1568 named after Pablo Neruda official.

He called this poet the happiest man in the whole world. However, one can even agree with this loud statement. After all, Neruda was considered a treasure of the Latin American continent during his lifetime. He was also loved in the USSR. The best translators worked on his texts. Want to know more about him? Then read this article.

The life of Pablo Neruda is rich in external events. Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basualto - this is the poet's real name - was born in the city of Parral, in central Chile. This event took place on July 12, 1904.

Origin of the poet

His father was a railway conductor - he accompanied trains loaded with rubble. The mother died of consumption a month after the birth of her son. The father married a second time, and the family moved to the city of Temuco, which is slightly to the south. There the boy grew up. Pablo Neruda retained grateful memories of his stepmother. He wrote that she was a kind and affectionate woman with peasant humor. She was constantly busy and caring about everyone.

Education at the Lyceum

At the age of 6, the child was taken to the lyceum. Gradually, Pablo Neruda became interested in reading and began to compose himself. He published his first poems in newspapers while still a lyceum student. It was then that the pseudonym was born - in an attempt to hide poetry studies from his father, who saw in them the reason for his son’s chronic failure in mathematics. The name was chosen on the spur of the moment - Pablo liked one of the stories of the Czech classic of the last century, Jan Neruda, while the boy did not understand the accents and became Neruda. Subsequently, this name was assigned to him by an official act - it was included in the passport.

First prize, first collection

After graduating from the Lyceum, the young man moved to Santiago and entered the Pedagogical Institute, located at the capital’s university. Here he studied English and French. At the same time, Pablo Neruda received first prize for a poem called “Holiday Song” at a student competition. And 19-year-old Neruda became the author of the poetry collection “Collection of Sunsets,” the costs of which he paid for by himself by selling his measly property. Even then, his stormy poetic temperament manifested itself - Neruda recalled that he wrote 2, 3, 4 and even 5 poems a day. Basically it was landscape poetry, student and imitative. But his still fragile poetic voice did not prevent him from hatching a big idea, which became his artistic credo. Pablo Neruda wrote that he wanted to become a poet who would embrace as much as possible in his work. He longed to merge events, passions, nature and man, and for all this to be shown in interconnection.

In those same years, Neruda became involved in political activities, published articles on social issues in newspapers, and took part in the work of trade unions and student societies.

Consul position, travel

Having completed a full course at the institute, Neruda is in no hurry to start working life. For a long time he tried to get some kind of diplomatic position and finally in 1927 he became consul in Rangoon, the capital of Burma. This “job” (he recalls that he had to perform official duties once every three months) could be called a sinecure if it were well paid, but the usual companion of young poets - poverty - did not escape him either. Then Neruda was transferred to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), he also visited China, Japan, Argentina, etc. The East enriched the worldview, giving Neruda’s work that universality, one might say, the cosmic quality that is characteristic of a mature poet.

"Residence - Earth"

The book, prepared based on accumulated impressions, bore a title reflecting these views: “Residence — Earth.” It was published in 1935, when Neruda had already received the post of Chilean consul in Madrid. Subsequently, the poet recalled this collection, which brought him fame, that his book was filled with bitterness by his writing style and the truth of life. Gabriela Mistral responded with a friendly article; she saw in Neruda’s “intense expressiveness” features of popular vernacular. Neruda retained the method of unexpectedly bold, arbitrary associativity used in this book in the future.

and their consequences

With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Neruda became involved in the political struggle on the side of the Republicans and wrote the poetry collection “Spain in the Heart.” The Chilean government regarded this behavior as incompatible with a diplomatic post and transferred him to the post of consul in Paris. By that time, the time of unrest was left behind, and the already famous poet bought a rich villa “Isla Negro” (Black Island) in Chile, 150 kilometers from the capital.

Neruda becomes a communist

His political sympathies gradually transformed - in 1945 he joined the Communist Party of Chile, and since 1959 he has been a member of its Central Committee. For Latinos, such sentiments are common. They see the reasons for the political and economic backwardness of their countries in an unjust social system, and accordingly, they seek solutions to pressing issues only through the paths of social change. For Neruda, individualism is also unacceptable. At Nobel Day, he said that he chose a difficult path on which he shares responsibility with people, and prefers modest service to the numerous army, which at times may be mistaken, but tirelessly moves forward, to the worship of the individual as the center of the universe.

At the same time, he, who rejects individualism, is attracted to the idea of ​​a hero. In his declining years, Neruda recalled that the dark sides of the time did not dislodge from his memory the image of Stalin, a man strict with himself, the “titanic defender” of the revolution in Russia. Neruda turned away from the circumstances that accompanied this “titanic defense” as if they were details that did not change the essence of the matter. He remained that way until the end.

Working as a senator, fleeing to Argentina

One of the most striking episodes in Neruda’s biography is associated with the post-war period. In the 1947 election campaign, he supported the candidacy of Gonzalez Videla, who did not skimp on promises. He became and Neruda was elected senator. However, in the worst Latin American traditions, Videla, having come to power, began massive persecution of former supporters, including communists. In response, Neruda made a sharp speech in the Senate in which, without avoiding theatricality, he said “I accuse!” Just like Zola once did. A month later, a decree for his arrest appeared. I had to go underground, and then, disguised as a cattle driver, escape through the mountains to Argentina. Life in exile was filled with trips to different countries, participation in World Peace Congresses, etc.

Last years of life

In 1969, Neruda was nominated for the presidential elections in Chile, but he withdrew it in favor. With the latter's victory, Neruda became Chile's ambassador to France, where he learned that he had been awarded the Nobel Prize. But a serious illness forces the poet to return to his homeland. He died in a clinic in the capital 12 days after the bloody government coup (September 23, 1973).


Interestingly, almost 40 years after his death, the poet’s body was exhumed. Its goal was to find out the true reasons that led to the death of the poet. The fact is that the Nobel laureate died under very mysterious circumstances. He died 12 days after the military junta seized power in Chile. The death certificate stated that the cause was prostate cancer. But friends testified that a few hours before his death, Neruda was talking, moving independently, and being cheerful. His death occurred after an injection given to him in the hospital. An analysis carried out in 2011 confirmed the conclusion drawn up by doctors.

Analysis of Neruda's creativity

In the post-war years, Neruda continued to write a lot. In total, he created 40 independent books that do not repeat each other in any way. His poetry was translated into many languages ​​(it was translated into Italian by Salvatore Quasimodo), it won worldwide recognition, but he was constantly accompanied by the reputation of a poet, perhaps a genius, but too “excessive,” chaotic, and disorderly. Neruda could seem sometimes too complex, sometimes almost primitive, too prone to rhetoric and verbosity, in short, a poet who, despite his undeniable merits, does not meet the generally accepted requirements of taste in literature. This is exactly how Pablo Neruda seemed to many critics.

The opinion of a mother who completely agrees with “Student’s Mom” message No. 140323, and who also still cannot come to her senses with happiness that all this horror is over.

When deciding whether to enroll a child in a lyceum, most parents focus specifically on the phrase “physico-mathematical” and want to introduce the child to an in-depth study of physics and mathematics, which in the future will allow the child to connect his destiny with increasingly popular and highly sought-after technical professions . BUT, one should not discount the fact that in addition to physics and mathematics, in the lyceum from the 10th grade there is both a major and 3 majors: physics and mathematics, mathematics and computer science, chemistry and biology. And the lyceum is well aware that it is unrealistic to qualitatively prepare children, for example, for admission to chemical and biological majors only in grades 10 and 11 within the framework of the profile. Therefore, be prepared that from the 7th grade, in addition to physics and mathematics, ALL children will also be taught advanced chemistry and biology. And since the lyceum annually occupies high positions in the ranking of Moscow schools and receives monetary grants from the Moscow government for this, which are used exclusively for bonuses for teachers with the help of whom the institution’s high results are achieved, then teachers of geography, history, social studies and others do not want to stay away (they want bonuses too!). Therefore, these subjects will be given at a high level. It is impossible to fit in-depth study of all subjects into the school schedule, so in-depth education is also implemented through numerous compulsory electives in many subjects.

As a result, the life of children starting from the seventh grade comes down to the fact that on weekdays they are at the lyceum until 17:00, after which there is a short break to get home and eat, and immediately sit down to do homework, the number of which is off the charts. The quick kids finish their homework around 12 midnight, the slower kids finish their homework late at night. It’s also not possible to rest on the weekend - on Saturdays there are compulsory electives, and on Sundays children are mercilessly driven to numerous Olympiads in ALL subjects throughout Moscow, because, I repeat, ALL teachers want to join in dividing the “pie” of the annual government grant. Plus extensive homework for next week.

Thus, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in our country, the working week of an adult is 40 hours, and for a child – a lyceum student – ​​it’s even difficult to calculate how much, but no less than 80 hours!

That is, when sending your child to the lyceum, you must realize that throughout all the years of study there will be only lyceum in his life! No sections or clubs, no leisure time, no books, theaters, museums, no just going for a walk, making friends or going to the doctor. One study and an impossible dream - to get some sleep! And the whole family will be forced to follow this schedule. You can forget about leisure time on weekends, during the holidays (including summer) homework is assigned to an even greater extent, and don’t relax on the May holidays - the child will sit and prepare for annual transfer papers, and “failure to pass them” will entail expulsion .

The lyceum will slightly reduce its turnover only by the 11th grade, but purely in order to free up time for children to study with tutors at YOUR expense (of course they won’t openly tell you about this), realizing that this will again bring dividends to it - the lyceum.

Yes, your child will bear the proud title of a lyceum student, will master school subjects well, but life experience and horizons (besides academic knowledge) will be extremely narrow, and you will see the child either forever sitting at the table or sleeping.

Every parent keeps in mind the Unified State Exam, based on the results of which their children will be admitted to universities. BUT! For successful admission, each child will need to score a certain number of points in THREE subjects on the Unified State Exam. And children will have to learn in depth something that most will not need at all in such a volume.

And one more thing... The Lyceum pays great attention to Olympiad preparation and reports that victories in Olympiads allow children to enter a university without exams. But! The Minister of Education of the Russian Federation has already promised to significantly reduce the number of Olympiads held in the near future due to suspicions of their corruption component, and even now only a few – truly gifted guys – become winners of Olympiads of the first (required) level. And it is gifted children that the lyceum cherishes, cherishes and nurtures, but, as a rule, there are not so many of them in each class. And if your child is not a genius, but simply smart, responsible and diligent, then, of course, having been deprived of a normal childhood, he will endure his studies at the lyceum, but all the years of study he will be in the class only as a background for the few geniuses studying, and will suffer on himself all that extremely harsh attitude towards oneself, about which much has been written in reviews. Whether the child will later be grateful to his parents for SUCH a childhood - everyone decides, of course, for himself.

But in our metropolis there are a lot of opportunities and other high-level educational institutions that are not so dispersed in in-depth study of all subjects, wanting to embrace the immensity. And if they call themselves “physics and mathematics,” then they concentrate on physics and mathematics.

It’s a shame that the notorious struggle of Moscow schools for a place in the ranking has led to the fact that it is the ranking that now worries both the lyceum and teachers. Now the lyceum ranks 9th in the ranking of Moscow schools and there is a complete feeling that more than anything else it fears that it will now fall from this position. Therefore, he squeezes all the juice out of children. That is, there is a continuous struggle for ratings at the expense of the health and normal childhood of children.

Does your (eldest) daughter’s last name begin with B? And the name is A, no?)

I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I’ll tell you how my two sons’ admission process went.
The eldest entered 3 years ago, before that he took courses. The courses were taught by Pankina, she praised her son during the courses, all the problems that were analyzed in the courses, the son “cracked like nuts”, everything was ok with oral calculation, he was an excellent student at school, there were never any problems in Russian, we were completely confident that the child will be admitted from the 1st stream, and for the second stream (there were May holidays during the second stream, and our trip included a couple of working days, which included an exam), we already had vacation tickets. However, no one expected that for the first class the children would be given a problem with a typo; because of this typo, the problem could not be solved, and the son got stuck. I got nervous, lost a lot of time, and as a result, I failed math. Plus, they didn’t study the problems that were given in the exam at all in the courses. During the course, the children studied Org, did Olympiad problems from the teacher’s printouts, and practiced mental arithmetic and intelligence. As the teachers themselves said at the “Developmental Courses” meeting, otherwise everyone from the courses would have entered the lyceum, but this is far from the case (in our group of 28 people, in the end, only three entered). In general, we grabbed our heads and hired a tutor who trained our classmate, who entered the 1st stream. Also an interesting point - few people advertise that they are studying with a tutor, it seems like it’s inconvenient or something, it’s much more pleasant to say that “I did it myself”, but in fact, many of the children are actively preparing with the teacher, and at the lyceum they continue to study with turnips , again hiding this fact. So, I can say with confidence that from March to May the tutor did a tremendous job, not only working through complex topics, but also tactically preparing my son for the exam (what tasks to start with, what pitfalls there may be, where mistakes can easily be made etc.) and the child solved mathematics even ahead of time). In the end, we got in, fortunately, at that time it was possible to retake only one subject, taking into account the fact that the second was passed successfully.
With my youngest, we decided not to take risks and combine courses with a tutor. The courses were taught by another teacher, Olga Vladimirovna, whom I liked much more than Pankina. We passed mathematics with a good margin in the first stream, but again, not everyone accepted the course; I didn’t keep track of the second stream, but only a couple of people from the group accepted from the first. And this year there was an innovation - even if one subject was passed with the highest score, and the second did not pass the lower limit, then both subjects had to be retaken, sad as it may be. As a result, there is stress again, and the children prepare for both Russian and mathematics in a new way. Our friend didn't make it. I didn’t make it literally “just a little”, I went to courses, those who didn’t make it “just a little” after the second round there was a whole huge sheet (they went to appeal, and there Olga Ivanovna, the head teacher, enrolled them in the reserve, but in the end no one They took it, because so many people came). Again, I didn’t get in because of stupid mistakes, somewhere I didn’t write an answer, somewhere the slightest arithmetic error led to an incorrect decision. Now he will prepare for the 6th grade, but the competition there is much higher, because new classes, as a rule, are not accepted , only additional. So there may be a kind of lottery here, and you need to look at the child. Some people do it easily even without extra classes, while others can skimp on small things.