of comedies by Alexander Strizhenov, “Love-Carrots,” Kutsenko showed that he could be a good comedian.

Gosha Kutsenko - “Lena”

In parallel with the filming, Gosha’s musical activity continued, which in 2010 resulted in the long-awaited debut album “My World”, and in 2014 - the album “Music”. The situation in Ukraine deeply worried the actor, which he spoke about at the presentation of the album, speaking out against the war in Donbass.

The year 2011 in Kutsenko’s life was marked by the establishment of the “Step Together” Foundation to support children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. In 2014, the actor pleased the audience with a touching role in the black comedy “The Country of OZ” by Vasily Sigarev, where the charming Yana Troyanova became the actor’s partner.

Gosha Kutsenko in the film “The Doctor” (trailer)

In 2016, Gosha Kutsenko said that he wanted to “give up” acting and completely immerse himself in directing. A year before, he presented two of his films to the audience - “The Doctor” and “If You Love...”.

Kutsenko was inspired to shoot the film “The Doctor” by a family tragedy. In 2011, his mother passed away from glioblastoma (an incurable brain tumor similar to the one that Zhanna Friske had). Three months later, my father died, also from cancer. Kutsenko dedicated his film to heroic neurosurgeons and patients who, after all, could not be saved.

A year later, to the delight of fans, the actor returned to duty, starring in the next “Yolki”. In 2017, the actor appeared in a brilliant cast (John Malkovich, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Victoria Isakova) in the lyrical comedy “About Love. For adults only." The film was directed by Anna Melikyan, Pavel Ruminov and others.

“The best in the country”: Gosha Kutsenko

Personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

Kutsenko met his first wife, actress Maria Poroshina, at the Moscow Art Theater. They did not have time to legalize their relationship, and in 1996 the couple had a daughter, Polina. However, the young family soon broke up, but Maria and Gosha managed to save warm relations.

The 45th anniversary became a landmark in the life of Gosha Kutsenko; he married for the second time to fashion model and actress Irina Skrinichenko. His beloved wife first gave the actor a daughter, Evgenia, and then, on his 50th birthday, a daughter, Svetlana, named after her grandmother. The happy father was also congratulated by his first wife Maria Poroshina and her daughter Polina.

Despite being so busy, the actor finds time for all his girls, whom he loves dearly. Family values, vaccinated by parents, are supported in his family. Polina Kutsenko is trying herself in the acting field.

Gosha Kutsenko now

Now Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko continues to actively work in cinema, tour, sing, and direct his own films. In the spring of 2018, filming of the first season of the series “ Ambulance"directed by Bogdan Drobyazko, where Gosha has the main role. The film “Pushkin” was also in production. Whiskey. Rock and Roll" directed and screenwriter Anna Matison, and the joint Russian-Serbian project "Balkan Frontier", where Kutsenko is not only an actor, but also a producer.

May 2018 was marked for Gosha Kutsenko with an Israeli tour with the play “Ladies’ Night. Only for women,” produced by Elshan Mammadov. The role of Greg, one of six unemployed steelworkers who, ironically, became strippers, invariably evokes laughter, a lot of emotions and a flurry of applause from the audience.

Kutsenko Yuri Georgievich was born on May 20, 1967 in the city of Zaporozhye in southern Ukraine. He is married to the famous actress and fashion model Irina Skrinichenko, who is 13 years younger than her chosen one. We are talking about the actor Gosha Kutsenko, whose charisma, talent and success today can be the envy of many modern artists.

Actor biography

Honored Artist Russian Federation, theater actor, director, producer, singer, composer, sex symbol and simply a favorite of the audience - all these credentials today belong to Gosha Kutsenko. And no matter how old this wonderful actor is, and no matter what heights of fame he occupies today, Gosha always speaks with special trepidation about his childhood.

Yura Kutsenko's childhood

A boy was born into an ordinary Ukrainian family. His mother, Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko, worked as a radiologist, and his father, Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko, held a position in the Ministry of Radio Industry all his life. And only grandmother (she was opera singer) was related to the world of art. It was probably from her that the genes of acting talent and love for the stage were passed on to the boy.

Parents named their son after Yuri Gagarin, but little Kutsenko really liked it when his mother called him Gosha, since the tricky letter “r”, which was present in his official name, was very difficult for the boy.

Their early years in his native Zaporozhye, the actor remembers with incredible warmth, talking in many interviews about summer swimming in the Dnieper, juicy cherries along the roads and sweet mulberries, which he and other boys ate straight from the trees. However, the family did not live long in this picturesque region, since the eldest Kutsenko was transferred to work in Lvov. There the boy continued his studies at school.

Yura grew up in an atmosphere of attention and was always considered a very flexible child, but at the same time he was never a “mama’s boy.” Despite his workload, the father devoted a lot of time to the boy, cultivating in him real masculine qualities and the ability to stand up for himself in any situation. The wrestling sports section also left its mark on the formation of the younger Kutsenko’s character.

Having finished school well, Kutsenko entered Lvov Polytechnical Institute. However, he never managed to finish his studies - the guy was drafted into the army, where he served as a signalman.

Admission to the Moscow Art Theater

Having been demobilized in 1988, Yuri went to Moscow, where his father, who had received a promotion, had already been transferred at that time. The elder Kutsenko, who became Deputy Minister of Radio Industry, made every effort to ensure that his son followed in his footsteps, but the guy was increasingly drawn to the stage. Nevertheless, Yuri still agreed with his father’s will and went to study at the Moscow University of Radio Engineering. For two years, the guy diligently attended classes, but the thought of choosing the wrong profession increasingly haunted him.

As a result, Kutsenko dropped out of university and planned to enter the Moscow Art Theater School, which he had been dreaming about for several years. Unfortunately, the parents did not approve of their son’s choice, and the father even tried in every possible way to prevent him, including his business connections. But the younger Kutsenko was so unshakable that no intrigues became an obstacle in his way.

The exam for the theater school turned out to be very funny: a guy with a clear Ukrainian accent and a strong burr could not pronounce his official name, but as a result, without being confused, he called himself Gosha. As it later turned out, speech deficiencies and resourcefulness played into Yuri’s hands, and the chairman of the commission, Oleg Tabakov, who saw individuality in the guy, decided to enroll him as a student.

So it began creative path actor Gosha Kutsenko, in whose biography and personal life everything could have turned out completely differently if he had not once gone against the will of his father.

The beginning of an acting career

The aspiring actor received his first roles back in student years. In 1991, he made his debut in the film “The Man from Alpha Team,” where he played a cameo role. Soon there was a leading role in the comedy “Mummy from a Suitcase”.

Kutsenko graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 1992. It seemed to him that now the whole world would be at his feet, but harsh reality I didn’t greet the aspiring actor as warmly as he would have liked. Moreover, it turned out that all the doors to a successful stage life were simply closed to young talent.

Throughout the nineties, Kutsenko tried many times to find his refuge: he played a little in theater and cinema, tried himself as a TV presenter and even starred in commercials. However, all the roles that were offered to him were only episodic, and such work not only could not feed the actor, but also did not bring him any moral satisfaction.

Almost disillusioned with his chosen profession, Gosha stopped going on stage and took up teaching.

Creative takeoff

Ten years of tossing and turning did not go unnoticed, and fate finally turned its face to the man who had been waiting so long for his lucky break. In 2001, for the first time in for a long time Gosha was invited to the main role. And although the film called “April” was not very popular with the viewer, it became for the actor a kind of first sign, with which a happy streak began in Kutsenko’s career.

Well, real fame came to the actor already in 2002. It was the film “Antikiller” directed by Yegor Konchalovsky. In it, Gosha Kutsenko played the role that became a turning point in his career. The viewer highly appreciated the talented cast and the brilliant performance of the main character, instantly raising him to the very heights of fame.

Since then, the flow of offers has increased at breakneck speed, and soon the actor’s piggy bank was replenished with dozens of main and minor roles. Among the most popular paintings with Kutsenko’s participation we can especially highlight:

  • "Antikiller" - 2002;
  • “Night Watch” - 2004;
  • “Day Watch” - 2005;
  • “Turkish Gambit” - 2005;
  • “Savages” - 2006;
  • “Love-Carrot” - 2007;
  • “Inhabited Island” - 2009;
  • “Game of Truth” - 2013;
  • “Exercises in beauty” - 2013

Many of these films were so loved by the audience that they even received their own sequels.

The actor admits that he doesn’t really like TV series, but successful multi-part films are increasingly appearing in his collection, which only add to his audience’s sympathy.

TV series in which the actor starred:

  • "Special Forces" (2002);
  • “The investigation is being conducted by experts: A pound of gold” (2003);
  • “Hunting for the Red Deer” (2005);
  • "The Fall of an Empire" (2005);
  • "Turkish Gambit" (2006);
  • "Informal" (2014);
  • “The Last Cop” (2014);
  • "Emergency" (2018).

The actor is not limited to just filming films: in the music community he is known as a wonderful singer and rock musician. Kutsenko’s passion for music began during a period of creative crisis. It was then that he and several of his friends founded a rock band with the mysterious name “Lamb-97”, in which Gosha was the lead singer.

From 2004 to 2008, Kutsenko performed in tandem with the musical group “Anatomy of Soul”. The composition took part in many festivals and at the same time gave dozens of concerts in various cities of Russia.

Actor and singer Gosha Kutsenko has two solo albums:

  • "My World" - 2010;
  • "Music" - 2014

Today, the actor has no shortage of work: he continues to act in films, writes music, and is also involved in directing and producing.

Personal life and family

Gosha admits that in his youth he had many love affairs, and this is not surprising, because tall and stately, women always liked him. He is wary of love, because several times he was so madly in love that he simply completely lost his head. He says that this condition did not bring him anything good.

Once in one of his interviews in 2011, Kutsenko said that he understood too little about family relationships. Nevertheless, today the actor already has two family lives and perhaps now he looks at his experience in this area differently.

First family

The actor's first marriage was unofficial and short-lived. Gosha Kutsenko's first wife's name is Maria Poroshina. She is also a famous actress and just beautiful woman. The young people met within the walls of the Moscow Art Theater studio when Gosha was already in his third year and Maria was just taking her entrance exams. Something broke out between a guy and a girl great love, and soon they, without signing, began to live together. In 1996, they had a daughter, who was named Polina. Unfortunately, when the baby was only two years old, disagreements began between her parents, after which Kutsenko left the family.

Now ex-spouses They maintain a wonderful relationship and see each other often, and the daughter of Gosha Kutsenko and Maria Poroshina has followed in the footsteps of her parents and is already acting in films. In 2016, she even starred with her father in the series “The Last Cop.” Commenting on this event, Gosha admitted that he was very happy to film with his daughter, since this is a great opportunity for him to see her more often.

Second marriage

The actor and his current wife, Irina Mikhailovna Skrinichenko, have had a relationship that has been developing for more than one year. The couple did not advertise their relationship for a long time and carefully hid it from the press. And only in 2012 Gosha officially announced that he was married. The wedding took place without unnecessary pathos: the newlyweds got married almost secretly, and only the closest people were present at the celebration.

Two years later, the couple had a girl. Now little Evgenia (that’s what the couple named their daughter) is already three years old. She is very similar to her father and is already showing her innate artistic qualities. At the age of one and a half, little Zhenya even starred in her dad’s video. In the song “Such Love” she played the role of a kind of “gift from space” that flew in to make her parents happy.

In 2017 it became known that The 50-year-old actor will become a dad for the third time. There have been rumors for a long time in the journalistic community that Gosha and Irina will soon have a son, but such expectations were not confirmed, and the couple had another daughter, Svetlana.

Today the actor admits that he feels like an absolutely happy person.

And indeed, he has everything he needs to complete harmony: three beautiful daughters, decent job, and most importantly - his beloved family, which Gosha Kutsenko puts in first place today.

Attention, TODAY only!

You will recognize him from a thousand...” Just look at his hairstyle. Today we are talking about Russian actor, director and screenwriter Gosha Kutsenko. His biography is a series of eventful events, in which thousands of his fans throughout Russia are interested. The female half is especially interested in the actor’s personal life. We hasten to disappoint them. The man is happily married.

Moreover, Gosha Kutsenko can safely be considered a father of many children. The man has three daughters. Despite the fact that they are from different women, the actor tries to pay attention to each of them. The celebrity especially loves spending time with his youngest. Let us remind you that this summer the actor became a father.

Actor biography

Gosha Kutsenko is primarily known as an actor. As a screenwriter and director - only later. How the man came to this, read in our article. Gosha Kutsenko - aka Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko. The man is from the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. Gosha celebrates her birthday on May 20th. This year the actor celebrated his anniversary. He turned 50 years old.

His parents had nothing to do with art. His mother is a doctor, and his father worked in industry. The only one who could theoretically have a creative influence on little Gosha was his grandmother. In her youth, the woman was an opera singer. However, as she approached old age, her career did not work out.

Childhood photos of the actor

His real name is Gosha interesting story. It was named after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. As a child, my mother called the boy Gosha. He liked it because he didn’t have to quickly learn to pronounce the letter U.

After moving to the West, Gosha entered the Lviv Polytechnic. I couldn't finish my studies. He was drafted into the army. The move to Moscow occurred in 1988. Gosha entered MIREA, but did not finish his studies. Then there was the Moscow Art Theater School. He graduated in 1992.

Now Gosha works at the Mossovet Theater. He also appears in commercials. In 2016, the actor announced that he intended to no longer act in films, but wanted to start directing.

Actor in his youth

The most famous works in the cinema of Gosha Kutsenko:

  1. “Mom, don’t worry.”
  2. "Antikiller".
  3. “This is what’s happening to me.”
  4. "Love is a carrot."
  5. "Savages".

In total, Gosha Kutsenko’s filmography includes more than three dozen films. He voiced three cartoons and directed 3 films. This list will be expanded in the future.


How did the family happiness of the Russian Bruce Willis turn out?

Photos of Gosha Kutsenko and his wife often appear on the Internet. The actor values ​​his family very much, so he tries to show off his personal life only superficially. There are several marriages in the biography of Gosha Kutsenko. Kutsenko met his ex-wife, actress Maria Poroshina, at the Moscow Art Theater school. The girl just entered educational institution. Gosha was older than Maria for 6 years.

Soon after meeting, the young people decided to live together. In 1996, the couple had a girl. They named her Polina. Unfortunately, the marriage of the young people did not last long. After 5 years, Gosha and Maria made a decision - they needed to leave. Unlike other Russian famous couples, Kutsenko and Poroshina maintained exclusively friendly relations.

With his first wife Maria Poroshina

Actors can often be found filming the same films. In addition, they communicate outside film set.

The second time Gosha was seen in an official relationship was only in 2012. From unverified sources it is known that Kutsenko dated his second wife for 10 years. Relatively recently, the lovers decided to officially legitimize their relationship.

Who is Irina Skrinichenko?

Gosha Kutsenko’s second wife is even younger than the actor’s first wife. Irina is 13 years younger than her star husband. This does not prevent the couple from finding mutual language in controversial situations and maintain mutual understanding in relationships. Irina is a fashion model. The woman also acted in films. But she cannot be called a full-fledged actress.

The second wife of Gosha Kutsenko decided not to advertise their relationship. The wedding was very modest. The only witness to the change in status in the actor’s personal life was his mother-in-law. Unfortunately, in the biography of Gosha Kutsenko there is no information whether there was any celebration on the occasion of the beginning of his life together with his first wife, Maria Poroshina.

The second wife of the actor Irina Skrinichenko

As Gosha Kutsenko said, the secret painting was solely Irina’s initiative. It was she who did not want to arrange a magnificent celebration. Gosha himself would not mind inviting guests to a magnificent banquet.

Gosha also said that despite the absence of guests, their wedding with Irina can be called full-fledged. The bride came to the painting at wedding dress. The groom put on a suit. As for wedding gifts to each other, Gosha said that he already gives gifts to his wife every day. Kutsenko shared with reporters that he gives his wife absolutely everything he has. Irina appreciates this very much.

The actor's youngest daughters

Polina is not the only daughter of Gosha Kutsenko. Average and youngest daughter His second wife, Irina Skrinichenko, gave birth to him. In 2014, Evgenia was born. The baby’s parents say that she takes after her dad in her creative abilities. Gosha has already managed to film his daughter in his video “Love is like this.” The girl was named the youngest Russian actress. In 2017, Gosha Kutsenko gave birth to her youngest daughter.

With second wife and daughter

The girl was named Svetlana. Information has repeatedly appeared in the press that the couple is about to have a boy. However, a girl appeared in the Kutsenko family again.

It is unknown who the actor wanted more. He's crazy about his daughters anyway. It is possible that in the future his wife will still give Gaucher a son.

When did it become known about the addition to the Kutsenko family?

Gosha Kutsenko with her youngest newborn daughter

The second pregnancy of the actor’s current wife, Irina Skrinichenko, became known shortly before the woman gave birth. In early June, the couple again became the happiest parents. A few days after the birth of his daughter, the actor showed her picture to Internet users. The photo was just published on the eve of Father's Day. Gosha commented on the publication with humor.

Another daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, is only three years old. Elder Polina– 21 years old.

What connects the artist’s ex-wives and current wives?

In ordinary life, tender friendship between the former and current wives of one man is very rare. Most likely, it doesn't even occur at all. But when we're talking about about Russian and foreign celebrities, everything is possible. Gosha Kutsenko was very lucky. Two of his close women managed to find a common language.

Maria Poroshina and Irina Skrinichenko often meet at Gosha’s concerts. Moreover, women even visit each other. The women even managed to star in one film together. Together with Poroshina and Skrinichenko, she took part in the filming eldest daughter Kutsenko - Polina. The relationship between Maria and Kutsenko himself is also extremely friendly.

Kutsenko with his eldest daughter Polina

Look at the photo of Gosha Kutsenko. He was once very happy in his personal life with Maria Poroshina. But their biographies diverged. Ex-wife Goshi says that she would accept any of his choices unconditionally. But she was lucky. Things worked out between the woman and Kutsenko’s new wife a good relationship. Maria says that Ira is a very erudite and talkative woman. They are interested in communicating.

To the surprise of everyone, Maria was very happy about the news about the addition to the Kutsenko family, both for the first and second time. Actress Maria Poroshina says that motherhood has changed Irina a lot. With the advent of babies in her life, Ira became more tender and feminine. Maria believes that motherhood is exclusively for her benefit.

The actor is happy in his second marriage

Interesting fact– Kutsenko’s eldest daughter maintains relationships with the younger ones. The children consider themselves sisters, despite the fact that they have different mothers.

The daughters of Maria Poroshina from actor Ilya Drevnov consider the daughters of Gosha Kutsenko and Irina Skrinichenko to be their sisters. Papa Gosha is very touched by this.

This article will talk about a person who is loved and known as a talented and charismatic actor - Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko, better known to everyone as Gosha Kutsenko.
Before Gosha and his famous bald head began to be recognized on the street, he waited five years for his finest hour, after the release of the first film with his participation. Believing in himself and his success helped him achieve fame not only in cinema, but in many other industries.
Few people know that Kutsenko is also an excellent musician and singer. In the nineties, he performed as a soloist in a rock band, and twelve years later he created his own group, which lasted a little more than three years. During this period, the team managed to participate in music festivals and give a huge number of concerts, including different corners Russia. Several works could even be heard in films.
The actor and musician has two solo albums: “My World” and “Music”.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gosha Kutsenko

This year the actor celebrated his fifty-first birthday. But when a tall, athletic man looks at viewers from television screens, this figure is hard to believe. It is not surprising that after meeting the actor, many want to know his height, weight, and age. How old Gosha Kutsenko is is already known, it remains to find out his parameters.
Thanks to an active lifestyle, the celebrity manages to keep her weight at around eighty kilograms, with a height of one meter and eighty-five centimeters.
They are also interested in the actor’s so-called “highlight” – the hump on his nose, or rather, its appearance. Kutsenko acquired it in his youth, when he was engaged in freestyle wrestling. According to the actor, after the next strong blow, for some reason, he kept falling face down. This is where the hump came from, which makes Gosha even more attractive.

Biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko originates in the city of Zaporozhye. Already as a schoolboy, together with his parents, he moved to the city of Lviv, where he spent his youth.
According to his passport, the actor is Yuri, named after the first man to fly into space. But everywhere he introduced himself as Gosha, that’s what his family called him. This name suited the boy better also because he lisped a little.
At school the child gave preference exact sciences. Therefore, after receiving the certificate, I easily entered the Polytechnic Institute. However, he had to leave his studies because the young man was drafted into the army. Gosha also established himself there as the responsible person, he was even offered to continue his military career, but the young man refused.
After serving, Gosha goes to Moscow. It was there that his father was transferred and promoted. Kutsenko is recovering technical university, but after studying for several years, he takes the documents and enters the Moscow Art Theater.
For his parents, who saw him as a minister or diplomat, this came as a real surprise, but in the end they had to come to terms with their son’s choice.
The audience's favorite not only manages to act in films, but also provides voiceovers for foreign films and cartoons. So, in “Three Heroes. Knight's move" Potanya speaks in Kutsenko's voice.
Often acts as a judge at various shows programs. More than once he became a guest on television programs about stars.
Besides creative activity, Gosha Kutsenko accepts Active participation in social activities.
In 2007, he became a member of the “For Putin” movement. For five years he was a member of the United Russia party.
He was the organizer of a charity concert, donations from which went to the restoration of the city that suffered as a result of the war in Ossetia.

Filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko

Before the filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko began to appear on television screens, the actor even doubted the correctness of his chosen profession several times. And all because while still a student, he played a couple of cameo roles in the films “The Man from Team Alpha” and “Hammer and Sickle”. After which there was a lull, which did not please the young man at all.
The situation was radically changed by Gosha’s leading role in the film “April”. Then “Antikiller” was released, instantly making Kutsenko a sought-after actor.
After that, films such as “Loneliness of Blood”, “The Road”, “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” were made with Gosha in the title role.
Don't think that the actor was trusted only with the roles of bandits or nerds. Kutsenko played excellently in all parts of the comedy film “Love-Carrots”, as well as in the fourth part of “Yolki”.
In 2015, the actor starred in the military series “Sniper: The Last Shot,” and twelve months later, viewers were able to watch another series called “The Last Cop 2.”
But the film “Paragraph 78” received mixed reviews from both critics and viewers.
Besides acting, Gosha Kutsenko is also involved in directing. He already has several films to his credit. The popular actor also plays on the theater stage.

Family and children of Gosha Kutsenko

There were ups and downs in the actor’s life, but he managed to steadfastly endure all the hardships of fate and now the actor is quite happy man. He has a big and loving family, favorite job and many other interesting hobbies. However, this was not always the case.
In the nineties young man it wasn't sweet. For a long time he could not get a role so that his talent could be appreciated. At the same time, the collapse of the country and the breakdown of his relationship with his common-law wife occurred.
Despite all the ups and downs of life, now Gosha Kutsenko’s family and children are his pride and the love of his life.
Unfortunately, it could not have happened without tragic events. In 2011 from cancer First his mother dies, and a couple of months later his father dies. At the same time, Gosha is preparing for the release of his first film, entitled “Doctor”. And after some time, he himself was offered to play the role of a doctor in an ambulance, which the actor agreed to without hesitation, seeing this as a sign from above. After all, his mother worked as a doctor in an X-ray room, and since childhood, the actor knew firsthand everything about the difficult work of people, this responsible and so necessary profession.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina

Gosha Kutsenko's first child was born in 1996. Now his daughter is already sixteen years old. The girl grew up to be a real beauty.
Gosha Kutsenko’s daughter, Polina, decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents - to become an actress. On this moment, she is a student at the Shchepkinsky Theater School. Despite young age, the girl has already managed to star in several films: “On the way to the heart”, “Compensation” and “The Last Cop”. The roles she played were episodic. But Polina was satisfied with her performance. She was once again convinced that she had chosen “her” profession.
Polina's parents - Gosha and Maria Poroshina - never managed to officially register their relationship, having lived in civil marriage a little over five years. Nevertheless, warm relations remained between them. Maria always approved and supported her father’s desire to meet her daughter. And just recently, Polina and Gosha sang a duet at a fairly large event. The guests appreciated their vocal abilities.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Evgenia

Gosha Kutsenko’s second daughter, Evgenia, was born in the actor’s second marriage to Irina Skrinichenko. Now the baby is only four years old, but she and her mother have already managed to star in her father’s video. Gosha is not a superstitious person, so he himself invited his wife to participate in the filming of the video. Then, in an interview, the happy father admitted that it was not easy to dress Zhenya in an astronaut costume, but they still managed to do it, and the end result pleased him.
Evgenia is growing up as a well-rounded girl: she already reads, tries to write, and really loves drawing classes. Parents can already see the child’s acting abilities, and will not oppose if in the future she decides to choose an acting profession.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Svetlana

Last year, the actor became a father of many children - his third girl was born. On family council it was decided to name the child in honor of the paternal grandmother - Svetlana. As it turned out, the name turned out to be a common noun. The actor often says that his daughter’s appearance is very similar to him and his wife, but her character and behavior, no matter how strange it may sound, are like his mother, Svetlana Vasilievna.
Gosha Kutsenko’s daughter, Svetlana, appeared a month after the actor celebrated his fiftieth birthday. Just at this time he was at the Kinotavr film festival and good news everyone around him knew.
After the birth of his third daughter, Gosha radically revised his work schedule and structured it so that he had more time for his girls. He never tires of repeating that he is incredibly happy and wants to remember every minute of his children growing up.

Gosha Kutsenko's ex-wife - Maria Poroshina

Gosha Kutsenko’s ex-wife, Maria Poroshina, appeared in the actor’s life when he was already graduating from theater, and the girl had just started her first year. The young man immediately drew attention to the interesting and blond Marina. They began dating, despite their age difference of six years.
Soon the common-law spouse found out about the pregnancy. But even after this, the couple was in no hurry to register their relationship and, as it turned out, for good reason. A few years later, the young parents decided to separate. Everything went peacefully, so the actors continue to communicate. Maria Poroshina was even present when Gosha was congratulated on the birth of her daughter.
The second husband of the actress was a colleague in the workshop, Ilya Drevnov. During the marriage, Marina gave birth to three more girls. It seemed that this time the woman’s fate was going well. However, this year two news appeared at once. The first one pleased Marina’s fans - she is expecting a child again. But the second one was simply shocking: after seventeen years of marriage, the actress filed for divorce. What caused this decision is unknown; neither side is commenting on what is happening.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife - Irina Skrinichenko

Irina Skrinichenko – famous model and actress. Irina got into the modeling business at a young age. Her high a slim body attracted the attention of many famous fashion designers. She was a serious girl, so she decided, in addition to working as a model, to also get her main profession. In 2002, Skrinichenko graduated from the Academy. Plekhanov, specialty: international trade and law. Almost immediately I got a job in an organization producing films. She worked there for more than six years.
In 2007, the girl played her first cameo role in the film. This was followed by several more films with her participation, including the drama “Son” - the first directorial film by Gosha Kutsenko.
The romance between Irina and Gosha lasted for a long time. There were rumors that they even broke up several times, but then they were still seen together. An offer of marriage ladies' man I did it to Irina twice. The second time the girl agreed, and they got married. The celebration took place without any special frills: the bride and groom were dressed up, and Irina’s future mother-in-law served as a witness.
Now Gosha Kutsenko’s wife, Irina Skrinichenko, leads a secluded lifestyle; the girl can rarely be seen at social parties and in new film works. She devotes herself entirely to her beloved husband and two charming daughters, creating comfort and harmony in the family nest.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko

For those who are just getting acquainted with the work of Gosha Kutsenko and want to know about him not only, what kind of actor he is, but also what kind of person he is outside the set, it will be useful to take a look at Gosha Kutsenko’s Instagram and Wikipedia.
Wikipedia contains only meager data from the actor’s life, but there is full list of all the projects in which he has ever taken part.
But Instagram will help reveal him as a person. On his page, Gosha often shares pieces of his life with subscribers: photos with his family, new songs, sketches of new videos.
In addition to his busy acting career, Gosha, together with his wife Irina, is a co-founder charitable foundation. Which helps children diagnosed with cerebral palsy.