The most unusual love couples (17 photos). The most famous couples in human history

There is hardly a person today who has not heard about Kylie and Tyga, Brad and Angelina, these couples are so famous for their bright and turbulent relationship. However, the unions of the last century were definitely more impressive, especially if the partners were united not only by passion, but also by creativity. The sparkling relationships of some outstanding poets, photographers and artists became iconic and remained in the memory not only of their generation, but also of subsequent ones. Here are 9 of the most famous creative couples in history.

1. Pablo Picasso and Francoise Gilot

Throughout his life, Picasso had more than one muse that inspired his work, but the most famous of them was the talented artist Françoise Gilot. They met in a Parisian restaurant in 1943, where Picasso invited her... to take a bath. After all hot water during the years of occupation it was a real luxury. Picasso and Gilot were not married, but they lived together for 10 wonderful years and had two children. All this time, Françoise was the artist’s only muse, and he, in turn, introduced her to Cubism. However, towards the end their relationship became too tense, and the couple broke up.

2. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

These two outstanding artists were able to come to terms with each other's personalities. They married in 1929, but divorced when it turned out that Rivera had cheated on his wife with her younger sister Christina. Kahlo did not want to forgive her unfaithful husband and began a relationship with pop artist Josephine Baker. A year later, Frida returned to her husband, and they never parted until her death, which the artist called the most tragic moment of your life.

3. Alfred Stieglitz and Georgia O'Keeffe

The talented photographer and gallery owner Alfred Stieglitz became both a mentor and husband for the artist Georgia O'Keeffe. However, successful career forced her to leave New York, where they met, and move to New Mexico, the desert landscapes of which so often subsequently appeared in the artist’s paintings. Stieglitz and O'Keeffe exchanged love letters until their deaths. In total, they wrote about 20 thousand messages.

4. Marina Abramovich and Ulay

The relationship between these performance artists can make anyone cry. Once upon a time, Marina Abramovich and Ulay spoke of themselves only as parts of a two-headed body, and their joint work became a real legend. The Union of Artists broke up on the Great Wall of China: Marina and Ulay walked about 2.5 thousand km from its opposite sides to the middle, where they said goodbye forever. Two decades later, Ulay would make a surprise appearance at Abramović's New York performance, "In the Present of the Artist," and she would be unable to hold back her tears.

5. Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes

The poets' relationship ended less than a year after it began when Ted Hughes was caught cheating. The separation caused Plath extreme pain, which she tried to express in her work. Probably, complete catharsis never happened, and she committed suicide by sticking her head in the oven of a gas stove. Ted Hughes - one of the best authors of the 20th century - spent the rest of his days editing Sylvia's works and writing a collection of poems full of reflections on his wife.

6. Helene Fried and Willem de Kooning

This marriage cannot be called harmonious. Fried and de Kooning may have learned a lot from each other in terms of art, but mutual infidelities and alcoholism had a destructive effect on their relationship. The artists separated for almost 20 years, only to reunite later. They were together until Fried died of lung cancer.

7. Man Ray and Lee Miller

Photographer Man Ray claimed that he would never take on anyone as a student, but model Lee Miller became his exception. She moved to Paris to join him in his studio and ended up becoming his assistant and muse, and then his lover. Lee Miller and Man Ray's relationship lasted about two years, and it was a truly fruitful period. Thus, Lee Miller discovered the solarization technique, which they used together, and the work of Man Ray of that period received special recognition.

8. Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner

As is known, the relationships between artists were extremely unstable, which is not surprising, given Pollock’s alcoholism. He was drunk even at the time of his acquaintance with Krasner. However, they were both devoted to art, and common love wonderfully supported their union. The only thing he didn’t survive was Pollock’s betrayal, after learning about which, Krasner broke off the relationship completely. A few years later she ex-spouse, being drunk, got into a car accident and died.

9. Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre

These great thinkers met in 1929 and lived together for 50 years. The union of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the most extravagant in the 20th century. They rejected the idea of ​​marriage, shared mistresses and never had children. The concepts of free will and choice became fundamental not only in their philosophical concepts, but also in their personal lives. Sartre died in 1980, and Simone de Beauvoir spent the rest of her days in an apartment overlooking the Montparnasse cemetery, where the philosopher was buried.

Romance between famous producer began when the actress was 19 years old. But their acquaintance took place even earlier - Ponti noticed a young girl at a beauty contest three years earlier, adding: “You have a very interesting face" Who would have thought that this would result in one of the most enduring celebrity marriages?

Their relationship, 22 years apart, at first resembled modern history Pygmalion: the eminent maestro tried with all his might to “blind” a young provincial girl into a secular lady - he forced her to study foreign languages, hired teachers in etiquette and art history. Of course, his efforts paid off in spades: and, as expected, he fell madly in love. Especially for the sake of Lauren (her pseudonym, by the way, is also the result of Ponti’s fantasy), the producer divorced his wife, which in Italy at that time was considered absolutely not comme-il-faut. The couple lived together until the death of Carlo Ponti in 2007.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

One of the most controversial couples of the 20th century, and the most tragic. It all started back in 1915, when his beloved Elsa, Lily’s sister, introduced the poet to the Brik family. After reading his signature “Clouds in Pants,” Mayakovsky immediately fell before Lily’s spell. One of the most touching gifts presented by the poet to his beloved was a ring with Lily’s initials engraved: L.Y.B., which, when rotated in a circle, formed an endless “love.”

Osip with Lilya Brik and Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

The couple also irrevocably fell in love with the poet and accepted him into their family - and in the most literal sense. Everyone was gossiping about their trio, who lived in the same apartment. It’s hard to imagine that under Soviet morality this would have been acceptable. But, as they say, creative people have their own world, and in addition, the poet was among Stalin’s favorites. Lilya played an important role in Mayakovsky's work: inspired by unhappy love, he wrote perhaps the most masterpiece poems. Although the poet died early, their love remained to live after them, in his immortal creations. “Instead of Writing” is one of the most indestructible poetic monuments of the last century.

Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori

53 years together - are there many couples in the world who can break the record of the most famous Italian couple? But when they met on the set of the film “A Very Strange Guy,” there was no chemistry between the actors. Yes, the actress was not at all impressed by the shocking Adriano, the idol of millions of girls around the world. However, the temperamental Italian decided not to give up and tried in every possible way to attract Mori’s attention. The actress thawed out only after a public declaration of love, which Celentano dedicated to her at his concert. Not later for a long time the lovers got engaged.

What is the secret of their happy married life? Italian cheerfulness, family values, the ability to forgive? Perhaps all at once. As Mori says: “I have never met anyone more interesting than Celentano in my life...” Now the couple lives near Milan, they have three children.

Iman and David Bowie

Could a romance between a rock star and a model turn into something more? Of course - this was proven by their own example Iman and David Bowie. Both had not the most successful relationships behind them: Bowie divorced the scandalous party girl Angela Barnett, and Iman barely recovered from her second marriage to a basketball player who was addicted to drugs. But having met the model at a charity event, Bowie admitted that it was love at first sight. On their first date, the rock singer invited her... to drink tea, even though he himself had been drinking exclusively coffee all his life. And they say that stars are not shy.

The couple got engaged in Florence and lived together until David's death in 2016. Iman raises them common daughter, Lexi. In an interview, David Bowie remarked: “You probably think that being a rock idol married to a supermodel is the best thing that can happen in life? In principle, that’s how it is.”

Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin

Prima Bolshoi Theater and the composer met while visiting Lily Brik. At that time, Maya was 29, he was 22. However, they began dating only three years after the fateful meeting. How can you fall in love with a ballerina? Of course, seeing her on stage is exactly what happened with Shchedrin and Plisetskaya. Many were condescending towards the marriage of the creative couple, but as they say, he who laughs last laughs.

The lovers lived together for 57 years, until Plisetskaya’s death in 2015. The ballerina herself said that she did not believe in special secrets family happiness: “Rodion and I just coincided.” The couple did not have children, it was a conscious decision - the ballerina did not want to spoil her figure, and for the sake of love, Shchedrin agreed.

Federico Fellini and Giulietta Masina

The couple, who lived together for fifty years and one day, first met on the set of Cicco and Pallina. The meeting turned out to be fatal: two weeks later the lovers got married. However, in order to maintain all decency, the wedding ceremony had to be postponed for six months. After marriage, the actress turned from Julia Anna to Juliet, at the whim of her husband.

Like the Shchedrin-Plisetskaya couple, the marriage of the great Italian director and his wife was childless. The actress really wanted to have children, but, alas, after a miscarriage and the rapid death of her first child, she could no longer do so. “If a childless couple does not break up, this means that the connection is really strong,” the maestro once said, and he turned out to be right.

Despite this, their “children” became unique masterpieces of cinema. One of them is “ Sweet life“By the way, this is largely due to Mazina. It was she who forced her husband to pay attention to his former colleague professionally, Marcello Mastroianni, who later played the main role in it.

Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna

Contrary to the plot of last year's acclaimed film "Matilda", the love story of the last Russian Tsar and his wife was completely different. Nikolay saw for the first time future wife, in 1889, when he was 20. Three years later he wrote in his diary:

“I dream of someday marrying Alix G. I have loved her for a long time, but especially deeply and strongly since 1889, when she spent 6 weeks in St. Petersburg. All this time I didn’t believe my feeling, I didn’t believe that my cherished dream could come true”...

Moreover, the young king defended his feelings, because his parents predicted for him a completely different bride - Elena Louise Henrietta, daughter of the Count of Paris. As a result, fate decreed in favor of Nikolai, and the lovers got married. Their marriage produced five children. Until the very last days lives, sadly cut short in 1918, they sent each other tender letters with declarations of love.

The other day, Argentinean Reynaldo Vavekche married Adelfa
Volpes. The groom is 24 years old, the bride is 58 years older than him...

The young couple have known each other for many years - since they were 15
Reynaldo lost his mother. The newlyweds are about to leave
V honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro...

Before the wedding, the groom said that he would always
liked older women, and when asked whether he would
marriage only platonic, replied that “everything is still ahead”...

Actor Verne Troyer, who played a hero named Mini-Me in
films about Austin Powers, and also starred in "Men in
black" and "Harry Potter" in 2004 married his
longtime friend of a fashion model and yoga teacher
Genevieve Gallen, who even without heels is taller than him
more than a meter...

Her height is 188 centimeters, and his is 81 centimeters... Such a difference
did not prevent the couple from spending several happy years...

In the end they divorced...However, in one of the interviews
Genevieve admitted that the reason for her problems with Vern was
not his short stature, and popularity among women... “Girls
They were always throwing themselves at Verne,” Gallen says. - I just
pushed out of his life..."

And this couple is just preparing to become husband and wife. Businessman
Albert Hollmann chose a girlfriend weighing 115
kilogram...Albert's friends and family were not disappointed,
because they know about his predilection for well-fed ladies.

As the future mother-in-law said, “Every day Albert came to
to visit us to see our girl and make sure that
she's fine... They dated a little more
six months, until one day Albert proposed to our daughter
hand and heart... The wedding is planned for December, so
we still have time to prepare our wedding

Beauty and the Beast...The girl married a Marine,
who lost his face from the explosion...

Sergeant T. Siegel asked his girlfriend Renee to marry him.
married him and went to serve in Iraq...In 2004,
Ti's combat vehicle was burned by a kamikaze terrorist.
The sergeant survived, but his whole face became a terrible wound...
More precisely, a monster without a face has returned from Iraq...

In a society where everyone is obsessed with physical perfection,
the guy was nicknamed “an armless and faceless monster”...

Rene was advised to forget about her beloved. They said that he
ugliness will kill old feelings. That when she got married, she
will hate both herself and him. But her heart continued

Despite the daily trials that befell them
share, Renee helped Tee regain faith in herself and
made me believe that they would be happy together...

Inequality in the face of life and death...Katie Kirkpatrick succeeded
delay cancer to celebrate the happiest day in
of your life...

The girl loved life very much, and did not want to put it off “for

Katie's fiancé, Nick Godwin, had been in love with her since school...And
the last months of her life he got a night job
shift to spend all days with Katie...

Then my husband and his friends serenaded Katie...

And 5 days after the wedding, Katie died. Her battle with
ended with a terrible disease on January 21, 2005...

Love is the most extraordinary feeling in the world. Throughout human history, it has inspired poets, writers and singers, and sometimes love has even served as a reason for crimes and wars between entire countries. Our selection today includes ten of the most famous couples whose love stories led to tragic consequences. Some of them are reliably existing historical characters, others we know about mostly from legends and myths.


According to legend, Paris was a Trojan prince, and Helen was the wife of Menelaus, the ruler of Sparta. Not finding mutual understanding with her husband, to whom she was forcibly married, Elena fled from Sparta along with the handsome Paris. However, in the midst of preparations for the wedding, Menelaus arrived with his troops at the walls of Troy, and a war began in which many Trojans died, including Paris. Elena had to return back to Sparta.

According to Greek myology, Orpheus was a talented singer, and Eurydice was his wife, who was once bitten by a snake and died. After this, Orpheus, unable to live without his beloved, descended into the mythical kingdom of Hades. He so charmed the inhabitants of the Underworld that Hades agreed to let Eurydice go, but on the condition that Orpheus should not look back until they left the realm of the dead. But Orpheus could not stand it and turned around to see if Eurydice was following him, and she was taken back - to the kingdom of Hades.

The love story between the Roman general Mark Antony and Egyptian queen Cleopatra is widely known for its dramatic ending. Both lovers committed suicide after their troops were defeated in battle against Caesar's army.

Characters of a medieval legend who fall in love with each other, despite the fact that Tristan's uncle, Mark, is supposed to marry Isolde. Nevertheless, Isolde was married to Mark, and Tristan was married to the daughter of the King of Britain, Isolde Belorukaya. The story ended with Tristan being wounded by a poisoned weapon, and Isolde, who did not have time to say goodbye to him, soon died of grief. In the ranking of free audiobooks “Romance Novels,” the novel Tristan and Isolde is one of the most popular.

According to legend, Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, was madly in love with Lancelot, one of the knights of the Round Table. When Arthur learned of this, the bitter rivalry between him and Lancelot destroyed the unity of the knights. In the end, Arthur was killed, and Guinevere went to a monastery out of grief.

Famous story Love, written by the famous Shakespeare, tells the story of the relationship between young lovers from two warring Italian families. How the story ended is probably known to everyone - Romeo poisoned himself, thinking that Juliet had died, and she, finding him dead, killed herself with a dagger.

Shah Jahan and his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal were happy together for a long time until Mumtaz Mahal died giving birth to their 14th child. Devastated by grief, Shah Jahan could not come to his senses for a long time, but found some consolation in the construction of a luxurious mausoleum in memory of his wife. This mausoleum still stands today and is known as the Taj Mahal.

The relationship between Napoleon and his wife Josephine, according to eyewitness accounts, was very stormy, and ultimately led to divorce. However, when Napoleon died, last words The emperor was addressed specifically to Josephine, his first wife. The love between the young king and the widow, who is 12 years older than him, caused outrage and protest both from the public and from Alexander’s mother. However, he did not listen to anyone’s advice and insisted on getting married. It all ended with the royal couple being killed by a group of military officers dissatisfied with their rule.

American robbers who organized a gang responsible for several armed robberies and murders. Despite their criminal activities, according to eyewitnesses, Bonnie and Clyde loved each other deeply and were inseparable. Gangster's over love story very sadly - the police shot at their car from an ambush, as a result of which both died on the spot.